How to make an iron man helmet: step by step instructions. Iron hand with your own hands. Iron Man's Hand How to make an iron man's hand out of cardboard

In addition to the obvious attractiveness and charisma Robert Downey Jr as a brilliant billionaire turned superhero - Tony Stark- the Marvel movie has created a great temptation to find out what kind of toys and gadgets are built into the latest version of his high-tech suit. And while innovations such as a suit that unfolds from a suitcase right on your body, or clothes that always follow you when you wear special bracelets, remain in the realm of science fiction, there is still hope. Most of what is built into the suit " iron man”has analogues in our world, albeit not as chic as in the film.

With a strength-enhancing exoskeleton and jet beams, as well as a robot assistant, becoming a real Tony Stark will be difficult enough - and certainly not cheap - but not impossible, anyway.

No matter how cool Tony's toys are, without a power source they'll be nothing more than pretty armor. We need to connect a small arc reactor based on cold fusion.

The fusion reactor technology is the backbone of Stark Industries' business and the Iron Man suit. In our world, there are no analogues of this technology yet (although). suggests that the technological roots of the Comicoid Reactor are rooted in the tokamak, an experimental Cold War fusion reactor developed back in the USSR. Like the arc reactor, the "tokamak" is made in the form of a toroid, includes plasma, magnetic fields and generates a huge amount of energy.

The tokamak is much larger than the arc reactor - even larger than the mock-up at Stark Industries - and still has not gone beyond the scope of the experiment. But given Tony's genius in miniaturization of complex structures, most likely the basis of the fantastic thermonuclear reactor is precisely the tokamak.

According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the problem with designing a fist-sized power source is not so much generation as it is storage and potential side effects. For better recoil and minimization of burns, DeGrasse Tyson recommends a different type of power source: one based on controlled matter-antimatter annihilation. , for example.

Reactive gloves

The Jet Beam Gauntlet is one of Tony Stark's most used weapons, but it can hardly be recreated with high fidelity in the real world. Of course, this option is not suitable for quivering Iron Man fans. One of them, German Patrick Prieb, in one of his breaks in work (on polymer processing) made something that looks like a reactive glove: a laser built into the hand.

A laser powered by lithium-ion batteries may not have the destructive power of Iron Man's gloves, but it does. It emits a beam of 1000 mW, which is 200 times stronger than a laser beam that is legal in most countries for use. In short, if you want to fry your cat, it may well catch fire.

Unsatisfied with the work done, Prieb went further and created what he called "", completing it with a retractable laser.

According to the legend of Iron Man, the hero can fly thanks to powerful jets of energy beating from the soles of his shoes. They move him through the air, without the danger of spontaneous combustion of the legs and without the need to wear high heels that would make the hero look like a representative of glam rock. However, in our world there are no jet boots that will help you take off, but there is something else: a personal jetpack. Jetpack.

Personal jetpacks have been around for a long time. The first sample appeared in 1919 in Russia, its creator was the inventor Alexander Fedorovich Andreev, but only in 1960 the first jetpack was presented to the public. Unfortunately, the high cost and short flight time meant that the hype around the invention quickly faded.

But the dream lives on. New Zealand-based Martin Aircraft has developed the Martin Jetpack, a gasoline-powered personal jetpack that can stay in the air for up to 30 minutes at a time. It is intended for the consumer market. According to some estimates, its price is about $ 1 million, and this is the minimum. But no one argues with the fact that all initiatives are costly for the real Tony Stark.

DARPA (American Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has been working on exoskeletons that can improve the physical combat capability of American soldiers for more than a decade. In 2010, defense contractor Raytheon unveiled one of the results for the first time: the XOS 2 exoskeleton.

The suit is designed to work in the field of logistics, that is, logistics, greatly increases the strength of the wearer, allowing him to penetrate a three-inch layer of wood with ease. The built-in hydraulics work independently of the wearer's muscles, thereby giving him the opportunity to work for three. Lightweight materials and construction allow maneuverability that massive military equipment cannot boast.

There is, of course, a problem. Each suit must be plugged into an outlet and also connected to a central control panel. The tethered suits are scheduled for release in 2015, but for now, Raytheon is developing tethered suits for future use.

Exoskeletons are used not only in the military environment, of course. Outside the theater of war, the same technologies could help people relearn how to walk and gain extra muscle. In fact, it is Ekso Bionics, one of the leaders in the development of medical exoskeletons, that has shared its technology with Lockheed Martin for military purposes, and not vice versa.

Like a military exoskeleton, medical devices are designed to help the body to gain extra strength, but they also help the muscles relearn and strengthen them in the process. It may not be possible to lift a row of wooden beams or a rocket, for example, with their help, but thanks to exoskeletons, people who cannot walk or do not have such a precious ability will get it.

Computers controlled by the power of thought

If the fact that Tony Stark controls an entire suit of high-tech armor with the power of his mind seems completely impossible to you, how surprised you are that there are already technologies that can be used to control a computer system with just the power of thought.

The Advanced Technologies Lab and Ruzbeh Jafari, assistant professor of electrical engineering at the University of Texas, have developed an experimental system that allows you to control, for example, a Samsung Galaxy tablet without touch or voice commands. Everything is based on where you look and what you focus on.

Admittedly, technology has not yet reached the stage where it is possible to write an elementary message in this way, let alone control a complex military machine. So far, the user's choice is limited to a meager menu. But this is only the beginning.

Holographic display

While watching the movie "", in the scenes showing Tony Stark inside the armor, we see how screens pop up in front of him, providing him with the necessary information. It looks great. Why don't we have this? In fact, everything will be, and very soon.

In fact, the point is not in glasses that can take pictures, thereby bringing Google Glass closer to Iron Man technologies, but in the very concept of a wearable computer connected to the Internet that can respond to voice commands and show information available only to the carrier. Obviously, miniature glasses for Instagram lovers are the first step towards a full-fledged helmet that will help fight crime.


Smart homes are a tempting idea for fantasy lovers. However, with advances in wireless networking and data analytics and systems like J.A.R.V.I.S. rapidly approaching scientific reality.

According to Diane Cook of the Washington University School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, the key to a smart home will be an omnipresent intelligence capable of searching for and interpreting information, as well as acting autonomously according to algorithms. Some of these systems are already working in your home. Air conditioners can automatically adjust the temperature, refrigerators can automatically defrost. And so on.

While "Jarvis" is an assistant at Stark's lab, Cook's smart home research is focused on something else: she's exploring how fluid intelligence can help retirees live longer without involving outsiders.

If you're still a fan of Tony Stark's technology, we suggest you take a break from the movie and go straight to the comics. One version of the iron suit is equipped with rollers that extend from the bottom of the armored suit.

It begs the question: while the film's tech push has resulted in elements of exorbitant power, why not go ahead and outfit your iron suit with rollers?

Unfortunately, to the question of how to find a reasonable and pretty secretary who will be infinitely devoted to her boss, science does not give an unambiguous answer.

When they talk about an iron hand, they usually mean either just a layout, or The article will tell you how the first sample is made and how it is turned into a second one. But before considering how iron is made, let's look at what science has achieved now.

About the state of affairs

Even 50 years ago, a person who lost his leg or arm could only dream that one day he would be able to make up for his loss thanks to scientific developments. And not just to get something, but to be able to function as if the organ is in place. Now quite a large number of companies and technology enthusiasts are engaged in the creation of iron hands. Simple devices that cannot perform the actions of the fingers are simply called prostheses. Whereas those that can capture signals from the human brain and respond to them - with bionic hands. Due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such a device, but you can make it yourself. The iron one may not turn out to be as perfect as it is, but even this option is better than nothing at all. And now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how such a device is built and how it is done.


The usual "cosmetic" iron hand outwardly repeats the outlines of a human one. It can be made of plastic and already look like a regular one, or made of metal - in such cases it is usually covered with synthetic leather. The bionic iron hand is designed in such a way: when a person wants to move his finger, the brain sends a corresponding impulse to the muscles. Sensors catch these signals due to the contraction of the surviving muscles. Each sensor is responsible for its own "field of activity", so if it has fixed an impulse, then a certain finger will contract. The possibilities of using this technology are wide, and even if the arm above the elbow was damaged, the normal functioning of the prosthesis is carried out without problems.

Installation process

It may take 5-30 days to connect and set up the work of the iron hand. The time depends on the size of the replaced body part, diseases and problems of the patient, as well as his age. Then you need to get used to the new limb and understand how it should be controlled. Usually this process lasts a week for young people, for pensioners it can take a month. But, alas, the use of an iron hand is not always possible. The fact is that if too much time has passed since the amputation of the limb, then the muscles will atrophy, and then the device will be controlled with significant difficulties or the signals will be too weak. Made of iron, it has the features that it will be necessary to study the anatomical structure of your case in order to establish and then correct the placement of this device.


The more complex and expensive the iron hand is, the more it looks like a human hand. So, if we discard cosmetic devices and focus exclusively on bionics, then we can say that the simplest models can usually make only one grasping movement. More complex ones can already perform dozens of movements, but the cost of creating such a technique will be much higher. Iron crafted, can perform several moves or only one. But even at home, you can create a technique that can satisfy the main range of applications.


The cost of conventional prostheses ranges from 500,000 to 5,000,000 rubles, and given their dependence on the price of the currency (because the vast majority of equipment is imported), this price can rise significantly. But there is a potential cost reduction - 3D printers. Most foreign samples printed in this way can boast a price of 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. The greatest success was achieved by the Ukrainian Viktor Baklan, who was able to create a bioelectric prosthesis for holding things at a cost of only 1,500 hryvnias (4,500 with our money). This solution is a very effective answer to the question: "How to make a 3D iron hand with your own hands." It also shows that this technology has significant potential here.

How to create a "cosmetic" iron hand?

Where to start? Let's say you want to make an item like an iron man's hand. To create it, the minimum required set is a file, a soldering iron and a desire to work. All this is necessary if it is to be made of metal. When working with other materials, the set will change. So, first you need to decide on the parameters of your own hand and make the initial design. And then additional components will be put on it. The most important part here is the frame. You can follow certain drawings, developing an already developed concept, or start your own creativity. If there is no desire or opportunity to devote considerable time to this, then the hand of an iron man made of paper is the easiest option. True, it is also the least durable.

How to create your own bionic arm?

This point is already more complicated. It should be noted that if you do not have sufficient experience in creating such devices, then it is unlikely that you will be able to be creative here. Therefore, it will be necessary to fully follow the construction indicated in the topic. To implement the movement mechanism, servomotors can be used as the most suitable in terms of volume / power ratio. When working, you will always need to be careful and do everything carefully. An important step is to set up the sensors in such a way that they receive signals for the fingers that follow (the book on the anatomy of the hand will help you with this). Of course, everything will not work out the first time, so you will additionally have to hone and bring the technique to mind, but the result can greatly please.


You, based on the designs presented here, can develop your own versions of iron hands. They can differ both in appearance and in capabilities and functionality. Of course, at first it will be difficult, but then you will be able to create various designs “for all occasions”. In addition, if a goal was set and the search began for how to make an iron hand, then part of the path has already been passed. You just need to not stop.

Everyone must have seen the film "Iron Man" and, for sure, everyone, at least once, imagined himself in the place of the protagonist Tony Stark in an iron man suit. Of course, not everyone can make such an iron man costume as in the movies. However, you still want to be in the role of "Superman", even a child, even an adult.

So the young Chinese Wang Kang, wanting to feel like an "iron man", set out to createfirst version Iron Man MK I suit. He devoted all his free time to work on the costume. Used to create it materials that can be easily bought at a hardware store. And, after several months of hard work, he managed to recreate iron man suit. The total weight of the suit is about 50 kg, which can only be worn by a trained person.

According to Wang, make an iron man suit was not much of a problem. One of the main rules that must be followed when creating such structures is the careful preparation of sketches of details and an action plan.

To create the costume, W. Kang used dense porous foam rubber, which is used in construction, glue, wire, light bulbs, batteries ( see also). Common building materials used by W. Kang to create the Iron Man suit.

Materials for creating an iron man suit

The first details and elements of the costume - it all starts with the head.

iron man helmet

iron man helmet

Then the parts worn on the torso are created.

Helmet and torso elements of Iron Man

The details are put together and the main elements of the costume are already becoming visible.

Trying on individual parts of the iron man suit

No sample anywhere.

The iron man suit is almost ready

All that's left is metal paint and you're done!

Iron Man suit - READY!

Now everything is ready. You can put it on and go for a walk! People will definitely appreciate it.

We turn on the imagination, ask adults for advice and try to repeat.

Well, fellow papercrafters, it's time to make the Iron Man Suit with your own hands.

By popular demand, we are posting the Mark 6 Iron Man suit. I don’t know why, but we decided to start with this model, so get ready for a long and exciting quest to collect all the details together. First of all, we buy a pack of valerian, scalpels there, that's all, and read on about how how to make your own iron man suit.

Well, first of all, we need an Iron Man Mark VI helmet. Actually scan (drawings) I attach. Occupies 14 pages in pepakura. Well, actually, we assemble it like a regular helmet. Even a couple of spacers are included.

Iron Man Helmet Mark 6 -

What in our do-it-yourself iron man suit goes behind the helmet? That's right, Shay! It occupies 7 pages in papacura, it is not difficult to assemble, as always, you will have to toil a little with trinkets.

Next, we will take up the chest ZhCh. Here it would be necessary to measure your chest, or rather the ribs and compare with this scan. This chest model is made for an average adult papercrafter. The girth in the ribs in this drawing is 32 cm at the narrowest point, an average of 35. Perhaps you are starving or, conversely, a noble bodybuilder, so it's better to play it safe.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the iron man suit collar. Two pages and easy to assemble.

This time, the iron man suit will have forearms. Contrary to the expectations of some, the forearm is located between the biceps and the hand. This useful part occupies 10 pages in pepakura. Easy to assemble. Requires mirroring.

And finally, the last part of the hand is actually the palm itself and the fingers of the iron man made of paper. Judging by the sweep of the hand, it smacks of the first difficulties, although it may only seem like it.

So, our do-it-yourself iron man suit is slowly starting to take shape. Now it's time for the abs, or stomach, which makes us a little upset, because it takes up a whole 25 pages, a lot of butts.

It's time for the intimate part - panties ZHCH. These, of course, are not panties, but a codpiece, but whoever likes it better. Takes 8 pages in pepakura, easy to assemble.

Well, here we come to the feet of our iron man suit. The thigh of our hero is located on 15 pages. Don't forget to mirror.

Well, here comes the shin. She also swung something at 21 pages, has both a left and a right part. A couple of spacers are included.

Well, here we come to the end of our miracle costume. Foot fellow papercrafters, foot...

This detail in the Iron Man suit is attached between the forearm and palm. Some call it the carpal plate. But the main thing is that you understand where she should find her refuge.

Well, that's all. There's nothing to do here. I sincerely wish you good luck, because it will be useful to you if you decide to bring all this to mind. Something like this should be obtained after gluing the paper model. It's actually a different brand.

The briefing is over. A brief anatomy lesson is given. Start gluing! GOOD LUCK!

The character of many animated series, cartoons and three wonderful films, is gradually becoming extremely popular among both cosplayers and children. What child does not dream of such a wonderful outfit that will not only make him almost invulnerable, but also allow him to fly? Of course, it is impossible to assemble a real suit for obvious reasons, but the children's fantasy compensates for all the shortcomings surprisingly well if the iron man suit becomes his own. Read on to find out how to assemble it yourself!

We collect in parts

In order to make your child an iron man costume that is as similar as possible to the real one, it is enough to show a little imagination and invest a little work and free time into it. It is best to use aluminum for these purposes. It is light, strong, bends well, and you don't need many tools to process it. To give the costume a more realistic appearance, it is recommended to spray-paint parts of the costume with yellow and red paint. Slits for the eyes can be sealed from the inside with glasses from dark glasses. In addition, you will need any yellow turtleneck with a neck and long sleeves.

In general, there are now quite a few professional imitators trying to copy this superhero. Iron Man suits are made from a wide variety of materials. They can be of any shape and color. Lots of Tony Stark cosplay photos and his amazing costume have surfaced! Do not be lazy and give your child a dream, because who among us in childhood did not dream of being a superhero and accomplishing great deeds?