Love Fruit or Lychee: A fruit with vitality. Lychee - a description of the benefits and harms of this tropical fruit, as well as its photo

motherland exotic lychee is China. The berry has been grown there for more than two thousand years, but they still treat it as something extremely refined and delicate. In China, the name "dragon's eye" is quite common for lychee. This poetic combination of words appeared due to the unusual appearance of the fruit: a bright red peel combined with snow-white pulp and a large oval bone. Now litchi is grown exclusively in warm countries of the world. The tender fruit does not tolerate not only cold weather, but even the slightest breath of coolness. Lychee grows on trees, forming clusters, like grapes. And when the berries ripen, they are cut like that - in whole bunches with many berries and delivered to different countries world, so that any gourmet can appreciate the incomparable taste.

On the territory of our country, tropical lychee appeared relatively recently and is not particularly popular. But in vain, because the mysterious lychee berry has, without exaggeration, amazing properties. This artsy fruit is able to surprise not only with its exotic appearance and unusual taste, but also with great benefits for the human body. The secret of the beneficial properties of lychee berries lies in their composition. Natural composition this little fruit is impressive. Lychee contains vitamins B, E, C and PP, pectin, elements such as iron, selenium, zinc, copper, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and others.

Lychees in medicine

AT Asian countries fragrant lychee is very popular due to its healing qualities. Oriental healers invariably use litchi to treat lung, liver, and kidney problems. They help maintain a healthy background of these organs, and sometimes even fight serious diseases, such as, and.

The constant use of this fruit in food contributes to the fight against the main problems of our time - cardiovascular diseases. Lychee promotes rapid withdrawal from the body and "stores" the vessels from blockage.

Grandiose is the effect of the fruit and on gastrointestinal tract. It contributes to the normalization of the intestines, helps the digestive tract to produce gastric juice, prevents constipation and, in general, normalizes the functioning of the body.

In alternative Chinese medicine, lychee is used even in the fight against malignant tumors.

Litchi in dietetics

The use of lychee berries is very diverse. AT Eastern countries it is often used in the preparation of the most exquisite sweets; in Europe, amazing sauces for meat and fish are prepared from the fruits of the lychee tree. The use of these unusual tropical berries in dietetics is also common. Under the rough reddish shell hides a tender, juicy and sweet white flesh that tastes like currants, raspberries, grapes and rose petal jam at the same time. Despite the fact that the fruit is very sweet, it can even replace the candies we are used to, it is low in calories. 100 g of its pulp contains about 65 kcal and only 14 g of carbohydrates.

Despite the relatively low popularity of the lychee in Slavic countries, it is often recommended by nutritionists to overweight people. Lychee fruits are an excellent substitute for common sweets and at the same time do not add to the figure. extra pounds. "Dragon's eye" is a very tasty and sweet fruit, so it is often eaten fresh. When preparing dishes, drinks and desserts from lychee berries, in most cases sugar is not used, since the fruit itself is very sweet. And in the calorie tables, lychee berries are classified as diet food.

The use of these unusual berries contributes to weight loss, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and perfectly quenches thirst.

Lychee is valued by those who lose weight, not only because it is rich in useful substances, but also because it helps to quickly get enough. It is recommended to consume this fruit before meals, it helps to overcome the feeling of hunger, even if the portion is very modest.

"Dragon's Eye" is relatively small and can be used even in the diet of diabetics.

Lychee in cosmetology

The effectiveness of litchi in cosmetology can not be overestimated. This fruit is an excellent antioxidant and perfectly tones the skin and helps fight problem areas.

Lychee extract is mainly used in cosmetology. It is actively used cosmetic companies in the manufacture of creams, shampoos, conditioners and lotions. And for good reason, because the extract of this fruit is great for dry sensitive skin, making it soft and moisturized. Lychee also has anti-aging effects, helping to restore collagen and thus prevent the skin from fading.

Lychee pulp contains many components beneficial for the skin. They nourish the skin, normalize the secretion of natural oils, which are so necessary for moisturizing, elasticity and anti-aging. At constant use Lychee you are guaranteed to have healthy, radiant skin without acne and age spots.

From the point of view of cosmetology, lychee fruits have:

  1. Antioxidant properties.
  2. Stimulating properties of collagen production.
  3. UV protected.
  4. Protection against oxidative stress.
  5. Regulation of skin moisture levels.
  6. Impact on the preservation of the main layers of the epidermis.
  7. improvement appearance skin.

In addition, the fruits of the lychee tree are natural aphrodisiacs, and in some regions of Asia they are even called "fruits of love."

Lychee berries are also used in perfumery. After all, their sweet aroma can turn anyone's head.

How to choose lychee berries

At home, the fruits of the lychee tree ripen in late summer. Fruits are brought to us throughout the year. For import, they are plucked while still green, and they finally ripen on the way to the shelves of our stores. Therefore, it is best to buy lychee berries in early autumn - so the likelihood of getting fresh fruit is much higher.

If you buy this fruit not at the peak of the season, then carefully inspect it. Choose a red fruit, because the burgundy peel indicates the overripeness of the fruit, but light yellow, on the contrary, indicates its “underripeness”.

Before buying, shake the fruit - it should lightly tap, but if there is no tapping, the lychee is most likely already rotten. Pay attention to the place where the spine was attached - there should not be any stains on it. And finally, smell the fruit - it should thin out the amazing and light scent of roses.

Store lychees at room temperature for up to three days. Fruit freezing is also practiced, but even then its shelf life is no more than two months.

Lychee damage

There are no special contraindications for eating lychee. But, remember, everything should be in reasonable doses. Overeating fruits can cause increased gas formation. This can cause particular discomfort in children, so kids are advised to eat this fruit no more than 100 grams per day. Adults can eat this fruit in large quantities.

Also, litchi should not be consumed with personal intolerance to this fruit, which, by the way, is extremely rare.

Exotic fruits are increasingly entering our lives. If earlier we were content with canned fruits (“tropical cocktail”, “pineapple in its own juice”, etc.), now in any supermarket you can easily buy fresh fruit from the other side of the planet. Eyes run wide - showcases with tropical goodies amaze with an abundance of colors, aroma, and various forms. However, buying an unfamiliar fruit can be puzzling (after all, not everyone has vacationed in Thailand or Bali) and raises many questions: what is a lychee fruit, how to eat such a fruit and what is edible in it, what does it taste like and whether it is healthy.

Did you know? The oldest mention of the lychee tree dates back to 59 (the period of the Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty) - this is a story about a nobleman who, having accidentally tasted the lychee fruit, hastened to notify Emperor Liu Zhuang of the discovered delicacy (although there are legends about Emperor Wu Di, who was still in 2nd century BC wanted to plant litchi in northern China). Most likely, the homeland of the lychee is southern China. It is known that in the 8th century, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang sent 600 warriors to collect these fruits for his beloved concubine Yang Yuhuan (a legendary woman of mystery in China and Japan), who loved them very much. The Vietnamese believe that the lychee ended up in China as a gift from the Vietnamese emperor of the Mai dynasty (although it is known that there was no such dynasty in Vietnam, there was a "black emperor Mai" - a poor man who rebelled against the Chinese and proclaimed himself emperor). A large mission with gifts (among which there were litchi) went to China under the founder of the Mak Dang Zung dynasty. But that was already in 1529.

What is lychee

Lychee (Litchi chinensis) is an evergreen tree with a wide crown. Grows up to 30 meters in height. It grows in the tropics and subtropics of Eurasia, Africa and America. Lychee has many other names: "Chinese plum", "laise", "dragon's eye", "Chinese grape", "fox", "linchi". The leaves are paired, lanceolate, dark green.

When flowering, flowers without petals form umbellate inflorescences. Lychee is a wonderful honey plant (pollinated primarily by bees). The fruits grow in clusters (13-15 pieces each) and ripen in May-June. The yield ranges from 10 kg (in cool climates) to 150 kg (in optimal conditions).

Lychee fruits have an oval shape, size from 2 to 4 cm, weight up to 20 grams. Ripe red fruit with tuberculate skin. The lychee peel is easily separated (covered from the inside with a film) and reveals a delicate jelly pulp white color. The pulp has a pleasant sweet with sour, slightly astringent flavors of plums and grapes. Inside the fruit is a hard dark brown bone (reminiscent of an acorn).

Despite the abundance of varieties (more than 100), the most popular are:

  • green hanging - one of the most ancient and rare. Retains freshness without peel for three days;
  • sticky rice balls. It has a honey flavor and a small seed (sometimes absent altogether);
  • huaichi ("bunch of berries in hand");
  • March red (earliest to ripen);
  • smile Yang Yuhuan (early ripening, red juice in the peel);
  • sweet osmanthus. They smell like osmanthus flower.

They collect lychee fruits in clusters (this way it is better to transport them, they are stored longer). Often, for better preservation during transportation, they are harvested unripe. Lychees retain their true taste for no more than three days after harvest.

Did you know? Lychee owes its appearance in Europe and distribution throughout the world to the French botanist Pierre Sonnera (1748-1814). The scientist traveled through Indochina, China and brought with him not only descriptions of unprecedented plants, but also their seedlings. The French liked the taste of lychee so much that in 1764 on about. In Reunion, the first plantation of this plant was planted (by engineer J.-F. Charpentier de Cossigny de Palma). The French landed litchi on about. Madagascar (became the world supplier of this fruit). Lychee has become widely grown in South Africa, Australia, the South Japanese Islands, Central America, Brazil and the United States.

Calorie content, nutritional value and composition of lychee

Lychee is distinguished by a low calorie content - 66 kcal, low content of fats and proteins. Fruits are especially rich in vitamins and minerals. Of the vitamins, ascorbic acid (71.5 mg) occupies a leading position. important place occupy B vitamins - niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acids. There is also a rare vitamin K or phylloquinone (important for normal blood clotting), E (tocopherol), D (viosterol) and H (biotin).

The vitamin group is supplemented with micro and macro elements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, sodium, zinc, selenium, iron, manganese, iodine.

Important! Lychee peel contains many essential oils. They give the fruit its aroma. The bones and peel are not used for food.

As a rule, lychees are eaten fresh or frozen (as they contain the most useful properties). In India, Indochina and China, you can find the so-called "litchi nuts" - dried fruits in a peel. The peel hardens during drying and, if shaken, a dry nucleolus rumbles inside (there are fewer vitamins, but mineral composition is preserved.)

What is useful lychee for the body

A unique combination of vitamins and minerals, low calorie content make lychee valuable nutritional and medicinal product.

Prevention of anemia

Regular consumption of lychee fruit effectively helps in preventing anemia. The high percentage of copper in lychee plays a big role in increasing the number of red blood cells.

Did you know? In Asia, Kongou tea is very popular. When brewed, it emits a rich grapefruit smell, while tasting, there is a specific aftertaste of lychee sweetness. The secret of this tea is in the addition of pieces of dried lychee peel. In Thailand, this tea is drunk with ice as a soft drink.

Help digestion

Lychees contain soluble fibers, free the stomach and intestines from toxic and harmful substances, normalize digestion (eliminate constipation). Lychee pulp has antacid properties, eliminates nausea, helps with mild diarrhea, stomach acidity and dyspepsia. Powder of crushed seeds traditional medicine Helped India and Vietnam get rid of helminths, cope with gastrointestinal disorders.

For skin beauty

The appearance of the skin of the face and body can be influenced by the pulp of the lychee. It is rich in many components that are beneficial for the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it, has antioxidant properties, helps restore collagen, improves appearance, and smoothes wrinkles. At home, it is easy to make a face mask from fresh fruits. Gels and creams containing lychee extract also widely used for skin care.

For bone strength

Minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, calcium, etc.) effectively maintain the condition of bones and teeth. Lychee pulp also contains vitamin D (which is important for the absorption of calcium by the body).

Did you know? Lychee is known as a powerful aphrodisiac. In China, it is believed that the fruit of the lychee concentrates the energy of “Yang” as much as possible - “equal to three torches of fire”, a symbol of love and manhood. Similar views on lychee exist in Indian folk medicine - before intercourse, a couple in love is recommended to eat lychee fruit, and its benefits will manifest itself in enhancing male sexual strength and mutual attraction.

For weight loss

From the pulp of the lychee fruit, oligonol was developed, which is effective reduces fat mass and improves blood circulation. Lychee extract is included in various dietary preparations. Knowing how to eat lychee correctly (namely, consume fresh up to 250 g per day) will help those who wish to lose weight. excess weight. Lychee fruit is 82% water, low calorie, no cholesterol, contains useful fiber and pectin.

For heart

The abundance of polyphenols (15% higher than their content in grapes), the high content of nicotinic acid, potassium, copper and manganese in ideal proportions makes consumption Lychee is exceptionally useful for people with heart and vascular problems. Lychee removes excess cholesterol, dilates blood vessels, regulates the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, regulates the level of pressure, etc.

Contraindications and restrictions in consumption

The use of litchi by adults has no special restrictions, and there are practically no contraindications for them (except for individual intolerance). Even with overuse lychee is the worst thing that can happen - irritation of the mucosa and gas formation in the intestines, therefore it is better to limit the consumption of six to seven fruits.

Important! Children under three years of age should not eat lychee fruit. . Those who are over three years old should limit the amount of litchi (two or three pieces) and, most importantly, do not give it on an empty stomach. In 2017, scientists uncovered the cause of the annual epidemics among children in India: for 25 years, from mid-May to June, there was a mass illness of babies with acute encephalopathy (40% of the sick died). The reason was that unripe lychee fruits contain hypoglycine and methylenecyclopropylglycine (blocking glucose synthesis). All these children ate unripe lychees on an empty stomach the day before the disease, and their glucose levels in the body dropped sharply.

Therefore, neglect what the lychee is useful for d for a child’s body, it’s not worth it, but you must adhere to simple rules: give fruits after meals, select ripe and fresh fruits, make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

Lychee in medicine and cosmetology

The unique chemical composition of the lychee fruit allows the use of the fruit and its beneficial features both in pure form and in the form of an extract in dietary supplements, as part of medicines, for the treatment and prevention of many diseases(especially active in China, Korea, Japan).

Scientists have isolated polyphenol oligonol from lychee, which rids the body of free radicals. Lychee fruits are useful for vision- contain zeaxanthin.

  • Lighting: daylight hours are approximately 12 hours. We need bright diffused light from western or eastern window sills.
  • Temperature: all year round not lower than 20 ˚C.
  • Watering: regular, moderate, best watered through the pan.
  • top dressing: from the second year of life - 1-2 times a month with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer in half the dosage or weak solutions organic fertilizers.
  • pruning: as needed at the beginning of the growing season.
  • reproduction: at home only with seeds (pits).
  • Pests: aphid, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, scale insects or mealybugs.
  • Diseases: root rot.
  • Properties: the fruits of the plant are considered medicinal and are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Read more about growing lychee below.

Lychee fruit - description

Lychee is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown, in vivo reaching a height of 10 to 30 m. Its leaves are compound, pinnate, consisting of 4-8 lanceolate or elongated-ovate leaflets with a sharp apex. The surface of the leaves is glossy, dark green, and down side greyish. The flowers, collected in lush umbrellas up to 70 cm long, do not have petals and consist of a greenish or yellowish calyx. Usually, no more than 15 ovaries develop from the numerous flowers of the inflorescence into fruits, and the rest fall off. Lychee fruits, 2.5 to 4 cm long, are clothed in a red peel, covered with numerous sharp tubercles. Inside the fruit is a light jelly-like sweet pulp, which easily leaves the peel and has a barely perceptible wine flavor. In the middle of the fruit is an oval dark brown bone. In the tropics, lychees ripen in May or June.

Growing lychee from seed

How to grow lychee at home.

In our latitudes, the lychee is outlandish plant therefore, it is difficult to purchase its seedlings in the garden pavilion. But you can try to grow a tree from a stone on your windowsill. To do this, you need to buy ripe (with a strong aroma, in red skin and with juicy translucent pulp) lychee fruits, separate the stone from the pulp, wrap the seed in a damp cloth or gauze and keep it in it for a week, keeping the wrapper moist.

In the photo: Lychee tree branch with berries

The swollen seed is freed from tissue and planted in a pot with drainage holes, on the bottom of which a layer of expanded clay is first laid, and then flower soil. Seed depth - 2 cm. If you plant several seeds, this will increase your chances of success. After planting, the soil in the pot is watered with non-cold water. The seed is germinated at a temperature of 25-30 ºC, while the soil should be slightly moist all the time. Sprouts can be expected in 1-4 weeks, but they may appear later.

As soon as the first reddish lychee leaves unfold, the pot is placed on a well-lit windowsill, covering the plant from direct sun rays, and at the stage of development of 4-5 true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into a large container. Keep in mind that lychees require twelve hours of daylight to develop normally. As for the air temperature in the room, even in winter it should not be lower than 20 ºC.

Lychee care at home

Watering lychee.

Lychee is a moisture-loving tropical plant, so seedlings are sprayed twice a day with boiled or filtered water from a spray bottle. Watering the substrate should be regular, but moderate. To moisten the substrate, water at room temperature passed through a filter or settled for two days is also used. It is most convenient to moisten the soil in a pot by pouring water into the pan. Develop a watering regimen so that the plant does not suffer from either a lack or excess of moisture in the roots, and keep it indoors all the time. high humidity air.

Lychee nutrition.

The first time the substrate in a pot with lychee is fertilized three months after germination, and then fertilizing is not applied until the plant is at least a year old. From the second year of life, litchi are fed 1-2 times a month with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers in moderate concentration. The plant also responds well to organic top dressing in the form of a mullein solution (1:15). Fertilizers applied to the substrate contribute to the formation of buds and stimulate the plant to bear fruit.

Lychee clipping.

Lychee grows slowly, so it does not need frequent pruning. You will only need to form the crown of the tree in the first two years of life, and after that maintain its shape by shortening shoots that are too long. Even if the tree does not bear fruit, do not worry: after all, not every amateur grower has such an attractive exotic plant in his house.

Lychee Pests and Diseases

Lychee diseases.

Lychee at home is rarely affected by diseases. Plant troubles can result from insufficient or improper care. For example, due to excessive watering, the roots of the plant can rot, and with insufficient moisture, the lychee will begin to wither and wither. Follow our recommendations, and your tree will never get sick.

In the photo: Lychee branch with berries

Lychee pests.

Lychee is also resistant to pests, but if on any indoor plants aphids, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies, scale insects or mealybugs will start up, they can also move to lychee. Therefore, regularly inspect your plant collection and, at the first symptoms of infection with one or another pest, take immediate action: treat the occupied plant with a solution of an insecticidal or acaricidal preparation prepared in accordance with the instructions.

Types and varieties of lychee

Breeders have bred many varieties and hybrids of lychee, but this crop is widely grown only in Asia. The most famous cultivars of the plant are:

  • green hanging- a tree with light green leaves, on the fruits of which a green stripe is barely visible. The fruits do not lose their freshness and taste even three days after peeling them;
  • glutinous rice balls- the fruits of this variety have a dense and sweet pulp with a taste of honey, they have a red peel without tubercles, and the seed is much smaller than that of the fruits of other varieties, or it does not exist at all;
  • sweet osmanthus- a variety with sweet fruits that have the smell of osmanthus, in a bright red and very bumpy skin;
  • Green Yatu- in this variety, the peel of the fruit is covered with dark green specks;
  • black sheet- an early ripe variety with fleshy fruits, the peel of which secretes a juice similar to red ink;
  • May Red- most early variety, whose fruits are harvested in May;
  • The smile of the concubine- ancient variety early ripening. The fruits and peel of the plant secrete red juice.

In the photo: Lychee berries - useful fruit

Lychee fruit properties - harm and benefit

Useful properties of litchi.

Lychee fruits contain substances useful for the human body: vitamins E, K, C, H, PP and group B (B1, B3, B6), magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, zinc, selenium, iron, calcium, potassium, pectins and organic acids.

Oriental medicine uses lychee fruits to normalize sugar levels in diabetes, treat and prevent atherosclerosis, improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and lungs. People with cardiovascular diseases are shown to use lychee fruits, as they contain potassium in their pulp. Lychee has also been proven beneficial in anemia, high level cholesterol in the blood, diseases of the pancreas and disorders of the intestines. In Hindu medicine, lychee fruits are considered an aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire and male power.

Lychee fruit - contraindications.

Lychee fruits are contraindicated only for those who have found their individual intolerance. For everyone else, they only benefit, but stale fruits with a dark skin can cause intestinal upset.

Lychee (fox, liji, Chinese plum, dragon eye) - small exotic fruit(weighing 20 - 25 grams), growing on evergreen trees Sapind family. The homeland of the fruit is the south of China (the provinces of Fujian and Gongdong). The culture of lychee cultivation has spread to the offshore islands and neighboring regions of Southeast Asia. Today Chinese plum is cultivated in India, Burma, England, France, Japan, Philippines, Madagascar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Brazil, South Africa, Hawaii. However, in terms of crop volumes and planting areas, China occupies an honorable first place.

"Overseas berries" are extremely useful for the human body, as they contain a wide range of essential substances. dragon eye normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates the production of gastric juice, fights atherosclerosis, and exhibits tonic properties. Freshly squeezed juice invigorates the spirit, restores lost strength, fills with energy. It is believed that lychee is a natural aphrodisiac that has a beneficial effect on the human hormonal system. In India, Chinese plum berries are called the fruits of love and were used in antiquity as a love potion that enhances sexual desire.

Chemical composition

Lychee is the record holder among fruits for the content of vitamin C and potassium.

Outside, the fruit is covered with a red inedible tuberous peel, under which the jelly-like pulp (white) “hides”. In the "heart" of the berry is located large bone used in medicine for the treatment of neurological and digestive disorders. Because of unusual combination light pulp and dark seed, the plant is called the "dragon's eye". Lychee fruits have a sweet and sour slightly astringent taste, reminiscent of a mixture of citrus and mint.

Interestingly, in ancient times, the Chinese plum was considered the fruit of rich, noble people. The poor were engaged in harvesting and transporting the crop, and the slightest sample of the fruit turned out to be the death penalty for them.

Table No. 1 " Chemical composition lychee"
Nutrient nameSubstance content in 100 grams of exotic fruit, milligram

100 grams of lychee pulp contains 66 kilocalories. The energy ratio B: W: U is equal to 5%: 6%: 92%.

Interestingly, in China, wine “awakening love and invigorating the soul”, carbonated drinks, syrup, juices, liquor are made from the fruits of the fruit. Lychees are used to make salads, fillings for pies, sweet and sour sauce for fish and meat dishes.

The subtleties of choosing exotic fruits

The natural ripening time of the fruit is July-September. At room temperature, the fruit is stored for 4 - 5 days, in cold store(0 - 6 degrees above zero) - 3 - 4 weeks. However, the longer the product is stored, the less nutrients remains in it.

Lychee Selection Criteria:

  1. Skin color and texture. The color of fresh ripe fruit varies from bright pink to scarlet. To the touch, such fruits are soft, but elastic. Their skin is uniform without damage, inclusions and spots.

"Soft" skin Brown indicates that the product has deteriorated and is unfit for consumption. The light pink shade of the fruit indicates that the fruit is plucked green and is at the stage of "ripening".

  1. Place of attachment of the petiole to the fruit. Fresh fruits are always sold together "with a branch." The peel of such fruits (around the places of "attachment") is homogeneous without traces of mold, cracks and stains.
  2. Shaking sound. When tapping a ripe lychee, a characteristic dull ringing is heard. If, with a slight shake, the fruit does not make sounds, then putrefactive processes are developing inside.
  3. Aroma. Fresh lychee fruits exude an unobtrusive floral scent with a light trail of tea rose. An improperly ripened or overripe fruit has a sharp sugary aroma, while a rotten fruit has hints of mold.
  4. Dimensions. The diameter of a tropical berry ranges from 2.5 to 4 centimeters. Too much big sizes fruit signal about feeding the fruit with chemicals.

Remember, 70% of lychee fruits are picked “for export” while still green (to increase the shelf life).

During transportation, they "ripen", acquiring a pale pink color and a heavy sugary smell. Considering that unripe lychees contain 50% less nutrients than mature ones, it is better to buy an “overseas product” during the mass fruiting season (in early autumn).

Exotic fruits are consumed not only fresh, they can be dried (peeled), frozen and canned (peeled).

Healing properties and contraindications

Utility tropical fruit due to the rich ingredient composition (proteins, vitamins, macro- and microelements).

The effect of lychee on the human body:

  • stabilizes blood levels;
  • strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes the heart rhythm, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks;
  • neutralizes the action of free radicals, slows down the development of malignant neoplasms (together with lemongrass);
  • enhances male potency, libido in women (as an aphrodisiac);
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, dissolves harmful, prevents the development of thrombosis;
  • increases vitality;
  • improves digestion, stimulates intestinal motility (crushed seeds);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces excessive appetite, quenches thirst, speeds up metabolism;
  • increases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • improves the functional state of the liver;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • relieves pain in neuralgia (seeds);
  • increases lactation (due to the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels);
  • enhances blood circulation in the brain;
  • reduces anxiety.

The daily norm of litchi for adults is 150 - 200 grams (not on an empty stomach), for children - 100 grams. Reception exotic fruits start with small portions (20 - 40 grams per day), controlling the condition skin. Uncontrolled consumption of Chinese plum is fraught with the development of individual intolerance, nosebleeds, overexcitation nervous system, lesions of the oral mucosa.

Remember, the red color of the lychee peel signals a high allergenicity of the product.

In addition, the fruit is consumed with caution for gout, erosive gastritis, and renal failure.

Lychee can not be combined with meat products, in order to avoid the development of digestive dysfunctions (heartburn, "heaviness" in the abdomen, pain, gas formation, diarrhea).

In addition to the pulp, seeds, flowers and fruit peel are used in folk medicine. For example, a decoction of crushed lychee seeds is an analgesic (helps with neuralgia), tea from the skins of the fruit is a natural “energy tonic”, a flower infusion is an antiseptic “solution” for gargling (with pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis).

According to an ancient legend, chinese emperor ordered the execution of garden workers for failing to grow an exotic fruit at court.

Lychee is considered a problematic and very whimsical plant. It is difficult to grow it at home, but it is possible.

To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Separate the seeds from the pulp, rinse in settled warm water.
  2. Plant the extracted (fresh) seeds in individual containers (the soil is light, breathable with a pH of 5.5 - 7.5).
  3. Build a "greenhouse" over the pots. To do this, use cling film or a plastic bag.
  4. Place the pots in a warm place (under the battery or near the stove). Optimum temperature seed growth - 30 - 35 degrees.
  5. Ventilate the greenhouse (daily), controlling the level of humidity. If the soil looks dry, it is sprayed with a spray bottle. Seeds hatch in 10-14 days.
  6. Remove the plastic bag after emergence.
  7. Move the pot to the windowsill, shade the seedlings for 3 to 4 weeks (as they are sensitive to bright light).
  8. Move young plant to a permanent place of light.

For the successful cultivation of lychee, it is important to take into account the cyclical ontogenesis of the plant (which differs from the developmental phases of other exotic fruits). Intensive growth of seedlings begins on the 10th day after germination and continues until the height of the shoots reaches 15 - 20 centimeters. Then the visible development of the tree stops (at 1 - 2 years of life). During this period, the seedling actively increases root system. However, at this stage, most flower growers make the mistake of intensively feeding the "asleep" plant. As a result, the natural development cycle is disrupted, an exotic fruit, in 50% of cases, gets sick.

The second common mistake when caring for a tree is a careless hydro regime. Given that the lychee has superficial strong roots, the plant does not tolerate drought and overflow. Moisten the soil should be little by little only after the top layer has dried. In this case, it is better to combine the "lower" and "upper" watering. Along with this, the tropical fruit crown is regularly sprayed warm water(2-3 times a day). However, do not be upset if, after a few years, a stronger tree sheds its foliage. This is normal, because once every 3 to 4 years, the crown of the plant is updated.

To enhance the vegetative growth of a seedling, improve the appearance of foliage, and increase resistance to harmful microorganisms, mycorrhiza (symbiotic fungi) are introduced under young lychees. This culture stimulates the formation of root microvilli, as a result of which the seedling receives more nutrients from the soil.

Lychee is a heat-loving tree, which in autumn and winter needs a long daylight hours (13 - 15 hours a day) and "not cold" temperature regime(at least 20 degrees).

Remember, even with proper care of the plant, the fruiting of the crop occurs only at 9-10 years.


Lychee is a valuable exotic fruit that belongs to the category of low-calorie foods.

A nutritious fruit is very beneficial for the human body because it contains a large number of vitamins (, C, E, K) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese). In addition, the composition of the "Chinese plum" includes alimentary fiber(fiber), carotenoids, complex carbohydrates, protein structures, fatty acids, water. The concentration of saccharides in the product varies from 6 to 15%, depending on the region where the tree grows.

With regular intake of fruit, the work of the heart muscle is normalized, digestion improves, and male potency and female libido, swelling of the body decreases, blood sugar levels stabilize, lipid metabolism is restored, visual acuity increases.

Add lychee to your daily diet and you will get rid of blues, fatigue and bad mood!

Tropical plants never cease to amaze lovers of exotic fruits with their assortment, because every year more and more new fruits appear in stores. Many of them quickly find admirers, thanks to their wonderful taste and useful qualities. Recently, a lychee fruit appeared on the shelves, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are quite well known in their homeland, but in our country they are just beginning to learn interesting details about unusual fruits.

Lychee, what kind of fruit is this, the country from which this miracle came

So, lychee, what kind of fruit is it, and in what country does it grow? The birthplace of unusual-looking fruits is the hot tropics of Vietnam, Thailand, China, and Africa. It is here that evergreen sprawling trees grow with mighty crowns, from which they collect generous harvests. In height, these giants can grow up to 35 meters, which is quite difficult to harvest.

Of interest is the flowering of the tree - the inflorescences have practically no petals, these are small balls resembling small cups. The length of the inflorescence can reach 80 cm. The fruits ripen in large clusters, and they are sent for collection from the end of May until almost the middle of summer.

What does a litchi fruit look like, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are known to every inhabitant of tropical countries? The fruits are small, maximum - up to 4 cm, covered with small numerous tubercles. They resemble plums in color, which is why they got another name - Chinese plum. The pulp of the fruit resembles a dense sweet jelly, the taste of which is somewhat similar to grapes. While enjoying this exotic, one should not forget about the bone that is inside - it must certainly be thrown away.

What does lychee fruit look like, photo

Of course, often one description is not enough to boldly go to the store for an exotic curiosity, because you can easily confuse it with other, no less interesting and unusual fruits. In order not to seem like an ignoramus to the seller and to purchase gifts from the tropics with confidence, you need to know what kind of fruit the lychee looks like, the photo will certainly help you figure it out.

In the photo you can see not only the fruits that are usually offered in the store, but also their ripening on the trees. Interestingly, when purchasing fruits, preference should be given to those that are on the branches. Why do this? It's simple - the fruits plucked from the branches deteriorate much faster, and if they still look fresh in the store, they will quickly begin to rot at home, and it will not work to save them.

When buying, attention should be paid to the shade of the fruit. The darker they are, the higher the degree of maturity and the worse the taste. Preference should be given to bright red Chinese plums - it is this shade that notifies you of freshness and a pleasant taste. They will also last much longer.

Lychee fruit benefit and harm

How to properly use lychee fruit, useful properties and contraindications - this should certainly be carefully studied, because it has not only advantages, but also several disadvantages. The main value of the fruit is low calorie content. It can be safely consumed during a diet - it will not work to gain extra pounds. Another benefit of eating fruit regularly is high content vitamin B will certainly help maintain healthy hair and nails.

  1. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  2. high cholesterol;
  3. atherosclerosis;
  4. diseases of the digestive organs;
  5. gland enlargement;
  6. prolonged intense cough.

The lychee fruit, the benefits and harms of which have been fully studied, can be called not only unusual, but also unique. It has practically no contraindications, you can feast on it even with serious illnesses or in combination with the treatment of the underlying disease with aggressive drugs. The only prohibition is individual intolerance, in such cases, side effects in the form of rashes or nausea may occur.

Lychee fruit, how to eat this unusual delicacy

Another question arises for those who first purchased lychee fruit, how to eat this exotic. Despite the fact that there are several varieties of this delicacy, their peel is usually not eaten, it must be peeled. It will not be difficult, it is easily separated from the pulp, even if the fruit is not fully ripe.

Getting to the juicy pulp is easy - you just need to lightly bite the peel (it lends itself easily to your teeth) and remove it with your fingers. Of course, you can use a knife for this, but this is not necessary - and without it there will be no difficulties.

Only the pulp is eaten - it has a light shade, juicy and dense. Do not forget about the bone - throw it away or dry it for planting. Thanks to its wonderful taste, this fruit has gained considerable popularity not only in its homeland, but throughout the world.

Most often, fresh fruits are consumed, but they can be dried, in this form they resemble dense nuts, which are usually used to make desserts. You can preserve, you get a wonderful jelly, with a pleasant aroma and exotic taste. The Chinese are accustomed to adding fruits to alcoholic drinks, on the basis of lychee, they even manage to make a wonderful wine, which is famous for its wonderful properties.

Lychee fruit, photo, how it grows at home

As unbelievable as it sounds, you can even grow this exotic on your own, and there will be no particular difficulties here. Confirmation that it is possible to grow a lychee fruit, a photo of how it grows at home - the pictures clearly show that the plant feels no worse indoors than in the hot, humid tropics.

A tree can become a real decoration of an apartment, even if you can’t get fruits from it, because the leaves of the plant also look unusual - shiny, long, juicy green. You should not worry about the fact that the size of the room will not allow the lychee to feel comfortable - at home, the tree will not grow tall, all the more so - it can be formed by arranging annual pruning.

Lychee fruit, how to grow from seed

lovers exotic plants often wondering how it is possible to have a lychee fruit in an apartment, how to grow this tropical guest from a bone, and whether there are difficulties in caring. There is nothing unusual here - you can grow this curiosity even without much experience in caring for indoor plants.

It is better not to mix the soil for lychee yourself, but to buy it ready-made in the store. Soil for palm trees is perfect for a plant, and it should be purchased. Landing is carried out in this order:

  1. Dry the stone well at room temperature (it is better to take a few - this ensures that at least one of them will give a precious sprout). planting material be sure to take from ripened fruits.
  2. Fill a small container with soil, after laying a layer of drainage.
  3. Deepen the bones by 1-3 cm, lightly tamp the ground.
  4. Water the soil, cover with foil.
  5. Regularly remove the greenhouse for ventilation, at the same time check if the earth is dry, and water if necessary.
  6. After the sprouts appear, remove the greenhouse, take care of it, as for ordinary indoor flowers- water and regularly loosen the surface of the earthen coma.

It is important to choose the right place on the windowsill - it must certainly be sunny and cozy here. Drafts have a detrimental effect on the plant - it can die. Do not overdo it with watering either - do not allow dirt in the pot. Another requirement that must be strictly followed is to replant the plant annually, otherwise its growth will be very slow.

Seeing a lychee fruit on the counter, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are already well known, you do not need to deny yourself the purchase of such a tasty fruit. The only thing that should not be forgotten is that you should not abuse it by eating it - in large quantities, even healthy delicacies can cause an undesirable reaction of the body.

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