Methods and means of increasing potency. Male power How to increase a man's sexual power

Few will argue with the fact that intimate relationships play an important role in the life of a man and a woman. And if something is wrong in these relationships, then it can destroy relationships that are based on sincere love and mutual trust. Therefore, the question of how to increase male power is very relevant, so what needs to be done so that a man can always satisfy his woman?

There are many ways to increase the level of potency, but it should be noted right away that the main thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, this sounds trite, but it is true. In order to improve health and, a man must show interest in some products that have the most beneficial effect on male power.

Very good helpers for men are shallots and garlic, as well as leeks. If we talk about such a product as bread, which no real man can do without, then rye bread should be preferred. The fact is that rye contains vitamin B, which is very necessary for.

So, increasing potency is in the hands of every man.

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Few will argue with the fact that intimate relationships play an important role in the life of a man and a woman. And if something is wrong in these relationships, then it can destroy relationships that are based on sincere love and mutual trust. Therefore, the question of how to increase male power is very relevant, so what needs to be done so that a man can always satisfy his woman?

There are many ways to increase the level of potency, but it should be noted right away that the main thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, this sounds trite, but it is true. In order to improve health and, a man must show interest in some products that have the most beneficial effect on male power.

Very good helpers for men are shallots and garlic, as well as leeks. If we talk about such a product as bread, which no real man can do without, then rye bread should be preferred. The fact is that rye contains vitamin B, which is very necessary for.

So, increasing potency is in the hands of every man.

Potency is the basis of joy and quality of life for every sexually active man. Given the subsequent aging of the whole organism, the influence of modern factors (nicotine, alcohol, drugs and stress) and a variety of diseases (obesity, diabetes, hypertension), her condition may worsen significantly.


Reduced male power is a problem for both him and her. When such an ailment begins, the main role in successfully overcoming is played not only by proper nutrition and drugs, but also by the support of a loving person.

Potency is the ability to satisfy a woman, as well as the likelihood of conceiving children. Regular sexual activity has a good effect on the entire state of the body of a man, namely, it puts vital systems in order and normalizes blood circulation. Constant sex helps the stronger sex feel like a hunter, protector and a full member of society.

How to save

Maintaining male power directly depends on regular sex. It is during this period that testosterone is actively produced. If you take long breaks in sexual activity, then over time, the desire for intimacy begins to disappear, as a result of which erectile function is disturbed. First of all, you need to think about this after 40.

If changes in the state have already been noticed, then you need to immediately take care of your diet and consume a sufficient amount of protein. It is recommended to eat parsley, seafood and walnuts every day. This is great for keeping your libido high. But it is best to refuse sweet and unhealthy fats. Such food reduces the production of testosterone.

Preparations for male power

Given the large-scale nature of the acquisition of such a problem as erectile dysfunction, drugs to increase potency are becoming increasingly popular. Consider the most effective and most advertised of them.

1. "Viagra" is available in the form of tablets, and the main component is sildenafil. Thanks to him, blood flow to the vessels, as well as to the cavernous bodies of the penis, is activated, as a result of which the erection becomes optimal for sex. Reception is carried out immediately before intercourse, most often one tablet is enough for the effect. The drug has an effect only during the period of excitement, and after the body returns to normal. Side effects are extremely rare and do not pose a health hazard.

2. Impaza is a homeopathic remedy available in tablets. For the appearance of positive dynamics, it is recommended to take a medication course. The initial result can be obtained after 14-18 days, which is characterized by improvement and stabilization of erection. Like many natural sources of male power, this drug has no significant side effects and can be used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Long-term use contributes to the return of the full production of testosterone.

3. "Cialis" this drug is of synthetic origin and can compete with "Viagra" in its functions, since their principles are similar. It helps to increase blood circulation in the penis and causes a full erection of the penis. The result of the reception is observed only at the moment of excitement. The main advantage of this tool is its long-term effect - up to 36 hours. At the time of the use of Cialis, you can eat food and alcohol. The only downside is that its effects may take several hours to appear after ingestion.

4. "Levitra", is available in tablets and the main component is vardenafil. The tool is considered effective for complete or partial impotence, and it also has minimal side effects on the body. Active male power is manifested within 15-25 minutes after application.

With the good performance of the presented drugs and rare side effects, it should be remembered that it is best to consult a doctor before use.


In folk medicine, there are remedies that can restore the joy of life and restore an erection.

  1. Celery increases potency and stimulates the production of testosterone, and also gives a general rejuvenating effect to the body, spinach, parsley and black pepper have the same qualities.
  2. Ginger, aimed at combating the loss of libido. It can be made into a tincture, ground into powder and brewed into a tea.
  3. Ruta fragrant quickly restores erection and restores male power.
  4. Asparagus contributes to normal sexual function and helps to stimulate the glands.
  5. Anise ordinary, you can insist, pour boiling water and take instead of tea. It has the same properties as celery.
  6. Ginseng has powerful healing characteristics, removes toxins, tones, increases sexual desire. Often used to treat the prostate gland.
  7. Aloe - juice from it can help restore potency. It increases the flow of blood to the penis and prolongs the erection.

Before using medicinal herbs for male power, it is necessary to establish the cause of its weakening and, based on this, select a remedy.


In the process of life, potency changes, and the degree of sexual activity is highest at a young age. However, years cannot be called a fundamental factor influencing an increase or decrease in libido.

According to statistics, today people aged 20-50 have an average of about eight sexual acts per month. In this case, the age factor is not fundamental and male power does not depend on it. Since the above data cannot be attributed to a specific person, his condition is influenced by such points as:

  • psychological climate in relationships with a partner;
  • presence of special external circumstances;
  • general health.

So, in couples who have a happy and harmonious relationship, sexual intercourse occurs much more often.

How to increase and prolong potency

In order to solve this problem, you need to know how to restore male strength, but, in turn, you should not self-medicate, but turn to specialized doctors and sexologists. First of all, in order to improve your health, you need to analyze your lifestyle in detail and change what lowers your sexual desire.

To maintain a high level of testosterone release, it is recommended to have constant sexual intercourse. Equally important are regular physical activity. Physical education is especially necessary for overweight people, since obesity is one of the main factors due to which male potency is lost.

To prolong sexual intercourse, you need to give up bad habits such as alcohol, drugs and smoking. If possible, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations and unrest, and if this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to relax well, for example, massage is perfect.

To improve libido and quality intercourse, it is necessary to eliminate the ailments that become the primary problem in the absence of sexual desire. First of all, it is diabetes mellitus, obesity, malnutrition and cardiovascular disease.

In order for male potency to last for a long time, you can use medications, as well as special physical exercises, proper nutrition and non-traditional methods (acupuncture, yoga and fragrant baths).

Products to increase libido

Ingredients that activate sexual desire are called aphrodisiacs. Although the principle of balance is no less important for a healthy male body. The main thing is the presence in the diet of a sufficient amount of protein food. First of all, it is meat, fish, legumes and other nutritious foods for male power.

Vegetables are quite useful, as they contain a large number of components. Healthy is the food that contains vitamin E, namely sesame seeds, nuts and seeds. They can be eaten with the addition of honey, which is also necessary. Meat is a necessary product, but it must be correctly alternated with fish and seafood. It is recommended to season these dishes with sauces with the addition of lemon, parsley, celery, which solve the problem of high quality.

In order for male power to return again, it is considered necessary to use fermented milk products or tea with the addition of spices.


Libido directly depends on the work of the central nervous system, and alcohol only in small doses affects it positively. If its norm is exceeded, then the development of erectile dysfunction begins.

The reason for this is quite simple, since such drinks have a detrimental effect on the health of the pancreas and liver. As a result, the body gets a failure in the production of hormones that are responsible for the sexual life of a man.

In addition, alcohol lowers the tactile function, and the partner ceases to control ejaculation, over time it completely disappears.


Nicotine is the main ingredient in all tobacco products and is detrimental to the health of blood vessels. As a result, there is a spasm of the smallest capillaries, they are also in the penis.

Smoking has a negative effect on erection, it leads to the appearance of atherosclerosis, resulting in damage to the brain and heart. And in the future, against the background of this disease, impotence develops.

And also the disease leads to the appearance of strokes and heart attacks, which in themselves seriously disrupt both the sex life of a man and his normal existence.

The problem of reducing potency is particularly acute. As soon as the erection becomes sluggish, the man begins to feel insecure, complexes. What to do in such a delicate situation? Taking pills on your own is not the best option. Going to the doctor is not always the time. In this article, you will read about how to increase potency in men quickly and without risk to health.

What is potency in men

In the beginning, let's figure out what potency is in men, and what are its components. Literally, it is defined as the ability to do something. In our case, this is an indicator of male strength, in a sense, and male solvency. It determines the ability of a man to lead a full-fledged intimate life and perform a reproductive function. Includes the following items:

  1. Erectile function - the ability to have sexual contact, a stable erection.
  2. Libido is sexual desire.
  3. The functionality of germ cells is the speed of movement of spermatozoa, their quality and endurance.
  4. Ability to orgasm and ejaculation.

The leading role in maintaining male strength belongs to testosterone - the male hormone. The higher the level of the hormone in the blood, the higher the potency.

The maximum concentration of testosterone in the blood is observed at the age of 27-30 years. This is the flowering of the sexual abilities of a man. After 30 years, less testosterone is produced, but this is not the main reason for the decline in male power, there are others, we will consider them further.

Causes of a decrease in potency in men

The indicator of male power depends on the following factors:

  1. Age. The older the man, the more health problems he has. As a rule, the first signs of a decrease in male function are observed after 40-45 years.
  1. Lifestyle. An unbalanced diet, excessive exercise, overwork, lack of sleep, bad habits - can significantly reduce sexual desire and male power.
  1. Diseases. Various kinds of infections, reduced immunity, chronic diseases affect the sexual capabilities of a young person, so it is necessary to be treated in a timely manner and undergo preventive medical examinations. The most dangerous diseases for male potency include:
  • diseases of the urogenital area: urethritis, prostatitis;
  • circulatory disorders (vasoconstriction disrupts the flow to the genitals);
  • neurological diseases (impaired conduction of impulses to the brain and to the genitals);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • mental disorders (neurosis, phobias);
  • injuries and congenital defects in the development of the genital organs.
  1. Overweight. The formation of fatty layers leads to the replacement of testosterone by estrogens - female sex hormones, which leads to a decrease in sexual function.
  1. Psychological factors. This is a group of factors, in some cases they are the leading causes of a decrease in male power:
  • stress, depression;
  • nervous tension;
  • fears associated with their sexual failure;
  • attitude towards a woman.

In other cases, sexual function may be affected by excessive passion for other activities - work, career. At the same time, sexual desire loses its relevance and gradually fades away.

All of the above reasons for a decrease in male power depend on age. If in young guys impotence is associated with psychological factors (fears, suppression of erotic fantasies and desires, criticism of a partner), then in men aged 40 years and older, psychosomatic factors play an important role - illnesses and worries about diseases and sexual failure.

How to increase potency at home

You can improve the quality of your sex life with the help of various drugs. As a rule, most of the funds relate to sexual stimulants, which accelerate blood circulation and blood flow to the genitals. They allow you to improve erection, prolong sexual intercourse, but they do not increase potency. In addition, they have a lot of contraindications for use.

Not everyone will decide to go to see a doctor, if only in the case when it’s completely “locked”, so you can find ways to increase potency with the help of phytotherapeutic agents at home. Consider the most famous and effective methods.

Folk remedies for male potency quick action

Increasing potency by herbal medicine methods is not always equally useful and safe. Many folk remedies for potency replicated on the net are not only useless, but also pose a threat to health. In addition, you should always remember: medicinal plants have a high allergenic potential, immune reactions are always possible. What means increase potency effectively and without risk?

  • A bow is a man's best friend. For cooking, it is recommended to take 3 medium-sized onions. Grind raw materials to a mushy state. This can be done by passing the onion through a meat grinder or by rubbing it on a grater. Boil half a liter of water. Allow liquid to cool. Now you need to pour the raw materials and leave the mixture for 3 hours. A single dosage of the medicine is half a glass. During the day, take the remedy three times before meals.
  • Walnuts. A truly legendary remedy for the treatment of impotence. It helps to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood, stops inflammation in the pelvic area (prostatitis also often leads to persistent erectile dysfunction). You can take nuts as simply by peeling them from the shell, or by preparing jam or a decoction. To prepare a decoction, take half a kilogram of nuts without shells, pour 2 liters of cold water. Boil for 10 minutes. Then strain the herbal remedy, let cool. Take 3 teaspoons daily on an empty stomach.
  • Raisins and milk. 200 grams of raisins (preferably black) pour half a liter of milk. Boil the resulting product. Then during the day in 2-3 sittings, eat all the raisins and drink milk.
  • Carrots and celery. Grind one medium carrot and 2 stalks of celery until a mushy state. Eat the resulting mixture in 3 doses. An anti-inflammatory and tonic agent.
  • Ginger. 100 or 200 gr. crushed and brewed with a glass of boiling water, consumed as tea 3-5 times a day. One portion of the crushed root can be brewed 2-3 times, then make a new one.
  • Thyme is a natural stimulant for the production of germ cells and the release of male hormones. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried plant and brew in a glass of boiling water. Course of treatment: take orally half a cup after meals 2 times a day. Duration of application - from 3 to 6 months.
  • Catuab is a natural "Viagra". Take 100 gr. plants, pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 3-4 hours and drink immediately before sexual intercourse or at night.
  • Lemongrass is an activator of erectile function. 4 tbsp. l. dried seeds pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 3 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times a day for 10-14 days.
  • A real storehouse of nutrients is nettle. Nettle has a dual effect: it reduces inflammation and raises the concentration of testosterone in the blood. One of the recipes: take 200 grams of the root of the plant. Grind it into powder. Pour 300 ml of boiled water (hot). Leave for 2 hours. Then strain the medicine. Take 2 tablespoons 2 times a day.

Folk recipes to restore male power quickly will not work. Yes, and adverse reactions often occur and new problems appear. For those, who values ​​their health a natural activator of natural potency, developed by foreign scientists, appeared on sale.

  • even after 60 years, a stone riser will be guaranteed;
  • an erection is obtained immediately after the first application;
  • sex lasting 2 hours is provided;
  • affordable price for a person of average income;
  • permanent promotions on the official website(can be purchased for a penny).

More than 26,000 people have found men's health. Read more.

Other medicinal herbs should be avoided until consulted by a doctor. There is a great risk of aggravating the problems: without an objective study, it is impossible to say what caused the decrease in potency. It is important to keep in mind: the recipes presented are effective only for physiological impotence (when the cause lies in prostate damage or hormonal imbalance).

Exercises for potency at home for men

For the prevention and treatment of physiological impotence, a set of Kegel exercises is suitable. Strictly speaking, this is not quite a complex. We are talking about performing the same type of exercise with different frequency and intensity. How to do this gymnastics:

  • Stand up straight. Relax the body. Tighten the muscles surrounding the prostate with all your might. It is not easy to do this at the first stage. In order to understand what sensation should arise and where the specified anatomical structure is located, it is recommended to interrupt the urination process (2-3 times) to begin with. Stay tense for 3 seconds.
  • Now you need to relax again. The duration of the rest is 2-3 seconds.
  • Exercises that increase potency are performed 10 times. During the day, you need to do 3 sets.
  • As soon as you understand the technique and get used to the load, you need to increase the intensity of the exercises, bringing the number of approaches to 5.
  • The Kegel complex (pictured) should be performed every day for 2 weeks.

The therapeutic effect will be noticeable already for 3-5 days.

Fast-acting products for potency in men

Male power, the ability to perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse is considered by many as a sign of wealth as a representative of the stronger sex. Even outside of violations of sexual desire and potency, drugs like Viagra and others are used. However, there is no point in taking medicines when you can get by with much more gentle and effective methods. In this unpleasant situation, quick-acting products for potency in men will help. Correction of the diet allows you to achieve stable results.

Products that increase potency in men

Mostly of plant origin, products that increase potency in men are instantly not expensive and everyone can afford them. We will consider the most effective and easily accessible:

  1. Onion and garlic. They contain useful sulfur compounds that can normalize blood flow, increase the supply of blood to the penis. Both onions and garlic promote the production of male hormones, testosterone, increasing attraction.
  2. Avocado. It has a positive effect on the quality of erection, preventing oxidative processes. Systematic use allows you to achieve an improvement in male strength.
  3. Walnuts. The effect does not come instantly. It takes several days.
  4. Oysters and mussels. The best seafood that enhances erectile function and male power. They act as powerful aphrodisiacs.
  5. Pomegranate. Normalizes microcirculation in the pelvic area. Used to strengthen blood vessels and enhance potency, it is better to use in a system with other products.
  6. Chocolate natural, dark. Fast acting tool. Allows you to achieve an instant effect by stimulating the production of endorphins and serotonin. It also has properties that improve blood flow in the pelvis. And due to the presence of antioxidants in the composition, it is possible to quickly achieve a qualitative increase in potency, prolong sexual intercourse.
  7. Beekeeping products. Honey, perga. Promote the synthesis of testosterone. Natural food products based on them increase blood flow, fill the penis with blood, stamina and stability of erection.
  8. Quail eggs. They contain essential amino acids involved in the recovery processes in the reproductive system. Suitable for raising libido and potency.
  9. Citrus. Lemons, oranges. Normalize blood flow, increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  10. Pumpkin seeds.

Products to increase potency in men allow you to achieve a lasting result within the first week. To achieve the best result, it is worth combining products in different combinations.

Drinks that enhance male power

These include:

  • Pomegranate juice, citrus juice.
  • Beaten raw eggs (mogul, preferably without sugar). Allows you to achieve an increase in the stability of an erection and the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Grape juice.
  • Low-fat kefir and milk.
  • Koumiss.
  • Berry decoctions.

The list is incomplete.
Products that affect potency in men and drinks based on them have several properties on which efficiency is based:

  • The ability to increase blood flow in the pelvis, dilate blood vessels.
  • The ability to prevent oxidation, which means prolonging an erection.
  • Saturation of the body with substances that stimulate natural sexual desire. These libido-enhancing compounds include serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin.
  • The ability to restore the reproductive system and update it at the cellular level. Strengthen the production of seed to improve its quality.

Products that improve potency should be taken systematically. They should become an organic part of the diet. But no frills.

What is harmful to eat and drink for potency

Harmful products:

  • Too much sugar and salt.
  • Smoked products.
  • Alcohol. Especially beer.
  • Fast food.
  • Semi-finished products, canned food.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Fried food.
  • Coffee.

Foods high in cholesterol: store-bought sauces, mostly fatty meats. Others can be consumed in limited quantities. Eggs, butter and liver don't count. They are harmless.
These products have diametrically opposed properties. They affect the hormonal background and the quality of blood circulation in the pelvis.
A diet to improve male strength can be selected independently based on the recommendations presented. Correction of nutrition will give much better results than drugs.

Physiological impotence stops quickly. It is important to follow a few guidelines:

  • Follow a strict diet. More plant foods, less meat and animal products.
  • No smoking. It causes atherosclerosis of the pelvic vessels, disrupting the circulation of the genital organs and the prostate.
  • Light exercise is recommended at home. Physical exercise helps to normalize hormonal levels. You should not be zealous: excessive physical activity will lead to the opposite effect.

It is quite possible to increase potency without visiting a medical institution. The main thing is to adhere to a systematic approach: lifestyle changes, the use of herbal remedies, performing Kegel exercises. Here is the “therapeutic triad” that will help you quickly deal with the problem.

A man with a strong potency is always confident in himself, he succeeds not only in bed, but also in life. With the right approach, you can maintain sexual health until old age, remaining active at 60, 70 and even 80 years old.

How to increase potency? There are many methods, but not all of them are equally effective and safe. Once having failed, you should not get hung up on the problem, you need to find exactly those ways to solve it that will make the sexual organ function stably and without failures.

Supports and increases the potency of drug therapy, traditional medicine, special exercises, psychological methods of influence, diet and a healthy lifestyle.

An erection is the main sign of a man's ability to have sex.

A weak erection or its absence creates significant psychological and emotional discomfort, forms complexes.

The problem of how to increase potency is familiar to men of all ages without exception.

Young guys are afraid of the first time, from which failures can occur, entailing awkward situations, misfires.

With regular sexual activity, potency stabilizes, a man learns to skillfully control the reproductive organ, control his erection. In the period from 25 to 35 years, more attention is paid not to the quantity, but to the quality of intimacy with a woman.

Note! The age limit of 40-45 years is critical, it is at this time that many men are losing ground.

The weakening of erection occurs against the background of overwork, fatigue, stress. Chronic diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular system negatively affect the potency.

Common causes of deterioration in erectile function are overeating, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, lack of physical activity.

To increase potency, you need to act in a complex way - to restore mental and emotional balance, improve health, improve well-being, get rid of excess weight. Medications, physiotherapy, and other methods of influence without drugs will help to make potency better.

Increasing potency with medicines

Healthy blood vessels are the key to high-quality potency for men. A full-fledged long-term erection is achieved due to blood flow to the genitals.

If a spasm of blood vessels occurs, they become clogged with cholesterol plaques, blood circulates poorly throughout the body, erection worsens, or does not occur at all.

Most drugs on the market come in the form of tablets. There are several groups of drugs aimed at increasing male potency.

How to increase the potency of a man with the help of drugs:

  • Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Udenafil, Vardenafil, Tadalafil, Sildenafil or Viagra). The action of these drugs is expressed in the relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, which greatly accelerates and enhances the filling of the penis.
    The positive effect of the drug usually lasts for 4-6 hours at a time.
  • Nitric oxide donators (, Agmatine, Citrulline, Arginine). Their mechanism of action is based on an increase in the production of nitric oxide in the body, which favorably affects the overall vascular tone.
    The substance relaxes smooth muscles, due to which there is an increase in male potency. The medicine is drunk in a course - 12-14 days, 1 tablet.
  • Androgenic drugs (Andriol TK, testosterone enanthate, methyltestosterone). Testosterone is a hormone responsible for physical strength and endurance in men. If it is not produced enough, there is a decrease in potency, worsening erection.
    Testosterone preparations restore hormonal balance, are widely used to increase potency in men. The doctor prescribes the medicine based on the analysis of blood hormones, you can drink pills or give injections.
  • Alpha-blockers (Alfuzosin, Ditamin, Redergin, Urocard). The substances contained in them block adrenoreceptors, leading to vasodilation and improved erection.
    The erection enhancer acts on the metabolism in the prostate, normalizes vascular tone, and increases sexual desire in men.
  • Synthetic analogues of prostaglandins. Stimulates the muscles of the cavernous bodies, contributing to the intensive filling of the genital organs with blood. Alprostadil is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E.
    The medicine is injected directly into the penis in order to act on the venous outflow in it.
  • Antispasmodics (, Papaverine). They expand the main artery, due to which potency can be increased. They are used simultaneously in the form of injections into the tissue of the penis. They are not used for long-term treatment, as they do not have the desired effect.
  • Antidepressants. This is an extensive group of drugs with different composition and purpose. A side effect of taking antidepressants is the prolongation of erection by 3-4 times. Strengthening of potency can be achieved by using several drugs at once, accelerating blood microcirculation.
  • Biologically active additives (Lovelas, Sealex, Alicaps, Golden Horse, Spanish Fly). Dietary supplements usually have a combined composition, they are based on natural raw materials of plant or animal origin.
    The effect of natural preparations on the body is also complex - rejuvenation, weight loss, improved well-being, health improvement, increased stress resistance, acceleration of metabolic processes, cleansing.

Increasing potency without drugs

Over how to strengthen the potency, people thought from time immemorial. Noble men and common people sought to increase sexual power. Special recipes and diets have long been known to help restore men's health. To achieve a stable positive effect, they should be used regularly, and preventive measures should be taken.

Folk methods

Since ancient times, people have used medicinal plants to increase potency. There are only a few plants that are considered powerful erection stimulants in men. They are best used separately from each other, without mixing.

How to increase potency in men with herbs and roots:

Potency and nutrition

There are special products called aphrodisiacs that stimulate potency in both sexes. There is even a separate culinary section dedicated to dishes that have an erotic effect on couples in love.

Each country is famous for its products, which, according to the population, are a symbol of love and passion. In Africa it is snake meat, in the East it is rhinoceros horn, in Europe it is mushrooms, in the North it is berries.

There are products that are more familiar to people and have a stimulating effect. These are spicy greens, spices, seafood, fruits, onions, garlic, honey, cheeses.

Scientists have proven that sexual activity will be normal if the body has enough vitamin A, E and group B.

They are responsible for the instinct of reproduction, contribute to a better transmission of nerve impulses.

Even in Ancient Russia, they knew that a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, seasoned with honey, increases erection. To prepare the exciting composition, you will need 200 grams of raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs, 12 pieces of walnut kernels, peanuts and almonds.

All ingredients are finely chopped, combined with 3 tablespoons of honey. Nut-fruit mixture is stored in the refrigerator, consumed daily for 1-2 teaspoons.


Potency decreases naturally as a man ages. In fact, impotence can be prevented if you maintain health, lead a proper lifestyle.

In recent years, the problem of erectile dysfunction has become much younger, young people who are 30 or 35 years old are thinking about it.

Any doctor will confirm that this is due to lack of physical activity and sports, bad habits, poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, overwork, constant stress.

Serious health disorders lead to complete impotence - diabetes, sclerosis, injuries.

Most men are concerned about a weak erection, which can be restored by adjusting the lifestyle, correcting habits.

How and how to increase potency:

Special exercises

Exercises to improve erection involve intimate muscles. For men, the most important of these is the PC muscle, which runs from the pubic bone to the coccyx. It is also called the muscle of potency.

It is responsible for the proper functioning of the genitourinary system, bowel movements, erection control.

Training the muscles of the intimate area is the prevention of many diseases.

In the strong half of humanity, it is prostatitis, urethritis, adenoma, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and others.

The love muscle training system was developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel. The therapeutic effect of strengthening the PC muscles is largely due to the elimination of congestion in the pelvic area.

The result of constant training will be the strengthening of erection, increased orgasmic sensations, prolongation of sexual intercourse, normalization of hormonal levels, restoration of libido.

How to train a muscle - the first steps:

  1. To feel the object of training, you must try to stop the process of urination, and then continue it again.
  2. In the future, all the work will take place precisely on the muscle that allowed the person to stop the stream during urination.
  3. If the process could not be stopped, then the muscle is currently weak and flabby.

Kegel exercises are completely invisible, they can be performed anytime and anywhere. It's convenient, safe, effective!

What you need to do to tone intimate muscles:

Increasing potency by physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapy is aimed at strengthening blood vessels and restoring normal blood circulation in the lower body. A course of physiotherapy measures will help eliminate problems associated with erection and ejaculation.

Important! Procedures are prescribed to maintain and prolong the results of medical treatment.

What physiotherapy methods can be used to restore a healthy erection:

  • electrotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • pneumomassage.

Psychogenic method of influence

All medications act on the patient only from the physiological side, that is, when a man wants to have sexual intercourse, but physically cannot do it.

How to increase potency if there is no sexual desire? In this case, it is necessary to apply psychological methods of influence. are selected on an individual basis, based on the existing deviations.

This issue is dealt with by a psychotherapist. Treatment is usually subjected to a married couple, sexual partners.

Useful video

Summing up

At the first symptoms of violations in the intimate sphere, first of all, you need to find out the true cause of the condition that has arisen. At the initial stage, you can use independent methods of treatment without drugs - herbs, exercises, physical therapy, dietary and lifestyle changes.

If the deterioration of erection is associated with certain diseases, then medications and preventive measures are indispensable.