Wallpaper in Provence style. Wallpaper in the style of Provence - the rules for choosing a color, pattern and selection for an unusual design (125 photos). Combination with stone

Already from one photo it becomes clear that such a bedroom design will pacify, envelop in comfort and make you forget all your everyday difficulties outside the door. Surrounded by the romance of Provence, you can have a sweet sleep and just relax comfortably. It is important to note that it will be very easy to buy furniture and other interior items under Provence wallpaper in the bedroom. Your flight of fancy will not be limited, as the original theme is multifaceted and spacious.

What can be Provence wall covering?

The first criterion by which wallpapers are distinguished is the material in their composition. They can be paper, textile, vinyl and non-woven. Each of the materials has its advantages and disadvantages, most often the consumer makes a choice based on the texture. For this direction, the most popular coatings are paper and polyvinyl chloride-coated canvases, as they most successfully imitate natural fabrics and wood. But the main thing is still textiles.

In terms of colors, such coatings are dominated by calm and natural shades. A suitable design can be selected from the photo: from sky blue to discreet brown, from a shade of spring greenery to fading notes of sunset, from frequent floral ornaments to seasoned monograms. Provence does not exclude bright colors, but they are most often complemented by floral decor elements or characteristic parameters, and this once again emphasizes the versatility of the style.

A chic selection of Provence-style wallpapers is presented throughout the city of Moscow, and this is a great occasion to create a dream bedroom for yourself and your dreams. It will become not just a place to sleep, but a quiet abode, a secluded corner and an ideal place to relax. Come every evening to your little France, escape from life's difficulties surrounded by a comfortable interior and home comfort!

Provence wallpaper combines French romance and the simplicity of the natural setting. Soft natural shades, harmonious combinations of different subjects, thematic drawings, pleasant to the touch texture - all these features belong to the provincial style.

Beautiful and romantic wallpaper in Provence style

Features and benefits of finishing materials for walls:

  • the color palette is predominantly warm and light. The traditional shades of coatings that adorn the walls include yellow, beige, pink, green. They are associated with beautiful spring weather;
  • many collections are aged or look like sun-bleached;
  • the visiting card of the style in question is a floral theme.

The texture of the canvases determines the degree of comfort in the equipped room. One of the best solutions is textile-based decor. Such materials can be matched to the tone of furniture upholstery, bedspreads or decorative pillows. However, other options will perfectly fit into the situation, transforming the surrounding space.

Those owners of city apartments or country mansions who have given their preference to the Provence style should know what role textiles play. It is on whether the curtains in the Provence style for the bedroom are chosen correctly that the completeness of the created image directly depends. This element is a link between the disparate elements of this room.

Rules for the selection of curtains for the bedroom "Provence"

"Provence" is one of the options for the rustic country style, so it has such features as practicality, simplicity, comfort.

Curtains in the Provence style in the bedroom are selected according to the color of the floor, ceiling, walls. They should be such that they do not stand out from the overall picture, but harmoniously complement the interior, create harmony and homeliness in the room. It is for "Provence", which appeared in the south of France, that the balance between the individual elements of the living space is characteristic.

Soft shades are suitable for light Provence-style bedroom furniture.

Advice ! It is advisable to choose lampshades for sconces and table lamps, pillow covers, bedspreads, the same color as the curtains. In this case, you will get a real Provence.

For those who like bright floral prints, designers advise choosing a different style. "Provence" does not allow defiant shades, the colors should be slightly muted, as if burnt out under the rays of the sun. The ideal option would be pastel Provence-style wallpaper for the bedroom. Curtains should be made from natural fabrics: linen, wool, silk.

Cut Features

French style involves a simple cut of curtains. The classic version is two strips of fabric, complemented by a simple lambrequin. The length is selected taking into account the size of the window, as well as the taste preferences of the owner of the house or apartment.

Attention ! If you decide to use only one curtain, it should match the color of the wallpaper and floor.

In the bedroom "Provence" you can decorate the curtains with hand embroidery or sew "waffles" on the fabric. This method of decoration involves the manufacture of a special cardboard pattern, according to which the intended pattern is made. Then the fabric is beautifully laid in small folds, getting an analogue of medieval curtains.

"Provence" does not involve curtaining window openings with heavy and complex curtains, many are limited only to thin airy tulle. It perfectly passes natural light through the window glass, normal air exchange takes place in the room, it is easy to breathe, and sleep well.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom "Provence"

This style does not involve the use of wallpaper in bright colors. An interesting solution would be pastel-colored wallpapers with small drawings. In order for the walls to have a complete look, a border is glued along the entire length, which imitates the pattern on the wallpaper. The color of the border is selected in contrast with the wallpaper, textiles used in the bedroom.

For romantic natures, pastel-colored lace curtains are suitable, which will fill the bedroom with tenderness. It is best to attach finished curtains to wall cornices made of natural wood or imitating it. Designers allow the use of cast or forged metal curtain rods. Ceiling structures for curtains are mainly made of polymer materials, which is not suitable for the French Provence.

The dependence of the choice of material for windows on the location of the bedroom

If the bedroom is on the sunny side, you will need a thick curtain to protect from the annoying sun. Her tone should be restrained, consistent with the image created in the room. Recommendations for choosing curtains for the Provencal bedroom can be found in the video

For bedrooms located on the dark side, transparent veils are appropriate, you can refuse thick curtains.

Advice ! A vase, a frame for a photo, a pillow on a sofa, a figurine, try to choose in the same color scheme.

The pattern on the wallpaper and the color of the curtains should be of similar shades, otherwise the bedroom will become motley, far from the calm and measured rural "Provence".

Designers often use fabrics in a small flower when decorating Provencal bedrooms. They show particular interest in small and delicate roses.

The classic version of curtains from ceiling to floor, transparent tulle, fill the bedroom with fresh color only if they overlap with the rest of the room. For example, the light blue muted color of the curtains goes well with white furniture. The basis of the French "Provence" is a solid wood bed. It is under the bed that all the other elements of the bedroom are selected. Sandy-orange lampshade of a table lamp, brown shades of wallpaper, turquoise pillows, natural parquet, perfectly complement beige or light green curtains.

Advice ! For the summer, you can use curtains of the same color, and for the winter you can change them with a different set.

In the children's bedroom, decorated in the Provencal style, you can hang curtains made of soft pink muslin, decorated with fringe and bows below. In a similar way, you can not only emphasize the window, but also bring harmony to the created image.

For the bedroom, which is located on the roof of the house, is equipped with a skylight, it is better to use roller blinds. Currently, the stores offer a variety of high-quality roller blinds of any color and size.

"Provence" is distinguished by the cozy atmosphere of the room, in which you want to return, plunging into the atmosphere of ordinary human happiness and peace.

The main options for curtains for "Provence"

Before you start choosing curtains for the bedroom, it is important to get an idea of ​​​​their classification.

Classical models are straight fabrics. They are most often combined with transparent tulle. This type has its own advantages. Curtains of this type can be sewn from any fabric, so you will not have any problems choosing their color to match the tone of the wallpaper, furniture upholstery. To make classic curtains for the Provencal bedroom is within the power of any hostess who has minimal skills in cutting and sewing. In addition, they can be decorated with a variety of additional accessories: butterflies, lambrequins, decorative flowers, tiebacks. Classic blackout curtains in the bedroom will protect from bright sunlight.

Roman blinds fit perfectly into both classic and modern interiors. They are made of rectangular strips of fabric stretched over a prefabricated special frame with a special folding mechanism. Thanks to him, you can control the length of the curtains, draw soft and original fabric folds on the window opening. The shape and size depend on what material was used. For example, Roman linen curtains are characterized by strict and deep folds. Chiffon also forms small light folds. This option is optimal for small bedrooms, decorated in the Provence style.

Japanese curtains involve narrow canvases of various lengths, which are mounted on a solid frame. In order to place such curtains on a round cornice, Velcro loops are sewn to them. Such curtains can be used as night curtains if they are made of opaque material. For them, a plain fabric is selected, decorated in a folk Japanese style. They will not only help to arrange window openings in the Provencal bedroom, but will also do an excellent job of zoning the room.

Austrian models are a modification of classic curtains. They are straight when fully hung, moved apart vertically by means of a mechanism consisting of loops and a cord. After lifting, the fabric canvases are formed on the window in the form of beautiful folds.


Such a style as "Provence" is gaining its popularity among the owners of ordinary city apartments. In order for the bedroom chosen in this style direction to become a real place for privacy and relaxation, it is important to think through the smallest details. When decorating a bedroom, special attention should be paid to the design of walls and windows. Curtains can be sewn with your own hands or purchased at the studio, using the advice of professional designers. With the right choice of material, color, length, you will not only decorate the window openings, but also bring harmony and comfort to the bedroom, you can rest easy from everyday worries and problems.

Advice ! plain wallpaper for cuisine in style provence better Total supplement patterned tiles on the walls or semi , a also textiles With floral print, in cage, to curtains , napkins and tablecloth.

Wallpaper with a checkered print, with images of fruit or vegetable compositions, kitchen utensils, rural landscapes would be appropriate. Depending on the design and size of the room, printed wallpapers can be combined with plain ones, for example, to highlight the work or. In the work area, the wallpaper should be combined with (tiles, brick or masonry), and in the dining area it should be the background for the furniture.

Advice ! If a for finishes cuisine are used decorative wooden panels, then very effectively will look combined With them wallpaper in flower, such interior will be look very cosy, freshly.

The best solution for the bedroom would be a plain wall decoration with a bedside area highlighted with printed wallpaper. Variants of such decor can be seen in the photo, drawings can be very different - from abstract floral ornaments to spectacular paintings.

The color of the wallpaper should be light, soft, calm, and it is appropriate to use both warm and cold colors. It is best to pay attention to lilac, lavender, vanilla, pink shades, as well as cream, cocoa, powder, ivory.

In the bedroom, it is best to use paper or textile wallpaper. The latter will allow you to create the most comfortable and warm environment, in addition, they are easy to combine with furniture upholstery,.

Advice! interesting interior decision for bedrooms in style provence will become combination wallpaper plain and in flower. Horizontal, when are used various coatings in top and bottom parts walls, separated wide molding; vertical, when alternate stripes different wallpaper, matching on shade.

Living room

Wallpaper in the Provence style for should be selected taking into account the fact that the room is used both for family holidays and for receiving guests, so the wall decoration should be both calm and cheerful.

If the choice is made in favor of plain wallpaper, then you should consider options for warm cream, green, lavender or peach shades. Moreover, you should definitely beat them in the interior with the help of patterned textiles, lace, floral furniture upholstery, carved wooden picture frames and mirrors.

Advice! AT design living room better avoid shades cold gray- blue scales, which may do room boring and deprived homemade comfort. If a same wallpaper painted in similar colors, them should supplement A romantic floral pattern on pale pink wallpaper is ideal for a Provencal living room

Although modern design offers many original styles, many prefer options that embody peace and comfort. One of these styles is Provence, which has French roots. It gained immense popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, as it sang in the design of villas and small country houses naturalness, proximity to nature, gave comfort and relaxation. To create a Provence style in the bedroom, choose wallpaper that will show in the photo how you can create coziness and rustic simplicity in the room with their help.

Provence style for the bedroom

The image is ideal for giving, but with the right approach, it can be recreated in an ordinary city apartment. The photo will demonstrate how to choose the right wallpaper in the Provence style so that they act as the background for the interior design of the bedroom.

Provence is characterized by a rustic, provincial appearance. It is characterized by simplicity, comfort, a certain confusion between the blue sky and the lovely lavender meadows.

You can take this style in its purest form, which recreates a unique pastoral atmosphere. Experts advise combining it with a modern or classic trend, creating an unobtrusive space or transforming familiar style trends.

Main message style- Lots of sunlight and open space. That is why many people prefer this simple and at the same time original bedroom design.

Most often, the Provence style is chosen by people with a delicate taste, able to enjoy life in all its manifestations. This direction is suitable for those who are able to appreciate the elegance in simplicity.

Distinctive style features

The classic theme of the image is wall coverings in a "small flower" or a cage. Thanks to modest patterns, the bedroom space turns out to be cozy, especially when combined with French accessories. Clay vases, specially aged furniture and the same photo frames will fit perfectly into the Provence style.

The photos perfectly demonstrate that wallpapers for this style should be chosen with the condition that they must be combined with the color of the headset. It is best to give preference to wallpaper based on textiles, which are easy to combine with the tone of furniture upholstery or a bedspread. This will embody the sweet, laid-back aura that is so characteristic of Provence. The interior will turn out to be chaste, homogeneous and rustic naive. This is a great solution for decorating a girl's bedroom. For the Provence style, wallpaper with imitation of wood, stone or plaster is also ideal.

Wallpaper color

In Provence, light, airy shades with floral ornaments are used for walls, as you can see in the photo. They can be supplied with a small flower or large rosebuds, taking into account the taste of the owners and the selected accessories. Also for wallpaper in the Provence style, the “worn effect” is welcomed, which very clearly shows its ancient roots.

The color scheme of wall coverings plays an important role, because it sets the tone for all surrounding objects. To ensure that the wallpaper strictly meets the concept, give preference to the following colors:

  • light shades and semitones;
  • pastel colors;
  • shades of blue, purple, turquoise, sea, lilac;
  • soft terracotta colors.

Such coloring will give the room the romance of the southern coast of France. The more correctly the color scheme is chosen, the more the style of Provence will be guessed.

The presence of gray tones when decorating a Provence-style bedroom is not only desirable, but even mandatory. But this applies only to light shades of gray, since there is no place for something gloomy and dark in this direction.


The style is characterized by a return to nature, which is facilitated by worn surfaces, bumps and other elements that create a sense of habitation. A kind of rustic charm chosen for the walls will only complement the chosen image. Do not forget that the image is good because you can not create such a texture, but just take old, well-preserved furniture and then you will save the budget.

You should not choose exclusively paper wallpapers; the following options are perfect for the Provence style:

  • vinyl coated;
  • on a non-woven basis;
  • paper with a floral pattern.

Provence style involves the use of simple rough materials. The photo shows that the texture of the Provence style wallpaper should bear the imprint of time and emphasize the effect of antiquity created with the help of bumps, scuffs and cracks.

So that the walls do not look too expensive, for the bedroom it is best to choose ordinary paper or fabric wallpapers that are suitable for this style of coloring. Liquid wallpaper should be abandoned, because, combined with the rest of the interior design, they will look too rough.


Drawings on wall coverings deserve a separate discussion. As a rule, unpretentious floral ornaments are used, many repeating bouquets or buds. For women, this solution in the interior will look very cute and will immediately bring back memories of fragrant meadows. Suitable wallpaper with faded summer landscapes. There is no place for brightness in a Provence-style bedroom.

Floral theme can be called the calling card of the style. Suitable wallpaper with large floral patterns. For example, with beautiful picturesque roses, leaves, laconic ribbons or other decorative elements.

Floral motifs at the bottom of the wall and plain colors at the top look harmonious.

It is also acceptable to use geometric ornaments in the Provence style. It can be horizontal or vertical stripes, polka dots, zigzags, and so on. The main thing is that the wallpaper belongs to the characteristic colors - burnt out, soft and natural. They should not attract attention, but only complement the overall design in the interior.

How to choose the right wallpaper

Do not forget that wall coverings are part of the design concept and they, along with other design elements, create this or that interior. In addition, the design should not be in the first place when it comes to design, because the latter involves the competent improvement of the internal space, comfort and coziness, and only then compliance with aesthetic parameters.

So, it will be unacceptable to use more saturated tones in a room of small dimensions. Also, too colorful wallpaper in the Provence style in the interior with large floral ornaments will be out of place here. They will steal square meters and make the interior cluttered.

To visually increase the space in the interior, it is better to choose light wallpaper in a "small flower" or polka dots as in the photo. This will be exclusively in tune with the theme and conceptual ideas of Provence.

Wallpaper with small natural prints will be appropriate only in the style of a room without high furniture.

To highlight a certain area in the interior, you can take wallpaper with a beautiful floral print, for example, decorate one of the walls with picturesque, painted roses. This is perfect for a romantic bedroom.

Well suited for bedroom walls in the style of Provence striped wallpaper. The photo perfectly reflects that they can be used to visually correct the shortcomings of the room. For example, a light horizontal strip is ideal for visual expansion of space. Wallpaper with vertical geometric patterns will help to increase the height of the walls.

What should be the end result

The bedroom should radiate comfort, peace, warmth, tranquility. To achieve all this, choose the appropriate wallpaper for the walls. Their delicate pastel shades are perfect for a room of any size. The creamy, coffee and light pink undertones with a small flower shown in the photo will emphasize the atmosphere of peace and comfort.

With very little effort, you can make a real oasis of comfort and peace out of the bedroom, where it will always be light and sunny. A Provence-style bedroom can become a spiritual island of unity with nature, harmony and peace.