How to make sea air in an apartment. Frequent colds and "sea" treatment at home. We dry clothes and things in the apartment

Radiators make the air in your home very dry during the winter, which is known to cause discomfort and sometimes lead to health problems. Of course, air humidifiers are ideal for creating a comfortable microclimate, but what if there is none?

Place a clothes dryer in your bedroom and hang your laundry on it before you go to bed. Thus, the air in the room will become more humid, and you will not wake up at night from a parched throat and nose.
Cold air is always dry. From the fact that you will ventilate the room for a long time in the cold season, the air in the room will only become drier.

Also in the room you can arrange vases or bowls of water. But a huge basin or bucket will not look very nice, so you can put fruits in a bowl, for example, apples or tangerines, dry flowers or petals or floating candles, and make a composition from small vases by bringing them together. Thus, you will not only humidify the air in the house, but also decorate the interior a little.
Place several bowls or vases around the apartment, and, if possible, put water on the radiator, so the water will evaporate faster.

If you take a bath, leave water behind. Do not drain it or close the bathroom door.
Important: if you have small children, do not leave them unattended in this case.

Cook more often on the stove and wash dishes. Have you noticed that in winter you always want to cook something delicious? This not only cheers you up in the cold and dark season, but also increases the humidity in the house. But: due to cooking in the oven, the air, on the contrary, becomes drier.

Buy a cyperus plant. It is considered a natural air humidifier, because. it releases between 500 ml - 2 liters of moisture daily. Cyperus loves water very much and gives it away with pleasure, if you do not forget to water it regularly and spray the leaves.

Quite often in fiction we come across such moments when the main character is advised by a doctor "with a mustache" to go to the sea to recover from a cold. But the doctor is right, sea air, salt water, algae and mud will help to recover from constant and prolonged colds. Below we describe the main methods of treating the "sea" at home.

To date, most doctors recommend treating colds with folk remedies, namely - with sea water and salt. It has been scientifically proven that children do not get sick at all after frequent diving in the sea for a long time. For this reason, many parents try to take their child to the resort. But only after a while, a runny nose and cough may reappear. What to do in this case? There is only one answer: you should pay attention to medical preparations that are made on the basis of marine mineral substances.

In case of frequent colds, it is recommended gargle with sea water. To make it at home, you need clean water and sea salt. I would like to note that this method of treatment is not suitable for every person. There are people who have a whole day scheduled by the clock, and they lead an active lifestyle. Quick movements from one place of work to another, business meetings, smoothly turning into evening active rest. Feel unwell? Do you have a sore throat or a hoarse voice? Do not be upset, it is better to take the right medication.

For the treatment of many colds at the initial stage, you will be helped by drugs in the form of tablets, which include mint, iodine and sea water. It is a good antiseptic, able to soothe coughs and moisten the throat, and is ideal for people who have to talk a lot at work, such as doctors, teachers, teachers and representatives of a number of other professions.

Basic operating principle
Sea water acts as the main antiseptic, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In turn, iodine "takes protection" of our immunity, preventing the development of bronchitis. Mint is a good "doctor" for treating hoarseness and hoarseness. Resorption of the tablet allows you to wash away all viruses and pathogens from the oral cavity, as a saline solution forms in the mouth.

"Discovery" of fresh air

Even in ancient Greece, the great physician Hippocrates noticed that mountain and sea air have a beneficial effect on a person, healing from many diseases. But much later it was explained why such treatment has a similar effect.

P. Bertolon was the first to experimentally prove the beneficial effect of negative electric charges, which are the reason for the "freshness" of sea air. Such foresight of Bertolon is surprising, because these thoughts were expressed at the dawn of the appearance of the first knowledge about electricity.

In the 19th century, the rapid development of this knowledge became the reason for numerous studies of the influence of these negative charges (which, for example, is full of air after a thunderstorm or the air near the ocean) on plant and animal organisms.

In 1898, I. Elster and G. Geitel discovered the nature of atmospheric electricity. They found that its carriers are air gas ions - air ions, as they were later called by a brilliant Russian scientist. Air ionization occurs under the influence of radioactive radiation from soil and water, ultraviolet and corpuscular radiation from the Sun, cosmic rays, electrical discharges in the atmosphere (lightning).

Why is it good to live in the mountains...

Air ions carry either a negative or a positive charge. Chizhevsky and his followers convincingly proved that negative air ions (-) are represented mainly by oxygen, and positive ones (+) are formed from carbon dioxide.

In rural, mountain and sea air on a sunny day there are about 1000 negative air ions (-) in one cubic centimeter of air. In a number of mountain resorts, their number reaches 5-10 thousand, and next to waterfalls - 100 thousand air ions in each cubic centimeter! It becomes clear why people are so fond of relaxing and "recharging" their strength in mountain resorts and at sea!

In the air of cities and residential premises, where a person spends 90% of his life, the number of negative air ions (-) before the start of the working day does not exceed 500 air ions per 1 cubic centimeter of air, and by the end of the day drops to 50-100. The number of positive air ions (+) increases to several tens of thousands in every 1 cubic centimeter.

It is this fact that largely determines the onset of fatigue at the end of the working day.

Why we need fresh air and negative ions

In 1918, Chizhevsky first established that the effect of air on human health is determined by the ratio of negative and positive ions in it.

Any person will say that when leaving the room on the street, it is always easier to breathe, breathe “full chest”. In everyday speech, we often say: “we need to go out into the air”, as if denying its presence inside our apartments.

The air in habitable rooms contains the same amount of oxygen, but it is not biologically active. It lacks “something” that the body needs and gives it vitality and health. This “something” is atmospheric electricity, or rather its carriers - gas ions or negative air ions (-), which are noticeably less in cities than in rural areas.

Residents of cities, spending a significant part of their time indoors, gradually lose their immunological strength, fall ill with a variety of diseases and become prematurely decrepit.

Any indoor air purifying filters cannot solve this problem, because they only clean the air, but do not increase the amount of negative ions (-) in it, which are necessary for us (positive ions (+), on the other hand , are detrimental to health.

Back in 1926, Chizhevsky experimentally proved that a layer of wool only 1 cm thick traps almost all negative ions (-). Thus, supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioner filters remove useful negative ions from the air and have a destructive effect on our health.

Scientific Evidence Supports Popular Wisdom

Chizhevsky verified this statement experimentally by breathing filtered and then negatively ionized air. A series of these experiments irrefutably proved that "Negative air ions of oxygen are necessary for normal life."

Without negative air ions of oxygen (-), long-term preservation of health and life is impossible. The proof of this fact represents the largest discovery of the 20th century in the field of biology and biophysics.

In fact, every workroom and every apartment in which people spend most of their lives are chambers with filtered air with a huge deficit of negative oxygen air ions (-), and this leads to the development of various diseases and reduces life expectancy. The number of oxygen air ions in inhabited premises in the presence of people rapidly decreases and stops at the level of an irreducible minimum of 20-50 air ions per 1 cubic centimeter of air.

At the same time, the content of harmful positive H air ions, which are the respiratory "electrowaste" (in the words of Chizhevsky) of the body, is rapidly increasing. The number of harmful positive air ions emitted from the lungs with each exhalation reaches 300 thousand in each cubic centimeter.

Turning dead air into living

Open windows, ventilation and air conditioning do not significantly affect the air-ionic regime of premises in the presence of people. To eliminate the excess of positive ions, a powerful air supply and its artificial enrichment with light negative oxygen air ions (-) are necessary.

Only in this way is it possible to maintain aeroionic comfort in rooms with an optimal amount of negative oxygen ions in the air (from 10-50 thousand per 1 cubic centimeter), i.e., to turn "dead" air into "live".

Having obtained convincing facts in experiments about the beneficial effect of negative oxygen air ions (-), already in the early 20s, together with a number of reputable doctors, he used air ions to treat people.
and got good results, but, as always, his ideas were picked up outside of Russia, especially in the US and Japan.

Foreign researchers and doctors confirmed the discovery, quickly implemented it in clinics and received excellent results from aeroionotherapy for many diseases. They gave the highest rating to the treatment and prevention of diseases through the use of negative oxygen air ions.

Not only improving well-being and prolonging life...

Experiments and practice prove that improving the respiratory environment in residential and working premises by enriching the air with oxygen (-) air ions can significantly increase efficiency, reduce fatigue, improve health and give people a few extra years of life.

In further studies, Chizhevsky and his followers found that oxygen air ions have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, blood pressure, tissue respiration, metabolism, on the physicochemical properties of blood, the ratio of plasma protein fractions, hematopoiesis, blood sugar, the electrokinetic potential of erythrocytes and many others. . others

Even in his first experiments, Chizhevsky noticed that the systematic inhalation of negative air ions (-) prolongs life.

Inhalation of negative air ions H activates enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other catalysts of biochemical reactions.

In a positive direction, disturbances in the lungs with bronchitis and tuberculosis also changed. Air with an excess of negative air ions stabilized blood pressure.

It was found that negative oxygen air ions create a cheerful psychological status, affect the functional state of the central nervous system, increasing its excitability, reducing fatigue and increasing efficiency. A positive effect is seen with insomnia, migraine.

The research results showed the positive effect of air ions in preventing cardiovascular accidents, and air ion therapy - for their treatment.

Having done a number of experiments, Chizhevsky concluded that the development of tumor formations can be due to a systematic aeroionic deficiency in the body, which a person constantly experiences. This leads to disruption of endogenous electrical exchange, reduces the electrical potential of cells, tissues and organs, disrupts their metabolism and causes premature aging, against which malignant tumors can develop. Thus, air ionization of living and working premises can reduce the incidence of oncological diseases.

In further studies, scientists found that air ionization of residential, industrial and public buildings can become one of the important ways to prevent or slow down the development of atherosclerosis, and thereby dramatically reduce the number of cardiovascular accidents.

How to create fresh sea / mountain air in a house or apartment

Chizhevsky solved the problem of artificially creating the optimal amount of negative oxygen air ions (-) in the air of residential buildings and industrial premises.

“This problem,” he wrote, “lies on the border of the successes of physical chemistry and biology ... Its essence lies in the artificial creation of indoors ... atmospheric electricity, namely air ionization as a powerful biological agent for therapeutic purposes.”

These methods of treatment - a friend and associate of Chizhevsky - called "electronic medicine". During ionotherapy, we breathe in electrons that have joined oxygen and thus revived it, that is, made it biologically active. This is the same thing that happens when you breathe in the air after a thunderstorm and in the mountains.

This is the essence of aeroionotherapy: the introduction of useful negative ions through the respiratory tract, the electrical resources of the body.

All the universality of the positive effect of (-) oxygen air ions is explained by the fact that they act on the main physico-chemical processes and internal electrical exchange in the body, and this optimizes homeostasis (i.e., balance in our body).

For example, based on observations made in the Karaganda Regional Hospital in the treatment of about 1200 people with various diseases, this table was compiled:

(according to the data obtained in the Karaganda regional hospital, where aeroionotherapy was used in the treatment of about 1200 people with various diseases)

Treatment results in percentage

Disease name

Full recovery

Noticeable improvement

no change


Chronical bronchitis


angina pectoris

Hypertonic disease

Hypotonic disease

rheumatic heart disease

Sciatica lumbosacral

trigeminal neuralgia





TOTAL: (average percentage)

Similar results were obtained when testing this method in Moscow. After a course of aeroionotherapy, 85% of 300 patients recovered or improved markedly.

The list of diseases in the above table is very incomplete. Aeroionotherapy has a good effect in many other diseases and is necessary for preventing diseases, maintaining a healthy vitality and prolonging life.

Aeroionification not only improves the physical properties of the air, but also purifies it from dust and microorganisms. For the movement of air, the effect that occurs during a corona electric discharge (the "ionic wind" effect) is used. Ions charge and recharge dust particles and microbes, depositing them on special plates of the air ion filter cassette, allowing you to achieve beautiful clean sea air.

What does comfortable air humidity depend on, how to get rid of "home" colds and what does too good ventilation lead to

The modern metropolis is far from the healthiest and cleanest place on earth. Everyday life in a big city is poisoned by exhaust fumes, factory smoke and road chemicals. Together, these factors form an unhealthy atmosphere in which city dwellers have to live. But if we are unlikely to succeed in influencing smog and smoky trucks, then everyone can take care of healthy air in their own apartment.

The worse the environment, the more important the climate in the house becomes: here a person can recuperate after an unhealthy situation in the city. In addition, the apartment is exactly the place where we spend most of our day. A significant part falls on sleep - a key period of time when a person does not control what he inhales. To protect their own health and improve the well-being of family members, the townspeople came up with several "life hacks" - techniques that minimize the harmful effects of the environment. At our request, manufacturers of climate control equipment and specialists from the Uvlazhnyay.rf company evaluated these techniques and answered the main questions about the home microclimate.

Why is forced ventilation dangerous?

Supply and exhaust ventilation is a frequent attribute of country houses and large apartments in the metropolis. Such a system sucks in air from the street, adapts its temperature to the needs of a person and “injects” it into living quarters. In summer, problems do not arise, but in winter and autumn, the inhabitants of such houses get sick more often than others. The reason is relative humidity.

“In cold weather, outdoor air has a low absolute humidity - that is, a low content of water vapor per cubic meter of air,” said Moisturize.rf. - When the air is heated, the amount of water in it remains the same, but its ability to absorb this water increases significantly. It's like a sponge that suddenly absorbs a lot more water."

As a result, the air becomes drier, and the skin and mucous membranes immediately react to this. As a result - colds, a sore throat and the inability to recover quickly due to the constant injection of dry air. The best solution is to turn off forced ventilation. True, in this case, the rooms will be stuffy. Professional humidifiers can be an alternative.

How to get comfortable humidity?

Ideal humidity is not a myth. Everyone can determine the optimal level of humidity from their own experience: it is enough to constantly check the level of humidity in the environment and correlate the figures obtained with their own well-being. Such a long process can be shortened by instructions for humidification systems such as Buhler-AHS, DRAABE or Danfoss. In modern devices created according to the “smart home” principle, all indicators are pre-calculated. For example, consumers may learn that the relative humidity of the air decreases as the temperature rises. The same air in the room, when heated from 18 to 28 0 C, loses 5% of its humidity on this. “Smart” humidifiers, which can be adjusted depending on the temperature and dimensions of the room, help to save you from the resulting discomfort, dryness in the nose and a feeling of stuffiness.

Why humidify the air in summer?

Humidifiers are not needed during the summer, a common stereotype that leads many owners to simply turn off their humidifiers from May to September. There is some truth in this pattern: summer air is indeed more humid than winter, and frequent ventilation provides the necessary air circulation without the help of electronic devices. In everyday life, air conditioners are turned on instead of humidifiers - and then the unexpected begins.

Everyone can “get a cold from the air conditioner” - and the point is not only that you can’t sit for a long time under a directed air flow. Inside a typical air conditioner is a heat exchanger - an interweaving of copper tubes through which the refrigerant circulates. Due to the temperature difference between the refrigerant and warm air, moisture constantly condenses on the tubes, and these are ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, ”explained at Moisturize.rf. As a result, the air conditioner becomes a stationary "laboratory" for the spread of bacteria.

To avoid illness, Buhler-AHS system owners use their humidifiers all year round. “The effect of adiabatic cooling, which occurs during the operation of spray systems, reduces the temperature of the air,” the company explained. On average, summer air cooling from a humidifier is 3-4 0 С. It turns out that humidifiers help save a lot: in fact, the high-performance DRAABE and Buhler-AHS systems simply allow you not to buy an air conditioner.

Is it possible to create "sea air" in an apartment?

The phenomenon of sea air, which is so pleasant to breathe in coastal cities, is explained by the balloelectric effect. This is the name given to the electrization of a liquid when it is crushed into small drops - in other words, the ionization of water sprayed in the form of splashes. The balloelectric effect is easy to notice on the ocean shore or at the edge of a large waterfall: the air seems especially fresh and pleasant to breathe. Many go on vacation just for the sake of this phenomenon - it is believed that sea air has a beneficial effect on health.

It is unrealistic to completely reproduce this phenomenon at home: this will require too much water. Nevertheless, spray humidification systems help to bring the home atmosphere as close as possible to marine "standards". The spray effect is achieved with the help of finely dispersed nozzles: water enters there under a pressure of 70 bar, and exits in the form of fog - the very one that attracts tourists to the ocean in the wee hours.

In Buhler-AHS, DRAABE and Danfoss systems, the purity of the "basic" droplets is ensured by a built-in multi-level filter, including reverse osmosis and an ultraviolet sterilizer. The filter prevents contamination from entering the system - this simulates the natural cycle of water in nature. Combined with the gentle cooling provided by humidifiers, spray systems reproduce sea air as closely as possible - right in the city office or in the apartment.

We no longer breathe clean air in the city. And in your own apartment, too, even when nothing seems to smell, does not smoke. It is impossible to remove everything that works, puffs and pollutes the atmosphere in the city. But at home you can arrange an oasis of clean air.

On the streets of large cities "try" cars that emit up to 80% of the total amount of pollutants into the atmosphere. The harmfulness of industrial enterprises depends on the type of production and the level of technology. In the list of elements that pollute the atmosphere in Russian capitals, nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NO) are in first place, followed by ammonia and formaldehyde. The level of pollution by the latter is constantly increasing with the increase in the number of cars.

“Indoors, we breathe the same mixture of chemicals that we breathe outside. The differences are in the concentration and lack of air purification agents,” say Anatoly KRASNUSHKIN, a leading researcher at the Department of Environmental Management of Moscow State University, and Elena KRASNUSHKINA, teacher of special ecology courses at Moscow State University. “Sources of pollution in any You can find a lot of apartments.

Walls, ceilings, furniture (especially from chipboard), carpets, all kinds of artificial coatings, varnishes and paints emit substances hazardous to health: formaldehyde, phenol, styrene, etc.

Some chemicals we bring into the house ourselves - on clothes, including freshly cleaned ones (mainly perchlorethylene). So hydrocarbons from automobile exhausts also get into the apartment.

Organic matter produced by insects and pets, household chemicals, tobacco smoke, mold, fungi and bacteria all contribute to air pollution. A health hazard occurs when their concentration in the air exceeds the maximum permissible level. However, even if a small concentration acts on the body constantly, it will still lead to trouble. Feeling unwell is usually never associated with moving into a new apartment or buying furniture. And it rarely occurs to parents that a child's allergies are closely related to the air in the nursery that he breathes from birth.

Indoor air quality affects well-being and performance. After passing through the filters of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the air loses its "freshness", and the level of ozone and ions decreases by 90%. As a result, the "syndrome of closed rooms" can work - a person often has a headache, he feels weak and feels unwell.

Find and neutralize

WHEN AIRING the room, remember that the air outside the window also leaves much to be desired, so it is advisable to do this in the early morning, when traffic is minimal and the evening dust has settled. Even better is to ventilate the room after rain, especially after a heavy thunderstorm.

Try to eliminate sources of pollution in the apartment.

If possible, replace the gas stove with an electric one.

Adjust the burner in the gas stove: the flame should be blue.

Install burners with high ribs in the gas stove. This will ensure more complete combustion of the gas.

Install an air purifier above the stove (gas or electric).

If finances allow, finish the apartment with natural wood and select furniture from environmentally friendly materials.

Seal (paint over, seal, varnish) cracks and cracks in veneer or finishing film, back ends of furniture boards where there is no decorative coating on chipboard.

Carrying out "European-quality repair", do not abuse synthetic materials. Often it turns out that they create the most polluted atmosphere in the premises.

For thermal insulation, use fiberglass instead of asbestos and foam.

Keep household chemicals hermetically sealed in non-residential areas (in a barn, garage, on a loggia).

Green Rescuers

The MOST natural and pleasant way to improve the air in the apartment is indoor plants. They also have to survive, so they are sensitive to changes in the state of the environment and adapt to them. And creating favorable conditions for existence for themselves, the flowers take care of us. They destroy harmful elements in different ways. Some substances are bound by the cytoplasm of plant cells and become inactive. Others undergo transformations in plants and become non-toxic, after which they are included in the metabolism of plant cells and used for the needs of the plant. Still others, such as sulfur-containing compounds, are released by root systems into the soil. As a result, the air in the room will be on average 40% cleaner than where there are no plants (with the same volume and quality of room cleaning).

The main thing is not to use flowers as an automaton. They do not work from the outlet, they live! Therefore, they need to provide all the conditions for life (optimal lighting, temperature, humidity, soil composition) and love them. Flowers need to be fed on time and partially, up to half the volume, replace the earth with a new one. It is especially important to regularly wash off dust from plants, as this not only gives them the opportunity to grow and develop better, but also cleans the air of the smallest dust that is not captured by vacuum cleaners and air conditioners.

Moist leaves absorb gases 2-3 times more intensively than dry ones. But the pubescence of the leaves contributes to the removal of dust from the atmosphere, while preventing gas absorption. At temperatures above 25o C, plants absorb gas two times more intensively than at 13o C. Woody plants carry out gas exchange 3-10 times more intensively than herbaceous plants. However, for flowers there is a limiting saturation with a certain harmful substance, after which the processing in the roots and leaves decreases or remains at the same level.

Ethylene can be removed from the air with the help of not only plants, but also soil microorganisms, which are most abundant in humus-rich soils. The lack of negatively charged oxygen ions is well compensated by conifers, cereuses, crotons and indoor fountains. All plants reduce the dryness of the air inherent in apartments with central heating.

Here is a list of indoor universal plants that cleanse our home: spathiphyllum, syngonium, philodendron, crested chlorophytum (preferably several specimens), pinnate epipremnum, three-lane sansevieria, common ivy, peperomia, conifers, rhombic rocissus, dwarf ficus, ethereal (geranium, myrtle), nephrolepis, kalanchoe, tradescantia zebrina, ever flowering begonia.

For offices, it is better to use Benjamin's ficus, dracaena, dieffenbachia, chamedorea.

Instrument subtleties

A HOUSEHOLD air conditioner regulates the air temperature, and of the cleaning devices it has only an anti-dust filter. At the same time, air is taken from the room and returned to it: no purification from harmful gases and vapors! And the internal volume of the air conditioner is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Ventilation systems supply atmospheric air to the room, it can be heated (or cooled), humidified and cleaned of dust. Dust is absorbed using a porous paper or fabric filter, which traps the smallest dust particles - less than 5 - 10 microns, capable of penetrating deep into the bronchi and lungs without lingering in the nasopharynx. However, these filters do not absorb vapors and gases. To purify the air of impurities, sorption filters are needed, but they are expensive and inconvenient to use. The disadvantage of paper, cotton and fabric filters is that the air completely loses light ions.

Professor A. L. Chizhevsky experimentally proved for the first time that animals cannot live in clean (filtered through cotton wool) air. After filtering, the air must be subjected to ionization, in which negatively charged oxygen ions appear in the same concentration as in the air of sea and mountain resorts.

The operation of ionizers may be accompanied by the formation of ozone. A side process occurs when the voltage on the needle electrodes is too high, which emit electrons to ionize oxygen molecules. In the dark, there should be no glow near the needle electrodes! If you notice it, this is a sign of improper use of the device.

In enclosed spaces, ozone does not form naturally, so its concentration must be maintained with the help of special devices - ozonizers, which create ozone due to electrical discharges in the air. When installing an ozonator, remember: ozone, useful and necessary in small quantities, is harmful to health when a safe concentration is exceeded. If you feel a specific smell of ozone, then its concentration has already crossed the safe limits and you need to reduce the power of the device. The electromagnetic fields created by the ozonator around the device are also harmful, so it should be located away from beds and the workplace.

When operating at maximum load, the device can only be used for sanitization, when there are no people and animals in the room, and after it it is necessary to ventilate the room. It is necessary to install the ozonator at a height of at least 170 cm, in places not accessible to children. When buying, pay attention to the passport data of the device: maximum ozone output; area (cubic capacity) of the room for which this type of ozonizer is recommended; the presence of an automation system with an ozone sensor; Possibility of manual control of ozone output.

How dangerous...

Formaldehyde. A colorless gas with a pungent odor. Natural concentrations do not affect health in any way, but high concentrations of artificial formaldehyde are dangerous. They cause headaches, loss of attention, pain in the eyes. The respiratory tract and lungs, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract are damaged. Allergic reactions to formaldehyde disrupt the activity of internal organs and can cause chronic diseases.

Phenol. aromatic compound. Burning one-fourth of the surface of the body with it is fatal. Constant inhalation of its small concentrations leads to respiratory diseases and nervous disorders.

Styrene. Solvent. Styrene accumulated in the body stimulates the development of liver cirrhosis.

Perchlorethylene. Found in carpet cleaners. Irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.