Corner extension to a wooden house. Frame extension to the house. Floor bases

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Do-it-yourself construction of extensions to a wooden house has become very popular lately, as can be seen from the huge number of projects with photos. Indeed, the owners of private houses often face the question of expanding the space, and an extension becomes the best solution in this case. Among other things, the extension can radically transform the look of the house, making it more modern, cozy and attractive.

Closed glazed extension option

Types of extensions by form and purpose

In appearance and, accordingly, the functional purpose, extensions are divided into several types:

  1. Additional full room at home.
  2. Open / closed veranda.
  3. Porch.

Consider each of the types in more detail with their advantages and disadvantages.

Various options for extensions to a residential building.

Full room

In this case, an additional full-fledged room is being built, suitable for year-round use. It can also be used as:

  • utility room;
  • garage;
  • pantry;
  • winter Garden;
  • summer cuisine;
  • additional bathroom;
  • guest house.

Outbuilding used as a garage.

For construction, a wooden beam, brick or foam block with insulation is most often used.

Advantages of this type:

  • a significant increase in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house;
  • ease of communications (electricity, heating) from the main building;
  • ease of re-equipment of the premises, if necessary, for another function.

Construction of an extension from a wooden beam.

A well-executed, beautiful extension can advantageously complement the exterior of the house. However, there are downsides to this solution. For example, you will need to make a reliable foundation and spend money on high-quality insulation, which will be reflected in the cost of the entire project.

Also, for the extension of a full-fledged room, you will need to allocate quite a lot of space, which is not always possible for owners of small plots.

An extension made of logs in the form of a full-fledged living room.

Closed veranda

Usually this is an unheated room with brick or timber walls, fully glazed. Due to the lack of heating, it is used only in the warm season.

Spacious enclosed space.

Design advantages:

  • the ability to implement almost any design;
  • glass buildings look very impressive and advantageous;
  • in summer, you can relax on the covered veranda even in strong wind and rain;
  • glazing protects from annoying insects.

The disadvantages of this design are few, but still they need to be considered:

  • a large glass area means the need for frequent and thorough cleaning;
  • the glass-enclosed design does not give that feeling of being in the fresh air, which many expect from the veranda.

A fully glazed veranda looks very original and stylish.

Another example of a fully glass veranda in the photo:

A glass terrace can become a real highlight of the house.

The construction of a terrace and a house from different materials can also be turned into an advantage. For example, in the photo below, the extension is made of other materials in different colors, but it looks just magical:

Snow-white covered terrace near a gray house.

open veranda

A simple, practical and functional frame structure, which has recently been very popular. An open veranda looks great in tandem with a wooden house.

Outdoor terrace with a beautiful view of the lake.

Advantages of open design:

  • significantly lower financial investments in construction due to the minimum material;
  • the possibility of being outdoors;
  • the need for a smaller building area than for a full-fledged residential room;
  • ease of installation;
  • functionality and convenience.

Open terrace with one glazed wall.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth remembering the strictly seasonal possibility of use. At the same time, in too cold summer weather, with strong wind or rain, staying on the veranda will be uncomfortable. In addition, insects will torment you in the evening.

The veranda gives the exterior of the house completeness.


It looks like several support pillars and roofing material and serves to protect the space from rain and snow. The porch is the simplest, but at the same time the least functional version of the extension, which, by and large, plays a decorative role. However, if you install chairs, a coffee table, a small bench on it, the porch may well replace the gazebo.

A miniature porch with a bench and an armchair.

Design advantages:

  • ease of construction;
  • small financial costs;
  • no need for a solid foundation;
  • transformation of the facade of the building.

It is obvious that in bad weather conditions it will not be possible to relax on the porch, and it will be possible to use it only in the warm season. Together with little functionality, these are all the disadvantages of this type of extensions.

Spacious front porch.

Most often, the porch is located from the front of the building, through which the residents and guests of the house get inside. However, it is not necessary to build a porch at the front door. If you place the extension in the backyard, you get a cozy closed patio. The space can be supplemented with comfortable furniture, a table, a hammock and turn it into a place for a summer dining room, a playground, a space for friendly gatherings and romantic dinners.

The porch in the backyard of the house serves as a favorite place to relax.

Materials for the construction of an annex

You can build a terrace or a room from various materials - with a wooden house structure, even modern materials will look harmonious due to the decoration.

When choosing materials for an extension, it is worth moving away from the common stereotype that the house and extension should be made of the same material. Of course, an extension is a harmonious continuation of the house, but a combination of different materials can look more advantageous and interesting.

Most often, the following materials are used for the construction of an extension:

  1. Bar. Practical, eco-friendly, aesthetic and very durable material. Thanks to a special impregnation, the wood is resistant to pests, rot and fungus. When building from a bar, it is necessary to have an expansion joint between the structures. The walls and roof are built in the same way as the main living space.
  2. Brick. Natural, durable material for the construction of extensions.
  3. Foam block. Extremely common now, durable, affordable material with excellent thermal insulation properties. An additional advantage is the rapid construction of the premises due to the large size of the blocks. It is convenient to build additional rooms and covered verandas from foam blocks. The disadvantage is the mandatory need for exterior decoration due to the unaesthetic appearance of the blocks.
  4. An extension made of foam blocks does not require such a solid and powerful foundation (a columnar one is enough), but a brick and cobbled structure necessarily involves laying a high-quality strip foundation to avoid distortions and deformations under the weight of a brick.

  5. Frame. This option is the least costly in terms of finance and time resources. With the help of the frame, you can build a terrace, veranda or porch. The method consists in the manufacture of a wooden or metal frame, which is then finished with chipboard (OSB) boards and insulated with a special material (foam plastic, mineral wool, etc.). Frame structures, due to their lightness, are excellent for the construction of two-story buildings.
  6. Polycarbonate. This material is used in the construction of frame buildings. This material is extremely popular now due to such properties: ease of use, lightness and strength, aesthetics, the ability to build an extension of any geometric shape. It can only be used for

The roof of the extension, made of polycarbonate, provides a high level of natural light in the extension.

The main stages of the construction of the building

Before proceeding with the construction of an extension to a wooden house with your own hands, it is worthwhile to study in detail the finished projects with photos and draw up a work plan. What should it include:

  • location of the extension;
  • type and design of the extension;
  • type of foundation (based on the previous paragraph);
  • list of necessary building and finishing materials;
  • summing up communications (minimum electricity);
  • calculation of the budget (which includes, in addition to the cost of materials, also transportation costs and wages of employees).

When drawing up a project for a future building, it is imperative to indicate the following aspects: the composition of the soil, the level of freezing and moisture absorption, the condition of the walls and foundation of the main building.

Foundation laying

For verandas, a columnar type of foundation is most often used, and if the building is quite large, the pillars must be laid every 60 cm around the perimeter.

Work progress:

  1. Pits are dug to a depth of 100 cm. The depth of the pits must exceed the depth of soil freezing.
  2. A pillow of layers of sand and gravel is laid at the bottom.
  3. The holes are filled with concrete.
  4. Since the veranda is being built for a wooden house, we build support posts from the beams.

The foundation of the veranda with the finished bottom trim.

Frame erection

After laying the foundation, you can proceed to the frame of the building:

  1. First, the lower harness is mounted, the corners of which are fastened with a dovetail joint. To fasten the entire structure, dowels or nails are used. The lower harness can also be made double and the racks of the future veranda can already be placed on it.
  2. Support beams are installed. At the wall of the veranda adjacent to the main room, the racks must be higher for the construction of a pitched roof.
  3. Keep in mind that a roof angle of 45-60 ° almost doubles the consumption of roofing material. With this angle, the resistance of the coating to the wind is expressed, but, on the other hand, the roof is well cleared of precipitation.

  4. If the veranda is to be enclosed, the cross beams will determine the height of the windows.
  5. The installation of the frame is completed by installing the upper trim.

The frame of the wooden veranda.

When using a beam, its cross section should be 10 * 10 or 18 * 8 cm, but if a log is used, then the cross section should not be more than 12 * 12 cm.

Roof and flooring

For verandas attached to the house, shed roofs are most often used. If the extension is located at the end of the building, it is advisable to use a gable roof. Rafters and lathing are attached to the upper trim, on which the roofing material is then laid.

Types of roofing for the roof:

Practical roof made of asbestos-cement slate.

To equip the floor, logs are installed on the lower trim with a distance of not more than 1 m, on which the board is placed. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. The board must be impregnated with a special solution to prevent fungal infections.

If the veranda is supposed to be open, the floor should have a very small angle for water to drain.

In the final, the building must be furnished with furniture, decor, flowers to your taste.

After arranging furniture and decor, the veranda looks very nice and cozy.

As you can see, building a beautiful, modern extension to a wooden house with your own hands is actually not so difficult, focusing on ready-made projects and photos. If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can do it on your own and hire professionals in their field. But in any case, an extension is a great opportunity to expand the space, transform the house and make it even more comfortable!

You can watch the video on how to build an extension:

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An excellent way to increase the area is an extension to a wooden house. Projects of such structures are striking in their diversity and scale. After choosing a suitable project, you need to prepare special materials. An additional extension is useful when creating a kitchen area, or a luxurious terrace. Any room can be built independently, but it is necessary to choose the right type of building.

Extension option

Extension to a wooden house: projects of structures from various materials

Some time after construction work, it may be necessary to increase the usable area. A wonderful way out can be the creation of an extension to a wooden house. Projects of various structures can be seen in the photo.

When choosing the architectural form of the structure, do not forget about creating a single style ensemble. Such a structure requires special documentation and permission. Before construction work, it is necessary to study the technological features and design options.

It is worth considering the following options for extensions:

  • Simple designs include or a dining area. It is used to protect against bad weather and sunlight. Under a canopy, you can have picnics and receive guests. For its construction does not require a strong foundation. Pillars are installed as supporting supports, to which the frame and intended wall surfaces are attached.

Such structures are often built from logs, timber, foam blocks, and also from bricks. Frame technologies are often used.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

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“The option under a common roof is considered more convenient and profitable. When using superstructures, it is worth calculating the strength of the base.

Related article:

Extension to the house from the frame: features of design and installation

When making an extension to the house from the frame, significant costs will not be required. This is a budget option. The construction is made on a frame basis, which consists of bars or planks made of metal. After the installation of the frame structure, the walls are clad on both sides. In this case, OSB or chipboard plates are used. Heat-insulating material is laid between the plates. It can be polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

In terms of thermal insulation properties, frame structures are not inferior to more solid stone or brick buildings.

Construction work is carried out in several stages:

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

Ask a Question

“For a frame structure, a foundation is required. You can use a tape construction with waterproofing.

Extension to the house of foam blocks: photos of interesting projects

You can build an extension to the house from foam blocks.

This design is in demand due to the following features:

  • The material is available at an affordable price.
  • To mount the structure, it is not necessary to mount a complex and expensive foundation.
  • The elements hold heat well. This is possible due to the porous structure and low density index.
  • Foam blocks are produced in overall dimensions, which affects the speed of construction.

For structures made of foam blocks, a special foundation is required. It can be a tape or monolithic base. Be sure to use high-quality waterproofing. Construction work starts from one selected corner. After installing two rows. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion of the elements.

An extension to a wooden house made of timber: installation nuances and style features

A beautiful and solid extension to a wooden house can be made from a bar. Projects and photos of individual can be found on the Internet.

The material has the following features:

  • The production of timber is carried out according to factory technologies.
  • The surface is treated with a special composition that protects against fungi and decay processes.
  • Naturalness and high environmental friendliness are considered important advantages of the material.

The extension must be connected to an existing building. Usually, the same foundation is made for the structure as for the main building.

For living quarters, a separate foundation and a special wall should be created. The void and the gaps between the two walls are blown with mounting foam. This will prevent damage to the wall of the building when the new extension shrinks.

A more economical option for the foundation is pile. The walls are built from profiled timber. After installing the first row, the surface of the tree is treated with antiseptic compounds. Then lags are mounted on it. Voids and cracks are filled with special heat-insulating material.

Each row is fastened with wooden dowels. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of corner zones. For this, logs with a ledge and a groove are used for a stronger grip.

Note! Reinforcement is used to unite the two foundations.

Before proceeding with the construction, one should take into account some of the nuances of installing an additional structure to the main structure. The length of the new structure should be in harmony with the length of the main building wall. The width of the additional structure can be any.

The extension does not have to be adjacent to the wall where the entrance to the house is located. Access to a spacious veranda or kitchen area can be from the living room. If a bathroom is planned in an additional structure, then the exit can be made from or. A suitable location for the structure is considered to be the front or end part of the house. The choice and amount of material depends on the type of future structure.


Building a new residential building is an expensive and somewhat risky undertaking. Another issue is the expansion of the existing building in order to increase the usable area. Attaching an extra room to a country house or cottage will cost much less than building everything from scratch. But this does not mean that designing and installing a new room is a simple matter, there are a lot of pitfalls on your way. In order to avoid mistakes, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to make an extension to the house with your own hands and at minimal cost.

What kind of extension to make

To answer this question, you will have to do the design, from which any construction begins. Sketch the plan of the old building to scale, locate the extension and plot it on the drawing. By thinking about the internal layout of the new part, you can accurately determine its dimensions. Draw a side view to get an idea of ​​how much space you have in terms of height given the slopes of the roof.

An important point. Careful drawing and verification with real dimensions on the spot will help to avoid unpleasant errors associated with the size of the part being erected, its height, and especially with the slope of the roof. The minimum angle of the roof slope is 8 °, you can’t do less, otherwise leaks will appear after showers and snowfalls.

A full-fledged project should provide material for the construction of an extension. Its choice depends on the purpose of the new premises:

  1. A full-fledged room with access to the hallway, equipped with heating and other communications - a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom or a bathroom. This is a capital building, built of brick, aerated concrete, foam block and their combinations. Timber products are also well suited - timber and logs.
  2. Light extensions - a veranda, an open terrace, a vestibule or a porch with a polycarbonate canopy. It is better to build such premises on a frame made of wood or metal structures, sheathed with OSB boards with subsequent finishing. The greenhouse and winter garden are made of glass.
  3. Outbuilding to the house - barn, garage, boiler room. These structures are both capital and light, the choice of material depends on your desire and capabilities. Common options are cinder block, shell rock and wood. A more progressive solution is sandwich panels with insulation on a rolled metal frame.
  4. A separate question is what to make an extension to the balcony of an apartment building on the ground floor from. The answer is simple: the same partition should adjoin the brick wall so that the structure does not fall out of the exterior of the building. Near the panel house, you can use any stone blocks, but then they will have to be finished to match the color of the surrounding walls.

Note. Regarding the building materials used, not requirements are listed, but recommendations. You are free to make an extension at your discretion, for example, to build a brick structure near a log house. But such solutions are more difficult to implement, and most importantly, more expensive.

How to make a foundation for an extension

For attached premises, 4 types of bases are used, depending on the weight of the structure and the quality of the soil:

  • columnar - for lightweight structures on a wooden frame;
  • a pile-screw foundation is used on subsiding soils for the installation of wood and metal structures with a small mass;
  • tape - for heavy stone buildings;
  • a reinforced concrete monolithic slab is poured over the entire area of ​​​​the attached part, erected from bricks or blocks on unstable soils.

An example of a columnar base made of concrete

Advice. Modern frame houses are increasingly placed on screw piles. If this is your case, then the choice of foundation is obvious - a pile-screw foundation, it makes no sense to use another type.

A solid concrete slab is used quite rarely due to its high cost, and screw piles are best left to professionals in this field. To independently attach a light veranda or summer gazebo, a columnar base is recommended. For brickwork or walls made of gas blocks, it is better to fill in a concrete tape, we will consider these 2 methods further.

Traditional strip foundation

columnar base

A properly made foundation of this type is cheaper than tape and is well suited for light buildings. Its device begins with marking the site and designating the mounting points for future vertical racks of the frame. The pillars, and hence the soles for them, should be placed in increments of 1.5 m, as shown in the diagram.

The further course of action is as follows:

  1. Dig square holes 50 x 50 cm in size at the indicated points, deepening 70-80 cm. The task is to put a support on dense stable soil, so the bottom of the pit must be tamped.
  2. Sprinkle 15 cm of sand or fine gravel and compact again. From M150 concrete, pour a platform at the bottom, and after hardening, cover with roofing material in 2 layers (waterproofing).
  3. Lay out the 38 x 38 cm square posts of red ceramic bricks to the required height.
  4. Apply a bituminous primer to the walls of the columns or stick a welded waterproofing. Lay the roofing material on top of the support again.
  5. Cover the sinuses around the foundation with earth and lightly tamp.

Reference. Foundation pillars for a frame extension can be cast from M200 concrete, but then you will have to put up formwork and knit reinforcing mesh.

Strip foundation device

Under the base of this type, you need to dig a trench along the contour of the future premises, which is shown in the photo below. The width of the ditch should be made 15 cm more than the thickness of the brick or foam block wall. The depth depends on the location of the stable soil layer and ranges from 50-100 cm. The walls of the pit must be cleaned, and the bottom must be tamped and a sand cushion 100 mm thick should be poured.

Advice. When digging a trench, be guided by the depth of the foundation of a private house (if it is reinforced concrete or block). The rubble foundations of very old dwellings can be less buried, so you should not be equal to them.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Compact the poured sand and install a wooden panel formwork with external supports and internal stretch marks (possible from studs with nuts) that do not allow the sides to move under the weight of concrete. The height of the formwork is not lower than the level of the basement of the existing building.
  2. Tie or weld frames of corrugated reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm to make cells 10 x 15 cm. Install them in the trench on stands 50 mm high.
  3. Prepare the M150 concrete mix in the following proportions: M400 cement - 1 part, dry sand - 3 parts, crushed stone with a fraction of up to 40 mm - 5 volumes.
  4. Perform layer-by-layer pouring of the strip foundation to the height of the base of the house. It is highly desirable to compact concrete with special vibrators (rent).
  5. Remove the formwork after 7 days, and continue work after 3 weeks, when the concrete mixture has hardened.

Advice. So that the concrete does not lose milk during pouring and subsequently does not absorb moisture, cover the trench with the formwork with plastic wrap before installing the reinforcing cages.

If you want to make the extension warm initially, then after the foundation has solidified, insulate it from the outside with foam plastic, or better, with foam plastic. Lay drainage along the bottom of the ditch and fill the sinuses with soil, then cast the blind area with insulation, as shown in the diagram. For an unheated extension, treat the base with bitumen or stick waterproofing (for example, from the well-known brand TechnoNIKOL). Lay roofing material in 2 layers on top of the plinth and proceed to the formation of the floors. You will learn about all the stages of work by watching the video:

Floor installation

The first stage of building an extension to the house with your own hands is the installation of floors, which are of 2 types:

  • flooring on wooden logs;
  • cement strainer.

Note. On a columnar foundation, floors can only be built on logs, and on a strip foundation - any one to choose from.

The wooden floors of the extension are made using the following technology:

  1. Lay wooden lintels on the brick posts - bars with a minimum section of 10 x 15 cm and fix them with anchors. On the corner supports, join them in half a tree (how to do this is shown in the photo). Fasten the bars between each other with steel corners on self-tapping screws.
  2. Install the lags in the same way.
  3. If insulation is not required, then lay a rough floor of 40 mm thick boards.
  4. To insulate the floors, nail cranial bars to the bottom of the lag, lay boards and insulation with vapor barrier on them. Then lay the rough floors.

An example of connecting beams in half a tree

For a screed device, the space inside the strip foundation is covered with earth, compacted with watering. From above, fill the recess with expanded clay to a height of 20-30 cm and fill in the screed. Let it harden for 2-3 days and proceed to the construction of walls.

Construction of extension walls

The order of construction of an open veranda or porch depends on the project and design of the structure. But in any case, the installation begins with the installation of vertical racks and tying them together with horizontal jumpers. Here, a wooden beam 10 x 15 cm or steel profile pipes with a section of 80 x 60 mm or 60 x 60 mm are most often used.

Reference. The builders of frame houses practice a different technology: the wall sections are entirely assembled on the ground, and then they rise and are attached to the foundation and to each other.

Docking of the beams is best done in half a tree or in a groove with fixation with steel corners on self-tapping screws, as shown in the diagram. From above, the pillars are united by a horizontal beam, where the roof rafters will subsequently lie. The ends of this jumper are securely attached to the wall of your house. A cold extension can be immediately lined with OSB boards (OSB), which will make it possible to tighten the frame. The heated room will need to be insulated with mineral wool 100 mm thick. For more on the construction of frame walls, see the video:

The main walls of the extension are built of bricks or blocks according to all the rules of masonry - with bandaging of the seams and checking the vertical. The first row is laid around the entire perimeter, and then you need to form corners, raising them by 4-5 rows. Next, a wall is built to the same height, after which the action is repeated.

Advice. Tie brick or block masonry to the walls of the house by drilling holes through 2-3 rows and inserting reinforcement with a diameter of 6-8 mm into them.

Roof installation

As a rule, the roof of the extension is made on wooden beams, based on the existing wall of the house and a new partition. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Attach with anchors to the wall of the building a horizontal board with a thickness of at least 50 mm to support the rafters. In a stone outbuilding, lay the same boards on top of the walls and secure them.
  2. Install rafters from a board of 15 x 5 cm (minimum section) in increments of 600 mm to match the size of the slab insulation. Screw them to the supports using steel corners and self-tapping screws.
  3. Lay the waterproofing on the beams - a diffusion membrane with an overlap of 10 cm and nail it to the rafters with planks.
  4. Lay roofing - slate, metal or corrugated board. In order for water to drain properly from the roof, slate must be brought under the roof overhang of your home.

Simple truss system of a wooden extension

If necessary, insulate the roof of the extension by inserting mineral wool slabs between the beams by surprise. From below, beat the insulation with a vapor barrier film and sew it with facing material. More information about the installation of the roof of the extension is described in the video:


All work on the construction of an extension to the house is best done with an assistant, many operations alone are inconvenient to perform. You can cope with a one-story building without any problems, you just need to allocate time. Do not forget to treat the wood with an antiseptic compound and paint it well so that the frame of the porch or porch will last for many years.

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By purpose, all extensions to the house are divided into:

  • living room;
  • garage;
  • terrace;
  • summer cuisine;
  • porch.

According to the type of material used, extensions are:

  • frame;
  • brick;
  • from foam blocks;
  • from a beam.

At the first stage of preparation for construction, it is necessary to decide whether the construction of a capital building is planned or not. The device of a canopy or terrace is quite possible without a project that is carried out by a specialized organization, a plan or diagram may be enough. The construction of a living room or a garage is best done using a ready-made project for an extension to a wooden house, specially designed or tied to specific conditions. Savings at this stage, as a rule, turn into additional much higher costs during construction.

Capital buildings

Room framing project

Advantages of using a frame structure:

  • construction speed;
  • no settlement of the structure at the first stages of operation;
  • a small load on the foundation, and as a result, insignificant requirements for it;
  • excellent compatibility with the wooden structures of the main private house.

The frame structure is especially suitable in the case of the construction of a two-story extension to a country house, since it is much lighter than other types of construction.

Foam block extension project

The foam block extension is one of the most common options, as it simultaneously combines the relative cheapness of work and their simplicity. In addition, these are not all the advantages of using this technology.


  • construction speed;
  • durability of the structure (at least 50 years);
  • a small load on the foundation (a foundation on pillars is enough instead of a tape one);
  • structural strength;
  • simplicity of construction technology;
  • the ability of the material to "breathe".


  • the need for exterior decoration of the facade due to the unattractive appearance of the blocks.

timber extension project

Structurally and technologically, everything that was said about frame extensions can also be attributed to timber structures. In fact, the combined version is most often used.

The main points when building an extension from a bar:

  • the foundation for it should be similar to the foundation for the main building and connected to it;
  • it is possible to use a more economical pile foundation, of course, in the case of a design calculation;

  • it is necessary to create an expansion joint between the house and the extension, which will prevent damage to the walls during shrinkage of the new structure;

  • the technology for erecting the structure of the walls and roof of the extension is similar to the technology for building a house.

Non-capital buildings

Polycarbonate Veranda

The established opinion that the veranda is a warehouse for storing unnecessary things (tools, bicycles, skis and other junk) is fundamentally wrong. In fact, this is a great opportunity to create a comfortable and beautiful recreation area. Especially if you use modern designs and materials for this.

Key points in the construction of the veranda:

  • they can have almost any configuration - a rectangle, a square, a semicircle with a roof in the form of an arch;

  • the lightness of the structure allows its construction on a minimal foundation, for example, a strip foundation with a depth and width of only 30 cm on a sand cushion 20 cm thick;

  • it is advisable to build a small base to which the frame structures are attached;
  • polycarbonate itself, due to the properties of the material, is easily cut and mounted on an already assembled frame.


A canopy is constructed, as a rule, in order to protect any used space from precipitation. Thus, it is possible to equip almost the entire territory adjacent to the house for a summer dining room, playgrounds and much more.

The design of the canopy usually consists of:

  • pillars dug to a depth of about 0.5 meters and filled with concrete;
  • horizontal beams, and one of them must be attached to the wall of the house;

  • rafters and battens on them;
  • roofing material.

The existing variety of materials and various structural elements allows you to create a variety of combinations in the construction of canopies. But most often, when building an extension to a wooden house, wood and metal tiles are used.