100 Spanish words with transcriptions of everyday communication. How and where to find a working mirror

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Most Popular Words
in Spanish in colloquial speech

Once you have mastered basic reading rules melodic Spanish, start learning and using the most popular words in Spanish right away. Such famous polyglots as Dmitry Petrov (the host of the Polyglot show on the Culture TV channel) explain their knowledge of several foreign languages ​​by the fact that to communicate in any language, it is enough to know only 300 - 350 of the most popular words and use them in your speech. The secret is not to know as many words as possible, the secret is to learn how to use these words in your speech.

View a list of popular Spanish words with translation. In it you will find prepositions, conjunctions, verbs and other words that you use every day in your speech in your native language.

To quickly learn how to make sentences of any complexity in Spanish, use the section "Spanish Grammar in 1 Day".

ser / estar to be ¿Eres profesor/a - Are you a teacher?
Eso sería terrible - that would be terrible - That would be terrible.
Kristine estaba aburrida - Kristine was bored.
Estabamos en la cocina - We were in the kitchen.
Venir come Los chicos vienen a mi casa cada viernes - the boys come to my house every Friday - The boys come to my house every Friday.
She came to the party alone - she came to the party alone - Ella vino a la fiesta sola.
encontrar find Ellos siempre encuentran conchas bonitas en la playa - They always find pretty shells at the beach.
Encontraste el vestido perfecto - you found a beautiful dress - You found the perfect dress.
conseguir, coger take, receive No puedes siempre conseguir lo que quieres. Coge tu abrigo - You can't always get what you want. Take your coat. - You can´t always get what you want. Get your coat.
dar give Doy libros a mis alumnos - I give books to my students - I give books to my students.
ir go Ellos van al médico todos los días - They go to the doctor every day.
Fuimos a París con Bob el verano pasado - We went to Paris with Bob last summer
Tener have Tienes demasiado trabajo que hacer - you have a lot of work to do today - You have too much work to do.
Ana tiene tres hermanos - Annie has three brothers
ayudar to help Nosotros siempre ayudamos a nuestros amigos - We always help our friends.
saber know Sé la verdad - I know the truth - I know the truth
gustar like ¿A ella le gusta la pizza? - Does she like pizza? Does she like pizza?
poner put, put A veces te pones demasiado maquillaje - You sometimes put on too much make-up.
leer read Ellos leen diez libros al mes - They read ten books a month.
decir say, speak Yo nunca digo la verdad - I never say the truth - I never say the truth.
Él dijo que le gustaba la película - He said he liked the movie - He said he liked the movie.
ver see Vemos a nuestros amigos todo el día en la escuela - We see our friends all day at school.
He saw her for the first time on Tuesday - he saw her for the first time on Tuesday - Él la vió por primera vez el martes.
trabajar work Ann y Teresa trabajan todos los días hasta las cinco - Ann and Teresa work every day until five
escribir write Nosotros escribimos libros para niños - We write books for children.
mostrar show Tu muestras tus sentimientos demasiado - You show your feelings too much.
coger take Ellos cogen el autobús a la escuela - They take the bus to school (they use the bus to get to school) - They take the bus to school.
contar, decir tell, speak Dime que me quieres. Cuéntame un cuento - Say you love me. Tell me a story - Tell me you love me. tell me a story.



Usamos ordenadores para hacer nuestro trabajo - We use computers to do our work
querer to want Yo quiero un poco de chocolate - I want some chocolate - I want some chocolate.
pensar think Algunos políticos piensan en la gente - Some politicians think about the people.
Ella pensó que tú estabas aquí - She thought you were here - She thought you were here.
hacer do John siempre hace la cena para nosotros - John always makes dinner for us - John always makes dinner for us.
Hiciste un cuadro precioso - you made (painted) a beautiful picture - You made a beautiful painting.
mirar watch No mires directamente al sol - .Don´t look directly into the sun.
dia day Me gusta correr durante el día - I like to run during the day.
casa house Tienes una casa grande - you have a big house (you have a big house) - You have a big house.
hombre man, man Hay un hombre en el teatro - There is one man (person) in the theater - There is one man in the theater.
Hay muchos hombres en el teatro - There are many men in the theater
nombre name Mi nombre es Bond My name is Bond My name is Bond
personas people Hay mucha gente en mi pueblo - There are many people in my town
sitio place Esto es el mejor sitio para pescar - This is the best place to fish.
mundo world Vivimos en un mundo peligroso - We live in a dangerous world.
ano year Este año voy a dejar de fumar - This year I am going to quit smoking.
palabra word Él sabe cada palabra del diccionario - He knows every word in the dictionary
agua water ¿Te gustaría beber un poco de agua? - would you like to drink some water? - Would you like to drink some water?
timepo time No tengo bastante tiempo para terminar el proyecto - I don't have enough time to finish the project.
linea line Puedes dibujar una linea recta? - can you draw a straight line? - Can you draw a straight line?
parte part Tengo parte del puzzle - I have part of this pizza - I have part of the puzzle.
algo something Dame algo que hacer - give me something to do - Give me something to do.
cosa thing La cosa más importante en la vida es el amor - The most important thing in life is love - The most important thing in life is love.
sonido sound ¿Puedes oír ese sonido? - Do you hear this sound? (literally: you can hear this sound) - Can you hear that sound?
aire air Necesitamos mantener el aire limpio - We need to keep the air clean.
Prepositions Prepositions
sobre about Este libro es sobre la vida y el amor - This book is about life and love.
despues after Después de la reunión se fueron al bar - After the meeting they went to the bar.
alrededor around Hay un circulo de gente alrededor del edificio. - There is a circle of people around the building.
en in, as, by Estoy en mi casa - I'm in my house - I am at my house.
alejado from, move away Él parece muy alejado de mí - He seems so far away from me.
a lo largo de along Camino a lo largo del río - I walk along the river - I walk along the river.
atras back Vete hacia atrás - go back - Go back!
antes before Piensa antes de abrir la boca - Think before you open your mouth - Think before you open your mouth.
por debajo below, under No debes estar de pie por debajo de una escalera - You shouldn't stand below a ladder.
entre between Katie vive entre la farmacia y el cinema - Katie lives between the pharmacy and the cinema.
por El libro fue escrito por Edgar Allen Poe - The book was written by Edgar Allen Poe.
para for Este libro es un regalo para ti - This book is a gift for you - This book is a gift for you.
de from, from, Barbara nunca compra fruta del supermercado - Barbara never buys fruit from the supermarket.
Esta pelicula es una de mis favoritas! - this movie is one of my favorites This movie is one of my favorites!
en in Bill Gates vive en una casa bonita - Bill Gates lives in a beautiful house.
para adentro inside Mete el dinero dentro de la máquina y pulse el botón verde - Put the money into the machine and press the green button.
proximo next El próximo tren llega a las 7 - The next train comes at 7.
a traves through Tienes que pasar a través del tunel para llegar a casa - you have to go through this tunnel to get home- You must pass through the tunnel to get home.
encima El libro está encima de la mesa - The book is on the table - The book is on the table.
fuera outside, outside ¿Podrias sacar la basura fuera? - Could you take out the trash? Could you take the garbage out?
con With I am studying with Jim - I study with Jim - Estoy estudiando con Jim
Palabras para prequntar Question words
que what? ¿Qué haces esta noche? - What are you doing tonight? What are you doing tonight?
cuando when? ¿Cuando vas a ir al teatro? - When are you going to the theatre? - When are you going to the theatre?
donde where? ¿Dónde vive tu madre? - where does your mom live? Where does your mother live?
cual which? which the? ¿Cuál te gusta más, pizza o pasta? - What do you like more: pizza or pasta? Which do you like better pizza or pasta?
quin who? ¿Quien es el hombre en el coche? Who is this man in the car? Who is the man in the car?
por que why? ¿Por que no viniste a mi fiesta? Why didn't you come to my party? - Why didn't you come to my party?
como as? ¿Como llegas a la oficina? - How do you get to the office? - How do you get to the office?
todos Todos nosotros vivimos en Buffalo - We all live in Buffalo - All of us live in Buffalo.
Todos los niños deben tener una casa - every child should have a home - Every child should have a home.
ambos both Ambos mi madre y yo - Both my mother and I draw - Both my mother and I
diferente different Todo parece diferente por la noche - Everything looks different at night.
cada each Cada vez - Each time
primero the first Esto es el primer matrimonio de Frank - this is Frank's first marriage - This is Frank's first marriage
bueno good La pizza aqui es muy bueno. - The pizza here is very good - The pizza here is very good.
muchos a lot of Hay muchas cosas nuevas para aprender - So many new things to learn - There are many new things to learn.
nuevo new Gary se compró un coche nuevo hoy - Gary bought a new car today
viejo old Su ordenador es viejo. Necesita uno nuevo - His computer is old. He needs a new computer - His computer is old. He needs a new one.
mismo the same (the same), the same Cometo el mismo error cada vez - I make the same mistake every time - I make the same mistake every time.
grande big Has visto la Gran Muralla de China? - have you seen the Great Wall of China in China? - Have you seen the Great Wall of China?

Hanna pidió un café grande - Ana ordered a big coffee - Hanna ordered a large coffee.

cualquier anyone, anyone Me gusta comer cualquier tipo de carne - I like to eat different types of meat - I like to eat any type of meat
algunos any, any , some, several Ellos tienen algunos amigos en Portugal - they have some friends in Portugal - They have some friends in Portugal.
pocos little, few, little Por favor, lady unos pocos minutos - please give me a few minutes - Please give me a few minutes.
pequeno small, small Ingrid tiene las manos pequeñas. - Ingrid has small hands - Ingrid has little hands.
No llevo el tamaño pequeño, llevo el mediano - I don't wear a small size, I wear medium - I don't wear a size small, I wear medium.
largo long, generous, generous Estos pantalones son demasiado largos para mi - These pants are too long for me.
un otro different, different, different (from) Larry pidió otra cerveza - Larry asked for another beer.
un/una indefinite article male genus/female genus

definite article husband. genus/female genus

Tengo un perro - I have a dog - I have a dog.
Tengo una casa - I have a house - I have a house
Tengo el perro - I have this dog - I have the dog.
Tengo la casa - I have this house - I have the house
esto, estos this, this, this; these Esto es el mejor dia de mi vida! - this is the best day of my life - This is the best day of my life!
Estos libros so muy antiguos - These books are very old.
eso, esos this, that, this, that Esa mujer en la tienda me mintió - That woman in the store lied to me.
Esos libros son nuevos - those books are new - Those books are new.
uno, dos, tres... one two Three... Tengo dos hermanos - I have two brothers - I have two brothers.
otra vez again, another time ¿Puedes poner esa canción otra vez? - can you play that song again? - Can you play that song again?
tambien too, also Trabajo y también estudio - I work and I also study.
y and María y yo vivimos juntas - Maria and I live together - María and I live together.
como how Como dije antes, no estoy interesada - As I said before, I'm not interested.
porque because Me río porque es gracios - I am laughing because it's funny.
pero but Mary le vió, pero le ignoró - Mary saw him, but she ignored him - Mary saw him but she ignored him.
fin the end Esto es el fin del cuento - This is the end of the story.
inclusive even Incluso George necesita amor - Even George needs love - Even George needs love.
aqui here, here, here, now, in Ven aqui. No puedo verte - come here. I can't see you (literally: I can't see you) - Come here. I can't see you.
si if Si quieres, podemos ir al cine - If you want we can go to the cinema.
solamente only Bill solamente quiere pedir perdón - Bill just wants to apologize.
ultimo latest, latest, fresh Ella fumó su último cigarro - She smoked her last cigarette.
izquierda left Yo como con la mano izquierda - I eat with my left hand.
mas more, more, still, most Ella siempre come más que yo - She always eats more than I - She always eats more than I.
la mayoria majority La mayoría de los animales son amables - Most of the animals are friendly.
nunca never Kris nunca lee el periódico - Kris never reads the newspaper.
no No No, no quiero un coche - no, I don't want a car - No, I don't want a car.
ahora now Anne no está estudiando ahora - Anne isn't studying now
o or, or ¿Quieres verde o rojo? - do you want green or red? - Do you want green or red?
ser propietario de own something Ben es propietario de dos empresas - Ben owns two businesses - Ben owns two businesses.
derecha right Mi casa está a la derecha - My house is on the right.
asi que so Ella llega tarde así que no vamos a nadar - She's late, so we won't go swimming - She´s late, so we're not going swimming.
todavia still, still, still Todavía no sé qué quieres - I still don't know what you want.
tal such, such, similar Comemos verduras tales como espinacas y guisantes - We eat vegetables such as spinach and pease .
que how Las manzanas son más sanas que las golosinas - Apples are healthier than candies.
entons then Ella estaba triste, y entónces, la besó - she was upset, then he kissed her - She was sad, and then, he kissed her.
alli there, there, there, then, at ... Daniel la vió alli, cerca del río - Daniel saw her there, near the river - Daniel saw her there, by the river.
juntos together John y yo vivimos juntos - John and I live together - John and I live together.
tambien too, the same Yo quiero ir tambien! - I want to go too - I want to go too!
muy very Ella está muy cansada. No ha dormido en 24 horas. She is very tired. She didn't sleep for 24 hours. She is very tired. She hasn´t slept in 24 hours.
camino way ¿Él conoce el camino? - Does he know the way? - Does he know the way?
bien Good Espero que estés bien - I hope you are well.
mientras while while Llamaste mientras estaba tomando una ducha - You called while I was taking a shower.

Spanish language easy and free:

How to learn Spanish fast ?
Spanish pronunciation.
We speak correctly - video

How are Spanish words pronounced? Reading Rules

First phrases in Spanish - video

How to learn and memorize Spanish words easily?
Russian-Spanish phrasebook. Spanish for tourists
Spanish grammar in 1 day Spanish verbs with prepositions

Popular Spanish verbs with examples

Spanish verb conjugation and how to quickly remember

Lessons, video tutorials and Spanish exercises

Audio and video spanish podcasts With subtitles
Topics in Spanish with the translation dialogues, video dialogues in Spanish with text and translation

In any language, the verb is the most important part of speech. Verbs convey intention, desire, they give movement. Without verbs, it is impossible to logically formulate any thought.

I can, I want, I will!

Undoubtedly, the more verbs a person knows, the richer his oral speech. But when we learn a foreign language, learning verbs is very difficult. However, memorizing thousands of verbs is superfluous; in ordinary life they are rarely required and you can do without them perfectly. It is necessary to learn only the most important and most used.

It cannot be said that there are words that are not worth learning at all, since everything is worth learning. However, there are 100 most important and necessary verbs that you must know!

There are a lot of Spanish verbs in the language, but not all of them are equally often used in speech. The table below compiles the most common Spanish verbs with the corresponding Russian translation.

Comment: we will not consider here ordinary and simple semantic verbs such as comer(there is) , beber(drink), dormir(sleep) - they need to be memorized as soon as they first catch your eye!

1 abrir open
2 acabar end (s), end (s)
3 aceptar accept
4 Alcanzar achieve
5 aparecer appear
6 ayudar to help
7 bus car search
8 caer fall
9 cambiar to change (to)
10 comenzar start off
11 comprender understand
12 conocer know
13 conseguir reach, achieve
14 considerar ponder
15 contar count
16 convertir to turn (to)
17 correr run; run away
18 crear create
19 creer believe
20 cumplir observe; to execute, to carry out
21 dar give
22 deber be to
23 decir to tell
24 dejar leave
25 descubrir open
26 dirigir guide; convert; send
27 empezar to begin
28 encontrar find
29 entender understand
30 entrar enter
31 escribir write
32 escuchar listen
33 esperar wait
34 estar to be
35 estudiar study; to study
36 existir exist
37 explicar explain
38 formal form
39 ganar earn; win
40 gustar like
41 hablar speak
42 hacer do
43 intentar try
44 ir go
45 jugar play
46 leer read
47 levantar get up
48 llamar call for
49 llegar arrive; come, come
50 llevar wear, carry; relate
51 lograr reach, achieve something )
52 mantener support
53 mirar watch
54 morir die
55 nacer be born
56 necesitar need
57 ocurrir take place
58 ofrecer offer
59 oir hear
60 pagar to pay
61 parecer seem
62 partir divide, share
63 pasar pass; move
64 pedir ask
65 pensar think
66 perder lose
67 permitir let
68 poder be able
69 poner place, put; put on
70 preguntar to ask
71 presentar introduce
72 producer produce
73 quedar stay
74 querer to want
75 realizar fulfill
76 recibir receive
77 reconocer to admit
78 recorder remember
79 resultar turn out, turn out
80 saber know
81 sacar extract, take out
82 salir go out
83 seguir to follow
84 sentir feel
85 ser to be
86 servir serve
87 suponer assume
88 Tener have
89 terminar end
90 tocar touch
91 tomar take; take; accept
92 trabajar work
93 traer bring
94 tratar enjoy; communicate
95 usar use, use, apply
96 utilizar enjoy; use
97 Venir come
98 ver watch
99 vivir live
100 volver

return; come back

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How and where to find a working mirror

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In any language, the verb is the most important part of speech. Verbs convey intention, desire, they give movement. Without verbs, it is impossible to logically formulate any thought.

I can, I want, I will!

Undoubtedly, the more verbs a person knows, the richer his oral speech. But when we learn a foreign language, learning verbs is very difficult. However, memorizing thousands of verbs is superfluous; in ordinary life they are rarely required and you can do without them perfectly. It is necessary to learn only the most important and most used.

It cannot be said that there are words that are not worth learning at all, since everything is worth learning. However, there are 100 most important and necessary verbs that you must know!

There are a lot of Spanish verbs in the language, but not all of them are equally often used in speech. The table below compiles the most common Spanish verbs with the corresponding Russian translation.

Comment: we will not consider here ordinary and simple semantic verbs such as comer(there is) , beber(drink), dormir(sleep) - they need to be memorized as soon as they first catch your eye!

1 abrir open
2 acabar end (s), end (s)
3 aceptar accept
4 Alcanzar achieve
5 aparecer appear
6 ayudar to help
7 bus car search
8 caer fall
9 cambiar to change (to)
10 comenzar start off
11 comprender understand
12 conocer know
13 conseguir reach, achieve
14 considerar ponder
15 contar count
16 convertir to turn (to)
17 correr run; run away
18 crear create
19 creer believe
20 cumplir observe; to execute, to carry out
21 dar give
22 deber be to
23 decir to tell
24 dejar leave
25 descubrir open
26 dirigir guide; convert; send
27 empezar to begin
28 encontrar find
29 entender understand
30 entrar enter
31 escribir write
32 escuchar listen
33 esperar wait
34 estar to be
35 estudiar study; to study
36 existir exist
37 explicar explain
38 formal form
39 ganar earn; win
40 gustar like
41 hablar speak
42 hacer do
43 intentar try
44 ir go
45 jugar play
46 leer read
47 levantar get up
48 llamar call for
49 llegar arrive; come, come
50 llevar wear, carry; relate
51 lograr reach, achieve something )
52 mantener support
53 mirar watch
54 morir die
55 nacer be born
56 necesitar need
57 ocurrir take place
58 ofrecer offer
59 oir hear
60 pagar to pay
61 parecer seem
62 partir divide, share
63 pasar pass; move
64 pedir ask
65 pensar think
66 perder lose
67 permitir let
68 poder be able
69 poner place, put; put on
70 preguntar to ask
71 presentar introduce
72 producer produce
73 quedar stay
74 querer to want
75 realizar fulfill
76 recibir receive
77 reconocer to admit
78 recorder remember
79 resultar turn out, turn out
80 saber know
81 sacar extract, take out
82 salir go out
83 seguir to follow
84 sentir feel
85 ser to be
86 servir serve
87 suponer assume
88 Tener have
89 terminar end
90 tocar touch
91 tomar take; take; accept
92 trabajar work
93 traer bring
94 tratar enjoy; communicate
95 usar use, use, apply
96 utilizar enjoy; use
97 Venir come
98 ver watch
99 vivir live
100 volver

return; come back