Schizoid personality type how to communicate with him. Elephant in the room: how schizoids see the world. Schizoid-hysteroid personality type

Competition is an economic process of interaction, interconnection and struggle between organizations operating on the market in order to provide the best opportunities for selling their goods and services, satisfying the diverse needs of customers Posypanova O.S. Economic psychology: psychological aspects consumer behavior. Monograph. Kaluga: Publishing House of the KGU im. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, 2012, p. 76.

The concept of competition is so ambiguous that it does not consist in any universal definition.

Competition is:

way of managing;

the way capital functions when one capital competes with another capital;

the main feature, property of production and method of development.

In every industry, competition is driven by certain forces:

the threat of competitors;

the threat of the emergence of substitutes for goods and services;

bargaining power of suppliers;

market power of consumers;

rivalry between competitors in the same industry.

The value of each of the forces is modified and means, in the long run, efficiency. At the same time, the enterprise needs to use the positive effects of competitive forces and overcome the negative ones for economic growth.

Competition - as a management process characterized by its competitive advantages to achieve goals in the fight against competitors for the satisfaction of objective and subjective needs within the framework of legislation or in vivo Abchuk V.A. ABC of marketing St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Soyuz", 2011. P. 36.

The consequence of competition is, on the one hand, an increase in the effectiveness economic activity, the growth of scientific and technical progress, and on the other hand, the deepening of production and market relations. Competition is based on two processes:


satisfaction of needs.

The purpose of competition is the acquisition of the most favorable conditions and greater profits from the sale of goods/services. Competition, being a factor that ensures the interaction of supply and demand, balances market prices. As a result of the competition of sellers and buyers, a common price for homogeneous services, the volume of supply and demand is introduced. Competition, ensuring the functioning of the pricing mechanism, regulates the proportions of social production.

In terms of intensity, competition can be Dichtl E., Hershgen H. Practical Marketing: Textbook / Per. with him. A.M. Makarova; Under the editorship of I.S. Minko. M.: Vyssh.shk., 2011. -S. 86:

  • 1) in a certain segment, the entity satisfies its needs better or makes more profit than in the previous segment - attractive;
  • 2) the actions of the subject of competition help to maintain a competitive environment in a certain segment of the market - moderate;
  • 3) the subject absorbs, destroys or displaces the object from this segment - fierce.

There are the following forms of competition:

  • 1) subject - competition between goods of the same assortment group, between similar objects that satisfy the same need;
  • 2) functional - competition between goods (objects) - substitutes.

The state of competition depends on the five main drivers of competition (Appendix 1).

Today, in the field of competition theory and practice of ensuring the competitiveness of companies, as well as in many other areas of society, there is an integration of existing models of social and economic activity, including - approaches to the effective management of companies operating in conditions of intense competition. In Russia, the integration process has specific characteristics, since the market economy is in its infancy and intensive development.

The purpose of developing and building a model of competitiveness of enterprises is the correct definition of a competitive strategy consistent with the conditions of a particular field of activity, the skills and capital that a particular enterprise possesses.

As the main criteria for the competitiveness of an enterprise, two evaluation categories can be proposed in a generalized form: “the value of the services provided by the enterprise” and “the value of the enterprise as an economic entity”.

The assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises should be based on a certain set of indicators, the rationale for which is based on the objectives of the assessment and the needs of the economic entity. Since it is difficult to give priority to any single criterion, a comprehensive assessment of competitiveness is usually used. In this case, it is possible to use methods that do not provide for the calculation of a single integral indicator, and provide for a quantitative assessment of a single integral indicator.

A convenient tool for comparing the capabilities of an enterprise and its main competitors is the construction of competitiveness polygons. , representing a graphical display of assessments of the position of the enterprise and competitors in the most significant areas of activity, depicted in the form of vector-axes (Appendix 2).

As the estimated activities of the enterprise and the main competitors, it is necessary to choose a certain clearly limited number of parameters.

The grouping of parameters is based on the analysis of a wide range of technical, economic and social problems, resulting in the identification of variables that ensure competitiveness. The starting point of such an analysis is the definition of a list of technical and economic factors of competitiveness, which are interpreted as a set of criteria for quantifying the level of competitiveness of an enterprise.

Thus, competition is the struggle of independent economic entities, based on two processes, rivalry and satisfaction of needs. The result of which is given to obtaining more favorable conditions and the greatest profit from the sale of services. Competition is a factor that ensures the interaction of supply and demand, balancing market prices.

Commodity market structure

The structure of the commodity market is understood as a set of links that are involved in the promotion of goods from producers to consumers. The main links of the commodity market are: manufacturers of goods; wholesale trade and other intermediary organizations; organizations retail;consumers. Manufacturer of goods - an organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur, producing goods for sale to consumers. Trade is an agreement by virtue of which one party (seller) undertakes to transfer a thing (goods) to the other party (buyer), and the buyer undertakes to pay a certain amount (price) for it. Wholesale trade is the trade in goods for their subsequent resale or professional use. The parties to wholesale trade are called counterparties. Types of wholesale trade: at the place of execution - in places wholesale sales, in a trading establishment; by the time of transfer of the goods - by preliminary orders, with the immediate transfer of the goods; by the term of payment for the goods - with a preliminary pay, pay on credit, in installments; due to the obligation to deliver the goods - with delivery, without delivery. Retail trade is the sale of goods and the provision of services to customers, carried out for personal, family use, not related to entrepreneurial activity. The retail parties are the seller, who is individual entrepreneur, and the buyer, which can be any citizen. The subject of retail trade are things that are not withdrawn from civil circulation. Types of retail trade: sale of goods with the condition that the buyer accepts the goods within a certain period; The seller does not have the right to sell the goods to another person within the period specified in the contract; sale of goods according to samples. The contract is concluded on the basis of familiarization with the goods of the buyer or according to the catalog or description; sale of goods using automatic machines. The owner of the vending machine is obliged to bring to the buyer information about the seller, products and actions that must be performed to receive the goods by placing information on the vending machine or in any other way; sale of goods with the condition of delivery. At the conclusion of the contract, the seller undertakes to deliver the goods to the specified place and transfer them to the specified person. A consumer is a citizen who intends to order or purchase or ordering, acquiring or using goods exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activities.

The concept and role of competition

One of the necessary moments of the implementation of market relations is the creation of a competitive environment in the economic sphere. Competition is a rivalry, a struggle for more favorable conditions and, accordingly, for better performance. In entrepreneurship, it is ultimately a struggle to achieve higher profits. Throughout the 70-year Soviet period, competition was viewed as a phenomenon inherent only in the capitalist system and alien to socialism. The very word "competition" was used in negative value, it was given a negative connotation. Moreover, competition was suppressed by the forces of regulatory and even law enforcement agencies. The methods of stimulating labor characteristic of the command-administrative system did not ensure proper economic growth. Instead of competition, artificial methods of pseudo-competition for achieving the best results were introduced. The main such method - socialist competition is still fresh in memory. Competed in without fail not only in enterprises, but also in baths, hairdressers, public institutions. As soon as the power of the party apparatus was liquidated, the competition disappeared by itself, without any prohibitions. This indisputably testifies to the far-fetchedness and lifelessness of this method of imitation of rivalry for achieving the best results in labor. The struggle for higher profits arises as a natural process in a commodity, market society. The state, for its part, is obliged to encourage competition and regulate it in the directions necessary to society. Here it is important that the striving for higher profits be carried out through the satisfaction of people's interests and the achievement of better economic results. With such an orientation, competition turns into a driving factor in the continuous development and improvement of production, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements, the improvement of quality and the expansion of the range of goods. Giving a similar direction to the economy is associated with global issues development human society. Healthy competition ensures the flow of capital from less efficient to more efficient ones. efficient enterprises. Competition makes it possible to reveal the real consumer value of manufactured products, their compliance with the desires and preferences of people. It serves to optimize the exchange and subordination of production to the needs of consumers.

schizoid personalities.

The main characteristic is a special passivity, which is characterized as avoidant passivity. Their behavior, compared to other personalities, is the part where the least energy is invested. They are so passive that they manage to make it so that they are involved in passive actions. They live in their fantasies. Avoidance behavior is supported by fantasizing, the ability to withdraw into oneself in any situation. To be not here, not with you, not with anyone, but in their own world - they are much more interested in themselves than with anyone. Difficulty in establishing interpersonal contacts. They also prefer to choose a job where contacts can be minimized. Or schizoids huddle in flocks - for example, a team of programmers is working on one project, sitting in the same room. For them appearance doesn't matter (a worn sweater, dirty shoes), especially if the obsessive-compulsive part is not very developed (how you look, how you smell - it does not matter, moreover - it helps people not to contact you, it scares people away). The extreme version of schizoid personality adaptation is Perelman (he is at home, he is with his mother, he is passive, looks like a bum, but at the same time he has a brilliant creative mind). The thinking of the schizoid personality differs most high level creativity. Their thinking is very specific.

Characteristics of schizoid thinking:

Tests for generalization and elimination of the fourth superfluous.

Finds latent (hidden) signs, secondary, while missing the main thing. Finds what is beyond the threshold of sensitivity of other thinking.

For example, in the picture there are three types of shoes (felt boots, boots, slippers) and a leg - another way of thinking will exclude the leg, generalizing the other three images according to the “shoes” principle. And the schizoid can exclude slippers, because he looks to the right, and the leg, felt boots and boot look to the left.

Schizoids are the engines of progress. They can solve equations that no one could solve, prove hypotheses that no one could prove - only the schizoid saw some sign that no one saw.

They have ingenious works of art - everyone draws in this way, and they in a different way, as no one has thought of yet.

If this is normal, then OK, if there is a deep pathology, it can reach maladaptation (delusions and hallucinations).

Schizoid adaptation is more male (and female is hysterical adaptation).

They themselves see what is happening in their lives - but do nothing. They are afraid of close contact and devalue it - when you approach them and try to win it directly, they shy away. You confront his behavior - and he starts to do something.

Very amimic people (little facial expressions). They tend to avoid looking - because. this is close contact.

Schizoids do not contact or contact at a distance.

Personality Disorder Criteria:

7 criteria, plus 2 points (A and B). There must be 4 criteria out of 7 and both items to make a diagnosis.

Point A is a persistent pattern of indifference to social connections and the limitation of the range of emotional sensations that begin at a young age.

The schizoid part is children who are ahead of others in mental development, but lag behind in physical, motor development.

Item A - General characteristics. The criteria below reveal it.

  1. No desire for close ties and no joy in these ties, partly including family relationships.

If there is no personality disorder, but the schizoid part is expressed, the image: he marries, children are born, while in two-room apartment he has his own room, he eats separately from everyone (because he needs to concentrate and calm down), his room is full of all sorts of old oscilloscopes.

  1. Almost always, a profession is chosen that requires work alone. And sports that require not team, but individual competitions.
  2. Rarely, if ever, experiences strong emotions - joy, anger.
  3. The most asexual adaptation. Such a person has the least intensity of sexual desire - the desire to have sexual relations at all. Initially, libido is suppressed, reduced. He does not enter not because he cannot - the attraction is the lowest.
  4. Indifference to the praise or scolding of others.
  5. Absence of close friends (or one friend), with the exception of relatives.
  6. Emotional coldness and lack of congruence in emotional gestures. Usually when someone smiles at us, we involuntarily smile back. The schizoid does not have this. He does not greet, does not nod, does not respond with emotion to emotion.

The "wood and glass" phenomenon in relation to emotional life- indifferent, cold in relation to events in the life of close people, relatives, but at the same time very sensitive to absolutely abstract (not related to them) people and events. The events in the film, on the screen, in the book are more emotionally significant for them than what happens in their own family. The death of a relative will not cause as many tears as the death of a bird. "Tree" in relation to loved ones, and "glass" in relation to strangers.

Point B. All manifestations are found in the absence of schizophrenia or delusional disorder (the same is true for patients with schizophrenia, but they still have delusions and hallucinations, they are sharply maladjusted).

Schizoid adaptation - the most smart people. The mind is realized in the most abstract areas (mathematics, astronomy). Note: most psychological theories, discoveries were made from the schizoid part, by schizoid personalities.

Formed in early age- up to 3 years, its formation is facilitated by the emotional coldness of the mother (the child cannot communicate - begins to fantasize).

An example with a client: parents did not have the opportunity to raise a child, they sent him to the village to his grandmother, and she has a large household - she tied him to a rope, it’s convenient for her (and he couldn’t go far, and he was in front of her, and she could do all your work). The child's compulsion to cope with this is to start fantasizing, to occupy himself.

Everyone develops a schizoid part: at 2 years old, you want your mother to always be there, not leave at all, and Small child can't figure out what's going on with mom. Mom leaves him - the inability to constantly be with her mother and the need to occupy herself leads to the formation of a schizoid part, to a narrowing and lack of emotional contact.

How the schizoid part manifests itself in a healthy personality - we experience a feeling of melancholy and sadness when we see off a loved one at the station.

The schizoid can behave very eccentrically - for example, donate a huge amount of money to a charitable foundation, but not give the mother money for the operation. The suffering of starving children in Africa is closer and more understandable than the suffering of a mother.

longest, most painstaking work with a schizoid client.

The schizoid part does not tolerate physical touch. If the thought arises to anchor it bodily, it will scare you away, it will not come again. Great psychological distance.

Open door: their passive behavior. It immediately catches the eye, immediately noticeable. One option is to join through confrontation of passive behavior.

Example: most often, relatives bring in treatment, and do not give consent to the treatment of a schizoid until he asks (a new experience to express himself actively, to break through his passive behavior).

Schizoids did not receive emotional communication in childhood - they are drawn to warmth, although they avoid social contacts.

Working with a schizoid requires great patience and for a long time, the most painstaking option of all the processes of counseling and correction. If you can sit a little closer - this is already a success, already the result of work. First, he sits at the maximum distance from you. If after some time of therapy he sits closer, he shows that he is already able to withstand intimacy, and he has a need for contacts (what used to be dangerous).

His usual way is to withdraw into himself and solve his problems somewhere inside.

The door - the goal - is thinking. Their thinking is good creative ideas, but it doesn't work in life situations They live like helpless children. By working with their thinking, when it becomes crisp, clear, they begin to feel better. Second important point treatment of schizoids: teach them to experience pleasant emotions. Their trap door is emotions. If you touch negative emotional experiences very early, his thinking is blocked and therapy is blocked.

Work with the body (TOP) for a schizoid is unacceptable. If you achieve this with a schizoid (being able to go to a massage therapist or a body-oriented psychotherapist) is practically a cure for schizoid adaptation.

Sympathy is difficult to tolerate - negative experiences arise, and the ability to think is blocked.

Their thinking is excellent in abstract things (create an ingenious design, think of a theory), but weak in ordinary, the simplest, everyday things (dressing, cleaning shoes). The simplest thing is that thinking does not work. They say - unadapted, eccentric. But when the schizoid part is combined with the obsessive-compulsive part, this can be overlooked.

Requests - depression, sleep disorders, difficulties associated with establishing contact in a team and the inability to create a family (for schizoids with minor injuries). Mostly severe depression.

There is no ability to lie. If you ask how the therapy process is going, they will give an adequate, clear, unbiased picture. They will not try to please, smooth out the bumps. Therefore, their feedback is important.

If schizoid adaptation is like an accentuation, like a norm, this is a kind of feature.

We're working on the part where the problem comes from. Each person has at least 2 adaptations.

There is no such person who would not have a schizoid part.

A person who knows his schizoid features and who has undergone psychotherapy becomes open, the closet opens, and he becomes very interesting. And it is interesting to work with schizoids - they are very smart, but they demand the same from a psychologist (they work only with smart psychologists).

The last option is loneliness. If not an extreme option, there is a need for close relationships and a need to start a family.

The classic couple is a schizoid man and a hysterical woman (the man thinks that they can get what they didn’t get in childhood).

Schizoid dad - the girl will then look for the same husband.

Paul War's approach is suitable for psychological counseling and interpersonal communication, communication within the team, but within the framework of accentuation, and in case of a personality disorder, other work algorithms are added.

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