Personnel work in the organization. Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees. Job Responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources

The daily duties of a personnel officer are regulated by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in a resolution of 08/21/1998. It specifies in detail the areas of responsibility of a specialist, the limits of subordination, the regulatory framework is considered, required by the employee personnel department, the procedure for the delivery and maintenance of documentation. The Unified Qualification Handbook defines 17 professions that, in the performance of official duties, are guided by the job description of a personnel worker. The structure of the department that regulates the activities of employees is reflected in the relevant Regulation "On the Human Resources Department".

HR Specialist Job Responsibilities

The job description of a specialist in the personnel department establishes the procedure for labor relations, the range of responsibility, the functions assigned to the employee, the requirements for him, required level education and subservience. A person with sufficient vocational training, education and experience of at least 12 months.

The head is responsible for the development and content of the instruction. personnel service, and it is approved by the head of the company. It reflects all the duties of a specialist in the personnel department. Their composition, rules of execution, powers are detailed by the administrative acts of the enterprise, internal regulations, federal and regional regulations. They include the following tasks:

  • documenting the hiring and dismissal of employees, the transfer of personnel to other staff units in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the orders of the management;
  • accounting of activities and changes in personal data of employees of all levels - from the director to the watchman - in accordance with the standards of accounting documents with the introduction of changes in information databases;
  • data collection for certification and advanced training;
  • development of a mechanism for rewards and penalties;
  • preparation and maintenance of personal files, collection and processing of personal data;
  • registration of work books - making entries, registration, accounting and storage;
  • formation of work experience;
  • monitoring of holidays and control over the execution of the schedule;
  • timely selection of documentation for the archive and its execution;

The activity of a personnel specialist provides access to confidential data - personal files, trade secrets. If the actions of an employee caused property or financial damage to the organization, he will be held liable in accordance with the law.

The Human Resources Specialist may perform his job duties overtime. According to Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the overtime rate is set by the enterprise.

Human Resources Inspector Job Responsibilities

How does it mean in the One qualification handbook, applicants with secondary education are considered for the position of HR inspector, the presence of professional experience does not matter. The entire scope of duties of the HR inspector is determined in internal instruction. It includes the following business tasks:

In addition to office work, the duties of the HR inspector also include the selection of employees for vacancies in accordance with professional requirements and the level of communication skills. The personnel officer places ads in the press, Internet portals, submits an application to the employment center, and conducts an interview. His task is not just to select a professional, but to find a person who will easily enter the team and will not become a source of conflict. The management may provide for the duty of the inspector to conduct a competition among applicants. Selection events and control of passage are in the competence of the personnel officer.

Job Responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources

Only an employee with a diploma of higher education who has worked in a similar position for at least 3 years can manage personnel officers. His candidacy is determined only by the head of the company. Management activities are carried out on the basis of the company's internal charter, strictly within the framework of Russian labor and civil law, and in accordance with the job description of a personnel employee. The head of OK is accountable only to the top management of the company.

The responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources are as follows:

  • development of regulations on personnel policy;
  • assessment of the organization's need for personnel renewal;
  • staff management in accordance with authority and competence;
  • methodological and information support of certification, organization and analysis of its results;
  • debugging the processes of transfer, dismissal or hiring of personnel;
  • corrective activity;
  • regular monitoring of the performance of duties by specialists of the personnel department;
  • control over the execution of orders for rewarding and promotion.

The duties of the personnel officer-chief include the implementation of measures to establish work discipline, increasing the motivation of the team. The head is engaged in the preparation, approval of official information intended for the director. The competence of the authorities is to consult staff on current personnel issues.

O professional level the head of the OK is evidenced by knowledge of the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation, methods for assessing employees, the structure of the enterprise, requirements for paperwork, standards fire safety and labor protection.

An instruction with the duties of a personnel officer - a boss, an inspector or a specialist - is signed by the applicant when applying for a job. The document is drawn up for each category of workers according to a standard model.

The article will reveal the main points related to the work of the personnel department in the organization. What is included in his duties, what are the features and functions performed, what is the structure - further.

The personnel department is a mandatory structural element in any enterprise. His responsibilities include many functions. What are the features of the activity, what are the responsibilities?

General aspects

Basic principles of personnel policy:

  • focus on fulfilling the requirements of labor legislation;
  • taking into account the needs of the enterprise in employees;
  • providing conditions for quality work;
  • search for colleagues.

The organization of work has 2 directions - tactical and strategic. In the first case, an analysis of the state of the need for personnel is carried out, personnel is developed, and selected.

The second area of ​​activity of the personnel department is aimed at the formation of the personnel policy of the enterprise - requirements for personnel, various events.

The main direction is the formation of labor resources at the enterprise. Components of personnel policy:

To properly organize the work of the personnel service, it is necessary:

  • find out the number of employees;
  • distribute responsibilities among them. Groups can be formed to deal with a certain kind activities;
  • for each employee of the personnel department to issue official duties, determine their rights;
  • prepare documents that will guide the personnel department in its work;
  • conduct training for HR personnel.

The assignment of the duties of the personnel department to the chief accountant is possible only if it is provided for in.

If there is no such item, then it is forbidden to do (). Working in HR has advantages and disadvantages.

The first are - this profession is in demand, direct communication with the governing bodies of the organization, a variety of work. Disadvantages - constant stress, irregular working hours.

What it is

The main resource of the enterprise is labor. This is exactly what the personnel department is - the main composition of the employees of the organization.

The purpose of the personnel policy is to provide the enterprise with personnel with sufficient qualifications to work in production in a timely manner.

Personnel service - a set of structural divisions of the organization, the purpose of which is to manage the employees of the enterprise.

Officials are managers, specialists, technical staff. Its essence is the work with the personnel of the enterprise.

The main tasks of the personnel department are divided into areas:

Functions performed

Responsibilities of the Human Resources Department include:

  • development of a staffing plan in accordance with the activities of the organization;
  • registration, them, for another position;
  • keeping records of personnel;
  • responsibility for the storage of work books, their completion;
  • maintenance of other documentation;
  • creation of conditions for work;
  • proposals for improving the activities of the organization;
  • preparation of documents and reports for commissions;
  • control and training of employees;
  • taking measures for the employment of laid-off workers;
  • control over discipline in production.

When choosing tasks, the following are taken into account:

  • enterprise size;
  • direction of activity;
  • goals;
  • at what stage is the development of the organization;
  • number of employees.

Normative base

The main provisions and issues of the personnel service are regulated Labor Code Russian Federation.

Case management in the personnel department is carried out on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation, different rules and regulations.

Legal basis:

In its work, the personnel department is guided by the following regulations:

  1. Labor Code.
  2. Civil Code, part 2.
  3. Administrative Code.

Features of work in the personnel department in 2019

The personnel service of the enterprise has its own functions and features that must be observed.

Employees of the personnel department are obliged to carry out their work in accordance with the requirements of the law, develop an action plan in a timely manner and follow the documentation of the enterprise.

Regulation Action (sample)

Regulation - an act of a legal nature that establishes the procedure for the formation, rights and obligations, organization labor activity enterprises.

In other words, the Regulation is a document that regulates all areas of the organization's activities for individual structural divisions and the enterprise as a whole.

The personnel department is an independent structure, therefore the Regulation is mandatory. A document is being developed to consolidate the tasks and functions of the personnel service.

Design requirements:

  • the title must contain the details of the internal documentation of the enterprise;
  • Name of the organization;
  • name of the document, date and place of its execution;
  • sections - " General provisions”, “Main tasks”, “Functions”, “Management”, “Rights and obligations”, “Structure”, “Relationships. Connections.

Each section should start on a new line and be numbered with an Arabic numeral. The head of the organization draws up the Regulations, the right to sign and approve the document also belongs to him.

In a separate paragraph, it is worth making a list of documents that guide the personnel service in the process of activity.

What are the responsibilities (nomenclature of cases)

Nomenclature - a mandatory list of cases that are formed in the course of the organization's activities.

Is used for:

  • establishing a single procedure for the formation of cases;
  • accounting software;
  • quick documentation search;
  • establishing a retention period.

The list of cases will depend on the direction of the organization. When drawing up the nomenclature, current affairs and tasks planned to be completed in the coming year should be taken into account.

Cases should be placed according to their importance. When determining the storage period for cases, one can be guided by the standard list of documents adopted in 2010.

There is no single list of documents regulations install only a few of them.

Nomenclatures are divided into the following types:

When compiling the nomenclature, the following sections should be highlighted - “Case Index”, “Header”, “Quantity”, “Storage Periods”, “Number” and “Notes”.

The nomenclature is compiled every year, in the last reporting quarter. At the end of the year, it should be approved in the archive.

Sections of the document are the divisions of the organization - accounting, office and others. If they do not exist, then the sections may be the areas of activity of the enterprise.

What positions are available (structure)

The structure of the personnel service is influenced by the direction of the organization and the number of employees. The composition and number of employees of the personnel department is approved by the director of the organization.

The head of the personnel department is the head of the personnel department. The rest (deputies, assistants, specialists) report to him. If the personnel department has several departments, then each of them is headed by a chief.

The responsibilities of the Human Resources Inspector include:

  • formation of personal files of employees;
  • execution of orders;
  • , their filling;
  • working with documents;
  • sick leave registration;
  • discipline control.

In its structure, the personnel department has the following departments:

  • Labour Organization;
  • selection of employees;
  • retraining of personnel;
  • promotion planning;
  • attestation;
  • occupational Safety and Health.

Positions can be the following - labor organization engineer, timekeeper, labor economist and others.

Each of the positions has its own duties, which must be strictly performed. Software Engineer labor organization must:

  • develop measures to improve labor activity;
  • carry out certification;
  • analyze the conditions of production activity.

Requirements are put forward for each position - the presence of a full higher education certain amount of experience in the field.

Drawing up a work plan

The activities of the structural divisions of the organization must be planned in such a way that it is aimed at the successful completion of cases.

The action plan can be drawn up for a month, a quarter or a year. The process is usually divided into the following steps:

When developing an action plan, it is important to take into account the tasks and requirements of the legislation:

Certain activities can be scheduled for a specific month, such as a background check or a skill upgrade.

The final stage is the approval of the work plan of the personnel service and its coordination with the authorities.

What documents should be

Constituent documents are obligatory in any organization. The HR department consists of:

Human Resources Department is a structure in the organization that deals with personnel management.

The personnel department is not only a functional unit, it is also the face of the company, since it is in the personnel department that any applicant begins to get acquainted with the organization.

HR goal

The purpose of the personnel department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization) by providing the enterprise with the necessary personnel and effective use potential of employees.

The selection of employees is carried out with the help of specially developed strategies: submission of information about vacancies to the media and employment services, the use of selection methods, testing, procedures for the adaptation of specialists and subsequent advanced training.

Tasks of the personnel department

The main task of the personnel department is to correctly take into account the work of employees, determine the number of working, weekends and sick days for calculating salaries, vacations and submitting information to the accounting department of the organization.

The main tasks of the Human Resources Department are:

    organizing the selection, recruitment and hiring of personnel with the necessary qualifications and in the required volume. The selection of employees is carried out using specially developed strategies: from submitting information about vacancies to the media and employment services to the application of selection, testing, adaptation procedures for specialists and subsequent advanced training;

    creation effective system staff members;

    development of career plans for employees;

    development of personnel technologies.

In addition, the personnel department must submit information about employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Insurance companies, Tax and Migration Service.

Functions of the Human Resources Department

The main function of the personnel department in the enterprise is the selection of personnel.

The main functions of the personnel department in the enterprise include:

    determination of the needs of the organization in personnel and selection of personnel together with the heads of departments;

    analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to combat high level fluidity;

    introduction of labor motivation systems;

    preparation of the staffing of the enterprise;

    registration of personal files of employees, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of employees;

    carrying out operations with work books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);

    keeping records of vacations, scheduling and registration of vacations in accordance with current labor legislation;

    organization of employee attestation;

    preparation of staff development plans.

HR structure

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number is determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity.

In small companies (up to 100 employees), one or two HR employees are sufficient.

At the same time, in small enterprises there may not be an individual employee, and then such work is performed by the chief accountant or general director.

In medium-sized organizations (from 100 employees to 500 people), it is advisable to create a personnel department of personnel from three to four personnel specialists

In large enterprises with 500 or more employees, the personnel department may have from 7 to 10 employees.

Relationship between HR and other departments

To effectively perform its functions, the personnel service needs to constantly and closely interact with other departments of the enterprise:

Interaction with the accounting department of the organization

The personnel department interacts with the organization's accounting department to resolve issues related to remuneration.

So, the personnel department submits documents and copies of orders for dismissal, employment, business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees to the accounting department of the organization.

Liaison with the legal department

The legal department provides employees of the personnel department with information about the latest changes in the current legislation, and provides comprehensive legal support.

Interaction with other divisions of the company

On personnel issues, the personnel department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the company.

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Human resources department: details for the accountant

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Responsibility for the selection of employees of the company lies entirely with the personnel manager. The recruitment and evaluation process is as precise as any other management activity.

On the way to the success of the company, personnel really decide, if not everything, then a lot, and the founders of the company understand this well. The growth of competition, the improvement of technologies, the struggle for the consumer and the quality of products force the company's managers to reconsider a set of management issues in a new way. The requirements for the worker are also changing. Human potential, the manager's ability to correctly set a goal and effectively manage labor resources turn into main factor organization's success. Human Resources- these are all employees of the company, including production and management personnel (managers and specialists).

A special role in attracting highly professional personnel to the organization, and increasing the production, creative output and activity of personnel, developing and implementing a program for the development of the organization's personnel, identifying management methods by human resourses and the development of labor potential is currently played by personnel services - centers for the development and implementation of the firm's labor strategy.

It means that personnel work is no longer considered as a purely administrative one (issuing orders for the recruitment of employees selected by a higher manager, storing personnel information, etc.) and carried out independently of other managerial functions.

Currently, it should help develop the business through the recruitment of highly skilled workers, career planning, performance appraisal and pay improvement.

The personnel service must know the economic needs of the organization and, in this regard, consider its activities in cooperation with other services and departments. The result of the activities of the personnel service should be greater involvement of people in business, knowledge of their duties and responsibilities, development of labor potential, and a favorable psychological climate. That is, a process occurs when the function of personnel management of human resources changes from passive assistance to an active decision in the economic issues of the organization.

Personnel management, that is, work with personnel, considers people as the property of the organization, the assets of the organization, human capital, a resource that, like other resources, must be effectively used to achieve the goals of the company; it implies less control over employees, but more motivation and stimulation of work. The importance of this work is obvious.

The main objectives of the personnel department:

1. Analysis of the labor market. The labor market is an important multifaceted area of ​​the economic and economic-political life of society. On the labor market, the value of the labor force is assessed, the conditions for its employment are determined, including the amount of wages, working conditions, job security, the possibility of obtaining education, professional growth, etc.

2. Formation of personnel of the organization (planning, recruitment, selection and hiring, adaptation of employees, release, analysis of turnover, etc.);

3. Unconditional orientation to the requirements of labor legislation;

4. Development of employees (professional orientation and retraining, assessment of the professional activities of personnel, organization of career advancement);

5. Analysis of costs and results of labor;

6. Improving the organization of labor and its stimulation;

7. Creation of a good socio-psychological climate. The climate of the team is the predominant and relatively stable mental attitude of the team, which finds diverse forms of manifestation in all its life activities.

8. Creation of safe working conditions. Occupational safety is the state of working conditions, in which the impact on workers of dangerous and harmful production factors is excluded.

9. Development of a system of labor motivation. Motivation can be considered one of the management methods, an integral part of the management process, aimed at achieving a specific management goal - to make people work effectively.

10. Taking into account not only the current, but also the future needs of the organization in personnel, based on the tasks of its development, the forecast of market conditions and the trend of the natural movement of labor;

11. Broad cooperation with trade unions;

12. Development of social and pension policy of the organization;

13. Conflict resolution;

14.Maximum care for every person, respect for his rights, freedoms, dignity;

15. Reward system.

In Soviet times, the duties of the personnel department were only office work and reporting. The changed modern economy requires a more serious approach to personnel work. Although the HR department is component the overall functionality of the enterprise, the work of personnel officers significantly affects the life of the organization. The basic law of the personnel officer is the regulation on the personnel department. It should reflect all the principles and nuances of work, because errors in personnel records management often become the cause of litigation, fines and instructions from supervisory authorities.

Why do you need a human resources department

The Human Resources Department is an independent structural subdivision companies. In small companies, a lawyer or a secretary can take over the HR work, but it should be mentioned that the responsibilities of an HR officer increase every year. For this, you need to “thank” the various departments of the state, which are constantly modernizing or developing more and more new forms of reporting documents that complicate office procedures, which leads to an increase in paperwork.

Today, personnel work includes not only office work, but also work directly with a person. After all, the well-coordinated work of the company as a whole depends on the qualifications of the employee. Now there is a shortage of engineers and technical workers. A competent personnel officer will not wait for qualified personnel to appear on their own, but will look for them and select them for a specific staff unit.

Why do you need OK

Thus, QA is the most important link in ensuring main task enterprises- the production of goods or services for the purpose of providing consumers and making a profit. No staff needed - no profit .

It is clear that a lawyer or a secretary simply will not be able to perform all the tasks of the personnel department, especially in conditions of "churn". Therefore, you should not chase two birds with one stone, because if a part-time worker makes mistakes in personnel documents, the organization faces a fine of 50 thousand - and this is for every mistake.

Goals and objectives of the personnel department

The capacious concept of “HR Department” is often difficult to tie to the scale of small enterprises, where the number of employees is comparable to the scale of the tasks being solved. However, no one canceled issues related to the main activities of the OK. Therefore the decision personnel issues“falls” on the head of either the founders, or is entrusted to a hired director. What if they don't have any experience? This is what happens in life. The success of a business in such conditions is fundamentally dependent on the degree of understanding of personnel work.. The statistics of closing small enterprises reflects the inability in most cases to establish personnel work.

The conclusion is simple - the personnel department in one form or another must solve its inherent tasks. Let it be even one person in a small enterprise, but this person should not be random. Only a person who understands the specifics of working with personnel is able to provide smooth operation enterprises. This person does not need to have a degree. It is quite possible to grow a personnel officer in the course of the formation of an enterprise. If only a person had a desire to understand this work.

Goals and objectives OK

The goals and objectives of the personnel officer are to provide the enterprise with employees to solve production plans.

However, the long-term practice of the work of the OK shows that these goals and objectives are actually quite extensive.

A staff member has many responsibilities. AT large organizations several units work in the personnel department, For example:

  • HR manager;
  • clerk;
  • timekeeper;
  • personnel manager;
  • and the head of the department, who coordinates the work.

Each HR department has its own responsibilities. HR manager should:

  • supply the enterprise with employees, according to the staffing table;
  • communicate with recruitment agencies and the labor exchange;
  • form a personnel reserve.

Clerk it is necessary:

  • register the reception, transfer, combination, dismissal of an employee;
  • fill, receive, issue, store work books and issue copies of them to employees;
  • draw up vacation schedules;
  • arrange vacations, call from vacations;
  • receive and issue sick leave;
  • prepare personnel orders and acquaint employees with them.


  • draws up and calculates timesheets;
  • draw up certificates of absence from work.

HR manager:

  • monitors the implementation of the rules of the labor schedule (fixes absenteeism, lateness, violation of discipline);
  • organizes training and advanced training of personnel;
  • provides certification of workplaces (if the enterprise does not have a labor protection engineer).

Chief OK:

  • coordinates the work of the entire department;
  • prepares reports requested by state and municipal departments;
  • draws up the nomenclature of the affairs of the department;
  • draws up a staffing table.

As you can see, personnel work is not only work with papers (of which everything is added), but also work with people. BUT in order for the work to be coordinated, it is necessary to develop a clear algorithm. For this you need position on the personnel department, which fully describes personnel records management.

Regulations on the personnel department

This is a document in strict accordance with which the personnel officer must work. in a clear position
is prescribed:

  • the structure of the personnel department;
  • its goals and objectives;
  • rights of OK employees;
  • relationships with other departments of the company;
  • responsibility of OK employees.

The position must be approved by order of the head of the company and stored in the affairs of the personnel department.

Regulations on OK

The position outlines all the duties of the department, but if in staffing there are several OK employees, their duties are indicated in job descriptions or directly in employment contracts.

For your comfort you can download the regulation on the personnel department (sample), just keep in mind that sample - typical. It is better to develop a position specifically for your company, where all its features are taken into account. Some personnel officers work on labor protection, payroll, and work with other documentation of the enterprise. Therefore, these responsibilities should also be included in the position.