How to update an old sofa yourself. How to update upholstered furniture yourself? Tips. Old Furniture: Awesome Ideas to Renovate and Restore Furniture at No Cost

Everyone wants warmth and comfort. Sometimes the atmosphere ceases to please the eye and you want something new. But what if the budget does not allow high costs to buy new furniture. How expensive is a change of scenery? Simple enough by doing minor repairs, after pasting the wallpaper, to match them with a budget refresh upholstered furniture.

Consider available options for budget upgrades. It is not difficult to do this with your own hands, in a short time. It just takes a little creativity.

sofa cushions

Sometimes it takes very little to update. Just update and sew new ones sofa cushions if they didn't exist at all. They give a completely different accent to the sofa and armchairs. Everyone can handle tailoring. The main thing is to choose colors and combine them correctly with the upholstery and furnishings in general.


One of the first ideas that come to mind after solving an update. Buy or sew covers. Decided to buy? It is worth looking in stores, they often hold various promotions and sales. You can pick up not expensive beautiful covers.

Sewing covers will not cost much if you sew well yourself. The fabric can be inexpensively chosen in the color you need. And with ease to sew, the sizes of the desired fabric and the principles are on the Internet.

Furniture upholstery

The decision to change the upholstery is quite difficult. In the event that the sofa sank, and the upholstery was torn in places. The cover will no longer save and you can’t just decorate holes just like that, you should think about constriction. You can do this yourself at home.

What is required for this:

  • fabric - it should be taken with a margin;
  • foam rubber for squeezed places;
  • wide flat screwdriver;
  • furniture stapler;

  • staples;
  • pliers;
  • an anti-stapler, if not, a narrow flat screwdriver will do;
  • spanners from 8-19mm.;
  • wire cutters;
  • side cutters;
  • buttons - if they are present in the decor;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

Everything is? So let's start.

  1. To begin with, we find a place where everything is fastened with an anti-stapler or a narrow screwdriver, helping ourselves with pliers, we begin to remove the staples. Be careful with upholstery, it can then be used as a pattern for new upholstery.
  2. Disassemble into components - seat, backrest, armrests.
  3. Whether to change the old foam rubber, if it has not yet lost its properties, is up to you. But best solution completely change it, since a lot of dirt has accumulated in it and various residents may have already settled. Using the old foam rubber, you can cut out a new filler on it.
  4. Worn and broken parts should be replaced.
  5. Now it's up to the tailoring. Taking the old upholstery as a template, we cut out new details. We sew all the necessary details.
  6. If the sofa has complex elements and geometry, strings should be sewn into the fabric in places where they were previously on the old upholstery.
  7. Now gently return the filler to its place. We begin to tighten all the details - the back, seat, armrests, stretch the fabric well and fix it with a stapler.
  8. It remains to collect the entire structure in place. Ready!

Depending on what result you want and how you decide to update your furniture. You can completely change the atmosphere of a room and home. The result will please you.

Please write in the comments which option is closer to you. What other inexpensive upgrade options do you know? What did you change yourself for a comfortable environment?

Even the most quality furniture in the process of intensive use, it fails or loses its former attractiveness. There is no need to immediately get rid of it after the purchases made. There are many ways in which you can update interior items. You don't even need a master for restoration. It is quite possible to fix a sofa with your own hands. Below are methods that will help give things an updated look.

If a thing has lost its former attractiveness, you can return it to its original appearance through a number of tricks.

How to update old sofa:

How is furniture upholstery done?

Essentially, this procedure is overhaul furniture. If you try, you can get almost new furniture from an old sofa, fully consistent with the ideas of an ideal piece of furniture.

This work is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, even if you are not House master. To restore a leather sofa, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary fixtures and materials.

For stretching you will need:

  • screwdrivers and pliers (they are needed to remove old staples);
  • a set of wrenches designed for nuts and bolts; tape measure (without it it is impossible to take measurements);
  • construction or pneumatic stapler;
  • staples (6-10 mm. In this situation, everything depends on the thickness and density of the material that will be used to upholster the repaired item);
  • trash bags.

To sew a new sofa cover you will need:

  • upholstery fabric (or leatherette) and lining fabric;
  • tailor's scissors;
  • special crayons for the material (in extreme cases, you can take remnants);
  • reinforced threads;
  • ruler;
  • paper for creating patterns;
  • sewing machine.

How to remake furniture at home?

Just follow the instructions:

Stage I: we begin to restore the furniture with its disassembly, which involves unscrewing and removing the locks, as well as detaching the old brackets that were needed to fix the upholstery on the frame. Be sure to keep garbage bags on hand to remove dust and old filler immediately.

It is necessary to remove all unusable parts and debris

Stage II: holding repair work and replacement of parts that have become unusable. In fact, the restoration of an old but beloved sofa is possible if you pick up the right spare parts. If you notice that cracks have appeared on the beams that form the frame, this indicates that their useful life has come to an end. It should be replaced by choosing solid beams. If desired, they can be ordered to a carpenter or prepared independently. In order for the alteration to be done with high quality, the joints of the beams should be registered using PVA glue. If you notice broken parts, then they also need to be repaired or new ones installed by sawing them with a jigsaw.

If necessary, it is worth replacing the beams

For their subsequent fixation, the master uses nails or a pneumatic stapler. This tool will be needed if you decide to return the furniture to its original form. Often, springs break during operation. We repair them by completely replacing the blocks. Sometimes this is the only solution that is suitable for bringing your favorite bedchairs back to normal.

Stage III: replacement of the filler, which is often foam rubber. Over time, it becomes caked, and becomes unsuitable for further use. We restore the seat by removing the old material and covering the new one. How to restore the seat? Only in this way, although it can be made easier by leaving the old filler if it is in good condition.

Foam rubber replacement is a mandatory step

Stage IV: replacement of locks is an obligatory stage in the restoration of furniture.

At the final stage, a new cover is sewn and fixed on a piece of furniture. According to the same scheme, repairs of sofas such as Britannica, as well as armchairs, are carried out.

Replacing the upholstery with a new one How to make a pattern for a sofa

If such work seems burdensome to you, the master who is engaged in repair will help. leather sofas at home. He knows exactly how to restore furniture.

Marina Chief designer HEGGI

There are several decorating options that will update your sofa without a complex restoration. You can purchase ready-made covers, picking them up under existing size and design. Ready-made covers are offered by some factories in a large assortment. And you can sew the cover yourself, it's easier than constriction. The easiest option is to cover the old sofa with a blanket or blanket and decorate problem areas with pillows. The choice of these accessories in stores is very wide!

Sofa restoration: how to update an old sofa yourself

If upholstered furniture has ceased to suit you, because it is dilapidated or outdated in appearance, it is not necessary to buy new thing, can be done do-it-yourself sofa restoration .

We note right away that in order to update the sofa, you need to have at least some skills in working with tools and a sewing machine. In this case, even if you use other technologies, the result can be quite good. But if you don’t even have basic skills, then you shouldn’t mess with updating the sofa yourself, especially if the model is complex or expensive.

To restore the sofa, you will need tools that you need to stock up in advance:

    Kit screwdriver (flat and cross), which remove the old fasteners;

    Hexagonal keys if the structure has bolted connections;

    Side cutters, wire cutters, jigsaw;

    Building stapler and paper clips to secure new upholstery or a shoe hammer and furniture nails;

    Sewing machine , tailor's scissors, chalk or marker, threads to match the fabric, needles.

Stages of the waist

The upholstery of an old sofa must go through 5 stages in sequence:

1. Sofa disassembly on the individual elements: pillows, backrest, sidewalls, etc.
2. Removal old upholstery
3. Cutting new upholstery
4. Fitting
5. Assembly sofa.

If a " achievement list» furniture for more than 7 years, you will have to update not only the upholstery, but also the springs, backrest or sidewall elements.

Let's consider each stage separately.

Stage 1. Disassembly

To properly disassemble an old sofa, use instruction or photo of this model which you can find on the Internet. Usually, the backrest is removed first, then the sides and the seat.

If the back was made of chipboard, then we are looking for places where the material has crumbled, and remove those pieces . With a pencil and a ruler, we mark out a patch from a new piece of chipboard, thinner than the main one. The area of ​​the patch should be slightly larger than the old size. Jigsaw cut out two identical patches . We put the back on the screws, and on each side of the back we put patches on the same screws. Then we tighten this "pie" with nuts. At the same time tighten all other screws and screws weakened during the operation of the sofa.

Stage 2. Removing the old upholstery

Using a side cutter, an anti-stapler and a screwdriver, stripping off the old upholstery . Your goal is to keep as much as possible old stuff. If this can be done, you will get excellent patterns for new patterns.

At the same time, consider springs or other frame fillers . If the filler is worn out, it is better to replace the entire or worn part.

Stage 3. Pattern

We make new patterns by overlaying the old pattern on the fabric. upholstery material. Pay attention to how much seam allowance was given, and sew the elements taking into account this distance. It is best to draw a line of the future seam along the old marks with chalk, bast, and then sew where necessary.

You need to cut out taking into account the pattern and direction of the pile. If the pattern of the new fabric is small, no adjustment is required, large drawing may need to be combined decorative elements, so the fabric consumption will be more.

Choose a fabric based on the design of the room and the type of filler. If the “filling” of the sofa is foam rubber, then for the upholstery you should choose a fabric with an average thread tension. If there is cotton wool inside, fluff, then the fabric should be well stretched. For the spring seat, you can choose dense fabrics.

The most popular fabrics for upholstery of upholstered furniture are tapestry, jacquard and velor. They look great, are practical to care for and are easy to process. Find out about the density of fabrics when buying or on the Internet. Avoid rough fabrics even if you liked them by design. It's hard to work with them.

The combination of companion fabrics will decorate your sofa , but it will require more skill, and it is better for beginners not to mess with leatherette, it is so different in quality characteristics that only an experienced person can find a “common language” with him.

Stage 4. Tightening

Here you will need mechanical stapler . We tuck the fabric on one side and fix it with staples to the wooden frame. If there is an edge, then you do not need to tuck. Staples should be placed with a frequency of 3 cm, the direction of the staples is perpendicular or parallel to the edge. Having fixed the fabric on one side, go to the opposite edge. You can first bait the upholstery with 3-4 staples to make sure that it lies flat without moving, and then go through the staples around the entire perimeter.

Before finalizing the cutting sides, turn the corners in . If the corners cannot be stapled, sew them carefully blind seam manually. It is very important to stretch the fabric evenly so that there are no wrinkles on the surface in the future. Similarly, you need to update all other parts of the sofa.

Stage 5. Assembly.

Assembly is done in order reverse process disassembly. Be careful not to confuse the left and right parts. If this is important, then when disassembling them, it is better to mark them. Take a photo

I propose to get acquainted with my monster sofa. This is a very common model, in my opinion, it is comfortable, but there is a nuance - upholstery. We wanted light skin, but by chance, fashionable eco-leather was chosen, but in fact dermantin ... Everything was fine for about a year and a half, and then cracks began, these cracks grew into small holes, and then .... Alas and ah. So, a photo of the victim:

Changing the sofa was not included in our budget, but it was simply impossible to live like that. I decided to change the upholstery and replace the pillows (these are too hard) with ordinary ones: either a feather or a synthetic winterizer. I advise you to choose dense synthetic winterizers for these purposes - they keep their shape well, do not settle down.

I will partially change the upholstery, I will not touch the frame itself, because. material is there looking good Plus it washes well. Under the shift will go: 2 stationary parts of the sofa and one part retractable. Those that are stationary, with a screed, I will leave it, but I will do it with buttons (I have long wanted to). Regarding the choice of material for upholstery: in principle, you can use the usual fabric you like, but still I advise you to take upholstery, it is much denser and has higher wear resistance, which is important in the case of a sofa. I chose chenille for the warp and jacquard chenille for decorative pillows. Sometimes they are found in ordinary fabric stores, but it is better to contact professional stores. There huge selection for absolutely every taste. The prices are very different, I advise you to pay attention to the “leftovers”, in many stores there is a measuring flap, where you can buy excellent materials at bargain prices. These “residues” come in quite large sizes (for example, one of the offered pieces of my fabric was 21.5 m). The fabric that I liked cost 300 r / meter, width 140. Here it is:

So, for work we need:

- a furniture stapler (I have the most common one, it costs about 600 rubles);

- staples for a stapler (6 mm seemed small to me, and 12 were too large, so I took 8 mm), 150 rubles / 1000 pcs.;

- sewing machine;

- upholstery fabric (took 9.5 meters, along with delivery 3200 rubles);

- threads No. 20;

- zippers on pillows;

- scissors;

- marker;

- a tool for removing old staples (I used a screwdriver and pliers);

- pins;

- buttons (at your discretion, a dense “leg” is required);

- a cord for a coupler (I used waxed).

To begin with, we disassemble the sofa:

I have 3 seats. Two with a coupler, one of which is L-shaped with inside corner, the second is rectangular, and the third is rectangular without a tie that extends (with a handle). We start with a rectangular one with ties. We remove the material with which the wrong side is closed, cut off old coupler and remove the old upholstery:

Next we do necessary measurements and cut out the desired piece of fabric (in length: pillow length + pillow height * 2, similar in width) with an allowance of at least 5 cm on each side. We place the fabric on the floor face down, on top of it we put part of our sofa. You need to decide how to handle the corners. Or by folding:

Or we'll mess up. I will scribble, because if the corners are made by folding, I have the idea of ​​working “on hastily", it looks somehow .... Not so short. Yes, and these folds of fabric are a hotbed for any "evil spirits".

In order to do everything neatly, I proceed as follows: I lay out the fabric on the floor, put a pillow on top, fold the fabric and fix it with masking tape, so that the corners remain outside:

Then I take a ruler, leaning it on the floor, leaning it against the sofa on both sides of the corner and making notches from the inside:

Based on these notches, draw a rectangle and combine the drawn lines and cut them off:

It is better to chip off along the line (I forgot to take a picture) so that you can try it on, or sweep along it.

Trying on:

It is important that during the fitting, the fabric is put on with little effort. If all is well, we go to scribble corners. My line runs 5 mm from the intended line in the direction of decreasing the upholstery, this is necessary so that the fabric sits tightly and the corners do not “run away” anywhere during subsequent tension. I made a straight line, so that later the corners would be slightly soft, or you can round the ends a little (just a little, no more than a couple of centimeters down from the corner).

We try on, cut off the excess (I cut along the already drawn line, you get wonderful patchwork blanks 🙂

Initially, I had holes in the foam rubber for a screed, but I didn’t have such a long needle, so I used ordinary tubes as assistants. We put the pillow on its side and insert the tubes into the holes:

For convenience, it is better to shorten them later so that they stick out a little from the sofa on both sides.

I have 5 lines with 3 buttons each. I advise you to do the minimum number of buttons per piece of rope - so the tension will be better. We fasten the cord to the frame in a zigzag (we do not regret the staples) and begin to make a screed. I recommend starting with middle line, then the line higher and higher, then turn the pillow over and move in the same way from the farthest to the nearest line. Unfortunately, there is no photo of the process, because. 2 hands are needed (and even better if there is an assistant), but everything is quite simple: a needle with a threaded cord with bottom side we push the pillows (which is in the photo above) through the tube through the foam rubber, take out the needle, pierce the fabric at the mark, put on the button, and draw the needle in the opposite direction, move the tube along the cord and cut it off, then into the next tube and so on in order. When we have completed the row, we tighten it well so that the buttons “drown” a little, helping ourselves to “drown” them from the front side, while making sure that they “drown” evenly. The row was completed, secured in the same way with a zigzag. We repeat right amount times and we get:

This photo shows only one side. First furniture stapler we fix the fabric along the line of buttons, and then, if everything suits us, we can fix it around the perimeter. When tensioning, keep in mind that the fabric must be stretched very tightly and evenly (so that the foam rubber does not “sink”). Look at the previous one in the photo - the first two lines along the buttons are stretched well, but the next 3 are overtightened (instead of a line, a plane turned out). If this happens, you need to loosen the tension a little.

We pass around the perimeter and get:

We turn it face down, close the reverse side with a cloth, we place the staples close enough. I did not take pictures, I think everything is clear.

We cut / sew in the order already described, before fixing with a stapler, we cut the fabric in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis rounding and fix it:

And fix with a stapler.

For the handle, you need a piece 60-70 cm long and 15 cm wide (wider / narrower, as you prefer). Fold the edges to the center along the handle:

Then fold in half lengthwise again and sew as close to the edge as possible. We fix the handle in its place, we do not regret the staples.

We get such a result.

A thorough renovation of the room during the renovation will be incomplete if you do not take care of its furnishings. You can, of course, buy a completely new image of the premises new headset. But is it worth it to categorically refuse an old chest of drawers or a grandmother's canape, if they are dear to you and can still serve faithfully?

You can make a stylish, bright designer thing out of an old sofa, you need to paint the base and drag the soft part.

However, this will require some effort on your own. Surely you will immediately have to decide how to update the sofa with your own hands, since this thing is one of the most common pieces of furniture for any home. Therefore, it is quite natural if the reincarnation of a somewhat outdated interior on new way it starts with the sofa.

Materials and tools necessary for work

Qualitatively and quickly update the sofa will help the following materials, tools and fixtures that it is advisable to stock up in advance:

For furniture upholstery you will need: a drill, a screwdriver, a ruler, a knife, scissors, a hammer, a stapler, furniture nails.

  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • a set of locksmith keys;
  • pliers;
  • side cutters;
  • wire cutters;
  • mounting stapler;
  • hammer for shoemaking;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • marker (chalk);
  • needles and threads;
  • furniture nails.

Preparatory operations: disassembly, checking springs, pattern

To carry out a full cycle of restoration, the old sofa must first be disassembled. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out disassembly in a certain order in order to perform work with high quality. In many cases, this will not be difficult to do, since manufacturers most often make cabinet sofas, which greatly facilitates repair and restoration operations.

Sofa design.

Pillows, backs, ottomans and other overhead elements on it are removed from the specified item. Then, with a screwdriver and side cutters (pliers), remove the old upholstery. This should be done very carefully, since worn-out fabric can tear from careless movement, and it will later be needed intact.

After "bare" inner space it is necessary to check the integrity and operability wooden frame, springs and filler. Cracked or rotten frame bars are replaced with new ones. Also, metal springs are replaced without repair (if, of course, they are present in the sofa) in case of severe wear, weakness or cracks.

When restoring upholstered furniture, it is desirable to change the filler, regardless of its appearance. The fact is that foam rubber, which is most often used as a material for the specified sofa component, is a very short-lived raw material.

Since in last years industry has developed many different modern materials for sphere furniture production, it is recommended to take one of these materials instead of foam rubber, such as latex or polyurethane foam. For our case, these polymers are valuable in that they are designed for a long service life and perfectly “keep” a given shape. At the same time on the auxiliary upholstery internal elements frame, hidden from the human eye, dense and cheap matter (burlap, cotton fabric, etc.) will go.

Now you can start designing the pattern for the new upholstery. As a kind of pattern for it, the fabric of the old upholstery is used. It is for this reason that when removing it from the frame, it should be treated with particular care.

It is better to mark the removed upholstery where it was, and using it to carve out a new one.

It is strongly recommended that all removed upholstery fragments be marked exactly where they were located on the sofa and carefully laid out on the floor. This will make it easier to determine the total volume of new fabric that will have to be bought for the waist.

After the fabric is purchased, new blanks are made from the old patches. Subsequently, they will need to be sewn, keeping the pattern and paying attention to the quality of the lines.

Hauling old furniture: procedure

Refresh soft sofa with your own hands - this means to make its constriction.

This term denotes complete replacement outdated fabric "cover" with a new coating in compliance with all technological nuances, which were used in the initial assembly of the sofa.

By the way, experts advise doing this periodically every 5-10 years. Approximately for such a period, the fabric and frame wear out a lot, and the owner of the specified item begins another rearrangement in his apartment. And if he does not get the feeling that the sofa is obsolete, then the new zigzag of fashion will force a person to take up updating his furnishings.

To update the framework use wooden blocks the same size, they are nailed in several places.

The hauling process begins with the installation of new rigid frame elements - bars and springs. To replace damaged wooden elements new bars must be cut in strict accordance with the dimensions of the old ones. When installed, apply metal fasteners and furniture glue. It is better to select suitable springs without special skills with the help of specialists.

The cut new fabric fragments along the edges must first be stitched on sewing machine. After that, they are placed in the places where their former "twins" were previously located. Then they are nailed to the frame with furniture nails or with a stapler, all the while bending the edges of the fabric inward so that rough, ugly seams do not form. At the same time, the fabric should be constantly stretched.

According to another version of the constriction, original covers should be sewn from fabric blanks, corresponding in shape and size to the upholstery of the seats and the back of the sofa. When the covers are ready, they are simply put on the indicated designs and sewn up. In conclusion, the individual removable parts of the sofa are assembled in the reverse order of disassembly. Refurbished or new decorative linings, pillows are attached to the updated furniture.

The choice of fabric upholstery for the sofa

Upholstery fabric should be durable, but at the same time soft and pleasant to the touch.

Another serious problem for someone who updates the sofa with his own hands is what kind of fabric to choose in order to upholster his old upholstered furniture with high quality. And here it is necessary to use not only an aesthetic sense, but also practical sanity. After all, upholstery fabric should not only please the eye with its ideal colors. It must also have excellent strength, otherwise the age of the material subjected to daily stress and stretching will not be long.

For this reason, rough canvas and synthetics, which are prone to rapid and strong stretching, are undesirable. You should be extremely careful if you have an idea to upholster a sofa with a leather substitute. Its quality is not always identical to the quality of genuine leather, but strong and often bad smell makes leatherette inapplicable in living rooms.

To the most common and proven with better side materials include upholstery made of cotton tapestry, jacquard, velor, microfiber. In any case, when choosing a fabric for a sofa cover, one must proceed from the fact that during operation it should not fade, smell bad, and should have a strong pile. And the color and pattern, of course, should be stylistically in harmony with the surrounding interior.

A stapler is used to attach the fabric to the body.

To make it easier to understand how to update the sofa without errors, it is recommended that even before the moment of its disassembly and during the upholstery, take photos and videos of everything that happens. In this case, it will be possible to peep how one or another structural element looked before disassembly.

If the upholstery and the condition of the frame allow them to continue to be used without dismantling and a new upholstery, furniture renewal can be limited to cleaning from dirt and stains. In the first case, a vacuum cleaner and moistened cloths are used. In the second, you will have to use special chemical stain removers and a soft brush (sponge).

In the absence of proper experience in upholstering upholstered furniture, it is recommended that you first practice on simpler objects, for example, on an old stool. In this case, it is better to take the material as cheap as possible.

In any case, whether the master has the relevant experience or not, it is advised to give preference to simpler patterns.

Thus, knowing better basics work on updating upholstered furniture, you can more confidently take on the restoration of an old sofa. This is a tricky business, but an interesting one. It is sure to bring a lot of pleasure to a creative person.