Poster for the theater week based on the fairy tale "A fairy tale in a new way" The wolf and the seven kids

» » Wolf and kids (Wolf and seven kids)

ila - was a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass, to drink icy water.

As soon as he leaves, the kids will lock up the hut and won't go anywhere themselves.

The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings:

Goats, kids!
Open up, open up!

Milk runs along the notch,
From a notch on a hoof,
From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids will unlock the door and let the mother in. She will feed them, give them a drink, and again go into the forest, and the kids will lock themselves tightly - firmly.

The wolf overheard the goat singing. Once the goat left, the wolf ran to the hut and shouted in a thick voice:

You kids!
You goats!
open up
Open up!
Your mother has come
She brought milk.
Hooves full of water!

The goats answer him:
- We hear, we hear - yes, this is not mother’s voice! Our mother sings in a thin voice and laments not so.
The wolf has nothing to do. He went to the smithy and ordered his throat to be reforged so that he could sing in a thin voice. The blacksmith cut his throat. the wolf again ran to the hut and hid behind a bush.
Here comes the goat and knocks:

Goats, kids!
Open up, open up!
Your mother came - she brought milk;
Milk runs along the notch,
From a notch on a hoof,
From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids let their mother in and let's talk about how the wolf came and wanted to eat them.

The goat fed and watered the kids and severely - severely punished:
- Whoever comes to the hut, begins to ask in a thick voice and does not go over everything that I recite to you - do not open the door, do not let anyone in.
As soon as the goat left, the wolf again walked to the hut, knocked and began to lament in a thin voice:

Goats, kids!
Open up, open up!
Your mother came - she brought milk;
Milk runs along the notch,
From a notch on a hoof,
From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut and ate all the kids. Only one kid was buried in the stove.

A goat comes: no matter how much she calls, or laments, no one answers her.
She sees - the door is open, she ran into the hut - there is no one there. I looked into the oven and found one kid there.
How the goat found out about her misfortune, how she sat on the bench - she began to grieve, cry bitterly:

Oh, you are my kids, goats!
What they unlocked - they opened,
Did the bad wolf get it?

The wolf heard this, entered the hut and said to the goat:
- What are you sinning against me, godfather? I didn't eat your goats. Full of grief, let's go to the forest, take a walk.
They went into the forest, and there was a hole in the forest, and a fire was burning in the hole. The goat says to the wolf:
- Come on, wolf, let's try, who will jump over the hole?
They began to jump. The goat jumped over, and the wolf jumped, and fell into a hot hole.

Once upon a time there was a goat, and she had seven kids, and she loved them like any mother loves her children.
Once she had to go to the forest to get food, and so she called the goats and said:
- Dear children, I need to visit the forest, so you beware of the wolf without me! After all, if he comes here, he will eat you. This villain pretends not to be a wolf, but you recognize him by his gruff voice and his black paws.
The goats replied:

- Dear mother, we will watch out, and you go, don't worry about us.

Then the goat left. A little time had passed after her departure, when someone knocked on the door of the house and shouted:
- Unlock, dear children, your mother came and brought everyone a gift.
But the kids, by their rough voice, understood that it was a wolf, and shouted:
- We will not open, you are not our mother! Her voice is thin, gentle, and your voice is rough! You are a wolf!
Then the Wolf went to the shopkeeper, bought a large piece of chalk from him, ate it - and his voice became thin.
He returned again to the kids and knocked
- Unlock, dear children, your mother has come, she has brought you presents.
And he leaned his black paws on the windowsill, the kids saw this and shouted:
- We won’t open it, our mother doesn’t have black paws and her voice is even thinner! You are a wolf!

Then the wolf went to the blacksmith and said:
“Forge me a new throat so that I can speak in a thin voice.
Then the wolf ran to the baker and said:
- I injured my paw, smear it with dough for me
And when the baker fulfilled his desire, the wolf ran to the miller and said:
- Sprinkle flour on my paws.
The miller noticed something was wrong and wanted to dissuade the wolf, but the wolf growled:
- If you don't, I'll eat you.
The miller was frightened and whitened his paws with flour.

Here the wolf went for the third time to the same door, knocked and tightened:
- Unlock, kids, your mother came back and brought a little hotel from the forest.
The goats screamed:
- First show us what paw you have, so that we know that you are our mother!
Then he showed his paw through the window, and when they saw that it was white, they believed it and unlocked the door.

The kids saw the wolf and were frightened - they fled to hide. However, the wolf found them all and very quickly dealt with them: he swallowed one by one. Only the youngest could not be found.

Having eaten his fill, he calmly left the house, stretched out on a large meadow under a tree and fell asleep.
Soon the goat returned home from the forest. Oh, what did she see there!

The door is wide open: chairs, benches are overturned, the trough is broken, the blanket and pillows are torn.
She began to look for her kids, but she could not find them anywhere. She began to call them, and only the youngest got out and told her how the wolf came and ate all the kids.
A sad goat came out of the house, and the younger goat ran after her. As soon as they went out into the meadow, the goat saw that the wolf was lying by the tree and snoring so that the branches on the tree swayed from his snoring.
The goat walked around him and examined him from all sides, and saw that something was stirring in his swollen belly.
“Ah, Lord,” thought the goat, “are these my children? And they are still alive.

The goat pressed the belly of the wolf, and it burst - one goat immediately jumped out of there; and after him all the rest jumped out, and all were alive and well, because the wolf had swallowed them whole.

That was joy! And they began to caress their mother and dance around her.
And the goat said:
- Now, kids, let's go home as soon as the wolf wakes up.
But gray wolf didn't notice anything, didn't even move.
When the wolf slept, he felt a strong thirst, He decided to get to the well and get drunk. But because of the severe pain, he could only take a few steps. After resting, the wolf moved on when he came to the well and leaned over the water, about to drink, in pain he lost his balance and fell into the water.
And seven kids saw this, ran to their mother and said that the wolf had fallen into the well.
So the gray wolf was punished.

Once upon a time there lived a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass, to drink cold water. As soon as he leaves, the kids will lock up the hut and won't go anywhere themselves. The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings.

Once upon a time there lived a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass, to drink cold water. As soon as he leaves, the kids will lock up the hut and won't go anywhere themselves. The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings:

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids will unlock the door and let the mother in. She will feed them, give them a drink, and again go into the forest, and the kids will lock themselves tightly.

Once a wolf overheard a goat singing. Once the goat left, the wolf ran to the hut and shouted in a thick voice:

You kids!

You goats!

open up

open up

Your mother has come

She brought milk.

Hooves full of water!

The goats answer him:

The wolf has nothing to do. He went to the smithy and ordered his throat to be reforged so that he could sing in a thin voice. The blacksmith cut his throat. The wolf again ran to the hut and hid behind a bush.

Here comes the goat and knocks:

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came - she brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The kids let their mother in and let's talk about how the wolf came and wanted to eat them.

The goat fed and watered the kids and severely punished:

Whoever comes to the hut, begins to ask in a thick voice and does not go over everything that I recite to you - do not open the door, do not let anyone in.

As soon as the goat left, the wolf again walked to the hut, knocked and began to lament in a thin voice:

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came - she brought milk;

Milk runs along the notch,

From a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground!

The wolf rushed into the hut and swallowed all the goats. Only one kid was buried in the stove.

A goat comes, no matter how much she calls or laments - no one answers her. She sees - the door is open, she ran into the hut - there is no one there. I looked into the oven and found one kid.

How the goat found out about her misfortune, how she sat on the bench - she began to grieve, cry bitterly:

Oh you, my children, goats!

To which they opened, they opened,

Did the bad wolf get it?

The wolf heard this, entered the hut and said to the goat:

What are you sinning against me, godfather? I didn't eat your goats. Full of grief, let's go to the forest, take a walk.

They went into the forest, and there was a hole in the forest, and a fire was burning in the hole. The goat says to the wolf:

Come on, wolf, let's try, who will jump over the hole?

They began to jump. The goat jumped over, and the wolf jumped, and fell into a hot hole.

His belly burst from the fire, the kids jumped out of there, all alive, yes - jump to the mother! And they began to live, to live as before.

Download coloring pages in one archive:(downloads: 447)

This is another article from the “draw baby animals” series, and today we are learning to draw a kid. This skill will be useful to us more than once - after all, goats are found both in poetry and in fairy tales. Let's remember: "The wolf and the seven kids", "Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka". And the joke mentions:

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming.
Himself on a horse
wife on a cow
baby on calves
And grandchildren on goatlings.

So we need to not only learn how to draw a kid, but in theory it would be nice to have a lot of different kids in motion. Today we will draw two.

Fellow readers, if you want more, then write in the comments, I will gladly lengthen the lesson and add more drawings. For me - if only the people benefited.

And I’ll immediately explain that the second most frequent keyword is “coloring goat” and this will be a subtopic. That is: we learn to draw a goat and eventually get the coloring of the Goat - two-in-one.

Draw a goat - lesson 1

The first goat stands quietly. When illustrating fairy tales, artists often draw goats walking on two legs - well, a fairy-tale reality, but first we need to master the real reality and learn how to draw like in life. The goat that we are going to draw is small, pretty and very fluffy, the hair on it greatly hides the outlines of the body. The goatling stands sideways to the viewer and we are immediately struck by the fact that the croup is raised high - which means that the hind legs are much longer than the front ones. They are large and with pronounced folds and knotty joints. The front legs are straight, but also with knobby joints.

First, let's sketch with a pencil:

We start drawing from the largest - from the torso:

The hooves of goats are forked, but under the long hair of a kid, their structure cannot be seen. The tail is pulled up (by the way, how many photos of goats and kids have I watched - their tail with a pipe is a common thing).

The neck is not long, the head is turned full face. The kid is still very young, and his horns and beard have not begun to grow.

I always try to avoid geometric comparisons, but the muzzle of a kid cannot be called anything other than triangular: a high and wide forehead with large ears sticking out to the sides on the sides of the head, widely spaced eyes, a long nose with slit-like nostrils, under it a small mouth.

Here, we have the first coloring of the Goat :

How to draw a goat - lesson 2

The second kid leaned over and nibbling grass.

This pose will come in handy for us for illustrations for that episode in the fairy tale, when the kid runs along the lakeshore and calls his sister Alyonushka. So, the head is tilted, the back is hunched.

We draw the legs in the same way as in the previous picture. The elongated neck is rather long.

When viewed in profile, it is also immediately striking that in animals, unlike humans, the front part of the skull is much larger than the brain: the muzzle is large, the ears are on the top of the head and behind them there is very little nape. So here is the second drawing - coloring The kid was drawn:

Anna Kulikova

March 27 International Day theater established in 1961 by the IX Congress of the International Institute theater. And as a rule we have kindergarten passed theater week. Where are we with the children preparatory group and music director showed fairy tale. called Fairy tale on new way "The wolf and the seven Young goats". And the most important thing of course is Poster, which we did with the children, in order to invite parents to music hall for viewing fairy tales.

From the beginning, we printed pictures with heroes fairy tales, then they painted the semolina with gouache in the colors we needed. And our pictures were smeared with PVA glue, and semolina was poured different colors on our heroes.

The next day, when our heroes were dry and ready. We are on a sheet of drawing paper, Drawn in an unconventional way oak was applied with a sponge, we painted a birch with a brush, berries

we painted with fingers, we also drew a pointer for the fox with a brush. We glued our heroes, painted paths with pencils for them. Printed on a printer cut out: title fairy tales, invitation for parents. And our the poster is ready.

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