Curtains for the peach room of the kindergarten group. Making a music hall in a preschool educational institution: we show taste and imagination. How to arrange a stand in a music hall

Decorating the interior of a kindergarten is not an easy, but very important thing, because it is here that kids spend most of their time, grow and develop. The right curtains for kindergarten will help create a warm and cozy atmosphere, which should not only be safe and aesthetic, but also contribute to the development of kids.

Bright beautiful curtains with a spectacular design instill curiosity, good taste and creative thinking in the child, and the magnificent decor in the music room creates a festive mood and brings a touch of solemnity.

Idea! Bright pictures on the curtains in the stairwells will attract the attention of children, so that they will go up or down more slowly and more accurately.

How to choose curtains for kindergarten?

When choosing curtains in a preschool educational institution, it is worth considering the characteristics of such institutions, which impose special requirements on them.

  1. Both the materials of manufacture and the fasteners must be durable. While playing, the guys can hook them and pull. High-quality curtains and cornices will withstand such a load, will not tear or break.
  2. It is recommended to choose natural fabrics like cotton, linen, chintz or silk. They do not cause allergies and shed less in the sun. A veil is also widely used, which also perfectly transmits sunlight and makes the room bright and visually more spacious.
  3. Consider the practicality of the design. In kindergarten, curtains will often have to be washed and ironed. Well, if it will be convenient to do it. Leave complex models for the assembly hall, and hang simpler curtains in groups. The real salvation is collapsible models consisting of several blocks. It's much easier to deal with them.
  4. One of the main requirements is safety. Place small items such as laces, bows and pendants at a height inaccessible to children.
  5. The psyche of the child is arranged in such a way that it reacts very subtly to the environment. In this regard, it is worth approaching the choice of color palette with great responsibility. All shades should be pleasing to the eye and have a calming effect on the child.

Curtains for playgroups

They will fit well into the interior of game rooms with a simple pattern of the upper part in the form of flounces or a short gathered curtain. Simply transparent tulle or organza without unnecessary decorative elements would also be appropriate, but in this case, the material must be chosen especially high-quality, otherwise such a solution will look like a way to save money.

Curtains in a playgroup may be related to its name. In "Rainbow" they can be decorated with multi-colored ribbons, "Teremok" can be decorated in the spirit of your favorite fairy tale, and for "Flower" you can make applications in the form of daisies.

The decor of the curtains depends on the age group and the kindergarten program. In the manger they are decorated with images of birds and animals. For the middle group, bright accents and a riot of colors are suitable. For older children, discreet color combinations and educational drawings will be more relevant: letters, numbers, geometric shapes.

Many preschools emphasize family values, ecology or health as a priority in their program. This main theme can also be played up in the decor of curtains, diversifying it with thematic pictures and applications.

Curtains for the bedroom

In the bedroom, every day there is a need to darken the room for a comfortable sleep for children. Neat Roman curtains made of dense material, roll structures, blinds or thick curtains will be quite appropriate here.

For color design, calm pastel shades of blue, green, peach and other colors are chosen. Contrasts and flashy details should be abandoned; an atmosphere of silence and peace should reign in the room.

Idea! Do not stop at the choice of fabric and model of curtains. Match them with interesting accessories: ribbons, bows or decorative clips that children will look at as they fall asleep.

Curtains for the music hall of the kindergarten

It is customary to decorate the music hall in a classic style and neutral colors, because all the most significant events take place here and it is necessary to make a good impression on guests. The use of lambrequins in the assembly hall of a kindergarten is very common. This model emphasizes the solidity of the organization, looks elegant and impressive.

In the assembly hall, it often becomes necessary to divide the room into zones. It is usually necessary to separate the stage area, which is successfully obtained thanks to the right curtains. For this, the part of the hall where the performances will take place will be finished with a ceiling cornice. Next, be sure to design a small harlequin in the form of a lambrequin and wings, which are several curtains on the sides.

Idea! Moving, the side curtains form a single canvas, which can be decorated with a fabulous image or a beautiful landscape. Such decor will create the feeling that you are not at a matinee in kindergarten, but in a real theater.

Zoning the hall with the help of color schemes in this case will not be very relevant, so it is better if the design of the stage is in harmony with the rest of the curtains.

Tatyana Luchina, a visitor to my site, is a very creative person. Besides the fact that she works as a musical director in a kindergarten, she is also fond of needlework, disinterestedly making outfits for the wards of her kindergarten.

Children's carnival costumes made by Tatyana with love:

And he does it with great love for his work, not for the purpose of earning money, which at the present time is surprising.

In July, she ordered me a free pattern of an equilateral swag No. 1, which you can get. And she decided to try to sew curtains and lambrequins for the kindergarten in the music room, where she works with the kids.

Here is what Tatiana wrote to me:

"Galina! Thank you so much! I received your free pattern, I managed to print and assemble it! Swag turned out just perfect!

I sewed lambrequins for the music hall in kindergarten. In this hall, I work as a music director and sometimes I have to sew costumes for the guys myself on my mother's old typewriter. I have no education as a seamstress, only the knowledge that is given at school, and the help of my mother. I sewed such lambrequins with swags for the first time. I think that everything worked out and there is your considerable merit in this.

I sat over these curtains for a long time. At work, the girls and the bosses liked it. Thank you very much for your help. I send photos. With best wishes, Tatiana."

See what wonderful curtain compositions Tatyana decorated the kindergarten with:

And such beauty was made by a craftswoman who does not have a special sewing education!

I have always believed that many self-taught people are much more talented and better at sewing than those who simply finished something. Because people like Tatyana have a natural gift of a creative person.

I can only say that these products are very bulky, and therefore not easy to perform.

And another visitor to my site, Valentina Kuzmenko, by coincidence, also a kindergarten worker, sent me photos of her works, which she also sewed for the kids, accompanying them with words of gratitude to this site (which I am O-Very pleased!):

“Dear Galina! I want to express my deep gratitude to your site. I took advantage of one of the master classes and I want to show what I got out of it. The children of my group really liked it and all the teachers too "

Such wonderful needlewomen work in kindergartens!!!

But this once again proves that, if desired, you can learn how to sew chic curtains and lambrequins.

All you need is to want, and for the details of the lambrequin you can find on this site.

So, sew lambrequins in kindergarten, for your office, your home. Acquaintances, neighbors, friends. In any case, you can train, fill your hand, making products for free for the time being, without incurring the cost of fabric, but at the same time declaring your capabilities to others. And there you look - and customers will go.

I wish you all a lot of orders and good extra income!

Hello everyone Hello everyone

Hello everyone Hello everyone

The choice of textile curtains should always be treated with special attention. Curtains in the children's room should not only decorate the room and create a cozy atmosphere in it, but also regulate natural lighting.

It is important that during the day the curtains let the sun's rays through well enough, and at nightfall they hide the room from the curious glances of passers-by.

Thick curtains are good for a room for kids who need to sleep in the daytime.

How to choose curtains?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the design of the curtains in the nursery. As a rule, children like bright colors with colorful pictures, but parents should not lose sight of the fact that flashy colors can negatively affect the subconscious.

It is better to opt for textiles that fit into the interior without being overly flashy.

Brighter colors are allowed if there is little light in the room. If the windows of the nursery, on the contrary, face the sunny side, then you can use short curtains in pastel colors.

Floor-length curtains look good on panoramic windows. A great idea would be to design a room in a marine style, for which blue or blue curtains are selected.

In this case, you must follow the rule of the golden mean: if you go too far with dark colors, the room will look gloomy.

When choosing curtains for a children's room, photos of which can be seen in many catalogs, you should follow simple rules:

  • It is advisable to choose curtains from natural, environmentally friendly fabric that does not cause allergies.
  • Children can stain the curtains with paints or chocolate, so you should give preference to practical products that are easy to wash without losing their color.
  • Light tulle combined with thick curtains will allow you to adjust the amount of lighting in the room.
  • It is necessary that the curtains are harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior details. So, for example, if the furniture is bright, you should buy plain curtains.
  • If the baby likes textiles with a pattern, it is better to give preference to large images. Monochromatic small patterns are allowed. Too many colors can make a child too active or nervous.

Note! Curtain design 2020 - 150 photos of new products in the interior

Interesting ideas for decorating children's rooms can be found at Ikea. The company's specialists understand that constantly choosing a new design for curtains in a children's room is quite expensive, so they offer quite practical solutions.

Quality textiles from IKEA are designed to decorate the room for many years.

Curtains with beautiful landscapes (for example, a chamomile field) or animals will help to instill in a child a love of nature. Young children will love the toy curtains.

You can often see the curtains in the children's room photo novelties with a 3D effect. Realistic pictures will help create a magical atmosphere in the room.

Roller and blackout curtains

For a children's room, "Day-Night" roller blinds are suitable, which consist of alternating transparent and dark stripes.

A circular shaft is fixed at the top, thanks to which you can easily adjust the distance between the strips, achieving the required degree of illumination. In the children's room, roller blinds with photo printing or funny drawings look good.

In summer, many housewives do not know how to escape from bright sunlight, especially on the upper floors of high-rise buildings. Salvation from the sultry rays will be blackout curtains made of a three-layer opaque fabric.

They are available in different colors, so you can easily choose a product that fits a particular interior.

Blackout fabric has many advantages:

  • it is hypoallergenic, so curtains made of such material can be hung even in a baby's room;
  • blackout curtains are practical, they do not accumulate dust, do not absorb odors;
  • thanks to the multilayer structure, the material provides excellent heat and sound insulation;
  • this fabric does not fade in the sun and does not shed during washing, so it can last for many years.

Also in the interior of children's rooms, Roman blinds are often used.

Curtains for girls and boys

Every little girl dreams of becoming a princess, and modern materials make the room of a young lady fabulously beautiful.

Psychologists believe that mixed colors are poorly perceived by young children, so it is better to choose plain curtains in soothing colors.

Curtains in the children's room for a girl should be chosen with all care. Good sleep in the dark helps to strengthen the immune system.

South-facing windows are best decorated with Day-Night curtains, hanging plain curtains on top. You can use a thin curtain in combination with thick curtains.

Bright accents in the design of the nursery will help to make a calm girl a little more active. These can be images of princesses, butterflies or fabulous animals on the curtains.

Curtains in the children's room for a boy may contain images of cars or funny pirates. You can decorate the room in the style of a desert island, which is sure to please the young dreamer.

Curtains in a teenager's room

Teenagers often want to decorate their personal space in accordance with their own views, so it’s worth asking the child first what design he would like to see in his own bedroom.

If girls and boys are demanding something outrageous, like bat curtains, it's worth trying to convince them in favor of a more neutral interior.

Parents can invite their child to look at curtain catalogs and choose the right ones together, explaining that you need to take into account the size of the room, furniture and other design elements.

Blackout curtains are suitable for a bright room, but in a small, dark room it is better to choose light curtains. If the desk is by the window, then the curtains should be as long as the window sill.

Blue, purple or green textiles will look good in the boy's room. The girl's window will be decorated with pastel-colored products. A stylish solution would be curtains with owls.

Curtains for kindergarten

The kindergarten should have short, practical and at the same time beautiful curtains. For game rooms, bright products with patterns or thematic images are suitable.

When choosing textiles for a garden, it is worth remembering that plain walls in soothing tones allow the use of colored curtains.

If the walls are full of bright applications and drawings, it is better to choose thin curtains of unobtrusive colors.

Photo of curtains in the children's room

Childhood is a period when literally everything that surrounds a child affects its growth and development. That is why we so want to create the most favorable environment in which our child will spend a lot of time. Children spend a considerable part of their active day in kindergarten, where, it would seem, they are most interested in playing with peers and studying in circles. However, the child's eye remembers the smallest details of the situation, and he will definitely pay attention to which curtains hang on the windows of the group. So, here you need to try to create a pleasant and harmonious image.

Requirements for curtains for kindergarten

  • Daylight. It should not be below a certain level so that children do not strain their eyesight during classes or games;
  • The absence of dangerous small parts within the reach of the child;
  • The reliability of the design - and the cornice, and curtains. This is necessary because, despite the prohibitions, curtains often become part of the game;
  • Eco-friendly fabric. Curtains should be made only from environmentally friendly fabrics that are not hazardous to the health of children.

Types of curtains for different rooms in kindergarten

In different rooms in kindergarten, the requirements for curtains vary - somewhere one is acceptable, somewhere else. For example, gaming halls need good natural lighting, while in bedrooms, on the contrary, subdued light will be enough. In the dining room, curtains should be as neutral as possible so as not to distract children from the process of eating. In the assembly hall and the music class, these should be dense draperies with bright accessories that set you in a solemn mood.

Toddlers in toddlers will love the bright colors with subtle patterns that are large and easy to understand for small children, who will be happy to look at them. For younger and middle groups, it is worth using the original color scheme and the same unusual design. Austrian and French curtains will look good here. Kindergarten is a place for older children who are actively preparing for school and need calm, non-distracting interior tones.

Quite often curtains play the most important functional role in the room. Not only the atmosphere in the room and the organicity of the interior, but also the practicality and health of all inhabitants depend on their appearance. Depending on the intended purpose of the premises, various requirements are imposed on the textile design of window openings.

When decorating the interior of a kindergarten, it is worth considering a lot of details, each of which is of great importance in a full-fledged interior and high-quality environment. A place where many children of different ages accumulate should be thought out to the smallest detail.

It is important that the interior is interesting, multifunctional and practical. In addition, only natural materials are allowed. Since the kindergarten is a special purpose institution, each room in it must be designed in accordance with state standards.

Rules for choosing curtains for kindergarten

Photos of interior design in rooms for children amaze with their colorfulness and diversity. However, it is not enough if the curtains are only a beautiful component of the overall interior. It is very important that the design of the window opening is ready for constant use, periodic pollution and regular cleaning.

Factors affecting the choice of curtains:

  1. Material quality.
  2. Color spectrum.
  3. Ease of cleaning.
  4. Decoration and accessories.


The first thing to consider when choosing curtains for kindergarten is the quality of the fabric. The material plays a decisive role in visual perception and a healthy environment. In no case should you choose synthetic fabrics of dubious production. Firstly, they do not comply with GOST, and secondly, they increase the risk of allergies in babies. The best option is natural and eco-friendly fabric. You can opt for cambric, cotton or silk.

Color spectrum

It's no secret that color greatly affects the environment. This must be taken into account when choosing curtains for kindergarten. Aggressive tones such as red, orange or bright green should be excluded. It is better to choose plain curtains to complement them with bright and colorful accents. Do not give preference to too defiant shade. It is most rational to create a pleasant atmosphere in the garden with the help of pastel colors.

Ease of cleaning

Since children during their stay in kindergarten try to express themselves creatively by drawing or making crafts from plasticine, curtains should be prepared for periodic cleaning, since the chance of daily contamination is quite high. It is better to use non-staining curtains with an abundance of patterns or other elements. White shade is not the best option for a room with a cluster of small children.

Jewelry and accessories

When choosing the type of curtains, you should not buy exquisite curtains with massive lambrequins. They will look out of place in the easy and relaxed atmosphere of a kindergarten. When decorating with shiny fittings, it is better to place it on the high part of the curtains and not use hanging elements, otherwise the children will instantly adapt the brush with glass beads to an exciting toy.

The best option is applications. Photos of such interiors are diverse and original. Such decorations will play not only a decorative role, but also develop the associative range of the smallest ones. As images, you need to choose animals or plants. It is desirable that the picture is as close to the real image as possible. In addition, it can be used as a prototype of cartoon characters.

Curtains for kindergarten must meet not only visual, but also functional requirements. A lot depends on the quality of the fabric and its performance characteristics. The color scheme should reflect calmness and comfort, and bright applications will help to give a cheerful and mischievous atmosphere.