Delicious recipes for jellied pie on kefir in the oven. Pie on kefir in a hurry - available! The best recipes for quick kefir pies: with jam, apples, fish, etc.

No time or just no desire to stand for hours near the stove to please your family with fragrant hearty pastries?

In such cases, recipes for kefir pies on hastily.

You choose the filling for the pie based on your taste or depending on what is on this moment you have in the fridge.

Kefir Pie in a Hurry - General Cooking Principles

The undoubted advantages of all these recipes is minimum set ingredients and baking speed. It takes a maximum of 5 minutes to knead the dough, 1 to 5-7 minutes to prepare the filling and 20-30 minutes to bake.

The main ingredients of the dough are kefir, flour and eggs. In order for the dough to rise and become airy and tender, use soda or baking powder. Kefir is suitable for any fat content, take only fresh eggs, and sift the flour before kneading.

Depending on the type of filling, additional dough ingredients can be sugar, butter, mayonnaise and other products.

But the filling itself is room for imagination. You can use whatever your heart desires. The most popular options are: chicken, canned fish, mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, eggs, greens. As well as sweet fillings: apples, dried fruits, berries, preserves and jams, and much more.

Basically, half of the finished dough is poured into the prepared form, then the filling is laid out, then covered with the rest of the dough. But you can also experiment: for example, leave the top of the pie open or divide the dough not into two, but into five parts, laying it out mixed with the filling. Or you can put the filling first, and then fill everything with dough. As you like, there is no exact prescription, the main thing is that the dough be prepared according to the recipe, everything else is up to you.

Recipe 1: Classic Kefir Pie in a Hurry

This is a basic dough recipe, you can choose the filling for the pie yourself, based on your taste preferences and desires. The finished cake can be smeared with condensed milk, chocolate, jam. If you would like to have a sweet pie, but with fillers from fish, cheese or meat, then do not use sugar when preparing the cake.


500 ml of kefir;

Four eggs;

Two glasses of flour;

Half a glass of sugar;

a teaspoon of soda;

a tablespoon of vinegar;

A pinch of salt;

10 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Pour half a glass of kefir into a small bowl, pour soda, add vinegar. Stir, let the mixture stand for two minutes.

2. Beat all four eggs until smooth, adding a little salt and sugar.

3. Pour the remaining kefir into the egg mass, mix.

4. Pour the sifted flour in small portions, while stirring the dough all the time so that there are no flour lumps left.

5. We combine both mixtures, once again carefully knead the dough.

6. You can quickly bake a kefir pie in the oven and in the slow cooker.

7. For a multicooker: grease the bowl with oil, pour in the dough, close the lid of the appliance. We cook in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour, after which we turn off the multicooker, and let the pie itself brew for 10-15 minutes.

8. For the oven: grease the baking dish with oil, pour in the dough. Cooking at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Recipe 2: Cabbage Kefir Pie in a Hurry

And this quick pie will appeal to everyone who wants something hearty, insanely tasty, not very high-calorie, but at the same time too lazy to stand near the stove and conjure over saucepans. Fresh herbs, garlic, spices will add additional aroma and taste to the pie.


A glass of kefir (250 ml);

A glass of mayonnaise;

Three eggs;

One and a half glasses of flour;

Slaked soda;

Salt, pepper to taste;

Vegetable oil;

Three hard-boiled eggs;

300 grams white cabbage;

A large number of a variety of greens (onion feathers, parsley leaves, dill)

Cooking method:

1. Pour kefir into one egg mixed with salt, add mayonnaise here, add flour in small portions.

2. Knead the dough until the consistency of thick sour cream, if necessary, add a little more flour or pour in kefir.

3. Above ready dough extinguish the soda with vinegar, mix.

4. For the filling, cut boiled eggs into large cubes, finely and thinly chop the cabbage. Strongly crush the cabbage with salt with your hands, so that it gives juice.

5. Mix two hard-boiled and finely chopped eggs with cabbage and finely chopped greens.

6. Lubricate a small baking sheet with high sides with oil, pour in 2/3 of the dough.

7. Evenly spread the filling over the dough, fill it with the remaining kefir mass.

8. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

9. Serve the kefir pie hot, warm or cold with sour cream or yogurt.

Recipe 3: Kefir Fish Pie in a Hurry

Cooking a pie with canned fish is not only simple, but very simple. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to prepare the dough and filling, and 30 minutes to bake the product. And now, a hearty, fragrant and tasty kefir pie is ready in a hurry.


280 ml of kefir;

One egg;

A glass of flour;

a teaspoon of lemon juice;

Butter for greasing the mold;

Bank of canned saury;

Big bunch of greens.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the egg with kefir and salt, add flour.

2. Add slaked lemon juice baking soda, mix until smooth. The dough should not be very thick, but not runny either.

3. We remove the saury from the jar, drain the liquid, cut the fish itself into small cubes.

4. Rinse all the greens, shake off and chop.

5. Mix the fish with herbs, if necessary, add a little salt to the filling and sprinkle with pepper.

6. Put half of the dough in a greased form, distribute the filling on top. Pour in the rest of the dough.

7. Bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.

8. We can also whip up this kefir pie with an open top, in the form of a fish tart. In this case, it will be delicious if, 7-10 minutes before being ready, sprinkle the fish filling with grated cheese.

Recipe 4: Quick Kefir Chicken Pie

A kefir pie can be whipped up from the food left over from the main meal: meat, mushrooms, sausages. Interesting, tasty and satisfying baked goods with chicken.


0.5 liters of kefir;

Two glasses of flour;

Three eggs;

A teaspoon of sugar;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

5 grams of baking powder;

Oil for greasing the form (vegetable, butter or regular margarine);

300 grams boiled chicken fillet;

Two bulbs;

parsley leaves;

Salt, spices, herbs;

two spoons vegetable oil For filling.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and finely chop the onions, fry in vegetable oil until softened, add finely chopped chicken, fry, stirring, for a couple of minutes.

2. Cool the filling a little, season with herbs, chopped herbs, seasonings, salt.

3. Beat eggs in a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and a little salt.

4. Pour in kefir, pour in the flour sifted together with the baking powder. Knead not too thick dough.

5. We spread a third of the dough in a greased form, lay out half of the filling on top of a neat thin layer. Again a third of the dough, the remaining chicken and the rest of the dough.

6. Bake until golden brown for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 195 degrees.

Recipe 5: Apple Kefir Pie in a Hurry

On kefir, you can cook not only hearty pies with meat, vegetable and fish fillings, but also delicious sweet pies. Thanks to the combination of juicy apples, cinnamon and tender dough, the cake prepared according to this recipe is fragrant, tender and tasty.


250 ml of kefir;

Three eggs;

One and a half glasses of flour;

One third of a pack of butter;

150 grams of sugar;

5-7 grams of vanilla sugar;

Spoon (tea) baking powder;

A pinch of salt;

Three sweet apples;

a tablespoon of lemon juice;

Two spoons of powdered sugar;

Cinnamon to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with sugar, salt and vanilla sugar, pour in kefir and melted butter. We mix.

2. Pour flour, baking powder, stir until the mass acquires a uniform consistency.

3. Cut the apples peeled and peeled into thin slices. Sprinkle fruit with lemon juice.

4. Pour half the dough onto a greased form, lay out the apples, sprinkle them with cinnamon, pour the remaining dough.

5. Bake for 25-35 minutes, depending on the size of the mold and, accordingly, the thickness of the cake. Temperature regime- 190 degrees.

6. Cool the finished pie on kefir and sprinkle powdered sugar.

Recipe 6: Kefir Pie with Jam in a Hurry

And this recipe great option when there is no time at all, even for preparing the filling. Depending on the type of jam, the cake acquires an interesting taste and aroma, as well as unusual color.


A glass of kefir;

100 grams of butter (melted in a water bath);

Two eggs;

Two and a half glasses of flour;

Half a glass of sugar;

Soda, vinegar;

A glass of jam.

Cooking method:

1. Drive eggs into the chilled pre-melted butter, add sugar, mix.

2. We introduce flour into the mass. Knead a homogeneous dough.

3. Add slaked soda, mix thoroughly again.

4. Lubricate the mold with oil. We heat the oven to 180 degrees.

5. We spread it alternately, starting from the center, with a tablespoon, first the dough twice, then jam once. So until all the ingredients run out.

6. Bake the product for about half an hour.

Recipe 7: Pie with raisins and apricots on kefir in a hurry

A juicy and tender cake on kefir with dried fruits is prepared incredibly quickly, it turns out delicious. If desired, you can add other dried fruits or crushed nuts.


Half a glass of sugar;

A glass of kefir;

A small spoonful of soda;

Two glasses of flour;

50-70 grams of raisins;

200 grams of apricot;

20 ml sunflower oil;

Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Break an egg into a large bowl, add sugar, mix.

2. Pour in kefir, pour in soda. We mix.

3. Pour flour, mix. We make sure that there are no lumps left.

4. Pour the washed raisins for 10 minutes with boiling water, then rinse and squeeze lightly.

5. Rinse the apricots, take out the seeds, cut the fruits themselves into medium cubes.

6. Pour the prepared dried fruits into the dough, mix.

7. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil, pour in the dough with raisins and apricots, bake for 30 minutes at 230 degrees.

8. Cool the finished pie on kefir and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Sometimes it is difficult to guess the proportions of the ingredients, it all depends on the quality of the flour and the fat content of kefir. It is best to first mix all the liquid ingredients, and then gradually pour in the flour, achieving the desired dough consistency.

A pie stuffed with chicken or mushrooms can be sprinkled with grated cheese 10 minutes before being ready - this will give the finished product a special taste. Sweet pies are cooled and decorated with powdered sugar, chopped nuts, coconut flakes, and berries.

Sliced ​​kefir cake

Kefir pies are simple, quick pastries that you can cook at least every day. It does not require special skill or some exotic, expensive products. Everything you need, as a rule, is available in the refrigerator, but for kefir it won’t take long to run to the nearest store. It will not take much time, and the efforts will be rewarded with delicious and tender pies piping hot.

Quick pies on kefir with stuffing in the oven

On this simple example you can literally learn how to cook pies on kefir in just a few times. The dough turns out to be absolutely universal and equally harmoniously combined with both sweet and salty fillings.

Pies on kefir dough

Required Ingredients:

  • flour - ½ kg
  • salt - 1/2 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • kefir - 500 ml
  • eggs - 2 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp

Step-by-step instruction

Yeast pies on kefir: recipe with photo

Soft, rich and fluffy pies with fragrant fruit filling can be baked according to this recipe. If you want to enrich the taste and give it more bright colors, you can add pieces of prunes, dried apricots or dried figs. The dish will sparkle with new colors and attract the attention of even those who are calm about homemade culinary products.

Required Ingredients:

For the test

  • boiled water - 100 ml
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • flour - 750 g
  • kefir - 250 ml
  • vegetable oil - 6 tbsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • milk - 2 tbsp
  • butter
  • powdered sugar

For filling

  • apples - 1 kg
  • sugar - 100 g
  • raisins - 100 g
  • vanillin - sachet
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • butter - 20 g

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First, dissolve sugar in water at room temperature, and then yeast, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Sift flour through a sieve into a deep ceramic bowl, combine with kefir and salt, add diluted yeast and knead a soft, homogeneous dough. At the very end, pour in sunflower oil and knead until the mass begins to stick well from your hands.
  3. Roll the dough into a ball, put in a bowl, cover with a linen kitchen towel and leave on the table for 1 hour.
  4. For the filling, rinse the apples, remove the skin and seeds, cut into medium-sized neat cubes.
  5. Melt butter in a frying pan, add sugar, heat a little and add apples. Add raisins, cinnamon and vanillin, mix with a wooden spatula and then simmer over low heat under a lid for about 5-7 minutes, making sure that the components do not stick to the bottom. Then throw the apples into a colander, let the excess juice drain and cool completely.
  6. Put the dough on a table sprinkled with flour, knead a little and divide into 22-24 balls the same size.
  7. Knead each ball with your fingers into a flat circle, place the filling in the center and pinch the edges tightly.
  8. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the patties on it, seam side down, and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Whisk milk and egg yolk in a bowl. Using a silicone brush, coat the pies with this mixture and send them to a warm oven.
  10. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
  11. Lubricate the finished pies on kefir with butter melted in the bath and serve immediately.

Delicious fried pies on kefir: recipe with photo

These pies can be quickly prepared if guests suddenly appear in the house. All the necessary products can be found in the kitchen, and as a filling, you can use not only sweet jam or thick jam, but also potatoes, rice with egg, fresh herbs or chopped meat, in general, everything that is at hand.

Required Ingredients:

  • flour - 4 tbsp
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • kefir - 2 tbsp
  • jam - jar

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve into a deep container, combine with soda and mix well.
  2. Gently introduce eggs and kefir, knead soft, plastic dough.
  3. Scoop out a portion with a spoon, put on a floured surface and knead with your hands into a round cake. Place the filling in the center, and pinch the edges.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan and fry the pies on each side over medium heat until a beautiful golden crust appears.
  5. Put the finished pastry on paper napkin to absorb excess fat, and then serve with hot drinks or milk.

How to make sweet pies on kefir in the oven: recipes with photos

A cake made in this way is very juicy, fragrant and rich. If you don’t like cherry too much, you can replace it with any other fruits, berries or citrus fruits. The taste of the dough will not suffer a bit from this.

Required Ingredients:

  • cherry - 400 g
  • kefir - 400 ml
  • eggs - 6 pcs
  • flour - 400 g
  • baking powder - 3 tsp
  • sugar - 400 g
  • butter
  • powdered sugar

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Rinse fresh cherries, de-pit and drain in a colander to drain excess juice.
  2. Shake the eggs with a fork, combine with sugar and beat for 2-3 minutes with a whisk until light, airy foam.
  3. Add kefir and mix gently.
  4. Sift flour together with baking powder through a kitchen sieve into a container with kefir-egg mass and knead well. The finished dough should be thick and fall off the spoon in an even flowing ribbon.
  5. Grease the sides of a heat-resistant form with margarine, line the bottom with baking parchment. Pour the dough inside, arrange whole cherries in a circle on top, sprinkle with sugar and send to a warm oven.
  6. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes at 180°C. Do not open the door during cooking.
  7. If desired, sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar, cool slightly and serve with your favorite drinks.

How to cook pies on kefir with cabbage

This nutritious and satisfying pie can be served instead of bread with meat broths or rich soups. It will emphasize their bright taste and complement it with fresh-juicy cabbage notes.

Required Ingredients:

  • wheat flour premium- ½ kg
  • creamy margarine - 150 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • kefir - 250 ml
  • soda - 1\2 tsp
  • cabbage - ½ kg

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Place margarine in an enamel container and melt in a water bath. Then combine with egg and sugar.
  2. In kefir, extinguish the soda and pour the liquid into the margarine.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve and add to the rest of the ingredients. Knead the dough thoroughly so that it acquires plasticity and softness.
  4. Finely chop the cabbage, salt to taste and lightly knead with your hands.
  5. Lubricate a heat-resistant form with margarine, put half the dough on the bottom, then cabbage.
  6. Beat the eggs with a whisk and pour them over the vegetable filling. Scatter thin slices of margarine on top and cover with the rest of the dough.
  7. Send the cabbage pie to the oven, preheated to 180°C. Bake for 50 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave the dish inside for another 10-15 minutes.
  8. Cut the finished pie into equal portions and serve with broth or thick soup.

How to bake a chocolate cake on kefir: video recipe

You can make pies on kefir the most different ways. This video explains in great detail how easy and fast it is to simple products bake a delicious, airy and fluffy dessert with cocoa, raisins and walnuts.

Guests are coming to you, but there is nothing for tea, or you decided to bake a pie, but you are not a baker? Especially in such cases, a recipe for a kefir sweet pie will help you out. In general, baking on kefir is famous all over the world for its availability for beginners or for saving time. But jellied pies are worthy separate place in cooking - sweet jellied pie on kefir what you need

The essence of the jellied pie is that the filling is not wrapped in the dough, but filled with it. Another feature of jellied pies is that they can be cooked without oven. Jellied pies are excellently prepared both in a pan on the stove and in a slow cooker. Ease of preparation makes jellied pastries accessible to novice cooks. Even a child can bake a jellied pie.

A jellied pie on kefir can only fail in the 1st case if you used kefir made according to modern technology, completely killing all lactic acid bacteria. Such kefir is prepared from sterile milk, which can be stored for months, using dry starters, which are not natural. Soy kefir is also not suitable.
In order to be of high quality on kefir, it is better to take home-made kefir on a milk mushroom or yogurt obtained by samokvas - this is when a piece is placed in heated milk rye bread and leave in a warm place to ferment. When the milk turns into a clot that rises to the top, and the whey exfoliates below, the yogurt is ready. Not every store-bought milk is suitable for this - choose milk with a short shelf life, it is pasteurized, but alive.

Whatever filling you plan for a jellied pie, it will always turn out juicy, soft, fragrant and delicious in taste. Fillings for jellied pie are different - meat, vegetable, fruit, fish, jam, cottage cheese and others. Also, the filling can be combined - an egg with onions, a fish with rice or cheese with minced meat, and the like.

I propose to cook a jellied sweet pie on kefir, below are a few various recipes to choose from.

To prepare sweet dough on kefir, you need:

0.5 liters of kefir or yogurt;
1 raw egg;
5 st. spoons of granulated sugar;
0.5 teaspoon of salt:
1 teaspoon of tea soda;
4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
flour, how much dough will take.

Sweet jellied pie on kefir. How to cook:

First, mix kefir, vegetable oil, salt, sugar and egg until smooth. Next, add 1 cup of flour mixed with soda. After the first glass, add flour to the dough in portions of half a glass. The amount of flour depends on its quality. Knead the flour until the dough stops dripping from the spoon and begins to tear. We cover the dough with a blanket or film and put it in a warm place, and in the meantime we will prepare the filling.

For jellied sweet pie on kefir, you can use:

Grated with cinnamon and sugar (1 large apple + 2 tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of cinnamon);
apples with carrots, vanillin and granulated sugar (1 small apple + 1 medium carrot, 1 sachet of vanillin and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar);
apples with mint, sugar and vanilla (one apple and pear each + 1 teaspoon of dry, crushed mint + 2 tbsp sugar + 1 sachet of vanillin);
prunes with dried apricots and lemon zest (100 g each of finely chopped, steamed prunes and dried apricots + zest from one lemon);
cottage cheese with jam (150 gr. cottage cheese + half a glass of any jam and 2 tbsp. sugar);
cherry with an apple (100 gr. Pitted cherries + one and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar):
raspberries and sugar (200 gr. raspberries + 1 tbsp. sugar, instead of raspberries, you can use currants, strawberries, plums or other berries).

There are many filling options for a jellied kefir sweet pie, it all depends on your preference, taste and wallet.

You can bake a kefir pie with rhubarb or sorrel. Or with the addition of any jam; nuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds; add ground coriander, tarragon or anise - only your own imagination can limit you.

Pour a little (slightly less than half) of the dough onto a mold greased with butter or vegetable oil. Then, spread the filling evenly, pour over the rest of the dough and bake over low heat until cooked (about an hour or a little more - depending on your oven). If the cooking temperature is high, the cake will brown, but the inside will be raw. We check readiness with a toothpick - if when piercing the pie through, the dough does not stick to the toothpick, then the pie is ready.

Sweet jellied pie with jam

If you decide to make a sweet jellied pie with jam, then you need to add the jam before you stir in the flour. You will get something like a biscuit, almost a cake. If you want to add seeds or nuts, then pour them into the bottom of the mold first, before pouring the dough. When the cake is done, you simply cover the pan with a spatula, board or flat plate and shake (tilt) the cake. Just first go with a knife or spatula between the cake and the mold around the entire circumference. Seeds or nuts will be on top.

When preparing a jellied pie on a stove in a frying pan, the volume of the dough should not exceed half the form and it must be cooked under a closed lid, over low heat.

Enjoy your meal!

Today we have wonderful dishes in our kitchen. Quick, tasty, suitable for any feast. We will master the jellied or "lazy" kefir pie in the oven. These will be recipes with onions and eggs, with cabbage, canned fish, cottage cheese and jam.

This type of baking belongs to the so-called aspic. So, we do not have to knead the dough with our hands. It is for simplicity and time saving that such lazy pies are incredibly appreciated by housewives.

Jellied (lazy) kefir pie with onion and egg in the oven

Jellied (lazy) kefir pie with onion and egg, cooked in the oven - great option for summer dinner. And in the course of cooking, I will tell you how to replace the pen onions and get the opportunity to pamper your family delicious dish all year round.


  • kefir (diluted sour cream, yogurt will perfectly replace it) - 1 glass .;
  • eggs (2 for dough and 5 for hard boil);
  • flour - a little more than one and a half glasses;
  • baking powder (according to instructions);
  • green salad onions - 2 bunches;
  • half a bunch of dill if desired;
  • butter - about 50 g (it must be left warm to make it soft).


First we make the filling. We cut the sorted and washed green onion feathers into pieces about 1 cm long. You can add dill for a brighter taste, then chop it too. Mix, add. Then we take a potato masher and slightly knead the greens in a bowl so that it becomes more juicy under the action of salt.

Add chopped hard-boiled eggs there and spread the melted butter. Mix everything, season with salt and pepper.

No green onions? Take onion. 3 large onions chop, put in a colander, pour boiling water over and immediately - cold water. Simmer in a frying pan under the lid until transparent. Its taste will be practically indistinguishable from a fresh pen.

Now it's time for the test. We put its components (flour, kefir, eggs, baking powder) immediately in one dish. Salt a little and knead well until a smooth mass is obtained, having the consistency of thick sour cream.

If there is no baking powder, you can take drinking soda(at the tip of a teaspoon). It is not necessary to quench with vinegar, sour kefir will do it.

We grease the baking sheet with butter and “powder” with semolina. Pour half of our dough to the bottom. On top of it, carefully lay out the entire filling and pour the other part of the dough. We send it to the hot oven for at least 40 minutes.

We grease the baked jellied pie - still hot - with kefir or butter so that the crust becomes soft. We cut and call the family.

Filler (filler) pie on kefir with cabbage "Guests on the doorstep"

When friends decide to suddenly visit you and there is only an hour left, the situation with the treat will be saved by the kefir pie with cabbage “Guests on the Threshold”. Moreover, fussing with it will take a minimum of time - such is the peculiarity of this baking. And the cake will turn out great - it will go away quickly and “cheers”.


  • 250 ml of kefir (natural yogurt, sour milk);
  • cabbage - a small fork;
  • 3 eggs (1 for the dough, 2 for the filling);
  • a little more than half a glass of flour;
  • baking powder - incomplete spoon


Shred the cabbage finely, salt well, rub with your hands to soften. And 15 min. stew in a frying pan, adding a little water. Cool down.

Mix flour, kefir, egg and baking powder with a mixer. It is necessary that the dough resembles sour cream of medium density.

If, for example, you are in the country and there is no mixer at hand, do not worry. The dough is mixed with a regular fork.

Separately, beat 2 eggs until slightly frothy.

We grease the form with vegetable oil and begin to “collect” the future cake in it. Pour part of the dough, put the prepared cabbage on top in an even layer.

Gently place the remaining batter on top and smooth with a spatula.

And put in a hot oven for about half an hour. Aromas will crawl around the apartment crazy. Believe me - tried more than once!

Jellied pie on kefir with canned fish

A rehash of the previous recipe, suitable as a “culinary emergency”, will be a kefir pie with canned fish. It's great if you have a jar of mackerel, sardines or pink salmon in oil in your refrigerator. This is what you need!


  • 250-gram glass of kefir;
  • about 2 cups flour;
  • a little bit of drinking soda;
  • canned fish - 1 can;
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • green onions - a few feathers.

There is a royal version of this pie - with sprats. And frankly, given how inexpensive a set of other products is, why not sometimes?

Since here the filling was made for us, the preparation of the dish turns into the simplest one-shot: just beat the dough.

With familiar movements, pour kefir into a bowl, break eggs, soda, add salt and stir in flour. We need to get a thick, viscous, but still liquid mass.

We line the form with parchment, pour half of the dough on the bottom. On top we lay out the fish, mashed with a fork, distribute the rest of the dough on top. And - bake in the oven for at least 40 minutes. Decorate the cooled cake with green onion rings.

A simple and delicious recipe for a jellied kefir pie with cottage cheese and apples

And now we will learn how to cook sweet bulk pies. These are already desserts that go well with tea, coffee, milk or cocoa. Our first is a simple but very delicious recipe pie on kefir with cottage cheese and apples. The most delicate thing from which you can’t pull children and men by the ears.


  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • half a cup of sugar in the dough and 2 tablespoons in the filling;
  • half a pack of butter (soften at room temperature);
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • baking powder for dough (according to instructions);
  • 3 eggs (2 in the dough + 1 in the filling);
  • 300 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 3 big apples(preferably non-acidic varieties);
  • vanilla sugar.


Beat 2 eggs with sugar with a mixer until grains of sand are no longer felt.

Pour in kefir, add flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Continue beating for about 5 more minutes. The finished dough should be like a thin cream - smooth and shiny.

We transfer the mixer to a bowl where we spread the cottage cheese, add a raw egg and pour the rest of the sugar. We also beat the mixture so that the cottage cheese becomes homogeneous.

Vary the fat content of the cottage cheese. Slender girls can take fat-free, and for hungry schoolchildren, it’s also suitable from the market.

We rub the apples on a coarse grater, sprinkle with lemon juice and send it there, to the filling. Mix carefully.

And again, three layers are sent to our form on parchment. The bottom and top are dough, and in the middle are apples with cottage cheese.

Don't press the filling too deep into the dough, as this may prevent the bottom layer from rising properly.

The cake is baked for 40-50 minutes. Take out and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Lush sweet cake on kefir with jam

Another simple dish, called simply a gingerbread by housewives, is a sweet jellied kefir pie with jam. It is so pleasant and easy to prepare that even a schoolgirl can do it.


  • half a glass of sugar;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • jam (raw jam) - 250 ml;
  • 2 eggs;
  • soda - 1/3 tsp;
  • flour (sifted) - 2 cups with a slide.


In a mixer bowl, first beat the eggs with sugar. We introduce the rest of the products in turn. Knead a homogeneous, fluid, thick dough. Pour into a baking sheet lined with paper and bake for 50 minutes.

Change jams. This way you get not only a new taste of the cake, but also new color test.

And finally, a video recipe for a jellied kefir pie with minced meat and cheese

Bon appetit!

Homemade cakes are a delicacy that both adults and children always like. You can easily please the family if you use recipes delicious pie on kefir. It is prepared very quickly and turns out to be tender, fragrant and healthy due to the main ingredient.

Kefir pie dough is very easy to knead. It comes out fluffy, reminiscent of a biscuit. The main ingredients are kefir, eggs, sugar and flour. If the recipe contains soda, you do not need to extinguish it with vinegar, since kefir will cope with this task. For cooking, both a simple fermented milk product of any fat content, and with bifidobacteria, is suitable.

Currently, there are many recipes for kefir pies, which differ in the amount of products used and the filling. You can add jam, fresh berries, fruits, poppy seeds, nuts, cottage cheese to sweet pastries. In salty - meat, mushrooms, cheese, cabbage, potatoes, fish, sausage, boiled eggs and greens. You can cook a diet version of the pie - without eggs on kefir. A jellied, or lazy, pie is being prepared in haste liquid dough, part of which is poured into an oiled mold. Then the filling is laid out, and the second part of the dough is poured on top.

Preheat the oven to 180°C before placing the cake in the oven. The duration of baking the product ranges from 20 to 40 minutes. If the house has a slow cooker, you can bake a quick pie in it. The readiness of baking is determined by a wooden stick with which you need to pierce the cake. If the dough does not stick to it, the dish can be tasted.

Salty pie with onions and eggs

This easy and quick to prepare jellied pie. It always turns out very tasty and airy..

List of ingredients:

To prepare the filling, you need to cut the onion into small cubes and lightly fry it in oil. Boiled eggs must be chopped, salted and combined with onions.

To make kefir dough for a pie, you need to beat eggs with salt and sugar well, and then pour kefir into the mass, without stopping whisking. Next, gradually add the previously sifted flour with baking powder to the mixture and knead a thick dough.

After that, 70% of the dough should be poured into an oiled heat-resistant mold, put the filling on top in an even layer and cover the pie with the rest of the dough. Now it must be placed in the oven and baked at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. The readiness of the product is checked with a match or a toothpick.

Baking with semolina

Semolina pie is a long-known and proven recipe. This manna in combination with jam or sour cream is suitable for tea.

List of ingredients:

Initially, in a suitable container, it is necessary to combine and beat the fermented milk product with eggs, and then add semolina to them, stir and leave for 30 minutes to swell the cereal.

In the meantime, you need to take a cake mold, grease it with butter and sprinkle with a little flour. As soon as the semolina swells, you need to pour sugar into the mass and mix it, and also heat the oven to 190 ° C.

In another container, combine flour with soda and add the mixture to the dough, and then mix very quickly and carefully pour the resulting dough into the mold. This dessert is baked for 35-40 minutes.

Treat with jam

The recipe for a magnificent jam pie is very simple and allows you to quickly prepare delicious homemade cakes. The pie can be prepared with any jam that is at home..

List of ingredients:

First of all, you need to add soda to the jam to extinguish it. Then, in a separate bowl, you need to grind the eggs with sugar, and then add the fermented milk product, flour to the whipped mixture and knead the dough. Now it is necessary to pour jam with soda into the dough and mix the mass thoroughly again. Pour the finished dough into a pre-oiled form and place it in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 30 minutes.

The readiness of baking is determined using a match or wooden stick. Next, you need to cool the cake, cut it lengthwise into two parts and grease with jam, but even without such actions, the dish is quite sweet, soft, airy and melts in your mouth.

With cottage cheese and apples

You can cook a tender pie with cottage cheese and apples. This combination of products gives baked goods a rich taste..

List of ingredients:

Initially, you need to combine and grind the eggs with sugar, and then add kefir, soda, sugar, salt, flour to them and mix everything well. Next, you need to coarsely grate the apple, mix it with cottage cheese and pour into the dough. Finally, the prepared dough is placed in a greased form and baked in the oven at 190 ° C for 30 minutes.

With potatoes and cheese

Oven-cooked kefir pie stuffed with potatoes and cheese is a good addition to the first and second courses. It is very satisfying and nutritious, and for him cooking need the simplest products.

List of ingredients:

First of all, you should grind the eggs with sugar, add soda, fermented milk product, pre-finely grated cheese and flour to them, and then mix everything well. Potatoes must be cut into thin circles, salt and fry in a pan in oil.

Next, in the form where the cake will be baked, you need to lay parchment paper and pour half the dough, and then lay out the filling: part of the potato, grated cheese, potatoes again. After that, everything is covered with the remaining dough. Baking is being prepared in the oven at 180-200 ° C for about 40 minutes.

With mushroom stuffing

An open pie stuffed with dried mushrooms and onions is easy to make. If desired, you can use fresh champignons. Kefir is desirable to take with high fat content.

List of ingredients

Initially, you need to combine the fermented milk product with melted margarine, and then add flour, soda, salt to them, stirring regularly. Then the dough is kneaded. It should stand for about 50 minutes.

In the meantime, mushrooms need to be poured warm water and leave for 2 hours, and then chop and mix with finely chopped onions, salt, pepper. Next, the mass must be put in a saucepan, pour water and boil over high heat for 7 minutes. After this time, using a colander, it is necessary to drain the water and leave the mushrooms in it so that the water completely drains from them.

The prepared dough should be rolled out, put in a suitable baking dish and make a cake with sides. On top of the cake, you need to evenly lay out the filling, sprinkle it with chopped green onions, and then slightly cover with sides. The cake must be baked in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 40 minutes.

chocolate dessert

An unusual dessert will turn out if you add cocoa powder to the dough. Chocolate cake on kefir is very tasty, juicy and easy to prepare..

List of ingredients:

In a bowl, using a whisk, mix kefir, eggs, sugar, butter, and then pour flour, cocoa, soda, vanillin into the mass. After that, everything is quickly mixed. Then you need to grease the detachable form with butter and pour into it chocolate dough. A treat is baked at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes. After the specified time, the baking must be removed from the mold and cooled. If desired, the dessert can be cut into small cubes and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

With honey and nuts

Such a lush honey cake will surely please all family members. In combination with milk, pastries are eaten in minutes.

List of ingredients:

In a deep container, using a mixer, you need to beat the eggs with sugar until a white foam forms, and then add honey, soda to the mixture and beat everything again - the honey should dissolve. After that, it is required to introduce kefir, flour into the mass and beat the composition again.

Lastly, nuts are poured into the dough. Now you need to pour the dough into a suitable, pre-oiled form and bake the cake in the oven for 45-50 minutes.

The kefir biscuit recipe is not as well known as other cooking methods. However, it turns out unusually airy, soft and tasty.

Grocery list:

For the filling, you can use jam mixed with sour cream. It is required to beat the eggs combined with sugar, and then add the fermented milk product, soda, baking powder, salt and flour to them and mix thoroughly.

The amount of flour is determined by eye, the main thing is that the dough is thick. After that, it is laid out in an oiled form and baked in the oven until fully cooked - about 1 hour. When the dessert has cooled, it must be greased with a cream consisting of jam and sour cream.

apple gingerbread

The recipe for apple gingerbread does not require the purchase of expensive products. It's simple and budget methods making a pie without eggs on kefir.

Grocery list:

It is necessary to beat soft butter well with a mixer, and then add sugar to it and beat again for 7 minutes. Next, you need to pour the fermented milk product, soda, flour into the mixture and mix the dough. Apples should be peeled, core removed and cut into small pieces. Now you need to put a layer of apples in a detachable oiled form, then the dough, and sprinkle the pie with cinnamon on top. A delicacy is prepared in the oven at 170-190 ° C for about 30 minutes.

cheese pie

A kefir pie with cheese turns out to be very tasty and fragrant. If you add sausage to it, it will resemble pizza.

Grocery list:

You need to grind the eggs well with salt and baking powder, and then add kefir to them and, stirring regularly, gradually pour flour into the dough. It should not be too thick. It is necessary to mix coarsely grated cheese, chopped herbs and sausage in a separate bowl, and then add this mixture to the dough and mix everything thoroughly. Next, you need to place the dough in an oiled form and bake the cake in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 35-40 minutes.

Kefir - simple and useful product which can be bought at any store. Using the recipes for kefir pies, you can cook delicious salty or sweet pastries for your family.

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