How to remove the smell from new furniture? The unpleasant smell of new furniture: getting rid of proven methods Why does new furniture smell

A complex and lengthy repair is completed, the design is thought up, the only thing left is to buy new furniture. Sometimes the situation of the apartment entails an unpleasant consequence - not nice smell. The beauty of the interior is overshadowed by the background smell, which, as a rule, does not please family members.

Where does this smell come from and how to deal with it? What kind folk remedies and chemicals can be used? Will special Appliances? Answers in the article.

Why does new furniture smell?

It's obvious that New furniture smells like "manufacturing". This includes formaldehyde, which is part of the laminated chipboard coating, and glue fumes, and other chemicals that emit an unpleasant odor. It not only brings discomfort, but can also be hazardous to health. The cheaper the furniture, the more toxic substances are used in production and the greater the chance of poisoning.

For example, budget options cabinet and upholstered furniture and waste from the woodworking industry are inseparable concepts. To create such furniture, various resins and pastes are used.

Beloved by many, chipboard is nothing more than wood shavings held together chemical compounds such as formaldehyde and phenol. The human olfactory organ may not even detect them, while other symptoms - headache, allergic reactions - will certainly give a "distress signal".

Chips and open "corners" of furniture are the most dangerous, shavings and resin emit the most toxic smell.

Although quality materials natural wood, skin) are less toxic and dangerous to health, they can also bring their smell into the house. It is not as obvious and unpleasant as furniture made from cheap materials, but over time it can cause allergies, asthma and discomfort in children and the elderly.

The lacquer, which is often covered with wooden furniture. He radiates harmful substances, settling in the air, and is also capable of causing damage to the health of households.

Find out how to get rid of a thick layer of burning at home.

The problem of a specific smell from new furniture will help to solve improvised means and special chemicals.

On a note! Regardless of the cost, quality and material of furniture and the "loudness" of the manufacturer's brand, all of its items - chairs, cabinets, hallways, sofas, beds - can be sources of extraneous odors. Even if they do not seem unpleasant, they can be harmful to health. The sources of the most dangerous odors are open side cuts, chips, cracks.

Folk remedies and their application

Folk remedies - a budget alternative special formulations and appliances to help get rid of the smell of new furniture.

First of all, after the purchase upholstered furniture you need to expand, open all the doors and drawers of the cabinet, so that all hidden places are ventilated. If the weather permits, open the windows and leave them open for a while, at least for a few hours. Of course, if the air temperature outside has dropped to -25 degrees and a blizzard is sweeping, this is not worth doing.

Improvised means to eliminate the smell:

  • In the corners of shelves and drawers, as well as on upholstered furniture, you can put tea bags or bags of salt. They do an excellent job of removing bad odors. After 12-24 hours, the bags can be thrown away and the room re-ventilated.
  • An excellent tool in the fight against unpleasant odors are orange peels. They are laid out around the furniture and left for several hours, and then the apartment is ventilated.
  • If upholstered furniture smells damp, it needs a draft. You can put the sofa on the balcony if the climate allows, or just leave the windows open all day. After that, upholstered furniture should be placed near the heater, close all windows and thoroughly dry not only the furniture, but also the apartment.
  • Many forums recommend using a vinegar solution to get rid of the furniture "aroma". We advise you to think several times before placing a saucer of vinegar near a new piece of furniture. Yes, he will really cope with his task, but it will be much more difficult and longer to eliminate the smell of vinegar. Plus, it is not safe if there are animals in the house.
  • Tea salt mixture. Large leaf tea is mixed with salt in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is placed in small containers and placed on the shelves of racks, cabinets, kitchen set. As soon as the smell is eliminated, the containers are removed.
  • Fragrant essential oils have long been popular in the care of upholstered furniture. If a new sofa, armchair, sofa or ottoman “smell”, you need to remove all pillows and removable covers, assemble furniture and put open jars with essential oils.
  • Upholstered furniture, including leather, will quickly cease to radiate aroma if bags of coffee beans are placed around and on top.

Special funds

Stores are currently household chemicals ready to offer special means that eliminate unpleasant odors: destroyers, absorbers and fresheners. Separately, there are products for wood, chipboard, plastic, as well as furniture made of leather and textiles.

Their advantages: convenience and cost-effectiveness of application, profitable price, nice smell. However, their own aromas of these products can cause allergies in households, and this is their only drawback.

Liquid to eliminate odors has become very common. It is used for furniture made of wood or plastic. The essence of the work is simple: it creates a kind of invisible film on the body and "blocks" the release of unwanted aromas.

Technical devices


The most expensive but the most effective method getting rid of the nasty smells of new furniture - an ozonator. This is a relatively young device that generates ozone from atmospheric air thereby eliminating any odour.

The ozonizer will cope with its task in a few hours: it is enough to plug the device into a socket in a closed room.

Since this device is expensive, it is worth considering whether it is really necessary to buy it. If we are only talking about neutralizing the smell of one piece of furniture, then it is easier to resort to more budgetary alternative methods.

If there are pets, children in the house, there is a construction site outside the window, the area of ​​​​the apartment is small or an allergic person lives in the house, the purchase of an ozonator will be justified. It not only completely destroys all odors, but also disinfects the air and neutralizes harmful compounds.

There are two groups of filters:

  • dry;
  • Wet.

Depending on the type of filter, purifiers can perform different functions: clean dust and animal hair, allergens, and unpleasant odors. Only those cleaners that have an adsorption-catalytic filter can cope with the latter.

The disadvantages of the devices are their high cost, power consumption and noise level.

The smell of new furniture is almost inevitable, regardless of the cost and material of the cabinet or sofa. Some people may even like these "flavors", but this does not exclude possible negative consequences. You definitely need to get rid of them, and, as soon as possible: ventilate the apartment and use folk or special means or devices.

Learn more after watching the following video useful information how to eliminate the smell of new furniture in the home:

How to get rid of the smell of new furniture? Many people have experienced the unpleasant smell of recently purchased furniture, which is difficult to eliminate. Not only does it not disappear for several days, but it can also cause painful conditions in the household. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, allergic reactions may appear. All this is provoked by chemicals that process components.

1 Odors on upholstered furniture

There is already such a beautiful and long-awaited sofa in the room. It fits perfectly to the interior, soft and comfortable, but emits a terrible smell. How to remove the smell of new furniture?

Airing the room with new furniture

First of all, you need to expand the sofas and chairs as much as possible. Open windows, ventilate the room well. Remove all pillows and lay out separately. It is necessary to weather at least 12 hours. Best of all day, ideally in open space. After airing, proceed to assemble the furniture, you need to carefully put bottles with essential oils or bags with aromatic herbs into the folds. Or place tea bags at the joints of furniture pieces. You can also spread citrus peel around the sofa, they neutralize unpleasant odors well.

It’s a good idea to pour vinegar into a saucer and put it next to the products.

Smell from new unpacked furniture

If upholstered furniture smells of dampness, mustiness, this means that the room (warehouse) in which the products were stored was damp, poorly ventilated, and there was high humidity. First you need to weather in a draft. Then close the windows and the door to the room. Warm up well with a heater aimed at furniture. Usually the dampness goes away after 3 hours of warming up the average temperature. High temperatures and prolonged heating may cause some parts of the product to dry out. Carry out on straight lines Sun rays upholstered furniture is dangerous, the upholstery may lose color. If the smell of dampness does not disappear for a long time, it is better to resort to dry cleaning services, as mold and fungus can grow in the deep layers of the sofa or chairs. And this is dangerous for human health and the life of the furniture.

May have a stronger odor leather furniture. It is repeatedly treated with various chemicals. Ammonia solution will help eliminate the pungent odor. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia. Wipe the furniture with a cloth soaked in the solution. You can also add a little vinegar or lemon juice to this mixture. A few procedures will permanently remove the chemical smell from the furniture. It is also worth periodically ventilating the room. It will not be superfluous to lay out side by side ground coffee, bags of herbs, bottles of oils.

Bars of anti-odor soap from a new leather sofa

It will perfectly freshen the air and kill the unpleasant smell of leather new clothes with a bar of soap with your favorite scent. It is enough to lay it out on a leather upholstery.

How to remove odor from furniture

How to get rid of the smell of new chipboard furniture? There are several ways. You need to try them all. But first you need to find the source of the chemical, unpleasant odor. Most likely, it will be a varnish with which chipboard is painted. This varnish contains life-threatening chemicals, especially for furniture in the children's room. This is not safe for children, so for the time being it is better to move the child from a room with a new set, wardrobe or bed to a safe one.

Bubbles with essential aromatic oils

You need to start with airing, open the windows in the room wide open. Open all drawers, doors, shelves. Wipe the inside of the furniture with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice. For several days, ventilate everything and keep it open. You can decompose bags or bags with aromatic herbs, bubbles with essential aromatic oils. Ground coffee and the peel of oranges and lemons clean the air well.

They also use sorbents that absorb odors. You can decompose bags or containers with salt, soda, crush activated charcoal tablets. Disposable green or black tea bags also absorb odors well and purify the air, they must be new. After brewing is no longer possible, you must immediately send it to the trash can. Put all this in many places, on every shelf, in every drawer.

In any case, it will take several days to remove the smell, there will be no instant results. It takes a little patience and time to finally take advantage of the newly acquired furniture.

3 Special agent

In specialized stores there is a special tool for furniture that helps to deal with strong odors recent purchase. There are a sufficient number of such funds, and the price for them is affordable.

You need to use it only based on the instructions. First, the substance is dissolved with water in certain proportions indicated on the label. Hands must be protected with gloves. The solution is applied with a rag, sponge or roller, whichever is more convenient. The upholstery material cannot be touched. Then you need to wait for the time for the product to dry, it is indicated on the package. Active substances of the drug form a thin protective film on the surface of the product, which does not let the chemical smells of the new thing out.

Special agent against the smell of new furniture

There are some caveats:

  • this remedy is not suitable for people prone to allergic manifestations;
  • can only be used on products made of chipboard, plastic, solid wood.

4 Air cleaner

An ideal method for purifying the air from extraneous pungent odors is an ozonizer. This is the latest achievement modern technologies. Allows for very short term qualitatively purify the air in the room from caustic, harmful, hazardous substances. Ozone is known to be an excellent odor neutralizer. This device generates it from atmospheric air. In addition, the device promotes air disinfection, binds and destroys hazardous chemical compounds.

air purifier

The ozonizer is placed near an object that emits a heavy, repulsive aroma. The room must be closed. The device is turned on and left for several hours.

The only drawback of such a device is its not affordable price. Very few people can afford to purchase an ozonator. You can try to do without it by the above methods.

5 Precautions

Wear gloves when using the vinegar solution. And first, check the reaction of the product materials to vinegar or other processing agents in an inconspicuous place, in order to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Allergy sufferers should be careful with new furniture. Vapors can cause an attack. In addition, furniture treatment products from bad smell may adversely affect the health of these people.

It's difficult to imagine modern apartment no sofa. And now, you have purchased it, it is already in the room, new and beautiful. But here's the problem: it smells strongly not of roses at all, and not even like clean new furniture. Why does it happen that the new sofa smells of chemistry, what to do in such a situation? Is it really necessary to try to return it to the store or can the situation still be corrected? Let's deal with this issue in this article.

Dangerous components of the sofa

Bad smell may signal that the sofa contains parts that may be hazardous to health. Consider what the sofa consists of and what can be harmful to health.

The foundation

The structure of the frame includes chipboard. In order to fasten this material, synthetic glue is used, one of its components is phenol-formaldehyde resin. This substance is extremely poisonous, moreover, it is volatile.

Important! The release of carcinogenic substances occurs for more than ten years, which leads to the appearance of the most various diseases. Evaporation increases if furniture is installed near a heating radiator.

Determining chipboard as part of a sofa is quite simple: it will be too heavy.

But do not think that the smell of a new sofa is associated only with this material.

Important! Chipboard is safe enough if the entire surface has been laminated or covered with a special protective paint.


Polyurethane foam is often used as a filler. Its composition includes toluene, but it causes harm only in the combustion process. This can be avoided by keeping the furniture away from possible sources of ignition.

Important! If the furniture is made in China, most often it contains bags with dimethyl furamate, which is a protection against mold. When this substance is in a dry, warm room, it begins to evaporate, which leads to irritation on the skin.

Exterior decor

Also toxic substances may be contained in the upholstery. For example:

  • when dyeing the skin, aniline is used - a colorless poisonous liquid with a pungent odor;
  • when tanning leather, chromium compounds are used.

In high concentrations, these substances can lead to poisoning.

Important! The presence of a sharp chemical odor and uneven skin coloration should be alarming. Besides, leather sofa can't be cheap!

Getting rid of the smell

Is it possible to remove the smell of a new sofa? We practically know why a new sofa smells. But how to get rid of it? In the manufacture of furniture, a variety of chemical components are used:

  • Dyes and impregnations;
  • Resins with formaldehyde;
  • Antifungal fungicides;
  • Polishes, varnishes and solvents.

Important! According to experts, it is better to plan the purchase and assembly of a new sofa for days when you have the opportunity to leave your home for a couple of days. If you leave the window open in the room, the specific smell will disappear.

The smell of a new sofa - what to do when you can’t cope with airing alone. In this case, it will be necessary to process not only the sofa, but the entire room in which it is located. However, such measures may not immediately help, the smell will simply become less intense.

What not to do?

When I bought a sofa, everyone tries to kill the smell with an air freshener or a neutralizing spray. However, this is completely wrong. As a result, you saturate the air with chemistry even more, and such a measure will save the situation for only ten minutes, then it will only get worse.

Important! To increase the efficiency of weathering, it is necessary to increase the microcirculation of air in the room.

Let's start the fight against unpleasant amber

Well, still, the new sofa stinks, what should I do?

  1. First of all, for a couple of weeks we get rid of extra items in the room where the new furniture will stand. We remove all obstructions.
  2. Be sure to get rid of wool carpets, as they perfectly absorb all odors.
  3. We vacuum everything that is left in the room. This applies especially to the sofa. There is definitely chip dust left in it, and it is this that can be the source of the smell. Cleaned with a vacuum cleaner inner part sofa, back side and legroom.

Important! For weathering characteristic persistent odor new furniture will take a lot of time. Both in winter and in summer you will have to constantly open the window, the air conditioner will not help here.

The next step will be the use of sorbents of natural origin. And in the room itself, and in the sofa, and on the floor under it, we lay out bags of gauze, in which there are aromatic herbs: lemon balm, mint or thyme. Or you can cover the sofa itself with flavored tea bags, and pour a couple of spoons of ground coffee under it.

You will also find the following tools useful:

  • You can lay a dry sheet on the sofa, and sprinkle fine sea salt with flavors on top of it. As a result, odors become less intense.
  • You can safely pour soda on the sofa itself. After that, it is shaken off with a soft brush, and the surfaces around are vacuumed.
  • It is possible to use a damp terry sheet - it must first be soaked in a solution that includes vinegar or water peroxide.

Important! If someone from the household has an allergic reaction, it is better not to use the sofa for a while to sleep.


How harmless the sofa is can be determined by observing the behavior of pets. They are much more sensitive to all smells. If the animal sleeps quietly near the new furniture, and you can relax. If you have not been able to get rid of the smell within a few weeks, it is worth sounding the alarm. Otherwise, both you and your loved ones may suffer from poisoning.

Buying new furniture is always exciting and at the same time a pleasant experience. But sometimes it happens that the acquisition begins to emit an unpleasant odor, which is difficult to get rid of. In the review, we will consider where unpleasant odors come from and whether it is possible to deal with them.

Where does the bad odor come from?

Many people know that chipboard is made from wood chips, which are impregnated with a binder. In another way, it is known to everyone as formaldehyde. It is this resin that exudes an unpleasant odor and adversely affects the health of the whole family. The following symptoms may occur:

  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decrease in performance.

All this is the effect of formaldehyde resins, but unfortunately, it is impossible to refuse their presence in the material. Special GOSTs have been developed, which clearly indicate their permissible value their presence. If the requirements are met, then you should not be afraid for your health. You can check this at the stage of buying furniture in the store. Ask sales consultants to provide the relevant certificates.

On a note!

High-quality laminated chipboard does not have an unpleasant odor, and in some cases there is the aroma of natural wood.

How to choose furniture from chipboard or chipboard

If you collect everything with your own hands or purchase ready-made kits in the store, then do not forget to choose first quality manufacturer material. Chipboard and laminated chipboard from Austria or Germany are considered the most environmentally friendly. Russian manufacturers trying to bring their products closer to the European standard. In no case do professionals recommend purchasing materials made in China or Ukraine.

You have the right to request supporting materials, certificates and papers for review. In them you will definitely find information about the country of origin, composition. If you have been provided with a product certificate, it must contain the following information:

  • Producing country.
  • Type of DLS or chipboard. There are two groups E1 and E2. In the first subgroup, the amount of formaldehyde resins is much lower. Such material is considered the most environmentally friendly and safe. Subgroup E2 is strictly prohibited for the manufacture of children's furniture.

Arriving at the store, do not be surprised at the big difference in cost for the same products. Initially, the Austrian laminated chipboard cannot be cheaper than the Chinese one. Saving in this case is not worth it, so choose furniture for your home carefully and according to all the rules.

But this in no way means that you need to be afraid of all chipboard furniture and buy only expensive products. Material material strife and can be found quality material at an attractive price.

Fight bad odor

What to do if you come across low-quality furniture that has an unpleasant smell? There are two main areas:

  • Radical. First of all, you should return to the store and study all the documents more carefully. If everything is in order and all state standards are met, but there is an unpleasant smell in the house, then conduct an independent examination at your own expense. If the fraud on the part of the seller is confirmed, then you have the right to demand a refund Money. If no action was taken from the store, then feel free to go to the consumer protection authorities and above.
  • If you do not have the time and desire to seek the truth, then at home inspect the ends of the furniture. Since a sharp and unpleasant smell comes from it, it means that the ends are open and not processed. To do this, you need to purchase furniture edge and glue it on.

Folk recipes in the fight against odor

Tea bags. Lay them out on all shelves and open surfaces. Only unused sachets should be used. It is recommended to keep them for several days.

  • Ozonator. On sale there is a special device that purifies the air in the apartment from harmful impurities. It should be said right away that such equipment is expensive.
  • Lemon juice. Rubbing with juice will help eliminate the smell. It can be replaced with vinegar. You can try to decompose crusts from citrus fruits for several days.
  • Activated carbon. It will help absorb any bad smell. If medical charcoal does not help, then use ordinary wood.
  • Airing. Be sure to open windows or vents every day in a room where there is "smelly" furniture. If the smell is in the children's room, then move the child for a few days, and leave the room open windows for several days.
  • You can try to thoroughly rinse the products with a solution of potassium permanganate and dry thoroughly.

All about MDF

This material compared to Chipboard new, but became more popular than its predecessor. Used in the following areas:

  • furniture manufacture;
  • manufacturing wall panels and floor covering.

Safe MDF board are made from sawdust, which are glued together with paraffin and a special substance obtained from heated natural wood. The cost of furniture made from such material is compared with products made from natural solid wood.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers use formaldehyde in their production to reduce the cost of the material.

  • Moisture resistance. Can be used in the kitchen or bathroom. The material does not form fungus and mold.
  • Fire resistance. Can be used in the kitchen around the stove. It withstands temperature fluctuations well.
  • Can be used in unheated premises e.g. balconies or garages.
  • You can deal with the smell of furniture made from MDF in the same ways that were given for chipboard.

    So that you do not have to deal with harmful odors, buy only high-quality material and products made from it. Don't skimp on your health. Protect your loved ones from negative consequences.


    The video contains tips for housewives that will help eliminate unpleasant odors from new furniture.

    Many are familiar with the situation when, after buying new furniture, a characteristic, not too pleasant smell appears in the apartment. This is the smell of chipboard (chipboard), which is the most popular material for the production of inexpensive furniture. Where does the smell of chipboard come from, is it necessary to fight it and what health risks does low-quality furniture carry? Read about all this below.

    The smell of new chipboard furniture - what is the reason

    Back in 1985, WHO recognized chipboard as a carcinogenic material. European furniture manufacturers for the most part follow the path of abandoning the use of this material. However, we have cheap furniture from chipboard is still in high demand among buyers. I want to update the interior, funds for expensive furniture no, and the smell of new furniture will go away in a couple of weeks. The smell from the chipboard, perhaps after a while it will go away. But the damage may remain.

    Where does the smell from chipboard come from and what is its danger? Chipboards made from pressed sawdust, which are glued with resin. And in the production of resins, formaldehyde is used. This substance poses a serious health hazard. Also, it happens gradually. Inhaling the characteristic smell of new chipboard furniture, people often do not even suspect what consequences this can lead to. The first signs of poisoning are irritability, insomnia, lethargy. There may also be external manifestations in the form allergic reactions: rash, itching, eye inflammation, etc. Prolonged inhalation of formaldehyde vapors leads to the development of cancer and can even provoke irreversible changes at the gene level.

    It is especially unpleasant when the smell of new chipboard furniture is clearly felt in the children's room. The children's body is more sensitive, so the characteristic symptoms of poisoning can appear quite quickly. Therefore, what you definitely shouldn’t save on is repairs in the nursery. By the way, back in the 90s in Russia it was forbidden to use chipboard for the manufacture of furniture for kindergartens. The reason is still the same - increased, causing a characteristic smell from chipboard.

    How to deal with the smell of chipboard?

    Knowing about negative impact formaldehyde on health, you can protect yourself and your family. Of course, the most reliable thing is not to buy chipboard products. Then the question of how to remove the smell of new furniture will not stand at all. But what to do if the furniture has already been bought, and there is an unpleasant smell in the apartment? First of all, you need to do an air analysis. It is possible that the limiting norms of formaldehyde concentration are not exceeded.

    In this case, there is no serious threat to health, and you just need to decide how to quickly remove the smell of new furniture.

    The intensity of the smell from chipboard depends on various factors: room temperature, humidity, frequency of ventilation, etc. Warm and humid air will exacerbate the situation if the formaldehyde concentration is high enough.

    The smell of new chipboard furniture can last for about a month. Therefore, experts do not advise immediately to enter the apartment after the completion of the repair, and even more so to bring a child there. It is best to wait 3-4 weeks. All this time, the room must be intensively ventilated in order to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the air.

    If even after this time it was not possible to remove the smell of new furniture, then a radical solution would still be to get rid of such interior items. After all, the health of your family is much more expensive than the cost of repairs. But it is important to pay attention to the quality of furniture even at the stage of purchase. It is desirable that the edges and edges of the furniture are sealed. In addition, a sharp chemical smell from chipboard can be felt even in the store. Of course, the purchase of such furniture should be abandoned.