What fungicides are best used to treat various diseases of garden trees and shrubs. Fungicides for plants: names of drugs A group of drugs used to combat diseases

Fungicides, the list of preparations of which will be described below, are products used in crop production to combat plant diseases that are caused by protozoan fungal microorganisms and non-spore-bearing bacteria. Any drugs that are used to protect plants from various diseases and pests are called pesticides. Fungicides are one of their varieties. The name is based on 2 Latin words: fungus - mushroom and caedo - to kill.

For those who are engaged in any kind of crop production, from farmers and agronomists to flower growers, it is important to be able to choose the right preparation correctly. The list of drugs will help you choose the most suitable remedy for the prevention and treatment of plants in the fields, in the garden or vegetable garden, as well as for indoor flowers.

Classification of fungicides

Depending on the composition, these drugs are divided into:

  • biological fungicides;
  • chemical.

The composition of biological fungicides includes some types of bacteria, fungi or components of plant origin that have an active antifungal effect. Organic fungicides are easy to use, have low toxicity to insects and warm-blooded animals, and can be used in combination with other herbicides. But the effect of their action has a relative short duration - from several days to a month. Preparations of this type have gained wide popularity among summer residents and gardeners.

Chemical, or inorganic, fungicides consist of various chemical compounds that have a more pronounced fungicidal effect. They are divided into:

  • copper-containing (for example,);
  • sulfur containing (colloidal sulfur, Thiovit Jet);
  • iron-containing ( inkstone);
  • containing compounds of other elements with a fungicidal effect.

Chemical organic fungicides, such as carbamates ( Consento, Tattu), dithiocarbamates ( Acrobat, Bogatyr), morpholines ( Cabrio Duo), imidazoles ( Mirage) other. The effect of the use of chemical fungicides is more obvious and long-term, but these drugs can cause damage to both plants and animals. In addition, they pollute the soil for a long time.

Various fungicides remain on the surface parts of the plant or are able to penetrate the internal tissues. Accordingly, they are divided into

  • contact;
  • systemic.

Contact - form a surface film on plants and actively affect the fungal infection only with direct contact.

Systemic fungicides, after contact with the surface, penetrate into all tissues of the plant and destroy the pathogenic fungus in any part of it.

Fungicides for plants are produced in the form of powders, tablets, suspensions and concentrated solutions. Each preparation is accompanied by an instruction that must be strictly observed when preparing the solution or during the spraying of the powder. The fungicidal effect of biological preparations is most pronounced in freshly prepared solutions, so they should be used immediately after preparation. Chemical fungicides should also not be stored in order to avoid poisoning pets or children with them.

There are preparations for soil treatment from fungi that can live in the ground. These fungicides in powder form are poured into the ground when it is dug up or dissolved in water and applied during irrigation. Some drugs are used to treat seed and tubers before sowing. And, of course, the largest group of fungicides is used to treat the green parts of plants during the period of active growth. During the season, several preventive sprays are usually produced.

Fungicidal preparations are also used to prevent spoilage of grain or vegetables by fungi during their storage in vegetable bases or in granaries. Universal remedies have been developed that can be used both for the prevention and treatment of mycoses. In different periods of vegetation of plants, it is recommended to use certain types of fungicides.

Principles of drug selection

When working with fungicidal preparations, personal safety measures must be observed. You can prepare the solution only with rubber gloves. The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator or cotton-gauze bandage. Eye protection is provided by goggles.

The choice of an antifungal agent should be made taking into account the area to be treated, the types of plants being treated, the degree of toxicity, the extent of damage to plants and soil. It is worth listening to the advice of agricultural specialists, gardeners and gardeners, amateur flower growers. Since many types of pathogenic fungi are able to develop resistance to a particular chemical, preparations must be changed from time to time to ensure their effectiveness.

Characteristics of the most popular fungicides

The most popular fungicides:

  1. - a contact-type preparation that is effective against many plant diseases provoked by bacteria and fungi. The package contains a concentrated aqueous suspension. Fungicidal action is provided by copper chloride. This drug is intended for the preventive treatment and treatment of many types of cultivated and wild plants. The toxicity of the drug in relation to insects is not high. Phytotoxicity is not expressed.
  2. Topaz- systemic fungicide. It is used for the prevention of various mycoses in cultural plantings in gardens and orchards. The effect of the application was revealed when plants were damaged by powdery mildew and rust. In glass packaging - concentrated emulsion. The antifungal compound is penconazole.
  3. Screen KS- a contact fungicide of a new generation, which has a very high efficiency against potato late blight, apple scab, mildew and grape black spot. The release form is a concentrated suspension, the active ingredient is fluazinam. The preparation possesses weak toxicity, in relation to plants it is not toxic.
  4. Fitosporin-M- biological fungicide. Contains spores and living cells of Bacillus subtilis. It is used to prevent fungal diseases on eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers and other garden crops. WHO, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants. Effective against most known plant mycoses. Combined application with chemical pesticides, with fertilizers and growth regulators is possible.
  5. Quadris- a drug with a wide spectrum of action. Contains azoxystrobin. Release form - concentrated suspension. It is used against all known plant mycoses. They process grapes, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as sports lawns.
  6. Profit Gold- the drug acts both on the surface tissues of the plant, and in the deep ones. Effective in diseases of cultivated plants caused by various fungi. Contains 2 active antifungal compounds. Cymoxanil, the main active compound, penetrates into the internal tissues of the plant and spreads along with the flow of juice to all parts. Famoxadone remains on the surface tissues of the plant in the form of a film for a long time, providing protection against infection. It differs from other drugs in color (brown granules) and a slight specific smell. On sale there are packages with different weights of the drug.
  7. Thanos- deep-acting fungicide. A substance with a pronounced antifungal effect - cymoxanil - quickly penetrates into plant tissues. The recovery of the plant when using this drug occurs even 1-2 days after infection. Sold in the form of water-soluble granules. With the help of this drug, potatoes, sunflowers, tomatoes and onions can be protected from diseases. The solution is resistant to washing off.
  8. Trichodermin- a preparation of organic origin. The fungicidal effect of the drug is provided by the spores of the fungus living in the soil present in its composition, which saves the plant from infection by many types of various pathogenic microorganisms that cause decay of roots and fruits, late blight and other plant diseases. A solution of Trichodermin is suitable as a prophylaxis for indoor plants. They also treat plant seeds before planting. Available in powder form. This preparation is safe both for warm-blooded animals and for insects, fish, etc. It is not phytotoxic.
  9. Alirin B- an organic preparation containing beneficial soil microflora. Release form - dry powder and tablets. This biological fungicide is used to suppress fungal plant diseases and the spread of fungal pathogens in the soil. It protects plants from root rot, septoria, rhizoctoniosis, late blight and many other dangerous and widespread diseases. It is used to restore beneficial soil microflora after the use of toxic pesticides. Suitable for all kinds of horticultural crops and indoor plants.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Now it has become clear what fungicides are, but before using the selected or recommended drug, it is very important to carefully study the instructions. It is necessary to carefully observe all proportions when breeding. Otherwise, many drugs are capable of causing significant harm to plant crops instead of good. When working with chemicals, you should protect yourself with rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Growing plants in home gardens near private houses, summer cottages or country mansions is a favorite pastime of many summer residents and gardeners. But at different stages of such work, one has to look for effective methods to combat an impressive number of dangerous diseases and pests, which, like an invisible attack, attack all garden crops and turn them into garbage. To avoid this kind of event, many summer residents choose special fungicidal preparations that quickly and effectively eliminate the problem by performing a complex treatment of flowers, vegetables and other plants from the development of dangerous diseases.

What is the high benefit of systemic fungicides, why do such preparations have excellent antifungal and anti-stress properties, and which products deserve to be in your garden because of their performance and reliability?

It is important to understand that there are organic and inorganic preparations. In any case, both the first and second types can be the only solution to combat various fungal pests. Currently, the list of systemic fungicides is overflowing with a host of different proposals. The list of available products is very extensive and is constantly expanding, so anyone can choose the right product for their backyard.

Biological fungicides for plants are special substances of biological origin that serve as an effective tool for the prevention, prevention and control of fungal infections, insects and other pests that can harm indoor flowers or horticultural crops. Most preparations are indispensable for ensuring reliable protection of seeds during the treatment period.

If the term is translated from Latin, then it will mean "killing mushrooms." The timely use of fungicides for indoor plants or horticultural and horticultural crops will help maintain plant health, improve yields, and prevent the development of dangerous mycoses. For this reason, every self-respecting summer resident must respond responsibly to the need to purchase such drugs for his site.

Characteristics and basic properties

With the correct use of fungicides for plants, the protection of fruit and vegetable crops, as well as indoor plants, will be maximum. Such funds effectively fight pathogenic fungi and prevent their further development. If you don’t know how to make the right choice, you can’t figure out the names and models, trust professional employees from hypermarkets for home, garden and vegetable gardens or study the mass of available articles on the dacha portals. Such tips will help you make the right choice, which is perfect for specific circumstances and situations.

Fungicidal substances may differ depending on some parameters that determine the strength of the effect. To make the right decision when choosing a suitable drug, you should take into account such features.

By origin, fungicides are divided into:

  • organic (biofungicides that consist of certain bacteria);
  • inorganic (drugs created using complex chemical reactions and compounds).

According to the degree of decomposition, they distinguish:

  1. inorganic fungicidal preparations that remain in the soil for a long time and have a great effect on pests;
  2. models of biological origin, which are environmentally safe and harmless to the environment and soil;

By the strength of the impact:

  • herbal formulations. They are considered “softer” and safer, but their effectiveness is not high enough;
  • formulations based on chemicals that work much faster, but very often contain toxic components and can harm the human body;

Other Features

Also, fungicides can be divided into different groups according to the nature of distribution in plant tissues:

According to the purpose of operation:

  • for soil treatment;
  • for dressing previously prepared seeds;
  • for spraying during the growing season;
  • for effective fungal prevention;
  • as a universal composition (sometimes it is used in the processing of cultivated coniferous plants);

It is important to note that recently there has been an incredible increase in the popularity of biofungicides, which have a more gentle effect and good performance. Many summer residents and flower growers refuse to use chemicals, fearing that they can harm plants and soil quality. Very often, such drugs cause various diseases in people, including a complex degree of poisoning, if the basic rules of care were not followed during processing. In turn, biological fungicides for plants are especially effective in protecting indoor flowers and crops that are eaten.

Application features

Fungicides are presented in the form of special powders that are applied to the soil or carry out seed treatment, as well as in the form of solutions intended for spraying plants. Some types of drugs will be effective at different stages of life and development of fruit and vegetable crops. If we are talking about the fight against fungal infections of different cultures, then it is necessary to follow the basic safety rules, protecting yourself from the negative effects of active substances:

Failure to comply with any rules can lead to various negative consequences, cause an allergic reaction or poisoning. It is better not to risk your health and pay attention to the mandatory preparation for the upcoming procedure.

Use of preparations for indoor flowers and horticultural crops

For effective prevention of fungal diseases, contact and systemic fungicides are used. At home, experts recommend using biological preparations that contain active bacteria. When operating in city apartments, compositions in the form of emulsions, solutions and powders can be used. As for chemical fungicides, they can be applied before the start of the growing season or after flowering and fruit harvest. Biological preparations are suitable for use at any time of the year, and individual products can also be used when harvesting fruits.

Indoor flowers need intensive protection from a wide variety of pests and diseases, so their use should be mandatory. Otherwise, the intensity of the development of dangerous diseases will be very high.

As for the use of a fungicidal-based solution and powder for the garden, such preparations will be effective when soaking the seeds. They can also be added to the soil during loosening and digging. This will prevent the development of the fungus in the soil and protect it from the development of dangerous pests. Spraying is carried out in early spring and late autumn, which is an effective method for antifungal treatment of crops, especially such as peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

In order for the use of the drug to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to properly dilute it in accordance with a certain proportion and general rules. So, the cultivation of the fungicide is as follows:

Experts do not recommend preparing too large volumes of fungicides. Also, do not leave the solution open during storage. This can lead to disastrous consequences, including poisoning people or pets who may accidentally drink some of the composition.

Features of choosing an effective drug

When it comes to choosing a fungicide, you need to know a number of subtleties and features that will greatly simplify the upcoming purchase. In the process, it is necessary to take into account the area to be treated, the types of plants being treated, the degree of toxicity and the extent of the lesion. You should also take into account the advice of professional agricultural technicians, gardeners, gardeners and connoisseurs of various flower plants. Do not forget that in nature there are a lot of pathogenic fungi that can be resistant to any chemical composition, so from time to time the drugs used need to be changed with others in order to increase their effectiveness.

Among the most popular fungicides that have proven themselves in the fight against various diseases and fungi, the following can be distinguished:

Before you buy one of the products you are interested in, carefully study the instructions and treat the selection of the appropriate proportion with all responsibility. This will avoid negative consequences in the future and carry out a truly effective prevention or treatment of plants in your backyard.

In the process of caring for plantings, fungicides for plants have to be used. We are talking about drugs that are used for the prevention and control of pathogens - the cause of the spread of fungal diseases. Their pathogens can affect both one crop and a group of plants. In order not to treat the problem, it is better to prevent it and protect the plantings in advance.

The best fungicides for plants

Plant protection specialists are constantly improving the means, creating combined formulations, and paying attention to the immunization of crops. Fungicide preparations are designed to protect vegetable, fruit and indoor plants from pathogenic fungi. The timely use of antifungal agents preserves the health of plantings, increases their decorative effect and productivity, and prevents the occurrence of fungal infections.

What is a fungicide?

Substances of biological or chemical origin are used to prevent and eliminate fungal infections of plants. They are effective for protecting seeds and soil during dressing, the green part of plantings when spraying. Fungicides for plants are divided into:

  1. Contact- act on the surface of stems, leaves.
  2. Systemic- substances through the vascular system of plants penetrate into the tissues of fruit and vegetable crops, they can act on the seed coat.

Fungicides for plants by origin are:

  1. Organic. The antifungal action is based on the activity of certain bacteria, they are harmless to the environment, completely decompose. Such compounds are softer, their effect is weaker, but they have few side effects.
  2. Inorganic. Preparations are made on the basis of strong chemical compounds, they remain in the soil for a long time. Chemicals act faster and more actively, they are often toxic and require caution in use.

It is important to know the features of the use of fungicides - they can be used in powder form and applied to the soil during digging. The use of the solution is relevant - they can shed the soil to protect against the fungus, seed the seeds before planting. In early spring or late autumn, plant fungicides are used to irrigate foliage. Prepare the mixture strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Fungicide Speed

This is a highly effective broad-spectrum agent with the working substance difenoconazole. Skor is used from, oidium on grapes, scab. The concentrate showed successful fungicidal properties on potatoes, tomatoes, fruit trees, gooseberries, and currants. The drug has low toxicity for animals and humans. The use of the drug Skor:

  1. 3-5 ml of the concentrate should be diluted in 10 liters of water and used immediately.
  2. It works within 1-2 weeks.
  3. If fungal spores have already appeared on the plant, the drug will not work.
  4. The speed is suitable for soaking seeds.

Fungicide Falcon

The drug enters the market in the form of a concentrate in 5-liter canisters. The emulsion is slightly toxic and environmentally friendly. To prepare a working solution for prevention, 5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water is required, if the plantations are already affected - 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Falcon is sprayed with crops; it is not washed off by precipitation. The action of the fungicide lasts 2-4 weeks.

Fungicide Strobi

Among fungicides for plants, the drug is considered unique. It effectively fights most fungal and microbial diseases, is used to protect grapes, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers. The use of the drug Strobi and its action:

  1. The fungicide is presented in the form of granules that quickly dissolve in water.
  2. The remedy stops the focus of the disease, prevents the development of spores and stops the growth of the mycelium.
  3. To prepare the solution, dilute 0.4 g of granules in 1 liter of water.
  4. The emulsion must be used within the first 2 hours after preparation.
  5. The drug can be used at the time of flowering.
  6. The fungicide tolerates precipitation, works well both at low temperatures and on wet foliage.
  7. It is not recommended to use it for two seasons in a row.

Fungicide Thanos

Thanos is a fungicide with the contact component famoxadone and the active ingredient cymoxanil. It, penetrating inside the tissues of the leaves, has a therapeutic effect even 1-2 days after infection. The drug is produced in the form of water-soluble granules. It protects plants from late blight, alternariosis, garny types of rot, prevents new sporulation on plants, and improves the process of photosynthesis. Fungicide Thanos - action and application

  1. It is used to protect potatoes, onions, tomatoes, sunflowers.
  2. The solution is prepared in proportion - 4 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.
  3. The drug is resistant to washing off, forms a film on the foliage, fungal spores die within 2 minutes.
  4. Thanos is especially effective for preventive use - plants are treated with it every 10-12 days up to 4 times per season.

Fungicide Horus

Systemic fungicide (active component cyprodinil) is used at the beginning of the season to protect against scab, leaf curl, powdery mildew, moniliosis, fruit rot for pome and stone fruit crops. The agent penetrates the plants quickly and begins to act literally after 2 hours, even if it rains. Application of the fungicide Horus:

  1. The rate of fungicide in the preparation of the solution depends on the type of plant and ranges from 3-6 g per 10 liters.
  2. The interval between irrigations with Horus is 12-14 days.
  3. The last treatment is allowed 14-30 days before harvest.
  4. At a temperature of + 3-20 ° C, the effectiveness of the product is the highest. If the thermometer is above + 25 ° C, it decreases significantly.

Fungicide Quadris

Systemic fungicide Quadris is a drug for protecting soil vegetable crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cabbage), grapes, peas, strawberries from major diseases. With it, you can cope with powdery mildew, late blight, mildew, oidium, late blight, spotting. The fungicide is endowed with preventive, curative and eradicating action. The drug Quadris - action and application:

  1. The concentration of the active solution on cultures is 0.2%.
  2. It is recommended to carry out 3 sprayings with Quadris fungicide per season.
  3. The fungicide is non-toxic to the environment, prolongs the fruiting period of the crop and the safety of the crop.

Fungicide Maxim

The drug Maxim is a contact fungicide, with its help it is possible to protect plants from fungal diseases and disinfect the soil. The active ingredient fludioxonil is extracted from bacteria, it heals plants and enhances their immunity, effectively works against fusarium, mold, root rot. Application of the drug Maxim:

  1. The fungicide is suitable for treating potatoes, beets, cereals, legumes, bulbs, garden and indoor flowers.
  2. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 2 ml of the product per 1 liter of water. It must be used within 24 hours. 50-100 ml of the prepared solution is poured under the plant.
  3. Maxim seed, bulbs, tubers, all planting material, rhizomes and when laying them for storage.


Effectively fights fungal diseases of leaves and seeds. Fundazol is a broad-spectrum treater and fungicide based on benomyl. Also, the tool is considered an insecticide and destroys most of the known pests - ticks, aphids. Application of Fundazol:

  1. The drug is produced in sachets of 10 g, which is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  2. Leaves are sprayed with the emulsion, seeds and bulbs are dressed before planting, and the soil is shed.
  3. Fundazol is suitable for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, fruit trees, berries, flowers.
  4. The drug is toxic, during the season it is allowed to carry out no more than 2 treatments of plants with this agent, fruit trees - up to 5 times.

Fungicide Fitosporin

Harmless to plants, the biofungicide has low toxicity to humans and animals. The preparation is contact, designed to protect against fungal and bacterial ailments of indoor, greenhouse, garden and garden plants. Application of Fitosporin:

  1. The tool is used as a disease prevention.
  2. Phytosporin acts immediately after use, its properties are preserved in a wide temperature range.
  3. Before use, the working fluid is infused for 1-2 hours.

Phytosporin is used:

  1. For spraying and watering flowering, vegetative and fruiting plants, trees, shrubs.
  2. For soaking seeds, bulbs and seedling root systems.
  3. For spilling the soil before planting.
  4. For processing tubers, bulbs and rhizomes when storing.

Fungicide Switch

The drug of systemic and contact action Switch is an excellent protection of the vineyard, fruit trees, tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries from fungal diseases. Preventive treatment of plants with a solution reduces the risk of mycosis. Fungicide Switch has practically no drawbacks - it is low-toxic, has resistance to flushing, a wide range of operating temperatures, even flowering plants can be sprayed with it. The composition contains innovative substances cyprodinil (penetrates the plant) and fludioxanil (it has a contact effect on the causative agent of the disease). Switch application:

  1. The consumption rate of the fungicide is 2 g per 10 liters of water.
  2. Processing of plants is carried out with a freshly prepared solution.
  3. After spraying, the fungicide acts after 2 hours.
  4. The drug is used for irrigating crops and dressing seeds and soil, its protective effect lasts 20 days.

When growing garden and indoor plantings, it is often necessary to use all kinds of fertilizers and growth stimulants. Caring gardeners buy fungicides for plants that can kill pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the development of fungal infections. If you provide the affected culture with proper care, then it can be saved from death without much difficulty.

People who want to purchase an effective remedy for combating various fungi need to familiarize themselves with what a biological fungicide is. Its varieties are divided into two large groups of drugs:

  1. Contact.
  2. Systemic.

If we talk about the first category, then it includes products that do not penetrate the internal paths of green spaces, but only cover the outer shells, where the reproductive and vegetative organs are located. fungal microorganisms. The suppression of the pathogen occurs over a certain period of time and depends on the degree of damage and the effectiveness of the drug. The disease will be completely eliminated if the treatment measures are carried out at least 3-5 times with an interval of 10-12 days.

Contact fungicides are characterized by a local character. They do not fulfill a therapeutic purpose, but only suppress pathogens that are located on the outer shells or directly in plant tissues. This treatment eliminates the contact of aggressive chemicals with internal organs, so this does not affect the formation and ripening of the fruit.

The principle of action of systemic preparations is slightly different: when they enter the cultivated culture, they completely cover its inner part, spreading through the tissues and introducing a number of changes in the physiological and biochemical processes that occur naturally. Over time, active substances enter the stage of decomposition in plant organs, resulting in the formation of metabolites. It is they suppress harmful fungus preventing the development of a dangerous disease.

According to adherents of contact fertilizers, the products formed during the decomposition process are a great danger to plants, so it is better to refuse them. In addition, at least a month must pass before processing and harvesting.

Fungicides of chemical and biological origin

The names of chemical and biological fungicides for plants say practically nothing to a novice gardener who has not previously had to deal with fungal diseases on the surface of his plantations. Since a wide variety of fungicides for indoor plants are presented in retail outlets (the names are usually very complex and obscure), this only aggravates the process of buying a suitable drug.

Most often, such funds are presented in the form:

  1. powder.
  2. Suspensions.
  3. emulsions.

However, they can be divided into two large groups. According to the type of composition, they are:

  1. Organic. They consist of active microorganisms that can suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi.
  2. Inorganic. They are represented by a wide variety of fertilizers with 4 hazard classes for humans and animals.

Most experienced summer residents prefer organic biofungicides for plants, which are highly effective and practically harmless. Recently, the market offers a wide variety of similar drugs with contact action. Their manufacturing method is different from that used in the case of the chemical type. The main constituents are active bacteria that depressing effect on pathogens.

Science has proven that contact biofungicides almost do not cause any damage to humans, fish, bees or warm-blooded creatures, while they fight pathogens very well. If you want to buy such drugs, you need to pay attention to the following popular types:

  1. Hamair P.
  2. Trichodermin.
  3. Alirin-B.
  4. Albite.
  5. Phytosporin.
  6. Baktofit.

Chemical fungicides are also used to effectively treat fungal-affected crops. They are in high demand due to the rapid suppression of the fungus with short treatment in minimal doses. However, do not run to the nearest gardening store and buy all available chemicals, because this can lead to not the most pleasant consequences. Instead, you should pay attention to time-tested and experienced preparations that reliably protect various garden plants and practically do not harm them:

  1. Consento, CS.
  2. Bordeaux liquid.
  3. Copper vitriol.
  4. Zineb.
  5. Tiram.
  6. Potassium permanganate.
  7. Soda ash mixed with green soap for good adhesion.

Important application rules

It is forbidden to start treating plants with contact chemicals after the appearance of flowering buds or before harvesting. In turn, biological agents are suitable for the entire growing season, and some of them are used even at the stage of fruit ripening.

Before you start processing activities, you need to responsibly approach the issue of your own safety. For such purposes, it is used:

  1. Reliably protected overalls.
  2. Rubber gloves and goggles.
  3. Headdress.

After completion of work, work clothes should be sent to the laundry, and hands and face should be washed several times with soap and water.

A diluted solution is used for processing, although some preparations are served fresh. As a rule, the instructions for use are attached to the box with the purchased composition, so you will only have to strictly follow the advice and maintain the optimal consumption rate.

When setting up the sprayer, select the fine spray mode so that the output cloud of solution covers the crop at the bottom and top. When processing the green mass of plants that will be eaten (cabbage, sorrel, etc.), it is better to completely abandon chemical compounds. It is also recommended to start processing before flowering and fruit set.

It is forbidden to clean the containers used for dilution of the solution in the reservoir. To do this, they must be placed in a specially designated place for disposal. At the same time, there should be limited access to the environment where fungicides and other chemical fertilizers are stored. The drugs themselves are pre-placed in a securely closed package.

Compliance with safety rules will avoid many troubles. Otherwise, you can not only harm the culture, but also your health and the environment.

In addition to preparations for treating the external parts of plants, there are various fungicides for the soil. With their help, you can process the soil where the crop is grown in order to completely get rid of fungal pathogens, capable of being stored in the ground until the next season.

Gardeners resort to the use of fungicidal agents in the most extreme cases, when they have a good reason. This is due to the high toxicity of many available products. Before the procedure itself, it is important to carefully read the safety rules and step-by-step instructions. As for popular drugs, they may include:

  1. Oksikh.
  2. Trichodermin.
  3. Green soap, etc.

Oksihom is a highly effective solution based on copper oxychloride and oxadixyl, which belongs to the group of contact systemic fungicides that can fight many diseases of garden and indoor crops. Effectively eliminates late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot and other common diseases. The absence of toxic effects on human skin and the green mass of plants makes it very popular and safe to use.

For processing, you must use a fresh solution, which is created as follows:

  1. One third of the volume of water is poured into the tank of the spraying device, and then the mixing mechanism is started.
  2. After that, the required volume of fungicide is added to the composition and the missing part of the water is poured.

Only after that you can start processing.

Particular attention should be paid to the purity of the water used to create the composition. It is advisable to take filtered distilled liquid free of any impurities or microorganisms. For 2 liters of water, one package of the composition is used, while sometimes it is necessary to carry out 3 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days.

Among the advantages of Oxychoma are:

  1. Effective system-contact action.
  2. The result of spraying continues to persist up to 14 days.
  3. Minimal toxicity with proper dosage.
  4. Economical consumption during preventive treatment.

Another excellent remedy for fungal and bacterial diseases is Trichodermin. It contains spores of a soil fungus, which may be called "Trichoderma lignorum", as well as a crushed grain substrate.

The tool perfectly eliminates about 60 varieties of soil pathogens that contribute to the formation of a wide variety of diseases (root and fruit rot, seed infections, macrosporiosis and many others).

After several procedures, an improvement in soil fertility and saturation of the root system of crops with additional vitamins is noticed, which increases the percentage of seed germination.

To apply the fungicide, you must follow this step-by-step guide:

Such actions can protect the culture from imminent death.

Even with careful selection of quality seeds, abundant watering and a suitable substrate, many plants remain vulnerable to various fungal diseases. And if some only spoil their appearance, damaging leaves or root system others lead to the complete extermination of an entire culture.

In order to prevent such unpleasant consequences, one should take care of reliable protection green spaces from developing infections, otherwise you will have to save the affected plant from an aggressively progressing fungus. In this case, sometimes you have to resort to chemicals, including fungicides, for help. It is these drugs that demonstrate maximum effectiveness in the fight against many diseases, so they should be present in the arsenal of every gardener.

When using such tools, it is necessary to defend the position of application minimal damage plant, giving preference to safe and non-toxic solutions. It is also important to carefully read the instructions and instructions for use. In this case, the treatment of the plant will bring the expected success.

Attention, only TODAY!

This year has a record wet summer. And we see a record number of diseases on our plants. And I want ripe fruits on healthy and strong bushes - like these, for example:

And gardeners go to the nearest garden center, where dozens of preparations in beautiful packaging are displayed on the shelves. Eyes run wide, knowledge is not enough. The gardener buys what the seller advises, but sees no effect. Then the gardener turns to neighbors for advice, to cheap mass newspapers advertising folk remedies ... Plants wither and die.

To avoid such situations, let's talk about modern fungicides that help protect plants from diseases caused by pathogenic fungi.

Diagnostic nuances

Most often, the gardener meets with fungal diseases on tomatoes.

Alternaria in the greenhouse

If signs of a disease appear on my tomatoes (for example, the plant does not grow like that, the color of the leaves has changed, some spots have appeared) - I open pictures of tomato diseases on the Internet and decide for myself what happened to them first: either they are pests, or lack of nutrients, or poisoned soil, or disease.

If I come to the conclusion that my plants are sick, then I decide whether the disease is caused by bacteria or fungi. The right choice of prevention and treatment depends on this.

Alternariosis in the ground

In more than 70% of cases on tomatoes, the gardener encounters typical diseases caused by fungi - this is either late blight or alternariosis (dry spotting). In the open field since August it is almost always; in the greenhouse since July - Alternaria.

To treat late blight, you need to have a general idea, how fungi attack plants. Almost always, in order for the fungus to show aggression, high humidity and even a water film on the leaf and fruits are needed. Therefore, we are so afraid of morning dew in the soil and high humidity in the greenhouse.

The leaf is usually protected by a thick epidermis, the fungus does not pass through it, but the leaf is covered with brittle hairs. When we touch, injure tender leaves, or pests injure a leaf, a fungus immediately penetrates into these microtraumas that have not had time to overgrow.

But the plant is always ready to fight, it turns on the immune forces, produces new protective enzymes that destroy the fungus, or vice versa, causes the necrosis and drying of its tissues so that the fungus stops multiplying without food.

Let's talk about late blight and late blight

Initially, large blurry brownish-brown necrotic spots appear on the leaves, stems and fruits. Then, at different speeds, all the leaves dry out and the fruits turn black.
There are several forms and races of mushrooms, and therefore the degree and form of damage to tomatoes (as well as potatoes) differs from year to year and depending on the area.

Spores of the fungus through stomata or wounds quickly grow deep into the form of a mycelium, braid tissue cells and suck out the juices of the plant. Then a white coating quickly appears on the leaf - this fungus has begun sporulation. The spores are carried by the wind and can remain in the soil and on plant debris until next year. Therefore, it is so important to either burn the remains of tomatoes and potatoes or bury them deep. Tomato seeds can also store such spores, so I disinfect the seeds Vitaros- it does not burn the seeds and the embryo, like potassium permanganate.

I'm trying change tomato beds every year and do not plant them near potatoes. This is the main thing in . After all, small doses of spores in the air, which are always present, do not affect strong healthy plants. Only the focus of large doses of infection in the soil in the garden where tomatoes or potatoes grew is terrible. No less harmful are the spores blown by the wind from a diseased potato field - they will very quickly destroy your tomatoes with any prevention.

From immunity stimulants It is worth using only immunocytophyte. The remaining dozens of such drugs do not work so reliably and are more difficult to use, more precisely, they depend on many conditions for their use. The same zircon and epin, for example, can often backfire in inept hands.

About "drugs" against fungi - fungicides

This year I sowed eggplant seeds from China. And all the plants developed an early disease unknown to me. None of the fungicides helped, only antibiotics (metronidazole + streptomycin) managed to stop the disease. It turned out to be a Fusarium fungus, which penetrated through the roots from infected seeds.

But most of the fungal diseases that affect our plants can be eliminated with the help of available fungicides. It is only important to choose the right drug and use it correctly.


Active ingredient: azaxystrobin, 250 g/l. New system broad spectrum fungicide to protect vegetable crops from a complex of diseases. Belongs to a new class of drugs - strobilurins. It suppresses the pathogen when it hits the leaf.

The eradicating effect of Quadris makes it possible to stop the spread and development of infection in the area. This is one of the few preparations that protect vegetable crops. from all major diseases: powdery mildew, late blight, macrosporiosis, downy mildew, spotting and others.

Strobilurins less harmful to humans. But they do not kill the fungus completely: after 1-2 weeks, it wakes up again and infects the plant with renewed vigor.

Ridomil Gold

The most effective of the drugs available for sale, perhaps, may be Ridomil Gold. It is a fungicide of contact-systemic action to combat late blight, Alternaria and other fungal diseases. Active ingredient: 40 g/kg of mefenoxam + 640 g/kg of mancozeb.

Tomato leaf in the open field in August. Helped Ridomil Gold

Mefenoxam provides internal protection, quickly penetrates the plant and kills all fungi, is especially effective against fungi from the class of oomycetes (causative agents of downy mildew). Mancozeb provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide. The double action of the drug is decisive: thanks to it, the plant is protected both from the inside and outside.

And further It is important to know: fungi easily develop resistance to fungicides acting inside the plant. And they are usually always sensitive to those who act outside.


Thanos is even more effective - a fungicide that is resistant to washing off with a healing effect to combat Alternaria and late blight of tomatoes and potatoes, white and gray rot, downy mildew. Active ingredients: 250 g/l famoxadone + 250 g/l cymoxanil.

Potato field at the end of July. Helped Thanos

Famoxadone forms a film on the surface of the leaf and acts as a protective barrier, preventing the penetration of the pathogen into the plant. Due to its ability to bind to the leaf surface, famoxadone is usually within 2 hours won't wash off with rain or water during irrigation.

Cymoxanil affects not one, but several biochemical reactions in the cells of the fungus at once, which prevents the development of resistance (resistance to the drug). This substance moves in the leaves (translaminar action), as well as in the stems from the bottom up, compensating for the uneven distribution of the working solution on the plants during processing.

Experiments have shown that the effectiveness of Thanos against Alternaria is many times greater than the effectiveness of other drugs.


Recently, from phytophthora on potatoes, I began to use the even more reliable fungicide Acrobat MC. Active ingredient: dimethomorph 90 g/kg + mancozeb 600 g/kg.

My cucumbers in early August. Helped Acrobat

It is commonly used south of mildew on grapes and downy mildew on cucumbers. The fungus has not yet acquired resistance to this drug.

How to apply fungicides correctly

If fungal diseases on tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, grapes are rampant in your area - alternate every 7-10 days the listed drugs. Only by carrying out treatments with preparations with different compositions, in which there are two drugs at once, acting both from the outside and from the inside, you will cope with any of the most resistant mushrooms.

Downy mildew on cucumbers

And other preparations based on copper sulphate are becoming a thing of the past. Yes, they can protect your tomatoes. But at the same time can severely poison the soil and its biota due to the accumulation of copper in the soil with annual application.

Over the years of gardening, I have filled a lot of cones. If I plant tomatoes in my greenhouse for 3 years in a row, Alternariosis has been raging since July. If I change the top layer of soil and alternate crops, there are almost no fungal diseases. A fairly frequent treatment with ACC and a single treatment a week before the onset of reddening of tomatoes with Ridomil Gold.

Neighbors always have phytophthora in the field. Therefore, starting from mid-July, I carry out three potato treatments, changing preparations and stimulating ACC plants.

How to beat powdery mildew

But in addition to fungi such as late blight, Alternaria, we are also annoyed by fungi that cause powdery mildew on cucumbers, flowers (phloxes, roses), rot on fruits (apples, strawberries), various rusts on coniferous plants. Another group of drugs is effective here.

Leaf of a capricious rose in an abnormally rainy summer. Topaz helped

For powdery mildew prevention it is worth starting with the drug Topaz EC. It contains the substance penconazole. It is a systemic fungicide for the protection of pome, stone fruit, berry, vegetable, ornamental crops and vines against powdery mildew and other diseases.

The best results are obtained by preventive use at the beginning of the growing season or at the first signs of the onset of the disease. The drug helps to suppress the primary infection and prevent the spread of powdery mildew disease. Interval between treatments: 7–14 days.

But in some areas, fungi have become resistant to Topaz. Then it is necessary to apply a stronger fungicide Difenoconazole. It is part of the preparations under the following names: Skor, Dividend, Rayok, Chistotsvet.

If it does not help, then when re-spraying, propiconazole should be used (preparations Chistotsvet BAU or combined Zoltan KE containing propiconazole + cyproconazole).

I process my plants at the beginning of summer with copper-based preparations, better quality imported ones such as Abiga Peak. Then I repeat the treatment with Soon (Raek) - this is for prevention. If there are signs of illness, then in August I change these drugs to Ridomil Gold.

Onions in a rainy summer did not suffer from downy mildew. Helped Skor

Do not believe in myths about miraculous folk methods and disease-resistant strains. Do not believe that humates and phytosporins will destroy modern fungi on diseased plants.

My tomatoes in the greenhouse do not get sick. Treated twice with Ridomil Gold

I focus on the selection of zoned varieties, on the creation of a healthy “living soil”, I use ACH and local mineral supplements. And I rarely use fungicides. But if fungal diseases have already appeared, I use only the most modern fungicides. According to the instructions and in the complex.

Only personal experience of growing healthy plants in specific conditions on healthy soil will allow you to reduce the "medicinal" load in your garden and grow a sufficient crop of sweet, sunny, fragrant fruits.