Air heating is modern, cheap, reliable. Heating of atmospheric air What causes the air to heat up

A comfortable microclimate is one of the very important components in the life of every person. Well-being and performance directly depend on it. But it is not always possible to achieve it using conventional microclimatic devices.

Ventilation with heating will become great solution to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere indoors. Adjustment of the microclimate device allows you to adjust the temperature and amount of inflow fresh air, which will make you feel comfortable.

Due to the variety of modes and ease of use, supply ventilation with heating is relevant in public places, in industries and in residential areas.

What is forced air ventilation with air heating?

Ventilation with an influx of air masses differs from standard systems conditioning. The principle of its operation is to draw air from the outside. Thus, in addition to cooling and heating, such ventilation enriches the room with oxygen, while conventional air conditioning systems simply circulate the air in the room.

The supply air is heated in the ventilation unit. Ventilation unit supply ventilation with heating has high heat transfer. Therefore, even during severe frosts, ventilation continuously supplies masses of fresh hot air.

Ventilation with heating is carried out through air exchange. Circulation and heating of the influx of air masses is carried out in supply and exhaust units with a recuperator. The air drawn from outside is heated in the recuperator due to the temperature of the exhaust air masses. The recuperator prevents the mixing of “exhaust” and supply fresh air.

Another way to heat the supply ventilation is through recirculation. At this method During heating, fresh air masses are mixed with “spent” ones. The influx of air from the street is heated to the desired temperature and supplied to the room.

Design features of the device

Main elements of supply ventilation

  • Air intake grille. Acts as an aesthetic design and a barrier that protects debris particles in the supply air masses.
  • Supply ventilation valve. Its purpose is to block the passage of cold air from outside into winter period and hot - in the summer. You can make it work automatically using an electric drive.
  • Filters. Their purpose is to clean incoming air. I require replacement every 6 months.
  • Water heater, electric heating elements - designed to heat incoming air masses.
  • For rooms with small area It is recommended to use ventilation systems with electric heating elements for large spaces- water heater.

Additional items

  • Fans.
  • Diffusers (contribute to the distribution of air flow masses).
  • Noise muffler.
  • Recuperator.

The design of ventilation directly depends on the type and method of installation of the system. They come in passive and active action.

Passive ventilation systems.

This device is a supply ventilation valve. The scooping of street air masses occurs due to a pressure difference. In cold weather, the temperature difference contributes to the discharge; in warm periods, the exhaust fan assists. Regulation of such ventilation can be automatic or manual.

Automated regulation directly depends on:

  • the flow rate of air masses passing through the ventilation;
  • air humidity in the room.

The disadvantage of the system is that in winter, such ventilation for heating the house is not effective, since a large temperature difference is created.

On the wall

Refers to the passive type of supply ventilation. This installation has a compact box that is mounted on the wall. To control heating it is equipped with an LCD display and a control panel. The operating principle is to recuperate internal and external air masses. To heat the room, this device is placed near the heating radiator.

Active ventilation systems

Since in such systems it is possible to regulate the intensity of the fresh air supply, such ventilation systems are more in demand for heating and warming up the room.

According to the heating principle, such a supply heater can be water or electric.

Water heater

Powered by a heating system. The operating principle of this ventilation system is to circulate air through a system of channels and tubes, inside of which there is hot water or a special liquid. In this case, heating occurs in a heat exchanger built into the centralized heating system.

Electric heater.

The principle of operation of the system is to transform electrical energy into a thermal one using an electric heating element.


This is a compact device small sizes for fresh air ventilation, heated. To supply fresh air, this device is attached to the wall of the room.

Breezer Tion o2

Breather design tion o2:

  • A duct consisting of an air intake and an air duct. This is a sealed and insulated tube through which the device draws air from the outside.
  • Air delay valve. This element represents air gap. It is designed to prevent the outflow of warm air while the device is turned off.
  • Filtration system. It consists of three filters that are installed in a certain sequence. The first two filters clean the air flow from visible contaminants. Third filter - deep cleaning– from bacteria and allergens. It purifies incoming air from various odors and exhaust gases.
  • Fan for air supply from outside.
  • Ceramic heater, which is equipped with climate control. Responsible for heating the air flow and automatic temperature regulation.

Operating principle of compact ventilation.

  1. Masses of street air pass through the air intake, which is equipped with a plastic grille closed type. Thus, air masses are filtered from debris and insects.
  2. The air then passes through the duct into the body of the device. To protect the walls from freezing, it is made of sound-heat insulating plastic pipe. In this case, all joints are sealed.
  3. Then, coarse and medium dust are filtered using special filters built into the device.
  4. After which the air mass passes into the heater and warms up to the temperature set by the climate control. On such a device you can set the desired temperature (up to +25°C) and the system will maintain it automatically.
  5. After heating, the air undergoes two-stage filtration to remove fine dust, odors, gases and allergens, enters the fan and is discharged into the room.

This supply ventilation can be controlled remotely using a remote control.

The bottom device is installed within one hour.

Supply ventilation device with air heating

There are two types of units for supply ventilation:

  1. Monoblock - they are made up of one block, which is installed at the inlet of the air duct. This block contains all the necessary devices, without exception, that ensure high-quality and reliable service of the ventilation structure. This type of device is often generally installed in the wall or in window frames. This method is considered the simplest and least expensive. But in practice it is quite ineffective, since the placement of its intake fans does not make it possible to cover many areas of the building.
  2. Mounting - these supply ventilation systems are powerful enough to cover high rise buildings, large industrial premises, apartment buildings.

Supply ventilation schemes

The simplest type of installation:

  • Air filter,
  • blower fan,
  • Heating element.

How to heat supply air using a recuperator?

Recuperators are divided into 2 types:

  1. Rotary- work using electricity. Have a body cylindrical, in which the rotor element is mounted. It constantly rotates between the “incoming” and “exhaust” air valves. Quite a large item. Efficiency – up to 87%.
  2. Lamellar. Such recuperators consist of united plates. Supply and “exhaust” air move towards each other through different valves. This helps prevent recirculation. Such recuperators are usually small in size.

Duct heaters.

A duct heater (or heater) is a device that heats the air in a room. It consists of pipes within which water, steam or hot air circulates.

According to the principle of thermal output, duct heaters are divided into: electric and water. Water heaters must be connected to central systems heating.

How to use a fan heater

The main purpose of a fan heater is to heat air masses. For more intense circulation of flows, the fan forces air into the air. This makes this device universal.

Options for operating the fan heater:

  • This device can be used as the main source of heat supply to a room that does not have central heating.
  • The fan heater can complement the main heating system.
  • For heating construction sites and workers for them.
  • For quick heating of air in a small room.
  • The fan heater can be used as a regular fan: in winter for heating, in summer for cooling the air.
  • For ventilation and heating of enclosed spaces.

How to calculate power

When choosing supply ventilation with heating, you need to correctly calculate its power. To do this, you should be guided by the following parameters:

  • Type of premises and its area - apartment or house (one floor or several, availability ground floor, non-residential premises), office, factory, gym, etc.

In industrial facilities with large areas and in rooms with special operating conditions, a special exhaust unit with heated air is used.

  • Ventilated room layout.

For household objects, the location of the rooms is important, whether they are walk-through or isolated. The number and location of ventilation devices will depend on such indicators.

  • The purpose of the room space and the number of people constantly staying there.

When designing a supply ventilation system with heating, you need to take into account the type of room, its purpose and the likely number of people who will constantly stay in it. In accordance with European standards, air exchange should be 12-20 m3 per person per hour.

  • Availability additional equipment(industrial facilities, offices), operational features. If there is a lot of equipment in the room such as: computers, typewriters, welding machines, ovens, etc. when selecting installation supply and exhaust system this must be taken into account. The features of the operation of the premises are also important. Since the installation, which is intended for use in private homes, is in no way suitable for bath complexes, with sauna and swimming pool.

Significant differences in the supply air exhaust units also for different climatic zones.

Perhaps you are a poor student or just on a budget. What to do if your home's heating system still hasn't been fixed? Maybe you live in an old, drafty house? Perhaps you want to reduce your CO2 emissions. Regardless of the reason, you need to stay warm when it's cold. Here are some useful tips.


How to make your home warmer without a heater

    Close all windows carefully. Make sure winter frames, if you have them, installed and tightly closed. Windows must be closed. Open them during the day when the sun is shining if the temperature outside is higher than the temperature inside.

    • Windows must be sealed. You can purchase special window caulk to help seal them better. At a minimum, place a shirt or towels in areas where air leaks noticeably, or plug cracks with newspaper.
  1. Hang cheap shower curtains on your windows that let in sunlight. This will help not to let you in cold air from the street, and solar heat will heat your home. You can also cover your windows tightly with plastic.

    Hang the curtains. Heavy curtains block air flow. Open them when the sun is shining and close them at other times.

    Seal the doors. Check the door frame as well as the area under the door. You can buy and stick a seal. Again, at a minimum, place a towel or something else under the door.

    Let as much sunlight into your home as possible. Make sure sunlight nothing gets in the way (eg plants, awnings). Remove anything that leans against the sunny side of your home (it's best to put these items back at night to create extra insulation).

    Close unused rooms. This will create another barrier between you and the cold air from the street. This will also reduce circulation and therefore heat loss.

    • You can purchase a magnetic register at a hardware store that turns off forced air electric heaters in unused rooms. This way, only the rooms you use will be heated and the heating will be used much more efficiently.
    • Make sure that all heaters are mounted openly, especially where water pipes may freeze. Unblock the circulation of cold air in the heated room (this may be blocked by furniture or carpet) so that heated air can circulate effectively.
  2. Lay down the carpet. Carpets and rugs help prevent heat loss through the floor. They tend to be warmer to the touch than wood or stone and are a warmer surface to walk on.

    Add insulation to the attic. Large quantity heat escapes through the attic, as warm air rises and the cold one falls. Make sure the attic is thoroughly insulated.

    Light a fire in the fireplace . If you have a fireplace, light it to make your home warmer. If you don't have a fireplace, consider installing one. Never leave a fireplace with a fire burning unattended.

    Get ready. You will warm up while cooking, the kitchen will become warmer with the stove on, and you will treat yourself to something tasty and hot.

    Light a candle. Candles can produce a lot of heat. Place them carefully and do not leave them unattended. You can find cheap candles at any grocery store.

    • Use a candle heater. It won't produce as much heat as a fireplace or real heater, but it will be very cheap heat.
  3. Turn on the incandescent lamps. The average incandescent light bulb emits up to 95% of its energy as heat rather than light, making it an extremely efficient heat source.

    • CFLs and LEDs won't help warm a room, so save them for warmer days and use the money you save to pay your heating bill.

    How to keep yourself warm in a cold house

    1. Drink warm drinks. Warm drinks will raise your body temperature. This process is very relaxing and even stimulating. Make a cup of tea or coffee. Drink some warm broth.

      Dress warmly. Many people believe that the largest percentage of heat loss occurs through the head, but in fact, heat loss throughout the body is the same. However, if you are cold, a hat or scarf definitely won't hurt. A sweater can also work wonders. Dress in layers, especially if you're wearing wool or cotton clothing. Wear slippers or warm socks. If you are sitting, wrap yourself in a blanket.

      • If you still have cold feet, buy black tights. They should be opaque. Wear one or even two pairs under your clothes. This will create another layer of clothing to retain heat. Men can wear long underwear.
    2. Use small spaces. For example, if your bedroom is much smaller than your living room, spend more time there.

      Play sports. 20 minutes of vigorous exercise can not only warm you up, but also keep you warm after your workout. Besides, healthy body, as a rule, more tolerant of cold.

      • Be active. Movement produces heat! The more active you move, the better your blood circulation. This means warm blood flows into the fingers and toes, keeping them warm.
    3. Hug a friend or pet. The body of any warm-blooded animal warms. Snuggle up with your dog or cat and keep each other warm.

      Use a hair dryer. You can quickly warm up yourself or cold shoes and clothes before putting them on. You can also warm up your bed before you go to bed. Never cover the hairdryer! It may overheat and catch fire.

      Buy a heating pad. Instead of heating the entire house or rooms, use a heating pad on low wattage. You can also make your own heating pad:

      • Use a bottle with hot water. Thus, it is very convenient to warm your hands and feet while sitting; you can also put her in bed, at your feet.
      • Heat socks or small pads filled with rice, dried corn or beans for one minute at microwave oven and use as a heating pad or put it in bed.
    4. Buy a thick robe. Think of it as a big fluffy blanket with sleeves. It's very warm and comfortable, and you can even sleep in it!

      Go on a visit or on vacation. Consciously spend time in a well-heated place that won't cost you anything, such as a library, church, a friend's house, etc.

      Try an electric blanket. An electric blanket can keep you warm and cozy all night, and it's cheaper than inefficient and expensive old heaters.

Every property owner wants to have an efficient and reliable heating system. It is desirable that it creates as much comfortable conditions indoors, at a minimum cost. On at the moment Air heating is one of the most promising and modern species heating

Features of heating rooms with air

Such systems have a lot of advantages, the main ones are as follows.

Advantages of air heating

  • Due to the operating principle itself, such heating has very high reliability. In particular, there is no danger of pipeline freezing, leaks, etc.

  • The system is economical because it is universal. It is possible to combine space heating with air conditioning, ventilation, humidification and air purification. All these engineering communications will use the same air duct system. Thanks to this, the price of work will drop sharply, as you will save on building materials and installation.
  • No thermal energy consumption for heating).
  • If you use not only ordinary filters, but also carbon filters, this will eliminate all extraneous odors.
  • Air heating has a high coefficient useful action- up to 90%.
  • Warm air heating is automated. The system itself adjusts to produce required quantity heat. While you are away, you can reduce the heating of all rooms to +6/7 degrees. This will prevent the home from cooling down, while significantly saving energy resources.
  • The premises quickly heat up to the required temperature. Depending on the properties of the installed system, as well as the volume of the room, it can be heated in half an hour/hour.
  • Uncomplicated and quick assembly such heating.
  • Easy routine maintenance.
  • The service life is quite long - about 30 years.

Disadvantages of such heating

  1. Minor noise in heated rooms.
  2. If the air duct outlets are not equipped with special dust filters, then dust will move around the rooms along with the heated air.

Pay attention! A significant drawback when choosing to heat a house with air is that there is a large temperature range between the floor and ceiling. In ordinary rooms it reaches 10°; in large and high rooms this difference increases to 20°. As a result, in winter it is necessary thermal power systems increase.

How it all works

Air heating is increasingly being chosen in the construction of real estate. Similar type heating is used in private houses and cottages, shopping and production premises, in warehouses, agricultural and sports facilities, etc.

The main working element of the air heating system is a heat generator. As a rule, it runs on gas or electricity, less often on diesel or solid fuel. The heat exchanger and burner, in turn, are the main parts of the heat generator itself.

The heat exchanger is blown inside with air. At the same time, heated combustion products (gases) pass through it. The air, heated by them to +45/65°, enters the heated rooms through the air duct system. There it gives up its excess heat to the cooler surrounding counterpart, and then, through the return pipes of the air duct, it returns to the heat generator for further heating.

It should be noted that the circulation of air flows in such a system is of two types:

  • natural, created as a result of a temperature gradient;
  • forced, in this case the air must be pumped by a fan.

Main types of such systems

As shown in the photo, air heating, according to the principle of its operation, is divided into three types:

  • completely recirculating system;
  • analogue with partial recirculation;
  • direct-flow heating.

Recirculation heating

In this design, the air in the rooms is constantly circulated and heated. Ventilation, in this case, can be either natural or forced. In the latter case, additional equipment will be required.

Typically, such heating is mounted on the basis of freely dissipating heaters. It should be noted that the ventilation and heating collected in this case are completely independent of each other.

It is also possible to install a recirculation air system based on duct heat generators.

Heating with partial flow

This type of heating uses exclusively ducted air heaters. Its main difference from the above option is the connection air heating and supply ventilation. In such a system, a branch is mounted on the exhaust (return) branch of the air duct, going outside the building, necessary for taking in outside air.

Pay attention! Moreover, the ratio of supply and recirculation air in such heating varies over a wide range. Depending on the chosen system design, their mixing can be carried out before or after (if an additional fan is used) the heat generator.

The first variation is more rational, as it makes it possible not to use an additional cooler when installing heating. This significantly reduces the load on the main fan.

However, there are systems where air mixing occurs behind the heater. With this option, indoor air heated to a high temperature is mixed with cold supply air. This produces a mixture of the specified temperature. In summer, such a design can play the role of fresh air ventilation. And if you install additional devices, it will humidify and cool the rooms.

Supply air heating option

In such a system, only the outside air is heated. As any instruction indicates, when installing such heating, it is necessary to design powerful exhaust ventilation.

It should be said that the easiest and cheapest way to do it yourself is to recirculate indoor air. But it is not always possible to use such heating, based on sanitary requirements, as well as building codes.

Pay attention! When creating a project for such a system, it is necessary to take into account not only the heat loss of the building envelope, but also heat losses from active ventilation of premises. Dynamic hypothermia is also important. They can be associated, for example, with opening entrance gate. In addition to all this, you should take into account the height of the rooms, as well as the frequency of air exchange in them.

The fireplace insert will heat not only the room where it is located, but thanks to ventilation the entire house. By combining hot air and hot water supply, you will not require gas or electricity for heating.

Select cheap heating Houses.

In addition to heating the large living room classic fireplace, you can choose three other ways to heat your house or cottage. Technically more complex and a little more expensive breeding system hot water from the fireplace.Most often used hot air heating.Not as often, but more effectively use of a combined heating system. This means distributing hot water for heating radiators and heating with air.

And one fireplace is enough for this. You might be surprised how cheap this heating system is.

Heating with hot air.

It is cheaper and technically simpler to heat a house or cottage using a warm air distribution system. Big advantage Compared to heating with hot water, it is heated as soon as the fire starts. Summer residents will undoubtedly appreciate this when they come to cold dacha. This heating method, together with modern thermal insulation walls, quality windows and materials capable of accumulating heat with high-quality installation of the system allows you to forget about heating with gas or electricity. To install this system, in addition to the fireplace insert, it is enough to buy ventilation, aluminum tubes, insulation and grilles for venting into the room, and you can begin installing the system.

How it works.

Through the lower pipe, with the help of small fans, cold air from the room enters the fireplace insert. If the house is large, a ventilation system is installed. It is not recommended to bring in cold air from the street, because it stops circulating in the room - cold air settles near the floor, hot air rises to the ceiling. Cold air at room temperature is sufficient.

The incoming air quickly heats up to a very high temperature. Most inserts create a high temperature at the outlet, so only aluminum pipes are connected to the heater. They will withstand 300 degrees of heat. If a pipe with insulation intended for indoor distribution (insulation made of glass wool and foil) was connected to the heater, the foil would burn. These special tubes can withstand temperatures up to 130 degrees Celsius. The same applies to gratings.

After connection aluminum pipes, there are two solutions.

1. Complete the distribution system in the wall, for example, in the corridor, with a heat-resistant grille. This is the case if air circulation is used to further distribute heat throughout the house, for example, through the stairs to the first floor. This option can also be used in combined system(water-air).

2. Connect aluminum tube to the distribution system. Distributing insulated tubes have already been laid from it to separate rooms. These systems are mainly located in the floor on the first floors of buildings. If a ventilation system is connected to the distribution system, these pipes can be placed under the ceiling. But in this case it doesn't work natural circulation air.

Fireplace effect.

So that the entire warm air distribution system works only on the basis of thermals without ventilation system, the so-called fireplace effect should be observed. In practice, it looks like this: warm air from the fireplace comes upstairs, passes through ventilation to the upper floor, and at the same time pushes cold air down. At the ground, he is pulled into the fireplace and the whole process is repeated. However, if the kitchen hood is turned on or open doors outside, will disrupt the whole process. Therefore, for greater efficiency, it is necessary to install a fan that forces the air to flow in the desired direction.


Ventilation circulates air throughout the house. It blows cold air under the insert and warm air into the room. Each fan must be equipped with a speed controller. Regulates the noise level and the amount of air circulating throughout the house. Practical too temperature sensor. If the fire goes out and the temperature drops below the set value, the fan will turn off and will not blow cold air into the house.

Combined fireplace insert.

If you want maximum savings gas and electricity, purchase a combined fireplace insert. It is equipped with a hot water heat exchanger and will simultaneously heat the room where it is located. The photo shows a combined boiler that will heat a space of 280-300 m3 with a thermal power of 11 kW for the room and 4 kW for water. Heat exchanger volume 6 liters. The advantage is that the fireplace insert has only the main distributor, which is extended along the floor into the technical room. There is also the main equipment necessary for distributing hot water to the radiators.

When is the sun hotter - when is it higher above your head or when is it lower?

The sun is hotter when it is higher. In this case, the sun's rays fall at a right angle, or close to a right angle.

What types of rotation of the Earth do you know?

The Earth rotates around its axis and around the Sun.

Why does the cycle of day and night occur on Earth?

The change of day and night is the result of the axial rotation of the Earth.

Determine how the angle of incidence of the sun's rays differs on June 22 and December 22 at parallels 23.5° N. w. and Yu. sh.; on parallels 66.5° N. w. and Yu. w.

On June 22, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays at parallel 23.50 N. latitude. 900, S. – 430. At parallel 66.50 N. – 470, 66.50 S. – sliding angle.

On December 22, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays at the parallel is 23.50 N. 430, S. – 900. At parallel 66.50 N. – sliding angle, 66.50 S. – 470.

Think about why the warmest and coldest months are not June and December, when sun rays have the largest and smallest angles of incidence at earth's surface.

Atmospheric air is heated by the earth's surface. Therefore, in June the earth's surface warms up, and the temperature reaches its maximum in July. The same thing happens in winter. In December the earth's surface cools down. The air cools down in January.


average daily temperature based on four measurements per day: -8°C, -4°C, +3°C, +1°C.

The average daily temperature is -20C.

the average annual temperature of Moscow using table data.

The average annual temperature is 50C.

Determine the daily temperature range for the thermometer readings in Figure 110, c.

The temperature amplitude in the figure is 180C.

Determine how many degrees the annual amplitude in Krasnoyarsk is greater than in St. Petersburg, if the average temperature in July in Krasnoyarsk is +19°C, and in January - -17°C; in St. Petersburg +18°C and -8°C, respectively.

The temperature range in Krasnoyarsk is 360C.

The temperature range in St. Petersburg is 260C.

The temperature range in Krasnoyarsk is 100C greater.

Questions and tasks

1. How does atmospheric air heat up?

By transmitting the sun's rays, the atmosphere hardly heats up from them. The earth's surface heats up and itself becomes a source of heat. It is from this that the atmospheric air is heated.

2. How many degrees does the temperature in the troposphere decrease with every 100 m rise?

As you rise upward, every kilometer the air temperature drops by 6 0C. So, by 0.60 for every 100 m.

3. Calculate the air temperature outside the aircraft if the flight altitude is 7 km and the temperature at the Earth’s surface is +200C.

The temperature during an ascent of 7 km will drop by 420. This means that the temperature outside the plane will be -220.

4. Is it possible to find a glacier in the mountains at an altitude of 2500 m in the summer if the temperature at the foot of the mountains is +250C?

The temperature at an altitude of 2500 m will be +100C. A glacier will not be found at an altitude of 2500 m.

5. How and why does the air temperature change during the day?

During the day, the sun's rays illuminate the earth's surface and warm it, which also heats the air. At night, the supply of solar energy stops, and the surface along with the air gradually cools down. The sun is highest above the horizon at noon. This is when the most solar energy comes in. However, the most high temperature observed 2-3 hours after noon, since it takes time to transfer heat from the Earth's surface to the troposphere. The most low temperature happens before sunrise.

6. What determines the difference in heating of the Earth’s surface throughout the year?

Over the course of a year, in the same area, the sun's rays fall on the surface in different ways. When the angle of incidence of the rays is more vertical, the surface receives more solar energy, the air temperature rises and summer begins. When the sun's rays are more inclined, the surface heats up weakly. The air temperature drops at this time, and winter comes. The warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere is July, and the coldest month is January. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the other way around: the coldest month of the year is July, and the warmest month is January.