How to convert frames from winter to summer. Adjusting plastic windows. Instructions: how to switch plastic windows to winter mode

PVC windows have many advantages compared to ordinary windows or other types of double-glazed windows. Take, for example, one of the most significant advantages is the setting of winter or summer mode. Not all plastic structures provide such modes, but many do.

The functionality of a window depends on the fittings it has. It may be functionally limited, or it may have many useful functions.

Hardware classes

Depending on the class of fittings, the ability of a PVC structure to transition or not to transition from one mode to another is determined - from winter to summer and vice versa. The quality and functions of the fittings depend on the class. The manufacturer is also important, but not so much.

The following classes (or types) are distinguished:

  1. Budget. Fittings of this class are installed in windows with the lowest price. Allows you to only open and close windows.
  2. Standard. Fittings are provided for PVC structures average price. Allows you to prepare windows for winter or summer.
  3. Specialized. Such fittings can be combined with anti-burglary fittings. Allows you to configure the window to the required mode.

What are modes for?

Modes are needed for one simple reason - the weather outside is constantly changing. Winter is replaced by summer and vice versa. Accordingly it happens constant fall or fever. Thanks to the ability to close the window more tightly or, conversely, less tightly, it becomes possible to adjust the “climate” of the room.

Summer mode

In the summer, the main functions of the PVC structure are to minimize heat, dust, dirt, and so on. This is why it was invented summer build. It allows you to adjust the pressing density of the sashes to maximum loosening, which is very important to do after a long winter. To do this, the nut is unscrewed counterclockwise, and the effect of the eccentric on the frame is thereby weakened.

Winter mode

During the winter period, you want to keep as much heat indoors as possible. To do this, the position of the eccentrics changes in the direction of “sealing” the PVC structure. By moving, they allow the sashes to be fixed more tightly to the frame insulation. By the way, during operation the insulation can wear out greatly, so it is important to make transfers of modes on time.

Transferring from one system to another can be done independently, but everything must be done carefully and slowly. An error in action may result in damage plastic construction. To avoid this, you can invite a specialist from the company or store where the PVC was purchased.

Blowing out of a plastic window can be caused by:

  1. Poor compression of glass with glazing bead. This is especially true in winter, since materials tend to shrink when exposed to cold. Accordingly, the glazing bead can fly out of the grooves, and the glass, in turn, from the glazing bead. It should be replaced if necessary, but it is best to entrust this work to professionals.
  2. Incorrect selection of fittings for the structure. If the rubberized seal is of uneven thickness or is pressed unevenly by mechanisms, then gaps may appear to allow cold air to pass through.
  3. Poor quality material from which the profile is made. It may simply crack over time.
  4. Incorrect installation of the frame. As a result, the doors may not function well and may not close properly.
  5. By passing air at the junction of the frame and the vertical profile element. The gap should be sealed with liquid plastic, which comes as a set to PVC.

Change modes or not

There are a number of reasons why the regime must be changed:

  1. The doors begin to close when opened, or no longer open at all. This may be due to the sagging of the sashes, which in turn are attached to the frame using hinges. It is also possible that the winter mode was set incorrectly using the adjusting screw.
  2. The seal may wear out. In this case, dust and wind will freely penetrate into the room. If it is warm outside, then you should immediately replace the insulation gasket.
  3. The sashes can also be shifted in the horizontal plane. This directly indicates that the setup was initially performed incorrectly.

One of the reasons was about the seal. So, in order to avoid its wear and tear, it is not always necessary to adjust the PVC structure specifically for the winter. When pressed tightly, the seal wears out greatly. That's why winter mode is necessary, but its use should be limited if possible. It all depends on the weather; if the winter is windy with snowstorms and blizzards, then cold and frost will penetrate the house.

How to find out if a window can be set to winter mode

In order to find out the functional PVC possibilities structure, it is necessary to inspect it from the inner end. There should be a hole for a screwdriver in the handle area. If there is one, then the plastic window can be converted from one structure to another. But you also need to know that the hole must be suitable for a hexagon.

If it is oval-shaped, then there can be two options: either PVC is converted into summer and winter modes, or not. You need to check with the seller.

How to switch a window to winter mode and back

The transfer is carried out by performing the following steps:

  1. To begin with, the inner end of the sash is inspected to find eccentrics. Their number may vary, but each one needs to be configured separately.
  2. The eccentrics are moved primarily clockwise until the sash is tightly pressed against the seal. Here you need tools such as a wrench or pliers.
  3. All that remains is to check whether all actions have been performed correctly. Here you will need a regular sheet of paper. He's being pinched PVC sash. If after this procedure, the sheet is easily removed from the gap between the sash and the frame, then the window still has a summer frame. If the sheet cannot be removed, the PVC is installed with a winter orientation in mind.

Thus, summer tuning is performed in reverse chronological order.

Step by step instructions

In general, the whole translation process is as follows:

  1. Initially, the inner end surface of the valves is thoroughly cleaned. Should be given special attention joints and connections. The end of the frame also needs to be cleaned. This is done to ensure that no dirt gets on the mechanisms or fittings of the doors.
  2. The fittings themselves are additionally cleaned with a hard bristle brush.
  3. Seals and surfaces that come into contact with them are wiped with a rag. This is necessary to remove old grease and dirt accumulated on it.
  4. Seals can be replaced if necessary if they are worn out, for example, due to long or improper use.
  5. Upon completion preliminary work eccentrics and hinges are lubricated with silicone.
  6. Next, the trunnions are adjusted with a hexagon or screwdriver. They are turned in a certain direction, adjusting the pressure of the valves. Some types of eccentrics must first be pulled a certain distance from the end of the sash. They are turned by the protrusions and then returned to their original position.
  7. The adjustment is now checked. If the trunnions are adjusted to winter mode, then when you turn the handle, it will function poorly. If you are configured summer mode, then the handle will turn easily.

Removing a worn seal:

  1. The old rubberized gasket is removed from the frame grooves.
  2. The profile must be wiped with a cloth, thereby removing dirt and dust.
  3. The corners of the frame are filled special glue for rubber.
  4. The grooves are laid with new insulation. This is done carefully, without tension.
  5. All excess is cut off, and the joints of the seal are glued together.

Incorrect setting

First, a little about the correct setup:

  1. A correctly adjusted window does not create any sounds during operation, for example, the sounds of rubbing parts or surfaces.
  2. Details responsible for correct position the doors in space should be located approximately equally.
  3. The rubber gaskets between the sash and the frame must be elastic and easily return to their original shape after opening the sash.

The setup can be done independently, since no special knowledge or skills are needed. But it is still necessary to carry out all work carefully. Even with small adjustment errors, the window may break, therefore, urgent repairs will be required.

What needs to be done before starting adjustment work, and what can result from non-compliance with the rules:

  1. You should find and use the instructions supplied with the PVC. If you randomly change the positions of the eccentrics, they may become unsuitable for further use and the entire adjustment mechanism may be disrupted. The pressure rollers and rubberized seal may also be damaged.
  2. It's worth checking first technical condition windows. If some parts are very worn, for example, a seal, then it will not be possible to adjust the winter mode. But you will be able to break the bolts.

Thus, seasonal modes have many advantages. They allow you to adjust the “climate” indoors, at home. Winter adjustment is especially important, since constant drafts can cause a lot of trouble.

Transferring modes should not be done more often than once every six months. More frequent changes may cause wear of some parts of the PVC structure or even breakage. To ensure that breakdowns occur as rarely as possible or not at all, it is worth taking care of PVC construction. It must be cleaned and lubricated on time. Instructions contain detailed descriptions care instructions, the main thing is to follow them.

Modern double-glazed windows provide a comfortable indoor microclimate. However, they also require periodic adjustments. Thus, it is possible to adjust the degree of pressing of the canvas to the frame depending on the season, which few people know about. It’s not difficult to do this with your own hands using a hex key, a screwdriver, or manually, depending on the type of locking devices.

Different modes are needed for one simple reason - the change of seasons. Accordingly, there is a periodic drop or rise in temperature. The ability to close windows more tightly (or, conversely, less tightly) increases access fresh air into the room in summer and reduces the flow of heat out in winter.

If the window is constantly used in “winter” mode, this will lead to rapid wear of the seal due to the constantly high clamping pressure on it. If you leave the summer mode for the cold period, then there will be drafts and significant heat loss in the room. As a rule, during installation, windows are set in a neutral mode (spring/autumn), and when the season changes (that is, 2 times a year), it is recommended to make the appropriate adjustments.

Leak test

You need to prepare plastic windows for winter before the first frost. It is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection and check the tightness in the following ways:

Types of adjustment mechanisms

The degree of pressing of the sash to the frame is adjusted using locking mechanisms (trunnions) located on the side and upper ends of the sash. The appearance, number and location of these devices may vary depending on the manufacturer and price category glass unit.

The most common ones include:

  • Round. Such trunnions have some kind of mark (dash, mark, dot, asterisk). If it is directed towards the room, then the window is set to “winter” mode, to the street – “summer”, upward – “neutral”.
  • Oval. The vertical position is “summer”, the horizontal position is “winter”, the diagonal position is the standard “neutral”.
  • Turnkey eccentrics. The shift into the room is “winter” mode, outward is “summer”, strictly in the middle is “neutral”.

Adjustment depending on brand

Manufacturers of double-glazed windows complete their products different types fittings from different brands, the adjustment of which may have some distinctive features:

How to switch modes

The number of adjusting pins may vary, but each one needs to be adjusted.

On the round pin, depending on the manufacturer, there is a dot or mark indicating what position it is in.

Switching to winter mode:

  • Turn the eccentrics clockwise until the risks (or other types of trunnions move) turn towards the room.
  • Check the degree of pressure by holding a regular sheet of paper between the sash and the frame - it should hold tightly if the adjustment is made correctly. Otherwise, you need to make additional adjustments to the clamp.
  • Conversion to "summer" position is performed similarly. The mark (mark) must face the street.

Also, watch the detailed video instructions if you have any questions:

Other adjustment methods

If, after setting the “winter” position, the room still receives cold air, then the problem may be in incorrect sash geometry. Typically, sagging or distortion occurs on long-installed double-glazed windows. This can often be noticed visually or by a characteristic sound.

Position adjustment modern windows can be carried out in several planes - the main thing is to know where the corresponding adjusting screws are located.
The tools you will need are a hex wrench and possibly a flathead screwdriver. First you need to remove the covers covering the hinges - it is convenient to do this when the sash is open in the “ventilation” mode.

Remove the plug from the bottom hinge

Most double-glazed windows have the following adjustments:

It is recommended to check the position of the sash after every two turns of the screw so as not to overtighten it in the opposite direction, especially if you do not have similar experience in adjusting the pressure and position of the window. When raising and lowering, periodically open and close the sash in the “ventilation” mode and make sure that it does not catch the frame. When making left-right adjustments, open and close the frame in a rotating mode and watch how it fits into the frame.

Errors during adjustment

You should not put a newly installed double-glazed window into the “winter” position. Sudden pressure on a new rubber seal can cause its irreversible deformation; after the load is relieved, it will not return to its original shape.

Uneven pressure. After all the work has been completed, you need to check the degree of fit of the window around the entire perimeter using the same sheet of paper or visually. Uneven load on different areas will also lead to deformation of the gasket and the appearance of drafts.

With the onset of summer, be sure to loosen the fit, since all materials are more high temperatures expand, and, accordingly, the pressure between the glass unit parts increases.

As you can see, adjusting the seasonal position of the window does not present any difficulties. Any person without preparation can cope with the task. You will need the simplest tools that are found in any home. Changing modes allows you to provide the most comfortable microclimate in the room and reduce the degree of wear of the seal and fasteners, thus significantly extending the service life of window structures.

In addition to the described adjustments to the position of the window, do not forget about the basic rules of care and operation: lubricate the hinges with machine oil, the seal with special silicone grease, do not load the open sashes, and turn the handle all the way when opening. This will help prevent major damage to the fittings and the entire structure.

Useful video on caring for fittings:

The instructions contained in this article will help you find out what position the trunnion is in and figure out how to switch the windows to winter mode without calling a technician to your home. The text provides an overview of the features and characteristics window fittings, tips on its use and proper adjustment, as well as visual video material and photos with a clear description of this procedure.

Metal-plastic double-glazed windows are widely used for glazing apartments and private houses. Such designs have the ability to make adjustments and set the degree of pressing of the sash. Thanks to this window adjustment PVC system can be switched to winter or summer seasonal mode. This function is very convenient, although not all owners know about it.

The availability of the adjustment function depends on the type of fittings used. This feature is not inherent in every type of window, but only in modern modifications. There are several modes. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Standard, summer and winter modes of plastic windows

The standard mode assumes the middle position of pressing the sash. This means that the eccentric will be located in the middle. A window structure installed in this mode is, in most cases, capable of operating effectively both in winter and in winter. summer time. This ensures an optimal level of compression of the sealing material.

In winter mode, windows are characterized by a tighter fit of the sash to the frame. Thanks to this, during the cold season, metal-plastic structures effectively retain heat, keeping it indoors.

Summer mode is characterized by less tight fixation of the sash. In this position, air flows circulate freely between environment and the room. In other words, a micro-ventilation effect is ensured, due to which optimal microclimatic conditions are maintained in hot weather.

Pay attention! Using the summer mode allows you to weaken the doors as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the condition of the metal plastic windows who survived the long winter. At the same time, it remains possible to protect the room from dirt, dust and heat.

Why is it necessary to adjust plastic windows for summer and winter modes?

Switching from one mode to another allows you to keep the window structure in a functional state and extend its service life. Adjustment involves changing the degree of fit of the sash to the window frame. IN winter time year insulation material It contracts, and in the summer it expands. It, like all fasteners, can be protected from wear with the help of adjustment, video and photographic materials with instructions describing how this can be done are available on the Internet.

Sometimes during operation the sash shifts. When it is warm outside, this does not cause any inconvenience, but in winter this can cause the room temperature to drop significantly. If this happens, you should check the condition of the frame. When installing metal-plastic windows, craftsmen check the position of the sashes in each mode, as well as the absence of gaps between the parts. However, a perfectly executed installation does not guarantee that the sashes will not come apart over time.

If the window installation is completed early spring or in winter, structures are exposed to external influences:

  1. The temperature outside is rising.
  2. Under the influence climate change The plastic begins to expand.
  3. The temperature outside is dropping.
  4. Under the influence of temperature changes, plastic decreases in volume, but it is not always able to take its original shape.

Similar processes occur if windows are installed in the summer. But first the material contracts as temperatures drop, and then expands. However, it is impossible to avoid changes in technical specifications products, so gaps often appear in the windows.

The need to switch plastic windows to winter or summer mode may be due not only to the seasonal transition, but also to a number of other reasons:

  1. Drafts from the window, carrying frosty air in winter and dust in summer.
  2. Sagging of the sashes due to wear on the hinges.
  3. Sash jamming in ventilation mode.

Pay attention! During operation of windows, the sealing material is subject to severe wear. Therefore, it is very important to promptly adjust plastic windows with your own hands when switching to winter/summer modes.

How to check the possibility of adjusting plastic windows for the winter

The ability to switch between summer and winter modes is provided special fittings. The availability of this function depends on the class of these parts.

There are several types of components:

  1. Budget fittings - parts that have the lowest cost and are responsible solely for opening and closing window design.
  2. Standard fittings – the kit contains standard and burglary-proof parts that allow you to prepare the window structure for summer or winter.
  3. Specialized fittings - includes anti-burglary and specialized parts that allow you to switch plastic windows to winter or summer mode.

Majority modern manufacturers produces standard and specialized fittings with the function of switching from one mode to another.

The most popular brands:

  • Siegenia Aubi;
  • Maco;
  • Roto.

During installation, the user is not always given detailed information O functionality fittings filling. To find out whether the window design provides for a transition between modes, you should study the appearance and markings of the configuration, namely the axle.

An eccentric or trunnion is one of the elements of the fittings that allows you to adjust the degree of pressure of the sash to the frame of a metal-plastic window. This part is placed on the side.

If the trunnion contains special holes intended for a key, then the design has an adjustment function. This can be easily seen even in photos of plastic windows, of which there are many on the Internet. As a rule, the marking is marked with the image of a hexagon, screwdriver or asterisk. In some cases, the control part has an oval shape, which also indicates that the window can be operated in different modes.

How to determine which mode of plastic windows is set: winter or summer

Before adjusting plastic windows for the winter, you should determine in what position the fittings are installed. There are several ways to help you find out how the sash is placed. In each case, the technique depends on the shape of the trunnion.

How to determine the winter mode of plastic windows before adjusting the fittings:

  1. Take a sheet of paper.
  2. It is placed between the sash and window frame so that one of the ends remains on the side of the room.
  3. The window closes.
  4. Then you should pull the sheet towards you.

If the paper passes easily, it means that the structure is set for operation in summer mode. Otherwise it will break.

Useful advice! Manufacturers metal-plastic structures It is recommended to operate windows in summer mode all year round. If there is no reason to switch to the winter position of the sash, this procedure is not necessary.

In addition, there is a way to visually determine whether the winter mode is installed on plastic windows; photo examples with markings can be easily found on the Internet. According to this method, it is necessary to find a marking in the form of a dash, asterisk or dot on the round pin. Next, you need to determine the direction of this mark. If the marking points towards the room, it means that the windows are set to summer operation. If the mark faces the street, then the design is set to winter mode.

Related article:

Causes of the problem, types of malfunctions, ways to eliminate them. Tips for preventing door damage.

Trunnions are not only round, but also oval. The operating mode in this case is determined by the nature of the eccentric placement. If it is turned vertically, then the windows are set for summer weather. In a horizontal position, the trunnion presses the sash as tightly as possible to the frame, which indicates winter mode.

Having determined the position of the sash, you can move on to solving the question of how to switch the windows to winter mode; video instructions describing this procedure are presented in large quantities on the Internet.

How to adjust plastic windows in winter/summer modes: video review and description

To find out how plastic windows are adjusted, it is advisable to read the manufacturer’s instructions, study descriptions and videos, which can later be used as a visual aid. If the work is carried out without the help of a specialist, it is very important to fully understand the essence of the issue and act as carefully as possible, since there is a risk of damaging the fittings with a careless movement.

How to set windows to winter modeoperation: photoand description of the preparatory stage

Preparing the window for customization begins with cleaning. To perform this procedure, you will need a certain set of tools and devices.

This list includes:

  • mop equipped with a telescopic handle;
  • a product intended for cleaning window glass;

  • paper napkins or towels;
  • a product intended for cleaning accessories;
  • silicone-based lubricant;
  • brush or hard brush.

Useful advice! If you constantly take care of your double-glazed windows and keep them clean, before you adjust your plastic windows for the winter, you won’t have to spend a lot of time preparing them.

The preparation of the window structure is as follows:

  • glass is washed;
  • the frame is wiped;
  • dirt on connections and joints is removed;

  • use a brush or hard brush to thoroughly clean the fittings;
  • all window elements are wiped (especially areas with grease);
  • by applying a few drops of silicone grease, the fittings are treated;
  • the position of the trunnion is determined;
  • the trunnion is set to the required position;
  • lubricant is reapplied;
  • All hinges are lubricated.

After all the above manipulations have been completed, the result is checked using a sheet of paper.

How to switch windows to winter mode: photoand recommendations

To adjust the fittings on double-glazed windows, you will need a special tool. Experts recommend having with you:

  1. Pliers.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Hex key.

The necessary tools should be purchased immediately after purchasing the windows, since the need to adjust them may arise suddenly. Sometimes the eccentrics do not protrude outward, and many owners search the Internet for videos on how to adjust plastic windows with similar features. The secret is to pull the pin outward. After this you can already configure it. When the eccentrics are installed in the required position, they should be recessed into the sash again.

Experts do not recommend changing modes during the first year of window operation. In new designs, the sealing material has not yet been subject to wear, so the mechanical loads on the fittings should not be increased or adjusted. If the winter in the region is not too different low temperatures, operation of double-glazed windows in summer mode is allowed. While winter adjustment It should not be left in the summer, since this mode will cause accelerated wear of the seal.

Pay attention! Changing the regime is allowed no more than 2 times a year. Moreover, the length of the winter operating period is much shorter than the summer one.

Setting up plastic windows: how to adjust the sashes horizontally and vertically

Regardless of the mode of operation, the doors of the structure are not allowed to be skewed. Sometimes you have to resort to correcting their position in order to correctly configure the fittings. The presence of sagging or misalignment reduces the service life of the seal. To work you will need a pencil with a soft lead and a ruler. All manipulations with the window must be performed extremely carefully, otherwise the plastic can be damaged.

Preparing the window for adjusting the sashes:

  1. The structure is closing.
  2. The sash is traced around the perimeter using a pencil (marks are applied to the frame).
  3. The window opens.
  4. The distances between the frame opening and the marked lines along the entire perimeter of the structure are measured.

The indicators should be the same on all sides. A slight deviation is allowed, but not more than 7 mm. If the level of the left edge is too low relative to the right, or vice versa, you need to adjust its position. To do this, you will need to remove the decorative insert and tighten the screws that are installed in the lower part.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to raise the sash. To do this, unscrew the top screw halfway. If the level of the sash is too high, the fasteners are tightened ¼ turn. If it is clearly underestimated, the bolt is unscrewed by ¼ turn. The wings are adjusted horizontally using screws located on the hinges.

How to adjust plastic windows horizontally:

  1. The window opens.
  2. There is a hole whose configuration corresponds to a hex key.
  3. The screw turns smoothly until the sash is aligned to the required position.
  4. Check in progress.

To check the quality of the setting, close the window structure. If you need to reduce the distance between the hinge and the sash, the hex key must be rotated clockwise. If the distance between these elements is too small, then the tool is rotated counterclockwise.

Important! Strong horizontal movement of the window is not allowed. The maximum allowable value is 3 mm (in either direction).

Possible problems with metal-plastic windows and ways to solve them

You can check the quality of the work performed not only with a sheet of paper, but also by ear.

A well adjusted window behaves like this:

  • nothing interferes with the free opening of the doors; they close without hindrance;
  • there is no creaking, grinding or other extraneous sounds;
  • all the screws holding the sash in the desired position are screwed in approximately the same way;
  • along the entire perimeter of the window, the sealing material has the same thickness and shape;
  • after opening/closing the sash, the sealing material returns to its original shape.

Change operating mode design is sometimes accompanied by problems. If the roller does not turn, it may need to be pulled out of the groove on the latch by turning it 90°. If this does not help, the part needs to be lubricated with WD-40. This lubricant comes in the form of an aerosol mixture in a can. It is designed for processing joints and threads.

If, when switching to winter mode, drafts from the window do not disappear, it means that the service life of the seal has expired. It is very easy to replace this material. It is enough to remove the old seal from the frame and grooves of the sash and insert a new one in its place (by hand or using a dull spatula). Since the material is welded to the profile in the corners, you will have to trim it to remove it.

The information contained in this article clearly explains how to set windows to winter mode. Videos, photographs and detailed descriptions of the procedure allow you to fully understand the features of adjusting double-glazed windows. Using this data, you can quickly and easily provide warmth and comfort in own home when it's cold outside the windows.

On the one hand, such manipulations promise benefits by reducing heat loss through the window structure, but on the other hand, as a result of adjustment, the seal quickly wears out.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode: video-instructions

Today installed in PVC apartment the window is not something out of the ordinary. Apartments in new buildings in Moscow, as in a number of other big cities, are “by default” already glazed with plastic.

For correct operation in cold and warm time year, high-quality plastic windows have changing mode to summer and winter. The difference between the modes lies in the tightness of the frame closure.

For example, when outside the window there is minus temperature and from the window, which is called “cooling”, then in this case it’s time for the owner to think about switching the shutters to winter mode, in which heat retention in the room will be maximum.

If there are more and more warm days outside, this means that it is time to switch the window to summer mode so that the room can be ventilated more efficiently. In general, deciding when to switch plastic windows to winter and summer mode is an entirely individual prerogative; it all depends on the preferences of the owner.

What is responsible for switching.

For transfer from one regime to another fittings answer installed on a window structure. Moreover, nothing depends on the name of the manufacturer. The only important thing is the class to which the fitting mechanisms belong. By the way, there are . Depending on what type of window is equipped, the availability of the possibility of changing the mode will be determined.

Let's list them:

  • budget;
  • standard;
  • specialized.

Budget type fittings in most cases are installed in the initial design price segment. It has no advantages as such - it is a simple working device that only works to open/close the sash.

Standard fittings, as a rule, is included in the composition of plastic windows in the middle price range and makes it possible to set the window sashes in winter/summer mode.

To specialized applies, for example, . In most cases, the manufacturer already includes the ability to switch a plastic window into summer and winter modes.

How to check a window for translation capabilities.

It is quite simple to check the window structure to see if it can be switched to winter/summer mode. To do this, you need to open the window sash, and from the inner end, in the area of ​​the handle, find hex key hole, or under a screwdriver. If such a hole exists, then your PVC window has the ability to switch from mode to mode.

If there is no hole in the end part of the sash, then the manufacturer does not provide the ability to switch modes for this window model. It is worth remembering that if the sashes have an oval eccentric, then their transfer to different modes is most likely possible.

Important! Switching the window to winter mode significantly increases the temperature, designed to protect the room from the penetration of drafts through the window structure. The increased load is not in vain for the seal - it contributes to its accelerated wear. Due to this fact, if the “cooling” from the window is, as they say, at an acceptable level, then it is better to neglect switching the window to winter mode.

To check in which mode the window operates, it is enough to establish how tightly it is closed. To do this, you need to use a sheet of A4 paper. It should be clamped by the window sash. If it can be removed without problems, then the plastic windows are at the moment are in summer mode, but if the sheet does not want to be pulled out without damage, then the windows are switched to winter mode.

The availability of the ability to switch between modes must be checked with the company’s specialists before. Even if the installed light-transmitting structure is not equipped with fittings that allow the shutters to be switched to winter mode, there is nothing to worry about. It will be enough to change the fitting mechanism to a new one that supports this function.

Today, PVC windows are installed in every room. They are resistant to external influences, precipitation, and climate. They serve for several decades, are safe, provide soundproofing and thermal insulation.

How to adjust plastic windows for the winter

Even modern designs require preparation for winter period. No, this is not painting or sealing cracks, but adjustment, installation of special details for the comfortable functioning of structures. Read below how to properly adjust windows for winter.

There are two modes: winter, summer. Seasonal modes create ventilation through rotary doors. If the seasonal regime is incorrectly set, drafts may appear in winter. So a common question arises: How to adjust plastic windows for winter mode? This is easy to do, you just need to prepare the tools and follow the instructions below.

Tools for adjusting plastic windows

  • Hex key.
  • Sets of screwdrivers and bits for them (“stars”).
  • Phillips screwdriver, flat.
  • Pliers.
  • Lubricant (special aerosols, automobile oils).

Most jobs do not require special tools and is done with a hex wrench. Screwdriver bits will only be needed when screws with an asterisk bit are inserted into the window frame.

Instructions for setting winter mode

Study of the tightness of the structure

First, you should inspect the windows for the quality of the sash locking. You can do this:

  • Through tactile sensations - running your palm along the perimeter of the frame will help you find out whether there are drafts or blows.
  • Using a match or lighter (fire - if there are strong movements, it means there is a blow somewhere).
  • A sheet of paper for testing - insert into the window sash, close the sash, then take it out. If the sheet drags without much effort, it means the sash is not tightly closed.

After identifying problem areas, you can begin to how to adjust windows for winter.

How to independently adjust plastic windows for winter

Let's get to work. How to adjust plastic windows yourself for the winter? You need to do the following:

Firstly, you should find the trunnions. We find out how many there are by taking into account the dimensions of the sash, usually three pieces per side. It is important to find all the elements, since when changing modes we adjust each one.

Secondly, we lubricate all moving parts of the window for good operation of the parts (you can use a little grease, machine or household (technical) oil, WD oil).

Mode selection different manufacturers depends on the type of eccentric (oval/round).

Then you need to inspect the trunnions for their condition. The round pin shows the designation of the mode position (either with a special mark, or with the + and - directions). With oval trunnions, you should look at their location in relation to the horizontal plane.

Further actions: turn each element, that is, the trunnion using a hexagon or screwdriver (or, in extreme cases, with pliers - first lay it with a cloth or sponge so as not to damage the mechanism) to a position indicating the winter mode. The round pin has a mark (dot) that indicates the mode; the neutral mark in the middle is considered the standard. To set the desired season (winter), the trunnion must be turned to the left (room side). Turning the trunnion towards the street side means setting the summer mode.

The oval eccentric is adjusted in a different way. Depends on the position: vertical means summer, horizontal means winter. Diagonal – neutral mark. Reinstallation of the oval eccentric is carried out with pliers.

The final step is to check the operating principle of the window structure. Usually they take a match or a piece of paper, insert it between the sash, and then try to remove it from closed position. It’s difficult to get, which means all the actions were performed correctly.

Important! When adjusting and switching plastic windows to “winter” mode, it won’t be superfluous to also lubricate and rubber seals– this will increase their elasticity and service life (prevent drying out).

What happens if PVC windows are not switched to winter mode:

  • Drafts due to loose closure.
  • Heat loss due to summer mode setting.
  • Violations temperature regime and room humidity (in most cases this occurs large number condensation), which will contribute to the development of mold or mildew.

Before adjusting a plastic window for the winter, you should check whether the glass unit is equipped with a special adjustment system. Such systems usually have windows from KBE, Rehao, VEKA and most other popular manufacturers. The system is considered simple, it has trunnions, thanks to their position the level of sealing of the sash is regulated.

Trunnions differ in appearance, depending on the manufacturer. Some have such a function as adjusting the design according to the season. You can adjust it with a 4 mm hexagon, as well as with an asterisk screwdriver. On the edge there is a line indicating the mode. Typically, windows are installed in a universal position, which should be changed depending on the time of year (summer and winter).

Regulation of PVC windows – preparation and manufacturers

Features of settings for different manufacturers

Not all manufacturers offer products with adjustable modes. This question It's best to check when purchasing. However, if you haven’t asked, then you can find out whether you have such a function by examining the fittings, or rather the trunnion. It is located on the side of the sash. If you see any hole for a flathead screwdriver, sprocket and other tools, then most likely your window can be adjusted for winter mode.

Preparing to change the regime to winter

We remove dust and dirt from window frame using a damp cloth to prevent dirt from getting on the window opening mechanism.

Remove dust from fittings (trunnion, handles, bolt mechanisms, locks) using a brush.

It is necessary to carefully inspect the seal; if there are cracks, it should be replaced, otherwise the window will not close tightly and drafts, freezing, and condensation will appear. First, remove the sash and remove the old rubber using a thin spatula, clean the area from dirt and dust. Installation is carried out depending on the type of new sealing material. There are self-adhesive rubber bands that are glued around the perimeter of the frame. For other types, glue is used. It is applied to the opening, then the elastic is installed and lightly pressed. The final step is to install the sash in place.