How to choose pipes for water supply in the country. Water supply from polypropylene pipes in the country. Hot and cold water

A good old tradition can be called rest in the country. In order for the holiday to be maximum comfort a minimum number of installations should be carried out engineering networks, to which we refer autonomous system sewer or water supply. Consider the features of choosing a pipe for water supply in the country.

  1. Stationary and collapsible. Stationary are represented by a non-separable design, which is installed for the entire long period of operation. In turn, collapsible can be dismantled with the onset of cold weather. While creating collapsible design should take into account that it should have good protection from mechanical impact.
  2. For winter water supply, a stationary type of water supply is installed.

The type of pipes used depends on the type of water supply. For a prefabricated type of construction, pipes made of polymers are suitable, at the ends of which there is a thread. Also often used flexible hose, which can be quickly twisted if necessary.

plastic pipes

The main classification of pipes can be called the type of material used in the manufacture. AT recent times Quite often, plastic is used in the production of pipes for domestic pipelines. Dignity plastic pipes the following points can be mentioned:

  1. No deposits are formed. In the case of sewers, the high roughness of the inner surface causes blockages. Due to the peculiarities of the production method, the inner surface of plastic pipes has a low roughness index.
  2. The absence of corrosion on the surface, even with a long service life, determines that pipeline maintenance is not necessary, as well as additional protection against high humidity.
  3. Despite the fact that products of the oil and chemical industries are used in the production of this type of pipe, no harmful elements are released into the environment during long-term operation.
  4. Bacteriological safety is at the highest level.
  5. If the service life of a metal structure is no more than one decade, due to the fact that without special protection, temperature changes and high humidity cause corrosion and destruction of the material structure. As practice shows, plastic versions, provided they are deepened, taking into account the freezing of the soil and while providing protection against mechanical damage.
  6. The lightness of pipes determines the significant simplification of transportation and installation.

Another indisputable advantage is the low cost.

Hot and cold water

When designing a home supply system for cold and hot water, the following points should be considered:

  1. For drinking cold water, it is recommended to purchase polypropylene pipes.
  2. Polyethylene is suitable for hot water, as this material tolerates temperature increase better.

When creating a pipeline for hot water, you need to remember that significant heating of some types of plastic leads to an increase in plasticity.

HDPE pipes are widely used:

  1. Water supply throughout the site.
  2. Innings drinking water to the house.
  3. Water supply for various buildings, for example, baths and pools.

A feature of the material used can be called the possibility of expansion under strong pressure. An example is the case of soil freezing: even if water freezes in the system, the pipeline does not burst.

However, there is a significant drawback, which is susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for the protection of pipes from exposure to the sun.

Stainless steel and copper

A serious problem of metal can be called the appearance of corrosion on the surface during prolonged use without waterproofing. That is why they began to produce versions of copper and stainless steel. They are reliable and durable, can be used in the case of cold and warm water as well as waste disposal. Often they are chosen by people who do not seek to save on work on the supply of water or drainage.

Despite a fairly large number of advantages, the pipes in question are rarely used today. This is related to the following points:

  1. There is a high probability of deposits and plaque on the walls.
  2. When carrying out installation work, welding work is required.
  3. High cost, especially copper versions.
  4. Large weight, which determines the difficulties in the delivery and installation work.
  5. High insulation requirements to eliminate the possibility of water crystallization when the ground freezes, which leads to a breakthrough of the system due to expansion of the liquid.

For a suburban area, such pipes are recommended to be used only with careful isolation of the line. The cost of insulation, the complexity of the work carried out, the cost of the materials used determine that a system made of stainless and copper pipes a very costly investment.

Metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes are also quite popular among summer residents. Their peculiarity lies in the following points:

  1. The structure is three-layer, each layer performs its task.
  2. The inner and outer layers are polymer. This material withstands exposure to high humidity and temperature extremes, a low roughness index does not lead to blockages.
  3. The layer between the plastic is made of aluminum. This metal has high ductility and is not affected by corrosion.

They are aesthetically pleasing and light weight. The ductility of aluminum and the properties of plastic allow some variants metal-plastic pipes bend, which reduces the number of connections due to the lack of the need for rotary elements. However, the multilayer structure and the use of aluminum significantly increase the cost of the product.

What you need to know about PVC pipes

Under the concept of plastic pipes, many of their varieties are understood. There are a large number of varieties of plastic, each with its own special characteristics. performance. PVC pipes are quite popular. They are optimal solution at the time of the creation of a water supply or sewer outlet. As previously noted, an increase in temperature can cause an increase in the flexibility index. That is why manufacturers indicate:

  1. For cold water choose PVC.
  2. For hot water only CPVC can be installed.

In addition, CPVC is also used for cold water.

Determination of nominal pressure

If metal pipelines can withstand a sufficiently large pressure indicator, then with plastic ones everything is a little different. When purchasing plastic pipes, pay attention to the indicator nominal pressure, which is denoted by PN. It is recommended to purchase PN 10 and PN16 for cold water, PN20 and PN25 are suitable for hot water. For hot, versions with a higher nominal pressure are installed due to a decrease in strength due to heating of the material.

What pipe diameter to choose

Another important indicator is the inner diameter. As a rule, for main pipeline choose with a diameter of 25-32 mm. This should be enough to reduce the pressure in the system. In the case when it is necessary to determine the exact indicator, a hydraulic calculation is carried out, taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of plumbing and other appliances, the power of the water supply source.

Summing up, we note the following points:

  1. The choice by type of material is carried out taking into account the easiest way to achieve sealed joints. For example, steel pipes can be connected qualitatively only by a welder of the 4th category.
  2. Polymeric ones are suitable for giving, as they have sufficient strength and do not collapse when water freezes.
  3. When choosing, the likelihood of corrosion on the surface is taken into account.

When buying pipes, attention should be paid to their integrity. Quite often there is a situation when, due to improper transportation or storage, cracks and other defects appear on the surface, a curvature appears - all this can cause a decrease in the reliability of the pipeline being created.

Buying a dacha usually comes with a lot of extra hassle. One of them is the solution of the issue of water supply of the site. Water is required both for personal use and for watering the garden plot. In most cases, there is no centralized water supply in new holiday villages, and the newly minted owners need to choose the method of an underground water source - a well or an artesian well.

On the basis of the hydraulic structure, a water supply system is installed, which can provide both seasonal and year-round needs of the inhabitants of the cottage in fresh water.

Installation of water supply in the country on the basis of your own well - best way water supply.

The first stage of work includes drilling a well, strengthening it and laying a pipeline.

Most owners prefer to turn to the services of companies for the development of soil to the aquifer - drilling wells on a turnkey basis. Experts need to determine the depth ground water and calculate the approximate flow rate (available volume of water) of the source.

The expediency of building a full-fledged water supply system at home depends on it. In some areas, water from underground is only enough to irrigate the site, but usually the flow rate of the well allows a family of 2-3 people to live in the country.

Depending on the mode of water use, you can choose one of two types of water supply: seasonal (collapsible) and off-season (capital).

Seasonal plumbing

The first type is a simplified version that is used to irrigate the site. It is mounted on the basis of a system of plastic pipes and hoses, interconnected along the perimeter of the garden plot. In the autumn at the end field work the water is drained, and the plumbing is dismantled before the onset of heat.

Capital plumbing system

Installed for year-round use. Often - on the same principle as the usual water supply of a private house.

Modern owners country houses they are not always able and willing to spend time there without the benefits of civilization, especially when it comes to plumbing in the country. But even if it is not there yet, this is not a big problem with the current possibilities. You can bring water into the house yourself, you just need to study some instructions and drawings. Especially since self assembly allows you to save money.

Water intake source

Before building a water supply in the house, you first need to take care of the source of water supply. In this case, the homeowner has three options for these purposes. As a rule, this is a connection to a centralized water supply, the arrangement of a well or a well. The source of water intake will depend not only quality characteristics water, but also the complexity, as well as the price tag of home improvement work.

Well as a source of water supply

The oldest and proven method is to dig a well. As a rule, its depth will depend on the area in which the cottage is located. Watery formations can be located from 10 to 20 meters deep. Very often, under such conditions, water can be contaminated with heavy metals and nitrates, so it can only be used after installing special filters. But if it is possible to dig a well deeper, then you can do without additional water purification.

Arrangement of a well for water

There are two main types of submersible pumps:

  • vibration;
  • centrifugal.

The organization of water supply and sewerage in the country is a very important issue. It is from the solution of this problem that the comfort of living in summer house and the presence of an irrigation system. During the initial design, you need to determine whether you will use it in the winter or everything will be limited only to the summer. The depth of pipe laying depends on this, because when sub-zero temperature they can burst from the presence of ice inside.

It is best to use polyethylene pipes, and the wiring diagram should be prepared in advance. It will depend on the source of water supply and the method of transporting it to the place of consumption. Installation of such a system can be done by yourself or entrusted to professionals.

How to make plumbing in the country from a well: a scheme for laying plastic pipes

Before you conduct plumbing in the country, you should decide where the water will come from. If you chose a well as a source of water supply, because of its low cost compared to a well, then the pipeline is best made underground. But first, you need to find a place where there will be enough water. To do this, using hand drill a recess is made up to two meters, inside which a drainage pump is placed. Depending on the volume of incoming water, you can determine its power. If enough liquid is collected, then the hole is dug in diameter and concrete rings are placed inside.

The layout of the water supply in the country begins with a pipe coming out of the well, it is located at its very bottom, parallel to the ground level. After its withdrawal and sealing of the joints, you can proceed to digging trenches. A marking is made on the ground, which corresponds to a scheme thought out in advance, and the excavation begins on it.

Pipes for water supply in the country are used plastic or PVC. AT modern version they are quite resistant to pressure drops and even withstand several freezing seasons. To create pressure in such a system, a pump must be laid, but it is placed in separate room. The less environmental impact, the better.

The water supply scheme may include not only a country house, but also watering the site. Pipes for its organization are buried shallowly, but before the onset of frost they must be freed from water.

Winter and summer water supply in the country: differences in the device and pipe insulation

Do-it-yourself country water supply is easiest to make from hoses that will lie on the surface of the earth. In this case, it will be called summer, because at the end of autumn they are rolled up and put in the pantry until it warms up in the spring. The most convenient for connection are plastic fittings, which have special "Christmas trees" on them, the hoses are simply put on in one motion. The pipes themselves are made of durable rubber and proper care will serve you for more than one year. The main thing is to wind them in neat bays without inflection areas during storage.

Country water supply from plastic pipes is more resistant to weather conditions and can even be buried in the ground. The standard service life of such material is more than fifty years. Pipes are absolutely not subject to corrosion or other chemical influences. Do not forget that to avoid freezing, pipes should be at a level of 1-2 meters underground. In this case, the operation of the water supply will be available all year round.

If you want to avoid the hassle of digging deep trenches for winter plumbing in the country, then get an electric heating cable. True, when using it, electricity bills can increase significantly. Another simple way out of this situation can be the insulation of the water supply in the country. As an insulating material, merylon can be used, which has a different diameter and tightly covers the pipe with the right selection. If it is not there, then get glass wool, it is also used in hot water systems.

Do-it-yourself water distribution in a private house and in the country

Properly executed water distribution in a city apartment or a private house provides high level comfort.

In a comfortable apartment, the presence of a bathroom and cold water is considered the norm.

It is impossible to do without water for irrigation in the country.

Water supply of a private house

In a private house, which was built according to a modern project, cold and hot water delivery mechanisms are provided.

On the site adjacent to the house, as a rule, a certain landscape is formed and a place is allocated for a traditional vegetable garden.

These objects require abundant moisture for watering.

You can not do without water and in the bath, which in without fail should be on the homestead.

Water for all needs (for the bathroom, irrigation, in the bath, etc.) is taken from various sources.

Where does the water in the living quarters come from?

A person living in a city apartment does not think about how and where the water comes from in the bathroom. Similarly, in the bath, where there are no problems with hot water.

Things are different in the countryside. Here, the owner of the site, often - has to mount the piping for irrigation with his own hands.

Technically savvy summer residents use a manifold for distributing pipes and hoses, instead of the usual tees.

Each gardener, laying pipes around the site, knows from which source water comes for irrigation.

There are four main sources of water:

  • open reservoir;
  • centralized water supply network;
  • wells;
  • wells.

Wells, as sources of water, are mostly a thing of the past. They continue to be used mainly as a backup source and as a decorative element in landscape design.

In a modern private house, most often water is pumped from a well. As a rule, such a water supply scheme is used for estates that are located outside the city limits.

If the house or cottage is built in the immediate vicinity of engineering networks, then it is technically easier to "crash" into the existing highway.

In this case, significant investments in drilling and well construction will not be required.

Centralized source

If the apartment high-rise building If there is no water, then residents call the water utility control room and find out when normal water supply will resume.

In the same way, people living in a private house have to act. It is impossible to correct the situation with your own hands in such a situation. The bathroom cannot be used. Wash dishes too.

When deciding to connect to a centralized water supply network, this must be remembered.

It should also be taken into account that in this case it will not be necessary to deal with drilling a well, acquiring expensive equipment and organizational issues. There will be less hassle.

decentralized source

Among the sources of this type are rivers, lakes, wells and wells. If there is no natural reservoir in the district, then it is necessary to carry out geological research on the site.

This is done in order to find the aquifer and determine its depth. It is more convenient and cheaper to make the well located in the basement of the house.

With such an arrangement of the source, it is much easier to mount the pipeline wiring around the site, as is done in the country. In summer, a lot of water is required for irrigation and in any season it is needed in the bathhouse.

The debit of the well must be higher than the volume of water that is consumed in a private house and other places.

Current water supply schemes

How to make plumbing in a private house?

If we approach the topic in principle, then the plumbing scheme in a private house has much in common with how water is distributed in an ordinary apartment of a multi-storey building.

To do this, you can install a pump with your own hands, which creates a pressure of two to three atmospheres.

On the fifth floor and above, the water supply for the bathroom and other needs is carried out by more powerful pumps.

It follows from this comparison that plastic pipes can be used in a private house, which are more technologically advanced and much cheaper than metal pipes.

The connection scheme for water fittings is of two types:

  • collector;
  • consistent.

The sequential circuit is the simplest in terms of the principle of operation. It is often mounted in the house, and in the bath, and in the country. Installation work, in order to save money, you can do it yourself.

And in the bath, and also, if there is a need, in the apartment - the main pipe is laid. Tees crash into it, at pre-marked places.

From a specific tee, a pipe or hose is laid to the water heater or to the shower, or to the washbasin. This connection scheme allows you to get by with a minimum of pipes.

However, the pressure of water in the system will decrease with distance from the source. At the most remote connection, the pressure will be the weakest.

This situation is familiar to people who live in an apartment on the upper floors of high-rise buildings. The collector circuit is devoid of such shortcomings.

The collector is a device for uniform distribution of water between consumers.

Collector wiring pipes have a more complex configuration.

Its cost is higher than with serial laying. Higher because installation requires more running meters pipes. With all this, the collector provides a better water supply.

Collector system in the apartment

Modern apartments have a free layout and often occupy two levels. In this case, the water distribution scheme is developed individually.

You can install pipelines and install plumbing fixtures in the bathroom with your own hands. However, it is preferable to entrust these responsible works to professionals.

It is not recommended to install a collector, and maybe more than one, without proper experience. In this case, the risk of flooding neighbors from below increases.

To avoid such troubles, plastic pipes are connected with a special welding machine. In the country, for watering the beds, hoses connected by wire couplings are used.

When installing a pipeline in a city apartment, such connection methods are not suitable.

To make a strong connection, use special tool- scissors, napkins for cleaning from fat, nozzles of the appropriate diameter.

Such a connection reliably serves in circuits for supplying both cold and hot water.

Material selection

When laying a pipeline from a well to a house or bath, it is preferable to choose from plastic. Polypropylene pipes are widely used in the country and increasingly in the apartment.

They are easy to install and their price, in comparison with pipes made of other materials, is low. The collector is made of copper or brass. Rarely stainless steel.

It is used to distribute both cold and hot water. In the apartment, for the bathroom, you can make a reliable wiring with your own hands from copper pipes.

In the country or in the bath, such a luxury is simply not needed. When planning the execution of certain works, you need to properly use the available opportunities.

Steel pipes continue to serve for water supply in the country, in an apartment and in a private house.

To lay a steel line, along the section from the well and to any point with your own hands, you will need to use a welding machine.

And, plus to it, considerable physical efforts. Practice shows that some owners of private properties prefer to use traditional materials.

Both in the bathroom and in their country house plastic structures are extremely rare. At the same time, a copper collector is considered a completely acceptable option.

Do-it-yourself installation is quite within the power of a person who is familiar with the installation rules.

The specifics of installation work

Before proceeding to installation work in the house or in the country, it is necessary to purchase all the necessary devices, materials and components.

An exhaustive list is contained in project documentation. To install in the bathroom - you need the bath itself and a faucet.

The collector is installed in the room where the water distribution unit is located. All pipes and adapters must be properly assembled so that there is no confusion during installation.

When laying the pipeline along the section from the well to the bath, you need to carefully check the quality of the pipe connection.

When performing work inside the house - pipes, a collector, valves are attached to pre-designated places.

The pipeline laying scheme is designed so that there are as few transitions “through” the wall as possible. This also applies to the bathroom and other rooms.

When the collector is attached, there should be a distance of 20–25 mm between it and the wall.

One of the laws of hydrodynamics says - the fewer turns and angles in the line, the less loss pressure.

It is desirable to observe this rule both when laying the line from the well to the bath, and when installing pipes indoors.

The collector is also preferable to mount on straight line pipeline.

By following all the installation instructions, as well as following the advice of experienced professionals, all water distribution work in a private house will be performed with high quality.

Do-it-yourself plumbing in a private house, video, diagrams

In a private house, water can be supplied in two main ways:

  • through private sources;
  • through the central water supply.

The first method involves the supply of water from wells or wells, which are located on the site of a private house. This material contains videos, photographs, as well as diagrams that will help you make the water supply in a private house or in the country with your own hands. We will analyze how the wiring is performed, and what is needed for this.

Interesting: sometimes the source can be a lake or a river. But today it is practically impossible to meet such a water supply system, since all water bodies located near enterprises are polluted. The way out can be a special treatment complex.

Water supply from a private source

Installation of water supply in the country should begin with checking whether private water sources are suitable sanitary standards be it a well or a well. This also applies to large reservoirs from which it is planned to draw a resource. The well is considered the most reliable, as it functions in any conditions. Turned off the electricity? We raise water on buckets with our own hands! In other cases, the work is done by electric pumps.

Nothing will stop you from equipping this beauty with electric pumps.

If a long work above the well does not attract, then as an alternative, you can make a well with your own hands. Usually it is performed in the basement of the building. The main plus is that there is no need to lay pipes from the well to the main water supply system. You also get a strong pressure, because electric pumps pump liquid from close range. Such a source of water also has its drawback - the well is flooded, as a result, every 3-5 years a thorough cleaning is necessary.

Depending on the amount of water, the possibilities of wells differ. In standard cases, the owners create a well, the width of which is 10-15 centimeters. Such a system allows you to receive liquid using an electric pump, but you will not be able to raise several liters of water with your own hands.

It looks like a water supply system installed in the basement of a private house. The scheme is quite simple, so the well is cheaper than the well.

If power outages occur in your area, it is recommended to install a water tank in advance. The volume depends on the number of tenants, but the more the better. Concerning artesian wells, then they are too rare in a private house or in the country.

Central water supply system

At central system sewerage and water supply there are a lot of pluses. You don't need to spend money on pumping station and the units themselves. Also, you do not need a storage tank for liquid. As for the purity of the supplied water and its pressure, these indicators will be taken care of by the organization that provides water resource for objects. Also, an enterprise can be a state type, in simple words- ZhEK. In this case, the sewerage and water supply system may be unstable: additional bills for pipe repairs, rust, weak pressure.

The photo shows a large-scale system that provides water to an entire microdistrict.

When choosing centralized system sewers, you do not have to deal with digging trenches for pipes, creating a well, etc. You need to send an application to an organization that works in your sector. After obtaining a permit, work begins: special equipment prepares trenches for pipes, laying is carried out, meters are installed.

Important: before contacting such an organization, you need to study the reviews. If the water is supplied to other houses clean, without pressure drops, then you should choose centralized network, in other cases, you will be laying pipes and creating a sewer system with your own hands.


To make the scheme correct, you must have the skills of drawing and mathematics. If there is no experience in this matter, then it is better to turn to professionals who make plans.

So, you are ready to lay the water supply and make a sewer system with your own hands. You have studied the area and know what type of water supply is right for you. The next step is the scheme - this is one of highlights in the creation of a sewerage system in a private house, cottage or country house.

The schema must contain the following elements:

  • collectors;
  • filters;
  • boilers;
  • pumps;
  • pipe size;
  • pipeline path;
  • distances between elements.

What is the most important thing in a diagram? Of course, this is piping. They can be connected in two ways: using a collector or in series. As for the first method, separate pipes go from the collector to consumers in a private house or in the country. The main advantage of installing a collector is a uniform pressure in all areas of the building. There are also disadvantages - high cost due to the large number of pipes.

Scheme of the pipeline with a collector.

A consistent method of connecting sewerage and water supply is recommended for small cottages. This scheme contains the main pipeline equipped with tees for each water consumer. If there are too many consumers in a private house or in the country, then the pressure indicator will constantly fall.

Construction with main piping.

Circuit example

You can study the features from video and photo, consider the diagram where a pipe with water leads to cleaning system. This is done to ensure that consumers receive liquid suitable for consumption. Behind the treatment complex is a tee that distributes water flows to different consumers. The pipe that will supply hot water goes to the heating element, and the cold pipe is connected directly to the collector.

simple circuit allows you to understand how the water supply system works for a private house and for a summer residence.

Next, you need to put shut-off valves on the lines to consumers. Elements are mounted from the collector. The "hot" pipe goes from the heater to a separate collector designed for hot water. After it comes the piping of the building.

How is the installation and wiring

The differences between internal and external piping correspond to the difference between hidden and open wiring. If external wiring is selected, then the pipes will go through the house, in the case of a closed one, the elements will be placed inside the decoration of a private house and its walls. Also today you can make a semi-hidden version, in which the pipeline is installed in the box. They can be pasted over or painted in the same color as the walls. Also, the box can be left completely unfinished.

The water supply scheme in a private house or in the country is the most difficult moment, since the scheme is drawn up individually for each object. The water supply must be properly connected to the sewerage system. You will have to work on the walls with your own hands, if you need hidden wiring. The fluid flow rate of each water intake point and the power of the well are the two main indicators that must be calculated before starting the process.

In addition to videos and photos, tips always help in work. experienced builders:

  • Shut-off valves should be evenly distributed throughout the system, which will come in handy in an emergency to quickly shut off the flow of water.
  • It is best to fasten pipes in a private house or in the country with a threaded connection.
  • Fittings, fixtures and splitters must be the same if they are installed in the same system.
  • You can pass the walls in a private house with the help of gaskets that protect the material from corrosion, damage, abrasions and other adverse factors.
  • There are drain taps throughout the system, when mounting them, make a slight bias towards the elements. This feature is needed so that the liquid does not accumulate in the pipeline.
  • Buy fittings, seals, gaskets, tapes, fasteners and other items with a margin. If everything is the same in the system, then in the event of a breakdown, you can immediately replace the part.
  • The fewer bends, the better. Each of them reduces the pressure in the sewerage and pipeline system in a private house or in the country.

Polypropylene pipe welding

Polypropylene elements are considered the most reliable of the pipes for giving. Polypropylene pipes are welded on the machine. The process is specific, so it's worth reading following instruction when welding pipes made of polypropylene:

  1. We need to get segments, for this we need to cut the pipes with special scissors.
  2. Welding points should be marked and cleaned with an alcohol wipe.
  3. Next, select a suitable nozzle for polypropylene pipes, set the desired temperature and start the unit.
  4. We are waiting for the heating of the welding machine, after which it is possible to push the segments of the house of marks onto the welding nozzles. It is not necessary to rotate the pipes.

Looks welding machine in the following way:

soldering of polypropylene pipes

Pipeline Care

The secret to efficient and stable operation of the sewer along with the pipeline is simple - breakdowns must be eliminated immediately after they are detected. If the breakthrough in the pipe is small, then temporarily solve the problem rubber gasket. Also, in emergency situations, cold welding saves. Got a fistula? We make drilling and screw in the bolt (only suitable for new pipes).

Do-it-yourself installation and wiring of plumbing in a private house

Do-it-yourself plumbing in a private house can be carried out from central water supply or from a well (well). The principles of its creation, the main components of the system in each of these cases do not actually differ.

Choosing a wiring diagram

There are two ways to supply water to consumption points, and the choice of a do-it-yourself water distribution scheme in a private house depends on the parameters of the system, as well as on the intensity of water consumption (permanent or periodic residence, number of residents, etc.).

serial connection

Such a connection is also called a tee. Faucet, shower and other points are connected in series. This method requires the use of fewer materials (pipes, fittings, etc.), therefore it is cheaper.

The disadvantage of a serial connection when distributing a water supply system is the likelihood of a decrease in pressure at the most remote points with the simultaneous use of several water intake points.

collector connection

A collector (or parallel) connection is the organization of a collector (or two collectors - hot and cold water supply), to which the lines leading to each water intake point are connected. To implement such a scheme, more pipes will be required, but its principle of operation allows for stable pressure.

Tee and collector water distribution schemes in the house

There are additional nuances when choosing the principle of water supply. Do-it-yourself installation of a water supply system in a private house can be done in two ways:

  • "Deaf" lines ending in a dead end (stub). Such a plumbing scheme in the house is more economical, however, when hot water is supplied, it can create some inconvenience - when opening the tap, you must wait certain time until the liquid reaches the plug, and only after that appears in the tap hot water.
  • Circulation closed lines are more practical and convenient, however, the implementation of such a project will require not only more pipes, but also a special circulation pump.

Experts recognize the most rational combined option, in which the "blind" distribution of cold water is combined with a hot water circulation line.

The main nodes of the scheme

The water distribution scheme in a private house, or rather, that part of it that is responsible for supplying water to the house, consists of the following main components:

  • pumping unit for a well or well,
  • nipple (adapter),
  • anti-backflow check valve,
  • pipeline,
  • filtration equipment (one or more different filters depending on water quality),
  • stop valve,
  • accumulator,
  • pyaternik (fitting) for connecting the main elements and devices (pressure gauge, pressure switch, pipes).
Elements plumbing system country house with a well

The sequence of the water supply scheme

In order to visualize how water is distributed in a private house with your own hands, you can consider the course of communications from the source to the end point.

1. An individual water unit (well or well) is equipped with pumping equipment, the choice of which is carried out according to the following principles:

  • for deep artesian wells can only be used submersible pumps,
  • for narrow channels and casing pipes- only surface units, including pumping stations,
  • in other cases, the choice between submersible and outdoor equipment is made depending on the technical characteristics of specific models and operating conditions.

2. The pipeline that brings water to the house is usually laid underground. The depth of the trench is usually chosen taking into account the depth of soil freezing in a given region. As additional protection from freezing communications are supplied with a heat-insulating layer.

Conducting water supply to the house from a well with a caisson

3. The entry point of the pipeline into the house deserves special attention.

  • Firstly, the hole for the pipe is made with a large margin - a gap of at least 150 mm on all sides. This avoids deformation and destruction of communications if, over time, the wall begins to sag or deform.
  • Secondly, small plot pipe, located between underground and protected ground communications and internal wiring in a warm room, is located on outdoors. In this place, the risk of freezing of the pipeline is highest, so good thermal insulation is required.

4. The hydraulic accumulator and control devices are usually installed in the basement, basement or on the first floor near the entry point of the pipeline into the house. Purely technically, it would be more correct to place such equipment at the highest point, however, from the point of view of practicality and ease of use, the lower levels are more suitable. You should only take into account the need to raise water to the upper floors when setting the pressure switch.

The hydraulic accumulator is designed to stabilize the pressure in communications and prevent frequent switching on (and, accordingly, rapid wear) of pumping equipment.

The control and monitoring unit includes a pressure gauge, a pressure switch and a dry-running switch, which prevents air entrapment and the formation of air locks in the system when the water level in the well or well decreases.

5. Filter systems are completed, depending on the need, with devices for:

After that, the plumbing is done in a private house with your own hands according to the chosen scheme. For a collector circuit, it might look like this:

  • Immediately after the accumulator is a tee along with a stopcock. The tee divides the flow of water into two directions - to the house and for other needs (watering, washing the car, etc.);
  • The filter is connected deep cleaning;
  • Next comes the tee, from which the distribution of water pipes in a private house is divided into a pipe for cold water, which immediately goes to the cold water collector, and a pipe through which water will go to a boiler or other water heater for heating. After heating, the water is sent to the hot water collector.
In the photo, the water distribution scheme in a private house

Important: When installing water supply in a private house with your own hands according to the collector scheme, it is necessary to install shut-off valves at each point of water consumption.

Pipe selection

Communications diameter

When conducting plumbing in private house with your own hands, a correctly selected pipe diameter will ensure cost-effectiveness at the installation stage of the system, as well as avoid unpleasant noise when water moves through communications.

To calculate the parameters of lines supplying water to consumption points, the starting point is the total length of each line:

  • for a branch with a length of less than 10 meters, pipes with a diameter of 16-20 mm can be used,
  • for branches about 30 meters - with a diameter of 25 mm,
  • for the longest lines over 30 meters, pipes with a maximum diameter of 32 mm are required.

Important: Special attention should be given to the choice of the diameter of the collector pipe. Insufficient value can cause malfunctions in the system.

The distribution of water in a private house from the collector is calculated based on the fact that each tap has a throughput of about 5 liters per minute. After that, it is roughly calculated how much water is taken simultaneously from all points at peak moments and the diameter of the collector is selected:

  • 25 mm for a flow rate of 30 l/min,
  • 32 mm for 50 l,
  • 38 mm for 75 l.

Pipe material

Laying a water pipe in a private house allows the use of pipes made of various materials, each of which has its own advantages, disadvantages and operating features.

If you decide to stop at polypropylene, it will be useful for you to know how to weld polypropylene pipes.

Read more about the difference between collector and tee plumbing schemes here.

Since you will need coarse water filters, we advise you to familiarize yourself with their types.

In order for the system to work flawlessly, it is important to know how to properly install plumbing in a private house with your own hands. This concept can be included as the basic principles regulated by building codes and rules, as well as some nuances and subtleties known experienced craftsmen.

  • Ideally, the pipeline should not pass through building structures, however, in practice, the creation of such a scheme is often impossible or impractical. If it is necessary to conduct communications through the wall, the pipe must be placed in a protective glass.
  • Despite the fact that the owner of the house almost always wants to get the maximum free space and for this "press" the pipeline from the wall, between building structures and communications running parallel to them must be a gap of at least 25 mm for easy holding repair work. The contour of the inner corner requires a distance of 40 mm, and the outer 15 mm.
  • If there are drain valves on the pipelines or the hydraulic accumulator, a slight slope is made in their direction.
  • The most convenient way to fix the pipeline to the walls is with special clips. You can choose single or double devices, the distance between them in any case should be about 2 meters.

When deciding how to make water distribution in a private house, remember that a well-executed internal water supply system has characteristic differences:

  • Minimum joints and adapters. This improves the reliability and efficiency of the system.
  • All connections are made in strict accordance with the installation technology of this particular type of pipe.
  • The presence of valves or shut-off valves in critical areas of the system and at connection points.
  • The minimum number of not too reliable flexible sections for connection (hose connections), which are most vulnerable to pressure drops.
  • What can be done from pallets for giving with your own hands

In a situation where the summer cottage serves as a place of rest, it is impossible to do without organizing a reliable source of water supply. If it is planned to grow crops in the country, regular water supply should be taken care of first.

The well can feed the water supply in the country

Based specific conditions, a source of water can be called:

  • well or well - require a submersible or other pump;
  • water supply network - you need to cut the pipe of the irrigation and water supply system of the house into the central water supply;
  • natural or artificial open water - requires a pump and filter according to the situation;
  • autonomous capacity as a drive for a working, but not in a constant mode, water supply.

The volume of the tank is sufficient, but an additional pump is required

Possible options for arranging water supply

As a source of water on the site, it is possible to use a central water supply system or a pump. In this case, an uninterrupted supply of fluid will be provided by a storage tank or a hydraulic accumulator. In a situation with a tank, a moisture reserve is stored equal to the volume of the container, which can be of any size. It is located at a height, due to which a slight pressure is created in the water supply.

The use of hydraulic accumulator is more convenient as it maintains stable high pressure in the plumbing. By adding a pressure switch to the accumulator and suitable pump, you can get an automatic pumping station. Hydraulic accumulator - a container in the form of a cylinder, divided into two volumes by a rubber membrane. In one half there is air under a pressure of about 2 atmospheres, in the other part water is supplied. The hydraulic accumulator has a limited volume, and this is a serious drawback.

When the tap is opened, water leaves the accumulator, which reduces the pressure in the system, the value of which is controlled by the relay. When the lower threshold is reached, the pump automatically starts, which pumps water until the upper pressure level is reached.

Hydraulic accumulators are different sizes

Types of water pipes

The market offers a wide range of pipes, mounting elements and stop valves for independent organization of the water supply system on the site. Its construction is a responsible event, the success of which is determined by the optimality of the selected elements.

One of the important tasks is the selection of suitable water pipes. A worthy alternative to steel plumbing are plastic pipes. Plastic is not subject to corrosion, works well under low temperatures, retains its functions for a long time. There are several types of plastic pipes, so you can choose suitable option based on the specific situation.

Pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are distinguished by a low price. They connect with cold welding. As a result of welding, the connection can withstand pressure up to 15 atmospheres, and the water supply system has been serving for more than 50 years. Temperature regime its operation - from -15 ºС to +45 ºС (maximum +65 ºС). The susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation is average, in the cold the pipeline becomes brittle.

PVC pipes suitable for plumbing

Advantages of PVC pipes:

  • ease of installation;
  • do not support combustion;
  • smooth surface;
  • resistance to oxidation;
  • possibility of bending.

Among negative qualities PVC plumbing shows a loss of strength due to scratches. Polyvinyl chloride pipes do not allow threaded connections. It is undesirable to use them for an open plumbing system. Plumbing should be placed in a trench or sewer.

Polypropylene pipes (PPR) are often used for plumbing in the country. Note that PPR pipes for cold water are marked with a strip of blue color, for hot - red. The elements of the water supply system are connected by means of special soldering irons that heat up the plastic at the ends of the pipes to be welded, which are quickly fastened together and solidify upon contact.

Polypropylene pipes in summer plumbing

Polypropylene pipes do not bend, and additional corners and fittings are used when collecting water pipes. As a result, the system is highly reliable, but in large numbers fittings, the cost of the entire plumbing is increasing.

LDPE pipes

Pipes made of low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) are connected without glue and additional devices. Threaded HDPE plumbing fittings are easily twisted by hand. Other advantages of such products include:

  • operation in the mode up to -60 ºС is possible;
  • resistance to chemical attack, decay;
  • can be assembled by welding or using threaded fittings;
  • service over 50 years;
  • use for summer and winter plumbing;
  • smooth inner surface, which eliminates pressure losses in the water supply and deposits on the walls;
  • when water freezes in pipes, they increase their size, and when thawed, they return to their original state without destruction.

minor flaw similar pipes for country water supply - the impossibility of operation when high temperature liquids. A more tangible inconvenience is that it is impossible to step on such a water supply system, unlike metal structures.

HDPE pipe as a line for drip irrigation

We have already noted that HDPE pipes can be welded or joined using threaded fittings. notice, that threaded connection withstands water pressure up to 4 atmospheres, which is more than enough in a summer cottage.

When selecting HDPE pipes, you should purchase options with blue stripes (for transferring cold water). Version with lines yellow color cannot be used in the garden, as they are designed for gas environments and contain toxic additives.

Based on the working pressure, HDPE pipes are divided into several categories:

  • light - hold up to 2.5 atmospheres;
  • medium-light - up to 4 atmospheres;
  • medium - up to 8 atmospheres.

Street water supply at the site is assembled from light and medium-light pipes (denoted C and SL, respectively) with a diameter of 32 to 50 mm. You need to decide what density of pipes you need, it comes in three options: 63, 80, 100 (the numbers indicate the density). The greater the density, the greater the cost of products.

Sometimes, despite the higher price, a high-density option should be chosen for a summer residence: the walls of such pipes are thinner, which ultimately reduces the weight of the structure. This can be a decisive factor when water is extracted from a well or well. The light weight makes it easy to fix the pipes.

Assembling the plumbing system

Before you start installing the plumbing in the country with your own hands, it is important to determine which side of the garden the wiring will go to and draw a layout diagram plastic pipeline. It is necessary to provide for water supply to the country house, as well as to key areas of the site where regular watering is provided. A plan on a scale will allow you to determine the location of the water points, the length of the irrigation system and the number of fittings.

Several points of water intake should be provided so as not to carry heavy hoses and ensure simultaneous watering in different places. It is necessary to provide a crane at the entrance to the house and in front of the main branch.

Also needed drain tap at the lowest point in the system. It will allow you to remove water from pipes in winter time to prevent it from freezing. If the plumbing is installed from HDPE, a drain valve is not required. It should be taken into account that the number of possible cycles of freezing and thawing water in the system is not infinite, and even a polyethylene pipe may eventually collapse.

The irrigation scheme will help calculate the amount of materials

The procedure for preparing for the collection of the plumbing system is as follows:

  • drawing up a layout of pipes;
  • calculation of the length of the system and the number of fittings;
  • decision on the operating mode: winter or summer;
  • preparation of ditches;
  • purchase of irrigation system components from the selected material.

Winter and summer mode use of plumbing differ in laying depth polyethylene pipes. In the case when the cottage is visited all year round, it is advisable to choose an insulated water supply or lay a standard one, below the freezing zone. When installing watering pipes in the country, it is more profitable to use the summer type of water supply. If you have a greenhouse, you can not do without a winter styling option. The insulated pipeline that goes to the greenhouse should be laid in deep ditches or pipe heating should be provided.

The issue of conducting water with our own hands to the house in the country is considered by us in a special article. Experts recommend using polypropylene for this purpose. welded pipes which are resistant to temperature fluctuations and depressurization. The place of their laying is chosen taking into account the location of the rooms and ease of installation. Filters are required. Expansion tank will be a good addition.

Diagram of a water supply system with drip irrigation

The type of filters for a garden house is selected based on the composition of the water being taken. When there is a lot of iron in it, a system of two filters is used. One of them is ion-exchange, removing iron. The other is coal, for the correct mechanical cleaning. Before using water for domestic purposes, it is important to take a sample for analysis. If the results are unsatisfactory, they put an additional filter and be sure to boil the water before use.

Autonomous water supply at their summer cottage with their own hands

Irrigation system with automatic pump cannot work without electricity. The supply of electricity to rural areas can be intermittent, so you should think about a reserve stock so as not to be left without water in the absence of electricity. A tank or other container can be installed in an attic or a special area and water can be pumped into it from a well or reservoir.

In the tank you can accumulate and rain water, however, in this case, a filtration system should be provided. First the water must pass rough cleaning and then - several stages of fine. A coarse filter and a non-return valve should also be installed at the inlet of the suction pipe coming from the pump. The filter will prevent failure of the sensitive dirty water equipment. The valve will insure against the reverse discharge of water after the pump is turned off.

Autonomous tank in the country contributes quality watering plants. AT warm time years, its contents warm up quickly. Plants that are watered with warm water grow faster and give a rich harvest. If it is necessary to create drip irrigation, a single line should be assembled. Tees should be placed on the central pipe and drip irrigation tapes should be connected.