What should we build a house: what is better, what material to choose, what house is better and cheaper? Do-it-yourself country house - a simple step-by-step instruction for stylish summer houses (75 photos) What is the cheapest way to build a house

Quite often, when designing a private house, the future owner thinks about the optimal choice of materials for its construction. What is cheap to build a house from, so that it does not affect the quality, thermal insulation, external attractiveness and durability of the building. The right selection of materials will help not only build the desired house with your own hands, but also save a lot of money.

Construction stages

From the very beginning, you should determine the order that must be followed when doing construction with your own hands:

  1. The very first building of the foundation begins.
  2. The construction of the walls begins to be engaged after checking the readiness of the base.
  3. The next in order will be the conduct of communications (heating, water supply, sewerage, electrification, gas supply) and pouring the floor.
  4. The next step will be laying the floor.
  5. The last step is to build a roof. This type of construction work is carried out in spring or autumn.
The level of costs is affected by the design of the house, the foundation, materials for construction, materials for hydro- and thermal insulation, installation of doors and windows

The following factors influence the level of costs:

  • effective building layout;
  • the depth of the foundation, the materials for its construction and the technique used in its construction;
  • the use of inexpensive and high-quality materials for walls;
  • heat-saving and waterproofing materials;
  • type of heating system;
  • installation of door and window blocks;
  • the use of heat-saving and waterproofing agents.

Any construction must begin with a project. This approach makes it possible to avoid unnecessary expenses and optimize the project area already at the initial stage. You should also decide what material the house will be built from.

Create a project

To reduce the cost of construction and materials, you can calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house in such a way as to comfortably place all the necessary premises in the smallest possible area and decide which material will become the basis for the walls.

To save money, when building a house, make an extension - a veranda, it will protect the building and will serve as a great place for summer holidays.

To reduce heat loss, you can abandon pillars, bay windows, as well as all kinds of decorative partitions, as well as insulate basements, roofs and walls. The fewer walls in a building, the easier it is to heat it.

An excellent solution would be the construction of verandas and balconies that will protect the building and serve as a place of rest in the summer. It is also recommended to combine the hall with the dining room and kitchen, in this case the total area will reduce heat loss, and minimal zoning will help create a cozy and original interior of a small room.

You can resist the cooling of rooms from the side of the roof by arranging the attic.

As roofing materials, it is recommended to use reliable tile materials or tiles. You should not save on roofing material, since the life of the building and the possibility of rational use of the attic floor directly depend on it. In addition, these materials look very decorative, improve the overall appearance of the structure and are very durable, which more than pays for their high cost.

Wall materials

Since inexpensive construction is designed not only to create beautiful and comfortable housing, but also to do it yourself in a short time with reasonable savings, modern materials for interior decoration should be used whenever possible.

The scheme of the insulated frame house

For the construction of a strong frame, concrete, metal, brick or wood are used. One of the options for economical construction is the installation of a wooden frame, which is then sheathed with soft insulation. This allows you to significantly lighten the design and save on the construction of the foundation, as well as significantly reduce energy consumption for heating.

Another profitable option for building walls is the construction of aerated concrete. A house made of such material is very quick and easiest to build, while reducing mortar and labor costs. The material is light and dimensional, and after finishing work it will take on any necessary form, and will not differ in any way from brick structures.

Wood is a favorite raw material for construction, but it can hardly be saved on it. The material itself is not so expensive, but since it is constantly subjected to deformation, shrinkage, the appearance of cracks and gaps from the effects of weather conditions, and also needs careful insulation, the cost of it increases significantly.

An economical material for a wooden house is only a type-setting system. It is assembled in production conditions by specialists from full-bodied structural elements.

In addition, such a house periodically requires sealing cracks as a result of building subsidence, as well as other expensive maintenance and control.

foundation type

You can reduce the cost of building a foundation by using highly efficient structures that can reduce the weight of the walls of the house and allow you to use a lightweight version of the foundation.

The ability to build a low-buried foundation is determined by the condition of the soil and the proximity of groundwater.

A low-depth foundation will save a lot of money

Under what conditions can a low-buried foundation be built:

  1. Such a foundation is used only on non-rocky soils. Coarse-grained sand is an ideal base for a low-buried foundation.
  2. Subject to the installation of a drainage system. This will prevent the rise of groundwater and protect the basement of the building from excessive moisture.
  3. It is also advisable to use waterproofing.

If an architect decides in favor of building a low foundation and decides in favor of lightweight materials, then the amount saved will be quite significant.

In order to determine the appropriate type of foundation with your own hands, you should dig a hole about one meter deep. If there is no water in the pit, and the composition of the soil is represented by sand, clay and stones, then with all certainty it can be said that it is possible to build an unburied foundation (60-80 cm). If water appeared in the pit, then the occurrence of the base should be at a depth of more than one meter.

Roofing material is used to waterproof the foundation

The solution should be thick enough and consist of cement, sand and gravel. Before pouring, formwork is constructed from boards. The width of the base should be 20 cm more than the width of the walls. Be sure to use reinforcing mesh.

To ensure waterproofing, roofing material is laid in the foundation at ground level in two layers and then built to the required height.

After the completion of construction work, the foundation should be given several months to mature, and only after that the walls should be built.

Window systems

When choosing and installing window systems with your own hands, you should pay attention not only to the quality of the window block itself, but equally to the condition of seals and fittings. They must provide a snug fit, high-quality heat and sound insulation.

Poor-quality double-glazed windows will contribute to the cooling of the room and the formation of drafts.

The number of windows required for optimal lighting is calculated by the formula: floor area divided by 8. For example, for a room with an area of ​​40 meters, 5 windows are needed.

Heating system

The finished building needs the installation of a gas or electric heating system. Measures to insulate the walls, floors and basement of the building significantly reduce heat loss, but they are not able to provide a comfortable temperature at home during the cold season.

Underfloor heating is one of the most efficient ways to heat a room. There are two types of such a floor: electric and water. This system is quite cheap and provides pleasant warmth and comfort in the room. The acquisition and installation of such a system with your own hands will allow, without causing a significant increase in the cost of the project, to ensure savings and organically fit into the interior of the house.

Comfortable for this type of heating, the distribution of warm air from the bottom up, in comparison with other types, is the most correct. Whereas heating from radiators can be minimized by drafts walking inside the room.

Knowing what is cheaper to build a house from, you can save a good amount and bring your dream home project to life with your own hands. Tips for arranging an inexpensive home will help you build a comfortable, beautiful and ergonomic design with your own hands, in which you can pay maximum attention to the interior decoration of the room with the remaining funds.

Increasingly, there are country houses for recreation, in terms of comfort comparable to houses for permanent residence. This is no longer a summer house, but rather a lightweight version of the cottage. A winter cottage, along with the advantages of a capital house, implies a more economical approach to design, the choice of building materials and engineering equipment, as well as further maintenance costs.

Design subtleties

Large areas of glazing and an abundance of open space in the architectural appearance of the house are attractive, but terraces, verandas, balconies and loggias cause many problems with illiterate planning. Specialists of construction companies recommend taking into account the location of the future winter cottage when constructing them.

In garden partnerships or holiday villages, rapidly emptying in the fall, the issue of property safety is relevant - in contrast to guarded cottage villages. Here, safety may be more important than beauty: panoramic windows, on which it is difficult to install protective blinds or shutters, will have to be sacrificed. In addition, large areas of balconies and terraces do not retain heat in the house, which means they will increase heating costs.

The structure of the internal space depends on how often you visit the cottage in winter.

There are two options:

  • Automatic maintenance of a small positive temperature during the heating season with an emphasis on efficient heat saving;
  • Conservation of the house with the shutdown of all engineering networks. In this case, the planning and the use of materials that allow you to quickly heat the room play a decisive role.

In any case, it is necessary to take care of the device of the vestibule at the entrance - to keep warm. Utility rooms can occupy smaller areas, and some, such as pantries, can be completely abandoned.


Here, even with seasonal residence, it will not be possible to save money: the type of foundation depends on the condition of the soil on the site and the choice of building material for the building envelope. Massive walls require more foundation costs. For light frame and timber structures, a shallow strip foundation or screw piles is suitable.

Engineering systems

  • The heating system in a country house remains the most important. A simple "cottage" scheme - a stove or a fireplace supported by electric convectors - is suitable only for small wooden buildings finished with clapboard, cladding, plywood;
  • When heating an inexpensive country house, it is convenient to use wall-mounted gas and diesel boilers. They are compact, they can be hung in the kitchen with the output of combustion products through the wall (saving on the cost of the chimney);
  • For a house that is not heated in winter, the simplest water supply and sewerage systems are suitable, from which water can be easily removed. An alternative to expensive local treatment facilities (VOCs) in such a house will be anhydrous and composting dry closets installed in the toilet room itself.
  • A septic tank with a biofilter is suitable for those whose site is located on well-filtering soils with a low level of groundwater. In other conditions, it is better to install VOC.

wall to wall

stone houses distinguishes thoroughness. Adherents of building "for the ages" choose between different types of bricks and concrete blocks. In both cases, saving on the amount of wall material is irrational, so a winter cottage in terms of investment will not differ from a house for permanent residence. But the differences between brickwork and cellular concrete are significant, not only in price (brick is more expensive), but also in properties. Light blocks due to the porous structure are close to wood, have low thermal conductivity and good air permeability. A common drawback of stone buildings is the long warming up of the walls, if there are visits in the house, so the heating system should automatically maintain a constant temperature.

Frame technology building a house successfully competes with the rest in terms of price, and in terms of construction speed it significantly surpasses them. It is not in vain that the term "prefabricated" has been attached to frame houses: on average, general construction work takes 1-2 months. Record holders are houses of high factory readiness: their installation on the site takes a few days. At the same time, frame houses amaze with their diversity: the same project, depending on the exterior finish, can look like a brick house or a wooden house. The thickness of the insulation in the walls for the winter cottage is chosen as for an intermediate option between the summer house and the capital building: 15 cm.

bar gives more options for choosing the optimal design and cost of the house. Walls made of ordinary or profiled timber require subsequent insulation and a variety of external finishes - from lining to brick cladding. You can find your ideal, for example, by varying the thickness of the insulation layer (from 5 to 20 cm) and the beam itself (from 10 to 15 cm). A feature of wooden housing construction is a long, about a year, break between the construction of a log house and the beginning of finishing (the house shrinks). The elite glued beam stands apart, the beauty of the walls from which, like log walls, is not hidden behind the exterior finish. The material does not warp, wall shrinkage is minimal. Finishing begins immediately after the installation of the box. The cost will be high - due to the complexity of production.

log walls hand-cutting continues to attract connoisseurs of traditional building methods. The strict geometry of round log chimneys also finds its admirers. Both types of houses are comparable in cost, largely dependent on the thickness of the walls. Considering that such buildings are usually not insulated or sheathed, trying to preserve their natural appearance, the diameter of the logs should be the same as that of a house for year-round use: at least 22 cm.

If all the pros and cons are weighed, and the building material has not been chosen, pay attention to the generally reconciling project of a combined house, where the strength and durability of stone are combined with the warmth and environmental friendliness of wood.


The type of roofing does not depend on the frequency of stay in the house: its choice is based on personal preferences and financial capabilities of the future owners. But the roof structure of a winter cottage can be simplified: without serious roof insulation, if only the first floor is supposed to be heated in winter. In this case, thermal insulation of the interfloor overlap is required.

Interior decoration

The choice of finishing materials is noticeably narrowed when it comes to country houses. The most stringent restrictions are imposed on finishing in unheated rooms, because not every material can withstand sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

For walls in wooden houses, unpretentious lining and its varieties that imitate log or log cabins are most often used. In frame and stone buildings, the walls and ceiling are plastered or lined with drywall for finishing - painting, textured plaster or, less often, wallpapering, which is quite sensitive to changes in humidity.

For flooring, most coatings are suitable, excluding capricious parquet. A classic wooden board, not too durable, but affordable linoleum, carpet and waterproof laminate adequately endure not the most comfortable conditions.

Building a country house takes a lot of effort, energy and time, so you need to think through everything well and choose the best option. Cottages can be built from various materials, so you just need to make a choice.

The main advantage of all houses that are built of timber is their environmental friendliness. This material passes air well and reliably retains heat, so they have a very pleasant microclimate for humans.

Houses made of beams look very stylish, modern and beautiful, but at the same time, one must not forget that only real professionals who will perform all the work with high quality should be engaged in the construction of a summer residence.

For the construction of cottages from glued beams, coniferous trees are most often used:

  • larch;
  • cedar;
  • pine;
  • fir.
In order for the house to stand for many years, the supporting structures must be made of fir or spruce, which rots much less than other trees. Houses built of timber are resistant, reliable, practical, environmentally friendly, warm.

Every year, frame houses that have good technical characteristics are becoming more popular and in demand. Inside such houses, the internal climate is the same as in wooden ones. They are very warm in winter, and in summer they are cozy and cool.

Frame houses are energy efficient, comfortable and environmentally friendly. They are a pleasure to live and spend time in.

When building frame houses, much less building materials are used, because the weight of such a structure is much less than summer cottages built of reinforced concrete, bricks or logs. Such buildings can be erected in those areas where the ground is very weak. In addition, choosing such material for a summer residence, you can realize all the fantasies and dreams of a cozy house.

Cottages built from rounded logs have the same advantages as houses that are built from beams. The rounded shape of the logs makes it possible to tightly and reliably connect them together. The locks and the necessary grooves in the rounded log are calculated very precisely, so the gaps are very small, and the logs are connected at any angle.

Log dachas have good energy-saving, heat-insulating and environmental characteristics, so many people choose this type of building for themselves.

Today, in any village and town, you can most often see brick houses that are inherited. They are very cozy, warm and comfortable. Brick houses have many advantages:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • low exposure to atmospheric influences;
  • fire protection.
The walls should be no thinner than 610 millimeters, if they are smaller, they will have to be insulated so that the house is warm.

Cottages from foam blocks

Foam blocks are a modern, environmentally friendly and reliable material that makes it possible to build a cottage of various sizes. Foam blocks, in comparison with other materials, have much better thermal and sound insulation characteristics.

Cottages from foam blocks can be built very quickly, but you only need to take into account the technological recommendations for their use in order to extend the life of the houses.

It takes much less time to build a monolithic, one-story house than to build a brick cottage. With the help of this simple, but high-quality material, you can create a building of any shape and embody all architectural fantasies. The internal layout of a monolithic-frame house is very free, so you can choose an open layout and build houses on any soil.

When it comes to a country or garden house, and the main priorities are the price and speed of construction, this usually means that you need to choose which is better - a turnkey timber house or a frame-panel house.

Why not brick or, say, cinder block? For several reasons.

Firstly, taking into account all the materials, a block or brick house will definitely come out more expensive.

Secondly, the work on its construction requires more qualifications, and, accordingly, will cost more.

Thirdly, a brick house definitely loses to a wooden house in terms of its ability to keep warm. It would seem that if the house is used only in summer, there are no problems. But the fact is that the ability to retain heat works at any time of the year, and, so to speak, "in both directions." That is, in a brick house of standard thickness (one brick) it will be hot in summer. And to make walls thicker in a garden house is already economically impractical.

Fourth, the weight and design of the walls matter. After all, the type of foundation depends on these parameters. Houses made of timber and frame houses can be placed on a pile foundation. An easier, cheaper and faster option to manufacture is currently not found. The use of screw piles for houses made of brick, cinder block or foam block is, in principle, possible, but the complexity of the work increases. As always, along with its cost.

Fifthly, when we talk about a garden or country house, we almost always mean a house for seasonal living. That is, in winter, not heated, or heated irregularly. Brick houses do not tolerate this mode of operation. This does not mean that the house will necessarily fall apart after the first winter (although this has happened), but its strength will deteriorate, and you should forget about the service life declared for the material.

Frame houses, houses and baths made of timber take this quite calmly, provided that their construction was carried out in strict accordance with the technology. In particular, dowels were used in the construction of natural moisture timber, or the building was erected from dried material.

With brick houses, everything is more or less clear, but the choice between a timber and a frame-panel house causes certain difficulties.

Here it is worth being guided by the following considerations: in terms of the speed of construction, the “skeletons” certainly win. But in terms of durability, timber is the leader. The life of a frame house is limited, first of all, by the effective service life of the insulation. And for most of the materials used now, it does not exceed 50 years.

As for the log house, then, as for most wooden buildings, its service life can easily be 100 years or more. True, only with regular and proper care.

Perhaps, in every industry, one can only hear: new technologies ... However, there are not so many solutions, especially innovative ones, offered by the construction market for small country houses. At least in our region, where, due to climatic conditions, a straw house will not stand idle for a long time. Although we still found a couple of non-standard options. Let's figure out what materials experts advise and why.

From what to build a country house?


Classics of the genre. A tree is a tree, the smell alone is worth something! This is a relatively inexpensive and lightweight material, therefore, a powerful foundation is not needed, it is easy to assemble and not as expensive to lay as a stone, but for independent construction it is an order of magnitude more difficult than a frame one. But it has an excellent microclimate.

It is for summer cottages that they often offer glued laminated timber of small thickness - less than 150 mm. Why is he good? Glued laminated timber itself is quite beautiful and does not need any external finishing, except for processing with a protective and decorative composition. A small thickness gives significant savings on price and simplifies assembly.

Of the minuses: the house will be cold, in winter it will take a lot of energy to fire. Builders say that a house made of timber at least 400 mm thick will be energy-saving. And this already increases the cost of a country house based on materials.

The most significant disadvantage of wood is flammability. In addition, wooden houses need periodic treatment with antiseptics that protect them from the damaging effects of moisture and microorganisms.

Frame or sandwich panels

A timber-frame house is considered the fastest and most inexpensive. Especially suitable for those who plan to live in it only in the summer. It can be built in a few weeks. Wall structures, lightened through the use of modern insulation, do not require a powerful foundation. The multi-layer construction of walls, floors and interfloor ceilings allows you to hide engineering communications. Such houses have high fire resistance, good sound insulation.

The disadvantages of sandwich panels include a short service life of the cladding (up to 50 years), the need for periodic processing of the frame (from rotting, fungus or corrosion), poor ventilation and the inability of the walls to withstand additional loads.


Modern building materials - aerated concrete, foam concrete, expanded clay concrete and polystyrene concrete. All of these materials are blocks and differ from each other in size, density, weight, frost resistance, vapor permeability, strength.

They are highly fire resistant and can withstand a fire. In addition, such projects are distinguished by a variety of architectural forms and wall decoration options. Among the disadvantages of concrete houses are the significant cost of construction and increased thermal conductivity. You need to live in them permanently or install an automatic temperature control system.

The construction of country houses from foam blocks, which are not as spacious as cottages intended for permanent residence, provides an opportunity to save additional money by arranging simpler and cheaper ceilings, seismic belts and lintels.


Brick itself is one of the most expensive building materials. And the masonry is expensive (skilled hands are needed), and the foundation is needed good and, accordingly, expensive.

The load-bearing walls of brick country houses are made, as a rule, of small thickness (one and a half to two bricks) and are insulated from the outside (pasted with sheets of expanded polystyrene, followed by lining with facing bricks or plastering, or insulated with mineral wool according to the “ventilated facade” method). The method with brick lining is more costly, with plaster or other finishing on a "ventilated facade" - more economical. There are additional ways to save money, such as installing wooden floors instead of reinforced concrete. Thus, the price range for the construction of brick country houses, it turns out, is extremely wide.

The advantage of bricks over a wooden frame is the possibility of building walls of any configuration with niches and ledges. Plus the notorious fire safety.


You can, of course, dig a dugout and equip it. And you can take an example from a very serious European technology called Earthbag building.

The material for such a construction is literally lying underfoot, the main thing is that the soil is suitable for moisture parameters. Earthbags - these are bags with earth, from which houses are assembled in a completely unpretentious way. Wet soil fills bags or fabric pipes made of a non-rotting material such as propylene. Under the condition of excessive dryness, the earth is slightly moistened. Then the bags are stacked in rows and rammed. The layers are laid with ordinary barbed wire, which in this case performs a strengthening function - like cement during laying.

Anything more or less suitable can act as a tamping tool, including legs. The houses are domed, it is extremely difficult to build a straight wall in this way. Due to the stability of the construction of the earth, such houses are especially relevant in flooded areas. In addition, such a house can be built from scratch in a week by a trio of people who know nothing about construction.

In accordance with the Earthbag building technology, dome-shaped houses resembling children's sand cakes are the most durable. This form is stable and does not require additional efforts to strengthen, however, if desired, an earthen house can be “lined” with clay. So it will look nicer.

By the way, a house made of materials underfoot was built in Tyumen by one scientist back in 2013. This is a dugout made from oil waste, namely from drill cuttings. Of the advantages of an unusual building material - lightness, practicality and low cost. It is unknown if the experience had a sequel or successors.


Abroad, houses made from cargo containers are popular. They are environmentally friendly and again inexpensive, because they are actually built from garbage. Such a house can be built on a foundation, or it can be made mobile. In principle, this also applies to former train trailers or change houses that have served in the fields.

The external beauty of the future building will depend only on the mood and imagination of the author. Like cubes, "boxes" can be stacked in arbitrary variations and patterns. The outer side of the building is treated with a composition that protects the base from corrosion. Then the walls are sheathed with thermal insulation and the design is completed with the chosen finish. These houses are durable, for which they are valued.


That's what will never be in short supply, so it's bottles. Glass and plastic, transparent and tinted, from wine or beer, mineral water and sweet soda - all this can be a material for the construction of residential buildings. Such is the international experience.

However, you can see such a structure in the suburbs of Tyumen - the village of Zubarevo. The owner of the house built the house himself. Building material was collected in a trash can. The walls of the house are partially built from bottles. Also, bottles filled with cement are used in the fence.


To build a country house, you can not buy expensive building materials, but completely get by with used ones. Some of these materials are not inferior in quality to new ones. So, when building a foundation, used railway, reinforced concrete sleepers or foundation blocks can be used as stiffness. For the construction of walls, you can purchase a brick or cinder block from a dismantled housing construction.

If you are building a house according to a ready-made project, the amount of material you will need will already be calculated. If the project is yours, you will have to count yourself. Our advice is to take any material with a margin.

The process of building from this type of timber is characterized by efficiency. This is facilitated by the ideal shape of the material, the long edges of which have special grooves. They allow you to perfectly stack the bars on top of each other without any adjustment. At the same time, the glued type of lumber does not shrink. This all eliminates the formation of gaps between the bars. Therefore, when the owner of a garden plot is interested in how much it will cost to build a cottage, he needs to turn his attention first of all to glued beams. This material will allow for the minimum period to build the planned structure.


In the summer cottage, it is best to build a house from light building materials. This will reduce the construction time and reduce the cost of such work, since it is not necessary to involve lifting equipment, special equipment and tools in the processes. Moreover, glued laminated timber, related to light materials, can be stored both in a separate specially designated area, and on already installed load-bearing structures of the future house without any harm to them. And it’s better to immediately turn to professionals who will perform turnkey design and construction work. This is especially true for small summer cottages, which are widespread throughout the country.

As you know, the comfort of staying in a suburban area largely depends on how cozy and comfortable the house will be. Often the question arises, which house is better to build in the country, so that the cost of the project is democratic, and the result obtained is as good as possible. We will consider several basic options, but we will dwell in detail on the version of the frame house, since it is easiest to build it with your own hands.

The main types of country houses

To decide which option is best for you, you should consider the features of each of them:

Modular option This includes country houses from block containers, which are the easiest to build. You only need to build a strip or column foundation, and put a finished module on it with a crane. The disadvantages include the monotony of buildings and their small size, in addition, the price of the finished version is much higher than that of the one assembled independently.
Frame house One of the most popular solutions due to a number of advantages, the main of which are: a very affordable cost of the project, ease of work, assembly instructions may seem complicated, but if you understand it, then all questions will disappear by themselves. In addition, using this option, you can build a structure of any size and configuration.
Timber structure Another widespread option, which has an attractive appearance and environmental friendliness, so that it fits into the countryside environment as well as possible. Assembling a building requires a certain qualification, so it is better to involve specialists, especially since the cost of the structure is quite high, and any mistakes are fraught with considerable costs.
Buildings made of bricks and blocks These materials are most often used in the construction of capital buildings. The advantages include strength and durability, the disadvantages are the need to build a massive base, the laboriousness of construction (at least the skills of a bricklayer are needed) and the rather high cost of the project. In addition, many people associate country houses with a tree, so such options are not even considered initially.

Features of building a house using frame technology

Consider how to build an inexpensive country house with your own hands.

It is very important to prepare well for the work, the following activities can be attributed to this stage:

  • To begin with, a specific project is selected to clearly represent the scope of work and the required amount of materials.
  • Further, all required materials are purchased, while you should purchase everything with a small margin, since the actual consumption most often exceeds the planned one.
  • Another important issue is the acquisition of all the necessary tools.: from shovels and hammers to concrete mixers and chainsaws. If there is no electricity on the site, then renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help solve the problem.


Without a doubt, a very important part of the work, since the strength and durability of the entire structure directly depends on the foundation, any subsidence leads to cracks and even the destruction of walls and ceilings.

You can build one of the following options:

  • Pillar foundation.
  • Tape base.
  • Slab foundation.

Each of these options has its pros and cons, we will consider the tape type of the base:

  • First of all, a trench is dug, the depth and width of which depends on the type of soil and the weight of the future structure. Usually the width is 30-40 centimeters.
  • It is better to pour a gravel pillow at the bottom, which will also carry a drainage function, the walls of the pit should be even and not crumble.
  • Formwork is placed on top, but if the outer part of the base is laid out from dembler blocks, then the formwork can be minimal, the main thing is that the level of the foundation is even, this will facilitate masonry work later.
  • After the foundation has solidified (at least a week should pass), you can proceed to further work. The upper end of the foundation is closed with glass isol or two layers of roofing material, this will prevent the penetration of moisture into the building through the capillaries in the concrete.

Do not forget about the ventilation holes in, the entire space must be ventilated, otherwise mold will begin to form on the structures over time.


Consideration of the question of how to build a country house continues with such a stage as the installation of the basement, this stage of work is carried out as follows:

  • For the overlapping device, a beam with a cross section of at least 100x150 mm is used, and more is possible, it all depends on the design features.
  • The elements are interconnected either with threaded studs or special screws with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a length of 25-30 cm.

Along the bottom edge of the strapping, you can attach a subfloor in any convenient way and lay foam or mineral wool on it, so you can.


We are considering how to build a country house ourselves, but in fact, you can’t do without a few helpers, especially at the stage of installing the frame of future walls, because you need to hold each element and carefully adjust its position before fastening.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Fastening elements is best done using modern fasteners: corners of perforated tapes, brackets and mounting plates. In addition to convenience and high speed of work, these elements guarantee the reliability of all connections, the main thing is to choose the right fasteners.
  • Racks are set to the width of the insulation, so you simplify further work. Particular attention should be paid to the perfectly precise position of the corner elements.
  • From below, the elements are attached to the harness, another beam is laid on top and the system is fastened, and crossbars are also used to increase strength.
  • Next, you should take care of strengthening the structure, most often this is achieved using struts and braces. With their help, rigidity increases significantly.

truss system

Another important stage at which the future roof is being built, the following work is carried out within this stage:

  • First of all, a detailed system design is drawn up so that you can imagine what work will have to be done.

  • Based on the scheme, materials and fasteners are purchased, boards can be used for small roofs, and timber for more massive ones.
  • The assembly is carried out carefully, each element is carefully fastened, at the end the whole system is interconnected.

Sheathing and roofing

Outside, the walls are sheathed as follows:

  • A board 25mm thick can be used and is best fixed at a 45 degree angle for best strength.
  • You can also use a simpler option - moisture resistant plates, so the work will be carried out much faster.
  • For laying the roof, a lathing device will be required, while its type depends on which coating will be used. For slate and ondulin, a crate is required, and for a soft roof, metal tiles and other similar options, a solid flooring made of moisture-resistant materials.

  • Mounting is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, usually this process is simple.

Inner lining

Lastly, a heater is laid, which is closed with a vapor barrier material.

Sheathing can be different:

  • You can use wooden lining or decorative panels of various types.
  • Another option is to attach moisture-resistant drywall or other durable materials that can later be puttied and painted or finished in any other way.

We hope you have decided which house to build in the country, and what technologies to use. This is only a brief plan of work, since the description of any of the stages will take an entire article (all works are described separately in other articles on the portal).


A house in the country should be not only attractive from the outside, but also practical from the inside. Therefore, do not be lazy and find a really high-quality and thoughtful project. The video in this article will clearly show the features of some work.

The owners of suburban areas have a great opportunity to assemble inexpensive houses with very good performance characteristics. There are several ways to build an economical and reliable building today. In this article, we will talk about what is cheaper to build houses from.

What factors affect the cost

You can save when building a country house:

  • Properly drafted. A compact house with a well-thought-out layout will cost less than a large “chaotic” building and will be no less comfortable at the same time.
  • Choosing the right material for walls, roofs, ceilings and finishes.

It is the latter factor in terms of project cost that often plays a decisive role.

Materials for how to choose

When deciding what exactly the walls of the house, its ceilings and roof will be built from, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Climatic conditions. In cold regions, it is better to use, albeit not so durable, but always warm materials. The owners of sites located in the southern regions of the country have a much wider choice. In this case, you can use absolutely any modern inexpensive materials.
  • Specific properties of materials. Of course, buildings made of SIP panels or foam concrete are much cheaper than brick or log houses.
  • features of the local market. For example, wood may be cheaper in wooded regions, while concrete may be cheaper in steppe regions.

The most economical building materials

So, now let's see what is cheaper to build houses from. A very economical and convenient building in our time can be built using:

  • Timber and modern insulation. This is the most inexpensive type of buildings at the moment. At the same time, despite the cheapness, panel houses have very good performance characteristics. Inexpensive materials are also used as cladding in this case. Most often it is plywood and siding.
  • SIP panels. Such a building will cost more than a shield building, but it is also built faster.
  • Foam blocks. Buildings erected from them are also very inexpensive and at the same time are considered somewhat more reliable than panel buildings.

All these modern materials for building a house fit very well and at the same time are able to last for a long time. Next, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Perhaps this will help someone make the most successful choice.

Advantages of frame buildings

Wooden houses of this type, in addition to being cheap, also have such advantages as:

  • Ease of construction. You can build a frame-panel house on your own, without the involvement of specialists. When erecting such a building, there is no need to use any expensive equipment. The foundation for a panel house can be poured with the most inexpensive - columnar (of course, only on reliable ground).
  • Excellent heat-preserving qualities. Such houses are isolated from the cold using modern inexpensive materials. Usually it is mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Even not too expensive unprofiled timber in this case is used in minimal quantities - only for the construction of the frame.
  • Aesthetic With the use of high-quality internal and external cladding, choosing this technology, you can actually get a very beautiful and at the same time comfortable building.
  • No shrinkage. Unlike expensive block and log buildings, you can move into a house built using this technology immediately after its construction.

Disadvantages of panel buildings

Timber and modern insulation are just a great answer to the question of what is cheaper to build houses from. But of course, like any other technique, this building construction technology has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of frame-panel houses include, first of all, a not too high degree of environmental safety. The fact is that mineral wool and expanded polystyrene are materials that, in certain situations, can emit. When building a house, this must be taken into account and the inner lining made as airtight as possible. Mineral wool releases and polystyrene foam - poisonous styrene.

The disadvantages of panel structures can also be attributed to a not too high degree of fire resistance. Wiring in such a house is best left to a specialist. Even though it will incur additional costs. You will also have to spend money on treating the wooden frame with antiseptic and fire-resistant compounds, as well as insect repellents. As you know, only if these funds are used, wooden houses are quite durable.

The owners of remote summer cottages often refuse to erect such buildings due to the not too high mechanical strength of the walls. To break into such a house in the absence of protection, thieves may not even need to pick the lock.

Advantages of buildings from SIP panels

This type of building is structurally very similar to the previous one. In fact, this is just a kind of panel house. The only difference is that the elements of this type of building are assembled from panels supplied ready-made. Of course, when using such material, the building is more reliable and durable. Houses made of SIP panels are not too expensive. However, their cost, as already mentioned, is slightly higher than that of conventional shield ones.

SIP panels consist of two OSB boards, between which expanded polystyrene is fixed. Despite the apparent fragility, due to the integrity of the structure, they are able to withstand huge loads and, in fact, are just perfect for buildings. You can also build a building from this material yourself. It is not required to fill under SIP-walls and too powerful foundation. The advantages of this material include a very low degree of thermal conductivity.

As in the case of a frame-panel house, the construction of such a building does not require the use of expensive equipment. The panels are processed in an elementary way - with the help of a conventional hacksaw. Therefore, houses from SIP panels can have any layout and architecture.

Cons of SIP buildings

The disadvantages of such houses are about the same as those of conventional frame-panel houses. That is, they do not differ in fire safety and environmental cleanliness. In addition to expanded polystyrene, in this case, OSB panels are also used, the safety of which is highly doubtful. Some of the disadvantages of SIP panels include the fact that you can build houses from them only of a limited height (maximum 2 floors). Engineering communications in buildings of this type are quite difficult and expensive to carry out. This can also be attributed to the disadvantages of such buildings.

Advantages of houses from foam blocks

This material is slightly more expensive than SIP panels. However, the cost of the foam block is still low, and the difference in price in this case is not critical. In addition, in comparison with SIP-buildings and panel buildings, houses made of this material have a lot of advantages. These include:

  • The ability of the walls to "breathe". In this regard, buildings made of foam blocks are comparable to, for example, comfortable structures such as log houses. The microclimate in buildings erected from this material is created almost the same.
  • Fire resistance of walls. Concrete, as everyone knows, does not burn.
  • Durability. By definition, such a building can serve much longer than a wooden building. Concrete does not rot and is not damaged by insects.

Disadvantages of foam concrete houses

The disadvantages of such buildings include, first of all, the need for thorough waterproofing of the foundation and the use of materials that prevent the penetration of moisture into the walls. Inexpensive foam block houses should be protected as carefully as possible. The fact is that this porous material absorbs moisture very well. At the same time, its heat-preserving qualities are lost. Moreover, wet blocks of this type easily crumble, which can even lead to cracks in the walls.

Despite the fact that foam concrete is light, the foundation for it should be used sufficiently powerful and reliable. It's all about the fragility of this material. Foam concrete can give cracks even with small movements.

The disadvantages of this material, in comparison with SIP panels, include some difficulty in building houses when using them. To build, fasten the foam blocks with special glue. In this case, the seams, unlike concrete ones, are very thin and do not let the cold through. However, masonry by this method involves the use of blocks of ideal geometry. But despite the existing standards, material with various kinds of defects is often sold on the domestic market.

From the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be drawn. You should buy foam blocks only from large manufacturers who value their reputation and supply the market with sufficiently strong material with ideal geometry.

Cost of materials

For the construction of the walls of the building, structural and heat-insulating foam blocks are usually used. The price for them depends on the size, manufacturer and supplier. For the D500-D600 block, for example, you can pay from 47 to 185 rubles. The cost of a foam block of the most convenient dimensions for laying 20x30x60 mm is usually 135-150 rubles.

The price of SIP panels of different sizes can be found in the table below.

Dimensions (mm)

OSB thickness (mm)

Cost, rub.)

Thus, the price of a SIP house (or rather, only its walls) 5x5 m in size with a ceiling height of 250 cm and a wall thickness of 12 mm will be 47,200 rubles, not counting the cost of consumables. Of course, it's not too expensive. Foam blocks of the same size will cost about 55,000-60,000 rubles, which is also quite cheap.

What to make ceilings and roofs from

The use of SIP panels and foam blocks significantly reduces the cost of building houses. From various materials of a modern type, such as metal tiles, ondulin or profiled sheets, it is possible to assemble a very inexpensive roof for a country building. The floor and ceiling in a budget house are usually sheathed with a simple edged board.

As for the frame of the floors and the roof, then the choice, of course, is not too big. Logs, beams and truss system are usually made of timber. And the material used is quite thick. After all, such structures are load-bearing and must withstand serious loads. Therefore, saving on them, of course, is not worth it. However, the price of an ordinary non-profiled timber is not too high.

Thus, using the materials described above for building a house, you can save a lot of money and at the same time get reliable and environmentally friendly structures.

How to choose a cutting board

When choosing this material, you should pay attention to two factors:

  • The presence of knots. They should be as few as possible. Especially the dark ones. Such knots will surely fall out over time, and ugly holes will form in the floor or ceiling.
  • Material geometry. All selected boards must have the same thickness and be even in all planes.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

In addition to the low price, the advantages of this material used to assemble an inexpensive roof most often include:

  • light weight,
  • strength and durability,
  • aesthetic appearance,
  • ease of installation.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are:

  • noise during rain
  • the ability to rust and click in the sun with improper installation.

As you can see, the answer to the question of what is cheaper to build houses from is not too complicated. Choosing inexpensive materials for the construction of walls, floors and roofs of a building is very simple these days. Of course, when drawing up a project, everything should be carefully calculated and thought out. In this case, the house will be economical, reliable and comfortable.

The most important and first question before starting work on the construction of a dwelling: what is better to build a house for permanent residence. The choice depends on many factors and it is quite problematic to make it without proper preparation. The material of the walls affects not only the microclimate in the room, but also the design features of the rest of the elements of the house. To build a house for permanent residence, you will need the highest quality modern materials, and a country house gives some relief when building with your own hands.

Overview of materials

Before building new walls, we need to make a comparison of materials according to the following indicators:

  • strength;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • soundproofing;
  • durability;
  • price;
  • density (mass);
  • availability and distance of transportation.
For building a house, materials must be durable, with good thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, frost resistance, sound insulation.

The choice is made on the basis of all these characteristics together, but the most important is strength, since the bearing capacity of the walls depends on it. For external enclosing structures, it is imperative to check compliance with thermal requirements and frost resistance.

If the material is not warm enough, the temperature and humidity conditions of the room will be disturbed, which will lead to inconvenience to the residents. With insufficient frost resistance, destruction is possible when the outside temperature changes from negative to positive, and vice versa.

A country or city house with your own hands can be made from the following materials:

  • ceramic brick;
  • silicate brick;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • wood (profiled timber, rounded logs, glued wood);
  • on a frame with insulation and sheathing (the frame can be metal or wood);
  • lightweight concrete.

The cheapest way would be to use frame technology or some types of lightweight concrete. These materials allow you to save not only on the construction of external and internal walls with your own hands, but also on the elements of the foundation.

To make a choice for a private house, conditionally, all materials can be divided into several groups:

  • brick and stone;
  • lightweight concrete;
  • wood;
  • frame houses.

If the material is not warm enough, the temperature and humidity regime will be disturbed. Living in such a house will be uncomfortable

The most impressive buildings will be those whose walls are made of massive materials such as brick or concrete. These new houses are able to resist environmental influences and look quite attractive. But when using them, you need to prepare for serious costs.
The most profitable thing to build with your own hands is a wooden (not glued wood) or frame object. Next, it is worth considering in detail the main modern materials that are suitable for the walls of a building intended for permanent residence.

This material was widely used in the past for multi-apartment buildings. It is important to note that it has more disadvantages than advantages, but the choice in favor of silicate brick allows you to make the walls of a private house cheaper.
The benefits include:

  • low cost of production and finished products;
  • high accuracy of geometric dimensions;
  • attractive appearance of the masonry;
  • the possibility of using any types of masonry mortars;
  • high strength (the choice is relevant for both low-rise and high-rise construction);
  • high frost resistance (more than 50 cycles) allows you to safely use the material for the manufacture of external walls with your own hands.

Silicate brick is unstable to moisture, has low thermal conductivity, but it has a low cost

There are disadvantages and they are significant, so if possible, it is better to choose another material:

  1. The mass is greater than that of ceramic bricks, which creates an additional load on the foundation and increases its cost.
  2. Moisture resistance. In rainy weather, you can see how the silicate walls darken. This means that they have absorbed water. This is an undesirable quality for outdoor fences, the humidity regime is violated in the premises. Also, because of this, it is not allowed to use the basement and basement for masonry.
  3. Thermal insulation characteristics are very low (high thermal conductivity). Larger wall thickness or additional thermal insulation is required.
  4. Instability to high temperatures. Such material for building a house is not suitable for stoves, fireplaces and chimneys.


The choice here is represented by the following products:

  • solid brick;
  • hollow brick;
  • porous stone.

If we talk about thermal insulation, the last option will be the most effective, and the first one the least desirable. Strength, on the contrary, is greater for solid bricks.

The price range for this category is very large. Depending on the manufacturer, you can find the material cheaper or more expensive. It is important to consider shipping costs, as they can be hefty.

Ceramics is the best option for building a house “for centuries”. With the availability of high-quality materials and adherence to technology, they can ensure a long service life without problems.

When used as an outer layer of face brick, walls can be left without additional finishing. They will withstand negative influences and retain an attractive appearance.

A new type of material - ceramic stone. Its heat-insulating characteristics are two times better than those of hollow brick, which allows to reduce the thickness of the enclosing structures and reduce the load on the foundation. At the same time, the strength of the material is comparable to its closest relatives. It also has the advantage that the enlarged dimensions allow for faster masonry and reduce the labor intensity of the process.

Ceramic brick is very reliable. They are resistant to negative natural influences and keep the appearance of the house attractive for many years.

If you answer the question of what to build a strong and reliable house with your own hands, then ceramic porous stone will be the answer. Other materials may come out cheaper, but here you can save money during operation, on masonry mortar and insulation. New walls made of such products have an attractive appearance. As a finish, you can use the following options:

  • plaster;
  • siding;
  • lining;
  • block house.

Lightweight concrete

This group includes a large number of different species. We can distinguish the following most popular when it is necessary to build a country or residential house with your own hands:

  1. Foam concrete. It is easy to process, has good thermal insulation and low weight. Among the disadvantages are high water absorption and low strength. The choice of such products allows you to save on foundations and walls.
  2. Aerated concrete. Similar to the previous wall material. Moisture resistance is even less than that of foam concrete. It is characterized by greater accuracy of geometric dimensions.
  3. Expanded clay concrete. It is cheaper than all other types of lightweight concrete. It is easier to install fasteners in it (the material does not crumble and does not crumble). Disadvantages: large mass, low thermal protection.
  4. Arbolit. The most desirable of this group is do-it-yourself wall material. It protects well from the cold and has a small mass. Disadvantages: low fire resistance, destruction of wood by moisture and rodents.

To understand which material from the listed ones is better to choose for walls, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the area (wall thickness), the number of storeys of the house and the characteristics of the soil.

There are several options for the material from which you can build a wooden house with your own hands:

  • timber;
  • log;
  • glued wood.

In terms of technology, it is easier to work with a bar. There is no need to cut recesses to maintain the stability of the elements, as is the case with a log.

A wooden house allows you to minimize the load on the foundations and save on them. This is due to the following characteristics:

  1. Low density wood. One cubic meter weighs an average of 520 kg for conifers, while a brick has a density of 1800 kg / m3. This allows the use of lighter foundations, for example, it is especially advantageous in terms of cost and labor intensity to use screw piles.
  2. Good thermal conductivity. You can again compare a wooden house with ceramic bricks. To ensure normal thermal protection, the thickness of the brick wall should be an average of 770 mm (for the climate of the middle zone). Wooden walls can be 300 mm thick, which further reduces the load on the foundation, increases the speed of work and reduces their cost.

A wooden house reduces the load on the foundation due to the low density and good thermal conductivity of wood.

If you answer the question of what is better to build a house from (and more profitable), then the tree will be the answer, but it is important for it to provide reliable protection from various negative factors. The wall material is necessarily treated with antiseptic compounds and, if possible, fire retardant.

Lining, block house or siding is used as a finishing layer of the wall. The latter reduces costs, but the house loses its ability to “breathe” due to the unnatural finish. You can leave the building without cladding, but in this case, in addition to antiseptic treatment, varnishing or protective paints are needed.

The answer to the question of what type of wood is better to use when working with your own hands will be this: coniferous material of the first or second grade is required.

Glued beams are not rational for most private buildings. They are designed for increased loads and large spans, so they have a very high cost. Applying them without special need for walls is impractical and unprofitable.

frame houses

Walls using this technology have the following advantages:

  • ease of manufacture with your own hands;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • the possibility of using inexpensive light foundations as a foundation;
  • fast construction speed.

The house can be made on a wooden or metal frame. The first option is more common. A profile is used as parts for a metal frame. Main elements: top and bottom trim, racks, insulation. Thermal insulation is placed between the racks, the thickness is calculated depending on the climatic region. Exterior sheathing can be made of siding or various panels, internal - of drywall.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what material to use to build a wall. It all depends on the financial capabilities and requirements of the customer. We can only give recommendations in terms of heat engineering, cost and strength.