Why is the water pressure weak, the pressure is normal. What to do if the water pressure in the house is poor

Some people often face this problem when water pressure is very weak and this pressure is not enough to perform the simplest household tasks: washing, taking a shower, washing dishes, and so on. What to do in such a situation and how can you increase the water pressure at home?

There are two ways to get rid of weak pressure water: the first is the purchase and installation of a special booster pump, the second is the organization of a special storage tank in which water will accumulate around the clock.

The first way to get rid of weak pressure cold water more suitable for apartments than for residential buildings. Its essence is to purchase a special booster (boost) pump and connect it in the very first apartment on your riser. Thus, one pump will be able to low pressure cold or hot water in all apartments that are connected to this riser, which can cause unspeakable joy to most of your neighbors. Also, there is another option that is not suitable for everyone. The booster pump can be connected in your apartment only if your apartment is the last one on the riser, in which case the water pressure will increase only for you, for the rest of the neighbors it will remain the same. There are no more options for connecting such pumps in the apartment. So many people who faced similar problems with plumbing made the same mistake by connecting the booster pump in their apartment, despite the fact that the apartment is not the last one on the riser. Thus, by powering this pump and turning on several devices that require high water pressure, you will pump water through pipes not only from below, but also from above, that is, you will completely deprive your neighbors of water for a certain period of time, which they definitely will not like.
So, there are two options for solving the problem with the help of an intensifying pump - either connect it at the very beginning of the riser, or in your apartment, if you are the last one connected to this riser.

But how will things be outside the city in country houses? What to do if water from a well or well rises to you very slowly?

Method 2: Mounting the storage tank

In this situation, summer residents will be saved from the weak pressure of cold water by the construction of a special storage tank, which will accumulate water in itself and supply it under high pressure to the house. Connecting it will be somewhat more complicated than connecting an amplifier pump, so you have to work a little. The entire assembly process, for convenience, will be divided into stages.

Stage 1: Decide on the characteristics

To begin with, it is worth deciding how water will flow into your storage tank. Most often, for these needs, cheap and low-power submersible pumps, which will deliver water to the top. Next, you need to decide on the volume of that same storage tank so that the weak pressure of cold water does not disturb us at an unnecessary moment. Everyone should do this individually, based on how many people in the house will use the water supply, how many houses will be connected to this system, what is the intensity of the use of the water supply, and so on. The storage tank can be a tank or a barrel, of any size, shape and volume, so everything here is calculated individually. Also storage capacity can be assembled from several ordinary barrels, connected to each other at the very bottom.

Stage 2: Mount the float

Next, you will need to think about how to stop the water supply to the storage tank if it is full. To do this, you can use special floats, which are quite similar to the floats from the toilet bowls. The principle of their operation is as simple as possible: they are put on a tube through which water enters the storage tank, then, when the water tank is filled, the float begins to rise, and, having risen to a certain level, it blocks the water. But you should not rely on its reliability, it is best to immediately make an emergency drain of water, simply by making a hole on top of the storage tank, through which, in which case, excess water will flow out, insert some kind of hose or tube into this hole and put it into the sewer .

Step 3: Power connection

At this stage, getting rid of the weak pressure of cold water, you need to think about how, if the storage tank is full, turn off the power of the first pump that supplies water to it. To do this, you can use a hydraulic accumulator by connecting it between the pump and the tank. Thus, by virtue of its design, the accumulator will turn off the power to the pump when the tank is filled with water.

Stage 4: We deliver water to the house

Approaching the completion of all work from getting rid of the weak pressure of cold water, you need to think about how to take water from the tank. Alternatively, this can be done with another pump and another accumulator, connected in the same way as the first pump with the first accumulator. That is, the pump will be connected first, then the accumulator, which will turn off the pump when the water in the house is not consumed. Or this problem can be solved by buying a small pumping station that can replace the pump and accumulator bundle, but will cost a little more.


Thus, by connecting this system, water from the well will be lifted by the first pump and transferred to the storage tank. There it will accumulate, and if the storage tank is full, then a special float will block the flow of water, and the first pump will be turned off by the accumulator. Further, water from the tank will be delivered to the house using a second pump. If all appliances that consume water are turned off in the house, then the second accumulator will turn off the power to the second pump. Or if used pumping station, then it will turn itself off automatically. This is how you get rid of weak water pressure.

Such a system is in great demand among people living outside the city, or summer residents, because this system is reliable and can last several decades without interruption in operation.

In the end, I would like to note that these are far from all ways of getting rid of the weak pressure of cold water, because each case is individual, and somewhere it will not be possible to apply the option with storage capacity, but somewhere it will not be possible to apply the option with an intensifying pump. In addition to all this, experienced people can make any changes themselves to the very design of our structure, they can change the ways of pumping water out of the tank, or they can change the way the water is shut off from the first pump that delivers water from the well - you can review the entire mechanism and improve it . Here is only the most stable version of this system, which is useful for private use, but can hardly function on industrial buildings or workshops.

But what if the weak pressure of cold water is only in one tap, but everything is fine in the others? Then the problem can be solved much easier. Watch this video:

Many appliances are connected to the water supply system. If there is not enough pressure in the water supply, then many devices simply will not work. Yes, and taking a bath or just washing dishes with a small trickle of water coming from the tap is also problematic. How to proceed in this case? What to do if the water pressure in the apartment is poor? This will be discussed in this article.

Reasons for low pressure

In the absence of proper water pressure in the water supply system, the comfort of life drops noticeably. Some may not work home appliances(for example, a washing machine or a gas water heater), and in order to simply fill the kettle, you will need to spend a lot of time. What could be the reasons for such a problem? Let's list the main ones.

If poor pressure is observed in only one plumbing unit (for example, in a tap), then the reason lies precisely in it. Any device eventually becomes unusable. And if you take into account not very good quality water supplied through the water supply, the formation of blockages in the tap or mixer is not something out of the ordinary.

If there is no pressure in your apartment or house, then the reason may be blockages. Small particles of silt or sand, falling into the pipes, form a plaque. Over time, such deposits can reduce the internal diameter of the water pipe, which will noticeably affect the water pressure. In addition, all the same solid fine particles can clog filters coarse cleaning. As a result, the amount of incoming water will decrease markedly.

The reason for poor pressure in an apartment or a private house can be miscalculations in the design of the water supply system. If instead of pipes desired diameter products have been installed larger diameter, then the water pressure can drop sharply, especially when several consumers are turned on at once.

If the pressure is weak in everything apartment building or in private households, then the cause may be problems with the main water supply or with the pumping station. There is simply not enough pressure in the line to normal head water, or the pump is not working properly.

Most of the above reasons can be dealt with on your own. And how to do this will be described later.

How to fix the situation

If you understand why there is a weak pressure in the water supply, then it is worth talking about correcting the situation. First of all, we will analyze the case when the faucet or mixer itself became the culprit, then repair work should be carried out.

First, you need to clean the mesh on the faucet spout. Majority modern faucets equipped with an aerator, which can become clogged with small solid particles. To clean it, the mesh is unscrewed with an adjustable wrench and washed under the pressure of water. As a rule, such a procedure should be performed at least once every six months.

Secondly, if cleaning the aerator did not help, you will have to repair the faucet itself. To do this, the entire structure is disassembled and washed. Don't forget before the start repair work turn off the water supply, otherwise a small flood is guaranteed to you.

Quite often there is a problem of poor pressure in the shower. In this case, the culprit lime deposits that seal holes. In this case, proceed as follows:

  • Turn off the water supply to the shower and remove it.
  • Place the watering can itself, along with the hose, in a container with an acidic environment. For this, a 10% solution of acetic or citric acid. Then bring this medium to a boil and stop heating.
  • After the solution has cooled, remove the watering can with a hose and rinse in running water.
  • Now you can install the shower parts in their place.

All of the above applies to the case when there is no pressure in only one plumbing unit. If there is little water in the entire apartment or house, then the first thing to do is to find out what water pressure the neighbors have. If everything is fine with them, then you need to clean the filters.

First, turn off the water supply with a valve that is installed in front of the water meter (at the outlet from water riser). Then the plug on the coarse filter is unscrewed and the wire cassette is removed. It must be washed and reinstalled. Over time, the filter element becomes clogged with small solid particles, so this work must be carried out at least once every six months.

If pressure does not appear after cleaning the filters, then the problem may be in pipe blockages. Dealing with this problem is quite difficult. For this you can use various methods cleaning (hydraulic, pneumatic or mechanical), or simply to replace the problem area.

Will need to be replaced water pipes if a design error has been made. In this case, there are simply no other options, especially if you live in an apartment building.

If there is no pressure in the water supply in the entire apartment building, then pressure in the main pipeline. It is simply impossible to correct such a situation on your own. Many will ask, but where to complain in this case? There is only one answer - to the management company. It is she who is responsible for the operation of your home, which means that she is also responsible for all the utilities provided.

The management company must check all shut-off valves in the basement of the house (or in another place where the main is connected to the water supply). If they are serviceable, then it is necessary to demand an increase in pressure in the company supplying water. As a rule, such companies often lower the pressure so that a breakthrough does not occur. Most of the city's communications are rather worn out, and are not able to withstand a lot of pressure. In this case, you have no choice but to wait for the replacement of the main water supply.

Things are different in private households equipped with autonomous system water supply. In this case, the water pressure in the water supply depends entirely on the capabilities of your pumping station. If the pressure began to fall, then it was in her. There can be several reasons for the drop in pressure, but the most common two are:

  • Well flow rate drop. Over time, the artesian source may become silted up. As a result, the volume of water produced decreases. You can deal with this problem in different ways. It is best to contact the experts.
  • The second reason may be the pumping station itself. Firstly, the filter installed in front of the inlet pipe may become clogged. Secondly, the pump itself can lose its power due to wear.

In any case, if the problem arose in a private household, it is much easier to solve the problem of water pressure in the water supply system. After all, everything will depend on the owner himself, and not on utilities and city services.


In most cases, the cause of low water pressure is easy to fix, as, for example, in this video:

Delivery of water to the dwelling of citizens is one of the types utilities for which tenants pay a lot of money. So the quality of such a service is the responsibility of public utilities. However, due to various legal mechanisms for regulating the issue of communal apartments, it is difficult to determine the responsible persons today.

What water pressure is considered normal

Such issues, unfortunately, are not regulated by federal legislation. So the answer is to be found in legislative acts and orders of regional authorities. The residents themselves are used to evaluating this indicator as “good” or “bad”, depending on whether the water pressure satisfies them or not.

Each region itself sets the minimum pressure in the tap. On average for the country, this indicator should not be less than two atmospheres. If we count in pascals, then today the standard is in the range of 0.03-0.06 MPa.

It is very difficult to accurately determine the indicator in question. This requires a special device.

However, a frankly weak pressure is a sign of a violation of the established standard and a reason for contacting the appropriate services.

Why is there a weak water pressure in the tap, possible causes

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Before contacting the appropriate services, it is necessary to understand the cause of the problem, why there is not enough water. It may also lie in the shortcomings of the apartment itself, and not only in the actions of housing and communal services workers.

So, as practice shows, the following circumstances can become the cause of low pressure:

  • low pressure in the central line (lack of water);
  • blockage of pipelines in the house;
  • clogged pipes in the apartment;
  • bad mixer.

Thus, the reason for the small pressure may be in the most banal clogging of pipes. Of course, this may not be anyone's fault. However, responsible persons must monitor this and eliminate them in a timely manner so that residents always receive with sufficient pressure.

Weak hot water pressure

The delivery of hot water to an apartment is different from the delivery of cold water. So, cold water is delivered through the central highways and the cause of poor pressure may be a lack in principle.

Hot water is formed in special boilers, which are installed directly near the house. As a rule, each quarter has its own source of hot water.

So, if there is no pressure of hot water, then this may be the result incorrect operation systems.

Along with common causes, poor water pressure in the tap can be the result of the following circumstances:

  • an accident in the boiler room;
  • accident on the heating main;
  • low water heating, etc.

In any case, it is necessary to act exclusively through public utilities, since hot water can cause damage not only to property, but also to human health. .

As a rule, in case of problems with the delivery of hot water, residents are notified in advance.

Weak cold water pressure

As for the cold, weak pressure can be the result of many circumstances. So, along with general circumstances, the cause of weak pressure can be:

  • shutting off water supply lines (usually done by a housing organization for various reasons);
  • repair work;
  • emergency situations.

In each case, it is necessary from the beginning to try to find out the circumstances that caused the weak pressure of cold water.

This can be done by contacting the utilities, as well as the housing organization at the place of residence, after which it will be possible to increase the pressure of cold water in the apartment.

No water at all

A complete absence is usually the result of a major accident or a planned event carried out with the notification of residents.

However, in some cases, if there is no water, residents do have reason to complain about the lack.

For example, if no one lives in an apartment, and a pipe bursts there, then the public utilities block the entire entrance, which sits without water until the owners appear. Such reasons are sufficient grounds for contacting law enforcement agencies, but it is better to do this through a housing organization so as not to spoil relations with neighbors in the future.

How to increase the water pressure in the apartment

There are many ways to increase the water pressure in an apartment. It all depends on the reason why the pressure has become weak, so you need to act after it has been clarified.

So, depending on the reason for the low water pressure in the apartment, the following actions can be a way to increase the pressure:

  1. Cleaning activities. If the pipes in the house or in the apartment are clogged, then they must be cleaned. Doing it yourself is not worth it. ZhEK is responsible for the condition of the pipes, let him do it. The pressure can be increased only after complete cleaning.
  2. Pump. If the pressure is very low on the central line itself, then there is nothing left but to install a pump. It can be installed both in an apartment and in the whole house. Installation must be coordinated with the organization managing public utilities your home (UK, HOA, etc.).
  3. Pipes of a different size will also help increase the pressure. If the pipes in the house are too large, then naturally the pressure will be weak. On the contrary, if the pressure is normal, and the pipe is small, not enough will flow into the apartment. Before replacing pipes, in order to increase the pressure, you need to consult with specialists.

There are many other ways to solve the problem that are known to those skilled in the art. Consulting with plumbers will make it much easier to find a solution to the problem.

Poor water pressure in the apartment where to go

So if poor water pressure in the apartment, where to go? As a rule, housing organizations are responsible for the quality of public services. However, they do not always fulfill their obligations.

The sequence of actions when contacting a housing organization is as follows:

  • an application is sent to measure the water pressure;
  • within ten days, a specialist from a housing organization comes and measures the pressure;
  • further, the housing organization itself determines the cause and eliminates it within a month from the day the pressure was measured.

However, the housing organization does not always fulfill its obligations on time. They pull with whatever excuses they want to solve the problem. Such cases cannot be expected. As a month passes, and there are no results, you need to move on and look for ways to influence the management company or the HOA.

The management company is in no hurry to eliminate the cause of low water pressure, what to do

Management companies, as a rule, must regularly monitor the status of engineering networks in an apartment building. This is their main obligation under the contract with the tenants.

However, negligence is common feature of all housing organizations in Russia, for this reason people often write complaints about them. At the same time, it is necessary to follow a special procedure for appealing against the actions of the management company:

  • if after filing the application there is no reaction from the organization, then you need to file a complaint addressed to the head of the Criminal Code;
  • if the head is also inactive, then the complaint is sent to the State Housing Inspectorate.

The Housing Inspectorate is a special body that oversees communal issues. But no one forbids residents to apply to the judiciary for the protection of their rights guaranteed under an agreement with management company in civil law.