Open wiring in a wooden house. Correct hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house How best to make electrical wiring in a log house

A house made of logs is one of the safest from an environmental point of view, and allows you to create a unique microclimate in the premises that prevents the development of various pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. But, as you know, wood is a flammable material, in the work with which it is necessary to use additional precautions. This statement is especially true if it is necessary to install wiring in a house built from logs. How to do it right?

Basic rules for installing hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house

The safest and most expedient way to create an electrical network in the house is the installation of hidden wiring. This option involves maintaining the external aesthetics and interior design of the house. All wiring is placed in metal pipes. This allows you to compactly place the cable directly in the walls and floor of the house and, at the same time, helps to reduce the risk of fires. The main thing that the owner of the house should remember is that electricity must be taken very seriously, and the connection network diagram must be developed to the smallest detail. So, the first rule - the installation of hidden wiring in houses made of logs is carried out exclusively in metal pipes.

In order for the house to look more aesthetically pleasing, the wiring should be laid exclusively in the ceilings of the house until the moment when the ceilings, walls and floors in the house are equipped. It is extremely difficult (almost impossible) to rebuild a round log house, so all the technological processes that are associated with the installation of wiring must be completed before the construction of the building enters the final stage. In order to make taps from the general network to individual switches or sockets in the premises, vertical holes are made in the walls of the house (the so-called technological holes). From the foregoing, the second important rule for creating an electrical wiring line in a house made of logs follows: the installation of metal pipes with an electrical cable must be carried out before filing the walls and ceiling. Technological openings in the walls (their location) must be thought out in advance.

Layout plan development

It must also be remembered that it will be very difficult to make any adjustments to the location of hidden wiring in a round log house. Accordingly, you need to think in advance about the location of electrical appliances, appliances and all other appliances that will use electricity. After the layout plan is thought out, you can start creating vertical technological holes in the house. It would be incorrect to give any generally accepted hidden wiring scheme in the living quarters of a wooden house, because each house owner will create a power supply system based on his own preferences and needs. The third rule of installing hidden wiring in the house: first develop a layout plan for the location of household appliances, and only then create a power line in the house.

In order to facilitate further technological work, the drilling of all those technological channels and holes that will help create wiring in the house from rounded logs should be carried out either in the workshop where the main blocks of the house are assembled, they are cut, or already at the stage of assembling the house there where it will be located. Therefore, the fourth rule says: the entire wiring system must be thought out at the stage of design work, and not when the project has already begun to be implemented. Alteration of the house, even at the stage of its cutting and layout, will be very expensive.

Installation of sockets and switches

In addition to all of the above, you need to know in advance the model and type of sockets and switches that will be installed in the house from logs. The fact is that technological holes for future sockets and switches are cut in advance. It turns out that the owner of the house can provide himself with a fairly large amount of additional work, which is absolutely not needed when he begins to further expand the holes for sockets and switches of an unforeseen type. It is good if they are larger in size than pre-made holes. But it is possible that they will be even less. Therefore, there is a fifth rule for creating high-quality and safe wiring in a log house - select sockets and switches in advance, and only then cut technological holes for them in the walls of the house.

All of the above regulations mandatory for execution. Their observance allows you to create really convenient and safe electrical wiring in the house. Moreover, to do this with minimal time, effort and money for the owner of a house made of logs (however, like the owner of any other wooden house).

The main mistakes made when creating a hidden wiring system

Based on the rules that exist for creating hidden electrical wiring in log houses, there are two main requirements for this process:

  • or metal boxes or pipes
  • or in non-combustible plaster, which must necessarily surround the electric cable on all sides with a layer whose thickness must be at least 10 mm

These are rules that must be strictly followed. But some masters try to modify them, which ultimately leads to rather sad consequences. The main mistakes that can lead to a fire at home, or simply to the failure of electrical wiring, are:

  • attempts to lay hidden wiring directly under the baseboards
  • make installation under the front side of doors and windows
  • lay the cable in the corrugation

Main problem It may be that rodents are very fond of the braid of an electric cable. Insulation can be eaten by pests, and a short circuit will be just a matter of time. The tree, among other things, is subject to seasonal changes in its structure. It swells in winter and autumn, shrinking in summer. These changes in the structure of rounded logs (as well as any other tree) can lead to voltage in the electrical cable, its rupture. Accordingly, malfunctions in the operation of electrical appliances and a short circuit, the results of which can be very deplorable, will become more than just an unpleasant chance.

The location of the wiring in the corrugation

Placing the wiring in the corrugation is also not the most correct option. The fact is that corrugation is not a completely safe material in terms of compliance with the rules of modern fire safety. The seal in modern corrugated and metal hoses is created using a special cotton thread that perfectly supports combustion. Accordingly, corrugation and a metal sleeve are absolutely not suitable to serve as an insulating material for hidden wiring in any wooden house.

In order to provide really high-quality protection for the power supply networks at home, it is necessary to pay special attention to those automatic systems that will monitor the safety of wiring in the house. Wiring must be constantly monitored by these systems. Especially if the house is made of flammable materials. In addition to the fact that the house has a main protection shield against wiring damage, on each of the floors of the house, if it is not one-story, it is necessary to place a small shield that duplicates the functions of the main one in relation to a specific floor. The electrical wiring will be protected reliably by this dubbing system.

In order to make the wiring in your house from rounded logs really high quality, you should listen to the advice that was voiced in this article. Installing electrical wiring lines in a building is not a technical job that can be taken too seriously.

Wood is considered an environmentally friendly material for the construction of residential buildings, so it is not surprising that the demand for beautiful and comfortable houses made of timber or logs is not decreasing. First of all, a residential building must be safe in terms of electrical installation.

It is important to understand how to conduct an electrician in a wooden house so as not to harm the health of residents and ensure the safety of property. In the article, we have displayed in detail all aspects of this issue.

The above materials present the general requirements for wiring, the method of introducing an electrical network into the house, the rules for arranging an electrical panel and methods for installing cables. All electrical work must be carried out in strict accordance with fire regulations, which we indicated in the article.

The main difference between wooden houses and reinforced concrete and brick structures is a high degree of fire hazard. This means that increased requirements apply to the choice of electrical devices, cables and the conditions for their installation.

According to statistics, about 1/2 of cases of fires or fires in wooden houses or in houses with wooden finishes are due to gross errors of electricians.

It is worth installing the outlet incorrectly, not carefully connecting the wires in the junction box, ignoring the grounding rules, as a fire can occur, and after it, a fire.

Undemanding owners of a wooden house entrust electrical installation work to neighbors, acquaintances, or perform it on their own, without knowing the rules of the PUE thoroughly. The sad result of gullibility and unprofessionalism - in the photo

It is necessary to know the basic rules of electrical installation for two reasons: to be able to independently carry out part of the installation or repair work and to control the actions of unscrupulous "specialists".

Please remember the following requirements:

  • The technical characteristics of cables and electrical equipment should correspond as much as possible to the power consumption of the devices of each individual group.
  • The operation of sockets, switches, emergency shutdown devices must be carried out taking into account the load placed on them.
  • It is forbidden to use cables, wires, terminal connections during their regular heating.
  • It is necessary to completely exclude the transfer of fire from the cable to structures made of wood or other flammable materials using fireproof protection.

Electrical wiring must be completely safe for home owners, their families (especially young children) and pets.

Strict requirements are brought to the fore, while sometimes aesthetics have to be sacrificed. For example, the owners of a wooden cottage need to put up with outdoor sockets and enhanced protection for both hidden and open electrical wiring (NPB 246-97)

The material from video reviews and instructions posted on the Internet is very contradictory, so you should not rely entirely on the opinions of people in work overalls. You should be guided by excerpts from regulatory documentation - sections of PUE, SNiPs, GOSTs.

Entering the power line into the house

In Russia and some other countries (unlike, for example, in Europe, where the wires are hidden in the ground), electricity reaches consumers through overhead power lines - to the final support.

  • on a self-supporting insulated wire (SIP);
  • underground;
  • on a cable (very rarely used).

The first option is the most popular.

Together with the machine, electricity metering devices are also mounted. Special shields (SHUE) are designed just for this. According to the rules, the control panel can be mounted inside the building, then the wiring diagram will change slightly.

From the central power supply to a support in a private area or directly to the house, a SIP is pulled (with a cross section of at least 16 mm), which is fixed with anchors or clamps. Height from the ground to the stretched wire 2.75 m or more

Fireproof boxes or are used to insulate a wire running along a wooden surface. The transition through walls and ceilings is carried out in protective sleeves made of metal, plastic counterparts are unacceptable.

Inside the house, SIPs are not started. According to the norms, only copper wires can be laid inside and on top of combustible structures, therefore, aluminum analogues will also have to be excluded.

Open wiring rules

Ways of open laying of wires should not contradict the requirements of the PUE.

Therefore, the following products can be used to fasten cables to the wooden surface of walls, partitions or ceilings:

  • ceramic or porcelain insulators;
  • floor plinths with built-in cable channel;
  • corrugated and rigid PVC pipes;
  • PVC box;
  • metal boxes and pipes.

Specific product names are indicated in the project documentation, and in relation to wooden structures, they must be accompanied by a fire safety certificate and be marked with the “NG” marking as non-combustible.

The installation of cable channels and other mounting elements must be thought out in advance, as protruding parts may interfere with the arrangement of furniture or other interior issues

Methods for wiring closed wiring

The main difference between hidden wiring is the restriction on the use of laying methods. According to the norms of the PUE, it is strictly forbidden to use metal sleeves, plastic boxes and PVC corrugation for hidden wiring. All products must necessarily have localization ability.

There are several reasons for this:

  • PVC products do not protect wires from rodents;
  • even the slightest damage to the insulation during installation work in the future, with an increase in load, can cause the plastic to burn out and ignite;
  • the metal hose is a spiral product that does not have localization characteristics, which means that even wood dust can easily penetrate the protection.

Fire and electrical safety rules state that only two types of products can be used for hidden wiring - a metal pipe and a box made of similar material, specially designed for this purpose.

On the inside, metal elements must be galvanized or painted so that they do not corrode during operation.

For a strong connection, a socket or similar method is not enough; therefore, soldering, electric welding, coupling and threaded connections are used.

A hidden wiring option in metal pipes - in the future, the ceiling will be covered with a suspended structure. This solution is suitable for laying cables in wooden floors, inside walls and partitions.

The use of metal hoses, corrugations and boxes made of PVCng is also permissible, but subject to the equipment of a lining made of non-combustible material: concrete, alabaster, plaster.

The main stages of laying closed electrical wiring:

  1. Route marking. It is necessary to calculate the line drawing so that the number of turns and intersections is minimal.
  2. Preparation of walls and ceilings. It includes gouging strobes, drilling holes.
  3. Laying of metal pipes. The size of the product is selected so that the cable occupies no more than half of the internal space.
  4. Installation of metal boxes for switches and sockets. Copper pipes are attached to the boxes by flaring, steel pipes - with nuts.
  5. Installation of junction boxes. Ideally, they should be welded or soldered to the pipes to ensure 100% grounding.
  6. Electrical measurements. All metal elements of the installations must be connected to the PE bus (all lines without exception must be with a ground conductor).
  7. Cable pulling into pipes. To place the wires inside the metal pipes, use special broaching cables.
  8. Installation of sockets and switches. When cutting the cable, it is necessary to keep a small margin of wires in case of repair or replacement of equipment.

After the wiring of the hidden wiring is completed, it is necessary to contact the representatives of the electrical laboratory. Many people forget that a technical report on the condition of the wiring and the quality of installation is a mandatory document.

The 21st century is the century of synthetic materials. Most of the things around us, buildings, household items and even our food are artificially created substances that have many useful qualities, except for one. All of them are alien to the human body. You can’t talk about direct harm to a person, but it’s also not building to talk about significant benefits either.

In the process of evolution, the human body, as one of the most complex systems, was formed surrounded by natural materials. Therefore, he must live in the natural environment. No one, of course, calls to become like Robinson. But creating your own environmentally friendly corner in the form of a wooden house or summer cottage is the best way to organize your life in accordance with the requirements of body and soul.

In this article, we will consider how it should be mounted in accordance with all norms and rules.

But the designs of wooden houses differ in one unpleasant property - they burn. Fires can start from an improperly built stove or chimney, but more often than not, they are caused by faulty electrical wiring. No matter how much a person wants to get closer to nature, it is impossible to do without electricity in the modern world.

The times when it looked like a thick black wire wound around ceramic insulators driven into the wall are long gone. Modern wiring must comply with certain technical parameters, at the same time be invisible and accessible for preventive, repair and measuring work.

Most often, in reports about fires in wooden houses, where property is destroyed, people are maimed and killed, it is written about the cause of the fire that it arose as a result of a short circuit. But it is very rarely mentioned that the cause of this notorious “short circuit” is other factors, among which the most common are illiterate wiring in a wooden house, the desire to save on important components and details, elementary negligence and sloppiness. Much easier to attribute everything to a short circuit. The term is technical, and does not provide for someone's direct fault.

What causes a short circuit? First of all, this is a breakdown of insulation. It may appear due to mechanical damage to the outer layer of the wire when fixing the line in the wall, overheating of the network when the permissible loads are exceeded, or other reasons that are caused by the human factor. A short circuit is accompanied by a very fast, almost instantaneous release of a huge amount of thermal energy. In which the wires themselves and part of the insulation ignite.

The only thing that threatens such a process is the operation of automatic fuses and the interruption of the supply of electricity to the home network. It is much worse if wooden or plastic structural elements of the house are in the zone of high temperature. A fire in this case is inevitable.

How to correctly calculate and install internal hidden wiring in a wooden house, without the risk of unforeseen situations? For this, there is a special document - "Rules for the installation of electrical installations." It should not be treated with disdain as another bureaucratic fiction. Like military regulations, most safety regulations are written in blood. Each limitation arose not only as a result of the calculations of engineers, but also due to specific accidents.

One of the requirements for such work is that hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house must be carried out using wires covered with non-combustible insulation. One of these are wires of the VVGng (A), VVGng LS, RKGM or NYM brands.

The wires are laid inside metal tubular channels, securely interconnected by welding or bolting with electrical conductivity. The tubular circuit must be grounded to avoid sparking or breakdown.

The use of corrugated pipes made of plastic or metal in wooden buildings is not allowed unless they are reliably isolated from contact with combustible materials by a layer of non-combustible substances of low thermal conductivity. Treatment of wood with non-combustible impregnation is not such protection, since at high temperatures of the electric arc, the short circuit does not have a deterrent effect.

How not to do wiring in a wooden house

When installing power lines in wooden houses, many electricians, especially non-professional ones, make the most common, and therefore the most dangerous mistake - they mount the wire directly on a wooden structure, and even cover the main line with wooden finishing materials.

Excessive hope for the strength of the wire insulation turns into a fire after several years of operation. Inside the wooden channels there are many processes that cannot be foreseen.

Temperature fluctuations, changes in humidity, dust accumulation, deformations cause microdamages of even the highest quality insulating materials. At sufficiently high loads, for example, when the lighting is on in all rooms, the TV, refrigerator, and even a bread machine or multicooker are working, a breakdown between parallel conductors is possible. If they are not separated from the wooden base, electrical wiring in a wooden house lights up- fire is inevitable.

Something to pay attention to: When installing hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house, it is forbidden to lay the cable directly on wooden bases, as well as to lay using corrugated pipes (corrugation), metal hoses and plastic boxes. This is a violation of the "Electrical Installation Rules" 7.1.38.

The use of plastic smooth or corrugated pipes is dangerous due to the possibility of damage by rodents. As practice shows, modern mice and rats are very fond of feasting on the insulation of wires, and even the pipes themselves. The accumulation of wood dust in ducts and channels leads to a very rapid ignition and spread of fire throughout the house.

The danger is that the flame spreads inside the walls. It is almost impossible to extinguish it with conventional fire extinguishers, even if it is detected at the initial stage.

Installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house, especially when it is carelessly executed, is often accompanied by microscopic damage to the insulation, which, when heated, can cause a short circuit. The temperature of the arc that occurs when the conductors are shorted reaches 5000 °C.

Plastic boxes and corrugated sleeves do not withstand such temperatures and burn out, giving flame access to wooden structures. Even a tree impregnated with special substances ignites when heated to such an extent.

Steel corrugated sleeves do not protect against such a high temperature. Their walls are very thin and not designed for such a high level of heating. One of the characteristics of protective channels for laying electrical wiring is the localization ability - the ability to withstand the process of a short circuit without burning out for the time necessary for the self-extinguishing of the arc.

Only steel boxes and pipes have a sufficient level of this parameter. They are the only possible elements for laying hidden electrical networks in wooden buildings.

Metal pipes are very technologically advanced for installing electrical cable channels. In addition to the possibility of cutting them into pieces of the required length, they can be connected in various ways: by welding, soldering, threaded couplings, tees, etc. The resistance of pipes to corrosion can be increased by painting them with a protective paint.

The cost of steel pipes is comparable to the cost of a good quality corrugated hose. Copper pipes are somewhat more expensive, but they are easier to install and are practically not subject to atmospheric influences.

How to properly install hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house

There are many ways to install hidden electrical wiring in wooden houses, but only a few of them are correct. The first rule to be followed during design and installation is maximum compliance with fire safety requirements.

Hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house should be laid in non-combustible materials with localization ability.

Aesthetic and design considerations should recede into the background. The same applies to the cost of the work. In case of a possible fire, the losses will be much greater than the cost of high-quality electrical wiring.

As mentioned above, the highest quality material for laying cables and wires in hidden cavities and voids behind wall or ceiling cladding are metal pipes and steel boxes. If PVC-ng (non-combustible) materials are used in the form of a corrugated pipe or mounting boxes, then they must be protected on all sides by gaskets made of fireproof materials that poorly conduct heat.

Alabaster, cement plaster, concrete can be used as such insulating gaskets. The thickness of the layer is determined by the calculated power of the wiring.

But the most reliable way to protect the house from fire in case of malfunctions in the electrical wiring is installation using steel or copper pipes and boxes. Copper pipes are much more technologically advanced - they can be bent in any direction without the use of complex special tools, which is especially important when wiring a complex branched circuit.

The use of steel pipes is somewhat more complicated and requires certain qualifications of installers. This is especially true for works on the replacement of individual sections of electrical wiring. The sharp edges of metal ducts can damage the insulation when pulled. Therefore, these operations are performed using special tools. The use of additional tools is also required by the threading procedure, if it is necessary to connect sections or secure boxes.

Electrician in a wooden house - choose the wiring route

The selection and marking of the route for laying electrical cable lines must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the PUE. The number of turns and bends should be kept to a minimum. If pulling the cable is difficult due to the architecture of the building or the presence of communications in the walls, then special metal junction boxes (steel or copper) are installed in difficult places. Their number is not regulated, but should not be excessive. Each connection, even made according to all the rules, is an extra link that introduces uncertainty into the system and weakens the overall resistance of the chain.

Their installation must also comply with certain rules, for example, it is strictly forbidden to close the boxes with decorative panels, ceilings or other elements that impede access during maintenance, control or measurements.

The installation depth of pipelines for electrical wiring should be chosen so that the bearing characteristics and strength of wooden walls and ceilings are not violated. The number and location of bends, junction boxes and other elements is calculated so that, if necessary, it is possible to replace the wire in the electrical section without the need to damage or disassemble wooden structures.

The diameter of the metal pipe and the thickness of its walls is selected based on the properties of the cable. The cable laid in the pipe should occupy no more than 40% of its internal section and be easily pulled through the entire length of the section. In addition, it is allowed to lay in each pipe not one cable, but several. At the same time, their total cross section should also not exceed 40% of the pipe diameter. The cross section of the cable is determined by the outer diameter, including the insulation.

When installing hidden electrical wiring in wooden houses using metal pipes, the wall thickness of the pipes should be selected based on the cross section of the cable (wire) that runs in this pipe.

Cross-section of conductors, mm2 Pipe with a wall thickness of at least, mm
aluminum wires copper wires
4 2,5 not standardized
6 - 2,5
10 4 2,8
from 16 - to 25 from 6 - to 10 3,2
from 35 - to 50 16 3,5
70 from 25 - to 35 4

Before pulling the cable, the insulation resistance must be measured. This is done to determine if the wire meets the specifications of the design documentation and to check the condition of the cable. The check shows whether the insulation has not been broken during transportation, storage or preparation for work.

The cable pulling process itself takes place with the use of special end sleeves made of plastic, which protect the insulation from damage against the sharp edges of pipes or ducts. After pulling, the insulation is measured again to exclude the possibility of connecting a conductor damaged during operation.

In wooden houses, only wires with special markings are used. Their insulation does not ignite even at very high temperatures.

Wiring in a wooden house - which wire to choose for laying in pipes

After drawing up the wiring diagram and marking all the wiring nodes, it is necessary to determine which wire to use in the installation. Special wires are created for wooden structures under the marking VVGng (A) and VVGng-P (A). These are copper wires with solid cores, which can be up to five.

The wire is double insulated. The inner layer is made of polyvinyl chloride and insulates each core separately, and each wire is painted in a different color, which facilitates the installation of switches, lighting and other devices. The outer part of the cable is covered with a special non-combustible protective insulation made of composite plastic. It is very strong and flexible, it allows you to easily pull a cable of considerable length through the pipe using a special steel cable.

Such wires are operated in the temperature range from -50 to +50 °C. The insulation has very high anti-corrosion properties, does not react with chemicals and does not deform under temperature changes. Flame retardant properties comply with GOST R IEC 60332-3-22.

Wires of the VVGng LS, VVGng-P LS type are not inferior in their qualities to the previous modifications of the cables, but, in addition to them, when heated, they do not emit harmful opaque substances and toxic hydrogen chloride. This is indicated by the LS index.

The NYM cable corresponding to GOST 22483 is also based on copper conductors, but has triple insulation. The cores are insulated separately with multi-colored PVC, then all together with a polyolefin composite material and enclosed in a sheath of non-combustible PVC. Such a cable can have up to five cores. It is produced according to the German modern technology known as VDE.

Placement of sockets and switches

Hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house does not do without the installation of sockets and switches. At the installation sites of sockets and switches, it is necessary to drill sockets for the installation of metal boxes with the help of special tools, where the devices are fixed. These boxes, as well as mounting, broaching and soldering boxes, are installed using a special technology.

It provides for the implementation of several mandatory operations that must ensure a reliable connection of the pipe and the box into a single whole in order to fix reliable contact between all elements.

The contact is necessary for grounding the entire structure. If a ensured the continuity of the circuit of the entire metal structure, it is enough to perform grounding only on the switchboard. In case of possible breaks, it is necessary to install an additional ground wire, which is connected by soldering to each box and pipe. Grounding the electrical network in a wooden house is a very important element in ensuring fire and electrical safety, protecting against possible sparking and overheating of circuit elements.

There are several options for attaching boxes to pipes. The most reliable and high quality is soldering or welding. They provide the most reliable contact, are protected from corrosion and are resistant to mechanical stress.

In the case of using copper pipes, their ends in the box are flared. If the pipes are steel, then the connection to the box occurs by screwing the nuts. In this case, a special thread must be cut at the ends of the pipe, and the nuts themselves, after tightening as tightly as possible, must be fixed and protected from corrosion.

Distribution and technological boxes must comply with a protection class of at least IP -54, which corresponds to the protection against the penetration of industrial and domestic dust into the volume and protection from water splashes into the box.

Test work after wiring in a wooden house

After the installation of metal pipes and boxes of the future electrical network is completed, grounding is measured, which should determine the reliability of the connection of all parts of the circuit. All structural elements must be connected in one continuous circuit, providing protection in any area when connected to a busbar marked "PE".

After the completion of the verification work and the elimination of all possible imperfections, cable laying work is carried out. It will not be superfluous to remind you that the insulation resistance of each section of the cable is made before and after installation. The cable length must be chosen so that each junction box has a certain amount of headroom that may be required when changing connections.

If the cable length exactly matches the distance between the installation boxes, if you need to connect another device, switch or perform other work, you need to change the cable along the entire length of the section. The process is quite laborious, and the cost of a quality cable is quite high.

Used in laying networks of a wooden house only three-core or five-core cables with mandatory grounding. Electric current is a thing, although familiar, but very dangerous. The operation of a network without grounding is contrary not only to safety regulations, but also to elementary common sense.

Despite the undoubted advantages of wooden houses, they have one significant drawback inherent in the materials from which they are made, namely, low resistance to fire. In such buildings, a fire can occur not only due to an error in the operation of heating equipment, but also due to illiterate hidden wiring, laid in violation of the requirements of the EMP. Especially dangerous are wires laid openly in cavities or on the surfaces of wooden walls and placed close to combustible substances (see figure below).

In case of neglecting the requirements of the PUE, laying electrical wiring in a log house can lead to serious consequences that can only be prevented by special protective measures.

Wiring arrangement features

Open mounting method

When laying electrical wiring in a round log house, for example, it is very important to take care in advance of compliance with the relevant requirements regarding the organization and placement of it in internal spaces.

Important! The provisions of building standards (easier than GOST) categorically prohibit open cable laying on any log coverings, even if it is placed in plastic cable ducts, boxes or corrugations.

If the wires are damaged and a short circuit occurs, plastic materials may ignite, which is explained by many factors that cannot be taken into account in advance. These should include:

  • Increased dustiness of the internal cavities of protective boxes and channels used in the arrangement of open wiring;
  • Large temperature differences, often observed in normal living conditions in a private house;
  • Significant deformations of the logs, possible during the shrinkage of the log house and capable of destroying the insulation of the wires;
  • The instability of the supply voltage, especially noticeable in rural areas.

Add to this the possibility of using flammable and combustible materials when decorating walls in houses where open electrical wiring is laid.

Concealed gasket

According to paragraph 7.1. PUE, hidden wiring in wooden houses should not be mounted in the internal cavities of structures, in addition, it is forbidden to lay it in corrugated pipes and plastic boxes. This is explained by the fact that in the case of high temperatures, neither one nor the other can protect the insulation of electrical wires from destruction.

Additional Information. The use of plastic shelters is also dangerous due to their possible damage by rodents and the accumulation of fine and combustible dust.

The only acceptable way to lay hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house involves placing it in metal pipes laid on top of the walls (as shown in the figure below).

In this case, the main requirement for power supply systems in suburban conditions is met - the practical impossibility of the impact of such destructive factors as mechanical deformation and the intervention of rodents. The risk of exposure to high temperatures when laying in metal pipes on wood is also noticeably reduced.

The main indicator by which the reliability of protection is evaluated in this case is the ability of the pipe walls to withstand a short circuit (SC) without any damage for a time interval sufficient for the electric arc to decay.

Materials used

Channels for laying

Hidden electrical wiring in a log house is arranged in pre-prepared channels made of refractory materials that can localize any fire in the interior spaces. At the same time, attention is paid to its aesthetics and attractiveness, as well as the cost of the installation work itself and the quality of materials, according to the residual principle.

Important! In this case, the principle of safe wiring is put forward in the first place, and only then attention is drawn to the decorative features and technical characteristics of the system.

Taking into account these conditions, a material is selected that is suitable for arranging wire lines laid along the wooden walls of the building in metal casings (boxes) or in pipes of the same structure.

The most suitable, from the point of view of the security of wires hidden in free niches and voids and laid on wooden structures, are the following materials:

  • Standard steel casings (boxes) and metal pipe runs;
  • Pipe products based on copper;
  • Mounting boxes (casings) and corrugated pipes made of fire-resistant PVC materials with concrete or alabaster plugs installed at their ends.

The thickness of the safety plugs (gaskets) is selected in accordance with GOST, and must meet the requirements of the PUE regarding the issues of wiring security.

The advantages of copper pipes include the ease of forming a bend of the required radius (without the need for special devices and tools). This is especially important in cases where the laying of an extensive network of electrical wires with many branches is organized.

When using steel pipes, certain difficulties may arise in terms of installation and labor costs for molding, but their cost, in comparison with copper counterparts, will be significantly lower.

Note! Sharpened edges of tubular blanks and conduits can damage the wire insulation and lead to undesirable consequences. That is why, when preparing channels, you need to carefully monitor the condition of dangerous edges and cut the original blanks only with a special cutting tool.

Wire selection

At this stage of work, it is necessary to determine the brand of installation wire suitable for direct laying in steel boxes or pipes. According to the requirements of GOST and the standards specified in the PUE, the use of the following types of cable products is considered optimal for wooden buildings:

  • Wire VVGng (A) or its variety under the name VVGng-P (A);
  • Two more types of cable products related to the same series are VVGngLS and VVGng-PLS;
  • Modern wires from a foreign manufacturer NYM.

The multi-core (up to five cores) wires listed in the list with the VVGng marking have reliable double insulation. In accordance with the rules of the PUE, one of the insulating layers (internal) is made on the basis of PVC and has its own color for each core individually.

Additional Information. Generally accepted color standards make wiring much easier, especially when connecting wires to junction boxes, lighting terminals and sockets (see photo below).

Outside, the VVGng cable has a common insulating coating made of a flexible composite - plastic, which makes it possible to operate it in the temperature range from plus 50 to minus 50 ° C.

The characteristics of products under the names VVGng LS, VVGng-P LS almost do not differ from those already considered, except that the insulation of these wires does not emit substances harmful to human health when heated. The cable called NYM is manufactured in accordance with GOST 22483, and has three insulating coatings.

In its production, each of the individual cores is first isolated individually, after which their total assembly is placed in a sheath of composite material, and finally, all this is protected by a coating of non-combustible PVC.

Mounting order

Preparatory operations

Before you start installing electrical wiring on your own, you should carry out a number of preparatory operations, namely:

  • Free the walls from all unnecessary objects and things;
  • Mark the laying route and installation locations for distribution boxes;
  • Mark out the points of installation of sockets, switches and lighting fixtures.

Additional Information. Regardless of the method of laying metal pipes, installation products (sockets, boxes and switches) are either recessed into the thickness of the wall or mounted on special sockets.

The appearance of these products can be found in the figure below.

The marking of the future route for electrical wiring must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the PUE. The latter prescribe when laying wires to make as few changes in its direction as possible.

In cases where the structural features of the walls do not allow for a continuous line of laying, additional junction boxes should be installed at certain points.

Installation requirements

Before you do the wiring yourself, in accordance with current regulations, first of all, you need to decide on the installation locations of the junction boxes. In addition, the PUE stipulates the following important points for the upcoming work:

  • When installing the boxes, they are not allowed to be covered with any elements of decorative wall decoration, which significantly impede access to them if repair or maintenance is necessary;
  • When pipes are buried in the body of wood (in accordance with the requirements of state standards), the strength indicators of walls and other structural elements of buildings should not be violated;
  • The cross sections of pipes (ducts) used for installation and the thickness of their walls must correspond to the characteristics of the selected cable;
  • In a situation where a decision is made to hide the cable in a pipe or box, it will be necessary to ensure that it does not occupy more than 40% of the volume of their internal space and easily fits along the entire length of the wiring;
  • When placing several cables in this space, the volume occupied by them should also not exceed 40 percent;
  • Before laying any cable, it is recommended to check the insulation resistance again.

Accounting for this indicator is necessary for complete confidence in the compliance of its characteristics with the requirements of GOST (since during storage, transportation and preparation for installation, the possibility of damage to the insulation is not ruled out).

Placement of installation products

In the event that it is decided not to use special socket boxes during installation, but a hidden wiring socket is used, sockets are drilled at the installation sites with a diameter slightly larger than that of the prepared product.

Note! For these purposes, it is most convenient to use an electric drill with a special nozzle called a “crown” (see photo below).

Metal boxes are first inserted into the nests drilled in this way, which serve to place the installation products themselves in them. When installing them, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the standards prescribing the obligatory observance of building technologies. They relate to the production of work on the connection of metal products into a single system, which requires a welding unit. Combining these elements of the system into a single whole will subsequently organize a reliable grounding of the electrically conductive network.

If there is continuity of the metal connection, such protection is displayed on the electrical panel, from the central grounding bus of which it can be connected to a grounding device prepared near the house. The appearance of the memory can be found in the figure below.

When operating a remote ground loop, it will be necessary to carefully monitor the condition of all elements included in the design, preventing corrosion of electrically conductive tires and conductors.

Installation of sockets and switches

The above description of the organization of installation work refers to the case when the owner of a private wooden house has his own welding machine. However, in a suburban economy, not all users have a device that allows you to connect pipes and junction boxes by welding.

In the absence of a special unit, the following methods of arranging a reliable connection of all metal parts of the system are allowed:

  • In the event that the supply to two-socket sockets and separate 2-pin switches is carried out through copper pipes, their open edges, which are joined to the installation boxes, must be carefully flared;
  • When using steel tubular products, for their reliable fixation in metal walls, a nut or bolt connection can be used instead of welding (photo below);

  • It can be seen from the figure that threads are cut on the pipes, after which the bodies of installation or junction boxes are screwed onto them, which are subsequently fixed in a given position.

To avoid possible deformations and corrosion damage, the place of their articulation is securely fixed by means of a nut of the appropriate size, and then lubricated with a protective compound.

Installation boxes (they are also called "technological"), as well as all other mounting products, according to the provisions of the Electrical Installation Code, in terms of their protection from external destructive influences, must comply with the IP-54 class. This class for electrical installation equipment guarantees reliable protection of all installation products from the penetration of moisture and dust into their internal spaces.

Testing and cable laying

Upon completion of the installation work associated with the installation and fixation of pipes and boxes on the walls, it will be necessary to test the system for compliance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Code for resistance to current spreading. The need for this is explained by the fact that all metal parts of the electrical wiring must be connected to a ground loop, together with which they form a circuit for draining emergency current into the ground.

And only after the compliance of this value with the requirements of the PUE (no more than 30 Ohms) is practically confirmed, it will be possible to start laying the cable of the selected type. When laying it, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations of specialists:

  • Cable sections laid in the spans between the boxes should be cut with a small margin, ensuring the possibility of their connection to electrical installation products;
  • When arranging the electrical network in modern buildings, during the construction of which a log or timber was used, it is desirable to use cable products with three or five cores;
  • One of these cores (in yellow-green insulation) will be used to connect to the re-grounding system, and all the rest - for their intended purpose.

The appearance of such a cable is shown in the figure below.

The remaining unused strands of the connecting wire may be required to organize a three-phase power supply line to 380 Volt consumers (professional electricians recommend taking this perspective into account).

In the final part of the review, we will touch on the issue of organizing a separate branch of the wiring, designed to connect three-phase consumers. In accordance with the requirements of the PUE, in this case, the same wires should be used for laying, but with a slightly larger cross section of the phase and neutral conductors, designed for a specific load of 380 volts.


A house made of wood is a beautiful, cozy building, but easily combustible, requiring increased attention to the power supply process. Making electrical wiring with your own hands is not an easy task, but doable. You just need to approach the issue responsibly, in compliance with the rules and regulations.

Requirements for wiring in a wooden house

Electrical wiring in a wooden house must meet the main requirement - to be safe. More than half of the fires in buildings of this type occur due to a short circuit in the electrical network due to mechanical damage to the insulation or increased load on the cable.

You can eliminate the risk of fire if you follow the basic requirements:

  1. Proper selection of materials.
  2. Reliable isolation.
  3. Possibility of automatic interruption of power supply.
  4. Regular network diagnostics.

Compliance with these requirements will reduce the likelihood of ignition of wooden structures and ensure the safety of property in both city and country houses.


Regulations governing the arrangement of electrical power in wooden buildings are contained in "Rules for electrical installations" (PUE) and in the Code of Practice “Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings”.

They give criteria for choosing switchgears, conductors, automation, lighting, the terms used and their meaning are indicated.

Electrical wiring is still regulated by Building Codes and Rules ( SNiP).

SNiP 3.05-06-85 describe how to enter a power cable into a living space, and SNiP 31-02– requirements for the device of the power supply system in residential buildings.

Preparation of a power supply project

The first stage of the electrification of the facility is the preparation of the project. In a private house, drawing up a wiring diagram can be done on your own. To do this, you need a house plan with the placement of furniture, equipment, electrical appliances, the designation of sockets and switches. The place of installation of the switchboard and the passage of cable lines is noted.

The location of the junction boxes is indicated, the maximum power consumption of energy by all devices, the total number of machines and the rated load on the introductory machine are calculated.

Cable selection

After drawing up the electrical circuit, you need to decide which wire to make the wiring in a wooden house: aluminum or copper. The first is cheaper, the second is more reliable. Having settled on aluminum, you need to remember that its cross section must be larger than copper, and it is brittle when bent. A more suitable material is copper, the wires of which can withstand temperatures from -50 to +50 ° C.

Having decided in the house, you can proceed to the choice of its brand. For wooden structures, copper non-combustible wire VVG with solid cores and reduced smoke emission is more suitable. It has high anti-corrosion properties and does not deform under temperature changes.

When planning how to conduct wiring in a house, you need to remember the requirements of the Electrical Installation Code for the color of the insulation: the cable cores must be of different colors. This will simplify the process of installation, maintenance and repair.

The choice of devices and automation for the switchboard

The purpose of selecting automatic protection devices is the safety of the network and equipment in emergency situations. Each device has its own purpose. All devices are located in the switchboard.

Circuit breakers protect against voltage overload and short circuit.

(RCD) - from the occurrence of fire and electric shock.

Voltage relay - from load fluctuations that affect the operation of devices.

Combine the functions of a circuit breaker and an RCD and save space when installed in a switchboard.

The integrated use of these devices guarantees the reliable operation of the devices and the safety of people in the room.

Electrical wiring installation - step by step instructions

Installation of electrical wiring in a private house requires preliminary preparation and compliance with step-by-step instructions, consisting of the following steps:

  • project development and determination of the total capacity of the equipment;
  • choice of cable, automation devices and electrical appliances;
  • power supply, connection of circuit breakers, electricity meter;
  • installation of an electrical panel;
  • internal cabling;
  • installation of sockets, switches, lighting devices;
  • system test.

Such a sequence will show how to properly wire the wiring in the house, and ensure the reliability of its operation. It is important to remember that each step must be carried out in compliance with safety rules: de-energize the room in which work is carried out, do not use bare wires, place all connections and branches in boxes, lay the cable either vertically or horizontally, preventing it from crossing.

Following the step-by-step instructions will allow you to perform the installation qualitatively.

Switchboard installation

The switchboard is designed to receive and distribute electricity in the room. With its installation, all electrical work begins. It does not matter whether the wiring is carried out in a country house, a city cottage or a rural log house.

The shield must be made of non-combustible material, placed in a dry place and locked with a key. Above it, rooms with high humidity cannot be located ( shower room, bathroom, bathroom), and within a radius of half a meter - heating equipment, water and gas supply systems.

An electric meter, an introductory machine, an RCD, grounding buses, voltage relays and machines for different power groups are mounted in the shield.

Grounding device

Any modern house is equipped with household appliances in a metal case, and the possible contact of metal with electricity requires grounding - protecting a person from electric shock through electrical appliances.

You can do it yourself.

A trench 30 cm deep is dug in the form of an equilateral triangle with a side of 1 m. Pins 3 m long and 3 cm in diameter are driven in at the corners, which are connected to each other with a corner by welding.

A hole is cut in one of the corners, a ground wire is attached with a bolt and nut, which is connected to the busbar in the switchboard. Earthing conductors of cables in yellow-green insulation are attached to this bus.

Entering the power cable into the room

Electricity enters the building through a power cable that enters the switchboard. There are two ways to carry out its supply: air and underground.

In the first case, the cable is brought through the air from the electric pole to the house, where it is attached to porcelain fittings. This method is simple and cheap, but has a number of disadvantages: less durable, high probability of damage to the wire by wind, snow, branches.

The underground method is more reliable, but more laborious and expensive. A trench is dug, where an armored cable or in metal pipes is laid. A layer of sand 20 cm thick is poured on top, a signal tape is laid, and the trench is buried.

- the main element of the wiring, because it bears the load from all electrical appliances in the house.

Cable laying and connection

Installation of electrical wiring in a private house is carried out along the routes indicated in the project scheme. Junction boxes are mounted on it, fixed, switches, lighting fixtures. In buildings made of wood, wires are used only with special markings, the insulation of which does not ignite even at high temperatures.

"Twisting", "temporaries" are not allowed. The number of turns and bends is best minimized. Where possible, run a whole wire from the machine to the end point.

When doing the installation of electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands, you must remember that the boxes cannot be closed with decorative panels or ceilings that make it difficult to access for maintenance.

Installation of switches and sockets

Overhead sockets and switches are selected based on the calculated current and the possibility of connecting under one frame. Before installation, turn off the power and make sure that there is no voltage in the cable.

The safest way to fix switches and sockets in a wooden structure is to mount them on metal substrates. This will protect against possible sparks when shorted or arcs when the plug is removed. For a wooden house, it is preferable to carbolite, rather than plastic, devices that have great heat resistance and can withstand strong heat.

Methods for open wiring

Open wiring in a wooden house is laid on the inside of the room. The main requirement is that the wire does not directly touch the walls, ceiling or floor and is protected: it is located in the middle of the channel, pipe or has several layers of insulation. Pipes and channels must be made of materials that do not support combustion.

Installation of wiring in a wooden house can be done in several ways:

  1. In a corrugated pipe made of PVC;
  2. In a metal hose;
  3. In PVC pipes or boxes;
  4. On staples;
  5. on ceramic insulators.

The most common options are the use of corrugated pipes and cable channels.

The use of ceramic insulators or "" is becoming popular, when air space remains between the twisted electrical wire and the wall. This option also decorates the home.

Open wiring in a wooden house can combine several options. On walls and ceilings that have a flat surface, you can use plastic boxes, and in other areas - corrugated pipes.

Hidden wiring in a wooden house

Internal wiring in a wooden house has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the absence of corrugated pipes and cable channels that spoil the appearance of the room. There is no risk of mechanical damage to the cable. On the other hand, the complexity of installation, increased requirements for fire safety, additional financial costs.

Unlike external wiring, it is more difficult to conduct internal wiring in a wooden house. To do this, you need to know more requirements and nuances related to this type of power supply arrangement.

Hidden wiring should not have many turns, because. the cable must be laid in steel or copper pipes. The use of metal hoses and PVC corrugations is allowed only when they are protected with plaster or asbestos gasket.

If a special tool is not required for the installation of external wiring, then it is necessary for a hidden one. It is necessary to drill in horizontal and vertical directions, cutting out seats for insulating boxes. You will have to pull not only wires and cables, but also a large number of steel or copper pipes. The latter fit better, because they bend well, taking the desired shape.

You can conduct wiring in the house with your own hands in an open and closed way. This is done in places where the wire is connected to switches or sockets.

Mounting errors

Typical mistakes when laying the electrical network in the premises:

  • bending or weakening of the supply cable;
  • fastening the wire to a wooden structure, which is prohibited by the rules;
  • installation of hidden wiring using corrugated pipes, metal hoses and plastic boxes;
  • installation of the switchboard too close to the power cable entry point;
  • the number of automata is calculated incorrectly: either more or less than necessary.

Wiring test

After installation, the wiring must be tested: conduct a visual inspection, measure the insulation resistance and the ground wire, check the operation of circuit breakers, RCDs or difavtomatov. The reliability of the electrical network must be maximum, because. electrical wiring requires increased attention and regular monitoring.