Toilet bowl with a sink on the tank with your own hands. Faucet with a sink for a drain tank. Toilet with a sink on the tank and its pros and cons

Those who first heard about such a strange design may involuntarily think: what is the purpose of such a combination? The question of hygiene also arises: will it comply with all norms and rules? Will it be difficult to install and maintain such specific equipment? This article will help you understand all the intricacies of a toilet bowl combined with a sink, find out all the advantages and disadvantages of a plumbing fixture, and also find out what types of this toilet bowl are on sale.


Such a modification of the toilet will fit perfectly into a small bathroom or shower room. It includes several functions, thanks to which you can perform several procedures at the same time. Everyone knows that after using the toilet you need to wash your hands, and for this you need a sink. And if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment does not allow it to be installed, a toilet with a sink on the tank, called a combo toilet, will come to the rescue. It differs from the usual equipment in that it has high production characteristics. The main indicator is the economical use of water, which is achieved by reusing water. This is especially noticeable for a large family, while water consumption is minimized by 25%.

The principle of operation of the equipment

In all variations of hybrid toilets, the release of water from the faucet for hygienic hand washing occurs when the user presses a button on the drain tank. Then this water goes from the sink to the drain tank, where it enters a special filter to remove soap, foam and other hygiene products. This filter has a neutralizing property, it disinfects water and eliminates odor.

Purified water has no bacteria and becomes clear.

The tank is equipped with a special automatic system to avoid overfilling., which controls the flow of water through the filter, which allows you to calmly wash your hands and not think about an emergency situation associated with flooding the bathroom. The water flow will automatically begin to fill the tank and at a certain moment it will automatically stop.


Now let's talk about the structure of the hybrid toilet. It consists of two self-sufficient parts: the familiar toilet with a tank and a sink. The washbasin, in addition to its direct purpose, is also a cistern lid. The toilet directly includes both the bowl itself and the tank for draining, which makes this device an indivisible unit. Models differ from each other in the configuration of the bowl, the drain mechanism and the material from which the toilet is made.

The drain button in various equipment configurations can be on the side or on top. Most often, this device on the combo toilet is located on the side, since a sink is mounted on top of the drain tank. This model is distinguished from the classic one by the overflow system: the pipe in a conventional toilet is much smaller than in a hybrid one. In the event that the liquid received after washing the hands becomes insufficient, the water in the combo toilet can be filled in the traditional way. For stable operation of the hybrid toilet, there is a sufficient amount of water in the drain system. And the differences between the sink are in a special shape, mounting options and the presence of nozzles, which in this design are a whole system.

The production of combo toilets in the modern world is not limited to the model with a sink on the tank, there are advanced modifications that include a hygienic shower. This greatly increases the functionality of the bathroom equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Combinations have many advantages.

  • An important positive feature is the saving of space in small apartments, thanks to which it is possible to directly equip the bathroom with all the plumbing fixtures, household appliances and furniture needed in the household.
  • You can also highlight the hygienic function, which makes it very convenient to wash your hands after using the toilet. A separate bathroom complicates this procedure, which can sometimes lead to non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules.

  • The installation of a combo toilet can also be attributed to the advantages, since during the installation of equipment it is not required to additionally lay a water supply system. Installing a hybrid is similar to installing a conventional toilet.
  • The most important benefit of using a combination toilet in everyday life is water savings. If meters for metering cold and hot water supply are installed in your apartment, then it is in this situation that water savings will be noticeable through the use of recycled water that has been cleaned with specialized filters. Taking into account the fact that in recent years housing and communal services tariffs have not stood still, but are constantly growing, the combo toilet becomes a kind of “life hack” that is necessary in the modern world.

  • With careful use, this design will serve you for many years due to its strength and durability.
  • The processing of the combo-toilet does not differ from the usual one, standard detergents are used.
  • You can install this equipment in any residential area: in an apartment, a country house, in a country house, as well as in public places where people stay.

This design also has its drawbacks.

  • Only cold water supply is possible to bring to the toilet, therefore it is possible to wash hands in the sink only with such water.
  • Another inconvenience is the difficult access to the sink. It lies in the design features.
  • But the most important disadvantage in using a combo toilet is that some people have squeamishness at the psychological level, so it will be problematic for them to use the sink for such hygiene procedures as brushing their teeth, washing, shaving.

The decision to purchase and install a hybrid toilet for your bathroom must be made consciously.

And if the choice is positive, then such an installation will save your family budget and make your bathroom stylish and modern.

  • If you decide to buy a combined toilet, pay attention to the model with the bowl moved to the side: it allows you to get closer to the washbasin.
  • In the operation of the combi-toilet, mechanical shocks are prohibited, as they can lead to cracks and chips, which will disable the system and cause water to flow in the box.
  • If you decide to install a combo toilet, then during installation a minimum displacement of the drain tank is allowed, which will facilitate access to engineering equipment.

  • The toilet bowl is processed with the usual cleaning agents, but it is worth disinfecting much more often than a conventional toilet bowl in order to avoid a specific smell during hygiene procedures. Disinfection with special solutions should be carried out daily.
  • Another important aspect in choosing a comfortable model is that the drain button should be located on the side, and the tank should have perfectly even edges.
  • If the water in the barrel runs out, then the drukshpuler tankless system will come to the rescue - a feature of the hybrid toilet, which will make it possible to flush the toilet without water.
  • The sink must have a flat bottom.

Manufacturers of combo toilets

Despite the fact that combo toilets have become popular only recently, the plumbing market provides us with a huge range of models and manufacturers that differ from each other in price and installation quality. The variety of models is also surprising: we can get a very compact combo toilet or a multifunctional device that fits perfectly into any bathroom interior.

There are several major manufacturers of combined toilet bowls.

  • Gustavsberg- a Swedish manufacturer that gives a guarantee of 25 years for all models of toilet bowls. Products are made of high-quality glazed porcelain, which gives the device high wear resistance.
  • ifo is also a manufacturer from Sweden. It has been on the sanitary equipment market for more than 100 years and differs from others in the most reliable and ergonomic products.

  • Roca- a Spanish brand that produces toilets for both home use and public places.
  • Czech company Jika can attract with its affordable cost to combined toilets.
  • vitra- Turkish trademark, which differs from all other companies in a large number of innovative developments. All beautiful economy class models are equipped with automated equipment. The design also pleases with its individuality.

Agree, the first thoughts that come to mind about such a combination as a toilet bowl and a washbasin are not very good. At first you think about hygiene, which should be completely absent in such plumbing fixtures, then the picture is aggravated by all sorts of details of operation and the result is a disappointing picture. In fact, everything is a little different, and a toilet combined with a sink is a good solution for small spaces. In some way, this product can even be called ingenious, since it simultaneously solves several problems - we will talk about it in this article. Together with the site, we will study in detail the toilet bowl with a sink on the tank - we will deal with its advantages and disadvantages, get acquainted with the design and varieties.

Sink combined with a toilet photo

Toilet with a sink on the tank: advantages and disadvantages

By and large, the advantages of a toilet combined with a sink are not so many, but in some situations they are quite significant, and it is they that encourage a person to install such plumbing fixtures instead of standard ones. These moments include the following.

But even here it is impossible to say 100% about the indispensability of such a plumbing fixture, since there are no ideal things, and everyone is well aware of this. There are two disadvantages to this combination.

  1. Some inconveniences in using the washbasin - as a rule, the toilet bowl interferes with the convenient process of washing hands. It does not allow you to get close, and the person has to bend down and strain his back once again. It is for this reason that most of such plumbing is done, so to speak, with an offset - the toilet bowl is folded to the side at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. Psychological background. Not every person will be able to overcome the psychological barrier and carry out hygiene procedures on such a by no means hygienic plumbing fixture.

In order to somehow bring it back to normal, you will have to seriously take care of it - wash it several times more often than usual, disinfect it almost every day. Maybe this, of course, is exclusively my opinion, but, in my opinion, this problem will arise in many people. It is rare that anyone will be happy with such an opportunity as simultaneously relieve a great need and, for example, shave in the morning. You can see how to use a washbasin combined with a toilet bowl in this video.

Toilet with built-in sink: how it works

If you disassemble the combi toilet with a sink into parts, then it can be divided into two components - this is the toilet itself and, which in this case simultaneously acts as a toilet cistern lid. But the design features of this miracle of technology do not end there - both one and the other parts have a lot of specific details, which are not only in their unique form. Let's consider them in a little more detail.

In principle, structurally, such toilet bowls combined with a washbasin can differ from each other in many factors, which makes it possible to classify them by type, which we will do next.

Toilet sink two in one: types and their features

It should immediately be noted here that there are not so many varieties of such combined toilet bowls - they can only be divided according to the main features.

If we are talking about deciding how to choose a combined toilet, then be sure to pay attention to such a moment as the toilet bowl shifted to the side - such products are more convenient, as they allow you to get closer to the sink.

Combo toilet: how to make a toilet bowl with a sink with your own hands

And in conclusion of the topic, I will say a few words about how you can independently make a toilet combined with a sink, or rather its simplified version, which, in general, is also not so bad when it comes to saving every square centimeter of space. All that is needed for this is to choose the right toilet bowl and - they must meet the following requirements.

In principle, if you are not embarrassed by the height of the washbasin, then you can go the simpler way - choose a lower toilet and install an ordinary wall-mounted washbasin above it. The siphon, however, will have to be found flat for it.

And in conclusion of the topic about the toilet with a sink on the tank, I will only add that its functionality can be increased even more - to make the device not two in one, but three in one. All that is needed for this is to additionally equip the toilet.

Faucet with sink mounted on the toilet cistern. Is it possible? Yes, with your own hands. The implementation of this idea had two goals: to make the consumption of water in domestic needs as economical as possible and to maintain a neat appearance of the toilet, in general, and the toilet bowl, in particular. The system looks like this: water is supplied immediately to the tap and after that it enters the toilet through the sink drain, filling the tank. All stages of bringing ideas to life in step-by-step instructions.


To install a cistern sink faucet, you will need:

  • thick board;
  • tap;
  • polish ultra-Glo;
  • waterproof adhesive for hard materials;
  • wood glue;
  • fum tape;
  • vinyl tube, 12 mm;
  • brass connector;
  • sink drain net;
  • router;
  • clamps;
  • wrench;
  • pliers.

Step 1. To understand how the sink faucet should look like in the end, and how it works, carefully consider the diagram below. Do not worry that the sink is made of wood. With proper processing and the use of high-quality materials, it will last, even in conditions of high humidity and constant contact with water, for a long time.

Step 2. Using the templates provided, you need to cut out the components of the cistern lid and the sink built into it.

The easiest and fastest way to do this is with a laser machine, but if no one provides such services in your city, draw templates based on the dimensions of the toilet bowl and the height of the faucet, and cut out all the details using hand tools.

Step 3. Assemble the shell from blanks. Fasten them together using good wood glue. Remove excess adhesive with a brush or rag immediately. Clamp the resulting box with clamps, leave until the glue dries. If voids have formed in places, be sure to fill them with waterproof putty.

Step 4. Insert a mesh into the drain hole to check for correct measurements. Carefully sand the surface of the wooden blank, preparing it for the waterproofing process.

Step 5. Mix the components of the polish according to the instructions. Stir the mixture thoroughly with a wooden stick and cover the entire surface of the sink and the wooden cistern lid with it.

The solution is quite viscous and rub it over the surface, preferably with a silicone or plastic spatula. Bubbles may form during this process and can be removed by blowing hard on the mixture or by walking over it with a burner.

Evenly spread the polish, leave everything to dry completely.

Step 6. Now you need to assemble the sink and connect the pipes for draining and supplying water. First, use glue to put the rubber gaskets into the holes. After that, assemble the faucet, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Connect the water supply hose to the faucet. Please note that you will only have cold water. During installation, do not forget to use fum tape.

Insert the mesh into the drain and also connect all the tubes. The length of the latter must be calculated exactly so that they do not interfere with the operation of the cistern system.

The most difficult bathroom renovation work is installing a toilet bowl and a sink with a faucet and a siphon. How to do it yourself, without having special skills, is described in this article.

Bathroom renovation is the most complex and time-consuming process among all possible types of renovation. Indeed, laying pipes, installing faucets, tiling and installing sanitary ware are operations without which repairs in the bathroom are not possible and which require special skills from the master. However, not everything is so scary if you know the basic principles of the work being done.

Before buying a ceramic sink, you should make sure that the product itself does not have chips and cracks, the mounting holes on the sink are of high quality and have no notches, the shape of the sink is symmetrical (in other words, the sink is even). It is necessary to subject the pedestal to close inspection, it must be even, with a flat sole, not have chips and cracks. Together with the sink, it makes sense to immediately choose a mixer and a siphon so that the whole structure looks harmonious. You should also purchase a wall mount for the sink.

For the toilet, in addition to checking the quality of faience, you need to make sure that there are drain fittings and fastening to the floor. You should also purchase a flexible hose for supplying water to the toilet, the required length.

Required tool

To install the sink and toilet, you need the following tool:

  1. Building level.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Perforator.
  4. Keys set.
  5. Fum tape.
  6. Pencil.

Installing a sink with a pedestal

1. We install the sink in its place, and with the help of the level we align its surface horizontally, and the pedestal vertically. It is advisable to position the sink symmetrically, relative to the tile seams on the wall.

2. Using a pencil, mark the places where the sink is attached to the wall, through the holes on the back of the bottom.

3. Using a perforator, we drill holes in the wall corresponding to the diameter of the fixing dowels.

4. Insert the dowels and screw in the mounting studs with a wrench

5. We install the sink on the pedestal in place, the screwed pins should fall into the holes. We put on a plastic washer - it is made in the form of an eccentric, with which you can align the sink horizontally, and fasten it to the wall using the mounted brackets.

Everything, the sink is installed and securely fixed. A pedestal holds it in the vertical plane, and a mounting pin in the horizontal plane. It should be noted that when fixing the sink to a plasterboard wall, it is necessary either to provide a bookmark inside the wall in the form of a wooden block in advance - the hairpin will then be wrapped directly into it, or use special dowels for drywall.

After installing the sink, it is necessary to mount the mixer and siphon on it. Let's get started.

Siphon installation

1. Raise the sink and move the pedestal.

2. We collect the siphon according to the attached instructions. We put it from the bottom of the sink to the drain hole. The large rubber gasket should rest on the bell. We put a stainless outlet on top of the hole and tighten the lower part of the siphon with a screw. There is one trick here. Manufacturers attach two gaskets between the siphon and the sink - one from below, the second, for some reason, from above. So, if you refuse the top one, then this will not affect the functionality in any way, but you will get rid of a completely inappropriate step formed due to the top gasket. When installing the siphon, the main thing is not to overtighten the central bolt - the siphon may crack.

3. In the sewer pipe, we install an adapter (comes with a siphon) on the corrugation. With it, we connect the siphon to the sewer.

The siphon is installed and connected. You can use water.

Now we proceed to the installation of the mixer.

Mixer installation

1. We install gaskets and mounting studs on the mixer.

2. We pass the hoses attached to the mixer from below through the hole in the sink and connect them.

3. If necessary, we install ball valves for the supply of cold and hot water. We connect flexible hoses to taps. When tightening the union nuts of the eyeliners, do not apply too much force - the nut is quite fragile!

4. That's it, the mixer is installed and connected.

It remains to return the pedestal to its place. This will be the last step in installing the sink. Now it is completely ready for operation. You can proceed to the installation of the toilet.

Toilet installation

1. We check the outlet angle of the toilet bowl (it can be 45 ° or 90 °), the method of docking with the sewer pipe will depend on this. In our case, 90°.

2. We mount PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm. Do not forget to check the presence of rubber seals in them.

3. We install the toilet in accordance with the PVC pipes we have installed and use a pencil to mark the place for drilling the toilet bowl to the floor.

4. We drill holes in the floor corresponding to the diameter of the dowel for fixing the toilet bowl. Moisten the drill site regularly to keep the drill from overheating.

5. We insert the dowels into the resulting holes. Between the toilet and the floor we lay the shock-absorbing pad. You can use silicone for this purpose. This is done so that there is no direct contact between the tiles and ceramics of the toilet, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks from mechanical contact between them during operation. We first insert the toilet bowl socket into the PVC pipe with the sealing rubber installed in it. Fasten with screws.

6. Carefully cut off the rest of the substrate along the contour.

7. In accordance with the instructions, install the shut-off valves in the flush tank. We collect and fasten it to the toilet. Do not forget to install a transitional sealing gum between the toilet and the tank. During installation, in order not to break the plastic nuts, do not apply too much force when tightening them.

8. We connect the flexible hose to the supply pipe and the filling valve. The toilet is installed and connected.

Thus, if everything is done correctly and accurately, then all the work will not take much time and will not require excessive effort.

Evgeny Dubinin, (according to the user chugaiigor)

In new modern apartments, it is not uncommon for a spacious and well-equipped bathroom. But much more often it is still a small room, which, at first glance, is simply impossible to make comfortable and place the necessary plumbing fixtures on its area. Yes, so that it is not very crowded, comfortable and beautiful.

And today we’ll just talk about how to modernize a typical bathroom, in which a toilet bowl barely fits, into a room, even if modest in size, but quite consistent with modern requirements.

If you creatively approach the task, avoiding traditional solutions as much as possible, it is quite possible to make a small bathroom more comfortable and convenient. When arranging, a special approach will be required, in which every centimeter and all the flaws in the layout should work to increase the space, at least visually.

One of the ways to solve the problem in conditions of limited space is to skillfully choose compact plumbing, installation systems and design walls and free space, leaving only the most necessary in the interior.

You can save useful centimeters by using not only smaller devices, but also not quite standard in shape, for example, combined or corner products. Plumbing equipment manufacturers do not forget about the problems of owners of small bathrooms and create entire collections of equipment for them.

Custom toilet

Among the many hygienic and comfortable modern toilet bowls, choosing a decent model is easy. But it is advisable to determine what you need before going shopping, focusing not only on the design and beauty of the model, but also on its size (height, shape).

This is true when it comes to a small bathroom. Everything is important here that makes it possible to use the volume of the room with the greatest benefit. In small-sized toilets and combined bathrooms, first of all, compact devices with a shallow depth (less than 60 cm) are in demand, adjacent close to the wall, with narrowed tanks, but not to the detriment of the size of the seat.

Toilets can be conditionally divided according to the method of attachment into several types:

  • Floor standing toilets with open cistern

This group of toilet bowls is presented on the market in two versions: the classic version (when the toilet bowl is attached to the floor) and the side model, which is mounted close to the wall and fixed to the floor. In the latter case, the toilet bowl, in comparison with the usual one, takes 10-15 centimeters less in depth.

For small spaces, various models of compact floor standing toilets are best suited, which, due to the special design and location of the drain tank on the toilet shelf, save space in the room. Yes, and by location, they can be ordinary and angular.

There is another type of classic-style toilet bowls, when installed in a small-sized toilet, due to a thin and wide tank (its volume does not decrease), you can reduce the distance from the edge of the toilet bowl to the wall by 6 centimeters. At first glance, a little, but for a small bathroom very significant.

  • Mounted plumbing

In modern washrooms today you can often see suspended plumbing "hovering above the floor", the installation of which uses engineering modules called installation systems. In this design, only the flush button (panel) and the toilet bowl remain visible. Everything else (connection pipes, tank, shut-off valves, communications) are hidden behind a partition or in a wall.

Among attachments, it is easy to find a compact model for small spaces with a depth of 46.5 cm (distance from the front point of the bowl to the point of contact with the wall).

Wall-hung toilets with installation structures and a built-in cistern fit easily into the interior of any room and take up much less space than compact floor-mounted toilets. The installation system, which is not visible to the eye, allows you to move the toilet close to the wall.

There are other pluses: if the toilet is not attached to the floor, the room looks more spacious. The possibilities for using space in a small room are expanding, you can place plumbing in the most unexpected places. In addition, this design facilitates cleaning and does not interfere with the laying of floor tiles.

  • Combined version (toilet and bidet)

Installing a bidet - a device designed for hygiene procedures, does not cause problems in spacious toilets and bathrooms. What can not be said if the bathroom is small.

A bidet is a device that takes up about the same amount of space as a toilet. How to be in this situation? By combining the toilet and bidet and creating a multifunctional device, sanitary ware manufacturers have solved this problem, thereby saving space.

We use the corners of the bathroom

It saves usable space in a small room not only with plumbing of non-standard shapes and sizes, but also with the ability to use all corners in the bathroom. Corner plumbing allows you to effectively place the necessary equipment and necessary furniture in the room and functionally plan the space.

Corner compact toilets with corner cistern and small bowl fit perfectly into corners. This design, adapted to small rooms, allows you to use the toilet room rationally, using all the free space (for example, corners, the distance between plumbing and the wall), saving space and providing comfort.

They free up additional space and corner miniature sinks, and installation systems with a small-thickness cistern built into the panel. In this case, the corner and the resulting ledge due to the use of the frame structure can be used as a beautiful functional shelf.

Of course, it will not be possible to save a lot of space by installing a corner toilet, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible to put a small round sink with a compact tabletop or a narrow sink with a comfortable bedside table, a sitting bath furniture, a shower cabin in the rest of the corners.

Combining and merging

To avoid crowding in small-sized bathrooms, you can combine plumbing fixtures in different ways, for example, instead of a toilet bowl and a bidet, use a two-in-one fixture, compact washbasins complete with miniature underframe cabinets, complexes that combine the advantages of a shower and a bath in one plumbing fixture .

Combined solutions give you more options. For this, items purchased separately from different manufacturers with a set of necessary functions that ensure the rational use of space and provide interesting non-traditional interior design solutions are also suitable.

Compact plumbing

You can create comfort and rational use of space in a small bathroom using small plumbing fixtures. For a small bathroom or even an isolated toilet, small miniature sinks are most often chosen, combining functionality and style, designed mainly for hand washing. Their approximate size is 38x21, 41x50.

Instead of a bathtub, which occupies most of the room with a combined bathroom, you can install a shower cabin or a special tray paved with tiles (in this case, you will need to make a good sealing of the wall and floor in the shower area).

To save usable space in a small bathroom, in addition to wall-hung toilets and corner sinks, you should pay attention to mixers built into the wall.

In a compact combined bathroom, one of the problems is the installation of a washing machine. You can save space if you use narrow washing machines with a small load (3 kg). This is quite justified if the family is small.

Alternatively, a washing machine can be placed under the washbasin (special units and sinks with a flat siphon are provided for this). Although using such a washbasin will not be very convenient.

Expanding space with color solutions

Wall design and the use of color in a small space is another opportunity to visually expand the space. Soft, as if slightly washed out by water, pastel shades are welcome in small bathrooms.

Light shades of light gray, pearl, cool gray-blue, pale green colors and various combinations of white with other shades make the room more spacious than it is. And delicate shades of mint, ultramarine, turquoise, lilac and rose fill the interior with coolness.

By the way, soft green and blue shades and white are recommended for feng shui decoration of accessories, walls and plumbing, as they are best combined with the elements of water.

A popular design technique when decorating walls is soft contrast. For this, one of the surfaces stands out (most often this is the back wall to which the toilet is adjacent) with a color, an interesting vertical pattern, pulling it up and visually expanding the space.

Color bright blotches on the general light background of the wall, color accents in the form of a holographic pattern, a bright graphic panel that complements any ceramic tile will help to revive a monochromatic pastel interior.

In addition to the color scheme, you can visually expand the toilet using the right finishing material. It can be latex or water-dispersed paint, moisture-resistant wallpaper, glass, ceramics, plastic panels, decorative plaster. Properly selected, they can make a small room brighter and more spacious.

For example, it can be a mirror tile that reflects light well and visually enlarges small rooms. It is better to refuse large tiles of complex shape and large decorative elements in tiny toilets (this will visually crush and reduce the space of an already small room).

It is preferable to use small tiles or small glossy tiles, such as mosaics, alone or in combination in different variations on walls and floors.


In the interior of a compact bathroom, special attention should be paid to lighting.

In small rooms, it is optimal to use light bulbs built into the false ceiling, correctly placing them around the perimeter of the room. Spotlights can be supplemented with wall lamps and sconces.

Interior and decor items

For a thorough design, every detail and every little thing is important. Nothing: neither a paper holder, nor a brush, nor a waste container - should stand out from the general theme and are designed to help make our small bathroom more spacious and brighter.

Additional volume to a small room will give a large mirror located along one of the walls. The ability of a mirror surface to reflect objects makes a small bathroom twice as large and visually brighter even with a small number of lamps.

The glass partition does not visually eat up the area, which separates the wet area and also protects the rest of the room from splashes and water. If it is not possible to install a glass partition, it can be replaced with a regular neutral-colored curtain so as not to overload a small space.

Do not install closed bulky cabinets in a small bathroom. Lightweight open or transparent structures with mirrors and shelves, hanging cabinets with lighting and mirrored doors, niches, vertical drawers, shelves above the door will look much better.

All these decorative elements are important not only for saving space, but also quite functional (you can hide a lot of things in them).

In order for plumbing fixtures to harmoniously fit into the interior design of the bathroom, you need to carefully look through the catalogs, take a closer look at the various models. In this case, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • when placing plumbing, it is recommended to leave at least 60 cm of free space in front of the toilet and at least 20 cm at the edges (right and left). It is believed that such a gap between the devices is most convenient for using them.
  • If a washbasin is provided in the bathroom, then it is installed at a height of 80-85 cm from the floor (this height is optimal for people of different heights). In front of the bathtub and sink, the recommended free space is at least 70 cm.

Obviously, there are actually a lot of options to equip a small bathroom, making it ideal in terms of having the necessary functional appliances in it and corresponding to the main design idea of ​​the interior. The main thing is not to overdo it and stick to a single style in the apartment and bathroom.