We double the yield: do-it-yourself drip irrigation in the greenhouse. Automatic drip irrigation in the country - why is it needed and how to do it Structure and its application

Maintaining the required level of liquid in the soil is a top priority for the gardener. How exactly it will be solved depends not only on the harvest, but also on the health of plants, the laboriousness of the process, and much more.

This article will give a brief overview of automatic irrigation systems for greenhouses, the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Recommendations are provided on the installation of a drip irrigation system for greenhouses with your own hands: a set of materials, placement features, recommendations for use.

Varieties of automatic irrigation systems

At the moment, in private and commercial greenhouses, three types of automatic irrigation are most widely practiced:

  1. Rain;
  2. Intrasoil;
  3. Drip.

Each of these types has its own technical and operational features. The advantages and disadvantages of these systems need to be considered in more detail.

Automatic irrigation in the greenhouse with a moving irrigation ramp


Irrigation by sprinkling can occur both from above and from below. However, for greenhouses, the top positioning of the piping system is the most optimal. This type of irrigation is characterized by a small number of pipes, which require a fairly strong pressure. The atomizers themselves can be fixed or rotating, which, despite the complexity of the device, provide a more uniform distribution of moisture over the area of ​​the greenhouse. In the latter case, fewer watering points are needed, but this method can damage young shoots of plants.

Do-it-yourself automatic sprinkler irrigation device in a greenhouse, pictured is a system with rotary rotating nozzles

  • Sprinkler irrigation has certain disadvantages:
  • Moisture that has fallen on the leaves on a clear sunny day can cause burns;
  • The laboriousness of the process increases significantly; after the end of irrigation, it is necessary to shake off moisture from each plant;
  • For branched systems, a very large water pressure is needed, which leads to the need to purchase expensive high-quality pipes and carry out careful installation;
  • Inefficient use of water, some of which evaporates and does not reach the root system of plants;
  • It becomes impossible to use the irrigation system to apply fertilizer to the soil.

Stationary sprinkler system for automatic irrigation in a greenhouse made of

Aerosol irrigation system in the greenhouse (drencher)

Such an irrigation system belongs to a variety of sprinkling. It needs an even more powerful one, since the water delivered through the pipes is pushed through nozzles of small diameter, equipped with sprayers. The pressure in the pipeline in this case can be from 30 to 50 bar.

Aerosol (fog) irrigation of the greenhouse

For do-it-yourself aerosol automatic watering in a greenhouse, deluge sprayers are often used, which are used in automatic fire extinguishing systems.

Drencher nozzle and the result of its operation

An aerosol irrigation system for a greenhouse is quite specialized. It is used primarily in the cultivation of orchids and other tropical plants that grow in moist rainforests. It can be used when breeding seedlings in the ground. Its main advantages are:

  • Cooling the greenhouse - reducing the heat load on seedlings;
  • Significant water savings;
  • Prevention of the formation of a hard “crust” on the soil surface that prevents soil aeration;
  • More uniform distribution of moisture throughout the greenhouse;
  • Possibility of quick and complete disinfection of the greenhouse and plants.

Subsoil irrigation system

Such an irrigation system is the most time-consuming in its construction; in addition, it requires constant monitoring and significant knowledge in land reclamation.

Do-it-yourself subsoil automatic irrigation device in a greenhouse, photo placement of a perforated pipe on a geotextile lining

However, this method has many advantages:

  • Low water consumption;
  • The soil is aerated - it is saturated with air microbubbles;
  • The atmospheric humidity in the greenhouse remains stable and at a fairly low level. This has a positive effect on diseases associated with rot.

There are less labor-intensive hybrid methods for subsurface irrigation using plastic bottles.

Simple schemes for underground irrigation

drip irrigation system

At the moment, it is considered the most progressive. The main advantages are:

  • No need for strong water pressure;
  • Ease of fertilization;
  • Water is delivered “addressally” to the root system of cultivated plants, which reduces the number of weeds on the site;
  • A crust does not form on the soil, there is no need for frequent loosening.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation device in a greenhouse, on the video the installation process from improvised means:

The device of a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse with their own hands, in the photo the use of corrugated pipes

The device of the drip irrigation system in the greenhouse

Details for creating a micro-drip irrigation system

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation in a greenhouse does not require special skills. For installation you will need the following materials:

  • Hoses - a polymer product with a thickness of 8 mm is quite enough. This length is enough to organize irrigation at a distance of 25 m from the connection point;
  • Various fittings - corners, tees, crosses, plugs. All of these parts have cones on the connections and are easily connected to hoses without the use of special tools. At the same time, they withstand pressure up to 3 atm;
  • Pressure reducing devices: anti-drainage valves, reducers, minicranes. Relieve pressure in pipes up to 2 m 1.4 atm. They are used to equalize pressure and more evenly distribute water in the system.
  • Tips for delivering water from the main hose directly to the roots of the plant. There are simple ones, for watering one point and labyrinth ones, capable of evenly distributing the water in 3-5 directions.

Mounting Features

Location of parts and finished assembled unit for drip irrigation in a greenhouse

  1. Directly in the greenhouse, the layout of droppers and tubes is marked;
  2. We mark the place of connection to the water source - where the container for drip irrigation in the greenhouse will be;
  3. We determine how much free space is needed to install the rest of the equipment:
  4. Controller with timer;
  5. Filter.
Attention! The presence of a filter at the entrance to the system is mandatory. Without it, the pipeline and droppers become clogged very quickly. And all the details will have to be thoroughly cleaned.
  1. It is necessary to calculate the number of rows of tubes and droppers;
  2. We redraw the diagram on a sheet of paper with the obligatory indication of dimensions;
  3. In convenient workshop conditions, cutting to size and assembly of the main structural elements are carried out;
  4. Installation and connection is carried out directly on site, in the greenhouse.

Video tutorial on assembling the finished kit:

In conclusion, some ready-made solutions

As can be seen from the diagrams and photographs, the drip irrigation system has quite a few specific details, in addition, it is quite difficult to make a controller for automatic irrigation yourself. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made kit, and do the assembly yourself.

Complete kit for drip irrigation

Some of the most popular drip irrigation systems for greenhouses are:

AQUADUSYA - made in Ukraine, Cherkasy. BEETLE - Russian manufacturer Cycle. Gardena is a German manufacturer of garden tools and equipment.

drip irrigation system

The use of the most advanced technologies allows you to increase productivity and, consequently, the profitability of your business.

Drip irrigation systems can be used in greenhouses and outdoor areas.
Drip irrigation systems in greenhouses:

If you want to grow vegetables in your small greenhouse using modern high-performance technologies, then our systems are for you. The system allows you to water automatically, without the participation of personnel.
Drip irrigation systems for container growing:

Our company has developed and uses container growing systems for tomatoes and roses.

This way of cultivation facilitates plant maintenance, reduces the spread of diseases in the greenhouse, facilitates harvesting, and reduces the main costs of cultivation.

The container data is connected to the solution unit, which manages all irrigation and the supply of necessary fertilizers and microelements.
Drip irrigation of open areas

For drip irrigation, we use drip lines or tapes, tube thickness from 0.105 mm or 0.3 mm, diameter from 16 to 20 mm. The number of drip lines per 1 ha is approximately 14 km.

With such a thickness of drip lines and appropriate care for them. The service life of the system is 3 years.

We can supply a drip irrigation system as a turnkey solution, as well as individual components.

Drip irrigation

It is worth noting that drip irrigation was invented in countries where water is worth its weight in gold, and therefore it is not surprising that this method can significantly save water consumption. Practice shows that when using the method, high savings can be achieved, up to 60% of the previous volume. In desert areas, water is valued very highly, much higher than our usual measure of measurement in gold. At the same time, gold, whatever the attitude towards it, is just a metal. As for water, it is able to save a person, because it is not for nothing that our body consists of 80-90% of water. Moreover, the more water in the body, the better a person looks, and the younger he is.

Separately, it is worth noting that, in addition to saving water, drip irrigation makes it possible to supply plants with mineral and organic substances that are so necessary for their growth. Today, scientists are well aware of what substances plants need in order to give greater yields. Meanwhile, the main problem is not this, but to deliver these substances to the plant in full. Since water is supplied directly to the root system, it is possible to purposefully deliver nutrients to the plant without overspending fertilizer.

All over the world, drip irrigation is preferred by an increasing number of people, since its advantages, which these irrigation systems have, are obvious to professionals. And it is quite possible that making the transition from the unstable state of agriculture that exists today to a state of colossal prosperity is much easier than it might seem at first glance.

So let's take a closer look pros and cons of drip irrigation

Benefit 1: root watering method
Everyone knows that daytime is not the best time for watering plants. If you use the method of sprinkling on a sunny day, then this will only lead to steaming the plants. In addition, as a result of spraying, drops are formed on the leaves, which serve as natural lenses for receiving ultraviolet rays. And this, in turn, can lead to burns. Thus, the only effect that can be expected with this method of watering will be the presence of a large number of black and brown spots on the leaves of the plant. With regard to drip irrigation, it provides a unique opportunity to abandon the sprinkling of plants. Since water enters exclusively the root zone of the plant, it moisturizes the root system, which means that the whole plant feels great.

Benefit 2: low pressure
The drip irrigation system has a huge advantage over the classical method, which lies in the features of the working pressure, which is necessary for the operation of the entire system.
In the summer, summer residents and all those who live in rural areas are faced with the fact that there is insufficient water pressure in the water supply system for irrigation. This problem is especially relevant for weekends, when most of the population goes out of town for a holiday. And if the water supply system is common, then it is not surprising that the pressure in it these days leaves much to be desired. The reason is simple - pumping stations are simply not designed to provide such a number of people and their needs. What to do in this case? Most people do the old fashioned way, installing additional pumps in their backyard. Meanwhile, on the site you can create a drip irrigation system that will allow the irrigation system to work even with a small pressure of 0.2-0.3 atm.

Benefit 3: water temperature
The use of drip irrigation on the site gives another advantage - the water temperature is suitable for plants. In the event that a suitable container is installed for the system, in which you will draw water from the general water supply system, the water in the container will be heated to air temperature. As a result, the water will have a temperature that is ideal for plants in the range of 18 to 28 degrees. You will be able to protect your plants from temperature shock, as it happens every time when water is supplied directly from a well. Low water temperatures for irrigation, while the air temperature is high enough, is undesirable.

Benefit 4: night watering
All those who have even a little experience with plants know that the viability and yield of plants is greatly influenced by the time of day at which watering is carried out. And everyone knows that it is best to water plants at night or early in the morning. Unfortunately, these conditions are not always met. Therefore, many are left with only one option - to water in the evening or at night, which is also not always convenient. For the most part, people do not water plants systematically, but when they have time for this.
In fact, there is nothing complicated in evening or morning watering. You just need to install drip irrigation on the site. It is powered by a storage tank, the volume of which must be set individually depending on the size of your site. However, in general, we can say that a volume of 1000 liters is suitable for irrigating 2 acres. In the morning, water is collected in the container, which is heated to the required temperature during the day, after which watering can be carried out in the evening. It is important not to forget to turn off the water supply in the side. As a result, water will flow into the droppers for several hours and water the plants. Thus, to carry out the ideal watering of plants is more than realistic.

Benefit 5: water saving
Even if you have your own well, you probably have a water meter installed, which means that there is a natural need to save water. More often than not, overusing water is quite expensive, and therefore most people tend to save it. In this case, drip irrigation, which was invented in Israel, a country that is not very rich in water resources, will help save the day, and also allow you to always keep plants alive while not overusing water. It is guaranteed that the yield of the plant will also increase by 2-2.5 times.

Benefit 6: increasing the efficiency of fertilizer application
In order to improve the quality of the grown products, as well as to improve the yield, it is recommended to give the plants bait - mineral and organic fertilizers. If you use only natural fertilizers, you are guaranteed to be able to increase the yield. As for drip irrigation, it is indispensable in order to deliver the nutrients the plants need, since in this case the digestibility increases to 60%. Warm water also contributes to the easier absorption of vitamins, since the horse penetrates the root system more easily.

Benefit 7: Physical labor
All those who have ever watered a garden or summer cottage probably know that this is a very labor-intensive and difficult job, which, moreover, requires a lot of time. In turn, drip irrigation allows you to save energy as much as possible, allowing yourself to spend time in the fresh air relaxing, and not getting tired even more.

Benefit 8: Irrigation system automation
The drip irrigation system can be automated with a specially installed controller that has electrovalves. You simply set the watering time, after which the site can be left for any time you need. With the help of a rain sensor, the controller will turn on watering only when it is really needed. This watering gives you a lot of free time, as you can leave the site even for a month without worrying about the plants.

Benefit 10: yield increase
According to recent studies, drip irrigation can increase yields by 1.8 to 3.5 times. And it is quite real.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation: truth and error

The high cost of the system
If you use a kit, then installation is very simple, as detailed instructions are available.

Difficulty of installation
Install systems on a standard plot of 6 acres can each within one day.

Droppers quickly become clogged and need to be replaced.
It is undeniable that the droppers are a very fragile component of the system and can easily become clogged, in order to avoid an unpleasant situation, it is worthwhile to install a water purification filter in advance, which will occasionally need to be cleaned. Thus, the problem can be solved very quickly.

In the event that you are interested in this method, you should definitely try to use it, as this will significantly save water consumption, as well as provide a number of invaluable benefits that are simply not available with conventional watering.

Drip irrigation is a method when irrigation water is supplied in small doses directly under the roots of plants, using dropper dispensers and is used most efficiently. At the moment, drip irrigation is the most perfect and effective means of irrigation. In many areas gardening became possible thanks to the invention of this method - even in those places where it was not even dreamed of before due to the lack of regular watering.

Benefits of drip irrigation

There are a lot of advantages of drip irrigation, they are obvious and confirmed by the long-term practice of gardeners in most countries of the world, these are:
- earlier and plentiful harvest;
- prevention of emergence of weeds;
- prevention of soil erosion;
- prevention of the spread of diseases;
- Saving irrigation water (about half) due to the fact that its evaporation and infiltration are excluded;
- reducing the use of fertilizers;
- the impossibility of getting irrigation water on plants, which completely eliminates sunburn;
- preventing the formation of a crust on the soil surface, which gives better ventilation to the roots;
- the possibility of continuous and uniform watering without your presence and participation, all 24 hours a day, in any wind;
- actions for processing plants and harvesting can be carried out at any convenient time, without focusing on watering;
- simplicity and accessibility of installation and maintenance;
- there is no need to shift the hose, risking cripple or break the plants, spreading dirt along the paths (lay once and forget);
- efficient use of labor costs;
- a significant increase in the intervals between loosening and weeding;
- increases the shelf life of grown plants;
- reduction of wear of pipelines;
- Significant cost savings.

History of the invention of drip irrigation

The very first state that began the experimental use of the drip irrigation system, back in the middle of the last century, was Israel, in which this effective method is successfully used to this day. As you know, the local climate is quite arid, from May to September, precipitation is extremely rare, so it is not surprising that there was a need to invent an efficient irrigation system in conditions of high temperatures and a shortage of irrigation water. By our time, as you know, thanks to the invention of this "smart" irrigation system, the Israeli state has become one of the leading exporters of crop products.

Drip irrigation today has gained its well-deserved popularity and is successfully used for growing both vegetables and fruits, berries and grapes in the open field and in greenhouses.

Drip irrigation system and its components

drip lines are either tubes or tapes. Drip lines are laid out along the rows of planted plants. They are made both for long-term use (5-6 years) and single-season (so-called disposable).

drip tubes, usually seamless, are made of polyethylene, at a certain distance, both outside and inside (depending on the version), drippers for irrigation are installed, which have zigzag-shaped channels of small cross-section in order to restrain the pressure of irrigation water.

drip tapes, are made from strips of polyethylene wrapped in a tube and welded by thermal welding. At the same time, small filter holes are specially left inside the seam, from which water for irrigation enters the beds. The drip tape is laid directly on top of the irrigation beds with droppers up, straight, excluding turns and bends, along the planted rows, close to the roots. There is a plug at the end of the drip tape. This is the most acceptable and cheapest option (than tubes) for large irrigated areas.

Main pipeline- this is the main hose connected either directly to the water supply or to the irrigation tank immediately after the tap, which is installed at a height of about a meter, it is laid along the irrigation beds, and a distribution pipeline is attached to it. During installation, the hose is fixed to the ground to prevent shifts with conventional wire shackles.

Distribution pipeline- this is a pipe, drip tubes or tapes are connected to it. It is connected to the irrigation water tank by a main pipeline.

Irrigation water filtration unit- filters are connected to the irrigation water tank, which purify the irrigation water from various unnecessary impurities (from small debris, sand, rust and algae). It is best to use a fine filter.

Water intake for irrigation- a tap mounted either before or after the filter, which allows you to fine-tune both the duration of irrigation time and the amount of irrigation water consumed.

Fertigation unit(for the use of both fertilizers and treaters) is a device that is connected to the main hose. With the help of it, a special concentrate of fertilizers is evenly injected into the irrigation water, which ensures the full assimilation of water-soluble top dressings and microelements by plants, which are dosed and accurately delivered to the plants.

Drip irrigation is maximum efficiency with minimum effort!

It is very difficult to provide such moisturizing conditions if the pets are left unattended for a while. What to do?

Automatic watering

Salvation can be considered automatic drip irrigation. What is its working principle? The inlet hose supplies water to the distribution block, which reduces the pressure of the water, and can also filter it, if provided for in this system.

Further, the water passes through a system of tubes fixed with pins stuck into the ground. Water comes to the plants strictly in doses - from the holes, in drops at certain intervals set by the timer.

Room irrigation systems

Indoor automatic watering systems, often referred to as weekend watering, turn on once every 24 hours. If you install such a system for seedlings or flowers, then you can safely rest for several days without fear that the plants will die.

Manufacturers of automatic watering systems explain in detail how to do this. So there is no particular difficulty.

The water that flows through the pipes warms up, the plants do not experience the “icy touch”, which inevitably happens when watering from a hose attached to a water tap.

Possible options

How to make a "drop" for the greenhouse with your own hands? Drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands can be done in two ways:

1 lay pipes underground;

2 place the hoses on top of the beds, which is very convenient in seasonal greenhouses, since the system can be easily dismantled for the winter.

Would need:

  • a storage tank for water, preferably made of plastic, a cleaning filter should be installed in it;
  • hoses, water pipes (usually plastic), diameter 20-25 mm;
  • fittings for tapping into a barrel, adapters, pipe connectors, auxiliary parts;
  • pump, if you need to irrigate a large area of ​​​​the greenhouse to create the right pressure in the system;
  • valves equipped with a rubber seal;
  • devices for irrigation automation, including a timer.

The main elements of automatic drip irrigation

The filter is designed to purify water so as not to clog the drip tape.

The main hose is laid along the ends of the ridges and fixed in several places. Drip tapes are attached to it.

Drip tape with droppers located at equal distances from each other. It delivers water drop by drop directly under the plants. The drip tape is cut into the required number of segments, the length of each corresponds to the length of the ridge. On the one hand, the segment is connected to a tap installed on the main hose, its other end is wrapped and fixed (with an elastic band).

Taps and connectors (connectors) are intended for connection. At the junction of the main hose and the water source, a filter and a tap are installed using connectors.

An injector will be needed when it is planned to feed plants with water-soluble fertilizers through a drip irrigation system.

Initially, it is necessary to plan the location of the hoses in order to purchase the required number of components.

10 benefits of drip irrigation

1. The flow of water and wetting of the soil directly at the roots.

2. Minimum loss of moisture in the greenhouse due to evaporation. It becomes possible to control the humidity of the air, and this means the harm from diseases that spread through drops of moisture.

3. Water saving.

4. Reducing the number of weeds.

5. The ability to not only water, but also feed the plants.

6. Adjusting the amount of water and fertilizer according to plant growth.

7. Automation of the process during the weekend.

8. Possibility to combine watering with other seasonal activities, such as treatment against diseases and pests or harvesting.

9. Irrigation regardless of the weather, even during strong winds.

10. Reduced damage to plant leaves by moisture drops (burns) in hot weather and fungal diseases.

4 disadvantages of drip irrigation

1. Purchase of equipment for drip irrigation.

2. Clogged belts with small debris and soil.

3. Mechanical damage to droppers and tapes.

4. Point water supply develops in some crops a compacted root system that does not go deep into the soil.


Disadvantages of conventional irrigation

First, significant physical costs - especially when using a watering can. A small plus is mobility.

Secondly, the possible underwatering of plants or uneven watering, since in the absence of a gardener, plants can only receive natural moisture (dew, precipitation).

Thirdly, the harmful effects of moisture drops on the leaves of plants - sunburn, the spread of pathogens.


In greenhouses, watering timers are installed - between the tap and the hose. The device turns off the water supply on time.