How to solder copper pipes using hot and cold solder correctly. Soldering copper pipes: process, tools and materials Copper pipe soldering wire

Heating systems, as well as plumbing, are usually made from copper pipes. The cost of copper is quite high, however, due to the high strength and performance characteristics copper is most often used for such purposes. Among other advantages, it is necessary to highlight antibacterial and anti-corrosion properties, as well as excellent thermal conductivity. Thus, copper found very wide application. Therefore, you should learn how to properly solder copper pipes, if suddenly such a need arises.

Preparation for soldering - what you need to know about this process?

On the this moment You can solder copper in two main ways, which differ from each other in heating temperature. The high-temperature method involves raising the temperature to 900 degrees Celsius; this method has proven itself in pipelines where the pressure on the walls is maximum. To solder copper pipes using the high-temperature process, special materials are required, including carbide flux and hard solder. Ordinary solder will not work here, since only a solid analogue has a melting temperature that reaches the required values.

The low-temperature soldering method is much simpler, since the metal only heats up to 500 degrees, although 380 degrees Celsius is usually enough. At home, various copper elements are usually welded using this method. For work, we need a standard flux that melts at the specified temperatures, as well as a rod or wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm. If we talk about solder, then it should be soft - a 97 percent alloy of tin with metals, for example, with antimony, silver or selenium, is perfect.

In order for the soldered parts to be firmly and firmly fastened together, it is required to select the appropriate flux. Flux is a special substance resembling a paste in its consistency, containing zinc chloride in its composition. This substance is applied in a fairly thick layer to the surface of a pipe or any other copper part. The functions of the flux are quite diverse, among the most important are the following:

  • Allows the solder to spread evenly over the place of soldering;
  • A kind of indicator that makes it possible to determine the right moment to bring the solder and start the copper soldering process;
  • Significantly improves the adhesion of copper and solder;
  • Almost completely removes oxygen, which prevents the oxidation of metal products.

Soldering is quite a dangerous process, because you have to deal with very high temperatures, even with low temperature soldering. Therefore, you need to be very careful, while observing all safety rules. All the nuances in the work should be taken into account, because the hot metal is just as dangerous to human health as the burner itself. In addition, copper is an excellent conductor of heat, which contributes to the heating of a huge area of ​​​​the pipe, and not just the directly soldered area.

If it is necessary to weld copper elements that are not built into pipeline system, you need to prepare for this process in advance. For such cases, special non-flammable supports are provided, on which the copper elements can be located for the time required for their complete cooling.

Fixtures and materials

To complete the task we have conceived, you will need a small list of improvised means and tools. Most of them should be in everyone's home. home craftsman, the rest can be purchased at construction stores or borrow from friends. Here is the list of materials:

  1. 1. Solder.
  2. 2. Soldering flux.
  3. 3. Special expander designed to expand pipes.
  4. 4. Chamfer.
  5. 5. A grinder with a thin disk, a hacksaw or a pipe cutter.
  6. 6. Soldering iron for copper - a propane torch is perfect for this purpose.
  7. 7. Paper napkins.
  8. 8. Rubber gloves and goggles.

Before starting soldering, it is necessary to cut off a certain section of the copper pipe, for which we will use pipe cutters. This mechanism should be chosen based on the diameter of the pipes, as well as their location. After all, in hard-to-reach places working with a large tool will be extremely inconvenient. Bulgarians and hacksaws can also be suitable for these purposes, however, such a high-quality cut as when working with a pipe cutter will not work.

The next step is to remove burrs and roughness at the cut site. Burrs will interfere with high-quality soldering, moreover, their absence has a positive effect on the operation of the pipeline. The fact is that the burrs remaining after cutting create turbulences in the water flow. If similar phenomena does not occur, then the piping system does not experience additional loads and works without deviations. Cleaning is carried out with ordinary sandpaper of medium or high degree of abrasiveness. It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve perfect smoothness, but absolutely anyone can make sure that the cut surface does not scratch.

After manual grinding flux can be applied to the outside of the pipe surface.

Experts recommend using flux gray color. The peculiarity of such a preparation is that heating contributes to a change in the color of the flux from gray to tin. In this case, it becomes somewhat easier to determine the degree of heating of the metal. The same white flux instantly becomes transparent, therefore, it is much more difficult to find the right moment to apply the solder.

Safety precautions include reliable and high-quality rubber gloves that will protect the hands of the master from numerous splinters and burrs that form when cutting metal products. In addition, some craftsmen use a drill with rotating brush nozzles for grinding. Ordinary rag or cloth gloves chew easily when working with such nozzles.

There are some features of soldering that definitely need to be mentioned. For example, flux can be applied with brushes that do not leave behind hairs or villi. Any debris remaining on the surface of the copper pipe will impair its tightness after soldering, which can eventually lead to water leakage.

What to do if the bristles from the brush still remain on the pipe? There are two ways to eliminate a possible defect:

  • It is required to thoroughly clean the surface again, treat it with phosphoric acid, and then heat the flux with a soldering iron and last layer apply tin;
  • Using a burner. To do this, we re-apply the flux on copper with a thin layer, after which we apply a layer of solder, heat it to maximum temperatures and melt it.

In any case, after applying the flux, it is necessary to insert the copper pipe into the socket. Regardless of the thickness of the flux, excess is bound to appear. However, you don’t have to wipe them off, because during soldering, the so-called capillary effect is triggered and the solder, along with the flux, is drawn inward. We bring the heating apparatus to the junction so that all the moisture remaining on the pipes completely evaporates. After that, we heat the apparatus again, this time for a sufficiently long time so that the copper has time to heat up and the flux to melt to a pewter color.

At the moment of the highest temperature, that is, when the flux has acquired the color we need, it is necessary to put solder, after which the soldering process takes place directly. You need to be very careful, because molten metal can flow down the pipe and burn your skin or drip down. Correctly calculated amount of solder will avoid the appearance of excess melt.

Gas burner or soldering iron - features of working with each tool

Skilled craftsmen weld copper elements with the same quality with a gas burner and an electric soldering iron. In the first case, a little more skill and skill is needed, since it can be difficult to work with the instrument at first. This is especially true for hard-to-reach places, for example, soldering a copper radiator when repairing a car. In such cases, powerful electric soldering irons are used.

The very same principle of work is always the same. Unless the soldering iron does the job much faster, since it has a higher heating rate. In addition, the high-temperature soldering method can be implemented exclusively with a soldering iron, since gas-burner to warm hardware, including copper, is not capable.

So fixing cracks on your own or soldering copper pipes at home is not difficult. This is for absolutely everyone.

Copper pipes are widely used in everyday life and industry. Of these, pipelines are constructed to move cold and hot water, heat, gas, oil. These products are not subject to corrosion, strong, durable, do not emit harmful substances, so they are used to submit drinking water. Excellent resistance to high temperatures and pressures. Copper tubes are present in air conditioners and refrigerators, other household appliances. However, nothing is eternal, which is why copper pipes are different reasons may leak. The repair of a copper pipe is fundamentally different from the restoration of steel or plastic products.

Unlike the use of welding work when docking or repairing steel pipes, soldering is used for copper pipelines special materials, tools and methods. Creation of networks from copper brazed structures allows you to save on various connecting elements. And if you do the work yourself, you won’t have to pay third-party specialists for it. However, do not think that everything is so simple. Do-it-yourself soldering of copper pipes is a responsible process and requires special care and some skills in using tools and working methods.

How and what to solder copper

There are only two ways to connect copper pipes:

  • Soldering in high temperature conditions, or "solid", when a value from 600 to 900 degrees is reached during the production of work. Solder in this case refractory is used, and the seam is obtained with high strength characteristics. This method is used to create pipelines designed to work with large loads.
  • Soldering at low temperatures, up to 450 degrees, - usually used for domestic needs. It is called "soft", as the process uses low-melting solder for soldering copper pipes.

It is impossible to get a strong and reliable soldering without using the following tools, Supplies and fixtures:

  • a pipe cutter is necessary so that the cuts of the workpieces are even and strictly perpendicular to the main axis;
  • beveler is needed to clean the cut edges from burrs; fixtures are round and pencil-shaped; round ones are more convenient, but applicable for pipes with a diameter of not more than 36 mm;
  • soldering equipment - the main tool, which is used as an electric soldering iron or a compact propane gas burner;
  • expander - a device with which the edges of pipes are prepared for docking; the depth of processing is determined by the diameter of the workpiece;
  • solder is designed for each mode; for high-temperature soldering, copper wire containing phosphorus is used; low-temperature soldering of copper pipes is performed with tin wire or using lead;
  • the flux can be used in solid or liquid form, alkaline or acid, depending on the conditions of the work; it helps to remove the oxide layer from the joined parts, which contributes to a better connection of metal and solder; sometimes a special paste for soldering copper pipes is replaced with rosin.

For easier adjustment temperature regime in the area of ​​​​adhesion work, an industrial hair dryer is used. By using various nozzles, you can most accurately guide hot air to the right place. This tool is needed to create Better conditions for efficient soldering with low-melting solder by preheating the joint. Also in the work you will definitely need sandpaper with fine powder, a metal brush, rags, brushes, brushes.

Features of copper soldering

Production of work on joining two segments pipe blanks between themselves or with a fitting begins with the processing of the ends. The fitting must be selected according to desired diameter and given configuration. In the case of connecting two pipes, the edge of one of them is expanded special tool. Then you need to clean the surfaces to be joined to a copper sheen, using a fine sandpaper. It turns out that from one end it is done from the inside, from the other - from the outside. Dust is removed with a soft brush or cloth.

If the solder does not have the ability to self-flux, then a flux is applied to the joint in a thin layer. For this purpose, a regular brush is used. Using a torch for soldering copper pipes, the area to be soldered is heated. The main condition is that the heating should be uniform. Usually one minute is enough. Solder is applied to the hot area, which is distributed evenly, moving it simultaneously with the burner. From the resulting temperature, the solder melts and holds the pipes together.

In the case of working with a soldering iron, the solder is heated from the tip of the tool. With any type of adhesive work, a certain amount of experience is required. Because in order to obtain the desired result, it is necessary, firstly, to prevent overheating of materials. Secondly, you need to try to achieve the optimal temperature for better melting of the solder. Both of those are bad. Since insufficient heat will cause the solder to stick to the copper, rather than a strong joint. If overheating is allowed, then the flux, which helps to evenly distribute the solder, will burn out and the connection will also not turn out to be strong.

When installing copper pipes from short lengths, the previous joint should be cooled before proceeding with the connection of the next one. In order not to wait too long to cool down naturally, you can help by laying on a rag soaked in cold water.

And further. If the existing pipeline is being repaired, then it must be completely freed from liquid and dried thoroughly. Since it is impossible to solder copper pipes in a wet state.

Why are copper pipes so popular?

By itself, copper is a soft metal that can be easily forged. In terms of electrical conductivity, it ranks second after silver, therefore it is actively used in the electrical industry. For sanitary products, this metal in its pure form is not suitable due to its high ductility. For the manufacture of pipeline products and connecting fittings copper alloys are used, the composition of which is regulated state standards. Pipe products are made in a cold way (called cold-drawn or cold-rolled) or by hot pressing. Regarding the pricing policy, products made of copper-containing alloys are more expensive than their counterparts made of steel, plastic or metal-plastic. But the costs are more than covered useful properties and excellent operating parameters. It:

  • long service life in the most difficult conditions use - more than 50 years; cases of operation up to 100 years are known;
  • absolute resistance to corrosion and chlorinated water;
  • ability to work in a wide temperature range without changing their specifications;
  • relatively low weight, due to which it is easy to transport, mount and process;
  • salt and other deposits do not form on the internal surfaces, since the products inside have increased smoothness;
  • the presence of antibacterial properties, therefore copper pipes are recommended for transporting drinking water.

The high heat transfer of pipes allows them to be actively used for the manufacture of heat exchangers and cooling systems. They are indispensable in the design of air conditioners and refrigeration units. However, copper is not recommended to be combined with other metals, in order to avoid a possible reaction. Products can be damaged by strongly pronounced aggressive liquids and solid impurities.

Cons of copper pipes

The main disadvantage of copper is its high price. A pipeline made of this material will cost much more than steel or plastic. But this shortcoming pays off due to a long operating time. Any alloy with a copper component is easily susceptible to external deformations. Mechanical influences are completely excluded here. The assembly process cannot be called too laborious, but there are difficulties. The sequence and composition of the soldering procedure must be strictly observed, as well as to have certain skills and experience for this.

For transporting hot water, copper alloys can only be used with great care. Such a pipeline should be laid in hard-to-reach places. In connection with a high degree thermal conductivity of the material, products from it quickly heat up. If handled carelessly, you can get burned. Significant heat losses will also occur. But this "trouble" is dealt with quite simply - by arranging heat-insulating coatings from special polymers.

Scope of application

Scope of use pipe products from copper-containing alloys is very wide. Namely:

  • housing and communal services and private owners;
  • construction;
  • energy;
  • engineering industry;
  • instrumentation;
  • production of household appliances.

Of these, they perform cooler circulation systems in refrigeration equipment and air conditioners various types and capacities. As well as hydraulic oil devices. Copper tubes used for tying technological equipment, for the arrangement of water supply and heating networks. With their participation, pipelines for pumping fuel are being built. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

The need for soldering copper pipes, which is not difficult to perform, given all the features this process, occurs in situations where it is required to carry out installation or repair of water supply and air conditioning systems where they are used. Soldering copper pipes with your own hands or with the help of involved professionals is a great opportunity to create a water supply system in your house or apartment, which many experts call eternal.

The essence of the process

The pipeline created in this way, due to the use of copper pipes during its installation, is highly reliable and exceptionally durable. Of course, such a system has a rather high cost, but it is fully justified by those unique characteristics that he possesses. What is important, copper pipes can be used both in plumbing and in heating systems. In both cases, they demonstrate the highest reliability and durability.

The simplest and most reliable way to install such systems is to solder copper pipes. This connection technology has been used for a long time, it is well studied and does not cause any problems in practical implementation. The essence of this method is that the joint between the parts to be joined is filled special composition which is called solder. In order for the solder for soldering copper pipes to get in and fill the joint between the parts, it is melted under the influence of high temperature. After the heating of the solder stops, and it has already completely filled the future seam, it solidifies, forming a reliable, tight and durable joint.

Copper soldering is also convenient because, if necessary, the connected elements of the pipeline can always be easily separated. To do this, it is enough to heat the junction to make the solder soft and pliable.

What is needed for soldering copper pipes

Soldering copper pipes, which is not difficult to do with your own hands, does not require expensive equipment and any special materials. In order to properly implement it, you will need the following devices.

In addition to flux, solder and other basic elements, additional tools will be needed to solder copper pipes, which can be found in every workshop or garage. To solder or weld copper products, additionally prepare:

  • regular marker;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • a small brush with stiff bristles;
  • a hammer.

Before starting work, it is also important to decide how to solder copper pipes. There can be two main options: brazing copper (less often used) and using solder soft type. When solving this issue, it is important to proceed from the fact that there are requirements for the use of one or another type of solder. So, hard solders are used for soldering elements refrigeration units and air conditioners. In all other cases (water supply systems, heating systems, etc.), tin wire can be used. But whatever technology is chosen, it should be remembered that the flux is necessary in any case.

Copper pipe soldering technology

Soldering or welding and heating, air conditioning and any other devices is quite easy. The algorithm for performing such an operation is as follows.

  • First you need to cut a piece of pipe of the required length, for which a pipe cutter is used. It is very important to place the tool perpendicular to the axis of the pipe so that the cut is as smooth as possible.
  • After the pipe is cut, it must be cleaned. Use to clean the surface of the product metal brush, and its end is freed from burrs and metal dust with a brush. In no case should sandpaper be used for these purposes, as it will leave fine sand on the surface of the pipe, which will impair the adhesion of the solder to the base metal.
  • For whatever purpose you are soldering copper pipes, for air conditioners, refrigerators or heating systems, the edge of one of them must be expanded. The diameter of the end of one of the pipes should be increased to such a value that the other end quietly enters it, leaving only a small gap.
  • The expanded end of the pipe should also be cleaned using a wire brush, not sandpaper or cleaning paste.
  • Flux must be applied to the end of the smaller pipe before soldering. It is very important to evenly distribute the flux during its application, otherwise its excess will get inside the pipe and form frozen drops there, which will create noise when the liquid moves through it.

Before soldering, the prepared ends of the pipes should be inserted into each other, after which you can start soldering, wiping off the excess flux with a damp cloth. In order for the connection to turn out to be of high quality and reliable, it is necessary to warm up the pipes to be joined before using the solder. Heating can be considered sufficient when the flux applied to one of the pipes becomes silvery.

After preheating the joint, solder is brought to it, which, due to the high temperature, begins to melt and fill the joint space. The process is also facilitated by the principle of capillarity, due to which the molten solder fills the gap between the pipes. Soldering is completed at the moment when it completely fills the gap between the connected pipes. This process is very well seen on the video, which is filmed by many experts.

After soldering, the pipes should be allowed to cool down and in no case should they be exposed to mechanical impact. The cooled seam can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove any remaining flux from it.

Now you know how to solder copper pipes. The video below will allow you to more clearly study the soldering process.

When a person takes on the arrangement own house, then naturally tries to do everything at the highest level. At the same time, there are only two ways to implement the conceived ideas: to do the work with the help of attracted professionals, or to do everything exceptional yourself. Moreover, the second option is not only an attempt to save on the services of specialists. There are people who believe, it should be noted often very rightly, that only a person with his own hands can do the work perfectly. And even if the principle “I do everything myself” is dictated solely by financial considerations, then there is nothing shameful in this. Moreover, people who take on complex and high-tech work are respected. As an example, soldering copper pipes can be considered. One has only to add that the relevance of such a topic is dictated by the great popularity of copper pipelines in the construction of plumbing or heating systems.

A little theory before starting work

To begin with, it is worth noting that the opinion of the unaffordable high cost copper pipeline for the average homeowner is highly exaggerated. Yes, copper communications cannot be called budget option, when compared with PVC pipes, but on the other hand, if we consider the strength characteristics and reliability of the connections, then the comparison will definitely be in favor of copper.

So, we are interested in connecting copper pipes when installing, say, a water supply system from the point of view of independent execution. Before you get started, there are a few important things to understand:

  • The vast majority use pipes with 3/8" threads, as well as 3/4" in diameter.
  • The nominal diameter is in any case 3.2 mm less than the outside diameter.
  • Copper pipes with walls of various thicknesses can be used in the work, which is indicated by the corresponding indices: K, L, M. In addition, there is a division of these products into hard and soft ones.

We hasten to assure you that you won’t have to buy something extraordinary and expensive.

Everything you need for copper soldering jobs

Copper pipe brazing technology standard version involves the use of elements that can be easily found in one's own stocks. Well, in extreme cases, you will have to visit the nearest plumbing store. So in order to fulfill correct installation do-it-yourself copper pipes need to be prepared:

  • Solder - exists in the form of special rods or wire. Its melting point is lower than that of copper, which makes it suitable for joining copper pipes by heating.
  • Steel brush - functional purpose consists in cleaning pipes from the outside and fittings from the inside in preparation for soldering. As an alternative, fine-grained sandpaper can be used, but in this case the process will be more labor-intensive.
  • Soldering Flux - Coating pipes and fittings in preparation for soldering.
  • Brush - application of flux paste.
  • Skin - cleaning surfaces.
  • propane burner small size paired with a welding switch mechanism. It is used to heat pipes and fittings during the connection process.
  • Heat resistant lining.
  • Copper pipe.
  • Fitting.

Of the above list, the most specific item is a gas burner. Modern market offers them in various variations: simple, with piezo ignition, for different types gas bottles.

Hard soldering of copper pipes is alternative way pipe connections, providing high seam strength. Hard solder alloys BCuP or BAg are used as additives. It is they who ensure the reliability of the solder joint. But according to SNiP, such solder is required first of all during repairs refrigeration equipment or air conditioners, and for communications it is enough to use soft solder, for example, tin.

The work will be carried out as efficiently as possible if at hand there is an inexpensive, for example, Polish-made, burner, but with a piezo ignition. Acquisition of a branded model, but without this function, is a mistake.

Soft soldering algorithm

Cleaned with a brush inner part connections. Then, the outer surface is brought to a beautiful copper sheen with sandpaper. After that, the flux paste is applied with a brush both outside and inside the joints, which are then inserted into each other.

Solder is applied along the edges of the joints. At the same time, there is no need to process with solder around the entire perimeter of the joint, if tin solder is in use, then it is enough to process it, only half of the perimeter. Tin tends to soak into the compound.

Possible soldering errors:

  • Before soldering copper pipes correctly, it must be clearly understood that the temperature of the burner flame reaches 1000 ° C. It is important not to overexpose the joints in the epicenter of the flame. It takes 15-20 seconds to warm up.
  • We must not forget about the protection of objects from heat in the place where soldering is performed. Particular emphasis should be placed on the removal of combustible and flammable substances.
  • Often underestimated is the importance of adequate ventilation in working area. Windows and doors should be open, if necessary, you can turn on the fan.

When soldering copper connections it is important not to overheat the place of soldering

How else can you connect copper elements?

An alternative to classical soldering is the connection of copper pipes with fittings, which can be of two types:

  1. Crimp - made of brass. Inside such a fitting there is a compression ring that ensures the tightness of the connection.
  2. Capillary soldering - differ in inner diameter from the outer indicator by 0.1-0.15 mm.

The use of a fitting method for connecting copper pipes can subsequently provide additional benefits, namely the possibility of complete recovery. That is, copper elements that have undergone replacement can be reused under certain conditions.

Safety first

Installation of copper pipes cannot be performed when arranging a kitchen, that is, to meet drinking needs. When copper comes into contact with chlorine contained in tap water, compounds harmful to the body are formed. If we are talking about such a source of water supply as a well, then there are absolutely no restrictions.

Such beautiful neat seams should be the result of

The end result of soldering copper pipes is a tight beautiful seam, but its reliability needs to be checked. If soldering was performed within the device plumbing system, then it just needs to be filled with water, creating the maximum operating pressure. In this case, there is no need to rush, it is necessary to allow the seam to cool completely, otherwise it will simply crack from sharp drop temperatures.

Soldering copper pipes is easy and reliable way permanent connection of the pipeline. Copper is one of those metals that lend themselves well to soldering. However, in order to do the work with your own hands, you must adhere to safety rules and have certain knowledge.

To understand how to solder copper pipes, you need to study the technology of the soldering process, a list of equipment and tools for the work.

Pipe connection technology

Copper is an excellent material for communications such as water supply, heating and gas pipelines. Copper products have a mass positive characteristics, namely:

  • Resistant to corrosion;
  • Have a smooth surface;
  • Not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Have bactericidal properties;
  • Have high thermal conductivity;
  • Withstand high temperatures;
  • Durable;
  • Durable.

Despite the fact that copper is a relatively expensive material, it is increasingly being chosen in the arrangement of communications. To make the pipeline strong and durable, it is better to solder it. According to regulatory documents There are two types of soldering:

  • High temperature;
  • Low temperature.

High-temperature soldering is used where a particularly strong connection of parts is required. At home brazing used to repair copper and brass products in cases where there is no other alternative.

Soldering copper pipes with your own hands is a doable task. The technology by which products are soldered involves the use of elements such as:

  • Solder;
  • Flux;
  • Brush;
  • Burner.

Special cases of soldering

The technology of one-piece soldering of pipes involves the introduction of solder between them. Solder has a melting point slightly lower than copper. Soldering products provides for the capillary effect, in which wetting occurs and the solder spreads over the entire surface. Solder is produced in the form of a wire.

Some difficulty is the soldering of copper with the following metals:

  • aluminum;
  • brass;
  • Stainless steel.

The technology by which copper is combined with aluminum, brass and stainless steel differs from others and involves the use of special solders and fluxes. The connection of copper with such metals cannot be soldered in the usual way due to the fact that an oxide film is instantly formed on the surface of the products.

In order to solder copper to aluminum, you must:

  • Remove the oxide film;
  • Cover the surface of the products with rosin.

Also, the connection of copper with brass is carried out using hard copper-phosphorus solder.

What is flux for?

Flux is a special paste or powder that cleans the surface of products from dirt and oxides, and also contributes to better solder spreading. Another important point is that the flux performs a protective function against the ingress of oxygen into the butt joint. Today there are such types of flux:

  • anti-corrosion;
  • Acid;
  • Acid-free;
  • Activated.

Flux for soldering copper must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a melting point below the solder temperature;
  • Evenly cover the surface of the product at the place of soldering;
  • The flux must completely dissolve copper oxides.

The flux must be used to protect the metal from interaction with air, which results in high-quality and reliable connection details.

After completion of work, the junction must be thoroughly rinsed and the flux residues removed to avoid corrosion at the junction of the parts.

What tool is needed for soldering

In order to solder copper parts at home, you must have a set of tools. The main tool is a soldering iron, which performs the function of heating parts. You will also need the following set of tools to work:

  • Pipe cutter;
  • Chamfer;
  • Expander for pipes;
  • A hammer;
  • Roulette.

As a soldering iron, a gas burner is most often used, the work of which is that gas is supplied from the built-in cartridge. Thanks to the tip heating system, the gas burner is ready for use in just a few seconds. The gas burner is of the following types:

  • For single use;
  • With a stationary balloon;
  • Acetylene-oxygen.

The gas burner differs according to the following criteria:

  • Power;
  • performance;
  • The composition of the gas.

In order to connect pipes to construction sites or other objects public utilities, necessary powerful equipment- apparatus with a stationary gas cylinder.

Suitable for connecting pipes at home household appliance with a disposable balloon.

Such equipment has a lot of positive advantages:

  • Mobility;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Adjusting the heating rate;
  • Security.

A quality gas burner should have a bright blue flame. To refuel the burner, ordinary lighter gas is suitable, which works on the same principle.

The composition of the gas differs depending on the type of soldering. There are such types of composition of the gas mixture:

  • Gas - air;
  • The gas is oxygen.

Gas torch for soldering copper pipes