How to make a barn from foam blocks with your own hands. The pride of a home craftsman: a barn made of foam blocks. Strip foundation for the hozblok

Gardening and landscaping work involves a wide variety of tools and equipment. For a long time they occupied a place in the garage, and, along with their presence in the garage, there was a lot of dirt - it is unrealistic to completely clean shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows and other things useful for the gardener from dirt. And then one day, on a beautiful summer day, it was decided to build a small shed to store them.

First of all, the strip foundation was poured, which will serve as the basis for our canopy walls. After the concrete has gained strength, you can start laying the walls.
To perform the work, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • trowel;
  • building level;
  • nylon cord;
  • construction falcon;
  • shovel;
  • stitching for seams.

Expanded clay concrete blocks and cement-sand mortar will be used from the materials.

Preparations are over, it's time to start work. The first step is to mark the installation site of the first block. The geometry of the entire future structure will depend on how it is installed. It is immediately necessary to calculate the axial center of the walls adjacent to each other. To do this, we measure the thickness of one and the other wall, divide it in half and make marks on the concrete. Serifs can be made with any sharp object, or just a trowel.

After the center is found, we take out the overall size of the masonry block on the foundation. Of course, you can not do this, but during installation, use a tape measure to move the block back and forth, but this is not always convenient on a freshly laid solution and it is not very easy to carry out such a process on your own, you will need an assistant for anyone.

The brand and, accordingly, the strength of the mortar will depend on the proportion of cement-sand. The most optimal ratio would be 1:3, which will be approximately equal to brand 150.

We deliver the solution to the installation site of the first block and spread it evenly under the first block. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the block has two cavities in the middle, so it is not necessary to make a “bed” for the entire block, it is enough to lay the solution only under the stiffening ribs.

We install the block in the design position. We do not strongly press it to the base, center it on the marks and check the straightness of its installation with a building level. For the first block, you can use a level of any length, even 30 cm will be enough.

We check the horizontal and vertical position of the installed unit. There is a level!

We are preparing a "bed" for the next block. Then we proceed to the preparation of the block itself.

The sides of the block, like those of the brick, have their own name. The elongated flat part is called the bed. The lateral elongated part is a spoon, and the lateral narrow part is a poke.

Our masonry is spoon-shaped, since it is the spoon that looks outward. The blocks are connected to each other by a poke, in which special grooves are made, to fill them with mortar in order to better adhere to each other. Abundantly clog them with a solution. You should not worry about the extra solution, during the installation process it will fall off by itself.

We install the second block close to the first, press and press so that it falls into place and check the horizon. If the block is slightly raised, you can tap and plant it with a trowel or a wooden mallet.

The next critical step is the installation of the corner block of the second row. It is installed with a bandage relative to the first row in such a way as to overlap half of the first block in the perpendicular direction. By the same principle, the corner blocks of all subsequent rows of masonry are laid.

In order not to constantly apply the level to each ordinary block, you can set the two extreme ones and pull a nylon cord between them, which will show the top level of the blocks.

Aesthetic beauty is an important moment in construction. And the point is not even in architecture, but in giving the simplest building structures accuracy and completeness. For masonry, such a measure is the jointing of the seams. We take a special trowel and with light movements we drive along fresh seams.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to rush and everything will work out!

No suburban area can do without a barn. In a building of this kind, you can store inventory, various equipment and other things. Often such objects of economic importance are created before the construction of a residential building begins. You can order the construction of a utility block from aerated concrete or timber in our company. We have extensive experience in the construction of objects for various purposes and are ready to help you equip your suburban area.

Benefits of working with our company

We do it on time or for free. Construction is divided into stages with an agreed deadline.

"Full construction". All work is done by one company.

Ability to accept payments by installments or on credit.

There are no hidden fees. The price is final at the stage of the contract.

Quality control is carried out at every stage of building a house by our competent services.

Quality construction work thanks to. We have over 300 successfully completed projects.

Delivery of materials within 200 km from the Ring Road free of charge

Types of aerated concrete sheds

Outbuildings are very popular with summer residents. But even at the place of permanent residence, such structures allow you to create a convenient room for storing various garden utensils and unload the living space of the house. In our company, you can order sheds from aerated concrete blocks of the following types:

Aerated concrete barn is very easy to convert into a sauna, a small farm or a garage. To do this, think over this possibility in advance and choose a project that can later be transformed into a building of the type you need.

Prices for construction services

Vapor barrier installation
Installation of insulation in 1 layer 60rub/m2
metal tile from 280 rub/m2
Flexible tile (bituminous) from 300 rub/m2
Wavy sheets (euroslate) from 200 rub/m2
natural tile from 400 rub/m2
seam roof from 350 rub/m2
Decking from 250 rub/m2
Gutter system from 350 rub/m.p.

Device "warm floor" from 450 rub/m2
Treatment of the screed with a primer (moisture protection, dust removal) from 30 rub/m2
Floor log device from 180 rub/m2
Alignment and strengthening of floor beams under the level (if installed earlier) from 80 rub/m2
Installation of rough floors from edged boards from 100 rub/m2
Vapor barrier installation from 50 rub/m2
Warming (for 1 layer 50 mm) from 50 rub/m2
floor board flooring from 300 rub/m2

Construction stages of the hozblok

By contacting our company, you can get a ready-made and equipped barn for further use. Our experts will build such a structure for you in several stages:

  • They will mark the perimeter of the trenches and create a foundation.
  • Walls will be erected according to the selected project.
  • Install the truss system and mount the roof.
  • Install engineering communications.

Advantages of aerated concrete for the construction of a barn

Aerated concrete is an environmentally friendly material that allows you to quickly build structures of any type. But the benefits of aerated concrete do not end there. With the right approach to construction, you can get a strong and durable barn from this material. This material is resistant to decay, moisture and other negative factors.

With the help of aerated concrete, you can build a utility block, which has a good microclimate. This is very important if you are going to use such a barn for breeding animals or storing crops from your garden. Aerated concrete has high frost resistance characteristics.

Do you want to order the construction of a utility block from aerated concrete or brick? Call our company. We will offer you an option that you cannot refuse.

Frequently asked questions about the construction of aerated concrete blocks

The minimum thickness of a bearing wall according to building codes is 250 mm, even if it is a summer house. The smaller wall thickness is not able to withstand the loads of the roof and the influence of external factors such as wind. For year-round living in the house, it must be equipped with a heating system, facade insulation and ventilation. For internal partitions, smaller blocks are used, their thickness is 100mm.

Finishing a house made of aerated concrete should be taken seriously. Aerated concrete material with high vapor permeability. Due to the temperature difference (inside and outside), condensation forms in it. Therefore, for exterior decoration, it is worth choosing a material that helps reduce vapor permeability. The most budget option for finishing is staining. However, the walls in this case should be close to a perfectly flat state. You can reduce the cost of painting by using inexpensive facade putty. To give it the desired color, add a water-based color scheme. The most rational finishing option is a ventilated facade using sheet finishing materials (block house, siding, etc.). The most expensive is facing brick, it is also the most durable and reliable.

  • - it is better to abandon heavy materials (natural tiles) in order to reduce the load on the load-bearing walls;
  • - tightness must be observed so that moisture does not seep inside.
  • When choosing materials, it is better to turn to classic sheet. The most budgetary, but at the same time reliable and durable - slate (asbestos-cement sheet). However, such a sheet cannot be mounted independently due to its weight and fragility; it periodically requires treatment from the fungus. A very practical material is bituminous slate (ondulin). It is easy to install and affordable. Unlike metal tiles, it is silent.

    Yes, when ordering construction in our company, you can use interest-free installments. We also cooperate with banks, where you can arrange construction on credit on favorable terms.

    Since aerated concrete has a relatively small weight, you can save the budget for the construction of the foundation. The main nuance is the rigidity of the base, since cracks can occur during its subsidence. Before choosing a foundation, it is necessary to conduct geological surveys and determine the type of soil. If the soil is heaving or sandy, that is, it is in motion, then only a strip foundation will do. If the groundwater level is high, then it is better to opt for a monolithic slab. But if the soil allows, a columnar foundation will save a lot of money and time compared to previous options.

    Not a single suburban area is complete without household facilities. Sheds for summer cottages often begin to be built before the construction of the main residential building. The use of block materials made on the basis of lightweight concrete is considered effective.

    For construction, it is enough to choose a block with a size of 200 * 300 * 600 mm. It is advisable to calculate the amount of material based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. There are usually 5-6 standard modules per 1 m².

    To carry out the work you will need:

    • trowel, hacksaw;
    • level;
    • mallet;
    • the comb is 4 cm narrower than the block being used;
    • shovel;
    • fittings;
    • building nails and a hammer;
    • buckets, containers for mixing mortar.

    The block shed effectively resists burglary, which is important for those owners who visit the site from time to time

    Why is it profitable to build a barn from blocks

    Blocks made of lightweight concrete are characterized by optimal technical characteristics, combining the properties of wood and brick.

    By manipulating such material, the following benefits can be achieved:

    • against the background of impressive dimensions, the product has an acceptable weight, which does not require the involvement of technical devices, facilitates transportation;
    • block sizes allow you to build a structure at high speed;
    • all types of block materials are good heat and vapor insulators;
    • ease of processing;
    • environmental friendliness, low susceptibility to combustion.

    The final choice should be based on the availability of the material, the possibility of implementing exterior finishes after completion of the work, the economic component, and the conditions of the area.

    schematic drawing

    Initially the builder must decide on the functional purpose of the building. The barn is often used to store various household equipment, keep animals or equip mini-workshops. Based on this, you can draw a drawing that indicates the dimensions of the structure, the presence of partitions, windows, doors. For the initial, you can take a height of 2-2.4 m, an area of ​​​​6-9 m², these are standard parameters.

    • in order to comply with all the rules for choosing the location of an object, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with SNiP 30.02.97;
    • if a toilet is installed as an addition, the premises will contain poultry / livestock, the minimum distance to the walls of a residential building is taken as 12 m, to the border of the adjacent plot - 4 m;
    • when arranging a shed combined with a shower room, the distance from the house should be at least 8 m, 1 m - to the neighboring site.

    When the required volume of material is calculated, and it is on the site, you can proceed to the foundation work. In this case, it is effective to introduce a strip or columnar bearing base.

    Do-it-yourself construction of the foundation of a barn from foam blocks

    Due to the small area of ​​​​the object, the master expects a moderate amount of earthwork, which can be done with a shovel with his own hands.

    The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • on the selected, previously cleared area, the fertile soil layer is removed;
    • depending on what the project is for the shed of blocks, a trench breaks out according to the marking, 30 cm wide, 40-50 cm deep. Usually this is a rectangular recess;
    • the bottom is leveled horizontally;
    • a 10-15 cm sand and gravel cushion is laid out;
    • ramming is implemented;
    • then the formwork is set (20 cm above the ground level), a reinforcing cage made of a bar of a periodic profile d 8-10 mm. If welding is used, it is convenient to carry it out near the future building, knitting is carried out directly in the trench;
    • from below and to the side of the frame, pebbles, pieces of foam, brick or concrete, 5 cm high are laid. This is necessary to create a protective concrete layer that protects steel from corrosion.

    Working solution (1 part of cement, 4 - sand, 4 - gravel)
    laid out in the formwork and bayoneted, for which they use a reinforcing bar or a suitable stick - so the concrete will fill all the voids. After 5-6 days, it is permissible to build a barn from blocks.

    The presented range of works refers to the strip foundation, which is relevant for capital buildings for household purposes. If you want to build a room for storing small inventory and belongings, you can get by with a columnar base.

    Pillars can be made from blocks, according to the recommendations presented:

    • pits 50 * 50 cm, 40 cm deep are dug along the perimeter;
    • for a structure of 2 * 2.5 m, eight pits are enough;
    • sand 15 cm is poured to the bottom of the recesses and compacted;
    • structurally, the column will consist of two modules, which are stacked on top of each other and fixed with a concrete screed.

    Working with block materials

    Even such a simple structure as a barn requires adherence to masonry technology. The master must observe the verticality of the walls and their horizontality, using a plumb line and level. Before starting work, mastic is applied to the supporting base and waterproofing based on roofing material is laid out.

    Popular barn projects from blocks involve combining with baths, summer kitchens, garages, country toilets and shower rooms

    The material can be foam block, gas block, cinder block, expanded clay concrete, sawdust concrete block - that is, the material that is most accessible to the master. The rows must be connected with metal mortgages, despite the fact that this is a barn, it must have strong walls.

    Block laying is implemented in the following way:

    • corners are removed, a mooring cord is stretched between them;
    • when working, it is permissible to use a cement-sand mortar;
    • above each connection of two modules, in the next row, a whole block should be placed (ligation is carried out);
    • from the outer and inner sides, the protruding solution is carefully removed;
    • when installing the module in place, it is adjusted with a rubber mallet.

    barn roof

    If the project involves the arrangement of a shed roof, the front wall of the structure should be higher than the back, which will help maintain the slope of the roof. Experienced builders recommend building gable roofs, then extra space will appear in the attic, which is convenient in the household and warmer for the interior space of the barn itself. Such designs look more aesthetically pleasing.

    The general sequence of actions is as follows:

    • to expose the rafters on top of the wall structures, a Mauerlat is laid out. This is a wooden beam - a support for the rafters;
    • fastening is carried out using anchors or bolts;
    • the Mauerlat section is maintained within 200 * 200 mm, 150 * 150 mm;
    • under the beam it is recommended to lay a layer of roofing material with an overlap;
    • cross beams of the floor are laid out on the Mauerlat;
    • rafter legs are assembled on the ground (like a triangle), rise up, are alternately mounted in prepared grooves with fixation with jibs and struts. For rafters, a beam of 100 * 50 mm is used;
    • the top is connected by a ridge board;
    • a crate is built, the features of which depend on the type of roofing material. Usually a 30 mm edged board is sufficient. It is recommended to lay a continuous crate under a soft roof;
    • wood is treated with flame retardants and antiseptics to prevent accidental fire and decay.

    It is convenient to place the barn next to the neighbor's back-to-back type. It is more aesthetic, based on the overall perception of space.

    At the end, roofing material is laid, doors and windows are inserted, and the facade is finished. The work is carried out according to traditional technology and should not cause difficulties. The total cost of construction is quite acceptable, for a barn of foam blocks the price will be about 180 tr.

    Provided that the foundation of the garage is ready, a shed of blocks can be erected in a few days. The utility building can be attached to the blank wall of a residential building. Well, if it is located on the northeast, northwest or north side.

    How to build a barn from foam blocks and what will be its price is shown in the video:

    Hozblok project - visualization

    As a building material for outbuildings, both designers and independent developers often provide one or another type of concrete stones. Sufficient strength and low price speak in their favor, and the fact that, thanks to the enlarged format, you can quickly and without any special skills of a bricklayer build walls with your own hands.

    In particular, we will look at how to build a foam block from foam blocks. Although, the information provided by us may be useful in other cases.

    What is a hozblok

    Recently, the hozblok is increasingly called an ordinary barn. But this is not entirely true, since the term "block" refers to a structure or structure consisting of several parts, or having a double size.

    Accordingly, it is much more correct to call a hozblok such a structure that combines two or more functions for household purposes: a shed-garage, a bath-summer kitchen, a chicken coop-shed. It can only be a barn, but double, designed for 2 owners.

    Why combine?

    Such a combination allows you to take up a minimum of space for construction, which is why today this is how outbuildings are most often designed. And if we take into account that two functional buildings will have a common wall, then the savings will be expressed not only in square meters, but also in rubles.

    Of course, if you have a large enough plot and there is no need to save money, you can pay attention to summer kitchen projects from foam blocks, build a gazebo, a chicken coop, or separately from this material.

    Which of the above objects would not be a priority for you will be the same. The only thing for a bath is to take into account the wet operating mode of operation, which requires proper interior decoration.

    In other cases, for household buildings, it will be enough only to protect the walls from constant wetting from the outside. But first things first.

    Building dimensions

    As for the parameters of buildings, then everything is individual, and depends on the specific purpose:

    • If you just want to build a barn with one interior space, then it can be quite compact - for example, 3 * 4.5m.
    • When you want to make a hozblok with several pantries, an area of ​​18m2 will be enough. Accordingly, the length and width of the building along the axes will be 6 * 3m, as in the photo.

    • If a garage or carport is attached to the utility block, then the dimensions of the car must also be taken into account. A passenger car requires at least 24m2 of area (6m in length and 4m in width). Accordingly, taking into account these parameters, the total size of the building should increase.
    • When there is a garden-garden on the site, you can not do without a basement in which you can store crops and harvesting. It is very convenient to make it under the barn, because:
      1. firstly, the presence of a ground structure helps to maintain a stable temperature in the dungeon;
      2. secondly, it is better than looking for a separate place for a cellar or arranging it under a residential building.
    • When constructing a utility block with a cellar, the building must be divided into two parts:
      1. In one half, in which garden tools and other tools are stored, an ordinary door will lead;
      2. In the second half, where the entrance to the cellar is located, the door should be barn - so that you can bring bags and boxes on a wheelbarrow, and not carry them on yourself.

    The picture above shows an option with the most optimal parameters of the building itself, and the dimensions of the openings for doors and windows. Next, your attention is invited to a small instruction that tells how to build a hozblok. It will help to understand this issue and the video in this article.

    Building a hozblok

    Most often, the owners decide to build outbuildings from foam blocks when this material was used to build the main house and there was a surplus. In this case, you have to build from what is, without thinking about the selection of stones in size. Otherwise, the question of block sizes arises.

    Note: If you purchased a project of a utility block from foam blocks, then it will also contain an explication of materials - including their types and parameters.

    • In principle, many manufacturers produce only one, the most popular version of foam concrete wall products: 600 mm long, 200 mm thick and 300 mm high.
    • But if you wish - if, for example, you need to make thicker walls, you can find other options (250, 300 or 400 mm thick). For you can take products with a thickness of 100-120 mm.
    • In addition to the blocks themselves, for the construction of walls you will need a masonry mixture. If it is important for you that it is warm in the building - for example, if you are building a room for winter keeping of poultry, a garage or a bathhouse, then it is better to use special glue for masonry.

    Note: Since perlite sand is added instead of quartz sand as a filler in the adhesive mixtures for cellular blocks, the joints are obtained with the same thermal conductivity as cellular concrete.

    If, on the site, just a barn, a fence or a gazebo made of foam blocks will be built, then it is quite possible to use an ordinary cement-sand mortar for masonry.

    Foundation for masonry

    Before you start building walls, you need to take care of a reliable support for them. There may be several options - but it depends on what exactly you will build.

    Foundation type Its advantages as a support for a farm building

    If, for example, you are building a garage with a barbecue area, a gazebo or a summer kitchen, it would be most convenient to pour a concrete slab, which will not only serve as a base for masonry, but will also serve as a floor. However, this is the most time-consuming and expensive option.

    Monolithic tape is cheaper because:
    • The foundation is not poured under the entire building spot, but only along the contour of the walls;
    • The thickness of the floors poured over the ground is half the height of the slab;
    • The floors can not be filled at all, but made frame.
    • It will take less time to fill.

    Note: True, you still have to wait 28 days until the concrete reaches the required strength.

    He was blinded from what was - a prefabricated-monolithic version

    You can simplify your task if you take large-format hollow blocks to build the foundation, which will serve as a fixed formwork. Their advantage lies in the fact that they take on part of the load on themselves and you can start laying in a week, and not wait a whole month.

    Please note: You can also lay out a strip foundation from brick. For this, only a full-bodied clay version is used, but in no case a silicate or hyper-pressed brick, or the foam block itself.

    In the same way as for a shallow foundation, the walls of the basement can also be laid out, if one is provided under the utility block. When using hollow blocks, their cavity can be filled with concrete and reinforced for reliability. When you need to insulate, expanded clay is simply poured into the cavity.

    Note: If foundation blocks are used for this purpose, then they will not need an additional foundation device. If the blocks are wall, then under them it will be necessary to fill in a tape or the same slab at the bottom of the pit.

    There are frequent cases when all the previous options are not suitable for the simple reason that water is close in the ground, or you have to build on difficult terrain. In these situations, there is only one salvation - piles.

    There are quite a few types of them, but it is unlikely that anyone will hammer reinforced concrete under the barn. There is a great option for this - metal screw piles. They are tied around the heads with a wide channel, the back of which will serve as an excellent base for masonry.

    Construction of masonry and its protection

    After your foundation is ready, you can start building walls. Regardless of the type of base, it is necessary to lay a roll of waterproofing material under the masonry.

    And it is better if it is glued to concrete with mastic. This immutable rule is used not only when working with foam blocks, but also for any other wall materials.

    • Even if the blocks are mounted on glue, the first row is laid on the DSP. This makes it possible to level out all the uneven surfaces of the foundation.
    • First, corner blocks are laid, and a mooring cord is pulled between them, which will be a guide for further masonry.
    • The position of the blocks is leveled, adjusted with a rubber mallet.
    • To continue further work, the first row needs to stand for a day to gain strength.
    • From the second row, you can already lay the blocks on the glue, but you can continue to use the solution for the utility block.
    • After bringing the masonry to the required height, you will need to make a roof for your hozblok, which can be either single-pitched or gable or hip.
    • You can create a slope on a shed roof due to differences in the height of opposite walls, or you will have to mount wooden racks for this purpose.

    In any case, the main load-bearing element of the roof is the Mauerlat beam, which is mounted directly to the top of the masonry. To do this, an armored belt is preliminarily arranged along the perimeter of the walls, into which metal threaded studs are embedded. It is due to them that the beam will stay on the walls.

    The design of the roof already depends on which version of it will be built. You can cover it with absolutely any material - but it is better if it is similar to that used for other buildings on the site.

    And in conclusion about the protection of the walls. Foam concrete belongs to the category of cellular concrete, and they are quite hygroscopic due to the porous structure. Therefore, it is desirable to protect the outside of the masonry from moisture. At a minimum, it can be a hydrophobic impregnation or plaster.

    Ideally, sheathe walls of foam blocks using a ventilated facade system. As in the case of the roof, the same option as on the facade of the house will look ideal, but you can choose something else: siding, profiled sheet, plastic lining.

    If you decide whether to purchase foam blocks for the construction of outbuildings or just buy, be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material, its advantages and disadvantages.

    First of all, it is worth noting the benefits of such a purchase, since the blocks are much cheaper than wood, and they are not inferior to it in quality and reliability. They are also cheaper than bricks, while walls can reach a thickness of up to 30 cm. They can be easily processed, sawn and combined with other building materials.

    In addition, such buildings will "breathe", which reduces the development of mold and mildew, which makes the premises warmer, more comfortable and more suitable for storing a variety of materials.

    Foam blocks can be compared with wood, only they are more durable and do not burn.. In such a shed, it is much more convenient to carry out communications (water pipes, heating systems, electrical wiring) due to the fact that it is easy to drill holes in the material and ditch it. However, any building material has drawbacks, which also affected the blocks. The main disadvantages include:

    • The fragility of the material, which is why experts advise building a high-quality foundation, preferably from a monolithic slab. But you can also build strip concrete, which is much more economical, although you will have to make reinforcing meshes every 3-4 meters.
    • High level of water absorption (about 15%). That is why you need to create reliable waterproofing and apply other methods of protection against dampness.
    • High vapor permeability, and therefore it is better to use an external vapor barrier, which will contribute to the rejection of moisture during "wet" periods.

    To learn how to build a barn from foam blocks, just check out our instructions.

    1. The first stage consists in preparing the foundation, creating formwork and pouring concrete. First, we mark our future structure on the territory, marking it with pegs, remove the soil and dig a trench up to 50 cm deep. Drainage (a layer of sand, gravel and crushed stone) needs to be poured into the bottom, we install a reinforcing mesh from above and create formwork. Next, we knead concrete (cement, water and fine sand), so that the solution turns out like sour cream, then pour the mixture. If it's hot outside, dampen the foundation with water for the first few days to keep it from cracking.
    2. The next step is building walls. If you do everything according to the instructions, you will not have problems at this stage. The main thing is to think in advance where the door and window openings will be located. Do not forget that the walls must be mounted on a waterproofing layer laid on the foundation. In order for the joint layers to be of a minimum size, it is best to use a mixture of sand and cement.
    3. We proceed to the direct construction. It is correct to start work from the corner of the building, for which you need to operate the building level and the corner block, constantly monitoring the evenness of the walls. If necessary, you can easily cut blocks using a hacksaw or power saw. And so, step by step, we build walls, following the evenness of the masonry.
    4. The last stage is the roof, the construction of which will also cost you quite cheaply, especially if you cover it not with metal tiles, but with simple slate. The basis of the entire structure will be the guide beam, between which it is necessary to install the floor beams. The most suitable beam diameter is 10-15 cm. To support the rafters, we use vertical racks, which are best done closer to the center for reliability. Slate or any other roofing material is overlapped on the prepared base. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws.

    So, before starting work, select the place where the building will be located. The approach to it should not take you much time, but the barn should not be conspicuous either. Therefore, it is undesirable to build it in front of the house; places near the garden or right behind the house are best suited, where it will be hidden from prying eyes.. Do not choose places in the lowlands, because when the snow melts or during the rainy season, there is a high probability of flooding.