Do-it-yourself parquet grinding - stages of work. Parquet sanding. How we do Manual parquet sanding

A lot of non-informative and worthless articles have been written about do-it-yourself parquet scraping, which poorly reveal the topic. Sometimes you read an article and do not understand anything in it, you even get confused. An attempt is not torture, but once again about how to independently restore any parquet floors.

Before you decide on independent work, study the issue thoroughly so as not to get up and think about what to do next and what to do.

Parquet sanding tool and accessories

For self-polishing parquet, you need to have 3 grinders that can sand the floors as well as possible, with your zero skills. Equipment can be rented. Do not look for the cheapest rental, otherwise you can take a poorly functioning device. Look for an office that equips not only with equipment, but also with varnish chemistry, abrasives.

  1. Belt sander - Lagler Hummel and its analogues (do not take CO-206 - you will ruin your floor with this machine).
  2. Three-disk surface grinder - Lagler Trio or CO-318 (these machines are exactly the same).
  3. Corner machine - Lagler Flip or analogues.
  4. Eccentric manual vibro machine with a diameter of 120 mm. (For local elimination of detected pits and scratches from the draw frame).
  5. Putty spatula 20-30 cm long. Small spatula.
  6. Fishing rod, roller handle and varnish roller. Small roller with a handle.
  7. Vacuum cleaner.
  8. Washing mop.


Under the technique you need abrasive materials. You can buy them from the company. We recommend taking an abrasive with a margin so that it is enough for you. Return the excess when you return the equipment. For each machine you will be given the right type of abrasive, do not get confused.

Parquet sanding always starts with a belt machine, then an angle grinder and then a three-disc machine. At the end of grinding, minor flaws are eliminated with an eccentric manual machine.

And so, if the parquet is old and in poor condition with poured varnish, then such parquet must be sanded with numbers P24 or P36, and after sanding off the varnish, it is necessary to increase the numbers by P40, P60 and P80. If the parquet is not heavily killed, then parquet grinding can be started with P40 abrasive. You can stop sanding the parquet with a belt machine on the P60 abrasive, since the three-disc machine will grind the floor until the risks are eliminated further.

On a three-disc machine, you can put abrasive numbers P40, P60, P80, P100 and P120. If the parquet has a lot of scratches and pits, then start sanding the floor with P40 and finish with P100 or P120.

An abrasive can be placed on the corner machine, starting with P24 (P36 or P40), then P60 and P80.

Parquet sanding procedure

First, the parquet is sanded with a belt machine, which removes the old varnish and more or less levels the floor plane. We reach with it the abrasive P60. Then we grind the old varnish with an angle grinder. After that, we putty the parquet with a wide stainless steel spatula. I'm waiting for an hour. After the putty dries, we continue to grind the parquet with a tape machine number P60, then we continue to work on the corner. After the putty is removed, we go through the finishing passes with a three-disc machine from the number P40 or P60, finishing sanding at the number P100 or P120. After grinding is completed, it is necessary to carefully examine the floor for pits and scratches. If any are found, touch it up manually with an eccentric machine, and possibly start the surface grinder again.

How to walk cars along the parquet

The initial passes of the draw frame must be carried out at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the dies. Then turn around and finish the opposite side. And then turn around 90 degrees and continue grinding. You should get a cross. Crossing will level the floor. When increasing abrasive numbers, keep this cross.

Three-disc and angle machine can be walked as you like.

Grinding quality check

You can check the quality of parquet polishing in a simple way, take a flashlight, put it on the floor and highlight the surface. Scattered light will reveal all your shortcomings, which are not too late to eliminate. This is especially true of near-wall places where grinding is the worst.

Preparing the floor for varnishing

The floor must be thoroughly vacuumed before varnishing. Do not wash!

Parquet varnishing

Before varnishing parquet, and even before sanding it, you need to study in advance the instructions for applying the varnish that you purchase. It is advisable to purchase varnish in the same place where you will rent equipment. Check with the manager, he will tell you what they have available and how to apply it.

When varnishing parquet yourself, you need to purchase water-soluble varnishes, they are easier to work with and easy to restore the surface if something goes wrong. Apply such varnishes should be at least 3 layers, preferably 4 or 5 layers. Before finishing varnishing, interlayer grinding with a P150 mesh should be carried out, then cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a washing mop.


What a great article it turned out, now you understand how hard it is to understand and remember everything in order to polish the parquet on your own.

Laying parquet is the first procedure on the way to getting a beautiful floor. Additionally, you will need to carry out a lot more work, such as leveling, grinding and varnishing.

Sanding parquet with your own hands is, in principle, a simple procedure, but you will need to take into account a number of factors. In this article, we will take a closer look at this procedure and talk about sanders for parquet.

The difference between grinding and sanding

Scraper removes chips

Today there are quite a lot of equipment and tools for surface treatment. To begin with, it is necessary to identify the main differences between scraping and grinding.

Scouring - manual polishing of parquet with scrapers. It is used for chip removal.

Grinding, in turn, is performed using special equipment. Depending on the tool setting, it can machine the surface with different parameters.

For specialists, the first stage of parquet finishing is called scraping, and further work is called grinding.

Keep in mind that there is no special equipment for scraping, just some grinding tools are sometimes used for scraping.

parquet sanding technology

For grinding use nozzles with fine grain

The grinding procedure consists of several stages. These include:

  1. Cyclevka. With the help of a drum or belt type grinder, the parquet is scraped.
  2. Grinding. For this procedure, it is necessary to use grinding equipment with fine-grained nozzles. In difficult to access areas, processing is carried out using angle grinders.
  3. Final polishing. Using surface grinding equipment, a flat surface is created.
  4. Treatment with varnish and antiseptic.

Types of grinders

How is parquet polished? There are many types of grinding equipment. They differ in design, characteristics and, accordingly, the price. Next, we will take a closer look at each type of grinder, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the tool.

Drum grinders

The drum type parquet sander is the most common solution.

With it, you can perform both scraping and grinding the surface. The design of the product is distinguished by its simplicity and reliability.

The package includes two types of grinding drums - centrifugal and roller.

With the help of such equipment, it is possible to process wooden parquet in three directions.

It is easier to process large surfaces with a belt machine

Such a tool is used to process large areas with a rougher coating. Working with such equipment is quite simple, thanks to a well-thought-out design.

A belt sander can have different power, and the higher it is, the more surface can be processed without stopping.

The belt grinder is equipped with a special abrasive belt speed controller. It can be easily dismantled and installed a new one if necessary. High-end models use automatic belt centering.

A diagram of the belt grinder can be seen below.

Angle grinders

Used for finishing hard-to-reach places. The main element in the design is the grinding disc. The new models are equipped with the following functions: speed control of the device, protection against accidental switching on and others.

There are many manufacturers of such devices. The most famous are: Bosch, Sparky, Metabo and others.

Disc machines

Such a device is mainly used for finishing parquet. Three-disk and single-disk device perform finishing.

Models are available in different sizes and with different nozzles. This allows for good maneuverability.

Such devices can be used as a replacement for angle grinders.

Vibrating machines

This device is quite versatile.

Such equipment is surface grinding. The versatility of the device will allow even rough primary finishing. The work is carried out with gentle movements.

Consumables for such equipment are abrasive sheets with varying degrees of graininess, coated meshes and grinding cloths.

Eccentric machines

This device combines the principle of operation of a grinding wheel and a vibrating machine. The result is a high-quality tool that will allow you to perfectly process the parquet.

The output can be adjusted using the diameter of the vibrating circle. The higher its value, the better the processing quality will be.

An important parameter is also the speed, the higher it is, the rougher the grinding will be. For parquet, it is better to use the minimum speed indicator. The lacquer with which the surface of the parquet is covered is extremely difficult to tolerate high temperatures. For a detailed life hack on how to choose a grinder, see this video:

Many devices are equipped with a dust bag, which can significantly reduce pollution, but not get rid of them.

parquet sanding process

How to sand parquet? Do-it-yourself sanding of parquet is a rather long procedure, which is carried out in stages.

Parquet preparation

Before work, you will need to take furniture out of the room in advance. Then a careful inspection of the parquet for the presence of any defects is carried out. To ensure a quality surface finish, we recommend tapping each parquet plank.

If the sound is deaf, then the bar has peeled off, and an empty space has formed under it. This can be easily fixed. You will need to drill a small hole and use a syringe to pump a small amount of glue into it. Then, using a heavy object, press down on the bar and let the substance dry.

The surface will need to be washed well, get rid of screws or nails. Otherwise, you risk damaging the abrasive skin.

Sanding tools

Use the finest grain at the end

For self-treatment of parquet, you will need the following tools:

  1. Sander for parquet with the possibility of scraping. The device is quite expensive, but if necessary, you can take it for a while. With it, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor will be processed.
  2. Tape or angle device for working in difficult to access areas.
  3. Manual cycle. It is used for scraping hard-to-reach areas.
  4. Sandpaper. Keep in mind that the smaller its number, the more grainy it will be.
  5. Putty for wood. Suitable for hole making.
  6. High quality parquet varnish.
  7. Vacuum cleaner for removing dust and other small contaminants.

For such processing, it is recommended to use belt-type equipment with sandpaper No. 40.

Using such a tool, you can process the main part of the parquet, while the distance from the wall should be approximately 10 cm.

It is necessary to use tape or disk machines along the walls.

Keep in mind that the use of manual grinders to finish the entire surface of the parquet is highly discouraged. This can lead to unevenness.

The main purpose of this treatment is to get rid of the old coating and level the floor. Grinding is first done along, and then across.

In this case, it is extremely important to observe the skin. If it is heavily worn, dark spots will form on the parquet.

To check the floor, you will need to use a special building rule. Irregularities should not reach 2 mm.


After sanding, it is necessary to putty. The solution is selected according to the texture and color of the coating. The most common option is a water-based acrylic mix. A metal spatula will help to process the holes.

Finishing grinding

For final sanding, use sandpaper No. 120

After the putty mixture has hardened, final grinding is carried out with sandpaper No. 120. In this case, the pressure on the floor will need to be reduced. This can be done using a special screw on the equipment.

The direction of grinding should match the previous work. As a result, you will get a smooth parquet. Next, you need to get rid of dust, for this a high-power vacuum cleaner is used. For detailed recommendations for sanding parquet, see this video:

All these procedures will not take you more than 6 hours.

Lacquering finished coating

Varnish the coating at a warm temperature

Varnishing consists of the following procedures:

  1. The primer acts as the first layer. It will significantly improve adhesion for further processing.
  2. After applying three layers of varnish. After each layer, grinding is carried out with a special diamond mesh.
  3. The final coating is a glossy gel. It will help to fix the varnish on the parquet.

This completes the parquet polishing procedure. As you can see, sanding the surface is quite simple.

The main thing is to choose the right tools.

If you are new to the construction business, it would still be better to seek help from a professional team.

High-quality wood parquet is a very reliable coating. But even with the most careful and careful care, the surface becomes uneven over time and visible defects appear on it. Competently observing the installation technology, the owners of apartments and houses have every chance to carry out grinding with their own hands.


The laying of parquet itself is only the first step to obtain a high-quality floor covering. To get the desired effect, you need to do a certain number of activities, for example, level the surface, sand and varnish. The same actions are done when restoring old parquet.

Do-it-yourself sanding of parquet involves the elimination of defects on the floor covering that contribute to its destruction. For this reason, wood flooring needs to be restored periodically.

This repair helps:

  • remove small flaws;
  • free the floor from the old layer of varnish;

  • eliminate the creak of loose planks;
  • smooth out height differences between parquet planks.

When laying a new coating, the surface must first be cleaned. After grinding, the coating becomes smooth and less susceptible to damage.

Self-polishing parquet may not help in some situations when:

  • the material dried out and the gaps between the planks became several millimeters;
  • the floor covering is swollen with moisture;

  • the main part of the floor is damaged by insects;
  • floor surface with large dents and holes.

As a rule, such defects appear in cases where the laying of parquet boards and their operation were incorrect.

When is it applied?

Restoration of a parquet covering consists in repair on restoration of an old wooden covering. The main task in the repair of parquet is to eliminate flaws and improve the appearance of the floor. You can repair and update the surface yourself.

Consider the most common defects, the appearance of which requires polishing floors.

  • Cracks. The main factor in the formation of cracks is the loosening of parquet boards. Removing gaps is a difficult task due to their appearance throughout the coverage area. Small gaps can be sealed with putty. When visible gaps form in the middle of the planks, and the surface is scratched, then cosmetic repairs are indispensable. In the case when the parquet has not detached from the base, then it is necessary to restore the floor covering.

Otherwise, later the parquet will have to be removed and laid again. Restoration takes place in the following stages: sanding, sanding, puttying and patching of irregularities, sanding the putty floor, final finishing.

  • Creak. One of the possible causes of floor creaking may be planks that are not connected to each other, which make a sound when walking. Also, the flooring creaks when the parquet peels off from the base. Another common cause of a creaky floor may be the lack of a seam between the parquet and the wall. To get rid of this unpleasant sound, a part of the parquet is cut off to provide a gap.

  • Bloated planks. Such problems in the room sometimes appear. The reason for the swollen coating may be a violation of the installation technology, when, when laying the floor, they forget to leave gaps from each wall. If the parquet has risen due to contact with water, then the damaged planks are first pulled out and the surface is dried. Next, slightly increase the temperature of the air in the room. When the surface is completely dry, use a vacuum cleaner to clean the holes that have appeared. After that, new strips are installed, sanded and varnished or oiled.

  • Scratches. Usually scratches on such surfaces are formed from shoes with sharp heels and rearrangement of furniture. When the parquet is made of hardwood and with a reliable protective coating, it is more resistant to mechanical damage.

To care for the parquet floor, you can purchase a special oil. First, dust is removed from the parquet, wet cleaning is carried out, then oil is applied. Do not apply a thick layer of oil so that the floor does not stick. Initially, such a coating will get dirty faster, but after a while it will become easier to care for the floor.

Technology features

To restore the parquet with your own hands, you must carefully follow the installation technology. The design of this floor covering makes it possible not only to remove local defects, but also to carry out a complete restoration.

The process of renovating parquet consists of a preparatory stage, deep or rough sanding, fine workmanship, filling of flaws and final sanding. Let's study the steps in more detail

  • Preparatory stage. After installation, it is important to carefully inspect the parquet for damage, such as scratches and dents. These defects can be eliminated with putty or special glue. Sanding old wood flooring is a more time-consuming task, because every detail must be checked for integrity. Damaged material is replaced. When the work is completed, the coating is vacuumed and wiped.

  • Rough grinding. Initially, the clamping force of the drum is adjusted. These manipulations are performed using a screw and wheel balancing. After completing the work, it is recommended to walk through inaccessible places with a grinder.

  • Fine grinding. For these jobs you need a flat grinder. It frees the surface from defects.
  • Puttying. The flaws of the restored coating are restored with the help of colored putty with imitation of “wood”. If you purchase a special putty liquid, you can make the mixture yourself. After applying this mass, the floor should dry for at least a day.

  • Final sanding. To remove excess putty, the surface is ground with a surface grinder filled with sandpaper. Do this only when the putty has completely hardened.

Tools and materials

To sand parquet with your own hands, you need special tools and additional consumables:

  • Parquet grinder. A grinder is a rather expensive tool; it can be rented in specialized stores;
  • Angle grinder. Most often, this tool is called a grinder. The grinder is used for various jobs, including grinding wood flooring with it. To remove the old layer of varnish, you need to use a petal nozzle. It is convenient to sand parquet with this tool, but when using the grinder, a lot of dust and sawdust appears.

  • Manual cycle. It is useful for scraping parquet in hard-to-reach places. An iron plate is attached to the handle of the instrument. She removes the previous layer of varnish, but this is a difficult job;
  • Emery cloth. They are cut along the length and width of the shoe, attached to the sole and thus overwritten the floor. This process is also not easy, but quite feasible;
  • Sandpaper. For parquet, you will need paper with a grain size of 60 to 120;

  • Putty for covering cracks. It must be selected in a color that matches the shade of the wood;
  • varnish or high quality oil;
  • Gel. This is a white mass that helps to fill in small irregularities. Gel is a decorative technique and is not an additional layer to ensure wear resistance or moisture resistance;

  • Glue. In case some wood boards are sinking or loose, it is possible to use a special parquet adhesive. In the place where the boards bend, holes are made, then these holes are filled with a syringe;
  • Revitalizing paste. Applied with a spatula, has a thick structure. On sale you can find a large color palette, so choosing the right shade will not be difficult. Drying of the paste occurs in less than a day. After applying the paste, the desired areas are ground and varnished;
  • Rollers and brushes to cover the surface with varnish or oil;

  • Spatulas for applying putty;
  • Vacuum cleaner and other consumables: screwdriver, scissors.

Epoxy resin, which itself is colorless, needs to be tinted. Sometimes, in order to hide the seams of epoxy resin, it is advised to add a dye to it. Resin, unlike epoxy glue, is more elastic, it can also be added to various hardeners to obtain the desired composition.

Coating preparation

It is recommended to start the process of preparing the surface for grinding by removing the furniture, removing the baseboard and removing the old coating from the door sills. Next, you need to examine the flooring to see the main flaws. The floors in the apartment must be washed from dust and dirt, remove nails and screws. Grinding is a dusty job, so it is advisable to hang windows and doors.

Features of the process at home

To properly sand the floors with your own hands, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions. Simple manipulations using a grinder make it possible to partially remove imperfections from the coated parquet. Work on removing paint and varnish begins with the processing of identified floor defects.


Cycling parquet means taking steps to update the old floor covering. It is produced in several stages, which consist in removing the old layer of the wood surface. The final stage is fine grinding, which will help to obtain a smooth canvas for subsequent varnishing or waxing.

For work, they use a certain tool and material.

Do-it-yourself floor scraping begins with primary grinding. Its task is to remove the surface layer - varnish and bumps. Most often, this is done with sandpaper with a grain size of 40 to 80. If the parquet is too old and very worn out, then these measures must be done twice.

Then the flaws are covered with putty or a mass prepared from a mixture of PVA glue and wood dust. Before scraping, you should pay attention to the joints of the planks, visible gaps need to be repaired. In addition, after the work of the cycles there are irregularities, it is important to level them with fine grinding. After the putty has dried, the parquet is sanded with sandpaper with a grit of 150 to 240 until a smooth surface is obtained.

Floor scraping is usually carried out by the following methods:

  • The loop is real. Remove the surface layer using cycles;
  • The cycler is semi-automatic. When grinding occurs with certain hand materials;

  • The cycler is semi-professional. Update the parquet with a professional grinder.

Self scraping takes quite a lot of hours. For this, a cycle or blade is useful. The blades should be 0.1-0.2 cm wider than the bar in order to prevent the appearance of new flaws and not spoil the joints.

The top layer is cycled from window to door. It is advisable to moisten the parquet first, the wetted wood can be processed faster. It is important to cycle several strips at once. It is better to walk around the baseboards with a grinder.

When the entire coating is cycled, you should cover up visible flaws. Then we grind with a fine sandpaper to obtain a perfectly smooth floor.

The damaged coating layer is removed with tools at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. The machine is applied to the parquet only after turning it on, the pressure for sanding over the entire surface is the same.

Grinding differs from scraping in that when grinding, the damaged layer is not cut off, but combed off with an abrasive material. Sanders have become more widespread than manual scrapers, so this process has become known as parquet sanding.


Putty is a versatile material in the form of a paste that is applied to the surface before varnishing or oiling is started. It levels floors and masks surface imperfections.

Often the question arises about the correct pronunciation of this word - putty or putty. Both pronunciations are believed to be correct.

Putty consists of fillers, binders and coloring pigments. Putties are divided into cement, gypsum and polymer.

How to seal the gaps in the floor depends on many factors, for example, on the type of wood, the size of the holes and the choice of material for the final coating. It is recommended to purchase putty and finishing agent from the same manufacturer.

Before you start puttying the flooring, you need to remove the dust. After that, putty is applied around the entire perimeter of the floor.

To apply putty, you can use special stainless spatulas, as well as rubber and wooden spatulas. Putty is applied in a thin layer. If it turns out that one layer is not enough, then after it dries, it is worth applying another layer. How much putty will be used depends on the condition of the parquet.

Quite often, in order to save the budget, there is puttying of parquet from self-made solutions. Such a solution allows you to make the necessary composition for a specific situation.

Final work

The final stage is a careful grinding and polishing of the parquet. When the putty mixture has completely hardened, a fine abrasive is used to eliminate the imperfections. Next, the floors are vacuumed and varnished or oiled.

You need to choose polishing based on the original state of the parquet boards. Polishing agents by type of surface are divided into matte, semi-gloss and glossy. According to the type of application, manual and machine polishing are distinguished.

One of the good means to give parquet gloss and beauty is mastic. It consists of wax and polymers. After application, a protective layer appears. Mastic is colorless, and also with a shade. Colorless gives the floor a beautiful shine, colored - a certain shade. According to its composition, the mastic is divided into water-soluble, water-based, wax and turpentine.

  • Water emulsion is suitable for all types of parquet. It is applied to a clean floor and after a while I begin to rub the parquet with a rag or brush;
  • Water soluble, excellent for oak flooring. Apply it with a brush, after drying with a soft sponge, remove the residual part of the product and leave the floor to dry. Then covered with another layer. After the parquet dries, it should be polished;

  • Wax is optimal for ash and pine products. This mastic is applied with a special brush on the floor previously cleaned of dust;
  • Turpentine mastic is used for beech and birch coatings. This mastic contains no water. It is recommended to apply two layers.


Lacquering parquet is a great option to preserve the durability of the parquet floor. In this way, the worn surface is restored and the pattern of the tree is preserved. In addition, varnishing strengthens and protects the surface.

Applying varnish with your own hands is a responsible process. Initially, you need to check that all the necessary tools are available.

Before you start varnishing the surface, it is important to mix the jar of varnish well. The varnish is applied in two layers. Begin the process of applying the material from the window to the door. Two hours later, a second layer is applied across the previous one. It is important to leave a small passage from the room, due to the fact that the varnish dries from several days to a week.

There are several types of parquet varnishes: water-based, alkyd, polyurethane and urethane-alkyd. The most durable are polyurethane varnishes. And the safest are water.

Urethane-alkyd and alkyd varnishes are more economical and stable, but toxic and with a pungent odor.

If the parquet has already been varnished, then it is better to completely remove the varnish from it. If it has only become cloudier, then it is enough to sand its surface and coat it with polyurethane varnish.

Currently, whitening the floor has become popular.

The tinting composition is covered with several layers until the desired shade is achieved. The surface is pre-prepared by grinding and removing dust.

Do not forget about skirting boards either. In this case, they need to change color, like the whole parquet.

Whitening is carried out using varnish or oil.

Often people are faced with the question of the possibility of painting such a coating with paint. This is quite possible, because parquet is a canvas made of wood, and it is of very high quality.

Typically, painting consists of applying stain to the floors to highlight the texture of the material and several varnish coats. So the tree retains the pattern, which looks very beautiful. Sometimes there are cases that the parquet must match the color scheme of the interior, and it is necessary to remove the past coating and install a new one, or transform it with paint.

Therefore, the color of the paint can be absolutely any, depending on the wishes and design of the room.

A photo
Wooden parquet is one of the most reliable and durable floor coverings. But over time, everything wears out and loses its former attractiveness. Shoes, heavy furniture, flooding - all this leads to the destruction of even such a resistant material as parquet.

Floor section with parquet board.

What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to change such an expensive coating? There is an easier way out - polishing parquet with your own hands.

How to sand parquet

Scheme of polishing parquet to remove old varnish.

This process includes several steps:

  1. Removal of old varnish.
  2. Cleaning the floor from dirt.
  3. Floor grinding, during which irregularities and surface defects are removed.

Sanding the parquet is carried out before applying a new layer of varnish or tinting agent to it.

If you apply varnish on unpolished parquet, then all scratches and defects resulting from operation will be visible on it. Therefore, high-quality polishing of parquet is a guarantee of durability and attractiveness of the floor.

But parquet sanding also has its indications. It does not make sense to restore the old and cracked coating - it is easier to replace it.

Scheme of polishing parquet to remove cracks and chips.

When grinding does not save the situation:

  • the material has dried out so that the gaps between the parquet planks reach 5 mm;
  • the parquet was swollen due to the flood;
  • abrasion of the coating in some places and the formation of surface irregularities;
  • wood is affected by insects;
  • the appearance of mold in the room;
  • wetting of the floor due to evaporation from below.

In the latter case, it is necessary to remove the old coating, lay a waterproofing film on the base, and only then lay a new parquet.

All of these problems arise due to improper installation, uncured material, harsh operating conditions. Polishing parquet with your own hands eliminates defects in all other cases.

Before sanding the parquet, it is necessary to free the room from furniture and carefully clean the surface. Skirting boards should also be removed.

Parquet sanding tools

Surface cycling.

Grinding work can be done both manually and with the help of special machines. If it is not possible to rent expensive equipment, then you can use a manual cycle. This is a metal plate with a curved and sharpened edge, which is convenient for removing old varnish.

Scouring allows you to remove varnish to a great depth, even in the most inaccessible places. But this method of restoration is quite difficult, since everything has to be done manually.

A qualitative method will be the restoration of parquet flooring by means of grinders.

The grinding process consists of several stages, each of which uses a different type of equipment;

  1. Sanding machine for parquet drum type. This mechanism removes the deep layers of the old coating. This machine consists of a drum with a width of 200 mm and a pump into which the chips are collected. An abrasive material is attached to the drum, which scrapes the surface.
  2. Surface grinder single-disk and three-disk. This equipment is used for fine grinding of parquet before tinting or varnishing. Such a device is very popular, as it is multifunctional and reliable. However, not everyone can afford such an expensive machine.
  3. "Boot" - a type of grinding equipment designed for grinding hard-to-reach places: under radiators, in corners. These machines are unified: they are equipped with abrasive wheels and a dust collector.
  4. The vacuum cleaner industrial is intended for removal of dust after grinding works.

Tools for renovation of parquet.

Grinding machines are a convenient device, but expensive. They are mainly purchased by firms that deal with parquet floors. If we are talking about one-time grinding at home, then it is more expedient to rent such equipment.

To make the surface smooth, you will need additional tools and materials:

  • sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • rubber spatulas;
  • sandpaper scissors;
  • keys for fixing the abrasive on the machine.

Sandpaper will need different grain sizes: No. 40, 60, 80, 100, 120. One sample is consumed per 20 m² area, which is refilled into the machine.

Putty fills the seams between the planks of the parquet. This will require about 5 kg of material. Varnish is bought at the rate of 5 kg per 10 m².

parquet sanding technology

Grinding work begins with rough processing. To do this, fill the machine with abrasive paper No. 40 and pass the room diagonally in two directions.

The drum sander moves diagonally from wall to wall. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the processed tracks overlap each other by 5 cm.

Scheme of the manual cycle.

The force with which the drum of the machine works is regulated by a screw. When performing work, it is necessary to monitor the load of the engine: it should not be overloaded or slowed down.

In country houses there are power surges. If the voltage in the network is low, then the engine speed decreases. If this happens, then it is necessary to reduce the pressure of the drum on the floor, and also turn off other electrical appliances from the network.

In the course of wear of sandpaper, it should be changed. Coarse-grained abrasive levels the floor and removes dirt. The roughing step should be repeated until the surface is reasonably clean and level. When grinding, a layer of material 0.5-07 mm is removed. If the parquet board is thinner than 2 mm, then it cannot be sanded.

After processing the main area, they begin to grind hard-to-reach places with a special “boot” device, the design of which is described above.

When finishing, use a fine abrasive No. 120 and grind along the walls. At this stage, minor imperfections are eliminated, after which the surface becomes smooth and shiny.

When the parquet is restored, it can be varnished. For this material, water-based varnishes are often used. This is a mistake, as the wood can swell from moisture and delaminate.

Therefore, the parquet floor should be covered with two coats of solvent-based varnish, and then with a water-based coating.

The ideal option would be to apply a primer to the wooden floor, and then varnish it.

You can also use a hard oil-wax finish for wood floors. This substance prevents the wood from swelling. Despite the excellent recommendations for this substance, it is quite difficult to apply and care for such a coating is much more difficult.

Do-it-yourself sanding of parquet helps to restore the old coating with minimal costs. This seemingly simple procedure refreshes the floor and gives it its former beauty.

Wooden parquet is a reliable and durable floor covering. Do-it-yourself sanding of parquet will come to the rescue if the surface has lost its attractiveness.

And this can happen even with careful care, to say nothing of those areas of the floor covering that they walk in street shoes, move furniture.

When should you not sand parquet?

Please note: in some cases, flooring elements are so damaged that it is pointless to polish them. This will not bring the floor back to normal. These serious injuries include:

  1. The wood was too dry, causing gaps of 5 mm or more between the planks.
  2. The surface swelled under the influence of moisture.
  3. The most traveled place has worn down to such a level that the top level of the worn planks is 5 mm or less from the connecting tongue.
  4. Potholes and bumps are too deep.
  5. Wood is exposed to moisture from below due to evaporation.
  6. The tree is damaged by a beetle grinder.
  7. The material is affected by mold or rot has appeared in it.

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What is required for work?

There are 2 ways of grinding: machine and manual. In the first case, more material resources will be required, and in the second, time and effort. Manual grinding is done with a manual scraper. In addition, you can put sandpaper on the sole of the shoe and sand the surface with your feet. These methods are quite labor intensive.

For simplified surface leveling, you will need a grinder. There are several types of such equipment, each of which is designed for a certain stage of work:

  1. The drum sander is used for deep scraping the surface of a wooden floor.
  2. Surface grinders are designed for fine sanding parquet. The equipment can be single-disk or three-disk. With the help of such a machine, you can make the surface perfect, but its cost is very high.
  3. For processing hard-to-reach areas, for example, under radiators, a “boot” with an abrasive wheel is used.

In addition to the grinder, you will need an industrial vacuum cleaner to remove dust and scissors for emery. The following materials are required:

  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • oil or varnish;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • rubber spatula.

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Step by step work

The room must be freed from furniture, skirting boards removed and checked for torn elements. If torn strips are found, then they must be glued in place. At this stage, the necessary repairs to the parquet are carried out. If the heads of self-tapping screws or nails rise above the surface, they must be drowned by 2-3 mm. Next, the floor is washed and vacuumed. This completes the preparation, proceed to the main work.

Coarse emery is loaded onto the grinder drum. Depending on the nature of the parquet finish, its size is selected:

  • for removing varnish or drying oil - No. 16;
  • for removing the top layer of wood and removing paint - No. 24-40;
  • universal option for any work - No. 60.

First, the machine runs diagonally across the room from one corner to another. After that, they go to one of the walls and drive the car along the wall, and then parallel to it. With each subsequent pass, you need to move 10 cm.

It is very important to observe the correct direction of movement. Sanding should be done along the wood grain. Only on the turn is allowed a short passage across. For artistic parquet with a spiral pattern, you also need to move in a spiral from the edge to the center.

To prevent the formation of depressions on the surface, it is necessary to perform lifting and lowering of the machine in motion. At the first stage of work, hard-to-reach places are skipped. The pressure of the drum on the floor needs to be adjusted. For this, a special screw is provided in the machine.

To eliminate varnish stains in hard-to-reach places and in the center, a “boot” is used. If the poorly processed piece is located in the center, then the machine is moved from the edge of the spot to its middle in a circular motion. Near the edges and in the corners, movements are made from the edge to the wall and back to remove the top layer of the surface.

Next, fine grinding is carried out with a surface grinder. As a result of this treatment, even the slightest defects should not remain on the surface: scratches, burrs, etc. Processing is performed 1 time with sandpaper No. 40, 60, 80 and 100. 1 time implies a forward and reverse pass.

Then puttying of the parquet is carried out. The floor is thoroughly vacuumed to remove dust from cracks. It is best to use a special compound for putty that imitates wood in color. Puttying is carried out over the entire surface using a special rubber spatula. The composition must be evenly distributed in order to fill all the gaps between the individual elements of the parquet and on their surface.

When the putty begins to dry out and is not sticky, but has not yet begun to harden, it is necessary to simulate the joints. This work must be done very quickly. For this, a metal ruler and an awl are used. If you hold the ruler with pressure, you can make curved joints.

Excess putty is removed during fine grinding. This is done only after the composition has completely dried. Polishing of parquet is carried out with a surface grinder with No. 100 sandpaper. The pressure of the drum should be reduced, the direction of movement should be along the grain of the wood. Grinding is performed until the surface is perfectly smooth.