An indispensable condition for cleanliness is pipes for internal sewage. Pipes and fittings for internal sewerage

It consists of adapters that connect the pipes (elbow, coupling, plugs, fasteners, cross) and the pipe itself. Such an internal sewage system is suitable for organizing drains with cold and hot water. Polypropylene tubes are quite resistant and well suited for aggressive environments. No plaque is formed inside, they do not lend themselves to silting, they practically do not make noise.

Advantages of PP pipes for domestic sewage

Key benefits of our inner tubes:

  • Easy installation. Special tools and knowledge are not required. Everything is intuitively simple, the assembly is carried out on an equipped rubber ring. It also ensures the tightness of the entire system.
  • Excellent permeability. The inner wall is smooth - there are no conditions for the formation of blockages.
  • Organization of sewer systems of any complexity. A variety of sizes, diameters, low weight give all the possibilities for construction.
  • Flexibility. Ability to integrate with other sewer systems.

For the greatest functionality of the sewer, all pipes should be laid with a slope of 15-20 degrees. If it is impossible to provide such a slope, then it is worth considering installing a pumping system.

Our specialists are real experts in plastic sewerage. They will answer all your questions and help you place an order.

This section of the Business Pipe catalog contains information about equipment for removing water and other liquids from the premises. The proposed pipes for internal sewerage allow you to move substances with a temperature of 0 to +45 °C. Use the chemical resistance table to determine the limits of system use by type of excreted substances.

Price list for PVC internal sewerage systems

Dn, mm E, mm Pipe length, mm Price per piece, rub., including VAT*
50 1,8 500 38,00
50 1,8 1000 68,00
50 1,8 1500 100,00
50 1,8 2000 122,00
50 1,8 3000 180,00
50 3,2 500 62,00
50 3,2 1000 111,00
50 3,2 1500 160,00
50 3,2 2000 201,00
50 3,2 3000 308,00
110 2,2 500 86,00
110 2,2 1000 165,00
110 2,2 1500 244,00
110 2,2 2000 306,00
110 2,2 3000 452,00
110 3,2 500 110,00
110 3,2 1000 209,00
110 3,2 1500 300,00
110 3,2 2000 391,00
110 3,2 3000 583,00
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50*50*45 65,00
50*50*87 64,00
110*50*45 121,00
110*50*87 115,00
110*110*45 197,00
110*110*87 174,00
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50*15 61,00
50*30 60,00
50*45 30,00
50*87 35,00
110*15 120,00
110*30 118,00
110*45 92,00
110*87 115,00
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50 125,00
110 263,00
bell cap
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
50 25,00
110 58,00
Single-plane cross PP
Name Price per piece, rub., including VAT
110*50*50*45 -
110*50*50*87 191,00
110*110*110*45 210,00
110*110*110*87 210,00
1000 110 2,2 1500 110 2,2 2000 110 2,2 3000 110 3,2 500 110 3,2 1000 110 3,2 1500 110 3,2 2000 110 3,2 3000


  • Name: PVC sewer pipe.
  • Description: designed to collect and discharge polluted wastewater from the building, as well as rainwater into the external sewer network.
  • Interstate standard: TU 6-19-307-86 as amended. 1-7.
  • Color: gray (shades are not regulated).
  • Producer: CJSC Chemkor.
  • Diameter: 50, 110 mm.
  • Length: 345, 500,1000, 1500, 2000,3000 mm.

We offer to buy pipes for internal sewerage in bulk, their use is possible both in residential and in industrial and administrative buildings. The company's specialists provide qualified advice on all issues that have arisen. Delivery of the order is provided.

Today, it is common practice in the reconstruction and construction of houses to equip them with all life support systems, including internal sewage. The presence of the necessary engineering systems in the house makes it possible to use modern household and plumbing appliances, which greatly facilitate the life of homeowners and make living conditions as comfortable as possible.

Such equipment, however, as a rule, becomes a source of domestic fecal water. To drain them, an internal sewage system is created and.

Internal sewerage is a network of pipelines and all kinds of branches. On the modern market there are pipes for internal sewerage made of asbestos and concrete, made of polymers, metal, and ceramics.

The rapid development of technology has made it possible to create comfortable and perfect materials used in production. They are low priced and have great features.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material is widely used. Unique qualities with a minimum of shortcomings make it possible to use it even in the food industry, since it is completely safe for human health.

Pipes for internal sewage PVC are designed for drains, the temperature of which reaches 60 degrees Celsius. For a short time even temperatures up to 100 degrees are allowed. The service life of these pipes is at least 40-50 years.

Internal sewage PVC has a number of advantages. One of the main ones is its durability and corrosion resistance. It is not susceptible not only to alkalis and mineral acids, but also to aqueous solutions of fats, salts, oils, alcohols and other chemical compounds.

Inside the PVC pipe is smooth, so it does not overgrow with bacterial and mineral deposits. If there are solid inclusions in the drains, for example, sand, they do not leave a mark on the surface of the pipe.

Professional preparation of the project of the internal sewer system provides for careful consideration of each of the stages.

One of the most important is the choice of pipe material. Along with traditional cast iron and asbestos structures, the market offers PVC pipes to the consumer.

Polyvinyl chloride has been known for a long time, but due to the laboriousness of the process and imperfect equipment, its widespread use has become possible only in our time.

The production process of pipes consists in the use of several components, which, when mixed and heated, give a homogeneous plastic mass.

It includes the following materials:

  • plasticizers - the main ingredient that gives the pipes their unique properties;
  • stabilizers - necessary for the "strong" connection of polymer molecules to each other;
  • a small part of PVC waste. The best analogue to them is the recycling of scrap metal for the production of new products.

The heated mass under pressure passes through a special form - an extruder. So for the first time it is possible to observe the formation of a sewer pipe blank.

There are 2 types of PVC:

  • plasticized (PVC). Differs in the increased indicators of elasticity. But due to low strength characteristics, it is not used in the production of pipes;
  • unplasticized PVC (PVC-U). Differs in rigid structure and resistance to many aggressive environments.

It is from the latter that pipes for internal sewage are made.

These pipes can be used for both pressure and gravity systems.

According to the connection method, they can be:

  • without socket - socket connection;
  • socket adhesive;
  • socket mechanical.

The latter are the most popular for internal sewage.

The mechanism of connection with each other is implemented simply, but effectively. At one end of each product there is a special socket, the inner diameter of which coincides with the normalized outer one.

As an additional seal, a rubber ring is inserted into a special groove. To connect 2 pipes, it is enough to insert them into each other.

Photo: Irub socket connection

Processing is also not difficult - you can reduce the size with a hacksaw.


One of the important parameters for all pipes are overall and internal dimensions.

These include:

  • outside diameter;
  • internal (working) diameter;
  • wall thickness;
  • pipe length.

According to the current regulatory documents, only the inner diameter and the strength parameter at the maximum allowable pressure are regulated.

Based on this, manufacturers currently produce PVC pipes of the following sizes:

Outer d, mm Internal d, mm Wall thickness, mm Pipe lengths, m
32 30,2 1,8 0,35; 0,5; 1; 2
40 38,2 1,8
50 48,2 1,8 0,35; 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2;3
110 107,8 2,2

An important role is played by the length of the connecting socket. For different diameters, its parameters must correspond to the outer diameter.

That is, for a pipe d 32 mm, the length of the socket is 32 mm. Moreover, the distance is measured from the end to the conical bevel.

It also directly affects its use in the internal sewerage system. The smaller it is, the worse the throughput of this section.

Therefore, when planning pipe laying, it is necessary that pipes run from the riser from a larger section to a smaller one.

Photo: table of required slopes and pipe diameters for draining


The characteristics of the pipes largely depend on the manufacturer's compliance with the standards of production technology. But the problem is that at present there are guests only for pipes for pressure sewer systems.

In them you can find the nominal indicators of pressure, wall thickness, resistance to certain aggressive environments, etc. There are no such documents for non-pressure (gravity-flowing) systems.

Therefore, all manufacturers adhere (or try to adhere) to GOST for PVC-U pressure pipes.

Based on this, you can make a list of the following technical characteristics:

  • operating temperature conditions: minimum -15°С maximum +65°С. Some models withstand short-term exposure without deformation, damage to the structure up to +90 ° C;
  • nominal pressure - 0.16 MPa. Although for gravity sewers, this indicator is not significant. Much more important is its derivative - the wall thickness;
  • specific gravity is about 2kg/m.p. As the diameter increases, it increases;
  • the inner surface of the pipe has a good slip index, which allows drains to pass unhindered along the highway;
  • resistance to many aggressive environments;
  • subject to the rules of operation, the service life can reach 50 years;
  • but other parameters are more important for the end user - advantages and disadvantages.


  • affordable cost. Compared to other manufacturing materials, PVC sewer pipe has a very attractive price. This also applies to additional accessories - fittings;
  • ease of installation. This does not require special tools. A hacksaw, a knife for end processing and lubrication are enough for a better entry of the pipe into the socket;
  • good mechanical strength. Unplasticized PVC initially has this quality necessary for installation and operation;
  • resistance to UV radiation;
  • PVC dielectric. This means that the pipes do not conduct electricity and the whole system does not need to be grounded;
  • absence of corrosion processes;
  • smooth inner surface.


  • limited temperature mode of operation;
  • poor soundproofing. Additional measures must be taken for outdoor installation;
  • increased brittleness. With a decrease in temperature, this indicator increases proportionally;


To implement a complex internal sewage system, additional connecting elements are required - fittings.

They serve for turns, branching and transition of the line from one diameter to another.


Photo: knee

Serves for turns of the sewer system. It can differ in the angle of inclination - from 20 ° to 87 °.


Photo: tee

It is necessary for branching the sewerage, and joining additional highways to the general system. It is also different, depending on the angle of rotation of the connecting pipe - from 20° to 87°.


Photo: reduction

Serves as a connecting element for 2 pipes of different diameters.


Photo: cross

It is used for simultaneous connection of 4 pipes at once into one common system.

In addition to the fittings described above, there are a number of additional elements that are necessary to create a complete internal sewage system:

  • inspection hatch - with its help, a visual check of the condition of the inner surface of the pipe is carried out;

Photo: inspection hatch
Photo: coupling for connecting socketless pipes
  • connecting element for the transition from PVC pipes to cast iron pipes.

Photo: couplings for the transition from PVC pipes to cast iron


Currently, there is only GOST for pipes made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride for pressure sewage - GOST R 51613-2000.

It specifies standards for the following criteria:

  • dimensions and dimensions of pressure pipes;
  • safety during installation and operation;
  • transportation and storage rules;
  • test methodology.

As mentioned above, pipes for gravity sewerage are manufactured in accordance with this GOST.


Despite its low cost, it is still worth knowing the estimated price of pipes. It will directly depend on it, and in particular, its hollow estimate.

As you can see, the cost of pipes is really more than affordable. But this factor should not affect the quality of the internal sewerage project.

Video: installing a pipe on a sewer with Griffon glue

Sewer pipes, like any equipment, eventually need to be replaced. Now old cast-iron pipes are increasingly being replaced with modern PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products, which have many advantages over metal.

Polyvinyl chloride is a modern material that has proven itself in the market of pipe and fitting products.

Typically, PVC pipes are used for laying sewers (both internal and external), in pressure systems and wells, drainage structures and gravity drains.

PVC products are different:

  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • immunity to damage by microorganisms;
  • smoothness of the inner surface, which prevents settling and buildup of sediment;
  • dielectric properties (polyvinyl chloride does not conduct electricity);
  • environmental safety, no harmful emissions;
  • inertness (PVC pipes do not come into chemical contact with the transported medium);
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • resistance to barometric loads;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation;
  • light weight products;
  • a large assortment of pipes for various purposes and fittings;
  • attractive cost, which is much lower than the price of metal ones.

PVC pipes passing indoors in most cases do not need insulation. If such a need arises (for example, during the installation of underground utilities or installation in the open), it is rational to additionally insulate and insulate the pipeline.

Types of sewer PVC pipes and adapters

Depending on on which section of the highway the product will be used, they distinguish:

  1. Lightweight pipes SN-2 are used in areas with the lowest loads: when laying domestic sewage indoors, as well as in residential areas where there is no traffic load.
  2. The denser SN-4 pipes are used for laying sewers under highways with moderate traffic.
  3. Industrial pipes SN-8 are designed for use in district and city sewer lines, in production, as well as in areas with heavy traffic.