Rope flower pot. We decorate hanging flower pots with wooden beads and copper tubes. Where to hang pots

Indoor plants have long been used as a revitalization and decoration of the interiors of apartments and houses. At the same time, gardeners are not limited only to the type of plant itself, but select additional decor.

DIY flower pots are a great way to get a functional, stylish and original decoration. In this case, improvised materials can also be used.

Stylish home ideas

Whatever the interior of the room, its design and color design, you can always find several universal solutions. These include the use of black and white color, jeans and weaves of various kinds. Plus self-manufacturing planters for a pot that you will receive an exclusive item that is ideal in all respects.

Leather planter

Light and openwork planter made of leather looks incredibly elegant and stylish. It will easily fit into any room decor. With it, you can focus on the green corner, or simply arrange all the pots in the same style. You can make a hanging planter for flowers, having at your disposal the following materials and tools:

  • A piece of thick skin, the size of which should be 7-10 cm larger than the upper diameter of the pot.
  • Punching tool - a hole punch on the skin and a hammer.
  • Cutting mat, sharp stationery knife.
  • Ruler, compass, pencil.
  • A dense long cord, preferably made of leather.
  • Foam sponge and warm water.

The advantage of this method of making flower pots is that even waste material damaged by stains or scratches.

On the wrong side of the material, with a compass, draw a pattern according to the scheme. You can use a printed template and carbon paper, or you can draw a maze yourself. Circle arcs are drawn, the distance between their open edges is 1-1.5 cm. The distance between the circles is 1.5-2 cm, they are arranged in descending order one inside the other.

After the drawing is ready, you need to make holes along the edges of each arc with a hole punch. This will fix the material and prevent it from tearing in the future. With a sharp knife make cuts in all arcs. On the extreme outer ring, make several holes at the same distance from each other, so that in the future you can thread the cord and hang the structure.

Cut two pieces of the cord of the desired length and thread them in pairs into the existing holes. Tie the ends of the cord into a strong, neat knot. wet skin warm water, put the pot in the center and lift the material by the cords, holding the pot. It is better to hang the cache-pot immediately so that the shape memory is formed. Ready!

Product made of fabric and thread

Do-it-yourself planters for indoor flowers can be made from fabric or thread. If a woven material is used, it must match the rest of the textiles in the interior. Neutral options are burlap and jeans.

A cute and stylish planter for a pot can be made from scratch, for this you will need:

  • Sackcloth.
  • Cotton fabric of any color.
  • A piece of decorative tape.
  • A bucket of ice cream or mayonnaise.
  • Sewing machine, thread, scissors, etc.
  • Glue gun and sticks.

First of all, you need to measure how much material is required. To do this, wrap a bucket of ice cream with burlap and cloth. This is the cut length. The width of the burlap and fabric will be different, since the "wrap" for the pot is two-layered. The height of each piece of material must be determined arbitrarily, but allowances for seams of 1 cm should be left. In addition, 2-3 cm should be left for the fold of the edges from the bottom and top.

Cut the fabric and burlap, fold the right sides to each other and stitch. Turn to the front side, sew a decorative tape to the seam. Wrap the bucket, bring the edges together and glue on hot glue. Gently fold the bottom of the burlap to the bottom and glue it. Fill the upper part of the material inside the bucket.

Cut a strip of fabric 10-15 cm long and 3-5 cm wide. Fold it in half along the length, make an assembly on a thread. Roll into a spiral to form a flower and secure with a few stitches. Make two more smaller flowers in the same way. Cut out a few leaves from the burlap. Glue the decor at the junction of the burlap and fabric with hot glue. Cache-pot with your own hands is ready!

Bamboo and jute variant

To make an eco-style planter, you will need:

  • Bamboo napkin.
  • Glue gun or Moment glue, pencil, scissors and a stationery knife.
  • A small piece of burlap, lace ribbon.
  • White acrylic paint, craquelure varnish and brush.
  • A small piece of twine.
  • Wooden beads.
  • The basis for the cache-pot is a bucket of mayonnaise or a large tin can.

Wrap the base with a bamboo napkin, mark the resulting figure with a pencil. Cut off excess. Cover the sticks with craquelure, let dry. After that, cover with white acrylic paint and dry.

Glue the base with a dyed napkin, carefully joining the edges. Wrap the pots first with a strip of burlap, fix with glue. Place a narrower strip of lace on top. String wooden beads on the twine and glue over the lace. Stylish eco-planter is ready!

Similarly, you can make an original planter by pasting the base with jute twine. It is necessary to fix at least the turns through one, so that they are dense and the base does not shine through. You can decorate such a thing with fabric flowers or natural materials.

You can decorate flower pots in a teenager's room with an old jeans, and this design will definitely not cause a protest in a child. Would need:

  • Pieces of jeans.
  • Clay Moment "Crystal".
  • Threads, buttons, decorative spikes, rhinestones and semi-beads.
  • Pencil, ruler, measuring tape, scissors, chalk.
  • The base of the pot.

Measure the basis for decoration with a measuring tape, cut a piece of denim with the indicated dimensions. Using a ruler and chalk, draw a line on which the decor will be located. If the planter is intended to decorate a boy's room, it is best to sew on buttons or spikes. An alternative for girls is rhinestones, half beads and lace.

Sew or glue the parts, wrap the base with material and glue it on the glue. The joint of the fabric can be decorated with a zipper.

Cache-pot from improvised materials

The hanging version of the decorative design is quite popular because it looks aesthetically pleasing and at the same time saves space on the windowsills. A bright and concise version of this design can be done quite quickly. Would need:

  • Neon threads.
  • Straws for cocktails in bright colors.
  • Scissors.

Measure 8 pieces of thread of the same length. This value depends on how high you want to hang the pot from the ceiling. The length varies from 80 to 110 cm. Fold all the threads into one bundle and tie one end into a single knot. Lay out two threads on four sides.

Cut pieces 2-2.5 cm long from the straws. Thread each thread into a straw. Knot in pairs. Arrange the threads after the knot in different sides. Through each thread a piece of straw 5-6 cm long, in pairs, knot the threads from neighboring sections. Repeat this action one or two more times. The planter is ready, you can insert the pot and hang it from the ceiling.

Hammock from an old T-shirt

If an old T-shirt is lying around in your closet, and you urgently need to figure out at least some planters for the pot, it's up to you. Understand the intricacies of weaving from strips of old fabric. In addition to a T-shirt, you will need scissors and a little patience.

Cut the T-shirt into 8 identical knitted strips and pull them into bundles. Tie all the ends into one knot, after the knot, tie the bundles in pairs at different distances. After that, connect the extreme strips from neighboring pairs with knots. And so weave the cells to the desired height of your pot. The harnesses are fixed with a common knot at such a height that a container with a plant can be inserted.

Plastic bottle container

Perhaps more common and available material than a plastic bottle, not to be found. For a spectacular plant stand you will need:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Old DVD.
  • Super glue.
  • Spray paint, newspapers.
  • Stationery knife, marker.

First you need a marker to outline the cut line of the bottle. From one container you can get two stands for plants. Cut through the plastic with a sharp knife. Turn the upper part of the container with the neck and cork upside down and glue it to the center of the CD with superglue.

Place the entire structure on an unfolded sheet of newspaper and evenly cover with spray paint. If necessary, cover with a second layer. Also paint the remaining half of the bottle, if necessary. The work is finished!

An old deflated ball can be used as a hanging container for a pot. A basketball or soccer ball will look most spectacular. It needs to be cut in half and make holes in the edges for the cord. It is very important at the same time to choose the shape of the pot so that it repeats the natural shape of the ball. Perfect for ampelous plants.

Outdoor planters

Any, the most beautiful cultivated plants and flowers need a decent design. This is the correct layout for color and growth, for varieties and species, as well as a harmonious and suitable frame that zonates plants.

Many owners of summer cottages and private houses prefer to make flowerpots and planters for the garden with their own hands. This often saves money, although it requires some effort.

Concrete and fabric

A popular option for making such a planter requires not so many materials. You need to find a container for a blank that would fit the size of a tub or flower pot, prepare a concrete solution and find an unnecessary rag or towel.

The consistency of the solution should resemble thin sour cream. You need to put a cloth in it and let it soak for a few minutes. After that, remove the fabric and lay it out on a blank turned upside down until the concrete has completely solidified. The finished planter can be painted with paint or left in its original form.

Plastic pipes and bottles

Such a container for a pot can be different sizes and diameters. It can be a vertically placed pipe, or cut along the length. You can decorate plastic with paints in an aerosol and stencils, collect in multi-tiered structure and decorate with carvings.

Large five-liter eggplants, with some effort, can turn into funny pigs or swans. To make a pig out of a five-liter bottle, it is enough to paint the plastic in pink color and draw a patch and eyes.

natural materials

Various planters decorated with stone, shells, cuttings from a tree trunk, dry sticks, cones, acorns, etc. look very harmonious and neat.

Uprooted stumps can be turned into a container for plants. To do this, you need to chop off the protruding roots and branches, clean the stump from the bark and sand it. In the middle, gouge a recess of a suitable size with a chisel and other tools. Coat the wood with ship varnish and let dry. After that, the pot can be used for its intended purpose.

Exotic in our area, a coconut can be successfully turned into a hanging container for a flower. To do this, you need to cut it in half and cut out all the flesh with a knife. Drill to make a few holes for the cord and pots ready!

Large shells are also used to decorate containers of house flowers, both in hanging and static positions. This option is used, as a rule, for annual flowering plants.

As practice shows, there are a lot of options for making decorative containers for pots. It is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive designer items, which sometimes seem a little strange to a simple layman. You can do everything yourself, the main thing is to approach the matter with imagination!

Beauty and comfort in the house is not only perfect cleanliness and refined interior, consisting of expensive furniture and designer renovation. The harmonious design of the room consists of many details and decorative elements, which can often both attract attention and repel the lack of taste.

Indoor flowers are an invariable decoration of any home, giving the room special aura hearth and freshness. But sometimes, flower lovers do not have the opportunity to place the number of plants in the room that they would like. Or, due to a change in the style of the interior, indoor plants in simple pots not in harmony with the rest of the details.

But do not be upset! After all, to diversify the interior and place large quantity flowers can be done with the help of a cache-pot - a decorative item that will emphasize all the advantages of the situation and indoor plants. You can buy a flower pot, or you can create it yourself, which will give the interior individuality and originality.

Common types of planters

Before you start making flower pots with your own hands, it would not hurt to learn about its varieties. Indeed, today there is huge selection flower pots, which are conditionally divided depending on the purpose:

  • desktop planters - it is customary to place them on cabinets, tables, racks, taking into account the stylistic decision;
  • floor planters - located in spacious rooms and used for tall indoor plants;
  • wall planters - suitable for small rooms where it is important to save space;
  • hanging planters - in addition to originality, this species the cache-pot allows you to place indoor plants quite compactly;
  • planters for the garden - perfectly enliven the space of the site and give the site a complete look.

What materials are used to make pots? A decorative floral item can be made from just about anything, especially when it comes to handmade. During creative process all improvised means are used - starting from natural materials, and ending with old things or various small decorations.

  • Wood. This is the most common material for creating decorative containers, when choosing which it is important to consider its resistance to moisture, as well as the processing of the material itself.
  • Glass. A planter made of this material is a versatile and practical item, thanks to which you can track the moisture level of a plant.
  • Plastic. Inexpensive and easy-to-care containers have long been in demand by many housewives due to their availability and a variety of colors.
  • Ceramics. A more expensive option for pots, but also more diverse. Moreover, ceramics are easily amenable to some changes, for example, drawing a picture or glazing.
  • Metal. Very unusual containers for flowers made of stainless steel or forged items will give the interior a special expressiveness and emphasize the sophistication of indoor flowers.

Cache-pot in home decor with your own hands

Flower and hardware stores have a huge selection of flower pots. Here you can choose by size, color, and also depending on the location of the container.

But it so happened that each person is individual, and therefore in own house he expects to see only exclusive items that will emphasize the taste of the owner of the house. With some needlework skills, any housewife can create a real masterpiece that will refresh the interior.

So, let's begin.

Planters with lace

To diversify plain plastic pots, you can use pieces of bright fabric or lace. In addition, for work you will need:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pot;
  • glue brush;
  • material for gluing (lace, braid, ribbon).

Operating procedure:

  • To start outside the pot should be wiped with alcohol in order to degrease the surface.
  • Apply the necessary contours, in place of which the decor will be located.
  • Lubricate this area with glue, without going beyond the contours of the pattern.
  • Press well and leave to dry completely.

For a more durable fixing of decorative elements, you can use a glue gun, which will give the decor strength. If desired, you can decorate the pots with braid, bright buttons, beads and other interesting little things.

Planters from branches

Not less than interesting option creating a flower pot - a planter made of wooden circles, the manufacturing principle of which is similar to the previous one. Only for this you need to use tree branches in the work, the diameter of which does not exceed 2 cm.

To prepare the material, you need garden scissors, with which we cut wooden mugs with a thickness of no more than 1 cm

Having previously degreased the surface, we attach the material to the pot one at a time, carefully applying a small amount of transparent Moment glue.

Having pressed it well, we leave it in a place inaccessible to children until it dries.

In order for the planter to serve for a long period, it is recommended to varnish the product for wood.

No less interesting options can be obtained by gluing river pebbles, shells, dry moss, cork, tree bark.

Wooden planter with twine

An old wooden pot will sparkle with new colors if it is decorated with twine. To do this, apply glue to the surface and slowly press the rope, wrapping it around the pot. It is very important to fasten the rope at the end so that the product does not lose its original shape.

Having previously drilled holes for the rope, you can build a hanging planter with your own hands. To do this, carefully thread the twine into the holes and secure it well.

Branches or bamboo planters

Natural materials are the best way to decorate the interior, as they are distinguished by their natural beauty and environmental friendliness. One of the options for creating a planter is a planter made from cane or bamboo branches.

For this you need to prepare:

  • chopped straight branches or bamboo;
  • twine;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment" transparent;
  • dense coarse fabric (burlap, linen);
  • plastic pot.

Operating procedure:

  • Before you start tying the sticks together, they should be aligned so that the product looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Then we tie the branches together with twine along the edges (2-3 cm to the edge), tightly tightening so that the canvas does not crumble.
  • Apply a layer of glue to the outer walls of the pot and evenly glue burlap or linen.
  • We tie a cloth of sticks around the pot, and tightly tie the upper and lower parts.
  • The cache-pot can be additionally decorated with flowers made of twine or burlap, which will give the product a special effect.

DIY hanging flower pots

Hanging planters are often used by those who need to free up more space in a house or apartment. This decor allows you to move around the house without obstacles, so this type of planter can be called the most popular.

In this way, you can perfectly decorate the garden with your own hands. But before that, it is worth remembering that the materials for hanging planters must be resistant to high temperature and adverse effects of precipitation. For such purposes, a planter from a plastic bottle will be suitable.

Cache-pot from a plastic bottle

For the manufacture of decorative containers plastic bottles there are many methods. One of them can be decorated using the decoupage technique.

Necessary materials:

  • a plastic bottle with a volume of 1-1.5 liters and a flat bottom;
  • scissors;
  • basis for decoupage;
  • napkins for decor;
  • brushes;
  • varnish.

Operating procedure:

  • Prepare the bottle for work by thoroughly washing and wiping.
  • Apply a thin layer of foundation, evenly distributing it with a brush.
  • After the base dries, it usually takes 20-30 minutes, apply surfactant glue, also smoothing well.
  • Separating upper layer napkins, apply it to the container and smooth it with a brush or fingertips.
  • In order for the surface to dry well, it is better to leave the product overnight at room temperature.
  • Then the pots are varnished and dried.
  • We pierce holes on both sides of the pot with a hole punch and thread the rope with which the plant should be tied to the mount.

Features of vertical gardening

lovers unusual decor from plants, “living walls” will surely be to your taste, or vertical gardening. Today it is a favorite technique of designers around the world, emphasizing exclusivity. expensive interiors. Professional "living walls" are not cheap, especially if everything is done with the latest technology, including automatic watering.

Vertical gardening has a number of advantages:

  • air saturation with oxygen;
  • space saving;
  • improves appearance walls and complements the style of the interior;
  • the abundance of plants on the wall are a source of additional air humidification;
  • division of space into zones.

Despite the apparent difficulties in creating such walls, having become well informed with the necessary information, you can create an unusual structure on your own. It is worth recalling that this type of landscaping can be built both in the house and in the garden.

Planters for this type of landscaping can be wall-mounted and conventional, depending on the design and location of the plants. For creating wall pots suitable containers made of plastic bottles that are easily attached to vertical design or wall with rope. To make the container more aesthetically pleasing, you can decorate it with a braid to match the interior. This decor is a macrame or crocheted canvas.

No less interesting option - pockets from thick fabric in which to plant climbing plants. This option is good for decorating a garden in which you can build metal gratings or special racks.

On special frames made of stepped wood, you can place flowers in flowerpots, the surface of which is decorated with natural materials.

A great option is a planter decorated with moss. All you need is dry moss and clear glue. The process of creating such a pot will not take much time, but the result will exceed all your expectations - an original and exclusive decor item will become an unusual decoration for a garden or home.

A cache-pot decorated with river pebbles is an interesting option for vertical decoration. The process of creating such an item will take a little longer than in the case of moss, but it's worth the effort. This decor is distinguished by a non-standard approach and originality.

No less success in creating a beautiful flowering wall in the garden are suitable plants. For this case, curly and ampelous flowers are ideal, which, when proper care, in addition to landscaping, they will create a whole riot of floral colors.

Decorating a home is a time-consuming and interesting activity that requires creativity and the desire to make the interior decoration unique. To do this, they use all sorts of tricks and tricks, just to stand out with originality and non-standard solutions.

Making a planter with your own hands is one of the ways not only to refresh and diversify the interior, but also to prove yourself as a creator and artist who creates incredible masterpieces. After all, needlework has always been a part of art, which in turn contributed to the manifestation of human creative abilities.

So, create with pleasure!

The charm of the most beautiful and well-groomed plants will not be complete if they are planted in assorted pots that differ in shape, size, material from which they are made. Perfect solution problems - flower pots. Purchased in a store or made by yourself, they will complete the look of the collection on and help decorate a suburban area.

Selection of ready-made planters for indoor and garden plants

The range of ready-made planters in stores is incredibly large. In order not to get confused when choosing, experts advise paying attention to several aspects. Among them:

  • the price of the sample you like;
  • destination pots;
  • the size of the pot to be decorated;
  • match the style of the interior or landscape design;
  • product practicality.

Most often, flower growers prefer flower pots made of polymeric materials, fired ceramics or clay, glass.

Plastic flower pot

The most affordable samples are made of plastic. They are easy to clean and can be used indoors and out. Due to the presence of drainage holes and the ability to easily make new ones, the plants in the pots are protected from rotting of the root system. Another useful quality is lightness, which is important if the grower needs a hanging planter for ampelous plants or a spectacular garland of their flower pots. Despite the thin walls, the container located in the sun does not heat up to critical temperatures, does not cause overheating of the soil and the root system.

If desired, plastic planters can be easily decorated with wood fragments, textiles, beads, or simply painted using safe and bright acrylic paints.

Shop-bought plastic planters are easy to transform with a skein of rope and glue. Processed by him side surface tightly wrapped with twine or cord.

However, with a lot of advantages, plastic planters there are a couple of drawbacks. They are not too resistant when used outside the home, and the products are by no means original.

Ceramic planters

Ceramics different types has long been used to make flower pots and planters. Clay is incredibly malleable. She can take the most different forms, natural material keeps the warmth of the hands of the master, transferring it to the interior or summer cottage.

When choosing a ceramic planter, you should pay attention to the presence of a drainage hole, as well as to the outer coating.

Unglazed clay retains porosity, which improves the microclimate inside the pot, but reduces the durability of flower pots. When watering with tap water, sloppy stains may appear on the walls. Outside the house, the tank threatens with destruction:

  • increased air humidity;
  • sudden changes in temperature, especially freezing and thawing.

Painted or glazed ceramics look very impressive and much stronger, but they warm up slowly and poorly remove excess moisture.

Due to the large weight ceramic products, especially when making hanging flower pots with your own hands, you need secure fastening. It is easy to make with strong twine and macrame techniques.

Glass pot for flowers

Transparent or colored glass- fragile, but spectacular material that will help decorate the interior, make the house unique.

At the same time, having shown imagination, making such a planter with your own hands for indoor flowers is not difficult at all.

As a base, you can take glass jars of a suitable size, glasses, vases, or even a small, rounded aquarium. By connecting the vessels with a rope, fixing them on a wooden stand, you can build a garland for flowers, make a planter for several pots at once.

How and from what to make a flower pot with your own hands

The decoration of the window sill and the garden will be flower pots, not found in the store, but made by the florist with his own hands. These samples are usually:

  • many times cheaper than analogues from the store;
  • created taking into account the tastes and preferences of the master;
  • are unique.

But, relying on his imagination, the grower needs to remember about the reliability of the future planters, safety and practicality. It is especially important to take into account the changeability of the weather and the influence of external factors if you have to assemble a planter for the garden with your own hands.

The most popular materials suitable for such work:

  • wood, including planks, bamboo, dry branches collected in the garden;
  • cement mixtures that, after solidification, turn into durable, moisture-resistant structures;
  • durable types of twine and rope, from which wicker planters are made;
  • textiles treated with wear-resistant paint.

Behind original planter or materials for its manufacture it is not necessary to go to the store.

One has only to look around to notice things that have gone out of use, but can turn into a unique interior or landscape object.

Do-it-yourself hanging planter for flowers

Man-made planters for the home are a great opportunity to show your imagination and demonstrate the ability to create practical and absolutely unique things.

The simplest option is a hanging macrame planter. Woven to the size of the pot, it:

  • fits perfectly into the interior;
  • decorates any container in which an indoor flower grows;
  • can be used for ordinary and ampelous plants;
  • in combination with others, it forms a multi-tiered garland that saves space on the windowsill and gives the window a unique look.

In addition, the planter allows you to significantly improve the lighting of plants and simplifies care when in large numbers flowers in the house.

When choosing a rope for weaving, it is better to give preference to samples made of wear-resistant fiber that does not stretch under load, does not fade in the sun and is not afraid of moisture. The same requirements apply to wicker planters for the street.

Floor and table flower pots

Large plants such as indoor lemon, monstera, ficus or lush fern - a great home decoration. To make them look even more spectacular, the pot can be placed in the original planter.

Pick an option suitable design and size is not always possible, but to make a high floor planter for flowers independently within the power of everyone.

One option is cement pots. As a basis, a quickly solidifying mixture is taken, which is poured into the prepared form and after some time a strong casting-pot is obtained. Another way to use the material is to drink a textile flap with it and give it suitable look, wait for the composition to dry. This planter can be used in the house and in the garden. For more decorative effect the casting is painted and even covered with mosaics.

A box of a suitable shape will serve as an excellent planter for a large flower. It is pre-sanded, treated with a moisture-proof varnish or painted. To protect the floor and other surfaces, for example, a table under a wooden flower pot, a tray is placed on the bottom to collect excess moisture. The free space between the pot and the planter can be filled with coconut fiber.

To simplify the care of a large green pet, to protect the plant from moisture deficiency and drying out, a planter with a built-in watering system will help. You can buy it or make it yourself from auxiliary materials.

In addition to the container for the pot, there is a cavity for water and a tube for filling it, as well as a system of holes that supply moisture to the roots and remove its excess. A similar design for flowers of any size can be assembled at home. It will be useful both on the windowsill and in the garden, especially when the plants are deprived of the grower's daily attention.

The simplest self-watering planter can be made from an ordinary plastic pot. The main thing is that it should be the right size, and its bottom should have many large drainage holes. The shipping container in which the flowers arrive at the store is perfect. Under drainage, laid on the bottom mosquito net from plastic. It will not let the soil wash out. Several nylon cords are threaded through the holes so that their ends remain free to hang.

By placing such pots with home or garden flowers on gravel in a tray filled with water, you can be sure that the plant will not suffer from drying out. The liquid will rise to the ground along the rope, but will not cause root rot.

We make a hanging planter with our own hands - video

To decorate the garden and the house, gardeners often use hanging planters.

Baskets made of vines look very nice, which can be made in a wide variety of shapes, for example, in the form of a ball, cone or rectangular box.

Perhaps a harmonious decoration of any landscape design will be flowerpots made of wire or forged metal. This option is especially attractive in that it creates the feeling of a certain complete "flight" of the flower bed.

In addition to the shape, material and design of the flowerpot itself, when choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the fastening. In addition, the fastening of containers for hanging flower beds must be very strong and reliable.

This is necessary so that when decorating a flower bed in the yard, you can rotate the plant from time to time to protect it from the sun's rays.

The specifics of planting suspended flower beds

Planting a hanging flower bed depends on the shape of the flowerpot. In simple flowerpots, reminiscent of potted plants, that is, those that have only one open surface, the plants are planted as usual.

It is a completely different matter if the flowerpot is designed to create a hanging ball. In this case, the walls of the frame are filled with moss, which is designed to retain moisture, and the entire basket is covered with a special film, which is most often sold complete with such flowerpots.

Then, in those places where the shoots should subsequently grow, it is necessary to make small holes. The seedlings should be carefully inserted into the holes made, and the soil should be poured into the flowerpot and the plants should be planted at the top.

Having planted flowers to create a hanging flower bed with your own hands, you should water the soil a little and hang the flowerpot in a cool place for several days.

Hanging flowers in the garden: which plants are suitable for hanging flower beds

To create hanging flower beds, it is better to choose plants that are unpretentious in care and do not have special requirements for the condition of the soil.

In addition, when choosing inhabitants for such flowerpots, it is important to consider the ratio of the size of their root system to the size of the pot.

For example, petunia roots grow very quickly, and if the flowerpot for this flower is less than 6-8 liters, then it root system will soon fill the entire volume of the container, due to which the plant may die.

Highly beautiful decoration will have a do-it-yourself hanging flower bed when planting luxuriantly blooming annuals in flowerpots, for example, pansies, petunias, vervain, marigolds, etc.

Almost all domestic plants, including Kalanchoe, nasturtiums, daisies, rejuvenated, stonecrops, etc., also get along well and grow in a hanging planter or flowerpot.

Of course, bright colorful flowers will always become worthy decoration any garden or interior, but you should not think that in the design of hanging flower beds you can only use flowering plants. For example, flowerpots with herbs- mint, rosemary, etc.

And for those who love originality, we can advise you to make a very unusual, but very useful decoration - a hanging basket with small-fruited vegetables, for example, strawberries, which will bear fruit even on the veranda or balcony.

Specific care for hanging flower beds

Caring for plants planted in hanging pots depends on whether they have pallets.

Baskets without a pallet prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, which, on the one hand, is good, since it slows down the decay of the root system of plants, and on the other hand, it can lead to a lack of moisture if the flower bed is in a sunny area.

If the flowerpot is equipped with a tray, then you should not water the plant too often, and also install it in darkened areas.

In addition, the soil in hanging flower beds must be periodically fertilized, because. during watering minerals washed out in it.

In all other aspects, caring for hanging plants garden beds is no different from caring for plants planted in open ground- They also need to be watered regularly, eliminate dried leaves and fight pests.

Hanging flower beds are exactly the addition that can give brightness and expressiveness to any suburban area They can be hung in arbors and pergolas, on fences and on poles, on garden benches, in the recreation area, on the summer terrace, balcony and even on the walls of the house - everywhere they will look beautiful and harmonious.

However, when designing suspended street flower beds, it is also important to take into account the peculiarities of style. personal plot. You can beautifully emphasize the beauty of the landscape with bright colors or unusual shapes, and you can focus on natural beauty plants.

If such hanging flower beds "settle" in your garden, be sure that this decision will not disappoint you. Beautiful flowers and plants, neat and well-groomed, always delight the eye and create an atmosphere of comfort, and if they are also hung in beautiful, original flowerpots, then such an arrangement of the site can only be envied.

Old enameled bowls, flower pots, buckets will be used to create planters. The containers are hung on chains and hung as high as possible so that any passer-by can see and appreciate this beauty.

It is such a pleasure to make simple things for the garden with your own hands. Please yourself with a hanging flower pot, it can perfectly decorate the porch of a private house or a balcony in a city apartment. And we will share with you a master class on its manufacture ...

What you will need:

  • Wicker basket, you can use an old one or even weave it yourself
  • Sphagnum is peat moss, it is used in gardening and construction, you can find and collect it in a marshy forest or purchase it in specialized stores
  • Rubber gloves
  • land for landing
  • Small plastic trash bag
  • Bucket of water (for soaking the moss
  • Beautiful flowers and plants for planting

Soak the sphagnum fibers in a bucket of water, wring out a little and lay out the bottom of the basket.

Once you've laid out enough moss, place a piece of polyethylene on top and poke small holes in it to help trap some of the moisture.

Fill the remaining space with potting soil.

Start planting your flowers and plants. It seems to me that ampelous petunias or other ampelous flowers will look great in this pot.

We decorate the garden with our own hands. Enjoy)))

wooden planter

For the original hanging planter, you will need 24 bars 15-20 cm long. Laying them in a checkerboard pattern, they form a square box with through holes.

Connect the bars with nails or screws. Ropes are tied to the bars, at the corners of the upper edge of the cache-pot and hung homemade planter on any tree in the garden.

Wooden planter with viols:

Wooden planter similar to hanging swing, "keep" on itself a whole flower bed with pansies(viols)

burlap pots (tarpaulin, felt)

A heavy fabric, such as burlap, is great for making rustic planters. All that is needed for this is to cut two blanks from the fabric in the form of a semicircle or square, sew them like a pocket and hang them on the fence.

For hanging, you can use a fabric strip sewn to the upper edge of the planter or a wire threaded into the fabric.

Hanging planters for the garden made of felt

In a felt pot, you can put a pot with garden annuals.

New outfit for the watering can.

If you have old watering cans or buckets with basins lying around in your country house, do not throw them away, treat the surface with rust sandpaper, and paint them in bright colours. Inside it is fashionable to put pots (or bags of soil) and flowers. And these items will turn into funny pots

You can hang them on racks, trees, fences

How to make a hanging flower pot from a plastic container

1. Materials and tools. Plafond itself. Galvanized wire with a diameter of 2 mm from the latest project. Key ring. Round nose and pliers.

2. We prepare three pieces of wire 25 cm long.

3. With the help of round-nose pliers at one end of each wire, we bend a round eye.

4. At the other end of each wire, we make a “P”-shaped bend. After all the modifications, the length of the three blanks should be the same.

5. Using an awl or the sharp end of scissors, we make three holes with our own hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck of the ceiling.

6. Insert "P" -shaped hooks into the holes

7. We put wire blanks on the key ring. The pot is ready.

8. We plant plants. Plants can be varied, but it should be noted that the pot does not provide drainage and, if the plant requires frequent transplantation, it may be difficult to extract the plant in this pot design.

Pots can be built not only from cans, but also from plastic bottles(The most common raw material. which is always at hand).

Paint the surface of the pots

You can decorate the pots with twine
To do this, we need a plastic bucket of ice cream or other products:
and you will also need jute twine

Glue the beginning of the skein together to fasten the handle.

And we begin to wrap the twine around the bucket. Make sure that each circle fits snugly together, without gluing the twine. When you have reached the bottom of the bucket, you can glue the last few circles, and also glue the end of the twine well.

Then it remains to make 4 holes and hang a bucket-planter decorated with twine.

Wicker flower pot

Braid a flower pot so you can hang it in a simple way imitating macrame.

In order to make a hanging planter, we need about 10 pieces of thick rope, about 90-120 cm long, several large buttons and a metal ring. And decide on the size yourself.


We fold our pieces of rope in half and fasten with a simple loop as shown in the figure:

Then select two loops located side by side and fasten their adjacent ends with a button, as shown in the figure. It is better to place buttons at a distance of 5-7 cm from the ring.

A popular topic among landscape and interior designers has become the idea of ​​creating interesting flower pots with your own hands, as primitive plastic pots no one has been surprised for a long time. Today we will consider how to make a planter yourself without much effort and material costs.

Materials for planters

The most commonly used as materials for the manufacture of decorative are:

  • wood is natural and beautiful, you need to choose its high quality and resistance to moisture;
  • ceramic pots for indoor flowers are very diverse, can be painted or glazed;

  • stainless steel is characteristic of hi-tech style;

  • metal products can be made multi-tiered or forged;
  • plastic pots are practical and light, so they are often used outdoors;

  • polystone is very plastic, so you can make planters from it on the wall or on the floor of any shape, besides, it is absolutely harmless.

Cache-pot from mirror tiles

Often, small mirror tiles are used to decorate walls, but decorative pots look beautiful and stylish with their help.

  • To create one product, you will need 5 pieces of tiles and a hot glue gun.
  • Lay one tile on a flat surface of the table with the mirror part down - this will be the base of the figure.
  • Attach the remaining 4 tiles perpendicularly to its sides in turn, fastening the joints with hot glue.
  • As soon as the glue finally sets, place a light pot with a plant in the resulting box. Everything is ready.
  • The ability to reflect the surrounding objects makes this interior detail quite interesting to contemplate.

Wooden model from a bar

It is better to make street planters from a bar, as the material is quite wear-resistant. This option is suitable for hobby home carpenters who love to tinker with wood.

  • For a natural product, you will need 24 sticks of 15-20 cm each (depending on how high the pots you want).
  • It is necessary to lay the bars like a well, forming a square box with through openings, attaching a couple of boards as a bottom.
  • It is better to connect pieces of wood with one another with self-tapping screws.
  • Hanging ropes are tied to the corners of the upper row of bars.
  • Such flower pots are hung from any tree in the garden or on the veranda.

Coconut flowerpot

From the shell of the most ordinary coconut, you can make an exotic planter. They look especially interesting and harmonious in such products.

  • In the part of the nut where there are three dark "eyes", carefully make holes with a knife or screwdriver. Drain the juice through them.
  • Bulgarian (hacksaw) cut the dense shell across.
  • When the nut dries, cut off all the inner flesh with a knife.
  • Use a drill to make 3 holes closer to the top edge of the shell for hanging.
  • Pass wire, ropes, chains or special metal hangers through the holes.

"Clothes for the pot" from burlap

If you are interested in how to make a planter for decorating a fence, pay attention to the seasonal fabric model.

  • To make a rustic country-style planter, any dense fabric will do.
  • Cut out two blanks in the form of semicircles or squares like a pocket, and hang it on the fence.
  • In order to strengthen the pot into it, a strip of cloth or a wire threaded into the fabric should be sewn to the upper edge.

Vinyl planter from an old record

It is unrealistic to meet intricately curved pots or coasters in the store, so after spending only 20 minutes of your time, you will get a unique little thing. Required materials:

  • an old record for a gramophone;
  • pan or jar for molding;
  • acrylic paint;
  • thick work gloves to prevent burns.

A decorative pot stand is created according to the following plan.

  1. Place the plate on a plate.
  2. From above, install a jar of the diameter that you need later.
  3. Place the entire structure in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for a couple of minutes.
  4. Very soon, the plate will begin to soften and melt. As soon as you notice this process, immediately put on mittens and remove the structure from the oven.
  5. Immediately start molding the product around the pot or jar.
  6. While the material remains soft, make 3 holes in the walls with a screwdriver to later install the hanger.
  7. Finish the design of the cooled product with painting acrylic paints outside, and optionally inside.

Cache-pot from branches or sticks

Wooden planters most harmoniously fit into the garden interior. Note that large planters are decorated with large branches, so prepare the right amount of material in advance.

  • sticks or branches;
  • thick twine;
  • a piece of burlap;
  • hot glue;
  • simple plastic pot.

Weaving pots for indoor plants from wooden sticks is done like this:

  1. Smooth twigs or sticks are cut into equal pieces about 20 cm.
  2. From below and from above, the branches are connected to each other to form a single canvas. Tie a knot on the first branch, lay the next branch, and tie the knot again. Continue like this until you have tied all the branches together.
  3. Screw a piece of burlap onto the desired plastic pot, fixing it with a glue gun.
  4. Wrap a canvas of wood around a flower pot, and tie the ends of the ropes together.

Wicker macrame planter

Macrame hanging planters for flowers are suitable if there is no more space left on the windowsills. Need:

  • 8 m of natural fiber rope;
  • pot with a diameter of 10 cm;
  • 4 large and 4 small balls (a rope folded in half should pass freely into their holes);
  • wooden ring for curtains;
  • masking tape;
  • acrylic paint with a brush.

Before weaving a flower pot with your own hands, familiarize yourself with the technology:

  1. Color the balls and the wooden ring. Glue the tape on the pot, forming a pattern, paint on top, and tear off the tape until the paint layer is completely dry.
  2. Cut the rope into 4 equal pieces of 2 m each.
  3. Fold them in half, thread them through the ring, and fasten them so that a loop forms.
  4. Thread each pair of ropes first through a small, and then through a large wooden ball.
  5. On each pair of ropes, measure 40 cm, and tie a knot on them. You will have 4 knots at the same height.
  6. Separate pairs of ropes, and tie each of them to the next one. You will get some kind of zigzags. The distance between the lower and upper rows of knots should be 6 cm.
  7. Now tie the rightmost rope to the leftmost one. So you will have a circle.
  8. Repeat the procedure. Divide the ropes again and tie a series of knots, retreating from the previous 6 cm.
  9. At the end, collect all the ropes, and tie them into a large knot. Step back 6 cm from the previous row of knots, cut the ropes, leaving a small brush.
  10. Take the pot and insert it into the formed cocoon.

Received wall planter can be hung in the room or decorate the facade of the house with it. Below is a tutorial video for your reference.

putty swan

This floor planter flowers will do to decorate the garden. An artificial swan looks expensive and interesting, and the cost of such an idea is cheap. You will need:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • small pieces of reinforcing mesh;
  • metal rod;
  • gypsum starting putty;
  • water;
  • bandage;
  • Oil paint;
  • sand.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Turn the bottle on its side.
  2. cut off upper part bottles, screw on the cap.
  3. Lay on a flat surface, fill with wet sand.
  4. Bend the rod in the form of a deuce, fixing it in a cork.
  5. Mix the plaster according to the instructions on the pack. Lay it out on a cling film work surface. Place a sand bottle on top of the plaster. Form the body of the swan and the beginning of the neck.
  6. On the walls of the bottle, also apply plaster, leveling it with a wet brush.
  7. Bend the mesh for the wings a little and reinforce it to the putty on the sides.
  8. With wet hands, form the “feathers” and neck, wrapping layer after layer of plaster with a bandage.
  9. From a piece of twig and putty, make a ponytail.
  10. Eliminate all the shortcomings, and after 2-3 days clean the product with sandpaper.
  11. Apply a layer of primer for painting, after drying, cover the bird with white enamel, decorate the eyes and beak.

As you can see, making an original and modern planter with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, and the result will not only decorate the house and yard, but also inspire you with new ideas. What decor options do you like the most? Share your experience in the comments.

Video: Weaving macrame pots