Plant energy for humans. The energy of indoor plants and its impact on humans. Flowers with a special aura

Let's talk about the energy of indoor plants, about their influence on human energy.

Houseplants familiar to us on the windowsill in the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen not only allow us to admire their charming appearance, but can also help a person by becoming a friend (if used correctly) and giving back to us. energy of indoor plants. And if they are mishandled, they can bring a lot of trouble.

Let's talk about the energy that plants and flowers form. A houseplant is a living body with a sensitive and powerful biofield capable of contacting the human biofield.

This biofield of plants eliminates the undesirable effects of external negatives surrounding a person. They sensitively capture changes in energy flows, improve the atmosphere in the house, increase the vitality of its inhabitants, cleanse its home, and protect it from troubles and troubles.

Flowers for planting must be chosen so that they fit the individual characteristics of those living in this room, reveal their creative potential, and have a beneficial effect on the psychological, physical, and energy state of a person.

Indoor plants with their energy are able to reduce the harmful effects of radiation from electrical appliances, the negative effects of various chemically harmful synthetic materials, and purify the atmosphere of the room.

This is because plants absorb negative energy, transforming it into positive, creating an aura of kindness and love of life. The energy of your favorite plants can work wonders, but this applies to planted plants. The ones in the vase lose some of that energy.

Flowers are not only a beautiful decor for your apartment, they are living creatures that need to be looked after, loved and protected. Having received your love, they become best friends and protection. The energy of domestic plants can work real miracles.

As soon as a plant appears in your home, it becomes an integral part of its bioenergy system. And everything starts to change for the better - especially if we made the right choice.

All parts of the plant are important, and the leaf is what carries the protective and cleansing action as a whole. Not all plants may be suitable, each has its own special character.

How to determine if this or that houseplant suits you with its energy?

In order to determine if the energy of indoor plants is right for you, you need to hold your palms over the plant. If you feel the warmth entering your hand, if it is good and pleasant next to this plant, this is your plant. If you feel slight anxiety, dislike or anything negative, this plant is not for you.

With living plants, you need to be very careful, as their energy is different. These can be vampire plants or donor plants, some.

Properly selected indoor plants help us improve the climate in the house, mentally and physically, and they count. When picking up a plant, be sure to listen to the voice within you. And all recommendations for choosing plants should be taken critically, because they are generalized.

It is an excellent protector from gossip and deceit, promotes a good mood, neutralizes nervousness and insecurity. Azalea refers to. For more information about Azalea as an emotional and physical helper, read the article on this topic.

ALOE is used in tinctures and extracts, it is a donor that gives its energy to maintain energy immunity.

- a symbol of courage, freedom, masculinity, life. It is also called the tail flower, the devil's tongue, the pig's tail, the artist's palette. A source of positivity and raising vitality.

BALSAM is a source that brings a sense of joy and harmony. It collects and enhances creative energy. It helps a person in revealing his talents and contributes to the manifestation of his best qualities.

- the best friend of hospitable hostesses, is used as an "energy cesspool". It transforms harmful energy into healing and benevolent. This is such a natural miracle - a converter.

Begonia is a positive vampire, it transforms the negative energy of strangers into positive energy, which it transfers to the surrounding space.

Begonia, like azalea, is an Aries plant.

Dracaena, or it is also called "bamboo of happiness", brings good luck, increasing the energy level of a person, enhances the positive effect on the biofield of those living in the apartment. Brings good luck to the house.

Dracaena deremskaya and dracaena dushy - this. And here . About this in the articles on the relevant links, go if you are interested.

Likes to transform negative and aggressive energies, such as the energies of irritability and anger. This beneficial property of geranium is good in homes where relationships are on the verge of exploding. Geranium also belongs to Aries plants.

CACTUS removes negative energy. If you put it in front of the door, then the cactus is able to linger in the house for a long time to a person who came to you with evil intentions. Envy, hatred, irritation and anger are absorbed by the cactus and converted into positive energy.

Kalanchoe gently and purposefully helps a person who is in a state of apathy or depression. Kalanchoe resists them and does not allow them to settle in an apartment, helping those living in the house to find confidence in the future. , and its influence on human energy can be found in the article at this link.

- a plant that can balance the energy flows from the outside and the own flows of the human energy body. The energy of the fern helps to reveal the inner experiences of a person, forms a feeling of warmth and harmony in the soul.

Ferns are in astrology, read about it by clicking on the link.

Will bring happiness to a woman - for a young marriage, and married will help in building relationships in the family. They also say that spathiphyllum will not bloom in a house where quarrels and conflicts constantly occur.

In addition to the energy component, indoor plants play another. About this in the article at the link. If you are interested, follow the link.

Plants are not only an oxygen bomb that purifies the air, they are also a powerful energy magnet. Thanks to some house plants, we cleanse the aura and attract positive energy to the house and family.

For example, if you notice that aloe vera suddenly began to die, this means that it absorbed bad energy, thereby protecting a person and his family members from it.

The following 10 plants are the best energy magnets imaginable.

Cacti are very beautiful and very original plants. They bring a special decorative touch to the interior of our office or home.

However, the cactus not only cleans the room well from electromagnetic waves emitted by household appliances, but also attracts positive energy. This is a plant that requires special care. Experts say that cacti have the ability to reflect envy, remove the evil eye of ill-wishers. In a word, a cactus can be safely called an absorbent of everything negative.
2. Mint

Mint has a huge amount of useful trace elements necessary for health.

This is a plant with valuable medicinal properties that we can use as a preventive measure for various ailments. Having this plant at home not only guarantees you good health, but also contributes to positive waves in any area.

Peppermint effectively combats bad vibrations and helps overcome insomnia. It also improves communication between family members living in the home. However, in addition to these benefits, the plant is also used to protect against witchcraft and the envy of others.

Mint is a plant for your well being. It is believed that those who have fresh mint growing at home attract economic well-being and prosperity to the house.

3. Bamboo

Recently, bamboo has become a very fashionable decoration for the home. This plant is used in the decoration of living quarters.

However, not everyone knows that in addition to its aesthetic value, bamboo has a powerful positive energy.

They say that bamboo, appearing in the house, brings purity, transparency and beauty to a person's life. The presence of this plant in your home will make you feel comfortable, calm, secure and quiet. Bamboo is also good for preventing the evil eye.

4. Jasmine

Jasmine is known as a couple plant. This flower benefits the relationship by developing the spiritual realm of both partners.

It is recommended to keep the plant in the bedroom, break room, or any other place where the couple spends a lot of time together. Jasmine will attract positive energy that will strengthen relationships and create a romantic mood.

5. Rosemary

Rosemary is a plant with a lot of medicinal elements.

Such an advantage has been used since ancient times in many cultures. On a spiritual level, this plant is known to attract sincere love and happiness into the home. In addition to the benefits of planting fresh rosemary plants at home, it is also a good idea to place a few sprigs of rosemary in cloth bags and arrange them in different rooms around the house. In this way, you will attract loyalty and devotion to your family.

6. Thyme

Thyme is a plant that has been used since ancient times to remove negative vibrations in the air.

This herb is considered cleansing as it combats negative energy, prevents nightmares, and boosts self-esteem. Having thyme in your home provides protection for the home and its residents.

7. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are known for their beauty. However, in addition to their aesthetic value, these flowers have another advantage: they bring a sense of well-being to the house.

Chrysanthemum promotes happiness and good mood, so it is recommended to place these flowers in those places where you feel tension. Chrysanthemums will bring peace and relaxation to the life of its owner.

8. Eucalyptus

This plant has the ability to combat unfavorable vibrations and prevent the negative effects of the evil eye of envious people.

Eucalyptus is also recommended for use in enterprises or in workrooms, offices, as the plant attracts prosperity and financial well-being. It is also ideal for improving sleep and clearing the room of negative energy.

9. Aloe Vera

This plant has been widely used in various rituals against bad luck and envy of ill-wishers, it is considered an effective and reliable remedy against negative vibrations.

Aloe vera is known for attracting prosperity and positive energy wherever it is found.

It is believed that when aloe vera grows, it attracts good luck, success and happiness. If the plant begins to die, it is because it has absorbed the negative energy, thus protecting you from the naughty waves.

10. Spathiphyllum

This plant is known as "Women's happiness". If the owner of such a plant is alone in the house, then soon he will definitely meet his soul mate.

It is especially worth paying attention to this flower for childless couples who dream of offspring. It is believed that by bringing spathiphyllum into the house, the couple dooms themselves to real family happiness surrounded by children.

This plant brings understanding, grace and happiness to the house.

Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can be of great benefit to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm in the cold and simply delight the eye.

Useful properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Poorly ventilated rooms accumulate carbon dioxide. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, the air in the room becomes dry due to the operation of the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation, which is created by household appliances and home appliances. It can affect a person's well-being, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. The city air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs endow indoor flowers with the properties to bring happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We have included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and loved ones


This is a well-known home doctor. It will help with colds, inflammation, is able to stop bleeding and heals wounds. Its juice is used to treat sore throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bending leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, purify the air of harmful substances present in it. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to the house.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and make tea with them.


Many favorite plant will fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen and will not take up much space. Violet will clean and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help to get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers of red and pink color cheer up and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, cleanse the air of unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful liana, for example, scindapsus looks good in a hanging planter. It has green heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly cleans the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

wax ivy

It is a climbing flower with hard oval leaves. It has white, pink or red inflorescences-umbrellas. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and purifies the air of germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It scares away moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant wilts, then it is believed that one of the household members may get sick.

fat girl

This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick stem. It is often called the money tree. The fat woman has small dark green leaves, which are located on the branches in a symmetrical manner. They are like small coins. Therefore, it is believed that a fat woman is able to attract material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Quite a tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They are monochromatic and have a dark green color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptics, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant is also able to stop the blood.


This bushy plant has a purple color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white flowers-umbrellas appear on it. Branches of a flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition, sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who wish to meet a soul mate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical slightly elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If the cactus is well cared for, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with a wonderful aroma will then open. It will bloom up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. The tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. Leaves, as well as fruits, can have a beneficial effect. Plants secrete essential oils that help to calm, relieve stress and fatigue, ensure healthy and sound sleep.

myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that facilitate breathing and relieve bronchial spasms. It is very beneficial for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds, as it is a symbol of a long and happy family relationship. It must be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and does not take well-being with it.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of a coniferous forest. This is a miniature pyramidal tree with soft needles. The plant perfectly cleans the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soulmate and maintains the relationship of a married woman.


This is a small 30 cm plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits are able to strengthen marital relations if the husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to put red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony and mutual feelings into the life of a married couple. Anthurium has glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves. It is believed that this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single folded flowers. She protects the house and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia will help to refresh the relationship. Her inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home doctor. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates the skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


Houseplant with dark matte leaves, in which there are white blotches. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies, their shade can be different. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have a strong energy. They help to get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves, on which a corrugated pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower cleans the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs say that Calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

It has long been established: all our green friends have a certain biofield. Already in the twentieth century, not only mystics, but also biologists became interested in this issue. A number of scientific studies have been carried out confirming the energetic influence of flora on people.

But best of all, the energy of indoor plants is known to psychics. I again turned to bioenergy therapist Irina Rudenko for help. And today I will share information about what green exotics need to be grown for family happiness, wealth, health and longevity, as well as protecting the house from the evil eye and damage.

...Even if you are indifferent to indoor floriculture, you need to have three plants in the apartment: tree-like aloe (agave), crested chlorophytum and pelargonium (geranium, it is also kalachiki).

These amulets in flowerpots work as the most important energy cleaners in the house. Geranium, among other things, is able to transform negative energy into positive. And if the rolls die for no reason, then damage has been brought to your house. (Important! In this case, the flower dies, as it were, on its own. Lack of watering or overflow with rotting of the roots, other non-compliance with the conditions of detention do not count). I’ll add from myself: these representatives of the flora do not require effort in growing. For example, agave can be watered only once every 1-2 weeks.

And now - about how this or that flower affects us.

Tradescantia (as well as zebrina).
Indicator of "bad" places. If you put it on a site with bad energy, the plant will die. And, on the contrary, where there is a positive field, this ampel will delight with a healthy and magnificent look.

Azalea (rhododendron).
It enhances creativity in a person. Helps to achieve success in any endeavors. Keeps health, cheerfulness, protects the love of married couples.

It attracts negative energy to itself, transforms it into positive energy, makes babies more obedient, kindly wean them from whims. And generally improves the fate of children. Helps adults overcome any difficulties. It is a plant for attracting money, wealth and material prosperity to the house. This plant, which is capricious in care, is also recommended to be grown by lazy, slow, and also very accommodating, compliant people who cannot say: "No".

Cyclamen is very useful for diabetics. It is desirable for them to grow such a flower from seeds in order to maintain health.

Helps people with diseased lungs and respiratory system. It is useful for them to keep this citrus in the bedroom.

Chlorophytum crested. This unrivaled living air filter enhances learning and has an overall positive bifield.

Bosom green friend in a tub! All types of dracaena contribute to favorable and warm relations in the house. They increase the energy in the apartment, especially improve the energy in the case of a goal and contribute to the fulfillment of desires. Such an exotic reveals psychic abilities and helps to maintain peace of mind in any everyday situations. Dracaena energy plus 18.

His energy field is plus 30. In this regard

ficuses are recommended to start in every home. It promotes the development of organizational skills, helps to develop intuition in business, and achieve heights in terms of building a career. But this representative of the tropics has another invaluable property: if someone is sick in the house, he can take the hit. And die - thereby healing a sick person

Energetically, it is a plant of longevity. To plant this bush means to prolong life for yourself and your loved ones. And it also kills pathogenic bacteria in the air and promotes the healing of the lungs and the entire respiratory system.

Prickly pear.
It destroys harmful alien energy, the energy of envy, protects the home from the evil eye and damage.

Improves mood, prevents stress, ensures well-being in the home. Useful for speakers, singers and just talkative people who strain their throats a lot. Energy is very good in the kitchen. Considering that this plant loves high humidity, there it is the right place.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose).
Biofield plus 22-24. An energy purifier that has a beneficial effect on the human liver and blood, as well as on the nervous system and psyche. Nourishes the upper aura and provides contact with God. Hibiscus is good to have in the living room.

Passiflora (passion flower, "cavalier star"). Energy field plus 35. Removes nervous tension and stress, removes neuroses, fears, phobias. Brings pleasant dreams. Perhaps this plant is highly recommended to put in the bedroom.

Common ivy (hedera helix).
Absorbs the negative energy of a person and helps to maintain a stable state of mind, as well as get rid of uncertainty, obsessive thoughts, weakness, throwing and complexes. Neutralizes quarrels, conflicts, scandals, smooths out sharp corners in relationships. Neutralizes negative zones. Indispensable for people who are going to quit drinking, smoking and generally getting rid of other addictions.

Ferns (nephrolepis, maidenhair - "venus hair", asplenium, cyrtomium, davallia, pelletia, pteris, platicerium, woodwardia, and so on).
Also, like ivy, it helps to neutralize negative zones, smooth out radiation. It is useful to place both ferns and ivy next to the TV. Here we should especially talk about such a plant as -

Nephrolepis. It has a biofield plus 20. Like all ferns, it removes the negative energy of the place where it is located. Contributes to the normalization of the emotional and physical condition. Helps to be collected, develops internal self-organization, helps to put things in order. Indispensable if a person with laziness. It also removes worries, problems, increases activity and helps to carry out the planned tasks, removes the chaos of thoughts. If nephrolepis grows in the house, people begin to listen to each other.

Develops intellectual and creative abilities. It takes on the envy of strangers - and in general the negative energy and bad thoughts of all the people who came to the house with bad intentions. This moisture lover is able to increase income. But he acts, as in the fairy tale "Twelve months". Income increases only for benevolent people. For evil, envious, greedy, well-being, on the contrary, does not increase.

Its biofield strengthens the immune system, maintains energy at the proper level and distracts from gloomy thoughts and anxieties. It will benefit the elderly with poor health.

They save you from computer addictions and hanging in chats and social networks. To do this, prickly charms must be placed in front of the monitor or 2 copies on the sides of the computer on the desktop. Prickly cacti will help us not to sink, not to stick in virtual reality. Any plants with a strong smell will work in the same way - fragrant geranium, plectranthus "room mint", lemon eucalyptus, flowering jasmine, muraya, roses, and so on.

It is useful to keep people with dictatorial habits. It reduces selfishness, attempts to impose one's will on others. But it also protects those who are subjected to moral and emotional pressure. Harmonize partnerships.

Sign. If the Decembrist suddenly blossomed "out of time" - expect an increase in salary, better living conditions, any other pleasant event, as well as recovery from illness.

Attention! We are talking only about the biofield of representatives of the flora, but not about their treatment in the literal sense and eating them.

Fat woman oval ("money tree").
It's such money! After all, it gives energy to provide housing space with the necessary material benefits. But you need to think positively about money. If you focus on indispensable wealth, too zealously ask for it from this succulent, then the reaction may be reversed. A fat woman (crassula) has many other virtues. Her energy field is plus 26. She saturates the house with positive. It also enhances the sexual energy and social significance of the individual. It helps to achieve what you want and not give up in front of difficulties. If it grows in an apartment or house for many years, it helps to rejuvenate all household members.
But planting a money tree in a red pot or tying a red thread to it, according to our consultant, is not at all necessary. It is rather an "anchor" for our subconscious. But in no way does it affect the biofield of the plant itself.

Palm trees (chamedorea, areca, date, livinston, coconut, govea, rapis, cat palm, cariota, Spanish cryosophila, trachycarpus, actionectia, adonidia, chuniofenix, likuala, acelorafa, graceful psychosperm, and so on).
The strongest indoor plants. Their energy field is plus 40. They increase activity, vitality, remove the cottony state, fill with enthusiasm and vigor. They also help to turn dreams into reality and contribute to the completion of the work begun. Brave telephone energy vampires. And all the palm trees make us feel like children. They bring an atmosphere of cheerfulness, fun and playfulness into the house.

Plant diplomat. An excellent tamer of quarrels, scandals. It balances the energetic background, therefore it is good to grow it on the windows of communal apartments or in a house where many inhabitants live.

Hoya kerri (hoya "valentine", hoya in love). Plant of family happiness. Provides the fusion of male and female energy into a single whole. Strengthens relationships. This can be seen in the special shape of the leaves in the form of hearts.

Violet (Saintpaulia).
It's great to have a lot of violets in the house. She does not tolerate base energies, excessive passions of scandals in the house. It is good to entrust the care of Saintpaulias to children. After all, violet is considered a plant - a child psychologist.

Rescues with a lack of strength and replenishes energy hunger. If you feel exhausted, just stroke the long leaves of this flower with your hands.

It also helps with lack of energy. Removes anxiety, fear, anxiety and insomnia. It is useful to grow this plant for the elderly.

Lianas (philodendron, scindapsus, aka epipremnum, and so on).
A source of energy, smooth out quarrels and conflicts.

Datura fragrant (datura).
Provides peace of mind. humility in life, gentleness and kindness. Reveals and develops psychic abilities. However, this plant is highly poisonous.

Any apartment has its own energy, which is largely made up of the messages of household members, their moods, thoughts and actions.

Any negative energy flows weaken the aura of each family member and the entire space as a whole, so everyone needs indoor plants to strengthen the biofield. The thin shell of each representative of the flora is always unique, so before buying flowers, you should make sure of their bioenergetic benefits.

The study of plant energy

The scientific community became interested in the biofield of plants almost immediately after the discovery of the aura as part of the Kirlian effect, because representatives of the flora proved the presence of energy in living beings. To photograph the thin shell of plants, experts took a metal plate with a photosensitive film, where they put individual flowers and leaves. A pulse of electric current left a luminous halo around objects on the film, and as a result, very beautiful pictures were obtained.

By the way, around the same time, the Indian biologist Boche created a crescograph to monitor the emotional behavior of plants.

In the 19th century, the scientific community only assumed that plants had feelings. The ability of living objects to emit light, in turn, was discovered at the beginning of the next century by Gurvich, who became the founder of the biophoton analich. He also invented a device for fixing the glow of living tissues. The following experiments of the XX century. related to the perception of plants.

At the end of 1999, a photo exhibition of a psychologist and chiropractor, Sergei Lopatin, thundered across Russia. For more than 10 years he has been fixing plants using the Kirlian apparatus. Pictures of a specialist show that representatives of the flora always have an individual character.

Today, scientists have advanced quite far in their experiments, so they put forward theories about the heterogeneity of the plant aura, consisting of several layers, each of which is dominated by electromagnetic waves at a certain frequency. From the point of view of esotericism, these layers can be identified with human chakras. Also, in the biofield of representatives of the flora, the main energy channel is observed, in which all forces are accumulated and distributed.

The energy of any plant changes in accordance with the actions of a person who is nearby. Even the mood of the surrounding objects and the aura of neighboring representatives of the flora influence. There are, for example, very peaceful trees and shrubs, and there are quite conflicting ones. The human biofield, however, has the maximum influence, it is able to reduce the glow of the plant's aura, change the size of the energy halo.

However, not only the aura of plants is influenced by other people's energy. The thin shell of individuals is also affected by the biofield of different plants. Flowers that take away human energy do exist, but fortunately for us, they absorb mainly negative flows, replacing them in the aura with power whirlwinds of joy and cheerfulness.

How can you feel the aura of a plant without photos?
If we are talking about indoor flowers or trees, then you can place your palm 5 cm from the object and close your eyes. The hand will begin to get colder or, conversely, warmer, a pulsation, a slight tingling will appear in it.

To feel the aura of wild flora, you need to go to nature after sunset. At a distance of 10-15 meters from the tree, you need to stop and concentrate on the space just 1-3 meters above the crown. Then close your eyes. After a minute, open your eyelids, and for a second you will see a luminous crown above the tree.

Type and structure of the aura of plants

Most beginner psychics see the flora aura as a multi-colored cloud, reminiscent of the northern lights. But only experienced esotericists are able to determine the specific degree of strength and energy level of living beings. It is enough for them to bring their hand to the object in order to feel its cloud of energy, to establish a mental connection with it. Sometimes it is possible to scan the energy field of a plant with the help of the sense of smell.

From the pictures of the biofield of plants, we can say that the trees usually glow green even at the cut of the trunk. But some leaves give orange. Houseplants usually have a brilliant color, and artificially created objects often suffer from black holes inside the aura.

And psychics can also notice that trees and grasses are surrounded by an ethereal shell, more like a haze. This is not the aura itself, but a kind of double of a living being, which a person also has. By the way, the energy channels that connect the trees with each other, and also ensure their contact with the Cosmos, also resemble a thin haze.

From the point of view of most specialists, the aura of plants is multilayered. Each type of energy field vibrations can penetrate into the thin shell of a person, but with varying degrees of intensity. Each layer of the aura has a store of energy. If the fluctuations of the plant biofield coincide with the frequencies of the human aura, a quite strong positive connection arises between the objects.

Types of indoor plants for energy

You can also get energy from the representatives of the flora at home. The main thing is not to put cut bouquets in the apartment, because they are dead flowers. Plants in pots in an apartment are almost always appropriate, and most of them are quite harmless in their aura.

But there are also exceptions:

warrior plants

Warrior plants are distinguished by strong Yang energy. These are pineapple, palm, representatives of cacti. You can not put such plants everywhere, they are very active and have a bad effect on the aura of the bedroom or children's room. The so-called pike tail can be placed in front of the entrance so that it protects the house from negative outside influences.

Warrior plants can't stand neighbors, so you shouldn't keep them in a flower greenhouse.

babysitter plants

The complete opposite are nurse plants with soft Yin energy. They remove the negative, charge a person with the missing power. These flowers include aloe, camellias, begonias.

With these plants, good sleep, high spirits, and sexual energy are guaranteed.

cleaning plants

Cleaning plants work on energy balancing and elimination of geopathogenic areas in the house. For example, creepers perfectly remove rough energy, and ivy protects from various evil eyes. If the energy in the apartment is very heavy, it is better to choose a fern to restore the nervous system.

Flowers with a special aura

Plants with heavy energy require an attentive attitude. With the right location in the house, they can serve as excellent protection.

  • For example, echmea acts very exciting, it accumulates aggression. Similarly, it activates the human nervous system and spurge.
  • But neoregelia gives its owner anxiety, but at the same time protects from negative emotions.
  • Yucca also has a very strong explosive effect, so it must be kept on the face near the house, in a large spacious tub.

It is worth noting that there are representatives of energy vampirism in the plant world. In other words, the question, can indoor flowers be fed by human energy, in some cases has a positive answer. But at the same time, it is worth mentioning right away that we are not always talking only about positive energy or about the necessary vitality.

It's just that some plants should not be kept in apartments, they will be safer to grow in offices. These are, for example, dieffenbachia, poinsettia, monstera.

You should also be aware that pungent-smelling flowering plants almost always steal or suppress chi from women, so they are not desirable in the bedroom.

The most useful plants for the home

It must be remembered that the strong energy of plants is useful in living rooms, as well as in rooms on the south side. In the bedrooms, you can safely keep Kalanchoe, Sansevier. It is useful to keep a philodendron in nurseries.

And such a plant as chlorophytum is useful when moving, because it turns a negative aura into positive vibes, being a kind of energy fan. You can also keep it in the kitchen. To fight subtle material entities in the house, you can also keep geraniums, which bloom beautifully in places with negative energy. A real energy pump that accumulates strength and gives it to a person is dracaena.

Often people ask themselves, what kind of trees for an apartment with a good aura will suit them? It is believed that all representatives of citrus fruits have positive energy. It is also useful to keep a tree fat woman at home, i.e. the so-called money tree. Bamboo also provides good energy with subtle and high vibrations.

Exotics in the house will add trees such as:

  • Cypress. For men, this is the main source of energy that cures impotence and helps to harmonize old relationships, adding freshness to them. Only it is always necessary to communicate directly with the tree, to be near it, and then the cypress will make any representative of the stronger sex irresistible.

  • Rose hip. This plant is not indifferent to high feelings. It has long been considered the personification of love suffering, so it does not bring consolation, but enhances tenderness and unity. To energize the wild rose, it is best to communicate with its flowers and berries, you can even pluck them with your hands and make tea for your loved one.
  • Myrtle- an exotic tree, but since ancient times it has been used as a patron of couples and marriage. The energy of myrtle is closely connected with love, so it is sensitive to changes in the emotional atmosphere in the house.

For those who prefer smaller plants, flowers such as tulip, gloxinia, daffodil, violet can be advised.

There is an opinion, for example, that all red plants make a person cheerful, and blue - calm and gentle. White flowers add fresh and clean energy to the room, and yellow, like orange, eliminate depression.

Those who have seriously decided to start improving the aura of their own home and strengthening their personal biofield should also take a closer look at such plants as:

  1. Amaryllis- relieve the effects of energy depletion and hunger. To absorb the power of a plant, it is enough to stroke its leaves.
  2. Hibiscus- not only cleanses energy, but also nourishes the upper layers of the aura with its strength, especially if it is located in the hall.
  3. Decembrist- will help to equalize the energy and emotional balance in the house, because it does not tolerate dictators and tyrants, accelerates recovery after communicating with energy vampires.
  4. Prickly pear- destroys someone else's damage, the evil eye, the negative energy of envy.
  5. Primrose- has an effect similar to the Decembrist, as it reduces the level of tension around him and resolves many conflicts.
  6. Rosemary- restores strength, like amaryllis, but is especially effective in relation to the biofield of the elderly. Relieves anxiety, improves sleep.
  7. Tradescantia- allows you to identify places with bad energy, because it cannot survive in them and withers very quickly.
  8. ficus- takes on bioenergetic blows and accelerates the career growth of its owner.
  9. Hoya in love- provides a harmonious fusion of male and female energies in the house.
  10. Cyclamen- helps to overcome difficulties, monitors the fate of children, processes the negative into positive frequencies.
  11. cyperus- collects bad intentions and negative thoughts that came from outside, and also absorbs envy. Increases financial flows in the house, develops intelligence and gives creative energy to its owner.

When a person in an apartment is constantly near home flowers, he comes into contact with the aura of a living being. This must always be remembered and the energy correspondence of the representative of the flora and its owner must be checked in advance.

In addition, the vitality of flowers also affects its immediate neighbors, which must be taken into account when creating winter gardens and home greenhouses. And even if no one approaches green spaces, it becomes necessary to rearrange and buy new indoor plants to strengthen the biofield. There are not so many inflorescences that negatively affect a person’s aura, but all the same, when decorating a house, you should contact the most positive representatives of the flora that do not have aggressive energy.