DIY hanging planters for home flowers. Original flower pots for flowers with their own hands. How to make beautiful pots for indoor flowers with your own hands hanging

When conventional ceramic or plastic pots for flowers get bored, it's time to start creating your own planters. Such a hanging pot will be not only practical, but also very original. You can easily decorate your home with several copies. In addition, various materials are used for this flower container. So the choice is yours. It remains only to figure out how to make flower pots with your own hands.

A home planter is a budget and at the same time a rather colorful detail of any interior. But before you start creating it, you should decide what materials you plan to use. There are many ideas for creating a hanging planter with your own hands. Think about what material you personally are ready to give preference to. But first you need to study their benefits in more detail.


What is good about a plastic flower pot is its budget and practicality. You can always make drainage holes in it if you wish. Decorating pots is recommended to be done with light colors. In this case, the color will last much longer. Nevertheless, such a flower stand should not be used on the street, since this material does not differ in durability.


Making a clay pot is a good solution for a grower. Those wishing to issue original decor that would definitely be an option. However, plants do not develop very well in such containers. The thing is that drainage holes, as a rule, are absent in them, and moisture from the substrate does not go anywhere. For flowers, this is not good.

A natural stone

You cannot put this most beautiful monumental flower container in a house or apartment, it is too bulky. But for the design of personal plots, alleys or parks, there is no better option. The key advantage of the material is environmental friendliness. Such a planter can be safely purchased by owners of private houses.


Cache-pots made of wood can be created with your own hands. The main thing is to arm yourself necessary tools and have some basic skills in working with wooden structures even if they are miniature. On the one hand, such flower containers are best placed on the street, because root system they will be protected from excessive sunlight. On the other hand, they can start up in such material, therefore, it can hardly be attributed to durable wood planters.


If a hanging pots from wood not the most the best option for the street, metal can be safely placed on the plot.

But remember: this material has a high thermal conductivity, so the root system, however, like the whole plant, will heat up excessively.

Nylon threads

Decorating a pot decorated with nylon threads is no longer necessary. Another name for this species is macrame pots. You can make macrame with your own hands by mastering the basic techniques. But almost everyone can afford to purchase this “creation”: the price of such a product is acceptable. In addition, how to decorate compositions from indoor plants if not with the help of macrame pots?

The best ideas for planters

Make a pot with your own hands, designed for indoor flowers, every florist can. Take old pieces of furniture, fill them with flowers, and the original flower pot will certainly decorate your household plot. A good material for creating an original and at the same time affordable planter is burlap. The highlight of your garden can be plastic buckets painted in bright colors. Such a planter will certainly combine 3 key points: practicality, durability and aesthetic appearance. These three ideas are far from the limit for the modern grower. Look for new original solutions, in addition to the three options listed, so that your backyard sparkles with new colors. For example, paper decoupage is a good decoration for flowerpots.

We make pots with automatic watering

The best choice for any grower is a planter with. What is remarkable about such a device is the system of internal regulation of soil moisture. Of course, buying such a thing means spending a lot of money. However, as a result, you will only benefit from such an acquisition. Perfect watering can now become a reality. Ideas for designing and decorating home planters on present stage lots of. Decorate a flower container paper napkins using decoupage or resort to other techniques. Fantasize and experiment so that your planters become not only flower pots, but also original interior items.

Video "Gypsum pots"

From this video you will learn how to make a gypsum planter with your own hands.

Hanging flower pots are extremely popular in our country and are widely used both in interior decoration and in the design of garden areas and courtyards. Making very beautiful and spectacular hanging flower beds in the country house or balcony and loggia with your own hands is completely easy. Hanging flower arrangements for the street are created from the most unpretentious decorative crops.

The most practical and popular today are plastic outdoor flower pots. Such pots compare favorably with their low weight, as well as sufficient strength and unpretentiousness in care. Impenetrable walls allow you to retain moisture well and protect the soil from drying out. Hinged decorative pots can be plastic, metal, ceramic or wood, but wicker, lightweight pots are especially popular.

  • traditional clay pots are attractive, but it can be quite difficult to provide plants with high-quality drainage;
  • for street version often applied a natural stone, characterized by durability and high decorativeness, but having too high weight;
  • wooden hanging planters perfectly retain the heat of the soil, but after a certain period of time pests can start in them, and besides, the wood is prone to decay;
  • metal hanging containers are characterized high rates strength, but should be used in combination with heat-insulating materials.

If financial opportunities do not allow you to purchase a ready-made hanging flowerpot for growing ornamental plants, then you can quite easily make such a planter with your own hands. AT recent times macrame weaving is increasingly used to create a hanging planter. Such exclusive option will be a great addition to any design, and the knitting pattern can be standard.

The advantage of hanging pots

Despite the fact that in modern landscape design domestic flower growers most often use traditional flower beds, Suspended landing tanks have a number of advantages:

  • decorative hanging flowerpot can be moved freely;
  • the possibility of forming landscape groups or stationary flower arrangements;
  • saving time and rational use small landing area;
  • best option for growing ampelous flowering plants;
  • the ability to carry out the most effective regulation of indicators of illumination, humidity and temperature conditions.

How to make a flower pot with your own hands (video)

Common types

To date, for vertical gardening can be used different kinds hanging pots:

  • hinged structures with mounts in the form of a plastic tripod, which is included in the kit;
  • designs with small metal chains rigidly attached to the edge of the flower pot;
  • planting decorative containers equipped with a twine suspension or a sufficiently strong rope;
  • models equipped with a special suspension located strictly in the middle.

A real work of art are forged planters, in which the stand is most often represented by openwork highly decorative elements.

Macrame outdoor planter

Among the variety of hanging flowerpots strongly very interesting hanging planters made using the macrame technique stand out, according to the following recommendations:

  • cut a dense and sufficiently strong rope into even number equal segments;
  • connect all the segments, align in length and tie on one side into one large knot;
  • divide the ropes assembled into a knot in pairs, and also tie the pairs with knots;
  • combine in pairs two segments from different pairs and tie them also in a knot.

In this way, weaving is carried out along the entire length. This method is the simplest and does not require special knowledge. At the remaining long ends, a loop is formed for hanging, after which a flower pot with a plant is placed inside the weave.

Plant selection rules

To get the most decorative flower arrangement, you need to know what types of indoor and horticultural crops look most impressive in landing tanks hanging type. As a rule, amateur flower growers tend to plant ampelous and bushy varieties in such pots and pots, which are perfect for decorating an opening, arch or niche, balcony and veranda, as well as outdoor gazebos and terraces. In such containers, the most unpretentious and decorative crops are most often planted:

  • shade-tolerant begonias can be placed in places with insufficient lighting, and big choice varieties and hybrid forms used in the creation of multi-colored and variegated, flowering plant ensembles;
  • densely branched petunias are distinguished by extremely abundant and variegated flowering, lasting from the first decade of summer until a severe cold snap. The plant is unpretentious, therefore it is one of the most popular in landscape design;
  • heat-loving balsams are placed in well-lit areas where they are able to form a large number of graceful flowers and neat, densely arranged foliage;
  • you can inexpensively decorate hanging planters with the help of light-loving achimenes, which is distinguished by long and thin branches, as well as funnel-shaped flowers of fairly large sizes. Having planted several bushes of this plant, there is a great opportunity to get a lush bouquet with long flowering.

How to weave a planter (video)

Also, hanging flower pots and decorative hanging planters can be decorated with attractive chlorophytums, asparagus, pelargoniums, marigolds or pansies.

Basic rules for the care of vertical gardening

When growing garden ornamental plants in hanging containers, the grower must be provided with flowering culture proper care, which is due to the food area limited by the size of the flower pot.

Features of the soil substrate

For filling hanging landing tanks heavy and clayey soil substrates are completely unsuitable, which are prone to rapid compaction and are characterized by low looseness. Such soil can make it very difficult to grow. decorative culture. It is possible to optimize air permeability and culvert mode by adding expanded clay and vermiculite.

Irrigation measures and top dressing

The soil, subject to vertical gardening, can dry out much faster, therefore, for the cultivation of decorative flowering plant you will need to balance the irrigation regime. To minimize the risk of rotting of the root system, it is imperative to remove the water accumulating in the pan. Irrigation measures should be fairly frequent and plentiful., and for irrigation you need to use well-settled or boiled, warm water. Intensively washed out of the soil nutrients must be replenished with additional application of complex fertilizers.

It is possible to make an original hanging planter for garden flowers with your own hands from almost any materials at hand. Most often these outdoor flowerpots created from plastic containers:

  • clear empty plastic bottles from labels and adhesive residues, then rinse the container under running water;
  • using sharp scissors or a knife, cut off the bottom, even part of a clean plastic bottle;
  • make several symmetrically located holes for hanging along the edge and thread a sufficiently strong rope of the length necessary for hanging the structure into the holes;
  • put in received plastic planter flower pot with a plant.

Planters in home decor (video)

Ready street plastic flowerpots at the last stage of creation, they are most often painted or decorated with various elements, including pieces ceramic tiles, beads, small stones or shells.

Decorating with flowers both interiors and landscapes is in demand by many people. They are successfully used by designers to implement their projects. For a more harmonious fit, they use flower pots with their own hands, which they create at master classes according to their sketches. But not only they use such techniques, ordinary people successfully invent complex structures from what is at hand.

Types of pots by material

Hanging decorations should be chosen based on the location, the allowable weight per support, the amount of water consumed by the plant and temperature regime. The materials are:

There is a large assortment on the market, but some people prefer to make outdoor hanging flower pots with their own hands and admire their creation. Hangers for pots are made from chains, ropes, metal rods and from cuts of fabric, twine and yarn using the macrame technique.

Cage, chandelier or wooden boxes

The frameless hanging planter is formed directly from coconut fiber. The roots of a plant with a lump of soil are wrapped with a piece of polyethylene, then a fiber winding is made on top of it. Everything is fixed at the base of the plant and placed with suspensions in the chosen place. For the base frame, you can take a basket of wire, metal rods or vines. To make it yourself, you can use the following materials:

  1. Rigid wire.
  2. Pieces of plastic pipe.
  3. Unnecessary plastic arcs from the greenhouse.
  4. Willow or newspaper tube vine.
  5. Wooden planks.
  6. Or whatever your fantasy tells you.

Flowers and other plants in pots can be a real decoration of the interior and a full-fledged element of decor, and we have already paid attention to this more than once, discussing the next Scandinavian apartment, in which green ferns are the main color accents, or at home, where bouquets of flowers support the shades of textiles.

Do-it-yourself hanging planter for flowers

We invite you to think right now: whether your house will make better couple flower pots? And do not say that you have nowhere to put them: hanging planters are designed to cope with this problem. About them today and will be discussed. Let's start with those that you can do with your own hands.

From copper pipes

You can start creating your own planter with ... a trip to hardware store. Blogger Laurel in her master class shares the idea of ​​​​how to make an incredibly stylish and modern thing out of metal corners and tubes. No soldering iron needed!

On the hoop

Do not want to buy anything and go nowhere? Look around the house for an old hoop, all-purpose glue, and an unused bowl. Blogger Alex tells and shows how to make a very pretty planter out of all this. The main thing is to check in advance whether your glue is really good.

From plastic bottles

By creating a planter, you can not only not buy anything, but also help nature. Instead of throwing away the same bottles of your favorite beauty product, make a hanging container system out of them. Blogger Lucy gives a master class.

with beads

Another super-budget way to make a beautiful planter is to knit it from cords and decorate it with large wooden beads. Details - in the master class in the blog A beautiful mess. A little tip: choose for beads waterproof paint so that it does not wash off when you water or spray the flowers.

From dyed floss

You can improve the good old macrame planters by simply dipping them in water with a dye (although this will only work with a thing made of natural yarn). The recipe for the perfect ombre is on the Heart of light blog.

From tin cans

Green plants should live in "green" pots. Let's continue to reuse resources with this tutorial. Important: jars can rust, so it's worth varnishing them. Well, do not forget that the planter is a purely decorative thing, and you cannot plant flowers directly into it.

From planks

If you own a carpentry tool, you can cut out a solid wooden hanging shelf using this master class. The beauty of the design is that you can put in it and ordinary pots: excess moisture will fall on the plant below, and the saucer to collect water will need to be attached only to the bottom one (or you can just put another plant in a tub on the floor).

From a cutting board

The last master class for today is the easiest. Blogger Aniko shows how to make ropes and wood cutting board not even a pot, but hanging shelf for flowers. Graceful and simple idea, but we would advise making small grooves along the edges of the board or fixing the threads with a drop of glue so that the board certainly does not slip out and the flowers do not fall.


For those who prefer to buy ready-made, we have found some great planters available in stores now.

Beautiful bronze Assembly Home, reminiscent of precious stones or alchemical signs ($39) will suit even the most minimalist interior. Similar in shape, but still very special planters (60%) are created by a designer couple from Los Angeles. Design in the style of the 1970s is not only suitable for retro apartments.

Hübsch two-tone ceramic pots (€13) are reminiscent of ordinary flower pots, but at the same time they look very modern and are suitable for both strict and gentle interior. Planter hemisphere self made from Kati von Lehman ($84) - also ceramic, but more elegant.

On the market today you can find planters of the most different styles, colors, sizes, from snow-white traditional Skurar from IKEA to black or transparent bags from Korean designers HEAN ($17). You can choose handmade ceramics on Etsy or a vintage copper yoke planter at the Crafts Fair. Look for the perfect planter or make beautiful DIY planters and let your home be full of greenery and sunshine.

It is difficult to imagine your favorite garden without flowers, as they are a stylish addition and an integral part. landscape design. Compositions planted in hand-made unusual ones look especially impressive, original pots for plants. Creating beautiful flower pots with your own hands from improvised material is not only a useful, but also a very exciting process. Step by step master class making original planters with detailed description and visual photo, later in our article.

What can you make a pot with your own hands

Today, specialized stores offer a wide range of various decor and decorations for the garden for every taste, including original flower pots. However, even with such an abundance of goods, it is not always possible to find what you need exactly. There is only one way out of this situation - to try to make a pots yourself.

Oddly enough, but the most unusual decorative flowerpots are obtained from ordinary material. You just need to be smart and give free rein to your wildest ideas and fantasies. Planters from household items will look most harmonious in the garden. It is they who give a real zest to your yard, creating the effect of grace and refined nobility.

The second life of old shoes

Surely in the country you have old shoes, which you have not worn for a long time, but did not dare to throw it away. The perfect way breathe into it new life- make an original flower garden out of it.

To do this, you need an unnecessary pair of old shoes, the help of skilled hands and a little free time.


  1. Pour fertile soil (preferably black soil) into the bottom of the boot, then plant seeds or seedlings of your favorite plants in it;
  2. Water the resulting decorative flower garden warm water and put it somewhere visible side at home;
  3. To prevent excess moisture from accumulating inside, several small holes can be made in the sole;
  4. To give the composition more interesting view, boots can be painted in any color you like.

Decorate the shoe with your favorite flowers and plants - great idea for a creative gardener

Absolutely any shoes can be used as mosnova: rubber boots, sneakers, sneakers, sandals, galoshes, low shoes, sandals, cloaks. As for flowers, it is better to give preference to bright, unpretentious, undersized plants.

Important! Planters from old shoes should have holes to drain excess water. Otherwise, the roots may rot, which will lead to the death of the plants planted in them.

Flower pot made of cement, rags and burlap (photo)

A flower vase made of cement and rags looks very original and impressive. The method of manufacturing the product is quite simple and does not require special skills and tools. Enough to have on hand cement mortar and waste from textile production.

Important! Before drying, a rag soaked in a liquid cement mortar can take any shape, so you can make such compositions in any form.

So, for work we need:

  • Cloths of rags required size. You can use ripped burlap from cereals or sugar;
  • Components for the preparation of concrete (water, cement, seeded sand or fine gravel);
  • Patterns made to your taste. You can use ready-made, for example, a bucket, a saucepan, old vase etc.

Step-by-step master class for making planters

  1. Cook according to the required proportions. To make it easier to work with the material, the solution should have the consistency of liquid sour cream;
  2. Wrap the template around with a dry cloth. If the size is right, dip it in the solution and hold it there for about a minute;
  3. Throw a dampened rag over your workpiece and let it dry for 12 hours;
  4. After complete drying, remove the template. A cache-pot of cement and rags is ready.

Good to know! The setting and hardening time of cement in the sun is reduced to 2-3 hours.

If you don't like cold and grey colour concrete, or you are simply tired of it, dilute it with bright contrasting colors, so the planter will look more elegant and more fun.

Miniature garden from tin cans (photo)

One of the most popular materials for making flower pots are tin cans.

  • Why are they so popular among art lovers? Everything is very simple. Metal cans come in many colors, shapes and sizes, so you can create a magnificent flower arrangement from them that attracts admiring glances.

The indisputable advantage of making such floral decorations is the minimum return of effort and time while obtaining the most creative result.

To make a pot from cans, usually the following materials are required for work:

  • Cans;
  • Nails and hammer;
  • colored acrylic paints, fly brush;
  • Wooden base for fixing jars

Manufacturing guide

  1. To give the composition certain outlines, all cans are painted in bright colors;
  2. After complete drying, a hole is made in the bottom of the jar to drain excess moisture;
  3. It remains to fix the jars to the selected base, pour soil into them and plant flowers.

To add more expressiveness to the product, patterns can be applied to a slightly dried surface or decorated with various buttons, ribbons, beads or beads.

An unnecessary teapot as a flower garden

Found an old kettle in the garage? Don't rush to throw it away. It can be made from beautiful decoration, which will look original in your garden. In addition, the creation of crafts with your own hands will help not only realize your creative potential, but also save money.

To return the product to its original appearance, a can of acrylic or aerosol paint will help. Using a stencil, various patterns can also be applied to the surface of the teapot.

Important! So that the paint does not swell over time, the surface must be well prepared before application.

The planter from the teapot is mobile, and if necessary, it can be moved to another place

  • For those who do not want to bother with painting kettle, you can leave everything as it is. Worn and tarnished metal tone with light bloom from time to time has its own special charm. The cold shine of polished metal looks no less advantageous.

Using an old teapot as a flowerpot is quite a bold and creative decision.

Vase from improvised means: a step-by-step master class

Today, craftsmen and Hand Made craftsmen make original planters with their own hands from almost any material that comes to hand. Ideas for creativity and inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, including the Internet.

The photo of beautiful planters placed in our article proves once again that there is no limit to a person’s imagination. Innovative solutions and unusual super ideas allow you to create real works of art.

  • If a wooden sticks glue together into a hollow cube, so that each new row forms a free space, and each subsequent one overlaps it, we get unusual planter which is great for small plants. It can be placed anywhere, for example, on a windowsill or hung on a rope, after planting indoor flowers in it.

  • Plastic bottles. Probably not a single garden craft or decoration can do without their participation. Working with this material is very convenient and simple, the main thing is to observe safety precautions. The simplest thing you can make out of is a hanging flower pot.

However, plastic bottles can be used not only for decorative purposes. Seedlings can be planted in them vegetable crops, so this material is also a favorite among amateurs.

  • You can weave a flowerpot with your own hands from an ordinary rope. In this case, the shape of the product can be different: cylindrical, round or cone-shaped, the main thing is that the planted plant fits freely into it. As a material for weaving, some craftsmen use thin vine branches or artificial rattan threads.

  • If you approach the creation of a decorative flower pot more thoroughly, you can make a more interesting and large-scale composition. Suspended old waste boiler over an impromptu fire of flowers and logs, you can get a very interesting result that will not go unnoticed by your guests.

Important! To highlight and emphasize the beauty of the composition you created, you can protect it with a border of ordinary stones, slightly drowning them in the ground.

Boxes for flowers and seedlings

  • Summer residents are resourceful and thrifty people, so they never throw anything away, including cuttings from boards and other lumber. After all, they make excellent wooden boxes which can be used as flower pots.

In order to make planters from boards, you can get by with minimal carpenter skills, and only a hacksaw, nails and a hammer are needed as tools.

  • Good to know! Wooden boxes can also be used for planting seedlings. different cultures. Only for this, in the upper boards, it is advisable to make special holes for the hands so that they can be conveniently and safely carried.

Beautiful flower beds from old things

Oddly enough, but an old bicycle that has not been ridden for a long time can still be useful to you as decorative ornament. It is not necessary to violate the integrity of the structure. Just use it as a living flower bed. Additional contrasting elements in the form of flowers and plants will turn an old bicycle into a real masterpiece of art.

Planter from a bicycle - everything ingenious is simple

  • Showing imagination, a unique hanging decoration with flowers can be obtained from the usual bird cages. Just place a pot or container with low plants in it and decorate with some decor.

Important! A planter from a cage will look more elegant and noble if you use a decorative vintage cage in the Provence style for it.

  • For craftsmen with golden hands, make decorative planter for a summer residence with your own hands in the form of a cart, it will not be difficult. For this you will need special tool and certain skills in handling wood and metal.
  • To improve your mood and deliver yourself a mass positive emotions, quickly and efficiently you can make flower pots from ordinary trash cans made of shiny metal. For ease of movement to the bins, you can screw rotating in different sides furniture wheels.

As you can see, having at hand suitable material, making a planter with your own hands for the garden is very simple. For the manufacture of simple products, no skills required. Even a child can cope with this task. As for products more complicated, then you can’t do without the help of adults.

The creative process of creating a planter is not only creative, but also educational. Therefore to this exciting activity even the smallest children can be involved.