Small yellow flowers for pots with names. The secret of a luxurious garden is ampelous compositions. Benefits of planting flowers in outdoor flowerpots

Good afternoon dear friends!

Recently I looked at photos of beautifully decorated flower beds in German cities. I have always been interested in the question, how do they get such lush beautiful flowers in flowerpots and flowerpots? I tried to study this issue, looked at the advice of our experienced flower growers. It turned out that the matter is not only in proper care, but also in what flowers to plant in a flower pot!

What flowers to plant in a pot

We all love beauty, especially hand-grown flowers. Usually, in the country there is not much space to break large flower beds. In this case, it is convenient to plant flowers in a flower pot. Even small flower arrangements in flowerpots and flowerpots will embellish the site and create a mood. But even in large areas in landscape design, flowers in flowerpots are necessarily used. This is so beautiful! And they bloom all summer.

Moreover, not only classic ones bought in stores are suitable as flower pots, but also, in principle,.

Let's find out first of all what flowers can be planted in a flowerpot. It can be not only ampelous (strongly hanging) plants, but also others.

The most popular flowers that look great both in hanging planters and in tall flowerpots:

  • alyssum that blooms with a beautiful hat
  • achimenes - a chic flowering plant with large flowers of white, red, blue, purple
  • balsam is a bright plant that blooms all summer

  • bacopa - a beautiful plant with flowers of different sizes in blue, white, pink, forms chic cascades. Very picky in care. Unlike petunias, which need to be plucked all the time, bacopa is a self-cleaning plant. Small flowers dry up and fall off without loss for decoration.
  • rose-like begonia

  • bidens is a very unpretentious plant, loves bright places. The more light, the more abundant blooms. And the more pinching done, the thicker and denser the cap of the plant
  • verbena - a well-known beautiful plant
  • calibrachoa - a plant with small bell flowers, related to petunia, very similar to it

  • lobelia with small charming flowers of sky-blue color, but it can also be white and purple. Planting and care is also similar to petunias - lobelia is grown by seedlings, in February small seeds are sown, scattering over the ground, better mixed with sand. Usually several plants dive together a month after the appearance of sprouts.

  • nasturtium - its shoots can reach 2 meters
  • beloved by all of us. There is probably no other culture that enjoys such a worldwide wide love. The least whimsical and capricious are such varieties of petunias as purple, lilac and pink.
    potonia - differs from the petunia we are used to in that it does not require pinching, it itself naturally branches. But she loves to eat very much, the more often she is fed, the longer the shoots are. And you need to feed the potunia with each watering, i.e. almost daily, with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers (if the fertilizer instructions say to dissolve one cap per liter, then in our case you need to take half a cap)
  • ivy-leaved pelargonium is a very spectacular plant and an unusually beautiful sight! From the beginning of July until the very frosts, pelargonium produces large, profusely flowering cascades. The length of the shoots can be up to 1 meter;

  • fuchsia - unpretentious flowers of a very beautiful color.

Of course, other flowers can be planted in pots on the street: in the country and even on the balcony in containers or hanging pots.

How to plant flowers in a pot to bloom all summer

First you need to determine where the flower pots will be. From this place will depend on what flowers to plant.

For places where the sun will look only in the morning or in the evening, fuchsia and morning glory are suitable.

On the south or southwest side, it is good to plant, for example, petunias, violets, begonias.

In Europe, it is not customary to grow monocultures in pots, i.e. consisting of one type of plant, as we have only one petunia or pelargonium. They like to combine these plants with each other. And it is right. The point is not only that interesting beautiful compositions are obtained, but also because many ampelous plants are very capricious. The most capricious is our favorite petunia. A few days of rain and the petunia leaves miserable lashes with drooping flowers, you have to pluck it so that it comes back to life. Therefore, to create an ever-beautiful flowering planter, you do not need to plant petunia alone in it, but you need to combine plants.

A mixture always looks better than a single plant.

We place 2-3 varieties of plants in one pot. We select them by color so that they are either in the same color scheme or contrasting. For example, red and green plants, yellow and purple, or blue, purple and green are well combined.

We arrange the plants so that they look beautiful in a flower pot and correlate with each other in height.

In the center we place taller plants, for example, three fuchsia bushes of different shades. They will become a bright accent of the composition due to their bright pink flowers.

Hanging plants are placed along the edges of the pots. You can add ivy or indoor chlorophytum to fuchsia, which feels great outdoors in summer.

In general, flowers of green or white-green color go well with all types of ampelous plants.

Plectranthus, coined loosestrife, tolmeya are very well suited as replanting.

Plectranthus is interesting for its unusual coloring of foliage and enlivens any composition. Very unpretentious, has great growth power, easily rooted at home. If a plant suddenly falls into the pot, the plectranthus will always occupy this space.

Monetary loosestrife is not a capricious plant, it takes root well, it is not at all demanding for top dressing. But in the sun or when it dries out, it can turn yellow, so watering should be regular and sufficient.

Tolmeya is a shade-tolerant culture, can grow in the light, and feels great in the shade.

In the country or in the garden, use several containers of different sizes and shapes, but from the same material, then the compositions will not be boring.

How to plant correctly:

  1. First of all, let's prepare a planter - we will arrange a drainage layer in it, it is better to use expanded clay, which must be poured into the bottom of the planter with a layer of 2-3 cm.
  2. Then we pour a small layer of fertile soil. Ordinary land from the garden is heavy and in this case is not suitable. For flowers in a flowerpot, it is better to purchase a special primer in the store.
  3. We place our plants on the ground. The distance between flowers planted in pots should be slightly less than is usually recommended when planting in open ground.
  4. Then we fill the free gaps with earth. There should be 2 cm left to the edge of the pot, unoccupied by the ground. This is necessary for convenient watering.

As the shoots grow, to form a lush even bush, the pots need to be turned every two weeks in different directions with respect to the sun.

Song examples:

  • petunia - bidens - ipomoea
  • petunia - caliberhoa - bacopa
  • petunia - verbena - calibrachoa
  • colius - petunia - alyssum
  • verbena - calibrachoa
  • calirahoa - sweet potato - verbena or geranium
  • verbena - bidens - lobelia.

The original design of the garden using hanging planters is becoming increasingly popular. Ampelous flowers have not only a decorative appearance, but also poetic sonorous names: surfinia, sponge, verbena, petunia, lobelia. This article is an overview of ampelous plants for hanging compositions with descriptions and photos.

Flowering plants with a long stem are not able to support the weight of the green mass, so they hang down or require support. The high decorative qualities of these flower crops, flowering during the summer period, the variety of colors and the uniqueness of flower shapes, allow landscape architects to widely use these plants to create unique garden compositions.

Very often, hanging planters are formed from several types of ampelous plants, which replace each other in terms of flowering. Plants with green leaves of different tones are selected, as well as variegated varieties of ampelous plants. When composing colorful compositions in hanging planters, you should choose flowering crops by color - it is very important to achieve a harmonious combination.

A flower pot with bright colors will decorate any part of the garden

Ampel compositions can decorate open courtyard verandas, terraces, gazebos. Planters with a flowing cascade of bright colors are appropriate in small cozy courtyards, patios, large gardens and city parks.

By creating a picture of flowering hanging baskets, you can constantly update the design of the garden by swapping compositions of climbing plants. It is quite possible to revive the most unpresentable parts of the garden with the help of a blooming oasis of bright ampelous ones. Winter gardens and insulated loggias are decorated with flowering cascades of bright plants that thrive in warm rooms in winter.

Attention! Ampelous plants are absolutely undemanding in care, even a novice grower can handle their cultivation.

Conditions for ampel cultures

When arranging hanging flowering gardens, it is very important to create suitable conditions for the ampelous plants themselves, among which there are light-loving and shade-tolerant varieties. When forming a hanging basket, it is important to select crops with similar growing conditions.

In the bright sun, lobelia, ivy pelargonium, verbena, dichondra feel great. Petunia is a versatile plant for vertical gardening, the plant tolerates bright light and partial shade.

Pelargonium ivy

For growing in the shade, there are special crops, the queen among which is tuberous begonia. Ampelous varieties of this plant with small leaves and huge multi-colored flowers look perfect in any corner of the garden. Begonia can be planted not only in hanging planters, compositions from these plants are ideal for flowerpots with high legs.

Advice. Among ampelous crops, there are moisture-loving and drought-resistant species. It is important to choose plant varieties that make up the basket, taking into account this aspect.

It is impossible to plant ampelous crops in windy places - leaves and petals quickly lose their fresh appearance and lose their decorative effect. It is best to place decorative planters under the protection of the walls of buildings or decorative landscape structures.

It is very important to choose the right height for the flowering hanging planters - they should not interfere with the movement of people, the flowers should not be injured by the clothes and bags of passers-by.

Assortment of ampelous plants

The range of ampelous plants is expanding year by year, breeders offer ampelous forms of flowering crops familiar to everyone, such as snapdragon or verbena. Familiar to many upright flyers, you can now purchase hanging baskets in ampelous form.

Snapdragon ampelous

Ampel varieties of snapdragons are ideal for decorating hanging planters:

  • A variety of colors - the ampelous snapdragon is painted in pure tones of yellow, orange, crimson, white. There are varieties with a two-tone color.
  • Perfumed persistent aroma is the biggest advantage of snapdragons. The surprisingly delicate aroma that the flowers of the antirrinum exude will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Weather resistance - snapdragons do not lose the color of the flower corolla when grown in the shade or in full sun; flowers do not deteriorate when exposed to raindrops; flowering lasts until the onset of stable autumn frosts without loss of decorative qualities.

New varieties of ampelous verbena amaze with the huge size of bright flower baskets. Varieties of the new selection are often painted in bright colors of red, lilac, pink, some varietal series have a bright white eye in the center of the flower. Against a contrasting background, the white center of a charming flower looks contrasting. Verbena does not fade in the sun, when old faded heads are removed, new bud formation and a second wave of flowering are stimulated. The plant is able to delight with bright flowers until the fall, which reduces the cost of planting new plants in baskets to replace faded varieties.

Petunia ampelous hybrid

And the most common crop for growing in hanging baskets is petunia. The wonderful aroma of petunia flowers intensifies in the evening and at night, so the evening garden is full of inexplicable mystery and charm, if only petunia grows in it. Corollas of flowers have a simple and double shape, are painted in tones of purple and ruby, there are varieties of amethyst and white, bicolor and bordered. There is no limit to the variety of varieties of ampelous petunias.

Surfinia belongs to the Solanaceae family, a close relative of petunia, which is more resistant to diseases, has a powerful stem and is characterized by abundant flowering. Surfinias are represented in the ampelous kingdom by miniature varieties and giant plants - some varieties of ampelous surfinias do not reach a length of 15 cm, others stretch up to 2 meters. The main feature of the plant is abundant flowering. The shoots are simply strewn with colorful bells, forming a blooming waterfall.

The most popular are the following varieties of ampelous surfinia:

  • Burgundy - a huge branchy bush completely covered with wine-red flowers of an amazing shade. The plant is very bright, powerful, grows well outdoors, has powerful shoots that do not break in the wind.

Surfinia ampelous
  • Hot Pink - the petals of this variety are painted caramel pink with thin veins of thick raspberries. The flower has a wavy limb of the corolla, very gentle and touching.
  • Table White - snow-white bell-shaped flowers can be used to diversify and decorate any ampelous composition.
  • Yelow is a hybrid variety of surfinia with delicate yellow flowers that are good in mono plantings and fit perfectly into contrasting compositions.

The range of ampelous plants is so wide and rich that you can always choose the most ideal option for any solution in garden design. By combining different ampelous flower cultures, you can achieve a unique charm when decorating vertical compositions in the garden and on the balcony.

In order to decorate gazebos, verandas, balcony boxes or window sills, ampelous plants are often used. They will perfectly decorate a window or entrance, help to give a sense of celebration on the terrace or in the garden.. Such species are indispensable for decorating the cottage.

Ampel plants or ampels- decorative representatives that are grown in hanging pots, baskets, vases. The name "ampel" comes from the Latin word Ampella, which is translated into Russian as "small bottle".

Any flowerpot can be planted in pots or vases, but it is best for ampels, curly upwards, creeping or falling shoots are suitable. Ampels can grow in an apartment, greenhouse or in the ground.

TOP-1O most popular hanging flowers for home and garden

Ampels are divided into:

  1. succulents
  2. decorative leafy
  3. beautiful blooming

Ampels are also divided into curly and creeping. Curly - releasing antennae. With the help of them, they cling to the net or other nearby objects and rise up. Creeping - hang a container high above the floor in which the plant grows. Stems hang down freely.

Below are the most popular types of Ampel plants:


One of the most beloved representatives of all gardeners. It differs from other representatives in a variety of colors and shapes, long flowering. Blooms from early spring to late autumn. Easy care. prefers lit, warm places. Grows fast. Blooming wattle fences completely cover the edges of the hanging container.


Widely known ampel. coral or bright red. Their shape resembles a miniature chrysanthemum. You can plant this begonia in a pot, box or flowerpot.. Extremely negatively tolerates heat and bright rays of the sun. Therefore, it is important to place it in partial shade.

If the plant is completely removed in the shade, the begonia may lose its decorative properties.


It differs from other representatives in that there are no blooms on it, or they can appear periodically. Dichondra flowers are inconspicuous, dull, almost invisible. It adorns any place with its silver-green leaves with a silky edge and lashes, reaching a length of more than one and a half meters. In nature, dichondra grows in marshy places. It is thermophilic, so it can be found on open terraces only in the warm season. To save the plant from frost, it should be brought indoors for the winter.


A herbaceous flower that blooms from early spring to late autumn. Grow as an annual. But vervain tolerates winter well. Planted in hanging containers. The stems hang down a meter. Verbena grows very fast. Leaves are dense and hairy. Verbena flower stalks can be blue, purple, pink or red.. After flowering, a nut is formed. It breaks down into four parts. Butterflies and caterpillars feed on verbena.


Rarely seen in Russia. Widely known in European countries. Herbaceous, creeping and climbing perennial plant. Wattle reach 1-1.5 meters in length. The leaves are olive green in color. Bacopa blooms in waves. The buds bloom at the same time and fall off after flowering. Then new buds open. Thus, Bacopa blooms all season. For the winter in regions with severe frosts, it is brought into the room.


A hanging plant that produces long shoots or climbs along a wall. Ampel geranium differs from the usual one in its long, strong shoots that can withstand the weight of leaves and a huge number of flowers. The leaves are smooth, five-pointed, without fluff on the surface. large and bright. They are the pride of any grower. Therefore, flower growers prefer to plant different types of geraniums in one container in order to get flowers of different colors.


Belongs to the bell family. Perennial herbaceous plant. Although gardeners use lobelia as an annual plant. The leaves are densely arranged on stems, small and shiny. The flowers are also small in size, but have a bright blue, magenta or purple color.


A feature is the unusual shape of the flowers and the duration of flowering. Flowers can be blue or purple. The shape of the flowers may resemble bells or dancing ballerinas.

Herbaceous plant, pleases with its flowering almost to the very frost. Stems can be either erect or weaving. irregularly shaped can be orange, yellow and red.

Herbaceous plant with light green leaves of a round shape with serrated edges. It differs from other ampelous flowers in large and densely arranged flowers on the stem.

Benefits of Ampel Plants

Almost all ampels are annuals. But they can be stored until the next warm season by putting them indoors for a period of frosty winter. In addition, they valued among flower growers for unpretentiousness.

With the help of an ampel, you can decorate any terrace or window sill. They will not leave indifferent any gardener.

Climbing houseplants, which can often be seen in videos and photos of interiors, are part of the general trend of creating a "green" home space. Climbing plants (if we take other indoor flowers for comparison), especially non-flowering ones, are more hardy and unpretentious, they are not so demanding on lighting and watering regimes.

  • on the kitchen indoor climbing plants can also be used as natural filters - air purifiers
  • curly indoor flowers are easy to use for room zoning, for example, in the bedroom they can separate the sleeping area from dressing nook, in the hall - designate the working area, in the kitchen - distinguish between the dining and kitchen areas
  • indoor flowers, curly or ampelous, will help decorate an empty wall or a sharp corner, adding harmony and completeness to the interior.


This plant is widely known under a different name - indoor grapes, this is one of the most unpretentious and easy-to-care climbing plants. It grows rapidly, increasing the deciduous mass, in a short time it is able to transform an unsightly bare wall into a green living carpet. To stimulate branching, it is advisable to pinch the top shoots. Cissus is a climbing vine, it has antennae that help it first catch on a support, and then fix its position quite firmly. However, it can also be grown as an ampelous plant by planting cissus in a hanging pots or simply by placing it on an elevated place.

Shade-tolerant, cissus equally easily tolerates both hot dry air and fairly low (limit - +8 ° C) temperatures. In summer, it must be watered 2 times a week, plus it is advisable to spray it weekly, in winter - moderate watering, it is reduced to once every 2 weeks, but the root system should not be allowed to dry out. In room conditions, it practically does not bloom.


Ivy (or Hedera) is one of the most common indoor climbing plants, in popularity and unpretentiousness with which only tradescantia. This is an evergreen liana, which attracts with its rapid growth (up to 45 cm per year), decorative effect and unpretentious care. In a pot, it can grow up to 2 m in length. It is very often used in interiors for - thanks to the suction cups that are located on the back of the leaf plate, ivy climbs well and holds on vertical surfaces. Ivy with plain, dark green leaves is shade-tolerant, but the variegated climbing varieties of this plant require good lighting, otherwise the original decorative color of the leaves is lost.

Ivy tolerates dry air well, but responds well to regular (preferably daily, but at least 2 times a week) spraying. Watering is plentiful, both in summer and in winter. Immune to drafts. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to remove dead parts, in addition, especially long lashes are shortened by about 1/3.

For more information about the care and cultivation of indoor ivy, photos of different types of ivy, see the video:


A very undemanding plant, it can grow even in a very dark, almost unlit corner of the room, it does not tolerate direct sunlight. The leaves are heart-shaped, can be variegated, with bright spots of various shapes, or just bright green. The variegated climbing varieties of this plant love diffused light, with a lack of light, light spots begin to fade and even disappear, in winter they may even need lighting

Scindapsus - grows extremely fast, in a year it is able to lengthen the shoot by more than 1 m. In order for it to curl well, it is recommended to regularly trim the ends of the shoots, and use the cuttings for propagation. Due to the fact that they take root very easily, several shoots can be planted in one pot at once - this will add splendor, and younger shoots will mask older ones that can shed old leaves. Care - regular watering plus top dressing (liquid fertilizers during the period of active growth).

creeping ficus

The plant is unpretentious to lighting conditions, but at the same time it is quite sensitive to the irrigation regime - very moderate (the earth ball should have time to dry between watering), in spring and summer - plentiful, plus (especially on hot days) it is advisable to spray it regularly. During the period of active vegetation, especially at high temperatures, with the slightest water shortage, ficus sheds leaves quickly.


Episcia is valued both for its gorgeous-looking painted leaves and for its beautiful blooms. The color scheme of the color of the buds of the plant is very diverse - scarlet, red, yellow, pink, orange, blue, white, lilac and even two-tone. But even a non-flowering episcia is capable of attracting with its unusual foliage with various combinations of shades of brown, green and pinkish-burgundy flowers with a silver or bronze tint. Numerous shoots, with young rosettes forming at the ends, add additional attractiveness to the plant. Some of them are added dropwise next to the mother plant to form a monolithic lush "carpet", while the rest continue to grow further, forming a bright cascade.

Like all flowering climbing houseplants, episcia is quite picky. First of all, she needs a lot of diffused bright light - because of its lack, the leaves become smaller, because of this, flowering may not occur. It is thermophilic, does not tolerate drafts and is sensitive to the irrigation regime - excess moisture is detrimental to it, watering is necessary when the topsoil dries out.

Bellflower is equal-leaved

Other names - indoor bell, bride and groom, campanula. If we compare flowering indoor climbing plants, then it is one of the most unpretentious in care. This is a beautiful ampelous plant, long (up to 30 cm) hanging shoots of which are covered with numerous bright bell flowers - the “groom” has pale blue, and, accordingly, the “bride” has bright white.

For good flowering, the bell must be placed in well-lit places, but direct bright sunlight should be avoided. Another condition is regular watering during the period of active growth and flowering, as well as once every 2 weeks - top dressing with ordinary liquid fertilizer. The bell does not tolerate too high temperatures, optimally - +16 ° С. To prolong flowering, wilted flowers are removed. With the onset of autumn, long shoots are pruned, watering is significantly reduced, and the plant is placed in a cool place for wintering.

The plant needs a lot of light, but excessively bright midday sun should be avoided. The optimum temperature for jasmine flowering is +15 °С, for the dormant period - +10 °С. During flowering, abundant watering is necessary; drying out in a pot of earth should not be allowed. After flowering ends, with the onset of spring, jasmine must be cut off - on the one hand, a more compact plant looks more attractive, on the other hand, this will cause the appearance of young lateral shoots. What is very important, because the greatest intensity of flowering falls just on young shoots. To improve branching, young shoots in June can be pinched off the top.

Ampelous plants occupy an honorable place in indoor floriculture. They not only decorate the interior of the house, these flowers can be planted with balconies, loggias, terraces, gazebos. With the help of ampelous plants, you can diversify the boring environment, hide unsightly corners in the house, wall defects.

Types of ampelous flowers

In the wild, these plants are ground-blooded, and at home they form lush, voluminous bushes. Gives a special charm to ampelous flowers drooping stem shape, which effectively hang from the pots, as well as beautiful, shiny leaves.

Ampelous flowers are grown in hanging flowerpots, baskets, you can use supports with coconut fiber wound around them, bamboo ladders.

Ampel houseplants are:

About the most popular house ampelous plants in more detail.


Perennial indoor flower, has narrow green or white-green leaves, small, white flowers. An unpretentious culture can grow in any soil, in the sun or in the shade. From the sunlight, the leaves become brighter. Chlorophytum easily tolerates a lack of moisture, without water the leaves will wither, but will not dry out, and the plant will quickly recover.

Humidity and air temperature do not affect its condition. In summer, you should sometimes rinse the flower under a warm shower. In winter, it is enough to water it once a week, in summer - once every two days. From May to September, it is important to regularly apply mineral fertilizers.

Transplantation is carried out every two years. The flower forms a mustache, at the end of which a new young plant ("baby") develops. The daughter shoot can be cut and planted in a pot. If there is no mustache, then the adult bush can be divided into several parts and seated. Chlorophytum is better to put on a hill so that the mustache can hang freely.

Begonia ampelnaya

Unpretentious and profusely flowering culture. Flowers 3–8 cm in size, double, semi-double and simple (the shape is similar to chrysanthemums), are: red, coral, orange, yellow, white, raspberry, burgundy, lemon, peach. Begonia blooms from spring to autumn.

Shoots 30–45 cm long. For lush flowering, the plant needs slightly acidic soil, regular, moderate watering, diffused sunlight, fertilizing with mineral organic and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Begonia propagates by cuttings, seeds and division of tubers.

To get a plant from cuttings, cut off the shoot and put it in water until roots form. To obtain a spreading plant, 5-6 shoots are planted in a pot. You can also divide an adult bush into several small ones and plant them in different pots.

For the winter, the plant is taken indoors. The seed method is complex and does not always give the desired result, it is used by specialists to breed new varieties. In the summer, begonias can be planted with greenery, a balcony, a loggia, an arbor.


The second name is bindweed. A very popular flowering plant with gardeners, but it is also grown indoors. Under these conditions, the flower requires more careful care. He does not like drafts and dry air. Humidity is very important, so in the summer Ipomoea is sprayed twice a day.

Active growth begins in March and continues until August. During this period, morning glory needs to be fed. Every two weeks it is recommended to apply a fertilizer intended for cacti.

Abundantly flowering plant requires a lot of light, when placed not on the southern windows, additional lighting is required.

Long shoots resemble a vine, the leaves are narrow. The flowers are funnel-shaped and come in a variety of colors. Each flower pleases the eye for only one day, and then fades, but this is not so noticeable, because morning glory blooms profusely, new buds form every day.

Fuchsia ampelous

Beautiful profusely flowering plant. Ampel varieties have gained popularity recently. Flowers of medium size double, semi-double, simple, of various colors:

The flower is unpretentious, prefers dim sunlight or partial shade, moderate watering and spraying, average room temperature without a draft.

It is necessary to feed the flower during active growth and flowering, remove dried buds to make room for the development of new flowers. It is necessary to periodically cut off old damaged stems for rejuvenation. During flowering, you can not transfer, move and constantly turn fuchsia, otherwise the flowers will begin to fall off.

The flower can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. A young shoot is taken as a cutting. It must be put in water for rooting, and then transplanted into a pot. You can combine several varieties of fuchsia in one pot.

The plant is susceptible to disease, it is necessary to carry out pest control in a timely manner. Fuchsia should winter properly. It is necessary to choose a dark place for it with a temperature of 4–8 ° C. In the spring, the plant is placed on the window, some of the shoots are cut off, fuchsia begins to form young twigs and blooms.

Perennial, but gardeners use it as an annual. Flowers and leaves are small. The flowers are white, blue, purple and pink. Bacopa prefers slightly acidic, moist soil, top dressing is carried out with mineral fertilizers. The plant blooms all summer season, it can winter on a warmed loggia or indoors.

Indoors, you need to constantly spray the plant, from dry air it can be affected by aphids and whiteflies. It is recommended to regularly inspect the flower and treat it in a timely manner from these pests. Bacopa is propagated by cuttings or seeds. For cuttings, the upper parts of the shoot are used, they are cut, rooted and transplanted into a pot.


Ampelous perennial plant, used for landscaping balconies, loggias, pavilion terraces. Dichondra is valued because of the beauty of the leaves, they are green or silver. The length of hanging shoots can reach 1–1.5 meters. Dichondra blooms almost imperceptibly. The flowers are very small about 3 mm in diameter: white, green or yellow.

Dichondra is a light-loving plant, prefers moist soil, can grow in partial shade, but due to a lack of sunny color, the leaves become dull. Scientists cannot give an exact answer, how many varieties of dichondra exist, two varieties are popular among flower growers: “emerald waterfall” and “silver waterfall”.

The flower is propagated by cuttings and seeds. The easiest way: you need to cut off the shoot, put it in water to form roots, then plant it in a cup with soil. When the shoot takes root, it needs to be transplanted into a pot. To get a lush plant in a pot, you need to plant several shoots. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests. For the winter, you need to bring dichondra from the street into the room.


Is a relative of petunia. The plant has long lignified stems, flowers are small, 2-3 cm in diameter, similar in shape to bells. Initially there were only purple flowers, but now there are different shades: white, redder, pink, peach, yellow, orange. Leaves are green and small. Calibrachoa blooms profusely and for a long time. Usually the petals of the flowers are simple, but you can find varieties with terry.

The plant loves warmth and sunlight, is afraid of drafts and torrential, prolonged rains. It needs to be planted in hanging planters, baskets or boxes. Loose, neutral or slightly acidic soil will do. The earth should not be constantly waterlogged.

The flower can be propagated by cuttings.. It is necessary at the end of summer to cut off the upper part of the shoot and plant it in the ground for rooting, and then in the spring cut off more shoots from these processes and root. Ready young shoots are transplanted into a permanent pot.

Calibrachoa has seeds, but it is not easy to grow a young one with identical characteristics from a mother plant, since most varieties are hybrids. Calibrachoa needs to be fed, potassium and phosphorus are required for the formation of buds and lush flowering. During the period of active growth and flowering, the plant needs top dressing once a week. It is necessary to constantly remove faded buds so that new ones can develop.

Interior decoration with ampelous plants

If the flowers are chosen with taste and competently, they will harmoniously fit into any style.

When placing ampels in a children's room, you must be careful and study the characteristics of a particular plant. Some of them may be poisonous cause allergies. All flowers should be at a height inaccessible to children, otherwise the child may reach for long, hanging branches and knock over the pots.