Growing orchids in glass pots without holes. Drinking pot for growing orchids. Plastic pots for orchids. Growing orchids in water without soil: secrets and tips Humidification and ventilation

Kira Stoletova

Flower lovers are increasingly growing plants in an unusual way. The orchid in a vase and flask has become especially popular. But not all varieties are suitable for this method of growing, and there are some difficulties in caring for a flower.

Growing orchids in a vase

Growing such a flower in a round vase is becoming increasingly popular. For this method, the Wanda variety is excellent. This species is distinguished by its large flower size and unusual shape.

In order for an uncut orchid to develop well in a flask, select a vessel of a suitable shape. It is better to purchase a vase that is wide at the bottom and narrowed at the top. When growing in such a container, care should be more thorough due to two factors:

  • folded leaves are easily damaged;
  • insufficient ventilation provokes the development of the fungus.

Benefits of growing orchids in water

This method of cultivation prevents the plant from rotting and the appearance of pests. Water circulates constantly. Also, the root system receives the necessary amount of air.

Grow a flower in this way without a transplant. The plant always receives the optimal amount of nutrients dissolved in water.

Caring for an orchid in a vase involves constant hydration. Vanda is an epiphyte, therefore, under natural conditions, it grows on trees and feeds on condensate or rain moisture.

But the amount of water depends on the air temperature. If the room is cool, water less often, but the humidity will be higher. Therefore, it is better to keep the flower in a cool room. Irrigate the plant only when necessary. If the roots become brownish, you need to water the flower.

Sometimes an orchid in a vase is sold with dried roots. It is not difficult to reanimate such a plant. To do this, the flower should be planted in warm water for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated every day until the roots are fully restored.

If the roots have begun to rot, it is more difficult to bring them back to life. For this you need:

  • treat them with Fitosparin;
  • then the flower is irrigated or a bath with warm water is made;
  • keep the room temperature at 20°C.

If the leaves become lethargic and begin to sag, this indicates a weakening of the roots. The plant is taken out of the substrate (if any) and replaced with a new, disinfected one, and the plant is suspended in a dark place. This is done so that the energy of growth, which tends upward, is directed to the growth of the roots.

Growing orchids in a flask

Plants in a flask (flasks) - often brought by tourists from Thailand and Vietnam. In such dishes, several seedlings are acquired at once. But when grown in flasks, it will begin to bloom in 4-5 years, depending on the variety.

Not all varieties of orchids are suitable for growing in a flask, but only vandas, phalaenopsis, dendro-phalaenopsis, oncidiums and cymbidiums. These are resistant hybrids that can bloom every year.

Orchid extraction

In a small purchased vessel, which contains several seedlings at once, orchids do not grow for long. In order for the plants to develop, they are removed and placed in separate containers.

Flowers purchased in a flask should be cared for in stages. Immediately after purchase, orchids in a transparent glass flask are placed in a warm, humid, draft-free place. This is important to relieve stress in plants. Then, after 2-3 weeks, when the seedlings begin to grow, they are carefully removed.

Extraction methods:

  1. Add water to the inside of the flask to make it easier to extract the roots, and wash the seedlings through the small opening. Try not to damage the root system. This is the least traumatic way.
  2. The container is wrapped in cloth or newsprint and broken. When using this method, there is a risk of damaging the plants.

Flask orchid care

After removing the seedlings, rinse them under running water and place them on a paper towel. Next, you should spray the plants with a solution of Fitosporin or Fundazol. After half an hour, the seedlings need to be transplanted into flasks.

Seedlings are placed in a glass transparent flask on the prototype of the substrate, so their root hairs are thinner and more fragile. They cannot be preserved without an airtight vessel after extraction, so it is worth building up strong roots.

This is done by placing the seedling in a transparent vessel, covered with glass, disinfected and steamed moss in advance. This design will retain heat and moisture well.

The condensate on the glass is wiped off, and the container, which serves as a greenhouse, is ventilated. This is done to prevent root rot. Also avoid direct sunlight. Scattered light and humidification from a spray bottle are needed.

To care for orchids in glassware, gradually harden the flowers, opening the container daily for a longer time. In this case, the humidity of the air should be at least 50%.

Further cultivation of orchids

When the orchid seedlings are taken out of the glass flask, they are planted in one of the following ways:

  • substrate;
  • non-substrate.

Growing orchid seedlings from a flask is considered simple. The flower gradually gets used to growing without soil and substrate in a glass vase or pot. Use hanging rack baskets in which the roots will be freely located.

When caring for orchids in flasks, protect them from infections, as young plants have weakened roots. A substrate of large pieces of bark, moss and a small amount of earth is pre-fried in an oven or soaked in boiling water. After they are allowed to cool and sprayed with a solution of Fitosporin. Only after this procedure, seedlings can be planted.

Sometimes polystyrene and bark are added to the composition of the substrate, in a ratio of 3:4. But if the plant is in a room with dry air, perlite or swagnum is added to this mixture.

Growing an orchid in a glass vase without a substrate differs little from growing in a slatted pot. The large throat helps ventilate the orchid roots in the flasks. This option helps to grow flowers in a dry room.

Disease prevention

Once every 1-2 weeks, the flowers are sprayed with special fertilizers. It is also worth pouring a solution of Novosil or Polisilk preparations into a container with a flower. They contain polysaccharides that regulate photosynthesis and stimulate the production of beneficial trace elements.

Glass planters for orchids are primarily needed for decorative purposes. This feature is not the only one, and it's not bad at all if there is such a pot. Glass transmits sunlight well, which is very important for plant development. In addition, in stores you can find a large selection of volume and shape for the future pot. The glass container is stable, unlike the plastic one, and the lack of pallets only comes in handy when the orchid needs to be rearranged often.

The difference lies not only in their beautiful flowering, but also in breeding methods. If many flowers grow on the ground, then orchids grow from tree bark, clinging to it. Useful components and moisture they get with the help of aerial roots. Moisture comes from air or fog, and useful components from their own residues that accumulate in the bark of a tree. But such a process occurs in the humid tropics, where the habitat for orchids is very suitable. In room conditions, it is impossible to create such an atmosphere. There is more than one way to grow an orchid:

  • growing in water - hydroponics;
  • orchid without substrate and liquid;
  • breeding in soil.

If the roots of the plant are constantly in the liquid, then they will begin to rot. Therefore, they should not be completely submerged, but be above the liquid. It is not necessary to switch to the content in the flask immediately, especially for the flower itself:

  1. First, you need to pull it out of the ground, clean the roots, lower it into water for a couple of days, and then dry it the next day. It is not necessary to drain the liquid completely, but so that the roots are still immersed in it by one centimeter.
  2. After a week, the orchid in the water can be left for several days, but one day can be taken to dry out.
  3. After, leave the phalaenopsis in the water for the whole time, changing it and observing the condition of the roots. If they change color to silver, then the flower needs to be watered.

At this time, the growth of new aerial roots will be noticeable, and green shoots will begin to appear on the old ones.


With this method, cultivation can be difficult due to root rot. To cope with it, the flower needs to be pulled out of the water for a day and the roots treated with a fungicide.

If algae appeared on them, then you should not get rid of them, as this helps air exchange. A small part of the roots dies off if the habitat has changed to aquatic, and instead of them, those that are adapted for the plant to stay in the water appear.

To prevent the appearance of the fungus, you need to use semi-hydroculture - an unusual substrate that does not give the flower any nutrients, but keeps it in a standing position. The flower receives all the nutrition through fertilizers, which are diluted in water. They are easily digested, and therefore do not spend a lot of energy, directing it to development.

Planting in hydroponics

First you need to take a plastic pot with drainage holes, which are needed for the flow of water and other nutrients to the roots of the flower. If expanded clay is taken as the soil, then before planting the orchid, thoroughly wash its roots from the old soil, and then dry them. After that, fill the pot halfway with expanded clay, plant a crop in it and fill it with soil to the very top.

If expanded clay with perlite is used as the soil, then fill the expanded clay first, then place a flower in it and fill it with perlite on top. To strengthen such a mixture, lower the container into water. On top of the soil, you can add small pebbles that decorate the glass bottom of the aquarium.

If diatomite and expanded clay are used as soil, then fill in diatomite first, then place a flower in it and fill it with expanded clay on top. To strengthen the mixture, the pot is also lowered into water.

We transplant the orchid into a new glass pot, experienced advice.

To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the general information on transplantation. As you understand, if the pot becomes too small for your flower, it's time to transplant it. A transplant is also needed if there are any problems and damage in the root system. Well, someone just wants to change the old vessel for a new one, more beautiful and suitable for interior design in the house. By the way, this also applies to lovers of glass / transparent plastic containers.

In the case of transplantation, the main problem is not a process at all, but a result. In order not to mislead you with the title of the article, I will, of course, put in a good word about the transplant itself. Where would it be without her. But before the transplant itself, it will be useful to know something for a start.

When the flower pot is completely filled with roots, they begin to displace the earth. In the case of an orchid, roots can grow above the ground, and this is absolutely normal for a healthy flower. And they can be damaged if they plant an orchid in the wrong land or water it incorrectly. In the event that the roots began to rot or dry out, and even more so, it is necessary to urgently replant the flower. If everything is in order with your roots, then the best time to transplant is the end of flowering.

Do I need to transplant an orchid into a transparent one?

How do you know if an orchid needs to be repotted? If the earth is crumpled and settled and there is free space around the roots, if you smell rotting, mold dampness, and generally it doesn’t smell like usual, if the pot is noticeably heavier, if the green roots turn gray, brown or some other incomprehensible dark colors and also began to rot, then it's time to do a transplant.

Transplanting an orchid into a glass pot

Carefully remove the orchid from the old pot. If you have a plastic pot, it is better not to be afraid to break it than to damage the delicate roots of the flower. After that, put the orchid in a small bowl of warm water and let it soak there. With the help of the shower, it will be necessary to wash the earth from the roots. Of course, not so that they shine, but the main thing. Consider the roots, whether they are rotten, damaged, and if there are, they must be carefully cut off and sprinkled with charcoal on the cuts. In order for the roots to dry out, the flower can be placed on a napkin or paper towel.

While the orchid dries, you need to prepare the ground for a new pot. Since we are talking about a glass pot, it is very important to follow all the rules so that the drainage is done well. After all, even if your glass pot has holes in the bottom, the evaporation of moisture in it will be completely different. Lay out a layer of ceramic shards (you can also expanded clay) up to 5 cm high. This will allow water to freely reach the bottom of the pot without stagnation. Then we fall asleep the prepared earth and we already place our dried plant in it. It is better to buy special earthen mixtures for orchids, because they take into account the characteristics of the roots.

Features of watering and caring for orchids

After you have planted your orchid in glass and in the absence of holes in the vase / vessel, you can only water it from above. It will not be difficult to do this, control the amount of water too, because the pot is now transparent. The main thing is not to pour or overdry the plant. Since the earth on the surface will dry out much faster than inside your newfangled pot. To do this, the surface of the earth can sometimes be sprayed from a spray bottle.

If you suddenly decide to propagate it when transplanting, well, you can do this at the expense of the main plant. But it is better to read a separate specialized article about this in advance, rather than experimenting while replacing the pot. In general, an orchid can be divided into parts with roots. At the same time, after transplanting, do not forget to leave the orchid alone, while it can only be sprayed every day. But don't water. All in all, complexity. Therefore, it is still better to allocate a separate time for reproduction.

What if, as a result of all your experiments, the orchid has lost up to 95 percent of the roots? Is there a chance to save the plant? Chances are low, of course, but you try. To do this, just like for a transplant, you need to wash the roots, find the dead ones, cut them off and sprinkle them to heal. The very method of salvation is not so much complicated as lengthy. Since you will alternately have to soak the roots and then dry them.

Experienced Tips

- If your orchid suddenly does not like its new place of residence, as an option, you can take it along with the pot to the workshop and ask them to drill a hole in the glass. After that, put the pot in the water. This will help the orchid come to life.

- Even if you follow all the rules of watering, the inside of the pot will still be covered with green. And from the transparency of it little will remain. You will not look at the cute orchid roots, but at the greenery. And it's not just about humidity, it's also about exposure to light. Although this greenery does not harm orchids. If this development of events does not bother you, you can leave it like that.

Some even suggest not to mock the plant and plant it in a well-ventilated plastic pot, well, and they are of course right.

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An orchid in a glass vase, flask or pot is a great addition to the interior and its decoration, which will be appropriate both at home and in an office setting. In addition, this item is often chosen as a gift.

General form

The glass container looks quite aesthetically pleasing, transmits light, and the plant placed in such a container looks very nice and original.

Glass vases, pots and flasks for flowers come in a variety of shapes and shades: tall and elongated, expanding downwards, rounded, cup-shaped and cup-shaped, from completely transparent to a slight color shading: light blue, light green or light yellow. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable type of container for a particular plant.

As for the flower itself, it comes in all sorts of colors: from bright white, milky and cream to rich purple, red, pink and blue.

A photo

We present to your attention a photo of orchids in glass containers.

The Importance of Capacity Selection

Often, orchids are sold in beautiful tall transparent glass vases, but they are good only for a certain period of use - after purchase, the plant should be transplanted into a more suitable type of vessel: tall and narrow at the top and fairly wide at the bottom. Also make sure that the glass vase is not too narrow to avoid leaf breakage.

Can I plant and how to grow?

It is quite possible to plant an orchid in glass, while observing a few simple rules: you should choose a plant suitable for planting (it must be healthy), a glass container of the correct shape, as well as good soil (as an option for a full-fledged balanced substrate for orchids, you can use). After that, it remains only to carefully control the watering.

Orchids are one of the most suitable plants for growing them in glass, especially if the humidity in the room is not too high.

Pros and cons

One of the main positive aspects of using this type of container is, first of all, its decorative function, which serves as a real decoration for this beautiful plant. Besides, glass transmits light well, which is also important.


  • a wide range presented in stores allows you to choose a container for every taste and size of the plant;
  • due to its gravity, glass is quite stable compared to plastic pots;
  • lack of pallets allows you to easily and quickly rearrange the plant;
  • in addition to light, the flower will receive a lot of air.

The main disadvantage of glass vases, pots and other things is the inability to make additional holes at the bottom for drainage purposes. Accordingly, an excessive amount of moisture may appear. If the vessel is too narrow and high, the plant will receive enough light, but not enough air. which will negatively affect its growth.

Types of containers: vases, pots, flasks

Currently, a huge number of various options for such items are presented, however, the most frequently encountered and widely used ones can be distinguished:

  • vases of various shapes and heights, including square and spherical ones;
  • pots;
  • glass flasks;
  • models in the form of small glasses, bowls and glasses.

Such glass containers look very stylish and impressive. They will easily complement any interior and become the highlight of the room.

Features of the choice of containers

  • For tall plants, it is important to choose a vase for the growth of the orchid, making sure that its leaves feel more or less free, and the bottom of the vessel is fairly, but not overly wide. Be sure to arrange ventilation so that there is no stagnation of air.
  • Orchid pots should be medium sized.
  • As in the case of a vase, the flasks should be chosen according to the growth of the plant, and due to the rather narrow shape, plants with weak roots can be planted in it. Ventilation is also necessary.
  • For miniature, small orchids, various types of "glasses" and "glasses" are suitable.

The type of plant is also important. So, the most suitable for planting in glass are phalaenopsis and vanda. It is best to transplant after flowering.

The choice of vessel volume depends on the size of the roots, and the height depends on the growth of the plant. It is possible to plant several orchids in one container in case of sufficient volume and size of the vessel.

It is best to choose such a container option so that the roots of the plant are inside, not too loose, and the leaves and flowers are outside. So it will be more convenient for the flower itself, and it is easy for a person to care for him.

Step-by-step instruction


We present step-by-step instructions on how to plant an orchid in a glass vase, pot or other container. Before the planting procedure, it is necessary to process the container by dousing it with boiling water and thus disinfected.

  1. Put a thick layer of gravel on the bottom: expanded clay, small tile fragments, pebbles, crushed stone, and so on - to choose from. This will be the drain. You can add a layer of sphagnum moss on top.
  2. Then add a good substrate, filling all the space with it.
  3. To defend the water, slightly heat it to a warm state and pour it into the contents of a vase, pot or flask.
  4. After half an hour, pour out the water and land in the ground. Cover the surface of the bark with a thin layer of wet moss, making sure that the root neck is not filled with it.

We offer you to watch a video about planting an orchid in glass:


The main rule of care in this case will be proper watering, in which the roots should be immersed in pre-settled warm water for half an hour. Protect the flower and leaves from such water procedures.

Orchid can be sprayed. This is the best way to water it. The frequency of spraying depends on the humidity in the room. So, for example, in the winter season, when the air is dry, this procedure can be carried out once a day.

Not less than it is important to feed and feed the plant as it grows by adding mineral fertilizers to the water for irrigation.

If the roots are dry for some reason, and this problem is often found in purchased orchids in glass pots, they should be kept in settled warm water for 10-15 minutes once a day, repeating the procedure daily until dryness is eliminated.

The water level is clearly visible in glassware, so it is not difficult to monitor the degree of humidity, however, it is important to remember that the soil dries out much faster on top than inside, especially when it comes to glass containers.

We offer you to watch a video on how to properly water orchids in glass:

Possible growing difficulties

The main difficulty in this matter is associated with watering: overflow will contribute to decay, and underfilling will dry the roots. But still, it is much easier to deal with dried roots, therefore Orchid is recommended in no case to fill.

The second common problem is inherent in many plants grown both at home and on the street - this is the appearance of any bugs, spiders and other living creatures. In glass flowerpots, this is not uncommon, but it is not difficult to remove pests.

Well, the third feature - often a small coating appears on the walls of beautiful glassware, therefore the container must be thoroughly rinsed from time to time.

Where to buy suitable cookware

A huge range of glass vases, pots, flasks and cups for planting and growing flowers can be found in the Ikea network in all cities where this company is represented. Price from 90 rubles for a small pot.

Slightly higher priced glass flower containers can also be found in Zara Home stores. Here, the minimum price is about 2000 rubles for a medium-sized vase.

Specialty stores also have a variety of beautiful flower glassware. and plants. Prices start from 150 rubles.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to purchase the item you like online in flower shops. The cost starts from 200-300 rubles for a small glass cup and from 700-800 rubles for a tall vase.

An exotic orchid flower, enclosed in an elegant glass vase or pot, will become a real decoration of the house, and although this plant requires constant care and some experience in growing flowers, it is not at all difficult to provide it with all the conditions for favorable growth and flowering.

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We rely on taste preferences, plant size and root system. With orchids, the process is a little more complicated. The choice of a pot for orchids should take into account their features associated with the exotic origin of the flower. Since it is difficult to create conditions close to natural in an apartment, the plant has to adapt, and our task is to facilitate this process.

Rules for choosing a pot for an orchid

There are 5 basic rules to follow when choosing a pot for an orchid:

  • The size of the orchid pot is determined by the size of the roots. The plant does not need a free pot. When the flower grows out of the previous pot, take the next size only 1 cm larger in diameter.
  • For orchid roots, excessive moisture or non-drying soil is detrimental. Therefore, special pots designed for growing orchids look like a sieve on the underside. It is good if the drainage holes are located not only at the bottom, but also on the sides of the pot, for better ventilation of the roots.

  • Orchid roots are involved in the process of photosynthesis, receiving nutrients necessary for development from light and air. Only a few varieties of orchids are able to grow in an opaque pot, the rest require constant access to light to the roots.
  • The orchid grows in height, is an unstable plant. To increase the stability of the flower, place the plant pot in a heavy planter. The planter does not have to be transparent, but there should be 1-2 cm of free space between the walls of the pot and the planter.
  • When choosing a transparent pot, the first thing that comes to mind is a glass container. However, growing a healthy orchid in a pot without drainage holes is the ultimate skill, only available to professional flower growers. For those who are just getting acquainted with the plant, it is preferable to choose a different material.

orchid pot material

Types of pots for orchids differ in the material from which they are made. The most common types are:

  • Glass pot for orchids. As I wrote above, a glass pot will give the plant the necessary amount of light. But due to the lack of drainage holes, it will require experience in growing, a large layer of drainage and the exact amount of water for irrigation.
  • Plastic pot for orchids. Transparent, with a large number of drainage holes - ideal for the plant. If necessary, it is possible to add holes along the bottom or walls. The disadvantage of a plastic pot is its lightness and instability; pick up a heavy planter to prevent the plant from tipping over.

  • Ceramic pot for orchids. The porous structure provides moisture and air exchange to the roots, but it is this structure that causes problems for the plant. The roots eventually grow to the surface of the pot, during transplantation they are injured, which leads to illness or death. In addition, the moisture from watering, evaporating through the pores, leaves salts on the walls, which harm the health of the plant.
  • Clay pot for orchids. To protect the plant from ingrown roots, choose a clay pot with a glazed inner surface. Since the clay retains temperature for a long time, choose a light-colored pot to avoid overheating of the roots in summer.

Orchid pot size

When you have decided on the material of the orchid pot, it remains to choose the size of the container correctly. Pay attention to the following options:

  • The height of the orchid pot should be equal to the diameter. If the plant is tall and the pot sways dangerously, add a planter to the pot.
  • Select the volume of the pot according to the size of the root system and the earthy coma. Do not give the plant too much freedom, the flower loves a cramped room.
  • When transplanting, you do not need to purchase a pot "for growth", just pick up a container a little wider than the previous one. Use the ruler so as not to make a mistake in the choice.
  • A pot with a narrower neck compared to the main area will not work. During a flower transplant, you will break the roots on such a throat.
  • Orchids allow planting several flowers in one container. In this case, increase the size of the pot to the required size, using the same rules.

Growing orchids at home is an art that will result in a spectacular flower. Choosing the right pot for an orchid is an important step in ensuring the health and proper development of the plant.