Pelargonium propagation by seeds in peat tablets. Reproduction of geranium seeds. Landing capacity selection

One of the most common home crops. She does not need special conditions for planting, growing and breeding. A full-fledged plant can also be obtained from an ordinary cutting. It sprouts roots in water or in tablets of pressed peat substrate. How to do it with the least losses - experienced experts advise. To help beginners - photos and instructions on the video.

There are a lot of examples of successful rooting of geranium cuttings at any time of the year. But experienced experts advise spring or, in extreme cases, the end of summer. According to observations, these terms are optimal for plant survival, root growth activity. Yes, and weather conditions are best, because at high or too low temperatures, the branch will begin to rot.

All the advice of flower growers must be passed through the prism of differences in the microclimate in different dwellings. Even if you did everything right, young roots can be affected by black leg fungus. And vice versa: sometimes the stalk is able to take root even with gross non-compliance with the technology. For example, if a branch is placed in a greenhouse.

young plant

An important part of success is properly prepared material for rooting:

  1. Cut off a part of a vertically growing shoot with 2-3 leaves.
  2. The cut point should be located at the node - in the place where the leaf grows from.
  3. Remove inflorescences, if any, form on the cutting.
  4. Dry the branch (2-3 hours). After that, it will be ready for rooting.

Advice. To reduce the likelihood of infection with rot at the initial stage of reproduction, experts advise not to water the mother bush for 1-2 days before cutting the cuttings.

How to root geraniums in water

Not every type of pelargonium is suitable for rooting in water. Basically, zonal geranium is propagated in this way. Such rooting is the easiest way. Water should be clean and settled for 3 days. You can dissolve activated charcoal in it - 1 tablet per 1 tbsp. Make a lid for the container out of cardboard with a hole in the center, thread the handle through it.

The process also has nuances that cannot be ignored:

  • use a young geranium bush as a mother copy - cuttings from it take root better;
  • shoots from lateral shoots take root best of all;

Cuttings for planting geraniums
  • most varieties of pelargonium like each cutting to take root in a separate jar;
  • more effectively, the roots are formed in an opaque container;
  • water should cover the stalk by about a third of the length;
  • if there is a lot of liquid in the container, the twig will experience an oxygen deficiency, but the lack of life-giving moisture will negatively affect root growth;
  • water can not be changed - only topped up as it evaporates!

Method of rooting a cutting in a peat tablet

Pelargonium fragrant and royal are rooted only in the ground. To visually control the development of the roots, the cuttings are planted in transparent cups. For a plant, a 100-gram capacity is enough. The procedure consists of the following steps:

Attention! Most varieties of pelargonium take root without treatment with stimulant drugs. The exception is royal geranium.

Pelargonium is not the fastest plant in terms of rooting speed. A zonal species needs a couple of weeks for this, an ivy-like one - 2-4 weeks, a royal one - about a month. Even cuttings from the same bush can take root in different ways. The main sign of the end of the process is the appearance of a new leaflet.

Attention! Fake peat tablets are often found on sale. They do not have a complete set of essential trace elements. Buy products from trusted manufacturers in reliable places.

Features of caring for the cuttings in the process of rooting

After rooting the shoot grown in a peat tablet, transfer it to another container. Fill the empty space with a mixture of equal parts of peat and perlite (an alternative to the latter is sand). When the roots appear at the cutting grown in water, it is planted in a similar soil. The diameter of the new container is 15 cm. A week after transplanting to a new place, pinch the top of the plant. So you stimulate the development of side shoots and the splendor of the bush.

Attention! The soil should be decontaminated before use: spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate, boiling water or bake it in the oven.

In the process of care, it is important to meticulously monitor the condition of the stem in the root zone. The blackleg, which often affects geraniums, develops from there. At the first stage, it is almost imperceptible, but then it spreads quickly. If you look at the beginning of the disease, the plant will have to be thrown away. Therefore, experts advise in no case to overdo it with watering. Pelargonium has no other whims, so a novice grower will be able to cope with the reproduction of the plant.

How to grow pelargonium at home: video

Pelargonium or geranium is a perennial plant that is usually grown as an indoor flower and is not particularly bothersome to care for. Previously, geraniums could be found in almost every house on the windowsill. Now, planting pelargonium in open ground has become very popular, because in the fresh air you can create much more lush flower beds that will look very beautiful and rich. How to grow pelargonium for seedlings, successfully care for it at home, as well as when and how to plant it in open ground, will be discussed in our article.

Naturally, the most common way to propagate pelargonium is to grow it from cuttings.

For details and visual information on how to propagate geraniums with cuttings, see the next video.

Video: propagation of geraniums by cuttings

Now on sale you can find truly a huge number of varieties and hybrids geranium seeds, variety of colors and sizes which can satisfy any desires and needs.

By the way! If you are going to grow geraniums in open ground, then it is better to buy special varieties that have medium-sized, strong and hard leaves, and these are zonal, ivy, etc. geraniums.

When to sow pelargonium seeds for seedlings

Theoretically, you can sow geranium seedlings all year round, but it is more practical to sow pelargonium seeds in the second half of winter, since daylight hours will increase as your seedlings grow.

Thus, the optimal time for sowing pelargonium seeds for seedlings is January-February (maximum - in March), because. it will begin to bloom only after 5-6 months, just in time for summer.

It's worth understanding! For growing indoors, if you have the opportunity for additional illumination, then, of course, you can sow pelargonium seeds at any time. But, if you plan to land in open ground, then - in winter or maximum in - early spring.

In principle, you can sow even in November-December, then it will bloom in the spring - in April-May.

Important! If you sow in winter or early spring, then seedlings are a must. illuminate, because She needs 12 hours of daylight.

Video: when and how to sow pelargonium (geranium) seeds

How to sow pelargonium seeds

In order for the growth and development of pelargonium seedlings to go in the right direction, it is necessary to choose the appropriate container, suitable soil and properly prepare the seeds for planting.

Landing capacity selection

Planting containers are selected based on your capabilities and needs, as well as the number of seeds for future seedlings.

If you plan to pick, then you can sow in common containers, for example, in the same plastic containers (5-6 cm high).

If it is more convenient for you to grow without picking, then pelargonium seeds can be immediately sown in individual and relatively deep containers, for example, pots or cups (8-10 cm high). Naturally, they should have drainage holes to drain excess fluid so that the water does not stagnate.

Important! If you take shallow cassettes, then you will still need to transfer seedlings from them.

If you want your pelargonium to bloom in a pot, then it must be at least 1 liter in volume.

Suitable soil

The soil for growing pelargonium seedlings should be loose and nutritious, as well as neutral in acidity. Therefore, any universal soil for growing flowers is perfect for you, but in general, it is ideal to take a special soil for geraniums.

It is very good if you prepare the substrate yourself, which will consist of soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. Instead of sand, you can use perlite or vermiculite.

Advice! To make the soil loose and soft before sowing, it can be passed through a sieve.

Seed preparation

Many flower growers quite successfully sow their seeds without any treatments, just dry in moist soil. But, in order to increase germination, they should be scarified or soaked.

Pelargonium seeds can be scarified with sandpaper, in other words, slightly damage the shell so that the sprouts can be easily beaten. However, this must be done very carefully, otherwise you will easily spoil your seeds.

And you can just soak in cotton pads in a solution (some are soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution) for 20-30 minutes, besides, it will also disinfect them.

Interesting! Pelargonium seeds are of 3 types - already scarified (i.e., peeled from the hard shell), coated and ordinary. Naturally, the first 2 species do not need to be prepared in any way, they can be sown immediately.

direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing geranium seeds for seedlings:

  • Fill containers with soil.
  • Make grooves (at a distance of 3-4 cm) or shallow holes (0.5-1 cm).
  • Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Spread the seeds at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.

Advice! Seeds are easy to spread with a toothpick.

  • Sprinkle grooves or holes with soil.

And you can fall asleep with river sand.

  • Moisten with water from a spray bottle.
  • In order for the seeds to begin to actively germinate, you need to create greenhouse conditions, in other words, achieve a greenhouse effect, which means you should cover the container with cling film or a transparent lid (if you have a food container).
  • Put in a dark and warm place (above +20 degrees, according to some sources - +24-28 degrees).

Video: correct sowing of geraniums for seedlings

By the way! There is a rather interesting sowing method that gives earlier and higher germination: after you spread or sprinkle the seeds, they will need to be shed with boiling water. It's that simple!

And geraniums can be sown in peat tablets.

Video: sowing pelargonium in peat tablets

Geranium seedling care at home

As soon as friendly seedlings appear (scarified seeds germinate already for 3-4 days, like soaked ones, but on average, it is the majority that sprouts after 7-14 days), the shelter must be quickly removed and the planting container rearranged in a well-lit place, but where the temperature is already lower - about + 18-22 degrees during the day and + 16-18 at night.

Further care consists of exceptionally moderate watering when the topsoil dries up using slightly warm settled or filtered water.

Remember! Pelargonium does not like abundant watering and too wet land.


The first picking of geranium seedlings is carried out when it has 2 true leaves. The procedure is quite standard. To do this, you will need individual containers (0.2 cups) filled with peat-based soil mixture (or, again, ready-made soil for pelargoniums), a spoon or other tool that will be convenient for you to carry out the picking procedure - get the seedling from the total container.

Note! When picking a pelargonium, it is very important to carefully take a seedling, and always with a clod of earth, so as not to damage the roots of a young plant, in other words, use the transshipment method rather than picks (when the roots are exposed).

Video: picking pelargonium seedlings

In the future, most likely, you will need another transplant into a larger pot (0.5-1 liter), this time exclusively by transshipment.

Important! The day before transshipment, do not forget to shed your seedlings well so that the earthen ball does not crumble when it is moved.

Video: transshipment of geraniums a month and a half after sowing

top dressing

Advice! After picking or transshipping seedlings, it is advisable to immediately shed the transplanted plants with some special fertilizer for better rooting, for example, you can use "Rooter" or "Kornevin" so that the root system of seedlings takes root better in a new place.

In the initial period of growth, pelargonium seedlings can be fed with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate or urea, and then (when the plants already have more than 5-6 true leaves), complex mineral fertilizers such as nitroammophoska can already be used. Also at this time, you can begin to perform foliar feeding (by leaf) with calcium and / or magnesium nitrate.


It is not necessary to pinch pelargonium, because many varieties are genetically laid down in such a way that they themselves form beautiful branched bushes.

Advice! However, if you see that the plant is reluctant to branch, then for a more powerful tillering, you can pinch the geranium. over 5-6 true leaf.

When and how to plant geraniums in open ground in a flower bed

Of course! Everyone is used to the fact that geranium is a home potted crop, but this does not mean that it cannot be grown outdoors.

As for the timing of planting geraniums in open ground, the first thing to do is to monitor the weather - it should already be warm enough during the day, naturally, return spring frosts should pass, which means that pelargoniums should be transplanted into the garden from the second half of May.

Planting pelargonium in open ground is more than just:

  • selected and prepared a place;
  • dug a planting hole a little larger than the size of the pot;
  • they pulled a seedling out of the pot (and they didn’t forget to shed it before) and put it in a new place of residence;
  • sprinkled with fertile soil on the sides, compacted around the seedling;
  • poured abundantly with water.

As for the planting site, the plant should not be planted in a too open place, otherwise the sun will burn the leaves and the plant will look ugly and feel unwell.

For geraniums, it is optimal to find place in light shade.

However! Pelargonium will bloom most abundantly in a sunnier area.

You also need to plant in those places in the garden where there is no stagnation of groundwater or rainwater.

Video: planting pelargonium in open ground - when, where and how to plant

Outdoor geranium care

Pelargonium tolerates drought very well - it remains green for a long time and does not fade, and it also reacts normally to high humidity (rainy weather). However, this does not mean that it does not need to be watered at all. But do it in moderation!

Note! Royal pelargoniums are not very suitable for open ground, because. their flowers deteriorate badly when it rains.

If you want the pelargonium to stand beautiful and bloom continuously, then be sure to get rid of faded flower stalks so that the plant does not waste its strength on seed ripening.

Advice! And for the winter, you can transplant geraniums into pots and bring them home.

Video: transplanting geraniums in the fall from the garden and further care

In order for positivity to be observed in the growth and development of pelargonium seedlings, it is required from the very beginning to choose the right planting capacity, suitable soil, correctly prepare and sow the seeds and take care of them responsibly at home. Seriously approaching the planting of flower seedlings in open ground, you are guaranteed to achieve its beautiful flowering.

In contact with

How long does it take from sowing pelargonium seeds to flowering? As you know, flowering pelargonium plants grown from seeds usually bloom six months after sowing - more precisely, five to six months pass on average.

Easy and simple to create a collection of geraniums! If you sow pelargonium in February and keep it under the lamps for the first time, then put it in a well-lit place, then flowering will come in June. When the active growth of seedlings begins, daylight hours will already increase sufficiently.

If sown in the summer, then geranium flowers can only be seen the next year - 10 months after planting. However, you can sow geranium seeds at any time of the year, but it should be borne in mind that in autumn the daylight hours decrease and the seedlings will need to be illuminated with lamps.

Growing pelargonium from seeds of different varieties.

Flower shops sell a lot of seeds of hybrid pelargoniums of various colors and varieties ...

The zonal varieties of Agrosuccess are very interesting:

  • "Stella F1" with beautiful deep pink flowers (with a white spot in the center) and dark velvety leaves with a green border around the edge,
  • "Jacqueline F1" with the same leaves and bright red inflorescences;
  • "Rosita F1" - bright red flowers,
  • "Diana F1" - flowers of bright salmon color,
  • "Snezhana F1" - with snow-white inflorescences, etc.

There are only 4 large seeds in a bag, covered with a dense leathery shell. For pelargonium, this is a normal number, there are 5-6, rarely 10 seeds in a package.

Pelargonium seeds are sown in the second half of February or in March according to all the rules to a depth of 1 cm, moisten and cover with glass. Keep at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. All seeds germinated (at 5-7 days) with an interval of 2-3 days. After germination, you need to rearrange to a cooler and well-lit place.

When sowing pelargonium in peat tablets, the task is greatly simplified!

Flat peat tablets are placed in a tray, where warm water is poured, after which they increase several times, turning into small barrels. The seeds are laid out on the surface of wet peat, slightly pressed into a small depression, for better contact with it ... No need to bury. Cover the top of the tray with polyethylene. They germinate much better when exposed to light.

There were no big problems with them, although they made me worry at first, the geranium seedlings developed together. After the appearance of the second leaves, transplant the pelargonium seedlings into pots. Growing plants are planted directly in peat tablets in separate containers, after removing the mesh.

After 2 months, geraniums already look like small strong bushes. At a height of 8-10 cm, the seedlings are pinched. It remains to wait for flowering, which should occur in June. Leaf color usually shows up later.

I also bought geranium (pelargonium) seeds from Aelita's "Palette of Colors" mixture. One bag contains 10 seeds. Pretty good growth!

Sowed pelargonium in a small bowl to a depth of 1 cm, moistened and covered with food film. Sprouts began to appear on the 3rd-5th day, the rest with an interval of 2 days, almost all sprouted. When 2 true leaves appeared, I planted each sprout in small pots.

In care, grown from pelargonium seeds, they are unpretentious, light and moisture-loving, they love top dressing - this makes them bloom better.

In summer, pelargonium feels good in the open field, it pleases with large inflorescences, especially if you feed it, we cut it before frost and plant it in pots. Cuttings bloom in 2.5-3 months.

Important points in the care and maintenance of pelargoniums (geraniums) ...

Growing geraniums, as practice shows, is not difficult at all. With some care at home, pelargonium can bloom almost all year round with large flower inflorescences. And if you take it out into the garden in the summer or plant it on the site, then awesome big, juicy, long-flowering and beautifully flowering plants grow.

If the flower grows in the shade of other plants, it will inevitably lead to a lack of flowering. Place it in the brightest spot, out of direct sunlight. Don't forget to pinch the top before the buds appear, for more lush flowering.

Domestic geranium loves to be fed with potash fertilizers - once every 2 weeks, but it does not tolerate organic top dressing, it does not tolerate excess water.

You should also know that geraniums bloom better in small pots - 8-9 cm in diameter. Do not use pots "for growth", they are easy to fill, there is a high risk of weak roots rotting, besides, the seedling will be lost in a larger container.

In winter, if a houseplant is resting, then it should be kept in a cool room with a temperature not higher than 16-18 degrees, for ampelous species, reduce the temperature to 12 degrees, but this will require lighting for about five hours a day, water very moderately.

Pruning may be needed - the old geranium bush is cut in early spring and only one or two shoots with eyes are left - this will also stimulate its flowering. Well, we must remember that young geraniums bloom better, so you need to update the plant from time to time.

If pelargonium bushes have been growing all summer on a balcony or garden, bring it back into the house for the winter - just process the flower first and transplant it into a new soil. You can update the plant by cuttings and in winter, with additional lighting, get flowering geraniums in pots.

Pelargonium or geranium - refer to the species of geraniums. It is a perennial plant. In this article, we will analyze the topic in detail: pelargonium from seeds at home. Most varieties were brought to Europe from the Republic of South Africa in the 16th century. It was brought to our country only in the 18th century, but it took root perfectly and became one of the attributes of home comfort.

Pelargonium flowers description, photo

Know! Its essential oil is widely used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, in the creation of perfumes, as well as in folk medicine. There are about three hundred species of this plant in the world. Consider the most popular of them:

  • zonal;
  • ivy;
  • royal;
  • ampelous.

Geranium is relatively unpretentious. It does not require close attention to itself and will not bring trouble to a novice gardener. However, this cannot be said about the royal pelargonium.

P. zonal

P. ivy

P. royal

P. ampelous

Varieties for growing seeds at home

In the house, you can most often see zonal pelargonium. She is not whimsical and rises well. Ivy can be found on the plots of private houses, it can also be grown in an apartment, knowing some of the subtleties.

The royal is quite capricious, but it takes root perfectly on the southern windowsill. The main thing is to protect it from drafts. But ampelous is extremely rare. Even experienced gardeners prefer to propagate it using cuttings.

Preparations for growing pelargonium seeds

Pelargonium is best grown from seeds. Most often, flowers grown from seeds bloom better and much more abundantly than those geraniums that were grown from cuttings. If the seeds were taken from hybrid varieties, then during germination, a flower completely different from the "parents" may appear. However, most gardeners prefer to propagate it using cuttings.

The necessary conditions

Pelargonium is assigned to the southern window sill, but without direct sunlight. The temperature of the content in summer should not be higher than 24 degrees, in winter not lower than 14. The soil should be loose, well-drained. Watering should be moderate, but constant. Geranium does not like stagnant water. During the growing season, it is fed twice a month with liquid fertilizer.

Sowing dates

Sowing pelargonium can be practiced all year round, but only if additional lighting is provided. If this is not possible, the best breeding time is spring, summer.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Before sowing, they must be prepared. If they were obtained from domestic geraniums, then they must be cleaned from the hard shell. This will lead to rapid development. Further, the peeled grains are treated with a growth stimulating agent. Then soak in warm water for three hours.

Soil (composition, characteristics)

Pelargonium is not demanding on the ground; the usual mix bought in the store is suitable for it. But if there is a desire, then the soil can be prepared independently, then for this you need two parts of turf, one part of sand and one part of peat.

Seeding tanks

For growing use boxes or pots. The pot in which the flower will be located is selected according to the size of the root system. Transplantation is carried out only when the plant becomes crowded. It is advisable to use clay pots. They are well breathable and absorb moisture.

Plastic pots can also be used, but they do not allow air to pass through and can cause excess water to stagnate. This will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the flower.

Seed sowing technology

Sowing takes place from the beginning of winter to mid-spring. The earth should not be dense and have an acidity of 6 pH.

Seeds at an equal distance from each other, located in pre-prepared grooves. After sprinkled with earth. Watered and covered with cling film. Boxes with crops are placed in a warm room in which the temperature is kept around 22-24 degrees.

Watering is necessary as the soil dries up. When the first sprouts appear, they need to be provided with good lighting, and the film can be removed from the box and the temperature reduced to 20 degrees.

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

You will need medium sized tablets. They are laid out in a deep container and soaked in warm water so that they increase in size by about 6 times. Grain is placed in a special recess and slightly covered with peat from a tablet. After that, the container is closed with a film or glass and placed in a warm place. The first shoots will appear after a week and a half.

Take advantage of the useful video material on growing pelargonium seeds in hot peat tablets.

Seedling care

In winter, seedlings should not come into contact with very hot radiators. Feed the sprouts every 14 days with fertilizer for flower culture. However, the dosage size should be halved.

seedling care

Pots with seedlings are located on a sunny windowsill. But they should be protected from direct sunlight, so as not to burn the delicate leaves. After a couple of weeks, the first top dressing is carried out. You can use liquid fertilizers with a lower concentration of nutrients.


Seedlings are transplanted only when four full leaves appear on them, without disturbing the earthy coma. Before picking, use a long-acting fertilizer. If geranium was grown in peat tablets, then after hardening, it is sent to open ground.


Occurs immediately before the geraniums are resettled in open ground. Seedlings at the beginning are placed on a cool windowsill, but so that the temperature is not lower than 18 degrees. After a while, you can slightly open the window or window, while not creating drafts. When the night frosts end, the seedlings can be transferred to the flower bed.

When to pinch seedlings

To pinch, the top is removed. This is done to increase the branching of the flower. The procedure takes place from February to March. The pinching of the cutting is carried out over 8-10 leaves, and when pelargonium was grown from seeds - 6-8. The process is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. To avoid infection, pinching is carried out only with clean hands and treated tools.
  2. After the procedure, in order to avoid stretching the shoots, the seedlings need a lot of sunlight.
  3. It is necessary to remove branches that grow towards the center of the pot. This will avoid flower diseases. To process sections, you can use brilliant green, charcoal or alcohol.

Royal Pelargonium from seeds

Unlike other varieties, it grows in South America. Very capricious and requires maximum attention. Likes moist air, lack of direct sunlight and drafts.

Planting begins with the onset of the winter months. Royal requires light soil, which is constantly kept moist. The room temperature should not fall below 20 degrees.

The first shoots appear after 21 days. After that, boxes with seedlings are moved to a room with a temperature of at least 15 degrees. When three full-fledged leaves appear, the sprouts dive into different containers.

Royal Pelargonium has several types: Ansbrock Beauty, Charmy Electo, Dirwood Angel Eyes, Fairy Queen, Type Top Duet, Dirwood New Day.

Features of growing from seeds of ampelous pelargonium

A native of South Africa. It is rather capricious, but with careful care it will give a luxurious color. Popular in horticulture and used for hanging flower beds, open areas, porches. Its shoots reach almost one meter in length.

The fruits of the ampelous are placed in the soil, previously moistened with water. After that, the box with future sprouts is covered with cling film and sent to a warm room.

Attention! This species is quite capricious in seed propagation. Even experienced flower growers prefer cuttings.

Zonal pelargonium from seeds

It also grows in the expanses of South Africa. It reproduces very well with the help of seeds. They need to be sown in moist and loose soil and cover the box with foil and put in heat. Under these conditions, the first seedlings appear after a couple of weeks. Zonal is divided into many varieties. Here is some of them:

  • variegated, golden leaf;
  • dark-leaved, speckled;
  • stellate, carnation;
  • tulip, rosaceous, etc.

Pelargonium ivy seed cultivation

A feature of this variety is the flexibility of its stems, which allows it to curl. Shoots reach one meter in length and castings have a smooth texture. Ideal for hanging gardens, balconies, porches.

Propagation using seeds occurs as follows:

  1. The grains are placed in a box with loose earth to a depth of half a centimeter.
  2. The tray is placed in a greenhouse or covered with a film and sent to a warm room.
  3. It should be kept at a temperature of 22-24 degrees Celsius, with good lighting.

Before germination, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the soil. After three weeks, the sprouts are planted in different pots. When they are strong enough, you can begin to feed with mineral fertilizer.

Attention! It starts to be sown from the beginning of winter to the middle of spring. In winter, a mandatory requirement is the use of phytolamps.

When and how to plant seedlings in the ground

Seedlings are sent to the garden only after hardening. The main thing is to make sure that there are no frosts at night.

Important! Not all types of pelargonium are suitable for growing in the garden. For example, the royal does not like drafts and is intended only for home maintenance.

The soil should be loose, well-drained, without the presence of clay. Geraniums should be avoided in direct sunlight, so it is best to place the flower bed in partial shade. Flowers are planted in a flower bed at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. Watering should be moderate, but drying should not be allowed. It is necessary to remove faded buds in a timely manner.

Choosing a landing site, soil

The place in the flower bed should be of medium fertility, loose and with good drainage. Pelargonium does not tolerate stagnant water, so clay soil is contraindicated for it.
The area where the geranium will bloom should be chosen shaded to avoid burns from direct sunlight.

Plant care (watering, fertilizing, tying)

Geranium categorically does not tolerate fertilizers of organic origin. It is enough to feed her, during the period of active growth, a couple of times a month. Top dressing is completely canceled during the rest, that is, in winter.

The flower is tied up with a standard form of cultivation. When the trunk is high enough, rounded, firmly stuck into the soil, pegs are used for its garter. It has the ability to glow moisture, so it is resistant to drying out. However, during the summer season, frequent watering is required. But oversaturation with water can lead to death, so you need to provide it with good drainage.

Attention! The plant does not like spraying. It can lead to the appearance of fungal diseases.

The drooping leaves testify to an excess of water. This is a sign of illness. And when the soil dries out, pelargonium stops blooming, yellowness appears.

Potential Growing Problems

During breeding, there may be difficulties with flowering, leaves, buds or growth. Fortunately, most troubles are easily solved.

Sheet problems

With improper care, the following symptoms may occur:

  • yellow edging of the lower leaves - insufficient amount of feeding;
  • red-red color - indicates a lack of magnesium, or cold nights;
  • shape deformation - pincers;
  • distorted foliage, yellow or white spots - the presence of aphids;
  • yellow weakened leaves - means the presence of a whitefly, rotting root
  • systems, bacterial disease;
  • rotting of the trunk, wilting, the appearance of spots - stem rot, spotting;
  • white mold coating, blackening and dying off - the presence of powdery mildew.

The absence of flowers and buds is extremely rare. Most often this is due to excessive watering, hot weather or lack of sunlight.

Growth problems are usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

With improper care, novice gardeners may encounter plant diseases that can lead to the death of a flower. Types of diseases and how to deal with them.

Gray rot. The absence of color, yellowing of the leaves, the appearance of brown spots located closest to the soil, means the presence of this disease. Causes of occurrence:

  • high humidity;
  • lack of ventilation of the room;
  • spraying;
  • increased nitrogen content in the soil.

Systemic fungicides will help in the fight against gray rot. When using them, the dosage is strictly observed.

Alternariosis. The disease is characterized by the appearance of dark spots with a light core. With high humidity, a velvety coating is possible.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to provide proper care. Regular ventilation, moderate watering and loose soil are all that geranium loves. Treatment of alternariosis occurs with the help of systemic fungicides with a long-term therapeutic effect.

Rhizoctonia rot. It is characterized by a depressed leaf or stem structure. In this case, the plant has a lack of color, yellowing and wilting. Causes of occurrence:

  • excessive moisture;
  • lack of light
  • lack of ventilation;
  • high room temperature (usually associated with the contact of heating devices);
  • excessive use of fertilizers.

In the fight against the disease, again, a specially designed tool designed to protect against rot will help.

Late blight. The disease is associated with high air temperature, excessive moisture, high fertilizer content, too dense plantings. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • cessation of flowering;
  • fades. dries;
  • decay appears;
  • depressed spotting is noted on the roots;
  • spots gradually rise.

Attention! The pathogen persists in the earth for many years. The number can reach 10-15 years.

Rust. Occurs with high humidity and excessive heat. It is transmitted from plant to plant by air and water. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • lack of flowering;
  • the appearance of yellow spots on the upper part of the leaf;
  • pustules form on the back;
  • with a progressive disease, the leaves turn yellow, dry and fly around.

To combat the disease, reduce the room temperature and humidity level. Remove all affected areas and treat with a special tool.

Verticillium wilt. The disease causes yellowing of the edges of the lower leaves. Over time, they darken and fade. If you do not fight the disease, then it is transferred to the healthy part. Verticillium wilt affects those plants that have been grown in one place for a long time. Most often, infection occurs in the summer.

To avoid the spread of the disease, it is necessary to water the flower in a timely manner and remove the remains of a diseased plant. The cuttings must be rooted in clean soil. For processing, fungicides with a long therapeutic effect are used. Also, the incorrect content of geranium leads to the appearance of harmful insects.

Miscellaneous mites. When it appears, the growth of leaves at the top of the shoots stops, and the back side is covered with a gray-brown scab. Excessive heat and high humidity provoke the appearance of these insects. For mild lesions, soap or mineral oil can be used. And you can also resort to the treatment of chemical means of protection.

Thrips. The leaves of the flower are deformed, the growth point is bent, growths are formed on the back side. Inflorescences are covered with spots, a gray-brown edging appears at the petals.

Fight thrips in several stages. Adhesive blue traps are placed next to the young. After that, the seedlings are treated with insecticides. Repeated spraying is carried out after about 5 days.

Aphid. Appearance signs:

  • curly;
  • yellowing;
  • with a strong lesion, aphid discharge is visible.

Small clusters of aphids are cut off along with the affected areas, or washed off with soap and water. In case of severe damage, chemicals are used.

Caterpillars. The leaves become gnawed, caterpillar waste is visible. The method of struggle is very simple - in isolated cases they are collected manually in the evening. Or treated with special preparations.

Whitefly. Clusters of insects are visible. With a strong defeat of the plant, its leaves turn yellow. They fight with yellow adhesive tapes, as well as preparations with potassium oil or whitefly insecticides.

Spider mite. They feed on cell sap, which leads to the appearance of small transparent holes, and then yellowing and wilting of the plant. Appear at elevated room temperatures and excessive dryness.

You can fight the tick by treating the plant with soap or mineral oil. But this method is suitable for a mild form of pest damage. Otherwise, insecticides are used.

Flower care during and after flowering

During flowering, regular but moderate watering is required. It is advisable to regularly loosen the ground around the flower, for good oxygen circulation. For good flowering should be provided with constant sunlight. It is necessary to feed twice a month.

After flowering, in the winter season, watering is minimized, and fertilizer is postponed until spring. It is desirable to provide illumination. The room should not be very hot, it is necessary to protect the geranium from contact with heating devices.

How to collect seeds

If the geranium has been outside all summer, then seeds can be expected. When the seed basket is ripe, it bursts, and fruits form in its place. It is advisable to collect them already from dry baskets, this indicates that they have ripened.

Forum, reviews of flower growers

After talking with experienced gardeners on the forums, you can learn how to grow geraniums from seeds if the usual planting did not work. To do this, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator, then they are put into a cotton pad or a small piece of cotton wool, and after they hatch, they are planted in the ground.

On other forums, you can find information that it is absolutely not necessary to soak the seeds, but it is worth covering the box with foil, placing it on the sunniest windowsill. And the film is removed only after germination.
However, some flower growers do not recommend creating a greenhouse, as this is fraught with a black leg in seedlings.

That's all the recommendations that I wanted to give on the topic: pelargonium from seeds at home. This is a kind of plant. Not demanding, but you can’t do without certain rules of care. Subject to all instructions, the apartment or house will be decorated with beautiful and unique flowers.

Pelargonium is a perennial plant that belongs to the Geranium family, which is why it has another common name "geranium". Plant breeding contributed to the emergence of hybrids and varieties with double and single flowers of two-color or one-color color. The shade of pelargonium foliage can be monophonic, variegated and zonal. In the latter case, against the green background of the leaf plate, a brown zone repeating the outline of the leaf is clearly distinguished, which gave the common name to this plant variety.

Geranium is now regaining its former popularity, as it is able to bloom profusely for a long period, while maintaining drought and direct sunlight. But as you know, a plant grown from seeds is characterized by increased immunity to external conditions, since it has time to fully adapt to them throughout the entire growth period, and geranium is no exception.

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    Popular varieties

    There are several of the most popular varieties that have significant differences among themselves. To understand the difference between them, you need to understand what plants from different species groups look like.

    There are six main groups of pelargoniums:

    • zonal;
    • royal;
    • ivy or ampelous;
    • unique;
    • angels;
    • fragrant.

    Zonal pelargoniums

    It is considered the most popular species, which contains about 75 thousand varieties. It is a densely leafy shrub. It is the prototype of a wild culture. New varieties are distinguished by their short stature and compactness, but require timely pinching to give the shape of a bush. It has a long flowering period from June to the end of October, and in the presence of illumination it can bloom all year round.

    Zonal geraniums are divided into three main groups:

    • non-double varieties, the flowers of which consist of 5 petals;
    • semi-double varieties - 6–8 petals;
    • terry varieties - over 8 petals.

    Each of these groups is subdivided into a mass of subgroups with their own characteristics and differences. The most popular of them are:

    • Rosy geraniums. A variety of zonal pelargoniums, the flowers of which resemble roses in shape.
    • Tulip Pelargoniums. The flowers of the plant look like a bud of tulips, which are collected in lush inflorescences. The first mention of the species was at the beginning of the 19th century.
    • Carnation geraniums. The petals of this subgroup are distinguished by a characteristic carved edge resembling a carnation.

    rosaceous geraniums

    Tulip Pelargoniums

    carnation geraniums

    royal geraniums

    They form lush bushes, the diameter of flowers reaches 4–7 cm. They differ in two-tone contrasting shades. Sheet plates have a pointed carved edge. This variety is more demanding for care and requires increased attention from the grower.

    The duration of flowering is 3 months. For the formation of buds, a cool content in winter is required within 10-12 degrees.

    Ivy or ampelous

    This type of leaf shape resembles ivy. The length of the stems, depending on the variety, can vary from 25 to 100 cm. It is used for hanging baskets. Can be grown both outdoors and indoors.

    The leaves have a smooth, shiny surface, which helps them reflect the sun's rays and not overheat. The shape of flowers can be simple, terry and rosebud. It has a long flowering period, the same as the zonal series.


    It is considered an ancient type of pelargonium, created by crossing royal and brilliant geraniums. The shape of the flowers resembles the royal variety. The leaves are dissected, some varieties have a pleasant smell. Used to decorate the garden.

    The unique bushes form large and spread out, for successful flowering, the length of the stems should not be less than 40–50 cm. They require pinching the shoots to form the correct shape of the plant.


    Obtained by crossing royal and curly geraniums. They form ampelous bushes with falling shoots. Flowers resemble royal varieties, but have a smaller diameter of 1–2 cm.

    They are fast growing but need good light. Angels are more hardy than royal geraniums.


    Plants of this species are able to exude a pleasant fragrant aroma. The flowers are not particularly decorative, and the leaves are palmately lobed with angular edges. Fragrant pelargoniums form a large loose bush, the length of the shoots of which reaches a meter.

    This type of geranium is grown purely because of the pleasant smell. Depending on the variety, it changes and resembles grapefruit, pineapple, peach, apple, rose, oriental spices, needles and mint.

    Features of growing from seeds

    The seed method of growing pelargoniums makes it possible to obtain plants that will differ in abundant and long flowering. In addition, they will be much more enduring than purchased specimens in the store, as they get used to home conditions as they develop.

    Geranium seeds can be collected independently after flowering or purchased at a specialized store, which guarantees the preservation of the specific qualities of the selected variety.

    Seed preparation

    Geranium seeds are quite large in size, which allows you to initially select high-quality specimens. Their color should be brown with a matte surface. The shape of geranium seeds is oblong, with small longitudinal depressions, the shell is leathery and dense.

    All small, deformed and flattened geranium seeds that stand out from the total mass must be discarded immediately, as their planting will not lead to a positive result.

    Some types of pelargonium, especially ivy, have a long seed germination period, so special treatment is necessary to reduce the waiting time. In this case, experts recommend scarification, which means removing the outer shell of the seed, which will improve the access of nutrients.

    To do this, the seeds must be rubbed with sandpaper or a nail file. 2 hours before sowing, they must be soaked in a solution of "Epin" at the rate of 3 drops per 1 liter of water, which stimulates growth processes and strengthens the immunity of seedlings in the future.

    You can plant geraniums at home all year round, but in order for the bushes to bloom this year, it is necessary to sow in early or mid-January. But for the full development and growth of plants, it will be necessary to carry out illumination in the evening.

    Substrate preparation

    Pelargonium is not very demanding on the soil, so for growing seedlings, you can buy a substrate for seedlings in a specialized store. And you can also prepare it yourself by mixing the components in the following proportion:

    • 1 part of sod land;
    • 1 part leafy soil or peat;
    • 1 part river sand;
    • 1 part coconut substrate;
    • 1 part perlite.

    A week before sowing geranium seeds, it is necessary to disinfect the substrate by spilling it with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.2 mg per 1 liter of water). This procedure will help prevent the development of root rot.

    landing tanks

    For planting geraniums, you can use various containers. Which ones to take, each grower chooses based on his preferences.

    When sowing in a common container in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, further transplantation into separate pots will be required. Planting containers should be no more than 5-6 cm deep and have drainage holes to remove excess water.

    But you can use peat tablets for breeding geraniums, which are compressed soil placed in a special mesh. This method helps to develop a strong root system of seedlings and carry out transplantation in the future without any difficulties with minimal stress for the pelargonium.

    Landing algorithm

    Sowing seeds must be carried out in accordance with the rules and step by step performing all the necessary steps. Ignoring the recommendations can lead to the absence of seedlings at all or the death of geranium seedlings in the future. Before planting, the soil must be heated to 21-22 degrees.

    Action algorithm:

    1. 1. Lay drainage on the bottom of the planting tank with a layer of 1 cm.
    2. 2. Fill the containers with the prepared substrate, compact the soil surface from above and pour abundantly with water.
    3. 3. When planting in peat tablets, they must be soaked for 10 minutes in water for nourishment.
    4. 4. Spread the geranium seeds at a distance of 1.5–2 cm from each other and cover with a 0.5 cm layer of substrate.
    5. 5. In peat tablets, the seeds are laid out one at a time, with their deepening by 0.5 cm into the soil.
    6. 6. Moisten the surface of the substrate with a spray gun.
    7. 7. Cover the containers with a transparent lid, which will create a microclimate inside and improve seed germination.
    8. 8. Remove the containers in a dark place with a temperature of 25 degrees until friendly shoots appear.

    During the entire period of seed germination, it is sometimes necessary to ventilate the containers and remove the collected condensate from the lid. Geranium shoots should appear within 7-14 days, depending on how well the scarification was carried out. When friendly shoots appear, the containers must be rearranged on the windowsill and the temperature of the content should be lowered to 20-22 degrees.

    In the first 2–3 days, daylight hours should be 12–14 hours, so in the evening it is necessary to turn on the backlight. In the future, the duration of illumination can be reduced to 10 hours per day.

    A week after seed germination, it is necessary to adapt them to the external environment. To do this, it is recommended to remove the lid on the first day for 40 minutes, and with each subsequent day - to increase the interval by another 40 minutes. After 7 days of the procedure, the seedlings can be fully opened.

    Picking seedlings

    At the age of 2-3 true leaves, the plants need to be transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of 8-9 cm. For planting, it is recommended to use the substrate for flowering plants, which is sold in the store.

    At the bottom of the pots, it is necessary to put a drainage layer of 1 cm, and then pour the substrate and make a recess in it according to the size of the root system of the plant. If the seedlings were originally planted in peat tablets, then they are transplanted along with them, and later the retaining mesh will dissolve itself in the soil. After planting, it is necessary to sprinkle the seedlings with earth at the base and compact the surface, which will eliminate the presence of voids between the roots. Water the plants and put in partial shade for 2 days to recuperate.

    Further care

    As soon as the seedlings have their fifth true leaf, they should be pinched back to help stimulate the growth of side shoots and form a compact bush.

    Geranium will not cause much trouble if you follow all the requirements for care.

    The plant calmly withstands direct sunlight, so east and southeast windows are suitable for it. It is necessary to water as the earthen clod dries, avoiding overflows. Geranium does not need high humidity, so foliage spraying is not worth it.

    The optimum content temperature is 18–22 degrees in the warm season, and in winter - 10–15 degrees. During the growing season from February to April, it is necessary to fertilize with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content once every 2 weeks, which stimulates the growth of green mass and side shoots of the bush.

    From the beginning of May to the end of July, the plant needs top dressing with a high content of potassium, which contributes to lush and long flowering.

    As soon as the threat of late spring frosts has passed and the air warms up to 20 degrees, geraniums can be transferred to the street or to the balcony, as well as planted in open ground.

    Possible problems

    Pelargonium is a non-capricious plant, but in case of violation of the conditions of its maintenance, some difficulties may arise that will cause the death of the flower. To avoid them, you need to familiarize yourself with them in advance:

    1. 1. Black leg. It affects geranium seedlings at the initial stage of growth, can completely destroy all seedlings. It appears due to excessive soil moisture against the background of cold content, and the cause of the development of the disease is often the thickening of seedlings and excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers. Do not neglect the procedure for disinfecting the soil before planting seeds and, if necessary, remove excess seedlings in a timely manner. For treatment at the first signs of the disease, use the drug "Maxim".
    2. 2. Gray mold. Develops with high humidity. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often and adjust the watering. To combat the disease, spray the plant with Fitosporin.
    3. 3. Elongated bare stems. This symptom indicates a lack of light. It is necessary to rearrange the plant to a well-lit place.
    4. 4. The lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. This indicates a lack of moisture, so the plant sheds foliage to develop the top. Irrigation needs to be adjusted.
    5. 5. Whitefly and aphids. These pests can cause significant harm to pelargonium, so it is necessary to spray the foliage with Actellik or Fitoverm in a timely manner.

    Breeding geraniums from seeds is a fun activity that helps you grow flowers that are fully adapted to the conditions in which they will have to develop in the future.