Is it possible to plant an orchid in a regular pot. How to choose a pot for an orchid: which one to plant - glass or flowerpots? Types of pots, sizes and photos. Video “What to plant orchids in?”

Orchid - one of the most beautiful and popular indoor flowers. In any room you can create comfortable conditions for the life, reproduction and development of orchids. It is enough just to make an effort to organize the correct modes of lighting, watering and ventilation. Besides, delicate flower From time to time, a change of pot and soil is required.

Why is it necessary to repot an orchid?

Conscientious sellers flower shops they treat the substrate with special solutions to eliminate possible pests and pathogens, but not everyone does this.

The use of a substrate contaminated with fungal spores leads to sad consequences.

In addition, there are a number of specific conditions and signs that signal the need to relocate an orchid:

  • 1–1.5 years have passed since the purchase of the plant;
  • the root system is strongly constrained by the walls of the pot and pushes the plant out;
  • the substrate retains moisture for a long time and has signs of decomposition, decay;
  • the flower is affected by a disease or pests and requires resuscitation measures.

In addition, a plant older than two years needs to be transplanted every 2-3 years.

What you need to prepare for the relocation of a flower

It is best to transplant the plant in the spring: it is at this time of the year that orchids begin their dormant period. If a newly acquired flower needs to be relocated, then it is better to wait until it blooms. It is impossible to transplant an orchid during the flowering period.

The destruction of the coma of the substrate is always stressful for the flower. Sometimes it is better to transplant the plant with the remnants of the old soil, filling the free space of the pot with fresh substrate.

The root ball must be cleaned of the substrate very carefully.

For a successful resettlement process, you will need the following tools and materials:

In nature, the roots of orchids receive enough light, it is necessary for normal growth and development. Therefore, in room conditions the pot should provide lighting. You need to plant an orchid in a container that will let in enough light. In addition, its bottom should contain a large number of drainage holes so that water does not stagnate in the substrate. On sale there are special transparent plastic pots that meet these requirements.

Gained popularity and special flowerpots for ordinary containers for orchids. They serve as a second pot of more aesthetic design and at the same time serve to collect excess moisture from the substrate.

AT recent times appeared modern solution providing the root system with light and inflow fresh air and remove excess moisture. These are pots made in the form of a frequent fence that surrounds the substrate and root system flower. This solution brings the conditions of keeping the plant as close to natural as possible.

The size of the pot should exceed the volume of the ball of the plant's root system by only 1-2 cm. Orchids love tightness. Excess substrate will lead to excessive accumulation of moisture, which is fraught with the formation of mold and fungal diseases, as well as an increased risk of activation of decay processes. Sometimes an orchid releases individual roots outside the pot, this is normal.

Substrate preparation

As soil for these plants ordinary earth won't fit. The root system of orchids requires ventilation and freedom in space. Therefore, the pot is filled with sufficiently large particles of bark, chips, twigs.

Substrate based on pine bark, charcoal and moss is perfect for an orchid

Ready-made substrate can be purchased at the store. However, making it yourself is easy. It consists of the following components:

  • tree bark (pine or larch), crushed to a size of 1–1.5 cm;
  • particles of charcoal;
  • expanded clay;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • small twigs (optional)

Before use, the bark must be boiled in large capacity for 5 minutes and leave to cool completely. After that, it is dried at room temperature. This process takes about a day.

Chips, pieces of bark, expanded clay, charcoal, small branches - everything you need for the substrate

How to prepare an orchid for transplanting

The transplantation process consists of several successive stages:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully remove the lump of substrate with the root system of the orchid from the pot. You don't need to pull the leaves. It is better to turn the orchid over, fixing the base of the flower in your hand, and gradually tighten the pot. Most often, the lump is released by itself, under its own weight. If this method is not successful, it is better to cut old pot and release the plant.

    When removing the flower, you need to carefully hold it at the base.

  2. Next, you need to free the root system from the old soil by selecting particles of bark, wood chips, moss. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

    The old substrate must be completely removed

  3. Cleaned roots should be washed in a sufficiently large container with water at room temperature. For convenience, you can use the shower head. Then the plant must be dried, excess moisture must be removed.

    It is convenient to wash the roots with a shower head

  4. After washing, the roots should be carefully inspected for pests, rot, and other symptoms of disease.

    Careful inspection should reveal any unhealthy roots

  5. Dry and rotten roots are removed with pruners or scissors. All cut elements must be destroyed. The cut points are treated with crushed activated carbon.

    Healthy orchid roots are green.

Planting a plant in a new pot

The process of planting an orchid prepared in this way in a new container takes place in several steps.

It is important that the orchid is fixed with the substrate from all sides and does not fall to one side. It is advisable to leave some roots on the surface to improve the process of photosynthesis.

Video: orchid transplant

Post transplant care

After transplanting, the orchid needs to create favorable conditions so that it takes root in the renewed substrate as soon as possible. Light, humidity, and temperature conditions are important for her.

Within a month after the resettlement procedure, it is not recommended to feed the plant.

Watering and humidity

If a preparatory stage took more than 2 hours, then the orchid can be watered immediately after relocation, so the roots will be preserved required level moisture. If the preparation was faster, then the first watering should be carried out after 3-4 days, depending on the humidity in the room.

The process of watering an orchid is not the same as that of ordinary indoor plants. The substrate must be sufficiently saturated with moisture, and for this it is best to place the flower pot in a container with warm water and hold for about 15 minutes. However, after that, the water must be drained completely. A constant excess of moisture leads to rotting of the roots.

Immersion of orchid pots in water - The best way glaze

You need to use purified water, this will help maintain the normal level of acidity of the substrate - 5.5–6.5 pH.

The orchid needs quite high level air humidity (60–90%). If the air in the room is dry, then periodically spraying with a spray bottle should be carried out. This procedure also contributes to a slight moistening of the soil and refreshes the plant.

Spraying with water refreshes and hydrates the plant between waterings.

In this case, you need to ensure that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaves. This will lead to rotting and the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Excess moisture causes rotting of the leaf base.

The installation of humidifiers in the room where the orchid is located will help solve the problem of excessive dryness of the air. Moreover, it is possible to use more available funds: for example, hanging wet woven fabrics on radiators.

Temperature and lighting

For the normal life of an orchid, large temperature drops are harmful. The maximum daily change in air temperature in the room where the flowers are located should not exceed 5-7 degrees. Orchids love warmth, but not heat: comfortable temperature for them - from +20 to +25 o C. Cooling down to +12 ... + 15 ° C threatens with hypothermia of the plant.

Orchids are best kept in well-lit rooms, but direct sunlight should be avoided. Ideal would be the location of the flower on the windows facing the east side. Roast summer time It would be useful to protect the plant from direct sunlight by darkening the windows with paper, foil or a light-colored cloth. Blinds are also great for this.

You can adjust the intensity of sunlight with the help of blinds

Does the type of orchid matter?

In general, the orchid family has similar living conditions in nature. The only difference is that in some orchids, the root system is involved in photosynthesis, so they need a transparent pot. For species whose roots do not need light, such as Dendrobiums, you can take opaque plastic or ceramic containers.

Dendrobiums don't need clear pots.

The most common type for home growing is Phalaenopsis because it has a rich color variety. All Phalaenopsis are transplanted in the same way and require the same care measures. They need transparent containers.

Phalaenopsis is one of the most popular species indoor orchids

An exception to the general rules are orchids that grow without a substrate, for example, the species. Such plants receive nutrients and moisture directly from the air. They do not require a transplant.

Such a need arises when paired leaves with rudiments of roots (kids) appear on the peduncle.

New plants formed on the peduncle are ready for separation

When jigging a process, the following rules should be followed:

No more than one shoot should be planted in one pot.

Separated young orchid plants will soon please the owner with flowering

How to arrange an orchid beautifully after transplantation

The orchid itself is already a wonderful element of the interior, combining aesthetics, brightness, minimalism and naturalness. A beautifully designed pot will be an addition in this regard. Suitable for decoration as natural materials as well as artificial ones.

The list of decorative materials that can be used:

  • moss, various wood elements;
  • artificial bright coasters for a pot with an orchid;
  • homemade coasters from natural materials(wood, stone);
  • ceramic and clay vessels;
  • brackets with wood elements for hanging plants;
  • synthetic fillers of bright color;

Photo gallery: examples of orchids in the interior

You can grow orchids in glass vases so that the required air humidity is maintained Natural wicker baskets can be used as planters for transparent pots Such natural pot holders are attached to the walls with brackets Hydrogel is good not only for maintaining moisture, but also for beauty This wet-filled holder maintains the right level of humidity around the flowers
Spectacular designer planters are often used for orchids.

Move orchid to new pot not difficult. The procedure is quite simple, knowing some of the nuances, even a beginner can carry it out. Subject to the frequency of transplantation, attention to rehabilitation measures and care tips, this most beautiful epiphyte will feel confident and delight you with its unique beauty for a long time.

Seeing for the first time a schisanthus (lat. Schizanthus), he is mistaken for an orchid. This is due to the exotic look and the bizarre shape of the flowers. The name of the plant comes from the Greek words "schizein" + "anthos" - split and flower, which is explained by the design of the flower. For your appearance and ease of cultivation, the plant received other names - "butterfly" and "poor man's orchid."

The genus belongs to the nightshade family (Solanaceae) and is included in the subfamily Schizanthoideae - Schizantaceae. Growth area - Chile and Argentina. Some species are found in other parts of the world such as New Zealand and the USA.


Schizanthus or schizanthus - annual, trichotomically branched, herbaceous plant, with alternating, pinnately dissected, light green leaves, which, like the stem, are covered with glandular hairs. Multiple zygomorphic flowers are located at the end of the stems. The cup consists of 5 parts. The double-lipped corolla is isomeric with the calyx. The upper lip is three-sided, the central lobe is serrated. The number of stamens is equal to the number of corolla lobes. Plant height from 30 to 100 cm.

Schizanthus (Schizanthus) - bright exotic

Flower colors: red, yellow, white, purple, peach and multi-colored. Schizanthus blooms from spring to autumn, depending on the planting period. Tall varieties have powerful stems and branched roots. The plant is predominantly insect pollinated. Most species are pollinated by bees, but there are some species that are pollinated by butterflies and even hummingbirds. The fruit is a capsule with two opening doors.

Schizanthus or poor man's orchid

Species promising for floriculture

There are 12 species of the genus. Graham's schisanthus, pinnate and their hybrids are common in culture.

  • S. Graham(S. grahamii) - an annual plant, height does not exceed 60 cm, pinkish-purple flowers, with an elongated lower and shortened upper lip. Numerous yellow spots and purple touches give the plant exotic look. Homeland - Chilean Andes. Cultivated since 1834.
  • C. pinnate(S. pinnatus) 45 cm high. The stem is less branched. Racemes inflorescences consist of purple flowers. Feature Schizanthus pinnate - the lower lip of a flower split into three parts, the base of which is decorated with purple spots.
  • C. visetonian(S. wisetonensis) is a spectacular hybrid of the two species described above. The height is 50-60 cm. The leaves are indented, pinnately dissected. irregular shape flowers, with uncoupled petals, have a diameter of 2 cm. The colors of the flowers are different with stripes, spots, borders and dots. The hybrid has been cultivated since 1900.
  • S. littoralis Phil(S. litoralis Phil). annual plant 42-60 cm tall, with glandular, sticky, split leaves 4 to 8 cm long. Flowers form compact inflorescences, painted in colorful colors.

Photogallery of species

Cultivation and care

The plant is grown both indoors and outdoors. For growing and caring for schisanthus indoors, selected undersized species. Schizantus develops well in the sparing conditions of the greenhouse or winter garden, or in the air in regions with a temperate summer climate.

For planting a schisanthus choose a cozy sunny place with scattered rays of light. He does not like excessive heat or cold. With a lack of lighting, the plant stretches excessively, and with an excess of moisture, it begins to reduce the number of inflorescences and may die. The soil is fertile, light, well-drained, with a pH value ranging from 6 to 7.

Please note! Plant seedlings are capricious. When planting plants in open ground add humus. For growing indoor specimens, use the usual earthen mixture.

bright wall schisanthus flowers

poor man's orchid moisture-loving plant. The soil should be constantly slightly moist. Don't let the soil dry out. Avoid getting moisture on leaves with flowers. The main stem is best tied to a peg for plant stability.

Feeding begins two weeks after the first pick, and continues after landing on the flower bed. To do this, bred 1 tbsp. lies. fertilizer in 7 liters of water and pour 1 glass of solution under the plant. At the height of flowering, the amount of top dressing is increased three times.

Remember! permeable soil, regular feeding, sunlight- conditions under which the plant blooms for a long time and abundantly - outdoors from May until frost, and indoors until the end of October.

Schizanthus Visetonian


Schizanthus grows well in a flower bed and in pots. Schizanthus is propagated by growing from seeds that are planted in open ground or sown on seedlings.

  • Seedling. It is best to grow butterfly flower seedlings indoors. Seeds are sown to a depth of 3 mm in a rich useful material soil, 2 months before the last expected frost in the spring. Schizanthus seedlings germinate in the dark, within two to three weeks, at a temperature of 15 to 23°C. To do this, cover the container with seeds with a black film.

Gentle shoots of schisanthus

With the onset of warm days, pots with seedlings are placed on the street near the walls lit by the sun or on sunny balcony for hardening. When the threat of frost has passed, the plants are transplanted to a designated place at a distance of 24 cm (small species), 40 cm (medium varieties) and 70 cm (large specimens). Seedlings are pinched 1-2 times before planting in the ground, the first time when it reaches a height of 8 cm, and the next at 16 cm.

  • In April-May, the seeds can sow in open ground. Moreover, it is desirable to sow in several stages so that the flower bed continues to bloom as long as possible. The principle of planting and picking is the same as seedlings. Seeds are rarely sown, pressing a little to the ground. Flowering of the schisanthus, planted in the ground, occurs only in July and continues until the first frost.

Important! From schisanthus seeds sown in containers in autumn (September-November), flowering plants available in May. Winter seedlings are kept until spring in a bright and slightly cool place. Do not discard weak, unattractive seedlings, wait until they get stronger, and plant them in the flower bed later. It is from them that the most beautiful flowers rare color.

Schizanthus or schizanthus grown in a basket

Having grown the schizanthus once, for several years it will be possible not to worry about re-germination of seeds and nursing seedlings, because. on the different areas similar or similar plants obtained from self-seeding.

Diseases and pests

Excessive watering causes fungal infections. A common disease is anthracnose. It is characterized by: putrefactive spots that appear on flowers and leaves, subsequently the plant dries up. Affected specimens are immediately removed from the flower bed, and the remaining ones are treated with a copper-containing agent or fungicidal solutions are used that are used to prevent diseases.

Schizanthus on suburban area

Use in landscape design

Schizanthus are used as a single decoration and in group compositions. So exotic plants placed in the foreground of mixborders, flower beds, flower beds. This makes it possible to enjoy plenty of butterfly flowers. The original flyer looks good on Alpine rollercoaster, especially in miniature rockeries with large stones. It is necessary to adhere to the basic rule - to plant near plants that love moisture, and not vice versa.

Undersized dwarf varieties planted in containers on the balcony and terrace, in tubs on the veranda. Schizanthus are also grown in hanging baskets with coconut fibers or in mesh boxes with other flyers identical to the growing conditions. High grades are suitable for bouquets.

Of the many varieties, most grow in places with no soil:

  • Climbing up tree trunks
  • Find a place on rocky ledges
  • On stumps, etc.
  • What pots to plant phalaenopsis in?
  • What to be guided by when choosing a container for?

Let's try to figure it out.

How to choose a pot for a Phalaenopsis orchid?

What pot is needed for an orchid and how to choose it?

When choosing a pot for phalaenopsis, you should be guided by the requirements for it.

Moisture outflow

Orchids do not tolerate waterlogged roots.

When choosing a container for growing, it is necessary make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom and bottom of the pot. Or with the ability to make them yourself.

If it is impossible make holes like this. you will have to strictly monitor the humidity and come up with something with drainage.

Only professionals can grow in such containers - orchidists who, thanks to many years of experience, “by eye” determine the condition of their pets.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of death of the flower.

Root aeration

Advice! If there is insufficient air circulation, a small fan can be installed nearby.

The root system, due to the natural structure, covered with velamen. It is spongy, multi-layered, hygroscopic dead tissue filled with air.

In the absence of air circulation near the root zone velamen starts to rot.

After the loss of such a shell the plant is unable to absorb moisture and trace elements essential for life.

Temperature regime

Another important condition for the requirement for the selection of a flower pot is a material that provides the required temperature regime for the roots.

He should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of the root part of the plant.

Safe rooting

Home for the root system should not constrain her and be too free for her. Perfect size the diameter of the pot is considered to be 3-4 cm larger than the size of the root part.

This will protect the roots from damage when, evenly ensure the absorption of moisture and its drying.

Don't have to choose flower pot tapered at the top.

What kind of pot is needed for orchids: photos and descriptions of species

To date, diversity flower pots for orchids is amazing.

Sometimes It's hard for beginners to make a choice..

The variety of pots used for orchids is great, but each container has its own characteristics.

Let's try to understand the pros and cons of each type.

First of all, they must meet the requirements:

  • Provide sufficient outflow of moisture;
  • Have good internal air circulation;
  • Be safe to extract the root system;
  • Maintain the required temperature.


It is considered the most common and acceptable option when growing phalaenopsis in normal household conditions, especially for beginners.

Easy to maintain and allow you to make the required number of drainage holes without much effort. Material tolerates well Sun rays and lowering the temperature, maintaining the root temperature regime without sudden jumps.

Transparent containers provide the ability to observe the state of the roots and substrate moisture.

Convenient for transplanting plants.

Even when the roots germinate through the drainage holes, the pot is easily cut without violating the integrity of the rhizome.

Transparency plastic pots helps the roots to photosynthesize well.


Flower pots made of ceramic or clay flower growers very rarely used when growing orchids.

Even with good breathability, drainage holes and constant temperature regime,they have significant disadvantages.

Growing Phalaenopsis in ceramic pots possible, but only for experienced orchid growers

  • Roots adhere to porous surfaces.
  • Also there is no way to monitor the state of the substrate and the root of the flower.
  • Glazed flower containers do not provide aeration.

To grow an orchid in a ceramic pot, it is necessary to create a good drainage system and ensure proper.

And this is achieved only by extensive experience in cultivation, which is characteristic only of professionals.

Flowers in this form also requires certain procedures. Purchased pot must be calcined in the oven and disinfected.

A used container soak in acidified water to get rid of salt stains.

Glass flowerpots

An orchid in such a pot looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

With drainage holes and good air exchange there are two major drawbacks:

  • Accumulation of condensate on the walls;
  • Growth of green algae on the roots.

To avoid such problems, one has to change the soil substrate two to three times a year.

If a plastic containers varied in size, choosing the right glass creates difficulties.

Phalaenopsis loves a little cramped root, so it can be difficult to choose a glass flowerpot of a certain size.

From branches and twigs (baskets)

flower baskets made from both natural and artificial material. A flower in a beautifully made basket looks very impressive.

Bamboo baskets are considered the most acceptable. or materials similar in smooth surface.

The nonporosity of the material is not allows root germination systems in them.

The disadvantage is the speed of drying the root part with the substrate, which creates certain difficulties and frequency when watering by immersion.

Primarily, hybrid species with peduncles are planted in such baskets pointing down.

Also follows before planting a larger substrate close the gaps between the bars so that the soil substrate does not spill out during the growing process.

Hanging planter

Growing in hanging plantergood option. The plant, due to its height and asymmetric growth, does not collapse on the windowsill. Looks more natural.

The main condition for this is ensuring good aeration root part and sufficient lighting.

A flower pot with a plant is installed in the cache-pot so that a finger passed between the wall of the planter and the container with the flower.

It is better to hang a planter close to the window, providing the flower with enough sunlight.

There should also be more pay attention to the humidity root part.

How to determine the size of the pot?

Fundamental rules

Error in choosing the size will not allow phalaenopsis to fully show its lush, sufficient flowering.

The choice of size must adhere to certain rules:

  • So, the height should be almost equal to the diameter of the neck;
  • The root part is free to fit in the container.


Since the mini prefers high humidity , then glass will be a good container for it.

In order to maintain humidity, the mini-phalaenopsis needs a glass pot.

This type of orchid prefers a little tightness in the root system, which is taken into account when choosing a mini-pot.

For kids

For kids, mostly capacity is selected small size calculated per year of growth. It can be a plastic cup or a jar of cotton swabs.

Basically, any plastic, small dish will do with the calculation of the growth of the children. There are ways to growing in mini greenhouses or even styrofoam.

Transparent containers

The determining factor is possibility of visual observation behind the root system of the flower. Define time and amount of watering or drying.

Also, phalaenopsis has not only leaves participate in photosynthesis but also the roots of the plant. Therefore, transparency creates the necessary amount of light for this.

Transparent pots not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also contribute to the photosynthesis of phalaenopsis roots.

Ability to use additional options


When breeding and growing several hybrid species of phalaenopsis in last years floriculture lovers prefer irrigation automation.

In addition to factory pots with automatic watering options, many flower growers using do-it-yourself tools. Aesthetic appearance and quality of watering determines the owner of the orchid flower garden.

Convenience, time savings, ease of setup automatic wateringmain advantages of this additional option.


Every year flower pots with new additional options and features that make it easier for plants.

For orchids appeared containers with additional phyto-lighting. With various kinds of immersion trays and providing automatic watering, with frequent business trips or long-term absence.

DIY pot

Manufacturing at home for your decorative pet is quite within the power of any person.

The main thing - choose the right plastic container.

For this fit:

  • food container any form,
  • PET bottles or any other container, the size of which corresponds to the root system of the flower.

In the bottom and on the side walls drainage and air-permeable holes are made.

The aesthetic appearance of such an invention can give a self-made planter.

It can be with weave from any improvised material- twigs, wire, etc. It all depends on your design abilities, skillful hands and the available material.

Useful video

Video instruction on how to choose a pot for orchids:

Video review of orchid pots:

Watch the video for errors with closed systems:


The price of phalaenopsis in a pot may vary due to the container in which it is sold. Experienced orchid growers prefer to purchase in a plastic shipping container and choose their own growing vessel.

For your pet to develop, grow and delight with lush large flowers, you need to study in advance and decide which pot is needed for phalaenopsis right at your home.

And according to the humidity, temperature and illumination of the room, choose the desired option.

Orchid is one of the most beautiful indoor plants and this true queen of flowersdemands to himself heightened attention and worries. At the first stage, a lot of questions arise - how to transplant an orchid? what pot do orchids need? what substrate to buy for transplanting orchids? Start with the basics - choose the right flower pot for your orchid. Only plastic, transparent, well-ventilated orchids will provide control over the state of the root system of plants. Under poor conditions, excessive or insufficient watering, lack of air exchange, unsuitable substrate, the roots suffer the most, which affects the flowering and general condition of the orchids. Plastic pots are light, warm, well disinfected and washed, are not damaged when dropped, are not saturated with salts.

Unlike ordinary indoor plants, in which only green above-ground parts participate in photosynthesis, orchids

in The roots are also involved in the process of processing substances. That is why orchids are transplanted into transparent plastic pots, providing the supply of light and air to the aerial roots of the plant. In the process of caring for orchids through the transparent walls of the pot, you can observe the growth and death of roots, decomposition, salinization and other changes in the substrate.A transparent pot allows you to study the condition of the roots, examine the substrate, detect pests or signs of disease.

Constant monitoring of what is happening in a transparent pot makes it possible

  • timely detect the appearance of diseases and pests, for example, snails, wood lice,
  • at using pest and disease control agents recommended by specialists, observe the results of their impact,perform a transplant in a timely manner, check the recommendations from books, articles and transplant specialists of this type, or orchid varieties,
  • problematic orchids, e.g. as a result of developmental delays, diseases, pests, when grown in transparent pots can be examined more often and more thoroughly than all other plants of the same species or variety, watered, fertilize
  • and transplant according to an individual program.

Novice orchid growers can learn orchid culture faster when usingtransparent pots, independently comprehend the correctness of the recommendations of books, articles and orchid specialists.Experienced orchidists, when using transparent pots, get the opportunity to more accurately control the development of orchids, improve mastered and study new types of orchid culture.

Most orchids are epiphytes and nature they rise to the light and fasten their roots to various roughness and irregularities on stones or tree bark.

epiphyte plants - these are plants that have no connection with the earth and can develop in its absence. These plantsusually grow on some other plant organism. That is why they are connected with another plant, which is a support for the epiphyte. Under such living conditions, the epiphyte plant does not take nutrients in the main organism.

AT environment epiphytic plants often grow in the air. Some of them live in water and are algae. Also, epiphytes are organisms that develop in the aquatic environment and can bloom. In general, all types of these plants, including indoor ones, use photosynthesis in order to replenish their energy supply. Also, the processes of photosynthesis contribute to the accumulation of nutrients in this type of plant.

In nature, epiphytes can settle on the trunks and branches of a forest stand. They are widely distributed in tropical forests in the form of orchids.

How to transplant an orchid?

Orchid roots need a lot of air for normal growth. So

  1. Before planting, place drainage in an orchid pot. ¼ of the volume of the pot should be drainage. Use small pebbles as drainage expanded clay . Just make sure that the holes in the pot are open so that air enters and mold does not form,
  2. then put some substrate , place the plant exactly in the middle, fill with the rest of the substrate. Roots should not be rotten. If this problem is present, it is necessary to wash the entire root and cut off the damaged parts.

Pay attention to the fact that the pot does not come into contact tightly with the pallet. Excess water must drain freely. You can also use stones for this. Place them in such a way that there is some space between the tray and the pot.

By following these simple rules, you will achieve that very soon the beauty you created will be admired by ordinary passers-by from the street, and the biggest esthete practitioner in your home, who highly appreciates the surroundings and knows a lot about beauty!

Let your orchids grow healthy and delight you at any time of the year. Here you can buy wholesale and retail with delivery in Ukraine transparent pots for orchids, drainage, a special substrate and the necessary fertilizers for flowers.

You can also watch the video we have prepared for you.

How to take care of orchids? What flowerpots are planted with orchids? What substrate is needed for planting orchids? What fertilizers and top dressing do orchids need?

Hello, dear subscribers of the Dim Sad City plus channel. Until recently, it was believed that it was almost impossible to grow an orchid at home. Now the situation has changed in better side and today I will tell you how to properly care for orchids.

The first is, of course, the pot. I would like to draw your attention to the pots with the ARTE drainage system, which have a lot of advantages.

This is a choice for those who are not ready for compromises, who need only the best - 2 pots in one - a pot with a plant inside, and a decorative planter outside. Its main advantage is that the remaining water will always accumulate inside the decorative planter, and the surface on which the plant is actually located will be dry. Important point- pot size. In a large substrate, it will dry out slowly and this can lead to root rot. A small one can roll over and the orchid will be injured. Therefore, make a choice of a pot, taking into account the future size of an adult plant.

The second very important issue is the choice of the right substrate for the orchid. What orchids are not planted in - in peat, pine bark and even earth from the street. People just don't understand how this plant can exist in a pot without soil. But the roots of orchids, unlike other plants, are unique.

They store moisture, retain it and give it to the plant as needed. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to plant orchids in traditional soils!

You need to use a special substrate Orchidconsisting of steamed pine bark, sphagnum moss and charcoal. This substrate is an ideal environment for growing orchids. The Orchid substrate has a light structure, thanks to which it will provide your beauties with protection from fungi and bacteria, perfectly absorbs moisture and gradually releases it to plants.

Orchids tend to adapt well to their environment and can forgive many care mistakes. But still, a well-groomed plant will delight you more than an abandoned one. They need very little to strengthen the immune system.

For example, Mister Tsvet, an excellent complex fertilizer for orchids, perfectly feeds the root system and provides the plant with all the necessary nutrients.

And the Stimul fertilizer specially developed for orchids will increase resistance to diseases and ensure the full development of plants. Also, this tool stimulates long-term and lush bloom orchids.

You can alternate the use of fertilizers for orchids, since now the choice of high-quality fertilizers pleases plant lovers. For example, fertilizer in sticks Clean leaf will enhance the brightness of the color of the flowers.

You can buy such a convenient fertilizer sticker Clean sheet. Its use will provide your orchids with good nutrition and strengthen their root system.

How to use cytokinin paste on orchids, we will tell in a separate story.

Pay attention to foliar dressing for orchids Dr. Foley, which needs to be sprayed once a week on the leaves of plants. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of diseases and a wonderful fertilizer with a wide spectrum of action.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is worth taking care of the support for your orchid. To do this, you can use a reliable and elegant support. Carefully place it in a pot and fasten the peduncle to the holders.

Now you can be sure that your beautiful blooming orchid will not break and will be healthy. What we wish you. See you soon!

When buying, it is recommended to immediately transplant the orchid from the pot in which you bought it into another container more suitable for growing orchids. You can grow orchids in pots, and in baskets, and on blocks.

First of all, you need to start from the type of orchid, as well as from specific conditions the space and content you can create for an orchid. What exactly suits your orchid - a pot, a basket or a block, you decide.

Growing orchids in pots

Many terrestrial orchids can be safely grown in pots. The main thing is to know which ones. by the most best pots for growing orchids, plastic pots made of polyethylene or polypropylene are considered. Orchid roots do not stick to plastic at all, these pots are easy to perforate (make many holes) so that air can easily flow to orchid roots and excess moisture does not linger when watering. And one more note: it’s good if the pots stand on legs, the height of which will be at least 5 cm. When watering, water should flow freely from the pot, and air circulation will also be provided. When transplanting into a new pot, line its bottom with sphagnum (fibrous moss) or coconut fibers, and then place the orchid there along with the substrate. Spray it regularly with water.

Clay pots are less suitable for growing orchids due to the fact that clay or ceramics are hygroscopic, and orchid roots stick to the walls of such a pot. During an orchid transplant, damage to the roots cannot be avoided, which negatively affects further growth. It is better to say that not all orchids with damaged roots can survive after such a transplant.

It is now considered very fashionable to grow orchids in glass pots or vases. In such pots or vases it is possible to grow orchids without a substrate. No other filler in the form of a gel or something else can be used. Growing orchids in glass pots can be advised to an experienced person who knows a lot about orchids, but it is still better for beginner flower growers to use plastic pots.

Growing on blocks is typical only for orchids and some plants of the Bromeliad family. This method is most suitable for natural conditions orchid growth. As blocks, you can use all hard varieties of trees, especially fruit trees, and also a grape vine. When growing orchids on blocks, you need to remember that the roots dry out very quickly after watering, so you will have to spray the orchid more often. Growing orchids on blocks is very well suited for special greenhouse windows with constant air humidity and temperature.

In room conditions, the blocks dry quickly. Growing orchids on blocks is more difficult for beginners than growing in a pot. The only orchid is the cattleya, which will not cause much difficulty, because it grows "upside down", and therefore the block is the most suitable cultivation for it.

After weighing all the pros and cons, did you settle on growing orchids on blocks? Then go ahead!

Find the piece most suitable tree give it the desired shape. At the top of the block, make a wire hook to attach the block to the wall. If the conditions for growing orchids have high humidity, then no substrate for the orchid is necessary. In all other cases, the substrate of any moss is highly desirable. Moss will retain moisture. Carefully attach the orchid to the block (do not break the roots!), From above, the roots of the orchid can be covered with a piece of bark, moss or fern roots and tied to the block with fishing line, synthetic thread, insulated wire. Such planting can be considered equivalent to planting in a pot.

Growing orchids in baskets

Orchids can be planted in hanging baskets. When grown in baskets, the conditions for keeping orchids are also close to natural. You can use a ready-made wicker basket, or you can make an orchid basket from oak or pine slats. Since orchids do not like frequent transplants, and the air and substrate must be constantly moist, therefore oak and pine are the most suitable wood to make a basket.

Baskets are ideal for growing large orchids, in baskets the substrate dries more evenly, unlike pots, where the substrate is much damper in the middle than at the edges.

When growing orchids in baskets, a substrate with larger particles is needed due to the lattice design of the baskets.