Low-growing flowers - the main types and features of caring for such plants (150 photos). How to arrange a flower bed of perennials to bloom all summer How to make a flower bed of perennial flowers unpretentious

For those who appreciate stability, landscape design, chosen once and for a long time, will suit perennial flower beds, for which it is not at all necessary to choose a place every time and break a new flower garden. Of course, when we are, we want them to be attractive, bloom as long as possible and have a pleasant aroma. In today's selection, we tried to select just such varieties and varieties that would fully meet all these needs. And, after looking at the photos of these plants, you will probably want to plant them on your site this season.

What flowers to plant in a flower bed

There are always many answers to the question, what flowers to plant in a flower bed and in order to narrow down the range of possible options, you need to understand what kind of flower garden design interests you in the first place. In many ways, it is its variety that determines the species. Traditional curtains cannot do without roses, pelargonium, fragrant night violets and lilies, powerful peonies and delicate irises. But such a rustic-style garden will not be able to satisfy the needs of those who appreciate the rugged beauty of alpine slides and undersized, small flowers that adorn the stone slopes. Completely different plants will be inhabitants of park art beds, bright colors, large inflorescences are valued there, it is difficult to compete with annual varieties there. And another beautiful option would be vertical gardening, where climbing vines reign or bushes grow in pots suspended on supports, fall down in an ampelous cascade. Therefore, all those flowers that we will see in the article may be suitable for a certain flower garden design, and even small, not very spectacular ones, together will give a stunning visual effect.

There are not too well-known names in our selection, but there are also real garden hits - which are known to everyone. So, the first on this list will be phloxes.

They come in a variety of shades, some of which you can see in the photo above. Their lush inflorescences rise above the ground to a height of 40 centimeters to one and a half meters, depending on the variety. But in any case, their distinctive feature is lush inflorescences, on which many small flowers are attached.

Phloxes can become both part of a large diverse flower garden and independent planting, the only thing that they do not really like is shade and waterlogging of the soil, so they should not be placed close to old trees with a spreading crown, and not in lowlands, next to mosses and ferns that retain moisture.

The second no less popular flower that falls into all ratings unpretentious flowers for a flower bed is an aster. But, if the traditional aster is not interesting in all cases, then its undersized variety, which is also called the Chinese aster, will perfectly become part of a mixborder or artistic composition in a basket, decorative vase. Such objects are often used when miniature varieties of large plants, such as daisies, irises or asters, allow you to get a very interesting effect of a flower garden, scaled down.

Flowers for the flower bed: blooming

A type of flower garden, such as the Moorish lawn, suggests an area filled with beautiful wildflowers that is a pleasure to walk and look at. In this case, the easier blooming flowers for the flower bed the better the appearance of the flower garden. Here it would be appropriate to plant field poppies, snapdragons, or universal favorites - cornflowers.

Cornflowers are not only bright blue, and this discovery keeps gardeners coming back again and again to this simple and proven way to fill the space of flower beds. Photo flower beds of this species you can see above and appreciate how fresh and bright they look, creating a very attractive color accent in any collection, especially their terry varieties.

Moreover, if you remember, then it is cornflowers that can argue for leadership in terms of unpretentiousness. They perfectly tolerate the poverty of the soil, and not too plentiful watering.

For those who like to combine the beauty of plants with their benefits, it will be interesting to know that cornflower is actively used in folk medicine, it is part of medicinal preparations for a variety of diseases, moreover, it can simply be brewed with tea, drying blue petals that do not lose their bright color.

No less beautiful is the Carpathian bell, which is increasingly being used among the popular ones. Its landing is most often done on the so-called alpine hills or in areas with field varieties.

The photographs that illustrate the use of bells in DIY flower beds, you can see not only varieties that are as close as possible to the natural look, but also terry garden varieties, which are the result of many years of selection. In any case, no matter what kind of bells you choose, you will get an excellent plant, unpretentious, with a long flowering period and without special care needs.

Flowers for the flower bed: blooming all summer

Both phloxes and cornflowers are beautiful flowers for the flower bed, blooming all summer, but if you want some new varieties, then pay attention to penstemon. It seems that after a couple of seasons, gardeners will appreciate it and take a prominent place among others.

In fact, there are quite a lot of varieties of penstemon and they look completely different, these can serve as proof of this. blooming flowers for flower beds, photo which you can see above. They grow well in one place for at least four years without losing visual appeal, after which they are recommended to be renewed.

At the same time, you won’t have any particular trouble with it, they bloom together in early and mid-summer, and then, if you cut the flower stalks and provide watering, they will repeat flowering in August, so the flower bed will definitely not be empty. Another advantage is that flower stalks are perfectly cut in water, which is very suitable for those who like to decorate verandas and terraces with cut bouquets.

It will look no less beautiful both on the ground and in a bouquet and one more view. flowers for flower beds, blooming all summer, photo which is presented above - this is scabiosa. Again, such a name, unfortunately, is not too familiar to our domestic lovers of flower beds, but abroad they love scabiosa no less than or chrysanthemum. You could even see them in bouquets of expensive floristic salons, but not know the name of the plant and that it is very easy to grow it in your summer cottage.

And one more name, well known to those who are interested names of flowers for the flower bed, blooming all summer. This is a gentian, which not so long ago became a regular in gardens, and not just wild mountain slopes, as before. However, gardeners love her just for this very wild beauty and do not really like varieties that are far outwardly gone from the progenitor. Gentian can be planted both as part of an alpine slide, and as an independent landscape element.

Also look at the beautiful aquilegia, which should definitely find a place in the collection of the best perennials.

Perennial flowers for flower beds

Before that, we mainly talked about unpretentious species that are well suited for those who do not have much time and energy to mess around in the flower garden. But there are others perennial flower beds that can become a real pride for their owners. And today we will talk in this context not about the usual roses, or peonies, but about other representatives of the elite garden flora. For example, about luxurious camellias that will honor any garden with their lush, fragrant flowering.

Camellias are a shrub, ideally completely covered with large, double flowers. This shrub can be molded in the way that suits you, creating from it a semblance of a garden sculpture, only alive. This luxury also has a drawback - to care for camellia, you need to study its needs well, provide it with suitable soil, proper watering, pruning, and so on.

If you are tired of lilies or you do not like that they live in every second flower garden of your neighbors, then pay attention to another variety of bulbous plants - zephyranthes. Even if it is named after an ancient Greek deity, we will still associate it with our favorite airy dessert.

Zephyranthes itself is the same - light, airy, delicate shades, it is very reminiscent of a cross between a lily and a daffodil, and it is also called indoor crocus. You can achieve high-quality flowering of zephyranthes if you take care of it properly, and also protect it from pests and diseases, to which the plant, unfortunately, is quite susceptible.

Undersized flowers for the flower bed

We will finish our review of interesting plants for long-term cultivation by those without whom it is simply impossible to decorate the site - undersized flowers for the flower bed. Among all the numerous representatives of this glorious company, we chose two for acquaintance: shaving and soapwort.

These plants are both similar and different. Of course, upon closer inspection, you can find many differences between them, after all, these are different species, even non-specialists can easily distinguish them by shades and flowering density.

But one thing remains undoubted, if the task is to decorate a slope, a terraced height difference, a fence, a large stone and other vertical elements, then there are no better helpers than bright blue shaving or lilac-purple soapwort. Literally in the first year of their life, they will already begin work on filling the space offered to them, and literally the next year you will be able to boast the same photos as those that you can see above.

And by the way, shaving has an interesting feature - it retains the greenness of its leaves even in the winter months, which means that its decorative properties are preserved all year round, if you need to close the unattractive facade of the house or the fence on the territory of your site, you may well use the services of such a lovely assistant.

Initially, flower beds were created not for aesthetic pleasure, but for medicinal purposes. At pharmacies and hospitals, flower beds were grown with medicinal plants, as well as vegetables. And only in the 50s of the XX century, carpet beds became fashionable, which required great effort to maintain their own beauty.

Today, beautiful flower beds are made not only from annual plants, but also from perennials. How to grow such a flower bed with your own hands so that it pleases with its beauty for more than one year?


A flower garden of perennials is often called a flower bed of continuous flowering, because from early spring to the very snow it pleases with its colors. And for professional gardeners, the flower bed blooms in winter. And this is a clear advantage compared to annual flower plants.

There are other positive characteristics and features:

  • The main thing is durability. In a few years, each plant will grow in such a way that old bushes can be completely painlessly removed and a new shoot will grow in their place next year.
  • Ease of care: before planting, the soil is well fertilized and baking powder (expanded clay, sand) is applied, after planting the plants are watered in a timely manner and weeds are removed.
  • Financial costs - about 1 thousand rubles per flower bed for several years to come. While seeds or seedlings of annual plants have to be bought annually.
  • Perennials are considered gentle - they do not deplete the earth and do not require regular feeding.
  • Such plants are unpretentious - some of them will grow in the sun, another is suitable for partial shade, the third is for shade, and the fourth will quietly grow with any amount of sun.
  • To create such a flower bed, there is no need to invite a landscape designer every year.

Even if the flower garden was originally created with its help, then next year the flower bed only needs to be slightly updated. And this can be done with your own hands.

How to do?

To break a flower bed that will delight for several years, you need to think about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba flower garden before the start of the season. To bring it to life, do not be shy to ask for help from experts or neighbors. The next step in implementing the idea is to create a plan.

It may consist of several items:

  • Come up with a name according to the idea.
  • Choose a place for a flower garden.
  • Consider its shape.
  • Present a figurative layout.
  • Create a planting scheme (it is better if it is colored, voluminous, very detailed, drawn from several angles, indicating the time of flowering of plants), taking into account light and shadow.

  • Select plants in such a way that the flower bed blooms continuously and includes undersized plants and flowers with a long stem.
  • Pay attention to the soil: apply fertilizer and baking powder.
  • Make a frame for a flower garden: live or artificial.
  • Carry out pre-planting work: loosening and watering.
  • Plant flowers, not forgetting that they will grow over time (which means that now they need to be planted at a considerable distance from each other).
  • Regularly take pictures of your flower garden to avoid mistakes when decorating other flower beds, as well as to preserve this beauty in memory.

When selecting plants, you need to remember that for one square meter they use:

  • about 10 ground cover flowers;
  • no more than 7 undersized;
  • plants of medium height - 5;
  • plants on a high leg - no more than 7.


According to the planting density, several types of flower beds are distinguished:

  • Tapeworms- a lonely planted plant (flower or bush) with large flowers, large leaves; they must be clearly visible; more often it is roses, mallow, amorphous.
  • Rabatki- narrow flower strips stretching along the fence, house walls, paths; to give beauty, 2-3 types of plants of different heights and colors are planted.
  • borders- this is a kind of flower edging of a flower bed; borders are always undersized and one-color, while the color is selected contrasting with respect to the flower bed; in addition, you can choose plants with a strong aroma that will be fragrant on summer evenings in the garden.
  • Partners- flower beds that need space, as they include several elements: a lawn, a discount, a border.

  • Mixborders popular with non-professional gardeners, as plants of various flowering periods and colors are planted in them; such a flower bed blooms from early spring until frost.
  • Arrays because they are called that because they occupy a large area; this includes plants that do not require close attention to themselves, and this attracts amateur gardeners.
  • Groups- flower beds of any, usually smooth shape; their main difference is the bright spots in the middle of the lawn or playground.
  • Arabesque are made with the help of colored stones and pebbles, the location is horizontal and inclined.
  • Vases, for example, gabion - a mesh used as a metal frame-basket for stones.
  • Rockery or rock garden- imitation of mountainous relief.


No matter how wonderful the flowers themselves are, they need to be beautifully decorated. After all, flower beds can be very diverse. And if professionals use special devices and structures, then amateurs use improvised material for this: pieces of brick, tires, old basins and watering cans, old shoes, boxes, dishes, cobblestones, pieces of metal, canvas.

Roofing material, polyethylene, cement mortar may also be useful. The main thing is soil, sand, expanded clay.


Before choosing a place for a flower garden, you need to consider the following points:

  • whether he will interfere with the passage;
  • whether it will be well seen;
  • Will he have enough sunlight?
  • what form is most suitable for the selected plants;
  • what function should the flower garden perform;
  • when the peak of flowering will be observed.

Based on this, and also, depending on the available space, the following places for flower beds are chosen:

  • along the track or at the end of it;
  • along the fence
  • in front of the house against the backdrop of buildings;
  • on the border of two functional areas, for example, a recreation area and a garden;
  • on an artificial or natural slope;
  • on the stairs;
  • on lawns;
  • in the case of vertical or raised beds, the places can be very different.


The flower arrangement in its size should be strictly proportional to the area of ​​​​the site: a small area - a small flower bed, a large area - a large flower garden or several flower beds.

Flowerbeds can be of completely different sizes: from 0.75 m (soliters) to 20 m in diameter for arrays. But usually round flower beds have a diameter of 4-6 m. Works can be several hundred meters long. According to technology, the soil is always made convex, the slope is 5-10 degrees. This is done to drain water and better view the flowers.

The height of plants is 50-80 cm. But this is the case if shrubs are not used. When using, for example, an evergreen thuja as the main plant of a flower garden, the height will be much greater. Border flowers rise 8-10 cm above the lawn.


At the idea stage, you need to think carefully about the color scheme that you would like to see in the flower bed. The color combination can be the most diverse.

The principle of creation is the following:

  • Monochrome flower bed - one shade, but different plant heights; a white flower bed enjoys special chic - it looks very gentle, both vertical and tapeworm.
  • Contrasting allows a color explosion.
  • From plants of similar shades - a smooth transition, for example, from red to yellow or from lilac to pink.
  • Neutral colors are soothing to the eye, such as green rose bushes with white flowers.

Flower beds are planted for visual relaxation or emotional outburst.

Psychologists, together with florists, offer tips on placing and combining flowers in a flower bed:

  • for peace of mind, you need to choose either warm or cold colors; for an emotional explosion - contrasting colors;
  • smooth plant leaves reflect color, matte absorb;
  • for visual enlargement, flower beds minimize the number of colors and their contrast;
  • in order to visually enlarge the flower garden located along the fence or building, tall blue flowers are planted in the background, and undersized yellow ones in the front;

  • bright colors in the foreground, which means that in the background they are calm;
  • several flower beds combined into one flower garden should be formed as follows: the background is calm, bright colors - in small groups;
  • in a large area, it is allowed to create one flower bed with bright plants;
  • if there is a bright alpha plant in the flower bed, then the rest of the flowers should be its pale shadow;
  • before planting, it is better to draw in color the area that this or that color will occupy: a small red spot among the blue flowers is appropriate, a large one is annoying;
  • a rural resident prefers bright colors, an urban one prefers pastel shades: you need to take into account the location of the flower garden, not only its urbanization, but also the climatic zone.

The form

Since perennials will grow in the same place for several years, it is necessary to carefully consider the shape of the flower garden. At the same time, it should be in harmony with nearby structures: a house, a gazebo, a path, a fence.

Modern design is increasingly moving away from the usual forms, however, everything is based on them:

  • a round or oval flower bed can accommodate tree species or shrubs in the center, and herbaceous plants around the circumference; flowers are planted in such a way as to create continuous flowering from the edge of the circle to the center;
  • a rectangular flower bed is decorated with a pattern and ornament from the plants themselves;
  • a square or rhombus is suitable for bright portrait paintings, animal drawings, etc .;
  • the use of triangular flower beds requires certain skills: individual triangles look harmoniously on a site of clear geometry, in other cases, a triangular flower bed should become part of a polygonal flower garden;
  • long flower beds - rabatki may or may not be symmetrical, but they are located along the paths or parallel to them.

Flowerbed design

There are many design options for decorating flower beds. You can always come up with your own version. But first, we offer to get acquainted with the existing flowerbed designs.

So, according to the design idea, a flower bed happens:

  • Regular- This is a flower garden, which is a clear geometric shapes or ornament. Such a flower bed is very similar to the carpet, but it differs precisely in the geometric pattern.

When creating such a flower garden, the following conditions must be considered:

  1. plants should not be in the shade at all;
  2. they need to be planted not singly, but rather densely;
  3. for such a flower bed, not an orderly, but a group method of planting is better suited;
  4. flowers must be of the same height, time and period of flowering;
  5. after planting, several plants should remain in case of replacement of wilted flowers;
  6. such flower beds consist of perennials and annuals; if desired, they can be decorated with perennial roses, peonies, hostas, as well as bulbous tulips, crocuses, lilies, daffodils, gladioli;
  7. a regular flower bed is not the easiest to care for, it is better for beginners to use other types of flower beds.

  • Irregular- a flower garden that is easier to create, consisting of annual and perennial plants, as well as ornamental shrubs, conifers and lianas. Perennial flowers or shrubs can be the main element. And every year annuals can be planted around them. With proper organization, you can create a continuous flowering bed when the plants bloom alternately.

For this, perennial peonies, delphinium, phlox, rose bushes, drought-resistant allium are suitable. You can supplement them with snapdragons, asters, balsams. A beautiful frame will turn out from marigolds.

  • Carpet is the most labor intensive. In addition to significant material costs, it will require artistic taste and knowledge of floristry. Flowers for such a flower bed are selected with good tillering, one-level height, but different colors. A carpet flower garden is a drawing, and not necessarily a familiar carpet: it can be a cartoon character, animalistics, a portrait. This is what distinguishes it from a regular flower bed.
  • uplifted most common in cities. But amateur gardeners also decorate such flower beds from improvised material and even old carts and cars. The earth in such structures warms up faster, but it also needs to be watered more often. But alpines and dwarf trees look good here.

  • vertical- This is a flower bed or several mini-flower beds located at a height from the ground. When creating such a flower garden, a drain for water should be provided.
  • Multidimensional- a more complex version of a vertical flower bed. This is a three-dimensional flower garden in the form of a specific animated image or piece of furniture. But it can also be a whole landscape composition with mountains, hills and ponds. The main thing is to think over the watering of such a "curvy" horse or gnome.

  • Ring a flower bed is created to frame a tree, a monument, a raised flower bed. The rule of planting plants in such a flower garden: from the high center to the low edge. In this case, you can create several multi-colored rings. If you plant an unpretentious purslane here, then it will withstand the hot sun, partial shade, and light frost.
  • Island the composition may consist of a large stone and several perennial bushes. A distinctive feature is a small flower bed in a large flowerless space. The main care is to timely mow the grass around the flower bed so that it does not fill the flower garden.

  • Panel flowerbeds require a fairly large space and therefore not suitable for every garden plot. In addition, this is a complex composition that requires the skills of floristry. But if you manage to create such a panel from perennial (together with annual) flowers, then this will be a real decoration of the backyard.

  • Modular a flower bed is being built instead of several paving slabs. This option can be provided before the installation of the coating. The flower garden is unusually beautiful and original. On a small plot of land, the “checkered” module will expand the space and correct its shape. If it is impossible to remove the tile from the paving, a false module is made: several containers with earth and plants are installed in the right places and framed with stone or vibrocasting tiles.

  • Monolumba- the simplest design solution, there can be two options:
  1. plants are different in appearance, but the same in color;
  2. plants of the same species, but of different colors and flowering times (a rose garden is a typical monoflower).

Required Tools

Depending on the type of flower bed, you may need different tools for its manufacture. The main ones will be:

  • a hammer;
  • axe;
  • hacksaw;
  • Master OK;
  • construction scissors;
  • plastic borders;
  • level.

To work on creating and caring for a flower bed, you should always have at hand:

  • shovel;
  • spatula (scoop) for planting plants;
  • rake;
  • rakes for garbage collection between perennials;
  • hoe or weeder;
  • watering can;
  • cultivator for preparing and loosening the soil;
  • gloves.

For beginner flower growers, professional florists and experienced gardeners have prepared some tips:

  • do not start with complex design solutions, but do not be afraid to invent your own forms for flower beds;
  • for starters, it is better to place multi-level perennials in long rows;
  • proper selection of plants will ensure wave flowering for the whole season;
  • in addition to flowers, be sure to include plants with beautiful multicolor foliage;
  • low and medium-sized plants should be planted at least two, giving them the opportunity to grow;
  • if there are concerns about the wrong selection of plants, it is better to make 2-3 flower beds with different color options;
  • if you do not like the result, you can remove the plant and plant another next year.

The florist, as an artist, carefully selects colors and creates paintings, not only on canvases, but on flowerbeds of fresh flowers. Nowadays, people increasingly prefer beautiful flower beds in their dachas, instead of traditional vegetable gardens. In the article, we will consider how to choose the right plants to create flower beds in various styles.

The choice of plants for the flower bed

The choice of color when creating flower beds

If you show imagination and take into account the effect that different colors have on the human psyche, you can create flower beds that have a different character. And this is not a stipulation.

  • Flowerbeds grown in orange, red tones are exciting, and can even be somewhat annoying if you look at them for a long time.
  • On the contrary, flower beds in blue and blue tones are calming. An orange-yellow flowerbed looks like a joyful bright sun, and even on cloudy days it will, as it were, illuminate the site.

Usually, when creating flower beds, various combinations of colors are used, sometimes even contrasting ones, and neutral white is used to smooth them out. For example, combinations look very nice:

  • red with yellow and green
  • purple with yellow
  • blue with orange.

It all depends on the preferences of the gardener.

The influence of site illumination on the choice of plants

Depending on the lighting, flowers for a flower bed of various colors look different.

  • For example, flowers of blue, purple or blue color in partial shade look faded, but in the sun they look spectacular.
  • When choosing flowers for a flower bed, you need to remember that they should bloom at the same time if the flower bed is of a regular type. If an irregular flower bed is created, then the flowering of different species should occur sequentially one after another.

The choice of the type of flowers largely depends on the location of the flower bed.

  • Well-lit areas require flowers that love to grow in the sun.

  • Shade-tolerant plants, such as lilies of the valley, pansies and forget-me-nots, should be planted in a flower bed in partial shade.
    • The perennial hosta also grows best in partial shade. Its decorativeness lies in juicy green, gray-blue or yellowish-variegated leaves, edged with a light border.
    • Unpretentious astilba does not like the bright sun. She has beautiful carved foliage and flowers in the form of fluffy red, pink and white panicles.

  • When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account that some of them have different requirements for soil and watering, so it is better to plant flowers in the same flower bed that are similar in their requirements. So, for example, perennial plants, when fed with nitrogen, begin to “fatten”, that is, there will be many leaves and almost no flowers, while bulbous plants, on the contrary, need nitrogen supplements.

Neighborhood of annual and perennial plants

In the same flower bed, many often breed perennials next to annuals and bulbous plants.

  • Bulbs, such as daffodils and tulips, are the earliest bloomers.
  • In early June, biennials begin to bloom. At the same time, certain types of perennials bloom, for example, peonies and irises.

  • Flowering annuals occur mainly in July and August.

The most common types of flower beds


A mixborder is a flower bed of irregular geometric shape.

  • To create them, perennial and annual plants are used together, and in large area mixborders - even shrubs and trees.
  • Plants are selected so that flowering is continuous throughout the season. Species with inconspicuous flowering, but with beautiful decorative leaves, are also suitable.

For example, in the center of the mixborder, you can plant trimmed boxwood with wormwood, then place decorative onions, vervain, multi-coloured and yarrow behind them in groups. Frame the edge with geranium, cuff and cinquefoil. If the mixborder is located against a wall or fence, then red clematis will look good in the background.


Rockery is a picturesque flowerbed among the stones of large boulders.

  • Fountains and artificial ponds often serve as elements of rockeries.
  • On such a flower bed you can plant a eryngium (Eryngium). This ennobled burdock, reaching a height of up to one meter, has a bluish-gray color that looks very nice surrounded by stones and pebbles.
  • The lovely flowers of the Carpathian bell, a spherical bush, which looks like a grassy tussock, will also be beautiful here. This plant is very unpretentious and long flowering.
  • To add bright colors to rockeries, you can use ground cover flowering plants - styloid phlox, thyme, sapling, violets, primrose, irises.

  • Daffodils and tulips are also suitable for decorating a rocky flower bed. And ferns, geyhera and hostas will give it an elegant look.
  • It is imperative to consult with experts when buying any plants for rockeries, whether they can grow in the specific conditions of a particular region.

Regular flower beds

Flower beds with strict geometric shapes are called regular flower beds.

  • Usually undersized annual, biennial and bulbous flowers are planted on them.
  • A regular flower bed needs to be looked after all the time, since no deviations from the original form are allowed here, and growing plants strive to go beyond the outlined boundaries.
  • Regular flower beds adorn large open areas. In suburban areas, such flower beds are extremely rare.

Vertical flower beds

Very popular among gardeners are vertical flower beds, which use climbing plants.

  • Arbors, walls, special structures made of twigs or wire, pergolas, garden sculptures can serve as supports for such flower beds.
  • Creating a vertical flower bed requires a lot of work and imagination, but its beauty justifies it.
  • They occupy a very small area and can be created in small garden plots.
  • Basically, annual plants are used for vertical gardening, giving long lashes and abundant flowering - the well-known nasturtium, begonia, petunia, and many other ampel varieties.
  • At present, it is very fashionable to use for vertical gardening a new hybrid ampelous petunia - calibrachoa with small flowers, but extremely abundant flowering on 1.5 - 2-meter shoots.

  • Fortunia has gained popularity - it is also a hybrid of petunia, which has larger flowers.
  • For a green background, you can successfully use silver dichondra, which has recently appeared on sale. This climbing plant has rounded small green and silver leaves, but its flowers are inconspicuous.
  • Nolans are ground cover plants, but they can also be planted in vertical flower beds. The whips they form are strewn with blue and lilac funnel-shaped flowers. They are not demanding to care for, can grow in shady places, tolerate a lack of moisture well, but are afraid of the wind. To give the plant the necessary shape, pinch it. In combination with bright nasturtium and marigolds, as well as white petunia flowers or dark blue phacelia, nolans look very impressive.

Ribbons and borders

Along the garden path, wall or fence, long flower beds are laid out - rabatka.

  • Borders of flowers can be used to decorate lawns, tree trunks. -Borders, borders, borders of flower beds are usually decorated with beautiful perennial low-growing plants, for example, saxifrage, primrose, subulate or dwarf phlox, sapling, edelweiss, dwarf astalbes and many others.
  • On the discount, you can plant primroses, which, with proper care, grow up to 25 cm, bloom with red, raspberry, pink, white inflorescences, one of the first from the end of April. Bloom through June.
  • The flowering of phloxes will replace primroses on the discount, they bloom at the end of May, have a wide range of colors in delicate pink, lilac and purple or purple tones.
  • There are many undersized flyers with which they decorate borders and borders, for example, asters, begonias, daisies, nasturtiums, forget-me-nots, lobelia. This is not a complete list. However, the use of perennials is preferable, as they do not have to be planted every year, which significantly reduces the amount of work in the garden in the spring.
  • Undersized is the exquisite Narbonne flax, blooming with blue flowers in July, large-flowered gazania, with flowers of different colors, reminiscent of daisies, elecampane swordtail with golden flowers.
  • Many gardeners use spinach and lettuce as border plants. A border of curly green and dark purple lettuce looks beautiful. Salads of different varieties can fill the gaps between flowers.


A flower bed, formed according to a strict geometric shape and forming a harmonious ensemble with a nearby building, is called a parterre.

  • Parterres are complemented with arabesques - flower beds made in the form of butterflies, flowers or any other. But creating such flower beds is very laborious and expensive, so they are practically never found in summer cottages.

Group landings

Many, creating landscape design on the site, use group plantings of flowers and other plants.

  • Such flower beds attract with their natural appearance, as they do not have the correct geometry and are asymmetrical.
  • Use to decorate a sculpture, fountain or house wall.
  • For such a flower garden, some flowers are usually used, for example, in spring - tulips, crocuses or primroses. Asters, zinnias, dahlias, lilies, gladioli are planted in summer groups.
  • You can create group plantings of 4-5 types of plants, but you have to select harmonious combinations of sizes, colors of flowers and leaves.
  • When creating such a flower garden, one should strive to achieve the naturalness of its appearance, as if nature, and not man, created it.
  • Examples of group plantings are the combination of delphinium with chamomile and lily, or daylily with hosta, tradescantia and iris. It will turn out beautifully if high bells are planted in a group with ferns and digitalis.

Multi-level flower beds

A popular design solution is the device of raised multi-level flower beds, which are visible from any corner of the site.

  • Skilled gardeners can create such stepped flower beds on their own from improvised materials, for example, from boards, bricks, car tires.
  • You can place roses or phloxes in the center, fill the middle level with light flowers that have an average height, and plant low dark flowers on the lowest tier. It will be interesting if such a flower bed is made in one color, but with different shades.


The best option for small areas are round or square mono-flowers, on which a certain type of flower is planted, for example, roses, dahlias or asters.

Irregular flower beds

Irregular flower beds are perhaps the most common among gardeners.

They do not have any strict rules for their device.

  • Both perennial and annual plants blooming at different times are planted on them.
  • The fastest way to make a blooming flower bed is to use annual flowers, which create colorful arrangements. Significantly accelerates the timing of flowering, growing them with seedlings, and not sowing directly into the ground.
  • In the middle of the flower bed, or in the background if the flower bed is against a wall or fence, taller flowers should be planted, such as lavatera, cosmea, tall ornamental sunflowers, or bright orange and yellow saffron.
  • Perennial plants can also be planted in the center, for example, delphinium, Turkish carnation, lupine. Terry peonies from white and pink to dark burgundy are very beautiful. True, they bloom for a short time, but then the peony bush decorates the flower bed with beautiful carved foliage until late autumn.
  • They will make the flowerbed original and visually multi-tiered flowering decorative bows, the inflorescences of which look like unusual balls.

  • All spring, summer and autumn, decorative yarrow inflorescences can decorate the flower garden.
  • Hosta is a universal ornamental plant for summer cottages. If it is properly planted so that there is no stagnation of water, then, apart from regular watering, practically no care is required for it. The choice of varieties is very large - from large and high, to low curb. The decorative element is the leaves of various colors of green, yellow, blue and variegated. Hosta can grow in places with different lighting conditions. But partial shade is better for her. It winters well, so a variety with beautiful large leaves can be safely planted in the center of a flower bed and not touched for many years.
  • Bulbous and tuberous tall plants are also used to create flower beds - there are a huge variety of varieties of lilies, gladiolus, dahlias. But here we must remember that dahlia tubers and gladioli bulbs should be dug up for the winter, and stored in a cool basement until spring.
  • The closer to the edges, the lower in height the plants are selected.
  • Annual dahlias are very good in the flower bed. They bush, have a wide range of colors, bloom profusely almost all summer until the very frost and are undemanding to care for. By the way, their ability to bush strongly should be taken into account when planting seedlings. Otherwise, the plants will become cramped in a month.
  • Breeders have created many varieties of asters, low and high, with a wide variety of colors, sizes and shapes of flowers. Large needle-shaped asters and medium-sized globular asters are very beautiful.
  • Petunia is very popular among annuals due to its abundant flowering and variety of colors.
  • You can supplement the gaps between flowers in a well-lit flowerbed with Khsuston's ageratum - a small plant 20 cm high. It blooms profusely with spherical bluish, white and lilac inflorescences almost all summer.
  • When creating a flower bed, it is better not to get carried away with too much variety of species. Designers recommend using one or two flowers that are attractive during the summer, while the rest of the plants will gradually replace each other. An example of this is a flowerbed planted with broad-leaved and reddening by autumn bergenia, daylily or hosta.
  • A flower border is planted along the edges of the flower bed, for which low-growing or ground cover plants with inconspicuous small flowers are used. For example, you can plant lungwort, alyssum, sage, cuff, lavender as a border. The border is also arranged from styloid phlox, Steller's wormwood or gray sedum. Below is a photo of these plants for the flower bed.

To create a unique landscape design on the site, you can combine flower beds of various types. When planning them, the best effect will be achieved by skillful selection of plants. The main principle of the gardener in this case is the desire for a biological and harmonious unity of flowers for flower beds.

Few people do not like plants, especially flowers that not only grow, but also delight with their color. But every year climate change negatively affects them, and in order to see the flowering of a flower bed throughout the summer season, it is necessary to properly equip it and choose the right flowers for planting.

The very first issue that needs to be addressed when creating a flower garden is its parameters.

The size of the flower bed depends on how much free space is available on your site, how many meters you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of beauty, and you need to take into account more time for her care.

A large flower garden is a very beautiful sight, but it is difficult to weed it from weeds, sometimes it is better to make several flower beds, but smaller ones.

The geometric shape of the flower bed depends on your preference, it can be in the form of:

  • Regular square;
  • Trapeze;
  • Circle;
  • Oval;
  • hearts;
  • Cross.

Of course, that the list can be replenished, it is not some kind of standard, and you can equip your flower bed in more complex forms. The more complex the form, the more effort will have to spend on its care.

The center of the flower bed should be planted with flowers with the longest stems. The edges of the flower garden with medium stems, in the remaining space around the perimeter, it is best to plant climbing plants. A couple of months after planting, you will see a beautiful flowering flower bed.

Underwater rocks

If your goal is to create a continuously blooming flower bed throughout the summer, then you need to know some rules to avoid the most common mistakes.

  • Before planting plants in the ground, you need to create a schedule for their flowering, in each period of time the flower garden should delight with buds of at least three types of flowers
  • Draw a plan of a flower bed on a sheet of paper, where in certain places write down the names of seedlings, taking into account their type and flowering period. Thus, create a composition of perennials and annuals that mix from beginning to bloom in the spring, continuing in the summer, and ending in flowering at the end of autumn.
  • In the plan, it is necessary to combine plants in size and color. Plants with broad leaves on the stem, mixed with cereals and angustifolia.
  • Everyone has their own favorite colors, but when creating a blooming flower bed, you must not forget about the combination of shades and choose so that the color scheme is contrasting.
  • Calculate the number of plant species that need to be planted evenly, without dividing by specimens.

Important: If the flower bed is one-sided, at the very end you need to plant tall plants, then medium height, and so reducing the height of the plants to the edge, if the flower garden is round, you need to start from the center.

Flowerbed of perennial flowers

Perennial flowers easily tolerate winter frosts, and they do not need to be planted every spring.

There are a huge number of species of perennials, from the assortment of which it is possible to choose a flower garden for the realization of the idea, at the same time make it original, and admire the flowers from spring to late autumn.

The benefits of perennials are:

  • No need for annual planting;
  • Resistance to winter frosts;
  • Unpretentiousness in care;
  • Easy to grow, when transplanting, you can simply divide, thus propagate
  • All summer they either bloom or delight with green foliage on the stems.

There are several ways to plant perennial flowers:

  • seeds;
  • roots;
  • bulbs.

When planting seeds in the ground, it is better to immediately create compositions that will not need to be planted for 2-3 years.

There are some rules for planting perennials:

  • Drawing up a scheme of a flower bed;
  • Planting undersized flowers in the foreground;
  • Climbing plants are planted along the alleys;
  • It is necessary to take into account the shades of flowers, during the flowering of plants, everything should be in harmony.

Perennial flowering plants are divided by growth into 4 groups:

  • short stature;
  • Medium height;
  • high;
  • Curly.

Flowers that grow no higher than 30 cm are considered undersized. The most popular of them are:

  • Pansies, delight the eye with their multi-colored flowers that bloom throughout the summer;
  • Periwinkle, grows on any soil, tolerates frost well, most often it is planted to decorate stone compositions, after a while it grows into a green carpet with blue or pink drops;
  • Phloxes, have many shades of colors, grow well in moist soil, no more than 7 plants are planted per square meter;
  • Gentian, in appearance resembles bells of a blue or pale blue hue, blooms from June to September.

Medium-sized flowers up to 1 meter high. Most often planted in a flower bed:

  • Daylily, can grow without a transplant in one place for more than 10 years, because it is not whimsical to the soil, has more than 25 species, blooms from the beginning of June with a large number of flowers;
  • Rhodiola, pink rhodiola is popular, but you can often see yellow rhodiola in the flower beds, it blooms for the first two summer months.

Among the flowers from the high growth group, they are planted more preferably than others:

  • Sunflowers look great both separately from other plants and in combination with them, bloom in the second half of summer;
  • Stock-roses, the most beautiful plant up to one and a half meters tall, bloom brightly and are packed like a peony, bloom all summer and a little in September.

Among curly flowers, the most in demand are:

  • Climbing rose, is a hybrid that turned out after crossing a garden rose with a wild variety, the flowers are small with a delicate aroma, require abundant watering and sunlight, it is better to warm the roots for the winter;
  • Wisteria, similar to a deciduous liana that wraps around a support, flowers resemble bunches of grapes, requires care, is pruned twice a year;
  • Girlish grapes, a tree-like liana with suckers and tendrils that cling to any type of surface without any support, the foliage changes color depending on the air temperature;
  • Honeysuckle is a perennial shrub up to 3 meters tall, requires garters and constant pruning, inflorescences emit a unique aroma, are not whimsical to care for, grows on any soil.

Perennial flowers have many types, varieties, with a variety of colors, names and shapes. For a flower bed, each owner determines for himself what he wants to see from the flowers during warm days.

Flowerbed of annuals

If you have a lot of free time, and you like to dig in the ground every spring, replant flowers, plant plants, then annuals are perfect for arranging a continuously blooming flower bed.

Unlike perennials, annuals are brighter and more saturated, only they need to be planted annually anew. A big plus is that every year your flower bed is original and individual in its own way.

There are annual plants that are not whimsical to care for, which, without much effort on your part, will grow and delight in flowering.

The first step will again be drawing up a plan for the flower garden, placing plants schematically on paper, selecting by color and growth, taking into account the period and time of flowering.

For a flower bed, undersized flowers and medium height would be the best option.

The following plants are especially popular in our area, to create a continuously flowering flower bed:

  • Castor oil, grows up to one and a half meters with palm-like leaves, beautiful, but poisonous;
  • Mallow is an annual, unpretentious plant, beautifully flowering;
  • Sage, sometimes even biennial and perennial, blooms with candles up to 30 cm high;
  • Eschsholzia, a lover of sunny color, can grow up to 60 cm, a chic shrub with small orange flowers, not whimsical to care for;
  • Zinnia, a wonderful flower with a variety of color shades, which pleases with its appearance all summer;
  • Kosmeya, can grow up to 80 cm, long-flowering, and does not require special care, fragile and delicate in appearance;
  • Matiola, a nocturnal flower, closed during the day, opens at night emitting a sweet, beautiful smell;
  • Petunia, undersized flowers that grow in almost every flower bed, beautiful, different colors, needs warmth and light, does not grow in cold climates;
  • Marigolds, not tall terry flowers 20 centimeters in height, bloom from early June to mid-autumn;
  • Purslane, does not require special care other than sunlight, grows well on sandy soil and rocky.

Annual flower lovers know that although they are not too whimsical, they still need to be looked after in order to get a wonderful result in the form of a continuously blooming flower garden for the whole summer.

Where to begin

A beautiful flowerbed of continuous flowering with a minimum amount of time for care, the dream of every gardener.

It is best to break up the area of ​​​​the flower bed and plant flowers in the fall, then they will take root, and in the summer there will already be results in the form of flowering.

Plant species and varieties, first review those that are in the garden.

Make a schedule for their flowering, if at some time you do not have blooming buds, buy a blooming look.

To begin with, you can use no more than 4-5 plants that have a long flowering period, increasing the range over time.

Sow flower seeds for seedlings, which will take well in the flower bed, and are useful for filling empty soil in case the flower dies in the winter.

Plants that turn yellow and dry after flowering should not be used in arranging flower beds, they should remain a wonderful background of green color.

When you did not have a flower bed, and you decided to buy all the flowers to create it, the main thing is to choose them correctly. The most wonderful choice would be flowers that bloom non-stop throughout the summer months, such as:

  • Night violets;
  • Dwarf violas;
  • Iberis;
  • Nemophiles.

Tip: If you don't know much about flowers, just ask the seed shop salesperson for advice, he will advise you on the most frequently purchased ones.

It is good to combine flower plants that bloom in different periods:

  • May-June: daffodils with tulips and crocuses;
  • June-July: irises, cornflowers, and peonies;
  • July-August: petunias, and daisies with marigolds;
  • August-September: asters with chrysanthemums.

The choice of plants for the flower bed should be creative.

Tip: It is better to check with relatives and neighbors that they are not allergic to any flowers in order to avoid embarrassment.

The best flower garden schemes from perennials

Gardeners, professionals and amateurs, offer to start with a simple but successful flowerbed scheme that will delight you with continuously flowering plants throughout the warm season.

The composition of the flower garden includes the following plants:

  • Astilbe pink;
  • Geranium;
  • Day-lily;
  • Heuchera;
  • Phloxes.

Important: While your perennials are gaining growth and strength for flowering, annual plants that are suitable for your area are planted among them.

Your flower bed, your ideas, good luck to you and beautiful flower beds.

If you have a private house within the city, or your own dacha, you definitely need to equip a garden there, small flower beds near the gates, arrange a cozy courtyard on the site or even a chic flower garden. Agree, because a beautiful organization will delight not only your eyes, just imagine the enthusiastic glances of people passing by, or your guests!

And you probably managed to scroll through our photos of unpretentious flower beds, making sure of their charm and attractive appearance. Perhaps someone has already guessed that for the arrangement of such magnificence, it is necessary to use just the variants of flowering plants. Moreover, both single and perennials are suitable here. Bright flowers will be a wonderful decoration of any site, while you will feel their subtle aromas throughout the summer! But in this case, it does not mean at all that you need a gardener. Thus, there is a large number of a directly unpretentious type of plants that everyone can grow, even if the gardener is not an experienced gardener. The main task is to adhere to the basic rules when growing flowers.

Annual unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

There are many such plants. However, among them there are those that are simply ideal for planting outdoor areas, as well as yards. They are not whimsical at all, you can buy seedlings at any time, while you do not have to spend a lot of money, effort and time. As a result, grow seedlings on your own.

Such plants exist in numerous variations, there are not only a dozen, but several dozen! Everyone can buy them at the flower market or in a special store. They are quite strong, bloom early enough. It happens that you can find and buy seedlings right away, the height of which is ten centimeters, and there is even the first flower on it!

  • If we even compare different varieties of this plant, then they can have a height of 10 cm and can reach as much as one and a half meters! It all depends on the variety.
  • Their sizes, shapes, shades are also very diverse. The flowers can be very small, the whole bush will be dotted with them, or they can be huge, on which the inflorescences seem to be made of terry.
  • In marigolds you will find absolutely any color. There is both yellow and red. Their height may be the same, but some flowers will be dark red, others lemon yellow. In fact, there is a very wide variety in the design of the flower bed. In this, much depends directly on your fantasies.

This type of plant is very fond of landscape designers. And all this is due to the fact that the species blooms for a long time, it is unpretentious in care, you can choose the most diverse shapes and colors. For independent cultivation of such flowers, you need to take long, needle-like seeds and sow them at a shallow depth, directly in pots / under a film. Most importantly, wait until April comes. After a couple of weeks, the marigolds will begin to sprout amicably, and you, accordingly, will be able to transplant them into a prepared flower garden / flower bed.

They need to be watered moderately, it is also important to remember that they love the sun. They will bloom in a flower bed, equipped in the shade only if the plant is planted already adult, with two or more inflorescences. In this case, growth will be stopped, but this will not affect flowering at all.


Having planted this flower once, you will want to do it again! They have an amazing delicate aroma, the shades are very diverse. It is simply impossible not to fall in love with them. But they still have one drawback. They do not like shadows at all, and even with a slight shading, the inflorescences will decrease very sharply and many times over. Their petals are very delicate, have the shape of small gramophones, perfectly transferring the rays of the sun, they are multi-colored. This species grows well in open areas, pleasing the human eye.

The plant can be found in a variety of varieties, such as bush or ampelous, flowers are also ordinary or double, and indeed any color of the rainbow. Flower beds look very impressive, which are decorated with petunias in the same color scheme, for example, sky blue, pale pink, purple, scarlet. Also varieties are two-color. At the base, the petals are white or in contrast. If you choose an ampelous variety, it is important to know that they will loop long enough, they will be covered with buds everywhere. You can see them in our photo of unpretentious flowers.

  • To grow such a plant on your own, sow microscopic seeds under a piece of glass, but you do not need to sprinkle them with earth.
  • When you notice shoots, they need to be transplanted still thin right with a lump, while it is very important that the root is not damaged.
  • When the second leaf appears, you can transplant the petunia into a flower bed, where, under excellent conditions, it blooms and blooms quite quickly.


It has fleshy lashes, its leaves are round, wide enough, and the flowers are delicate and fragrant. But, among the advantages of this plant, this is not the only one! They are considered edible, their seeds are similar to capers, and they are eaten pickled. As for flowers, they decorate cooked dishes. Such blooming unpretentious flowers in a flower bed delight throughout the warm summer. At the same time, even partial shade will not affect them in any way. Your main task in caring for them is to water and feed the plants in a timely manner.

They are very diverse in varieties. There are even those in which the loops are almost three meters tall, while the shoots are completely strewn with flowers. You can also choose plants in which the shoots are shorter, they will look very beautiful. And their varieties have bright colors, the flowers are covered with terry, shades can be found both red and yellow. This plant has rather large seeds resembling peas. They must be planted directly into the ground, as they quickly begin to emerge. The same goes for flowering.


A long time ago, everyone already knows these flowers, reminiscent of the orange sun. They are not only decorative, because they are also considered medicinal. Calendula grows in small bushes, which are literally sprinkled with orange flowers, and in its most diverse shades. It is advisable to pluck the upper parts in a timely manner so that the growth of the plant is halted. This type of plant belongs to asters, the flowers are very reminiscent of chamomile, and of course aster. Very beautiful, just incredible views covered with terrycloth.

Growing calendula is not at all difficult. You can grow seedlings on your own, or plant seedlings bought at the market / in the store in flower beds.

This plant needs sunlight, moderate watering, and the soil should be loose. Under such conditions, the plant will bloom quite early. Flowers that will wither must be carefully trimmed so that the overall appearance of the flower garden is not spoiled. You can also collect calendula seeds if you wish. In this case, you will need to leave literally a few bushes, where there are three or more inflorescences.

Perennial unpretentious flowers for flower beds

If we compare perennials with one-year-olds, then the former do not have such a wide variety compared to the latter. And besides, they simply do not bloom throughout the summer. However, some of the perennials are still unpretentious, delighting the eye with their flowering throughout the summer period.


A flower that is folk, has long received a huge reputation among people. Many songs and poems were written about him. Such a plant is actually great for people who don't have the time or energy to take care of their flower beds. It grows with minimal care. The petals of the plant are sky blue, as well as yellow and white pink. Flowers with a terry coating are very popular.

Cornflowers are grown by absolutely any means, from seeds, pieces of rhizomes, and also divide the bushes. If you plant such a plant once, your flower bed will be ennobled just fine, because cornflowers begin to sprout in the spring, and no special care or care is required for them.

Tradescantia garden

Perennial plant. It blooms with blue flowers of small forms, independently spreading through a flower garden or flower bed, while completely covering their surfaces. The stems have a bright green color, they have small flowers, as well as long leaves of a longitudinal shape, which looks incredibly beautiful, like one huge lush carpet! Plants do not need mowing or pruning, the stems reach a length of 20 cm if the site is exposed to sunlight. The stems of tradescantia are quite strong, they stand perfectly in an upright position, and rather continuous thickets are formed.

These plants need to be watered regularly, they grow very well in the shade, while blooming, but not too much, although the stems increase in length. Also, if desired, propagate the plants, for this, break off the petiole, stick it into the moist ground. In autumn, small seeds fall from it, but they begin to sprout beautifully in spring. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to dig up, plow the earth in a flower bed. Only from one stalk for the whole summer you can get a whole square meter of green carpet.


It is also called doggy. The plant blooms throughout the summer. Such flowers for the garden are unpretentious, they have very interesting shapes with bright charming shades. They can be both tall and short. Inflorescences can also be of various colors. Dogs come in all colors, except for blue and blue. Bushes of small sizes perfectly tolerate shade, at the same time, it is better to provide for their cultivation in the sunny part of the flower bed. Yes, and be sure to water the plant regularly. Observing such conditions, flower beds with snapdragons in your backyard will be simply magnificent.

And it is absolutely not necessary to have extensive experience in the field of gardening in order to grow beautiful flowers on your site. As you have noticed from the article, both one- and perennials are completely unpretentious in terms of care, which means that such plants are perfect for a “newbie” in this matter. After all, to care for them, you do not need to make any special efforts, or spend a lot of time.

But creating a beautiful flower bed, and subsequently caring for it, is always pleasant, but far from always an easy job. It is the flower beds in which perennial, and even unpretentious flowers are planted, that will help the gardener reduce the conditions. Perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer are the most ideal option in this case. Of course, you can also choose roses that require special care. At the same time, you can choose completely unpretentious plants, for example, which were discussed in this article. In any case, perennials will sprout in the same place every year. At the same time, they easily tolerate wintering, and also x absolutely does not need to be planted every year.

I really hope that choosing beautiful types of flowers, you will not be afraid of the difficulties in caring for them. After all, as a result, you will enjoy chic perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer. But this is what it is - the best reward for any gardener. We wish you success in this matter and good results!

50 photos of unpretentious flowers for a flower bed