Crafts at their summer cottage from plastic bottles. Crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands: decorations for the garden, garden, cottage. Flower pots from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are considered to be garbage and sent to the appropriate places - trash cans and landfills. But in the right, creative hands, these things can sparkle with new colors. And you don't have to be a master to breathe a second life into ordinary plastic. You just need to have a little patience and imagination.

Crafts are quite simple and everyone can do such things with their own hands. Or maybe for someone this business will become a real hobby.

Useful things from garbage

Plastic bottles come in different shapes. They are also different in color and size. Therefore, it is quite possible to make small decor items for the garden plot from them. And for a summer residence, plastic furniture or even a summer gazebo built from the same plastic utensils is quite suitable.

And even caps from plastic bottles in skillful hands can turn into real masterpieces - mosaics on the walls, a hot stand, cute toys for a child and other useful little things.

Everyone can make this or that little thing. This is where fantasy plays the main role. After all, the material for making crafts is almost everywhere. They can be found in the park, on lawns, near the river and in landfills.

And collecting them for his creativity, a person thereby purifies nature from harmful things. After all, plastic today has become a real disaster that threatens the environment. This material is durable, so the constructed crafts from plastic bottles will serve and delight for a long time.

Where to begin

In every decision, the main thing is a plan of action. In order to start working on the craft, you will need the following:

  • a detailed description and photo of crafts from plastic bottles or one separate craft to choose from;
  • bottles of suitable sizes and colors;
  • additional materials and tools that may come in handy: a knife, scissors, adhesive tape, glue, paint, fabrics, etc.

Then you just need to be patient and follow the instructions. And soon the children will enjoy the new fabulous playground, the guests will be happy to spend time in the “almost crystal” gazebo, and the hostess will appreciate the unusual practical appliances in the kitchen.


You can make an excellent box from plastic bottles, in which it will be convenient to store various little things: hair ties, buttons, paper clips. To do this, you need two lower parts of plastic bottles of the same size. They are interconnected by a zipper, which is sewn along the edges.

Or a simpler option is to cut off the top of the bottle in the place where it begins to narrow. The container is ready. It remains to decorate the bottle with decorative ribbon, buttons and beads. They are glued on. Sew a cap from the fabric, which is tightened with a cord and glue it to the edge of the container in the same way.

And it’s not at all difficult to make a convenient and original sandwich container that you won’t be ashamed to take to school or work. The main thing is to decorate it with a plan. And it is done in just a few steps.

The bathroom also has a place for a plastic box in which you can put all the necessary accessories: toothpastes and brushes, washcloths and shampoos. If these boxes are hung on the wall one above the other, then you can free up space.

Plastic bottles can make an unusual stand for pencils and pens. It is enough to cut it in a circle in the shape of a muzzle of a cat or an owl and paint it. In the same technique, a vase for flowers is made. Only for its stability, a handful of small pebbles should be poured onto the bottom.

Playground toys and decorations

To decorate playgrounds, decorations are made in the form of plants, animals and even insects.

For a palm tree, you need about 15 brown bottles, from which the trunk of a palm tree is made, and 7-10 green bottles for leaves. The barrel is assembled from bottles cut across, stringing them on a frame made of a strong rod.

To create leaves, green bottles need to be cut lengthwise, forming the desired shape. To make longer leaves, you need to attach an additional one to the main sheet using a stapler.

You can decorate your garden plot even in winter. Funny penguins in colorful hats and scarves will cheer you up on a cold winter day. You can make penguins of different sizes. For one bird, you need two identical bottles that have a "waist" at the bottom.

This bottle needs to be cut in half. This will be the body of the penguin. At the second bottle, you only need to cut off the bottom with a small margin - these are the legs. Connect the two parts with a glue gun, paint. Make a pom-pom out of wool and a scarf out of a strip of fabric.

Such crafts are not stable, since plastic is a very light material. In order for the penguins to stand quietly in the chosen place, they must be filled with sand or small pebbles before gluing the parts.

Even plastic lids in skillful hands turn into cute ladybugs. You just need to color them accordingly and stick funny eyes.

If the plastic lids are connected to each other by the edges in the form of a small circle, then you get an original stand for a hot pot or kettle. Such a device is useful in the kitchen.

Flowers and plastic bottles

Flower beds can also be decorated in an original way with plastic bottles. If you take the lower parts of the bottles, paint them in different colors and stick them into the ground next to each other, you can create a flower bed that will “bloom” all year round.

The tops of bottles with caps can also be used as flower pots. They are not stable, but in the form of flower pots they will look fabulous.

From plastic bottles with a volume of 3-5 liters, you get a bright flower bed-train. In each bottle, you need to cut one side part. Paint in different colors. Fill the bottles with earth, transplant garden undersized flowers into them. Lay them horizontally and lean against each other, creating wagons.

Furniture and buildings

The construction of a summer gazebo will require more costs and effort. After all, for construction, you will first need to make a frame of wood or metal. The walls are built from whole bottles, which are strung on a wire or rod.

First, a hole is made in the bottom of the bottle, the cap is unscrewed. A rod with strung bottles is attached to the frame in a horizontal or vertical position.

With the help of bottles, you can create a sofa, armchair, ottoman. Here you must first make separate blocks: seat, armrests, backrest. Then connect them, according to the design. Blocks are best made from 2-liter identical bottles.

On the top of the bottle (where the cap is) you need to put on the bottom of another bottle so that the bottom of the bottle is on both sides. All bottles, blocks are attached to each other with adhesive tape. To make the seat soft - you need a foam block of a suitable size. Sew a cover according to the size of the furniture.

Photo of crafts from plastic bottles

An important advantage of plastic bottles is their availability. As a rule, this ornamental material after use goes into the category of household waste. But the imagination and ingenuity of the masters allows you to use containers to create:

  • greenhouses;
  • summer shower and toilet;
  • gazebos;
  • children's play houses;
  • utility buildings, etc.

The availability of the material, the correct fastening of the bottles to each other, make such structures reliable. For construction, you will need a lot of empty containers. Therefore, the only drawback is that the bottles are produced in different sizes and colors, it will take time to assemble the right amount of the same containers.

According to its physical properties, plastic is a soft material, it is easy to process, cut, without resorting to the use of special tools.

In addition, if a large amount of packaging is required, the master participates in solving the environmental problem. After all, plastic must be disposed of, picnic glades, roadsides, parks and squares are polluted with bottles.

Types of crafts and their manufacture

Using this material, you can make many crafts. All of them are divided into categories, depending on the purpose. In addition to building walls, bottles are used to make furniture, plant pots, animal figurines, country fences and much more. In general, the number is not limited, as long as there is enough imagination and perseverance.

Manufacture of furniture and interior decoration elements

For the manufacture of furniture, you will need a lot of the same capacity. Such furniture is not inferior in terms of convenience to ordinary furniture. All that is required from the master is the presence of adhesive tape and scissors.

The seat for the chair is made of bottles connected in layers with adhesive tape. The back and sides of the chair are made in the same way.

From interconnected several layers of bottles you get an excellent pouf.

To make the furniture soft and comfortable, some of the air is released from several containers.

Another option is a table. Four bottles will serve as legs, and the tabletop can be made of plywood or fiberboard, which is covered with a tablecloth.

The interior of the house can be supplemented by making a plastic vase and flowers. To do this, you need to cut out the correct shape of the petals, the stem of the flower can serve as a wire pasted over with paper. To give the petals the desired shape, you can heat them and wrap the corners with tweezers. The resulting bouquet is placed in a plastic vase. If you equip a bouquet with diode bulbs, you will get an excellent lamp for a child's room.

Fastening is carried out using glue, a stapler or bends.

Crafts for household needs

Very often, pots for flowers and seedlings are made from large plastic containers. In this case, there is no limit to the imagination. You can make a hanging pot or put it on the windowsill. The edges of the cropped container are cut into small strips and subsequently curled.

Use bottles and as a container for seedlings. This allows you to grow greens in the cold months of the year on balconies or greenhouses.

From plastic containers you can make a bird feeder. To do this, cut a hole above the bottom of the bottle so that a bird can get in and peck at food.

Also, a plastic container serves as a trap for small rodents. After filling the container with poisoned grains, it is placed in the corner of outbuildings and at the roots of trees. And filling the bottle with sweet water, the container will become a trap for wasps.

A country washbasin can be made in a very simple way. To do this, you need to completely or partially cut off the bottom of the container and hang it upside down in a convenient place. The bottle cap will serve as a kind of faucet.

To make a cosmetic bag, you need to connect the two bottoms of the bottles together with a zipper. This craft will be an excellent storage for women's accessories.

In addition, a lot of things can be made in the same way: money boxes for money, a case for glasses, clasps, beads, etc.

Products from plastic bottles as an element of decor

Crafts for New Year's decoration of the house are very popular. From the material you can make a lot of unsurpassed things: from garlands to Christmas balls and figurines.

By cutting a strip of plastic container into several identical round strips, you can get a transparent ball. Fastening and decoration of the ball is carried out:

  • using glue or a stapler;
  • then the ball can be pasted over with rain or ribbons;
  • decorate with beads, colored stones.

From curly bottles you can make a snowman, Santa Claus. The container is pasted over with paper or cloth, with the help of varnish or paints draw eyes and a mouth.

Curtains and curtains made of plastic bottles are a unique type of crafts made from this material. Such products will decorate the house, terraces and suburban areas.

There are several options:

  1. Rolling curtains. Taking several bottoms of small bottles, they are tied using a fishing line.
  2. Cover curtain. Caps of one or more colors are strung on a fishing line of the desired length. Several of these tapes are attached to each other at the top. It makes a great curtain.
  3. New Year's garland. Plastic covers can be alternated with electric garland bulbs. The craft will become an unsurpassed decoration of the holiday.

Equipping summer cottages, yards and playgrounds with crafts

Plastic flower beds, of course, are inferior to living plants. However, they compensate for their lack in early spring and late autumn.

The ingenuity of the master allows you to recreate lilies of the valley, tulips, roses, daisies. For bouquets of such flowers, you will also need appropriate pots filled with sand or earth. You can often see that an artificial flower flaunts on a bed of living plants. This solution is practical, decorates the site.

In addition to flowers, the interior of the summer cottage is perfectly complemented by palm trees, artificial trees, figurines of animals.

The improvement of playgrounds is of great importance. And here the flight of fancy has no limits. Children are very fond of various kinds of fairy-tale characters, animals, as well as cars, motorcycles.

To make a bird, you need:

  1. Decorate the head, make a beak and eyes;
  2. Make the body, neck;
  3. Attach feathers;
  4. Make a tail and wings;
  5. Make paws.

Such an artificial bird can be located on a tree, among the greenery on the ground.

All this will make the child's pastime more cheerful.

  • Plastic bottles are a very common craft material. To collect the required number of containers, it is advisable to seek help from neighbors. Together with children, bottles can be collected in the forest zone, in glades, in squares, thereby providing a great benefit to the environment.
  • Many bottles can be found in bins and bins designed for plastic containers.
  • Before proceeding with the process of making crafts, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the container, remove the label and remove any remaining glue.
  • Please note that plastic is not a heat-resistant material. Heating is advisable in the manufacture of flower petals, curls.
  • If a vertical fence is being made, then it is necessary to fill the container with sand for stability.
  • For greater aesthetics, craft elements can be painted. They use both ordinary paint and spray paint, various varnishes and coatings.

Using plastic bottles to make crafts is a great solution. This material is publicly available, easy to process, allows you to make unsurpassed crafts that will delight the eye of both a child and an adult. Skill, imagination and patience are the main factors that provide such a variety of forms and purposes of products from plastic containers.

Few materials can match the versatility and versatility of plastic bottles. PET containers from soft drinks, yoghurts and other dairy products in skillful hands turn into original crafts and souvenirs; educational toys; elements of decoration of interiors and areas for walks; small architectural forms; sport equipment; bird feeders; palm trees; intricately decorated vases and much more.

Do you want to learn how to make “just like real” Fixies or other cartoon characters out of plastic bottles? Or maybe - dolls in national costumes? Or a full-fledged sofa for a "seclusion corner"? Flip through the pages of this section and you will be amazed at the wide possibilities of simple PET material.

Create real miracles from bottles with us!

Contained in sections:
  • Trash. Classes, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme
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All sections | Crafts from plastic bottles

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Creative people will always find a way to make unusual things out of ordinary things that we do not pay attention to, and sometimes just throw them in the trash.

So plastic bottles in skillful hands turn into real works of art. From plastic bottles you can make interesting furniture, home decor items.

What are the advantages of gizmos designed from plastic bottles?

Many summer residents, having seen useful material in this everyday material, can build from it:

  • greenhouse;
  • country shower;
  • small shed;
  • playground equipment;

And other interesting buildings and structures.

Why is this material so in demand? First, it is a very accessible material. If everything is done with special care and thoroughness, then the structures will turn out beautiful and will surprise even a professional designer.

The second important advantage is that by not throwing plastic bottles in the trash, you help to save the environment. Plastic is a difficult to decompose material.

As for the disadvantages of this material, it is that if you want to assemble a large structure, you will have to collect the material for a long time, because there are all kinds of bottles.

But many people can collect the necessary material in a fairly short time. For example, by cleaning the territory of the park, thereby doing a good deed for nature. Someone asks friends and neighbors for help, and they bring their own bottles.

Let's return to the advantages of using plastic bottles as a building material. Plastic is a very soft and easily processed building material. Anyone can learn how to handle it.

Having received the initial skills in working with plastic, you can begin to create masterpieces. It is better to act according to the season.

By the summer, it’s good to make structures for playgrounds, some summer cottages, for example, showers, in autumn and winter decorations for the New Year tree will be relevant, and in spring you can start building a greenhouse or greenhouse.

It is very good to involve children in this activity, it will be very interesting for them, especially if you tell them that by doing so they help nature.

Interior items for the house from plastic bottles

To build furniture, you will need many identical plastic bottles. The furniture is very durable and comfortable. And if you follow a certain technology, you can make a sofa or pouffe springy.

From tightly wound seven bottles, you get a stable base for a pouffe, which, if desired, can be sheathed very beautifully and stuffed with soft material.

To design a small table for newspapers or work at a laptop, you will need 4 racks, a chipboard sheet that will serve as a top.

Table legs can be hidden by placing a tablecloth on top. As for larger bottle projects, such as a sofa, it will require a lot of material, perseverance and patience.

Home decor from plastic bottles

If you want to decorate your home a little, and there were some plastic bottles on hand, then you can make a beautiful vase for flowers.

Remember that you can give the edges of the vase a beautiful shape by heating over a candle. So the plastic will become soft, and it can be bent with tongs.

Buildings in the backyard

From a plastic bottle, you can easily build a simple washbasin, you just need to fill the bottle with water and hang it upside down.

The lid is slightly unscrewed and the water flows down. From plastic, you can also make a bench for relaxing in your country house or an interesting gnome figurine.

From the plastic bottom of the bottle, you can easily make an interesting cosmetic bag, just sew a zipper around the edges.

Such a little thing is useful for those who love to knit. You can put a ball in this ball, and let the end out, and hang it where it is convenient. Then the ball will not constantly roll.

Photo of fakes from plastic bottles

For many people, ordinary plastic bottles do not play a big role. Of course, because now everyone has such containers and in large enough quantities, so they are simply thrown away as unnecessary. However, as today's craftsmen with golden hands show - in vain. From them you can make wonderful crafts from plastic bottles, which will be not only useful, but also beautiful decorative elements. These things will be able to decorate your personal plot, changing its appearance beyond recognition.

Crafts from bottles for a garden (+ photo)

As a rule, various crafts are made, the material for which are plastic bottles, for garden plots or vegetable gardens. After all, every summer resident wants to equip his site in such a way as to create comfort and coziness on it, and making crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands is not so difficult, it’s more correct to say quite simply. Yes, and materials for products do not require large cash costs, everyone always has it at hand.

Products made from bottles do not require the use of any special tools, and skills are also not required to create something unusual from such a material.

Tired of spending money on clay pots that are constantly beating - the original plastic hanging pots will be a real salvation for prudent owners

A little ingenuity and an ordinary plastic bottle turns into a wonderful bird feeder

What can be made from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles can be an excellent material for the manufacture of decorative items intended not only for the site, but also for the home. After reading this article, you will find many different examples of the successful use of this material. So, a little more about everything ...

Greenhouse or gazebo

It can be built from bottles. Such buildings will not require large expenditures for various building materials, and the result will please any avid gardener.

Having a large number of PVC bottles, you can safely proceed to the construction of the building, giving it any desired shape. Using this material, you can build not only a greenhouse or, but even.

For the construction of this structure, you will need to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Before you start building a gazebo or a greenhouse, you need to build a frame made of metal or wood;
  2. After the frame is ready, holes should be made at the bottom of the bottles. Covers also need to be drilled;
  3. Further, through the holes, the bottles are threaded onto the wire. Next, you need to fix the wire on the frame, thus the process of building walls is carried out;
  4. You can use the vertical and horizontal methods of threading bottles onto a metal wire. When these methods are mixed, the structure is much stronger. To create patterns on the future walls of the building, you need to use multi-colored bottles.

PVC bottles can be applied as cultivation of plants as well as vegetables. To do this, cut off the top of the bottle and make holes in its bottom. After that, you can pour soil into the resulting container and plant seedlings or flowers.

You can make original crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands on completely different topics. Having shown imagination, you can make a comfortable chair or table for your garden, which will harmoniously fit into the overall design of your summer cottage. You can also build an original birdhouse or bird feeder that will not only decorate your garden, but also be useful.

As a material, you can use absolutely any items, which are always in abundance in any household. It can be an old unnecessary bucket, a cast-iron pot, worn-out car tires and much more.

Using the original decor for decoration - from plastic bottles you can get excellent containers for storing various little things.

How to make an original decor from a bottle

As mentioned above, plastic bottles can be an excellent material for the manufacture of decorative items intended not only for the site, but also for the home.

To make the design of the site more beautiful, you can use bottles to create flower arrangements. It can be daisies, tulips, roses, cornflowers, asters, begonias, carnations and many other flowering plants.

Daisies from plastic bottles (+ photo)

For example, to create daisies, you will need green and white bottles. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. For white bottles, you will need to cut out the base for daisies. To do this, it is necessary to cut the side walls in the shape of a circle. The diameter of the circle should be 7 centimeters;
  2. In the resulting circles, cuts should be made without leading to the center. Get future chamomile petals;
  3. Next, you need to give the petals the shape of an oval. After that, you need to warm the future flower over the fire. Thus, the chamomile will seem real;
  4. A small circle of yellow plastic is perfect for making the core of a future chamomile. The green bottle will play the role of leaves and stem;
  5. The final step is to combine all the elements into a single composition.

Lilies of the valley from plastic bottles (+ photo)

To make the garden look more beautiful and attractive in spring, you can also create lilies of the valley from plastic bottles. This craft will look very unusual in the garden.

To create lilies of the valley, you will need all the same plastic white and green bottles:

  1. The top of the white bottles is cut off. Cork in this case will play the role of a bud;
  2. Holes are made in the covers;
  3. Leaves and stems should be made from green bottles;
  4. The buds are attached to the stems with a wire.

After the lilies of the valley are ready, they must be carefully placed in the ground; you can place such flowers in a small flower bed.

Vase from a plastic bottle (+ photo)

From unnecessary bottles, you can create an original vase, which can be used as decoration not only in the garden but also at home. To do this, we need a regular transparent bottle and sharp scissors.

  1. The first step is to cut off the neck of the bottle. This must be done so that the cut is even and without burrs;
  2. Next, cuts are made in strips having the same width;
  3. The resulting strips need to be bent outward;
  4. After that, the strips need to be bent, giving the vase a shape. To do this, you can use all the same scissors.

When working with plastic bottles, you need to do everything carefully and slowly, otherwise your work may be in vain, and all efforts are nullified. You should also be extremely careful when using a sharp tool, which can cause severe injury.

Beautiful vase - only for beautiful flowers

A white stork and a pink flamingo together is a picture that you probably never see in wildlife

Glass bottles are also suitable for making a flower vase. It is desirable that they have a wide neck and be made of thick glass, so they will be more convenient and practical to use.

You can decorate them with multi-colored woolen threads and special glue. The bottle is wrapped completely, from the bottom base to the very neck, where the end of the rope is securely fixed to the glue. As a decor for finished products, it is best to use beads.

As practice shows - everything ingenious, simple !!!

Broom from plastic bottles

From the bottle you can make a broom, which will be convenient to clean up the trash. It is done quite simply.

  1. To do this, cut the bottom, cut the bottle into strips to the base of the neck;
  2. After that, the resulting broom should be put on a handle, specially selected for the width of the neck and securely fix the attachment point with a nail or self-tapping screw.

Bottle crafts for kids

Whom to a greater extent than small children will be pleased with various crafts from plastic bottles, especially if they are made by hand. The most important thing in this matter is to find time and desire, but there is nothing to worry about the material, as the summer resident says, it is always in abundance.

The limitless possibilities of this universal material, allows you to translate into reality even the most daring ideas and fantasies.

There is probably nothing better than the mischievous children's laughter, their joy and delight. Therefore, by making various funny decorations for your kids, you are guaranteed to provide them, and yourself, with a good and fun pastime at their summer cottage, which will give you a storm of positive emotions.

Sometimes you can take a break from plastic bottles and try to create something from other improvised materials.

Take a look around, turn on your head, ingenuity and imagination - this is just the right occasion when you need to show your real ingenuity and creative skill.

There are many more ideas related to the use of plastic bottles that are easy to make. And the result can please everyone.

Yes, and the functionality of crafts can be directed to various areas. The main thing is fantasy, and then plastic that no one needs will become a real work of art.

We hope that this article was useful for you and you were able to emphasize something for yourself personally. Good luck in your endeavors!