What are domestic cockroaches. Types of cockroaches (varieties) and exotic domestic cockroaches, photo, video. Types of cockroaches, names and photos

Cockroaches, or cockroaches, (lat. Blattoptera, or Blattodea) are a detachment of insects from the cockroach superorder.

Cockroaches multiply rapidly and adapt to any conditions of existence, it is thanks to this that they managed to survive many cataclysms on the planet, and yet they appeared in ancient times. Undergoing changes in appearance and lifestyle, they managed to survive to this day. Today they live everywhere, even in cold climates, where they have learned to coexist with humans in living quarters.

In houses and apartments, these guests are extremely undesirable, as they carry dangerous diseases. Their appearance and the growing number of individuals in the population frighten a person, and cause a desire as soon as possible.

At least once in a lifetime, everyone met with these creatures, but people know very little about them. In fact, only a few species of cockroaches can cohabit with a person, and their habits, reproduction and lifestyle are very interesting, and even if inevitable death awaits insects, knowledge of their characteristics will allow you to choose the most effective methods of control.

The main synanthropic species of cockroaches

The diversity of cockroaches includes several thousand species and varieties, but only some of them are able to live in apartment conditions, even fewer are resistant to methods of dealing with them.

Adapting or fleeing to another place, they continue to live next to a person, use his dwelling and eat leftover food.

Favorable factors for the habitation of cockroaches in a residential area:

  • constant air temperature of about +25 degrees;
  • high humidity, dampness;
  • darkened places of the dwelling: behind furniture, plinth, in crevices, it is especially comfortable for insects to live behind the refrigerator;
  • availability of food and water.

If these pests have settled in such a room, it will be very difficult to remove them. Tropical conditions in the house allow insects to actively breed, increasing offspring tens and even hundreds of times annually.

The shape and structure of the body of a cockroach

Cockroaches are insects from the order of cockroaches. All of them have a similar body structure: an oval in shape and a flat abdomen, a pair of antennae and three pairs of legs with spikes and well-developed muscles. The eyes are located on the sides of the head and see in all directions. Vision in some species is atrophied. Individuals of synanthropic pests do not fly; in rare cases, males can make short flights or dive from a height, softening the fall due to spread wings. Thin and reticulate wings are hidden under dense elytra; in some individuals, the aircraft is small in size or completely absent. Pests have powerful jaws - this feature allows them to eat any solid food.

The abdomen is segmented, it can consist of 8-10 parts, each of which has its own nerve nodes, for this reason, even without a head, an insect is able to control the body. The extreme segment of the abdomen has outgrowths - cerci. They testify to the ancient origin of these living beings. Features of the structure of the paws allow you to move freely along steep planes and quickly change the direction of movement.

Clingy cockroach under the microscope

Cockroach Prusak - an ordinary red cockroach

Most often, red cockroaches - Prussians - live next to a person. Their population in the wild is many times less than at home. Prusak is the smallest of all synanthropic, the total length of the insect is not more than 10-15 mm. They move very fast, which makes them hard to catch. The wings are well developed, slightly longer than the body, however, the Prussians do not fly. You can identify them by their characteristic red color and dark brown stripes along the body. Another distinguishing feature is the long whiskers, due to which they orient themselves in space, find food and water. The body is covered with a chitinous shell that saves from light blows.

Red domestic cockroach - Prussian

In Russia, the red pest is called German - this is due to the alleged place of its origin. However, in Germany it has the name Russian for a similar reason. Prussians are now ubiquitous. For life, they choose dark and warm places with enough food and water, most often they settle in the kitchen and in the bathroom near sinks and in cabinets.

Black cockroaches

The second most common representative of cockroaches in apartments is black. The population grows more slowly than that of redheads - this is due to the eating of individuals of their own egg clutches and a later period of puberty. Their body size is from 20 to 50 mm. Females are larger than males. They are black or dark gray in color with a metallic sheen. They have developed wings, in males they are equal to the length of the body, in females they are twice as short. Males use the aircraft for its intended purpose and can make short flights, the function of these body parts in females is to demonstrate readiness for fertilization. Representatives of black pests have an unpleasant characteristic odor. The chitinous shell is strong, it is quite difficult to crush the insect.

In the photo - a black cockroach

They prefer rooms with moderate temperatures and high humidity. Favorite habitats are sewers and basements, sometimes they live in bathrooms. They settle in living rooms only when the population reaches a number of several hundred.

Comparison of black and red cockroaches - differences in the photo

american cockroach

In appearance, it has similarities with the Prusak. He has the same red or brown color of the abdomen and wings. You can distinguish them from other brethren by size, they are large up to 50 mm in length, and by dark brown spots on the body. The wings of males exceed the size of the abdomen, while those of females are slightly shortened. They can fly and jump. Long whiskers allow you to find food and pick up vibrations in the air.

The American cockroach looks like a red Prusak

They settle mainly in sewers, heating mains and basements. They spread to apartments through ventilation shafts. They move very quickly, up to 75 cm per second.

The homeland of the American cockroach is Africa, from there it moved to the territory of North and South America, and then came to Europe. They are not often found in Russia, more tenacious and prolific Prussians displace them from their habitats.

Other types of cockroaches

There are several more representatives of the detachment, who, although rarely, appear in the apartments. They come from other countries and settle in our country in a limited halo, as a rule, in the southern regions of Russia, where the climate is warmer:

  • Turkmen or Central Asian cockroach - has a brown color, turning into black towards the back of the body, there are no wings, the body is elongated.
  • Egyptian cockroach - painted in rich black, the shape of the body is close to round.

Separately, furniture cockroaches should be highlighted. They were discovered relatively recently, only a few decades ago. A distinctive feature of these creatures is a light uneven color - on their abdomen all shades of brown in the form of spots or stripes.

They feed on paper, fabrics, glue, because of this they often settle in libraries, bedrooms or offices. Mostly live in central Russia.

cockroach breeding

The reproduction rates of these creatures can be envied by many other insects. A large number of eggs in the clutch and a short period of reaching puberty, under favorable living conditions, ensure the growth of the population tens and hundreds of times a year. Reproduction occurs sexually throughout the year. During their lives, cockroaches go through several stages of development and repeatedly change their appearance beyond recognition.

Individuals are heterogeneous. Males are always smaller than females, but their wings are better developed and make it possible to fly. The body of the female is denser. The extreme segment of the male abdomen has a genital plate.

Fertilization and gestation in cockroaches

Sexual maturity occurs as soon as the insect reaches the form of an adult. Fertilization is preceded by peculiar mating games. The female produces pheromones, attracting males and informing them that they are ready to bear eggs. Males of some species arrange fights for the right to fertilize the female, spread their wings and demonstrate the ability to fly. Females also use small wings to attract attention by shaking them.

During fertilization, the male transfers genetic information to the female, which can be stored in her body for a long time and used for subsequent fertilization. The development of offspring begins in a special capsule called an ootheca. Depending on the type of insect, the ootheca can be located outside the mother's body on her abdomen, or is inside her before the formation of larvae. Before hatching, the female sheds the ootheca in a sheltered area. The capsule during the development of eggs and larvae must always be wet, drying leads to the death of the offspring. Some members of the order are viviparous, the eggs are inside the mother and fully viable larvae are born. Depending on the species, mothers can take care of the offspring after hatching or, dropping the edema, permanently break the connection with it. From laying the capsule to the appearance of larvae, an average of 3-4 weeks passes.

Fertility of cockroaches

During the entire life cycle, the female can lay larvae 4-6 times. Each Prusak ootheca contains about 30 eggs, black up to 18. One female is able to bring from 20 to 200 larvae in a lifetime.

The total offspring of one female individual during the year can reach values ​​​​of several thousand. The greatest fertility is inherent in the Prusak - up to 300 thousand individuals per year. Black lays about half as many eggs. The American breeds much more slowly - only 800 larvae per year.

Development of cockroaches - from egg to adult

For the entire period of life, these living beings go through three phases of transformation. The process of these changes is called metamorphosis.

  1. Egg- is formed in edema, the duration of the period is 3-4 weeks, a larva develops in each egg.
  2. Larva(nymph) - the period from birth to acquiring the form of an adult insect. Immediately after hatching, the larva is white, but very quickly turns brown, and its shell hardens. At this stage there are no wings, but the insect already looks like its parents. Nymphs molt up to 6 times, with each subsequent time they acquire more and more signs of an adult. The duration of the period depends on the species and varies from a few weeks to two years.
  3. adult(imago) - the stage of puberty and readiness for reproduction. Further, pests do not change their appearance until the end of their life cycle.

How long do cockroaches live?

There is a lot of controversy about the life span of these creatures - this is due to the fact that it is different for each species. Red Prussians live for about a year, blacks - a maximum of 2 years, Americans live a little over a year as adults.

The duration of the stages of metamorphosis can vary not only from species to species, but also depending on conditions. Lowering the temperature and restricting nutrition can delay the development of eggs and nymphs for an indefinite period.

Lack of food can significantly shorten the life of adult creatures, but even under these conditions, the Prussians exist for about a month, after which they begin to eat their relatives or bite people, pinching off pieces of skin. Blacks can go without food for up to two months, but they never encroach on their own kind, dooming the entire population to death. Long-term survival without food is due to a very slow metabolism. The lack of water for cockroaches is more detrimental; in general, pests can live without it for no more than a week. Reducing the temperature below zero reduces the life of insects to a few hours.

Lifestyle and behavior of cockroaches

All cockroaches are nocturnal, and only with a cover of darkness come out of their shelters in search of food. If pests appeared during the day, it means that there are a large number of them and the population is experiencing an acute shortage of food or moisture. During daylight hours, these creatures hide in dark places.

Cockroaches live in large groups, but in their population there is no distribution of roles like termites. However, scientists have empirically proven that they make joint decisions, for example, about where to migrate. When the place of residence of the population becomes crowded, they are divided into two groups and go in search of a new home. According to another study, the majority obeys the decisions of individuals.

In case of danger, which these creatures can detect with the help of vision and antennae, insects prefer to flee. During the day, pests are most vulnerable, so at this time of day they stay in cracks and corners.

Where do cockroaches live and hide?

The love of cockroaches warmth, darkness and dampness determined their main places of residence. In addition to kitchens and bathrooms in residential apartments, they are attracted by warehouses, pantries, shops, catering places, hospital wards, basements, ventilation shafts, through which they most often enter apartments and garbage chutes.

In an apartment, you can find hiding representatives of the population behind baseboards, in cabinets, under wallpaper, under parquet, linoleum, at trash cans, in crevices next to the water supply, under the sink - in these places they feel most comfortable. They are forced to develop new territories only by growing numbers and lack of food.

What do cockroaches eat?

Cockroaches are omnivores, anything can serve as food for them. They are especially attracted to:

  • spoiled food;
  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • paper, including wallpaper, books;
  • pieces of furniture;
  • clothes;
  • soap.

An indispensable condition for the living of these creatures is water. If it is not there, then they will quickly leave the premises. In some cases, when there is an acute shortage of food, aggressive individuals can attack a person, feeding on particles of his skin and leaving harmful microbes in the end. The Prussians are characterized by the manifestation of cannibalism.

Harm and benefit from cockroaches

Cockroaches can poison a person's life, harm health and property, a frightening appearance and an unpleasant smell make living with such neighbors impossible, but in wildlife these creatures perform important functions, participate in the processing of nitrogen and support the normal life of the planet's ecosystem.

It is necessary to survive them from the apartment, but perhaps you should not treat them so dismissively and use the most humane methods to fight. Knowledge about the characteristics of the representatives of the detachment, the reproduction and life of cockroaches will make it possible to force pests to leave the home without harm to people and the insects themselves.

The cockroach is considered an arthropod insect, it is included in the superorder of cockroaches from the order of cockroaches. In Latin it is called - Blattoptera, Blattodea.

However, the Russian version of the word Cockroach is difficult to explain. A small part of etymologists came to the conclusion that they began to be called, in this way, due to the phrase - "tar-aqan", originating from the Chuvash language. Its approximate meaning is to designate someone running away. And on the basis of the Turkic - "taz" means - "to run away."

General description of cockroaches

They are distinguished by a flattened body based on an oval shape, with a total length of 1-10 cm, sometimes more than this size. The abdomen of this insect is formed by many tergites in the form of dorsal segments.

The females have 7 of them, and the male has about 8-10. The abdomen ends with cerci, for the most part they are formed in a jointed manner. Most cockroaches are distinguished by a light shade of the general body color, and have elytra based on a yellow or brown hue. Dark or black are much less common.

The elytra of this insect are distinguished by a special density. Some species are distinguished by front or rear shortened wings; wingless representatives of these insects are known. There are varieties that can make short flights.

All cockroaches have 6 legs. Spikes can be found on the thighs or lower legs. Their legs are distinguished by excellent development, they have five-membered paws, due to which they are very comfortable during movement.

The American cockroach is able to run 75 cm in one second. Due to these characteristics, it is difficult to catch a cockroach with your hands. This insect is capable of changing direction about 25 times per second.

Its head is flat and at the same time triangular or heart-shaped. The front back is characterized by an almost flat shape and is expressed by a shield, it is large, some species are presented with transparent edge options.

Their jaws are quite developed, they are of the gnawing type, they have many teeth formed by chitin. The mouth is always directed downwards.

It has large eyes, it has 2 simple eyes, wingless species are mostly distinguished by atrophied eyes, while cave species do not have them at all.

It has sensitive whiskers of a long shape, sometimes they exceed the total length of the body, look like bristles, with a large number of segments.

The male has reproductive organs in the form of a genital plate, represented by the ninth abdominal sternite. In females, you can find a hidden version of the ovipositor, as well as edema in the form of a protein version of the capsule, it is necessary for the maturation of offspring.

The life span of a cockroach lasts approximately 4 months, however, in some species it can stretch up to 4 years.

What do these terrible pests like to eat?

They are phenomenally stable, as they are able to starve for about a month without noticeable problems for the vitality of the body. But, when the cockroach nevertheless finds large spaces with food, it is able to feed on almost all of its types due to the excellent development of the oral adaptation.

The female of this insect can absorb about 30-50 grams of any type of food per day, and the males consume about half as much.

The cockroach is classified as a nocturnal type of insect, usually it hunts for any food in the dark period of the day until the first rays of the sun appear. For the most part, they bite into small pieces of the food they see, as they want to find the type of food that is most successful for them.

Favorite food types of this insect include all bakery products, pure sugar and other sweet culinary products. But they are able to eat meat and various cereals, in fact, all vegetables, fruits with different freshness.

If food is not available, they may consume paper, carpentry or shoe glue, book binding, cloth, various versions of garbage, and other organic variants.

How to deal with an army of cockroaches in a residential area?

Some people love to keep cockroaches as pets, however, most of us want to know how to get rid of them. Usually exotic species are bred, and not ordinary domestic ones, which are considered dangerous pests, since they are able to tolerate many diseases.

Mankind has long fought them in their dwellings, however, for the most part they win, as they eventually return to any dwelling.

People want to quickly and preferably permanently get rid of their unpleasant presence. Usually various poisons are used for this, however, there are other quite effective ways for this.

Professionals advise fighting cockroaches with cleanliness!

This insect is considered a sign of unsanitary conditions in a residential area. They like to settle in dirty living quarters that have long been without cleaning. Various debris and dirt are considered excellent conditions for the successful life of this insect.

Even constant bullying will not help to get rid of them for a long time, because of this, cleanliness in the room should be the basis of the fight against them.

Experts advise organizing a small repair in order to restore cosmetic cleanliness in the room in order to identify and neutralize all their habitats. Usually they are located in hard-to-reach corners of the premises under the plinth, floor, behind the walls of household appliances.

Stop feeding them!

Try to examine all the bedside tables and mezzanines to get rid of any debris that is in them. It can be anything that cockroaches can use as food. It is necessary to tightly cover any food, even chips, seeds, sugar bowls.

Wiping tables regularly before night and getting rid of crumbs will help get rid of these insects as they will lose access to food.

Get rid of water residue on tables or other surfaces!

It is very important to leave cockroaches without water. The presence of small drops on various surfaces will help them to last quite a long time. Without water, these insects do not last as long as in the absence of food.

Folk ways of fighting

The folk method of dealing with these neighbors is simple. The natural characteristics of cockroaches do not allow them to live in frost starting from -5 degrees.

In order to get rid of them completely or cause noticeable damage to their population, it is necessary to open all windows for a while in winter. Residents at this time can be at work, at school, kindergarten or just walking.

Photo of cockroaches

The roots come from warm African latitudes and have been taken by man to all continents. Almost all types of cockroaches feel great in our homes, despite numerous attempts to get rid of pests. Cockroaches are very tenacious creatures, they withstand radioactive exposure ten times the lethal dose for humans.

The insect organism is designed in such a way that it can digest leather products, paper and even wood, thanks to the plates located in the stomach and helping to process food.

An insect can survive most low-toxic poisons if there is access to water. Even in the absence of food, insects can live up to two months, thanks to the ability to slow down metabolism. The only thing all kinds of cockroaches is frost, they are cold-blooded, therefore, at sub-zero temperatures, they freeze to death.

Cockroaches not only disgust the owners of the apartment, but can bring serious trouble, cockroaches can carry diseases such as typhus, tuberculosis, dysentery, hepatitis and many other diseases, pests can also carry worm larvae and other unpleasant things on their paws.

furniture cockroach

Furniture cockroaches were discovered in Russia about 100 years ago. From the name it is clear that these insects like to hide in furniture. The species of these cockroaches can often be found in city libraries, furniture factories and bedrooms.

A characteristic difference between these cockroaches is the light color, as seen in the photo below.

american cockroach

His homeland is Africa, but he was brought to America and he remarkably took root in human homes, where the optimum air temperature is constantly maintained and food is in abundance.

The size of the insect does not exceed 3 cm and the reproduction rate is inferior to the Prussians familiar to us. The American cockroach was able to move to Europe and even took root in many countries with a relatively warm climate.

Vietnamese cockroach (Shelfordella tartara)

This species lives in the southern regions of Russia and is known under the names "Turkestan cockroach" and "Central Asian cockroach". This cockroach is quite rare and lives mainly on the street. Adults reach 2.5 cm, are able to jump far, helping with wings. The cockroach has a dark abdomen and a yellow cephalothorax, which is clearly visible in the photo.

exotic cockroaches

Such cockroaches are specially bred by lovers of exotic animals. Some exotic species of cockroaches reach 10 cm in length. Some keep cockroaches in the house as a pet, but many breed large cockroaches to feed various pets (snakes, frogs, lizards, fish), and do not require special care, so many prefer not to buy dubious food, but to grow them on their own and be sure of its freshness.

Dead head cockroach (Blaberus craniifer)

This species lives in the tropics of South and Central America. It got its name from the pattern resembling an ugly mask located on the head of an insect. It is also called the Cuban cockroach. Cockroaches grow up to 8 cm, the chitinous shell is matte black, the cephalothorax is light with a black pattern in the middle, as seen in the photo.

The Cuban cockroach can fly well, and its wingspan reaches 10 cm. When threatened, the cockroach releases a pungent odor that does not disappear for a long time. Life expectancy is about a year and a half.

Rhino cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros)

The Australian cockroach spends most of its time underground and is often referred to as the giant burrowing rhinoceros cockroach for its ability to dig deep burrows. At night, the cockroach crawls to the surface in search of food, they feed on fruits, leaves and do not disdain carrion.

An adult grows up to 9 cm in length and weighs up to 40 grams, in the photo is a female and male rhinoceros cockroach. The Australian cockroach is often found in lovers of exotic cockroach species.

Chess cockroach (Therea bernhardti)

This species lives in India, during the day insects hide in fallen leaves, and at night they come out in search of food, like most representatives of the species. Cockroaches are black in color but have staggered white spots on their backs. Chess cockroaches are long-lived and able to live in good conditions for up to 5 years.

These cockroaches love high humidity in the region of 70-80% and warm air of 25-30°c.

Madagascar hissing cockroach

The most common representative of cockroaches found in insectariums. It is this species that came to the liking of lovers of exotic animals. Unpretentious, quiet and does not require skills for maintenance. The dimensions of this giant reach 10 cm, and their main trump card is hissing in case of danger, which is created when the insect abruptly releases air from special spiracles.

Optimal conditions for keeping 23-30 ° degrees, and humidity should be around 60%.

Egyptian turtle cockroach (Polyphaga aegyptiaca)

The cockroach has a rounded body shape, resembling a turtle shell, the maximum size is 4.5 cm. The shell is shiny black, covered with transverse plates.

Habitat Central Asia, the Caucasus, feeds on leaves, animal remains, feces. The lifespan of an Egyptian cockroach is 4 years.

Green banana cockroach (Panchlora nivea)

Bright species of cockroaches that fly well. They have taken root in banana plantations and feed on leaves. This species was discovered quite recently and did not have time to gain popularity among cockroach lovers.

The homeland of the cockroach is the Florida forests and Cuba. The optimum temperature for this species is 27 degrees Celsius. The size of the cockroach is small and reaches 2.5 cm.

Forest cockroach (Ectobius lapponicus)

It lives in wooded areas, feeds on tree leaves, carrion, and plants. Hiding in tree roots and under leaves.

There are a huge number of species of cockroaches, there is even a Japanese pest. Almost all types of cockroaches are harmless to humans and cannot bite through the skin.

How many types of cockroaches are known to scientists? This question can be answered in two words: a lot. The order of cockroaches (Blattoptera) is very extensive and currently has not one or two thousand species, but as many as 7570.

On the territory of the former USSR, including Russia, there are about 55 species of these insects. Cockroaches are widespread and live in close proximity to a person, and often even at his home. Although a significant decline in the number of cockroaches has been recorded, these insects are still quite a serious household problem.

The types of these insects

Varieties of domestic cockroaches are represented by a much smaller number than there are in the world. If we consider some of the most famous types of cockroaches in an apartment, then we can single out a couple of the most remarkable. A photo and description of domestic pests is presented below:

  1. Red cockroach (Blattella germanica)
  2. Perhaps the most famous synanthropic species of arthropods. Among the people, these pests are called "Prussians" or "stasiks". This red mustachioed eats waste, paper, fabrics, even soap. Perfectly adapts to any changing environmental conditions, multiplies with incredible speed. It is nocturnal but can also be seen during the day. The color of these pests varies from mustard-red to brown, two dark stripes on the front chest are noteworthy. The size of adults reaches 16-18 mm.

  3. Black cockroach (Blatta orientalis)
  4. The black barbel is a direct competitor of the red fellow in human homes. These arthropods are jet black with a metallic or glossy sheen to the abdomen. The sizes are larger compared to the red ones - the imago of such a pest reaches a length of up to 8 cm. They do not fly, but they crawl very quickly. In spring and summer, they can live in the wild, in the open air, but very close to human dwellings.

  5. American cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
  6. Despite its name, this insect is a cosmopolitan synanthropus, i.e. distributed anywhere in the world where a person lives. It looks like Prussians, but the body length can reach 5 cm. These are flying insects. A distinctive feature of the American longhorn are shiny brown wings, as well as a white or light stripe on the prothorax.

  7. Furniture cockroach (Supella longipalpa)
  8. This species has been found in Russian homes since the late 70s of the last century. A distinctive feature of furniture barbels is their amazing jumping ability and unusual coloration with light fuzzy spots on the back, although outwardly they also look like red-haired "relatives". Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess where they prefer to make shelters.

What are cockroaches in the world

The colossal species diversity of this order of arthropods is not possible to describe all the species of cockroaches found in nature in at least two words, therefore it is much more expedient to focus on the most famous species of these insects, which are clearly shown in the photo.

Some popular exotic varieties of cockroaches are bred at home by amateur entomologists or as "live food":

All types of the above cockroaches, with the exception of the last one, do not live in the natural environment on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries. A photo with a description of Russian endemics can be read a little higher.

Malicious Species

If we consider these insects in terms of harm, then any domestic cockroaches that you do not breed yourself are potential pests and carry many dangers. For example, the most common varieties of these creatures in our latitudes are potentially dangerous because they are carriers of dangerous human diseases and pathogens of a bacterial or viral nature.

The photo below shows each type of potentially dangerous disease vectors from the order of cockroaches:

  • red (Blattella germanica);
  • black (Blatta orientalis);
  • American (Periplaneta americana);
  • furniture (Supella longipalpa);

All the danger lies in the feeding behavior of these pests. Anything can be a source of food for a cockroach - they are omnivorous, absolutely unpretentious in food. They will eat fresh vegetables and fruits, bakery products, putrefactive residues from a garbage can, or other, sometimes inedible things.

The type of mouth apparatus of any representative is gnawing, the pest can eat anything. That is why, digging in food residues, places with poor sanitary conditions or habitats with the presence of pathogenic pathogens, barbels unwittingly become reservoirs for infections, although they themselves do not suffer from it.

Useful varieties

If we talk about the benefits, then there is none for the average layman. Can be seen as a favor of the decorative function of some species. For lovers of insects, keeping such cockroaches in the apartment gives considerable pleasure.

The forage species mentioned above are also useful:

  • Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa);
  • turtle cockroach (Therea petiveriana);
  • Central Asian cockroach (Shelfordella tartara).

Pest control

More recently, "stasiks" were a real scourge for most residents of multi-storey buildings, and they were quite common in private ones. The current situation is somewhat simpler, but still many still do not know how to get rid of this scourge. Indeed, due to the excellent adaptive qualities, as well as the high speed of reproduction of their own kind, barbels are very difficult to breed.

Insects can exist in attics, basements, occasionally appearing in an apartment, or live directly in it. The important thing is that these insects simply love unsanitary conditions, so the first step to expel them from your home is to make it a habit to “generalize” as often as possible.

But there are universal means of dealing with insects, such as cockroaches. They are called insecticides. They come in the form of aerosols, powders, emulsion concentrates, traps, baits, and more. It is the latest developments in the chemical composition of such substances that make it possible to fight the Prussians very effectively.

It is useful to know that for a special effect, you can combine several types of insecticidal agents or supplement the set of measures with some proven folk remedies, for example, boric acid baits.

What will be required:

  • spray can;
  • respirator;
  • gloves.

How to use:

  1. Observe precautions: wear a respirator to protect the respiratory tract and gloves on your hands.
  2. Spray around the perimeter of the room, as well as in all areas of the apartment or house, paying special attention and aerosoling several times in those places where pests are most often. If there is food nearby, they should be removed to a safe place.
  3. Swipe along the baseboard, near the trash can, in the floor crevices or walls, insects can hide behind the furniture.
  4. After the treatment is completed, tightly close all windows and doors, leave the room for several hours, and ventilate well upon arrival. If necessary (rarely) processing is repeated.

Where to buy funds

Name of shop The address Tool name Price
My convenience store Moscow, Luchnikov per., 4, building 2 Cockroach repellent COMBAT GOLD SUPER 500 ML 430
Antirodent St. Petersburg, Narvsky pr., 18, office 208 (2nd floor) Get Cockroach Remedy 790
Ecoservice Nalchik, pr-kt Shogentsukov, house 13C Raptor aerosol against crawling insects, 350 ML 350
Online trade Samara, Novo-Sadovaya, 7, separate entrance, 1st floor Aerosol RAID from cockroaches and ants 300 ml 265
Zone Sale Minsk, st. Pesochnaya, 9 Remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, flies, wasps GET® (GET) 42.92 bel r
Online store 27.ua Kyiv, st. Polyarnaya, 20-D Gel against cockroaches Lethal Power 75 ml. 38 UAH

These insects together form a whole Detachment Tarakanovs. A common feature of all representatives is an oval body crowned with a triangular head with long antennae. So what are cockroaches?


Green cockroach (banana).

A resident of the rainforests of Florida, Ecuador and Cuba. It differs from domestic cockroaches by its bright light green color of the covers and large size. Many breed them in a terrarium as pets.

Banana varieties of cockroaches, the photo of which is just below, fly perfectly with the help of transparent wings and can dig minks in the ground.

Brown cockroach or turtle.

Ground insects living secretly. In nature, they live in the warm forests of Burma, India and Thailand.

Pretty big creatures reaching 2 cm in length. All integuments of the body are painted in a rich chestnut color. All individuals have transparent wings. In males, they are long, capable of briefly lifting the owner into the air. In addition, the wings are decorated with a transverse border of a pale yellow hue.

Females are not so elegant, their small wings are devoid of patterns and do not even allow them to rise above the ground.

marzipan cockroach.

Exotic from North America. Frequent inhabitant of terrariums. It differs in not very large sizes, reaching a length of no more than 4 cm. The covers have a noble cherry color. The wings are very weakly developed, the elytra are short and square.

Females have a wider body. They carry the ootheca for a day, then hide it in the bedding or attach it to the bark. From above it is cemented with chewed pieces of soil and bark.

marble cockroach.

Bred in terrariums as decoration or food for hedgehogs, lizards and spiders. Lives naturally in South America. The male can grow 3 cm in length, the female - 2.5 cm. The body is painted chestnut. On the integumentary wings there are lighter specks that form marble patterns over the entire surface. There are dark brown dashes on the neck shield.

The marble cockroach has no other differences from relatives. Like the rest, this species, lives in the upper layer of the earth, is omnivorous.

Madagascar cockroach.

A popular ornamental species found in many terrariums. It has a huge, in comparison with other species, dimensions. Body length of an adult male reaches 5–8 cm, females - 6–9 cm.

no wings even in mature individuals. Covers can be painted in red or chestnut color.

Despite their huge size, these giants are distinguished by their peaceful nature and increased fearfulness. During the day, they hide in a bed of leaves and grass, and at night they get out. At the slightest suspicion of danger, they begin to strongly hiss. The sound is produced by spiracles located throughout the body.


This is a large genus of insects living in forest areas around the world.

Lapland cockroach.

It lives in forests and steppes throughout Europe. He has dimensions not very big, the length of the body is about 1 cm. It is painted gray or brown with a yellowish tinge. Blurred black spots are located on the pronotum. Adult females have long wings protected by large elytra.

ATTENTION! This species has an interesting feature. Males are active during the day, they live on plants. Females wake up at night, prefer to stay on the ground, hiding in the leafy litter.

steppe cockroach.

Lives in the forest-steppes and steppes of Eurasia. Differs in small size and inconspicuous inconspicuous coloring. The length of its body does not exceed 8 mm, the integument has a beige color with a gray tint. A clearly defined black arc runs along the pronotum.

This species has pronounced sexual dimorphism. In females, the elytra are short, covering only half of the body. Longitudinal dark lines run along the back. In males, the elytra are long, ending outside the body. There are no black stripes.

steppe people live only one warm season. In winter, they lay ootheca, and they themselves die. By the summer, larvae appear from the clutches, which become adults by June.

Common forest cockroach.

Large individuals from Central America. In length can grow 6-8 cm. The body and elytra are pale brown with darker patches and a black spot on the pronotum.

An omnivorous species that lives inside leaf litter. When attacked by enemies, it releases a strong-smelling secret designed to scare away.

And again about the mustachioed

These insects are surrounded by a huge number of myths. For example, the tale of the notorious. It's not a monster! In fact, light covers may appear in young nymphs that have just passed the molt.

Another popular misconception is poisonous cockroaches. These simply do not exist in nature! But many varieties emit an unpleasantly smelling secret that scares off enemies.

Therefore, when uninvited guests are found at home, one should either, or.

Below are high-quality and reliable remedies for cockroaches:

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Those who have never seen can get acquainted with domestic cockroaches - photo below:

It turns out that cockroaches can not only harm a person! There are types of cockroaches that are used as pet food, and decorative varieties that serve as a decoration for the terrarium. We examined both huge representatives and small cockroaches, there are photos of all types above in the article.

Watch a short video of how the Madagascar cockroach hisses:

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