Cochia crown description. Lush annual cypress or Kochia: planting and care in the open field, photo of a unique plant that looks like a fluffy ball. Outdoor care

Description and features of kochia

It is slender, small (usually less than a meter high), fluffy, belonging to the Marev subfamily. Kochia interesting for its unusually narrow leaves, at a superficial glance so similar to needles that many mistakenly take it for a prickly coniferous fauna.

However, appearances are deceiving, because fresh tender shoots are very pleasant and soft to the touch. For this quality, the people called kohiyubroom, making beautiful bath brooms from her twigs.

The homeland is China, it was in this ancient country that a significant number of varieties of this flora were bred, brought to Europe by the German professor Koch several centuries ago, which gave rise to the name.

Pictured is Kochia Sultan

It immediately attracted the attention of gardeners with its originality, as well as the ability to change the color of the leaves as it grows. How can you be sure of photo of kochia, young are covered with emerald, light green leaves.

However, after just a few months, the color scheme changes radically, taking on pink, raspberry and other shades. On the cypress cochia similar to a clear pyramidal shape of the crown. In addition, as it turned out, the shrub tolerates pruning painlessly, regaining its lost splendor in a very short term.

lovely decorative properties giving space for creative imagination designers, caused the active cultivation of this flora in many countries and parts of the world for a long period.

Modern gardeners use fast-growing, densely branching for decoration of flower beds, borders and fences, in landscape design cochia extremely in demand. It may be annual or perennial.

It looks great planted in boxes and pots displayed in front of the house. In flowerbeds it goes well with fragrant tobacco, and other summer ones. When planting bushes at a short distance, they make a wonderful fluffy hedge.

Appearance, which takes on with the onset of autumn, depending on the variety, yellow, pink, purple, bronze and crimson-red hues, it only gets better in this cool season. And cut and dried branches can serve as a wonderful material for composing winter compositions in designer bouquets.

In the photo, red kochia

summer cypress kohiyu called in the common people, in the scientific literature - bassia. The leaves of the plant are fed to silkworm caterpillars. Flora is also famous healing properties, has long been used in Chinese medicine to relieve itching and fever.

Now, for the manufacture of medicinal infusions and decoctions, an inconspicuous and inconspicuous-looking kochia flower, as well as the leaves and stems of the culture, its fruits and seeds.

These funds are used for various diseases, and without any contraindications. Ointments from the elements of the plant treat diseases of the skin and nails. From the leaves of kochia, an extremely healthy soup is prepared, by the way.

Planting and propagation of kochia

This plant is characterized by extremely fast reproduction. The strength of growth inherent in the seeds is quite sufficient for spreading by self-sowing, and germination at growing cochia very high, almost one hundred percent, which makes the cultivation of this plant extremely convenient and feasible even for inexperienced gardeners.

However, those who want to have it on their site should make sure that the planting material does not expire, because it should be stored for no more than one and a half years.

In open ground cochia planted in May days, it is better if at the very beginning of the month. However, it all depends on the vagaries of the weather, because you should choose the right time when the frosts completely recede and can no longer damage the heat-loving flora.

Planting kochia

Kohiya does not tolerate temperature extremes, and in the future it should be borne in mind that prolonged autumn frosts capable of destroying. Since it grows and develops quite quickly, it is possible to sow much later than the previously indicated period, but only until mid-June.

First, seedlings should be grown in an area specially designated for temporary placement. And only then move the plants to the place of permanent growth. No special tricks in the science of success growing cochia from seeds does not exist.

It is enough that the seed, which needs only to be slightly pressed down, but not sprinkled on top with a layer of earth, blocking access to the beneficial rays of the sun, simply touches the moist soil. And then the nature and strength of the plant will do their job.

After the planted area is covered with a transparent film to create inside it greenhouse conditions and protection of sprouts from the cold. This shelter is removed after a couple of weeks with the arrival of real heat, and the exact period varies depending on the weather conditions.

After the emergence and strengthening of seedlings, the sprouts are thinned out, while a distance of the length of the human hand is left between the shoots. When the height of the seedlings reaches 15 cm, they should be transplanted to the place allotted for constant growth.

seeds buy kochia you can in specialized stores, if any special varieties are required, information for purchasing them is easy to find on the Internet.

Sowing can be done in late autumn. Here it is also important to correctly guess the time, it is better shortly before the onset of frost, but not earlier, so that the seeds do not have time to germinate, otherwise they will surely die in winter.

Kochia care

Wherein planting material it is laid out along shallow grooves prepared in advance in fertile and loose soil, and in this case they must be sprinkled with a thin earthen layer (the rays of the sun during this period will not be useful, and future plants need protection from cold and wind).

It happens that in the spring the owner of a summer cottage or personal plot has a desire to please himself and those around him with the beauty of the delicate emerald leaves of this decorative as soon as possible.

When to plant kochia seeds in this case? It should be done in April, even in March. In this case, future plants are first grown in room conditions in boxes or containers.

This process should begin with the preparation of the soil, to which is added river sand, humus and . In this case, the seeds are simply poured into shallow grooves, and the box is covered with a transparent film on top to create a suitable environment with diffused lighting for the shoots growing inside.

After the container, the soil in which should be regularly moistened in the future, is placed in a warm place in the room. It is better not to put the box directly on the windowsill, but when sprouts appear, they should be provided good lighting by moving closer to sunlight to the window. If the shoots, with unexpectedly intensive growth, begin to stretch too much, it is better to cut the tops.

After a while, the seedlings, which have reached a length of about 7 cm, are transplanted directly from the ground into separate pots. In this case, you should act carefully so that the roots of the young are not damaged.

photo of kochia seeds

But first, the soil should be prepared on the site by loosening it, adding a little ash and sand. The interval between the final planting depends on the decorative purposes of growing flora.

To create a fluffy fence, it should be about 20 cm. If the gardener wants to emphasize the beauty of each of the bushes, then the distance between them should be somewhat larger. great idea is the cultivation of this flora in flower pots, homemade cochia can greatly decorate rooms and verandas.

Kochia care

It is unpretentious, in fact it requires minimal maintenance. Most importantly, it must be regular and, above all, literate. Healthy depends on it. appearance decorative fluffy bushes, which is sure to betray the original look of lawns, gardens and personal plots, for the decoration of which they are bred. Knowing the subtleties how to grow kochia, will make things a lot easier.

It should be remembered that the plant perfectly tolerates the lack of moisture, and natural precipitation it may well be enough for a healthy, full-fledged growth.

However, watering, which should be judiciously regulated, is an important part of the process of caring for kochia, so it is better if the saturation of the soil with moisture is relatively frequent, and watering is at least weekly.

And again, when compiling a regime, it is necessary not to be too zealous, allowing water to stagnate on the site, which is much more dangerous than a prolonged drought. Mulching can be used to keep the soil always moist with relatively infrequent watering. decorative stones, rubble or bark.

Grows well in light shade. However, it is better to choose planting kochia the place is brighter, there the conditions for development will be more favorable.

In the photo, cochia seeds sold through retail chains

For cutting, as already mentioned, the flora is very adapted, and this procedure does not create problems, giving beginner gardeners every opportunity to practice.

Kohiya is convenient for giving it bizarre, even fantastic shapes. At the same time, a plant without pruning is very quickly able to stretch to a length of more than a meter.

After a haircut, in a short time, restore the vegetative system, increase the leaves of the shrub with the help of minerals with a predominance of nitrogen, which again has a beneficial effect on the appearance and beauty of the ornamental.

In general, the first feeding should be done ten days after the germination of seedlings. Further, the procedure must be repeated during the period of active growth in a month or a little more.

Types and varieties of cochia

There are about eight dozen subspecies in the genus Kochia, but some of them are especially common and well-known. All of them are unpretentious and differ among themselves mainly in the height and shape of the bushes, as well as the color of the leaves in the autumn. Ornamental subspecies are mostly annuals.

The most popular and widely used for landscape decoration is cochia coronata or cochia broom. characterized by a spherical shape of the bushes, which become burgundy-red by autumn.

Pictured is Kochia Nephrite

This culture is convenient for growing in countries with a temperate climate, as it is able to endure frosts and slight frosts with firmness, which makes it possible to enjoy the beauty of its appearance until late autumn.

hairy kochia- a slender and tall variety, with narrow leaves lowered down, acquiring as they develop burgundy color. Kochia jade extraordinarily attractive rapid growth and is convenient for creating, by means of a haircut, from the bushes of an artistic sculptor.

This decorative subspecies is considered thermophilic, but it can grow without problems in areas with depleted soil. The childs variety is a short, rounded bush, pleasing green foliage throughout the season.

perennial kochia little used in ornamental floriculture, but some are highly valued as fodder crops. One of these subspecies is izen. , growing to a height of no more, or even less than 50 cm.

In the photo, kokhiya broom

Branching at the base, it has salient feature spread over the earth. puts down deep roots underground. its small, seemingly inconspicuous, seeds ripen in them by the end of summer.

The culture is rich in nutrients, quite productive, adapts well and grows in areas with a cold or, conversely, arid climate. This is a promising fodder crop, but it is also used to decorate landscapes. Most often planted in sunny beds or rocky hills.

Diseases and pests of kochia

However, it may well be that the owners of the plots that breed this plant will one day find that a spider mite has spread on pretty tender bushes.

kochia seedling it is often affected by the so-called "black leg" - a fungal disease in which the lower bases of the stems turn black, which can result in death.

Pictured is Childs cochia

A good prevention from this is tillage with a solution of manganese or ash. If the seedlings grow in a container in the room, then it is better to move it to where the temperature in the room is slightly lower.

As you can conclude, growing, resembling a gentle cloud, once brought from the blessed East, brings more pleasure than trouble.

And the beauty of cheerful multi-colored small bushes growing in warm time in the garden, and in winter at home in flower pots, and will create good mood for the whole year.

Kochia (Kochia) - a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants sometimes semi-shrubs belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, has about 80 species growing in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia. The most common species used in floriculture is the broom kochia (Kochia scoparia). it annual plant also called "summer cypress" because of the resemblance to this exotic plant. The plant has been known in culture since the 17th century.

For landscaping, two varieties of broom cochia are most often used: hairy (var. Trichophylla) and Childs (var. Childsii). These two varieties are very similar. In a short period, a dense beautiful erect bush grows up to 100-120 cm high, sometimes up to 150 cm, elongated-oval or oval-pyramidal, densely branching. The leaves are small, narrow, linear-lanceolate, narrowed into a petiole at the base. By autumn, the color of the leaves of hairy kochia changes from green to red-carmine, and in Childs kochia, the leaves remain green throughout the growing season. Flowers solitary, inconspicuous. It gives a lot of seeds. Seeds are small in 1 g - 1400 pieces, remain viable for 1-2 years.

Kochia is photophilous, tolerates only light short frosts. Prefers rich in humus, loose, non-acidic and non-moist soils. Plants can be grown in seedling and seedless method. For seedlings, seeds are sown in cold greenhouses in April, thick seedlings are thinned out or seedlings are planted in separate pots 7x7 cm or 7x8 cm in size.

On the permanent place plant in the ground when the threat of frost has passed. When return frosts, planted plants must be covered with spunbond or paper caps. In the conditions of Belarus, seeds can be sown directly in open ground from early to mid-May. Sometimes they spend winter sowing. Under favorable conditions, kokhiya quite often gives self-sowing.

Kochia is easy to care for. If necessary, carry out thinning, weeding and loosening the soil. Plants are placed at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Kohii are responsive to top dressing, which is carried out every 10-15 days during the period of active growth. For top dressing, complex universal fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants are used. Fertilizing after cutting plants is especially important. With a lack of soil nutrients kochia will not please with its lush crown. Watering is carried out only in very hot dry periods.

The use of cochia in landscaping is diverse. It is used for solitary and group plantings, creating borders, low, decorating compositions on lawns, in front gardens and yards. Kohiya easily tolerates a haircut. Thanks to this, plants can be used for, giving it any attractive shape: a ball, a cone, a pyramid, or some kind of animal. The formative haircut is carried out in the second half of June, then every 7-10 days the plants are trimmed. This splendor is only for the season, but in next year you can experiment by giving plants new shapes.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Sciences
Ivanovich A.A.

  1. Botanical description
  2. Types and varieties of cochia
  3. cultivation
  4. Care rules
  5. plant in landscape design
  6. Use of kochia

Kochia is an ornamental leafy plant from the Marev family. Her home is East Asia and Africa, although for a long time it has been actively cultivated around the world. Among the people, kochia is also known under the names "summer cyprus", "bassia", "izen", "annual cypress", "broom grass", "prutnyak". slender, lush bushes represent a great scope for the creativity of gardeners. They decorate fences, borders and flower beds. The unpretentious nature allows even a beginner to master the care of the plant.

Botanical description

Kochia - perennial or annual decorative culture with a fast growing crown. The genus includes herbaceous and semi-shrub forms. They acquire an attractive appearance already in early June and persist until the first frost. The average height of kochia is 60-80 cm. It consists of many thin, highly branched shoots along the entire length. At the base is an upright woody stem.

Some people, when they first see kochia, refer to it as coniferous plants. The reason for this is very narrow leaves that resemble needles. However, the foliage, like the upper part of the shoots, is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Narrow leaves have a short pubescence. Young kochia are covered with light green, emerald leaves, but within just a few months they change to pink and crimson.

Except decorative leaves, kochia has flowers, but tiny buds do not attract attention. They gather in paniculate inflorescences in the axils of the apical leaves. After pollination, miniature nuts ripen. Each bears only one seed, which remains viable for two years.

Types and varieties of cochia

The genus Kochia has about 80 species. In our country, only some of them are used in ornamental gardening.

Unpretentious and drought-resistant plant forms spherical bushes. In autumn, the crown turns red-burgundy tones. The plant is able to withstand even slight frosts, so it will please with a decorative appearance until late autumn.

The variety forms slender, elongated bushes up to 1 m high and 50-70 cm wide. Narrow, pubescent leaves are painted light green in spring, and become burgundy by autumn. The plant prefers sunny areas and can grow in poor soils.

Compact spherical bushes do not exceed 50 cm in height. Branching shoots are densely covered with light green foliage. It does not change color throughout the year.

Based listed species breeders have bred several ornamental varieties:


Kochia is grown from seeds. They can be planted previously on seedlings or directly in open ground. Cochia seedlings are sown from the end of March to the end of April. For sowing prepare shallow boxes that fill garden soil and sand. It is advisable to ignite the soil before use. The earth is moistened and they try to evenly distribute small seeds on the surface. They are pressed with a plank and not sprinkled. The container is left in a room with an air temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C. In order for seeds to germinate, sunlight must fall on them.

When shoots appear, the temperature should be lowered to +10°C. With the advent of three true leaves, kochia dive into small pots. In each container with a diameter of 10 cm, 3 seedlings can be planted. At the end of May, when the spring frosts pass, seedlings 10-15 cm high can be planted in open ground. Kochia loves space, so there should be a distance of 30 cm between the bushes.

It is allowed to sow kochia immediately in open ground. This is usually done in the southern regions, in the second half of May. Possible autumn plantings, then the kochia will sprout after the snow melts. In favorable conditions, abundant self-seeding is observed. Seeds are able to withstand light frosts, but young shoots can die immediately from the cold. Before sowing, the flower bed should be dug up, and a small amount of peat and sand should be added. Seeds are spread on the surface and carefully watered. Shoots are expected in 10-12 days.

Care rules

Caring for kochia is not difficult. The plant is very unpretentious and is distinguished by vitality. However, it is important to choose the right place for it.

Lighting. AT natural environment kochia is an inhabitant of rocky and desert areas. It suits well-lit areas. You can grow kochia in partial shade, but then the bushes cease to be so dense and stretch out.

The soil. It is important that the soil is well-drained, easy to pass water and air to the roots. It should be neutral or slightly acidic. Several times during the season, the soil should be loosened and weeded. Low-lying areas that are subject to flooding are contraindicated for the plant. root system Kochia needs space, so you can not grow a flower in pots. As soon as the rhizome becomes crowded, the crown stops growing and flowers appear. The same problem occurs when there is insufficient distance between plants.

Watering. Kohiya is a drought-resistant plant, so it can be content with natural rainfall. If the summer turned out to be too dry, the leaves begin to fall. In this case, watering will benefit.

Fertilizer. For active growth, kochia needs regular top dressing. The first one is applied 2 weeks after planting. Next, monthly fertilize the soil with a solution mineral fertilizers or organics. You can use mullein, as well as ash. Additional top dressing is made after each haircut so that the bush can recover faster.

Pruning. The crown of the kochia is so dense and uniform that it can be given any shape. This may not only be geometric figures, but also complex garden sculptures. Shoots grow quickly enough, so you can cut them 1-2 times a month.

plant in landscape design

Kohiya is widely used in landscape design. Single plants are planted in the front flower bed and give them necessary form. You can also make a whole ensemble of several bushes. In addition to the variety of forms, good effect gives a combination of plants with different colors of foliage. Group plantings of undersized varieties are used for edging the lawn or decorating paths.

Cochias look great in rockeries, rock gardens, against the background of high stones or near fountains. high grades can be used as hedges or for decorating outbuildings.

Emerald varieties are suitable for creating a bright blooming background. With the help of group planting, you can create the effect of a vase in which they will bloom tall plants with bright buds. Variegated varieties with crimson or purple foliage look better in the middle of a lawn.

Use of kochia

In addition to its decorative function, cochia is used as a medicinal and fodder crop. AT traditional medicine young shoots and seeds are used. They are dried and used to make decoctions and alcohol tinctures. Medicines have the following effect:

  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • stimulating;
  • cardiotonic;
  • bactericidal.

Cochia preparations also help reduce the symptoms of eczema, erysipelas, and gonorrhea. In oriental medicine, creams are made from the shoots to strengthen nails and skin.

Young shoots of kochia after pruning can be given to feed livestock. On specialized farms, they are used to grow silkworms. In some countries, young foliage is used in cooking for cooking first courses. Cases of using cochia to produce soda are known.

quarantine organism


Family: Chenopodiaceae (Chenopodiaceae)

Genus: Prutnyak, Kochia

biological classification

Cochia broom-spring early annual weed, oval or pyramidal shape. Height up to 1.5 m. Distributed in the southern regions of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in Western Siberia, on the Far East.(Trukhachev V.I., 2006)


Seedlings are greyish-green. The subcotyl area is small, reddish, cylindrical. The supracotyledonous internode develops later, the leaves are twisted over the cotyledons. Top part cotyledon greyish-green, lower has a brighter color. The size of the cotyledon is 3 - 5 x 1.25 - 1.5 mm. The first leaves are arranged alternately. The very first leaf is oblong-oval, gray-green, reddish below. The upper part is covered with scattered, erect, soft hairs. In the lower part, the hairs stray into flakes. The second sheet is similar to the first. Subsequent leaves are oblong in dense, erect hairs, located on short petioles. (Vasilchenko I.T., 1965)

The leaves of an adult plant are alternate, located on petioles. The form is lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute, narrowed towards the base. The leaves are dense to the touch. The surface may be bare or covered with adpressed short hairs. Sometimes there are hairs only in the lower part. The edge of the leaf is long-ciliated. (Komarov V.L., 1936)

Stem strongly branched, straight. Height 30 - 150 cm. The color is green, sometimes reddening in autumn. The branches are directed obliquely upwards. In the upper part are thin curly hairs. (Komarov V.L., 1936)

The inflorescence is spike-shaped. The flowers are located in the axils of the bracts, 1–2, less often 5. The perianths of bisexual flowers are transversely keeled. In the middle of the keel there is a tubercle or developed wings. AT women's colors the keel is undeveloped. (Komarov V.L., 1936)

The fruits are nuts, located in perianths. The shape of the nut is round-squeezed. Fruit perianth covered loosely, located horizontally. The pericarp is easily abraded. The surface of the nutlet is corrugated-soft, loose. The color is light brown or grey-brown. Size 1.75 - 2.5 x 1 - 1.5 mm. (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961)

Seeds are obovate, flat-oval or flattened, with a ridge along the edge, which passes into the protruding root of the embryo. The seed scar in the narrowed part is oblong-narrow. The surface is finely tuberculate, matte. Coloration from light to dark brown. Seed size: 1.5 - 2.5 x 0.75 - 1 x 0.5 - 0.75 mm. The weight of 1000 seeds is 1 gram. One plant produces from 5 to 10 thousand seeds, sometimes more. (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961)

The root part of the plant is taproot, highly branched.

Biology and development

Cochia broom- a typical spring early annual plant, moderately drought-resistant and thermophilic. Prefers lighted places, but calmly tolerates slight shading.

Freshly ripened seeds in wet years are characterized by worse germination than in dry years. The minimum germination temperature is +5 - + 7 °С. AT wild nature seedlings appear from March to June. Plant growth is observed until late autumn. Kohiya broom blooms since July. Fruits in September - November. (Fisyunov A.V., Weeds, 1984)


Habitat in nature

Cochia broom prefers rich soils of gardens, kitchen gardens and garbage places. (Komarov V.L., 1936)

Geographic distribution

The species is distributed in the middle and southern regions of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Western Siberia, in Central Asia and the Far East. The range of the species covers Central Europe, Mediterranean and Balkan-Asia Minor countries, Iran, India, China and Japan. (Komarov V.L., 1936)


Cochia broom- a weed that pollutes horticultural crops. Orchards, irrigated cotton and alfalfa crops. Grows along roads. (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961)

The harmfulness of the species is expressed in a complex of negative factors affecting cultivated plants:

  • competition for nutrients;
  • shading of cultivated plants, drying up of the soil;
  • reduced germination of seeds of cultivated plants;
  • deterioration of soil conditions;
  • decrease in the efficiency of irrigation measures;
  • the difficulty of all types of soil care. (Fisyunov A.V., Handbook on weed control 1984)

Economic threshold of harmfulness species is usually planted in association with other annual dicotyledonous weeds growing in the field. In crops of spring barley, it is equal to 3-4 dozen plants per square meter. (Dorozhkina L.A., 2012)

Slave Unit Pesticides Against

Chemical pesticides:

Spraying during the growing season:

(Fisyunov A.V., Handbook, 1984)

Compiled by: Grigorovskaya P.I., Zharyokhina T.V.

Latin title. Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad

Chinese name. ?? difu / difu

Family. Marevy (Swan) - Chenopodiaceae

Life form. annual herbaceous plant

Botanical description. Stem 30-150 cm tall, green, reddening in autumn, strongly branched, with branches directed obliquely upwards, covered with curly hairs in the upper part. Leaves alternate, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, pointed, narrowed into a petiole at the base, usually trinervous, glabrous or with short adpressed hairs, long-ciliated at the edges. The inflorescence is broadly paniculate, giving the kochia the appearance of a tumbleweed. Flowers 1-5 in the axils of the bracts. Perianth in bisexual flowers during fruiting transversely keeled, in the middle of the keel - with a tubercle, less often - with developed wings. AT female flowers the keel is usually not developed. Seeds ovoid, 1.5-2.0 mm long.

Phenology. Blooms from July to October; fruits ripen in autumn.

Area. Occasionally found in the south of European Russia, in Primorye and the Amur region, rarely in the south-west of Western Siberia. Often found in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Southern Europe, North Africa, Front, South and South-East Asia, including many provinces in China.

Habitat. Often found in garbage places, along roads, in settlements, in vegetable gardens, orchards, along roads, on sandy and saline soils.

Cultivation. Cultivated in Russia, China and other Asian and European countries as ornamental plant and for the manufacture of brooms.

Raw material. Dried ripe fruits difuzi / difuzi (Semina Kochiae).

Chemical composition. The herb contains saponins, tannins, organic acids, steroids (β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, etc.), alkaloids (harman, harmine), coumarins, flavonoids and hydropyridine derivatives - phyllocactin and isophyllocactin. Flowering tops contain betaine. Saponins, tannins, fatty oil, steroids (β-ecdysone, 5,20-dihydroxyecdysone, 24-methylene-β-ecdysone, 24-methyl-β-ecdysone and polypodin) were found in the fruits.

biological activity. Eliminates damp heat, disperses wind, eliminates itching. Infusion of herbs - cardiotonic, tonic, laxative and diaphoretic. A decoction of fruits or seeds has a diuretic, tonic and stimulating effect on the heart.

Indications for use. An infusion of herbs is prescribed for painful and difficult urination, itching in the vaginal area, accompanied by leucorrhoea, as well as rubella, eczema, and skin itching. According to other sources, the grass is used for dropsy, rheumatism, urolithiasis, constipation, rabid dog bites. A decoction and powder are taken for gonorrhea, cystitis, and a decline in cardiac activity. In Chinese medicine, a decoction of the fruit is taken for gonorrhea, diseases Bladder and urinary tract. Seeds are part of the ointments used for certain diseases of the skin and nails. In experiments on mice, the non-toxicity of cochia preparations was established. A tincture of the herb has shown hypotensive and breath-stimulating effects.

Contraindications. No.

Application. For oral administration, 9-15 g of fruits per day are prescribed. For external use boiled right amount raw materials for washing and fumigation