How are kidney stones removed? How to get kidney stones out. The cost of surgery for urolithiasis, carrying out according to compulsory health insurance

Urolithiasis at the present time is a fairly common disease, which causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.

Initially, sand appears in the kidneys, after which it develops into stones, which cause the main signs of pathology.

Many are interested in how to remove stones from the kidneys, but before the procedure, you need to be diagnosed by a urologist to determine the causes of the disease.


Removal of stones from the kidneys is not an easy task that requires time, and in some cases, emergency surgical treatment.

After diagnosing, urologists can prescribe proper nutrition to some patients, which allows you to get rid of formations.

Depending on the shape of the stones, the diet will be adjusted in different ways. If urate formations in the kidneys are identified, then patients should exclude the use of certain products:

  1. Meat.
  2. Cocoa.
  3. Chocolate.
  4. Legumes.
  5. Bold.
  6. Smoked.

The menu should include a lot of vegetable and dairy products. When diagnosing oxalate salts, patients should exclude the following ingredients:

  1. Sorrel and spinach.
  2. Muffin.
  3. Tea and coffee.
  4. Dairy products.

Reduce the use of products that contain ascorbic acid, but without fear, you can eat meat products and all plant foods that are not on the list of prohibited foods.

With phosphate stones, you need to make the diet meat and flour, but some products should be completely abandoned:

  1. Vegetables.
  2. Greens.
  3. Acute.
  4. Smoked.
  5. Alcohol.
  6. Dairy.

The withdrawal of stones from the kidneys should take place in compliance with the drinking regimen. A person needs to drink up to 3 liters of water per day.

The main thing to understand is that it will not be possible to remove stones from the kidneys at home in one day or even in a week. The procedure is quite lengthy, but if you follow a strict diet for at least a month, the first results may appear.

It is equally important to add physical activity to proper nutrition.

This is useful for the whole body, kidneys, and people who systematically carry out exercises reduce the risks of developing pathologies, which include urolithiasis.

The withdrawal of stones from the kidneys can be carried out with the help of exercise therapy, but it is forbidden to use the technique for exacerbations.

Folk remedies

For those who do not know how to remove kidney stones at home, you can turn to traditional medicine methods.

The recipes are safe, effective and time-tested. Before using any remedy described below, it is necessary to discuss it with a urologist in order to exclude the possibility of developing consequences.

Decoctions and juices

Such drinks can give excellent results for those who do not know how to remove kidney stones in a short time.

Of course, the problem will not be solved in a few days, because the stones are slowly crushed, and then they leave the body on their own.

In the presence of large stones, it is necessary to use decoctions and other means very carefully, since if the treatment is not correct, it may be necessary to remove stones from the kidneys by surgical methods.

For therapy, a decoction or infusion based on herbs is taken, which have a strong diuretic effect.

The first 7 days of therapy are considered preparatory, the body begins to rebuild and get used to working on a new one.

To provide the necessary action, corn stigmas, wild rose or St. John's wort are used. On the basis of plants, standard decoctions are made. Ready-made drinks should be combined with natural and fresh juices from plant products.

At the next stage of treatment, about 2-4 drops of fir oil should be added to the decoctions. The course of this method is 7 days.

After a couple of days, patients will see cloudy urine, which indicates the crushing of stones. A week later, a pause in treatment is made for 14 days, after which the course is repeated.

During the course of therapy, you need to be careful, especially for those who do not know how to remove stones from the kidneys and are faced with a problem for the first time.

In some cases, there may be no crushing, then the formation from the kidneys will be excreted entirely.

Due to this, severe renal colic develops, complications and serious consequences, after which it is possible to remove stones from the kidneys by emergency methods.


Treatment of kidneys with honey has a simple structure, but helps with urolithiasis.

For therapy, you need to make honey water. 2 tsp are added to 1 glass of water. honey and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. You need to drink a drink every morning after sleep, before getting out of bed.

Based on the severity of the disease, the course of therapy will be 1-6 months. For this method, it is best to use dark varieties of honey, the main thing is that the beekeeping product is natural and of high quality.


Apples can have a strong diuretic effect, due to this they are used for urolithiasis.

For treatment, you need to use not the fruit itself, but its skin, from which tea is subsequently prepared.

As you know, the peel of apples contains the main part of useful substances; fresh and dried raw materials can be used to remove stones.

It is necessary to brew tea according to the usual scheme, and lovers of folk remedies are advised to dry the peel, grind it into powder, which will be an ideal brewing agent.

Traditional treatment

Kidney stones can be removed not only by nutrition and folk remedies.

For therapy, you can use drug methods that allow you to grind formations in a paired organ, after which small parts are removed by a natural method.

Removal of stones from the kidneys with medications is much faster and more convenient than the methods of therapy described above.

The patient will simply need to take the pills in a timely manner and follow the scheme indicated by the urologist.

Among the best and well-known drugs that doctors prescribe for urolithiasis, there are:

  1. Asparkam - tablets help with oxalates and urates. The medicine belongs to the heart remedies, due to which it should be drunk with care and only as prescribed by the doctor. It is forbidden to take such pills on your own.
  2. Cystone is a good oxalate remover.
  3. Blemaren - effervescent tablets that must be diluted in water before use. After application, alkalization of urine occurs.
  4. Allopurinol - using the drug, you can achieve a decrease in the concentration of uric acid due to its excretion from the body. And with violations of the acid-base balance, stones appear.

Removal of stones from the kidneys with tablets should be carried out strictly for a specific type of formation.

Just like that, taking drugs without knowing the type and causes of urolithiasis is strictly prohibited.

If you do not use this rule, do not comply with the dose of medication consumption, then a violation of the acidity of urine is possible.

Operational Methods

In some cases, stones cannot be removed by conservative methods. Even if you combine all the means described above, there may not be results.

In addition, some people require emergency care, so there may be surgical treatment, followed by a long rehabilitation time and recovery.

Modern medicine does not stand still, today there are not only standard operations, after which scars remain, but also other options that do not require tissue incisions and suturing.

Below are the main options for removing kidney stones with surgical methods.

laser removal

The methods is to eliminate the stones through natural methods of access. With the help of equipment and some instruments, the bladder is entered through the urethra, after which the device enters the ureter and kidney.

During the operation, an endoscope of various rigidity is used, at the end of which there is a light and a camera.

Such equipment allows you to see the stones on the screen, after which the laser begins the gradual destruction of the formation into small parts, which are removed from the kidneys.

Endoscopic treatment is used if the stones are small, do not exceed 2 cm. For large sizes, doctors use other methods to remove the formations.


Kidney stones are removed using puncture access. A person makes several skin punctures through which instruments are inserted that are used to remove stones.

They have a camera, and what is happening during the operation is displayed on the monitor. Instruments in diameter do not exceed 10 mm, so the punctures on the body will be small.

After entering the abdominal cavity, another puncture of the kidney is performed, the entrance expands slightly and the endoscope is launched, which breaks the stones and removes their small parts.

After the operation, the kidney is drained, which improves tissue regeneration and healing.

After that, the drainage is removed, and recovery after the operation will be about 5 days. The method is often used and is considered preferable to standard surgery.

With laparoscopy, the body does not lose a lot of blood, the traumatism of other organs and tissues is reduced.

After a laparoscopy, a person may not need to use pain medication, and the scar will remain very small, almost invisible.

Laparoscopy is a technically complex operation that requires a high level of qualification of doctors.

Operational removal

In comparison with the described methods of treatment, it is necessary to analyze how stones are removed from the kidneys by the standard surgical method:

  1. An incision is made in the skin, fat and muscle layer to gain access to the ureter or paired organs.
  2. Stones are removed from the kidneys.
  3. Doctors stitch up the tissue layer by layer.

This method is quite difficult and lengthy, like other abdominal operations. The operation to remove kidney stones is performed under general anesthesia, and after treatment, it takes 2 weeks to recover.

There are frequent cases of complications after abdominal surgery. Patients often have a hernia, damage to the kidney tissue.

Due to the possible consequences, the technique is rarely used in modern medicine, doctors are trying to use remote fragmentation.

In some cases, standard surgery is the only option to remove kidney stones.

Indications for carrying out may be in large sizes of formations that cannot be eliminated by other methods.

An equally common reason for surgery is the presence of colic, when any conservative methods do not provide noticeable improvement and relief.

The stone can cause blockage of the ureter, which is typical for self-treatment with medications or folk remedies, without consulting a doctor and relevant knowledge.

It is forbidden to use diuretics or folk remedies on your own. It is better to entrust the matter to specialists.


A new technique that is distinguished by its efficiency and remote method of removing stones.

The bottom line is the use of shock waves with the help of special equipment that focuses only on the formations in the kidneys.

Due to the shock wave, the grinding of the stone begins, after which they can be excreted from the body by natural methods or with the help of conservative means.

Lithotripsy is performed using ultrasound, laser or X-ray guidance.

The entire treatment process takes about half an hour, after which the patient can go home.

For the method, you do not need to use painkillers, but there are several contraindications for using such an effective technique:

  1. Poor blood clotting.
  2. period of menstruation.
  3. The use of anticoagulants.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Advanced bleeding.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Cardiac pathologies.
  8. Neoplasms in the kidneys.

If there are no contraindications, then lithotripsy can be used to eliminate kidney stones.


Prevention of urolithiasis primarily consists in the use of proper nutrition.

Patients and people at risk should stop eating salty, smoked and spicy foods.

In the diet, you need to add more plant foods in fresh form. To prevent the development of stones, vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw, not boiled or otherwise cooked.

Foods that have a diuretic effect will be very useful, they include pumpkin, watermelon, grapes.

During the day you need to drink a lot of water, but often in small portions. The liquid itself is used in its pure form, and if you drink boiled water, then scale should not appear in the kettle.

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is equally important. It is necessary to spend more walks on the street, do not use alcohol, soda, drinks and foods that contain dyes and preservatives.

Patients who have already been diagnosed with urolithiasis must be constantly treated, where there will be diuretics and drugs that relieve inflammation.

For this, it is not necessary to use medicines, you can give preference to folk remedies, herbs:

  1. Bearberry.
  2. Knotweed.
  3. Horsetail.
  4. St. John's wort.
  5. Corn stigmas.

In pathology, it is important to control the condition and functioning of the intestine. Stool retention should be avoided, since constipation causes crystallization of salts in the urine and leads to the appearance of calculi in the kidneys.

Useful video

Kidney stones cause unpleasant and painful symptoms, disrupt the process of urination and provoke the development of infection in the organ. In order to prevent undesirable consequences and preserve the functionality of the kidneys, it is necessary to diagnose and treat the disease in time. Currently, there are many effective methods to remove stones from the body.

Methods for removing kidney stones

The following factors influence the choice of treatment for kidney stones:

  • chemical and organic origin of stones;
  • the size of the stones;
  • the presence or absence of comorbidities and complications.

If a small stone (less than 5 mm in diameter) is found, conservative treatments are used:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet food;
  • balneotherapy.

Conservative treatment is carried out both in the hospital and at home. The process of calculus release can continue for several months.

With large sizes of stones, as well as the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, surgical methods are connected:

  • lithotripsy;
  • endoscopy;
  • laparotomy.

conservative ways

Conservative methods of getting rid of stones are rarely used separately. Basically, the treatment regimen consists of several elements that are selected by the doctor.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of kidney stones, drugs that can dissolve stones are used:

  • Blemarin. The composition of the drug includes the sodium salt of citric acid, which neutralizes urate stones. Blemaren helps to establish the pH of urine within the target range (6.6–6.8). The drug comes with test strips to determine the pH of urine. The course of treatment with the drug is from 1 to 6 months. Possible side effects:
    • allergic reactions of a different nature;
    • edema;
    • dyspepsia (disturbance of the stomach).
  • Allopurinol. It is used to dissolve small urates, as well as to remove kidney stones formed for an unknown reason. The drug prevents the occurrence of excess uric acid in the body, preventing the appearance of new urate stones in the kidneys. Side effects of the remedy:
    • violation of the functioning of the liver;
    • rash on the skin of an allergic nature.
  • Cyston. A herbal preparation that reduces the content of substances in urine (, oxalic acid, calcium), the excess of which leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys. The drug prevents the accumulation of particles around the core of the calculus, which prevents an increase in the size of the stone. Promotes the excretion of oxalates, phosphates and urates. It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action. The course of treatment with the drug can last from 4 to 6 months.
  • Penicillamine. Binds ions of copper, calcium, cobalt and other substances. Effective for cystine kidney stones.

The most easily amenable to drug therapy are urate stones, consisting of uric acid salts.

For stones of any origin, the following medicines can also be used:

  • diuretics that activate the excretory function of the kidneys and accelerate the release of stones from the organ:
    • Phytolysin;
    • Urolesan;
  • drugs that eliminate spasms of smooth muscles and reduce pain symptoms:
    • No-Shpa;
    • Buscopan;
  • antibiotics that neutralize acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys:
    • Ciprofloxacin;
    • Levofloxacin.

During drug treatment, the patient should urinate into a separate container in order to notice the released calculus. The stone must be shown to the attending physician, who will send it to the laboratory to study the composition.

Photo gallery: medicines used to treat kidney stones

Kanefron has a diuretic effect No-shpa reduces pain by relaxing smooth muscles Papaverine eliminates pain symptoms, as well as spasms of smooth muscles
Cystone promotes the dissolution of oxalates, urates and phosphates Allopurinol is used for urate in the kidneys
Blemaren removes stones of urate origin from the kidneys Cefepime is used for inflammatory processes in the kidneys, complicating the presence of stones.

Symptoms of the exit of stones from the kidneys

If the calculus began to come out of the kidneys, then a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • appearance if the stone has injured the walls of the ureter.

With these signs, do not panic, but report the symptoms to your doctor.


Physiotherapy for urolithiasis is capable of:

  • reduce pain syndrome;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • speed up the process of exiting stones from the body.

To get rid of stones, the following physiotherapy procedures are most effective:

  • Electrophoresis. A medicine is applied to the electrode pads, which, under the influence of an electric current, penetrates the skin and tissues through the skin and tissues into the place where the calculi are formed. Thanks to electrophoresis, the drug is injected precisely into the pathological area, without saturating the lymph and blood. The action of the drug is prolonged, which increases its therapeutic effect. Contraindications for the procedure:
  • Inductothermy. During the procedure, a high-frequency magnetic field (40 MHz) acts on the kidneys, as a result of which heat is generated, which has a healing effect. Contraindications:
    • malignant tumors;
    • cardiac pathologies.
  • Ozokerite applications. Ozokerite is a substance of natural origin, consisting of paraffin, resins and mineral oils. Due to the low thermal conductivity, applications with this substance, even at a temperature of 60–70 degrees, do not cause skin burns. Ozokerite applications improve blood circulation in the kidneys, eliminate foci of inflammation, and promote the release of stones. They are also used for pain syndrome, which may accompany the release of stones from the kidneys.
  • Underwater shower-massage. Produced in a bath or pool. Within 10–20 minutes, the kidney area is massaged with a powerful jet of water. The procedure is carried out daily, the duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
    Underwater shower-massage not only has a therapeutic effect in case of urolithiasis, but also soothes and uplifts the mood.


Proper nutrition can improve metabolism, speed up the process of removing stones, and also prevent the appearance of new kidney stones. Diet rules:

  • with urate stones, products containing purine bases (products of nitrogen metabolism) are removed from the menu;
  • with oxalates, the consumption of food with ascorbic and oxalic acids decreases;
  • with phosphates, the use of products with alkaline properties is limited.

With all types of kidney stones, it is forbidden to consume alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fried, salty and smoked foods, coffee and strong black tea.

When removing stones from the kidneys, it is important to observe the correct drinking regimen: at least 3 liters of fluid must be consumed per day. This will increase daily diuresis (the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys per day), and the release of stones will be faster.

Table: allowed and prohibited foods for various types of kidney stones

Types of kidney stonesApproved ProductsProhibited Products
  • dairy;
  • vegetables (except prohibited);
  • bread products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • cereals (except prohibited) and pasta;
  • fruits and berries;
  • green tea;
  • chicory drink;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions.
  • fish and meat canned food;
  • offal (liver, kidneys, tongue and others);
  • sausages and smoked meat products;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • fast food;
  • cereals - buckwheat, barley, millet;
  • vegetables - beans, Brussels sprouts, sorrel, radishes, parsley, green onions;
  • spicy and salty cheeses;
  • mushrooms.
  • flour products;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • any cereals and pasta;
  • infusions and decoctions of wild rose;
  • green and herbal tea;
  • chicory drink;
  • bread kvass;
  • vegetable and butter.
  • milk and dairy products;
  • fish and meat canned food;
  • sausages;
  • fruits and berries (with the exception of apples, cherry plums, lingonberries, red currants);
  • vegetables (exception - pumpkin, Brussels sprouts, peas, asparagus);
  • rich broths;
  • fast food.
  • lean meats and fish;
  • vegetable and cereal soups;
  • bread products;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, potatoes, turnips, cabbage of any kind;
  • fruits - watermelons, apricots, peaches, pears;
  • freshly squeezed juices from permitted fruits;
  • green tea;
  • chicory drink;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions.
  • fatty meats (lamb, pork);
  • offal;
  • soups on meat and fish broths;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • dairy;
  • vegetables containing oxalic acid: sorrel, spinach, celery, eggplant, radish, pumpkin, beets;
  • legumes;
  • fruits - bananas, mangoes, apples, oranges, pomegranates, lemons;
  • berries - red currant, gooseberry;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa.


The healing properties of mineral water in urolithiasis have been known for a long time. Balneotherapy (treatment with mineral water) is becoming more and more popular every year. Mineral water normalizes the metabolism in the body, cleanses the kidneys of toxins, thus creating a strong foundation for the rapid release of stones.

However, balneotherapy also has contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • tuberculosis of the genitourinary system;
  • pain syndrome in the kidneys.

The greatest therapeutic effect will bring mineral water extracted from natural sources, where sanatoriums are usually located. Therefore, it is better to carry out balneotherapy in specialized medical institutions.

If it is not possible to undergo treatment in a sanatorium, balneotherapy can also be used at home. For this purpose, mineral waters with the following trade names are suitable:

  • Essentuki No. 20, Sairme - used for oxalate stones;
  • Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanskaya, Borjomi - are used for urate stones, contribute to the alkalization of urine;
  • Dolomite narzan, Naftusya, Arzni - help with phosphates in the kidneys, have the ability to oxidize urine.

Mineral water suitable for removing kidney stones can be purchased at grocery stores and pharmacies.

When conducting balneotherapy at home, follow the rules:

  • use mineral water, the temperature of which is 40–50 degrees;
  • drink liquid 30-60 minutes before eating;
  • release gases from mineral water before drinking .

The permissible daily volume of mineral water consumption, as well as the duration of treatment, are individual indicators, selected only by the attending physician.

Some patients drink mineral water using the principle: "The more the better". It is dangerous to do so: with excessive consumption of mineral water, a strong alkalization or oxidation of urine occurs, which worsens the state of health.

Folk ways

The use of cranberry and lingonberry juice will help speed up the release of stones from the kidneys. The way to prepare it is as follows:

  1. Take 100 g of cranberries and lingonberries. Mash the berries with a fork, drain the juice.
  2. Place the remaining pulp in a saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water.
  3. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Strain the cranberry-lingonberry broth, cool.
  5. Add berry juice to the broth.

Take 200 ml of fruit drink every day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Has medicinal properties in urolithiasis decoction with knotweed. Step by step recipe:

  1. Pour 10 g of raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Put the mixture on fire and cook for half an hour.
  3. Cool and strain the decoction.

Take 20 ml every day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

You can also get rid of kidney stones with the help of beet kvass. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Wash and peel 3-4 medium-sized root vegetables.
  2. Cut the beets into small slices and place them in a 3 liter jar. The jar should be 2/3 full.
  3. Pour chilled boiled water into the container so that the liquid does not reach the edges of the can by a few centimeters.
  4. Cover the jar with gauze. Put it in a warm place for a week.
  5. After the specified period, strain the contents of the jar and place the beet kvass in the refrigerator.

Take kvass twice a day - before breakfast and dinner. Single dose - 100 ml. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Photo gallery: folk remedies for removing stones from the kidneys

Knotweed has a diuretic effect Cranberry juice helps dissolve kidney stones Beet kvass accelerates the release of kidney stones

Surgical removal of kidney stones

Surgical treatment of calculi in the kidneys is carried out with the following indications:

Depending on the size of the stones, as well as the individual physical parameters of the patient, the attending physician may recommend one or another surgical method for removing stones.


In Russia, lithotripsy has been used since the 1990s. Currently, this method is the leading one in the surgical treatment of urolithiasis. There are two types of lithotripsy:

  • Remote - the stone is exposed to an ultrasonic device, which is located at a short distance from the patient. Cavities and microcracks appear in the calculus. The stone is crushed and passed through the catheter or ureter.
  • Contact - the calculus is directly affected by ultrasound, laser or strong air flow.

With remote lithotripsy, under the influence of ultrasound, the stone in the kidney is crushed

Contact lithotripsy is used as an auxiliary method in endoscopy.

How is external lithotripsy performed?

Remote lithotripsy is performed with stones up to 2 cm in size. The advantages of the method are:

  • atraumatic;
  • low risk of infection during surgery;
  • fast recovery period.

Contraindications for ultrasonic stone crushing:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • injuries of a different nature, in which the patient cannot take the desired position during the procedure;
  • body weight of a person exceeding 130 kg;
  • the patient's height is more than two meters or less than one meter;
  • poor blood clotting.

Surgery process:

During the procedure, a person does not experience pain.

After the operation, the patient is transferred to the ward. There he urinates into a special container in order to control the release of calculus fragments. The exit of the remnants of the stone can last 2-3 days. After that, an ultrasound examination of the kidney is performed. In the absence of complications, the patient is discharged from the hospital.


This type of surgery is performed using special devices - endoscopes. The endoscope is equipped with a camera located at the end of its long tube, and also includes additional instruments that allow you to perform various surgical procedures.

Endoscope - a medical device consisting of a long tube, a mini-camera and surgical instruments

The use of endoscopes in surgery increases the comfort of the procedure, reduces the likelihood of postoperative complications, and also reduces the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Thanks to the mini-camera built into the endoscope, the image is displayed on the monitor screen, and the surgeon sees all his manipulations.

During endoscopy, all manipulations of the surgeon are reflected on the monitor screen.

Depending on the way the medical instrument is introduced into the organ, two types of endoscopy are distinguished:

Indications for endoscopic intervention:

  • kidney stones up to 2 cm in size;
  • localization of the calculus on the path of the ureter;
  • remnants of stone fragments after extracorporeal lithotripsy.

Endoscopy process:

After endoscopy, bed rest is not prescribed. The patient spends 2-3 days in the hospital and after the control ultrasound returns home. The full recovery period is 5-7 days.


Laparotomy is an open operation that is performed with an incision. It is performed in difficult situations when minimally invasive intervention is ineffective.

Indications for laparotomy:

  • frequent relapses of urolithiasis;
  • large size of stones;
  • purulent foci inside the kidney.

The disadvantages of laparotomy include a high risk of postoperative complications: the occurrence of bleeding, infection of the urinary tract with bacteria.

Operation progress:

  1. The patient lies on a healthy side.
  2. General anesthesia is performed.
  3. An incision of the skin and tissues is made in the area of ​​the affected kidney.
  4. Part of the organ with the ureter is fixed with a clamp to prevent bleeding.
  5. The stone is removed, the edges of the kidney are sutured.
  6. A drain is placed in the kidney.
  7. The wound is sutured.

The drainage is in the body for 8-11 days, after which it is removed in the absence of complications. The stitches are removed two weeks after the operation.

A variety of laparotomy is kidney resection - partial removal of the organ, which is carried out in the presence of multiple large stones, necrotic formations, as well as at the last stage of urolithiasis.

The rehabilitation period after the removal of stones from the kidneys

After the removal of stones in a conservative or surgical way, drug therapy is used. The following drugs may be prescribed:

  • antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate infectious processes in the kidneys;
  • diuretics that promote the release of calculus residues;
  • vitamin complexes that strengthen the immune system.

The treatment regimen after the removal of stones is selected by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Within 1 month after the release of stones from the kidneys, a sparing regimen should be followed:

  • walk no more than 30-40 minutes a day;
  • do not run, do not raise your hands up, do not play basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton;
  • do not lift a load weighing more than 3 kg;
  • do not visit the pool, bath, sauna.

A month after getting rid of stones, you can gradually introduce physical activity into everyday life: do morning exercises, take long walks. After 4-6 months, swimming in the pool, skiing, and other sports are allowed.

After a period of rehabilitation, an active lifestyle is essential. An important aspect of a positive outcome of the disease is the prevention of overweight, since obesity entails metabolic disorders. Physical activity burns excess calories and prevents weight gain.

The rehabilitation period involves the implementation of certain rules of nutrition and drinking regimen:

Photo gallery: useful products during the rehabilitation period

Wholemeal bread prevents constipation Whole grains are rich in fiber Green tea helps cleanse the kidneys of toxins Fruits contain vitamins and other useful substances for the body.

How to remove kidney stones is an issue on the agenda for all readers of the site about urolithiasis, and for me too. In search of answers, I constantly have to re-read literature and wool the Internet. The pages of this site set out many ways found to get rid of.

Some methods have been successfully tested on ourselves. However, do not stop there, because not every method is suitable for a specific person. Therefore, you must constantly look for your tool that helps you. I do not argue, a lot of generally recognized remedies help the vast majority of those suffering from urolithiasis. For example, I wrote about treatment, and even brought it out in a separate article. This medicine based on natural ingredients in the form of dragees or drops has helped and will help many.

However, do not forget about folk methods. These methods are no worse than official medicines, you just need to find your own folk remedy that can help you. Read articles on and you will find interesting ways. Well, for example, you can read about and it is possible that this recipe will help you, as it has helped many people. And today Igor Sergeevich's story about how to remove stones from the kidneys.

How to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder

“I am 63 years old and have been suffering from kidney and bladder stones for the last 7 years. I tried to somehow treat them, went to, he prescribed some urine and blood tests for me, sent me to and gave prescriptions for expensive medicines, but nothing helped me.

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How to clean the kidneys from sand with the help of budra

Once it came to the symptoms of renal colic, I suffered a lot and decided that it was time to take on my stones. And you know, I got rid of them very easily using a very simple method. You just need to collect the ripened sunflower roots, grind them thoroughly to pieces of about 1 cm and dry them well.

cook like this: sunflower roots with a volume of a glass, pour 3 liters of cold water, then bring to a boil over low heat, then let it boil for 3 minutes on the same low heat, then brew. Do not take out the roots.

Accept every morning on an empty stomach, 1 glass of the resulting infusion. Store the decoction in the refrigerator. When he drank everything, those sunflower roots that remained in the pan were again filled with 3 liters of water and boiled again on low heat, only not three, but 10 minutes. After taking the entire broth for the third time, I again filled the roots with water and boiled for 15 minutes.

Thus, I drank 9 liters of sunflower root decoction. While taking the second three liters of broth, stones began to come out of me. They were in the form of sand, which the stones turned into and came out absolutely painlessly along with urine. ”

Contrary to popular belief, urolithiasis is not a direct result of a poor diet or drinking hard water. Although both factors play an important role in the occurrence of the disease. In fact, the formation of kidney stones occurs due to a violation of metabolic processes caused by internal or external causes.

Due to the fact that the incidence of urolithiasis increases by 0.5-1% annually, and the largest proportion of patients is the working-age population from 25 to 50 years old, the problem of how to remove stones from the kidneys in the least traumatic way is becoming more and more urgent.

Causes of urolithiasis

The main factors affecting the increase in the incidence of urolithiasis include:

  • a sedentary lifestyle leads to a violation of the metabolism of mineral substances (phosphorus and calcium);
  • malnutrition (the predominance of protein foods in the diet);
  • unfavorable climatic or housing conditions;
  • environmental problems;
  • diseases of the urinary tract of an inflammatory nature;
  • changes in the normal structure of the urinary tract, preventing the outflow of urine;
  • hereditary genetic disorders.

In all cases of diagnosing urolithiasis, several factors can be noted at once that had a direct impact on the formation of kidney stones.

Due to the fact that in 95% of cases the course of the disease is recurrent, it is obvious that the removal of stones from the kidneys is not a cure, since in order to prevent a recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to remove all factors that have a direct or indirect effect on the development of pathology.

Smoking is one of the factors contributing to the development of urolithiasis

Basic principles of treatment

Thanks to the evolution of modern medicine, there has been a significant decrease in the occurrence of large staghorn stones. However, there is a trend towards an increase in the incidence of mild forms of the disease, the treatment of which allows not resorting to surgical intervention and getting rid of kidney stones without surgery.

To date, there is a generally accepted classification of uroliths:

  1. Calcium-forming compounds (found in more than 75% of cases of the disease) - calcium carbonate, oxalates, phosphates.
  2. Stones containing magnesium (occur in about 10% of cases) - struvite, newberite, magnesium phosphate monohydrate.
  3. Uric acid formations (make up more than 10% of all cases of the disease) - sodium urate, uric acid dihydrate, ammonium urate.
  4. Protein (cystine) stones (less than 1% of cases).

In connection with various processes occurring in the body, including those of an infectious nature or as a result of metabolic disorders, in 50% of cases, the formation of mixed-type uroliths is observed.

To develop therapeutic tactics, it is necessary to have complete information about the structure of the formed calculi, since it is the chemical elements that form the basis of urolith that determine the next steps aimed at removing stones from the kidneys.

In the treatment of urolithiasis, the doctor should individually approach the choice of treatment regimen for each patient.

The basic principles of treatment of urolithiasis are based on:

  1. Corrective action on the acidity of urine.
  2. Compensation for existing violations of metabolic processes - diet therapy, adequate drinking regimen, physiotherapy exercises.
  3. Improvement of diuresis (stone expelling tactics).
  4. Grinding and subsequent removal of the stone, by the method of remote shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).

Change in urine acidity

As you know, an increased concentration of salts in the urine does not necessarily lead to stone formation. The decisive factor determining the presence of crystals in a dissolved (suspended) form is the acidity of the urine. Normal urine pH is in the range of 5.5-7.0. The impact on this indicator allows not only to prevent recurrences of the development of the disease, but also to successfully dissolve existing stones.

So, for example, long-term use of drugs intended for reabsorption of stones (Uralit U, Marelin, Blemaren, Soluran) allows you to completely dissolve kidney stones within 2-3 months. Unfortunately, a similar effect is observed only in the treatment of calculi consisting of uric acid.

With respect to formations of other types, the tactics of dissolution is not effective enough and is rather supportive, which does not allow complete removal of the calculus.

Uralit U is a citrate mixture that has an alkalizing effect on urine and helps to remove uric acid stones.

Due to the high likelihood of side effects, it is important to conduct an examination before prescribing treatment to clarify the following questions:

  1. Are there any comorbidities?
  2. Are there any abnormalities in the function of the kidneys and liver.
  3. The likely degree of effectiveness of the selected drug.
  4. Are there side effects from taking the drug.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of stone-dissolving therapy is an increase in the acid-base balance of urine to 6.3-6.9.

Normalization of metabolic processes

The purpose of therapeutic measures aimed at removing stones from the kidneys is to eliminate metabolic disorders, as a result of which there is an increase in the concentration of salts in the urine.

diet therapy

The therapeutic effect of diet therapy is to reduce the amount of salts in the urine by limiting their intake with food. Correction of the diet depends on the characteristics of the available stones. So, to normalize purine metabolism (with uric acid stones), it is recommended to completely exclude from the diet:

  • fried or smoked meat;
  • legumes;
  • strong meat broths;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • spices.

With a combination of diet therapy and reabsorbing drugs (citrate mixtures), small stones are completely removed within 3 months and large stones within 6 months.

A large urolith is considered to be more than 0.5 cm in diameter.

To normalize the exchange of oxalic acid (with calcium oxalate stones), it is necessary to limit the use of:

  • cheese;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • lettuce;
  • sorrel;
  • strawberries;
  • spinach;
  • chocolate
  • cocoa.

As an addition to diet therapy for oxalate stones, it is advisable to use the following drugs:

  • a complex of vitamins of group B;
  • citrate mixtures (Uralit U, Blemaren);
  • magnesium oxide.

Daily fluid intake for any form of urolithiasis should not be less than 2.5 liters.

The diet for calcium phosphate stones is to limit the use of foods containing an increased amount of calcium (dairy products) and phosphorus (fish).


Physiotherapy for urolithiasis has a number of positive effects on the general condition of the body:

  • helps to normalize metabolic processes;
  • enhances blood supply to the kidneys;
  • improves diuresis;
  • promotes the removal of stones from the kidneys.

The complex of therapeutic exercises includes the elements shown below in the pictures.

Active warm-up in a standing position

Exercises lying on your back with deflections or turns of the knees around the axis of your own body

Daily jogging in the fresh air, cycling, swimming also have a positive effect.

Stonebanishing Tactics

The essence of stone-expelling tactics is to influence the body with a group of medications, the purpose of which is to expel stones from the kidneys. This approach to treatment is appropriate when detecting small stones that can overcome narrow fragments of the urinary tract (ureters, urethra) without harm to the body.

The complex of drugs used to remove stones includes:

  • diuretics;
  • antispasmodics (No-shpa, Baralgin, Papaverine);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (antibiotics, antibacterial drugs).

An intensive drinking regimen in combination with diuretics improves urine outflow, and antispasmodics cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, allowing you to quickly remove the calculus without causing pain.

Herbal preparations are highly effective in removing stones. Herbs in kidney tea have an effect similar to that of medicines and have significantly fewer side effects. To date, many phytopreparations are produced that are widely used in the treatment of urolithiasis:

  • Phytolysin;
  • Urolesan;
  • Cyston.

Kanefron N has established itself not only as a drug that removes stones from the kidneys, but also as an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

External shock wave lithotripsy

Remote shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is the latest advance in modern medicine to remove kidney stones without surgery. With the help of DLT, stones of any type and almost any size can be removed. The essence of the method lies in the destruction of the calculus by exposing it to short pulses of various types of energy.

The direction of impact of the device is corrected using an X-ray machine or ultrasound. By the end of the procedure, the stone is destroyed to small fragments that can independently exit through the ureters and urethra.

The procedure is carried out in a hospital, followed by a short period of hospitalization, during which, with the help of stone expulsion therapy, fragmented fragments of the calculus are removed.

However, despite its effectiveness, the EBRT method is not able to protect against the recurrence of the disease. Therefore, in order to cure urolithiasis, it is not enough just to remove kidney stones, a comprehensive approach is needed, including giving up bad habits, eating healthy food and increasing physical activity.

The appearance of uroliths (stones) in the kidneys causes a lot of pain and discomfort. When the first signs appear in patients, doctors immediately begin treatment. Urolithiasis is recognized as one of the complex diseases of the genitourinary system. There are many ways to remove kidney stones.

Withdrawal of uroliths

In modern medicine, several methods are used:

  • medication;
  • surgical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser;
  • through a hole;
  • pneumonic;
  • endoscopic;

During the onset of symptoms, the specialist sends the sick person for tests and examinations. He gives urine and undergoes an ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the genitourinary organs. With the help of the results obtained, the presence of uroliths in the kidneys is determined. Then an x-ray of the pelvic region is taken to determine the level of occlusion of the urinary canals by the urolith. Based on the data obtained, the doctor decides on the method of treatment or the withdrawal of formations.

What determines the choice

When choosing a method of removal or treatment, the urologist looks at factors such as:

  • the presence of salts in the calculus;
  • urolith size;
  • kidney function;
  • chronic diseases of the patient;
  • physical state.

Removal of uroliths from the kidneys

Medical method

It is considered ineffective and the safest method of treatment. It is used only when the formations do not exceed the size of 4-5 mm. At this size, uroliths can exit on their own through the urinary canals without blocking them. Pain during their movement is removed with drugs. With a larger diameter of the formations, the treatment will not give results and there is a risk of blockage. There is also a danger that the stones will not come out and dissolve completely. During treatment with this method, you can move, but surges are prohibited.

Surgical method

This method has been used for a long time and was considered the best. Currently, surgery is not the only way to remove uroliths. It is carried out for various sizes of stones. The postoperative period is strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

Types of surgical operations

There are two ways to surgically remove stones, described below.

  1. Pyelolithomy. The operation is used when the stone is located in the kidney. It is performed under endotrachelal anesthesia. From the side of the place of formation, an incision is made about 10-12 cm in the lumbar region and the kidney is incised. The urolith is then removed. The incision is sutured, and after healing on the 6-8th day, the threads are removed. You can walk already on the second day after the operation.
  2. Urethroscopy. The operation is done when the stone has left the organ and is in the urinary canal. It is performed under endotrachelal anesthesia. An incision is made in that segment of the urethral canal where the stone is located. After removal of the urolith, the incision is sutured. After the operation, the patient is under control for about 10 days. Removal of threads from the seam occurs individually.

There may be complications in the postoperative period. To avoid it, patients are prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory treatment and antibiotics. You can start moving only 2-3 days after the operation with the permission of the doctor.

Ultrasonic method

A safe method that does not require incisions. It is used when the size of the stones does not exceed 2.5 cm. The removal of stones from the kidneys by ultrasound occurs with a special device that sends ultrasonic waves into the stone and under their influence it collapses. Small fragments and sand leave the body on their own. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient is observed by a doctor for about 24-48 hours. Assign drugs that contribute to a better withdrawal of remnants of uroliths, and painkillers. You can get up and move a couple of hours after the procedure.

laser method

This method allows you to display the largest formations. Removal of stones from the kidneys with a laser is done through a small incision into which a nephroscope is inserted. A laser beam through the device crushes the stones to sand, which is then excreted in the urine. The process is monitored by the doctor through a camera located in the nephroscope, which broadcasts the process to the monitor.

Puncture method

The puncture procedure is carried out only in the presence of one urolith in the kidney. It is performed under local anesthesia through a medium-sized incision in the kidney area. A special device (nephroscope) is inserted into it, through which the doctor crushes the stone and removes it with the help of tools. Then the puncture site is sutured. You can actively move 2-3 days after removal. In rare cases, several punctures (laparoscopy) are performed for better access and removal of stones.

Pneumatic method

With the help of this procedure, the stones in the urinary canal are crushed. Using a ureteroscope, a probe is passed into the urethra, into which air and electromechanical waves are successively sent. Under their influence, the stone is destroyed to the state of sand and excreted from the body naturally. If difficulties arise during the withdrawal, they resort to the use of special tongs and loops, with which large fragments are dragged out. The procedure is not suitable for formations located in the kidney. Sometimes this method is combined with laparoscopy, to access the stone from several sides.

Endoscopic method

It is done with an average size of stones located in the kidney or ureter. Endoscopic removal of stones from the kidneys is done using a nephroscope and a urethropyeloscope, if the stone is in the ureter. After approaching the devices to the uroliths, they are removed using special gripping devices (forceps, loops). If the diameter of the stones is large, then first of all they are crushed. You can actively move a couple of days after the procedure.

Folk remedies for treatment

With the formation of uroliths in the kidneys, some methods of treatment with folk remedies are used. These include infusions, decoctions and cereals from herbs, as well as some berries.

In the treatment, folk recipes described below can be used.

  1. Decoctions of lingonberries and rose hips will help improve well-being with symptoms of the disease.
  2. A decoction of horsetail, wild rose and wheatgrass will help normalize body temperature when it rises.
  3. Rosehip is great for helping with urolithiasis.
  4. An infusion of burdock leaves will help relieve the sensations during the inflammatory process in the body.
  5. Birch leaves will help to cope with kidney diseases.