How do chrysanthemums winter? Chrysanthemums in the autumn garden Chrysanthemums withstand frosts up to

How to save chrysanthemums in winter? Do I need to dig up chrysanthemums for storage or can I just cover them? What varieties of chrysanthemums winter better? How and when to cover chrysanthemums for the winter? How to prune chrysanthemums before winter shelter? These questions of wintering

How to save chrysanthemums in winter? Do I need to dig up chrysanthemums for storage or can I just cover them? What varieties of chrysanthemums winter better? How and when to cover chrysanthemums for the winter? How to prune chrysanthemums before winter shelter? These issues of wintering chrysanthemums concern many gardeners. Read about how best to save chrysanthemums in winter

Chrysanthemums in winter. Dig or hide?

1. What are the winters like in your area? Chrysanthemums, like other plants, are better preserved under snow and more difficult to endure snowless winters with frost. Temperature fluctuations with alternating thaws and frosts are also detrimental to chrysanthemums. If the winters in your area are rainy (as it happens with us), chrysanthemums can die from stagnant water.

2. Variety of chrysanthemums. In regions with frosty winters, choose the so-called. Korean chrysanthemums, or Korean hybrids of chrysanthemums, which are also called ‘oak’ in Russia. This is a conditional view, in which many varieties of chrysanthemums are collected, for every taste and color. Korean chrysanthemums have been successfully zoned in the Middle lane and the Moscow region and winter with minimal shelter.

When buying a flowering chrysanthemum in a pot, do not be mistaken by mistaking a heat-loving home chrysanthemum for a cold-resistant garden chrysanthemum. They can be distinguished by the size of leaves and flowers: garden chrysanthemums have smaller leaves and flowers, while domestic chrysanthemums have larger ones. Heat-loving chrysanthemums are not only poorly preserved in winter, but also require a much longer warm season for lush flowering, which in cold regions is possible only behind the glass of a greenhouse or loggia.

See also: Winter hardiness zones of plants in Russia and Europe

3. Planting and caring for chrysanthemums in your garden. So that chrysanthemums do not fade during thaws, they are recommended to be planted on a hill where rain and melt water does not accumulate. In cold regions, it is better to plant flowering chrysanthemums from the store in open ground no later than the end of August, so that the plant has time to take root before winter. When planting, add phosphate fertilizers to the pit. Fertilize garden chrysanthemums with nitrogen only in the spring, at the very beginning of the season, and in the summer carry out regular top dressing with potash fertilizers, which promote flowering.

Did you know that a particularly important part of chrysanthemum care is dividing the bush regularly? If spray chrysanthemums are not divided every 2-3 years, they quickly grow old and die. Chrysanthemums that are regularly divided do much better in winter than old bushes, which tend to die in winter, even if the weather was quite favorable. To be sure, plant parts of a divided bush of your favorite chrysanthemums in different places in the garden, which will increase the plant's chances of a successful wintering.

4. Chrysanthemum shelters for the winter. Under excessively warm shelters, chrysanthemums rot. Often in cold regions, chrysanthemums die precisely from dampness, and not from frost.

For cold regions, there are 2 main ways to preserve chrysanthemums in winter: shelter and digging with subsequent storage. The most practical gardeners successfully combine both methods in order to surely preserve the most beloved varieties of chrysanthemums in winter. They cover the main chrysanthemum bush, and a small part is separated with roots and stored in the winter in the cellar, in the basement, on the cold terrace, in the pit or other room, which, if it freezes, is only slightly. For storage of chrysanthemums (roses, hydrangeas and other plants) in a prikope, read our special article.

Some initially grow chrysanthemums in containers (pots and tubs). With this method of growing, transferring chrysanthemums to winter storage is very easy and no digging is required.

In order to keep the chrysanthemums in the winter in the garden under cover, when the temperature approaches zero or even after the first light frost, the plants are cut to a height of approx. 20 cm and spud with peat, humus, sawdust, shavings, garden compost or just earth. From above, chrysanthemums are covered with a layer of dry leaves and covered with spruce branches. Lapnik keeps the snow over the chrysanthemum bush and keeps the air inside the winter shelter.

Chrysanthemums: planting, growing, care

Eastern wisdom advises everyone who wants to live a happy life to grow chrysanthemums. According to an ancient Chinese legend, a white dragon tried to encroach on the sun itself. He tore it with teeth and claws, and the sparks fell to the ground and turned into yellow flowers, which were later called chrysanthemums. They are depicted on the Japanese coat of arms, coins and seals, which does not prevent Asians from preparing cakes and salads from it. As a garden flower, the chrysanthemum has been known for three millennia, but interest in it is only growing.

Breeders are constantly striving to get as large-flowered varieties as possible, but gardeners are more attracted to small-flowered Korean chrysanthemums, as they are resistant to low temperatures, are good in open ground in combination with other flowers, have high decorative qualities, bloom for a long time and profusely almost until November . Therefore, it is not for nothing that the chrysanthemum is considered the queen of autumn. In addition, it is grown in pots to decorate houses, and when cut, it lasts a long time - up to 30 days, so it is ideal for bouquets.

In the open ground, the chrysanthemum blooms in August and pleases with its lush flowers all autumn, withstands frosts down to -7 ° C. Depending on the variety, the stems reach a height of 30-80 cm and are decorated with double, semi-double and simple inflorescences of unusually diverse shades.

In the northern regions of Russia, it is believed that it is impossible to grow chrysanthemums in open ground, but in fact they can successfully winter with light shelter in central Russia and even in Siberia! In these areas, after cutting the stems, stumps 10-15 cm high are well spudded with peat, covered with foliage and insulated with spruce branches.

Planting chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums do not like the slightest shading and moisture retention, so the place for them should be sunny and at least a little elevated. This is a guarantee that the shoots will not stretch, change the time and duration of flowering. However, the root system of chrysanthemums is superficial, so the soil cannot also be overdried.

The ideal soil for them is loose, moisture-permeable, with the optimal amount of various nutrients. With dense and infertile soil in the garden, before planting the cuttings, a little peat, compost or rotted manure is introduced into the soil, but do not abuse them, otherwise the flowers will be unnecessarily tall to the detriment of flowering. As a drainage, add a small amount of coarse sand to the soil. The soil mixture is preferably neutral or slightly acidic.

The ideal day for planting is overcast or rainy. In hot sunny weather, plant cuttings in the early morning or late evening when the sun is less active. Pour wells with a depth of 35-40 cm with plenty of water, lay drainage, earth mixed with biohumus in a ratio of 20: 1. Chrysanthemum put and covered with earth. Root growth is parallel to the soil, so they are not too deep. For tall varieties, additional support is required.

Immediately after planting in the ground, the first pinching is carried out - the growth point is removed on the plant. 3 weeks after disembarkation, the upper part of the shoot is broken out with 2-3 nodes - the second pinch. The first days after planting, artificially shade the seedlings so that they do not suffer from bright sunlight. The best option is a non-woven material, but it is desirable that it does not come into contact with the leaves.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums

Since the seeds of the variety are not preserved, chrysanthemums are propagated by cuttings, dividing bushes, or root shoots are separated from the mother bush.

In any case, it is necessary to plant and replant chrysanthemums in the spring, in May, when frosts and cold snaps pass. It is also possible at the beginning of summer - this will not affect the development of chrysanthemums.

If you get hold of planting material closer to autumn, then plant it in the ground before September 15, so that the plants have time to take root well before the onset of frost. If you did not have time during this period, then plant the seedling in a shallow wide pot, cutting it low.

Send the container with chrysanthemum to a dark place on a warm loggia or heated terrace, where until spring the temperature will be at the level of 4-6 ° C - these are the optimal conditions for the successful development of plants. Moisten the soil periodically throughout the winter.

Since the end of February, the chrysanthemum has been planted in a greenhouse and watered more often. Until the end of March, the shoots will grow back and it will be possible to take cuttings - cut the shoots no more than 10 cm.

Gently plant the cuttings in a box filled with a mixture of earth, sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 2: 1, tightly close with glass. After a month, the cuttings will take root, they can be planted in wide containers. As soon as the danger of an unexpected cold snap passes, it will be possible to transplant the mother plant and seedlings into the ground.

Chrysanthemum Care

The watering regimen should be moderate, in which the root system will not rot from excess moisture. This despite the fact that the chrysanthemum is quite moisture-loving. The exception is the dry period (during it, water more abundantly so that the stems do not become stiff and the flowers do not lose their decorative effect) and the period before flowering. It is better to take settled or rain water.

Once a week, “feed” the flowers with mullein infusion (1:10), and before budding, with potash and phosphorus fertilizers for lush flowering, sometimes with nitrogen fertilizers to increase green mass. Cancel top dressing before flowering. When fertilizing, make sure that the fertilizer solution does not fall on the leaves and does not cause a burn. Water only under the root. For the development of young chrysanthemums, it is extremely important to provide a balanced diet in the first two months, as there is a very active increase in green mass. Burnt mullein and chicken manure are very effective. The main rule is that it is better not to feed the plant than to burn it.

Pour a couple of buckets of mullein or a bucket of chicken manure into a large container, fill it with water, stir and let it infuse for three days - during this time, a valuable highly concentrated fertilizer will be ready. Prepare the solution: add 10 liters of water to 1 liter of concentrated infusion. Apply 1 liter of solution under each plant only under the root and always on moist soil.

Despite the fact that chrysanthemums tolerate cold quite well, at the end of October, protect the flower bed from frost by placing a frame with plastic wrap on it - and you will admire the flowering of April cutting plants for another month. You will remove the frame at the end of November, transplant the bushes into pots, and on a warm, bright veranda they will bloom even in January.

Disease and pest control

Moisture-loving chrysanthemum abundant watering, especially in the absence of rain, helps to prevent damage by aphids and mites that cannot stand moisture.

Many harmful microorganisms and pathogens live in the soil, therefore, after each rain, treat the plants with disease preparations (for example, Quadris or Previkur). Fitosporin will protect against root rot, it can be added to irrigation water with each top dressing.

Of all the enemies of chrysanthemums (leafworms, snails, aphids, ticks, etc.), caterpillars are the most dangerous. Only one of them can eat several buds per night. So keep your eyes open, review your landings regularly and take action on time. Good drugs for insect control are Aktara, Aktellik, Ratibor, Iskra, Fitoverm, etc.

Types and varieties of chrysanthemums

The genus of chrysanthemums includes more than 150 species, but in our garden we grow mainly their hybrids.
The classification of chrysanthemums is rather complicated. There are main garden groups of hybrid chrysanthemums: Korean (small-flowered, inflorescence 2-9 cm), Indian (large-flowered, inflorescence 10-25 cm), as well as Chinese and Japanese.
According to the structure of the flower, the varieties are divided into the following groups: simple, semi-double, anemone-shaped, terry, flat, hemispherical, spherical, curly, pompon, radial. According to the structure of the petal, tubular and reed are distinguished.

For growing in the garden, the most popular chrysanthemums are Korean, they are unpretentious, beautiful, and bloom for a long time. Large-flowered species are usually grown for cutting and arranging bouquets. I will list several popular small-flowered varieties for your garden.

Chrysanthemum Korean Alyonushka

Bright pink non-double inflorescences 5-6 cm in diameter. Bush up to 50 cm tall. Blooms in September.

Chrysanthemum Korean Barkhan

Orange-yellow small flowers, diameter 5 cm. Bush height 60 cm.

Chrysanthemum Korean Snowball

The inflorescences are double, small, 56 cm in diameter, white with slightly pink tips. Bush up to 60 cm high.

Chrysanthemum Korean Mishal

Small-flowered terry chrysanthemum, inflorescences 4-4.5 cm, pompon, lush, bright yellow. Blooms from September. Bush up to 40 cm high

Chrysanthemum Korean Terracotta

Flowers are double, 5-6 cm in diameter, orange hues. Bush 50-60 cm tall.

More details on the site Chrysanthemums: planting, growing, care.

Chrysanthemum bush Saba

A very original chrysanthemum color with a yellow-green core and reddish-purple sharp petals with a white border. Flower diameter 5 cm, bush height 60-70 cm.

In late autumn, private traders sell planting material for chrysanthemums in the market. Is it possible to buy them at this time of the year, and what to do with them: plant or store in the cellar until spring? How do large-flowered chrysanthemums winter?

Perennials that bloom in autumn are best divided and transplanted in spring. However, the autumn purchase of planting material has its advantages. In autumn, chrysanthemum bushes are often sold along with flowers, so you can’t go wrong in choosing a variety. In spring, when only leaves are visible on plants, late-flowering types of chrysanthemums can be purchased, which in our conditions do not have time to bloom in the ground. In September, they only form buds, and for flowering, the bushes have to be grown in a greenhouse.

HOW TO BUY. If you decide to buy chrysanthemums in the fall, choose plants that do not have buds on the stems, but wilted flowers. This increases the likelihood that this variety will bloom in the ground and not in the greenhouse. As a rule, these are small-flowered Korean chrysanthemums. They winter well, grow quickly and form a lush flowering bush.

Large-flowered varieties are very beautiful, but in the middle latitudes they are more laborious. Their growing season is long, the buds are laid late, so they need a film cover or greenhouse for flowering. For the winter, bushes of large-flowered chrysanthemums must be dug up and stored in a frost-free room with a low temperature.

It is no secret that in the market private traders sometimes give out small-flowered species for large-flowered ones and vice versa. In order not to be mistaken, when buying, pay attention to the leaves and stems. In large-flowered chrysanthemums, the leaves are larger and denser, the stems are strong, woody, the flower stalks are as thick as a pencil.

Make sure that the roots of the plants are not overdried, and the young sprouts do not have traces of rot. Give preference to divisions with a clod of earth.

HOW TO STORE. Planting material of small-flowered chrysanthemums can be stored in the cellar or planted in the ground. For storage, plant the purchased bush in a pot of earth and slightly moisten. Don't water too much or the roots will rot. Mulch the soil with sawdust or moss to reduce moisture evaporation.

In winter, make sure that the earth in the cellar does not dry out. But watering the plant is not worth it. It is enough to sometimes sprinkle the soil in a pot with water or moisten it with snow.

In the same way, the roots of large-flowered chrysanthemums are stored. With a large number of queen cells, they are added dropwise in boxes with earth. And here it is impossible to keep the roots in plastic bags, especially tie them to preserve moisture. From waterlogging in a cold cellar, fungal diseases develop, and plants die.

In April, the mother cells of chrysanthemums are taken out into the light and germinated in a cool room. This procedure allows you to speed up flowering. The first sprouts are selected for propagation and rooted. Planted in mid-May.

HOW TO PLANT. If it is difficult to keep track of chrysanthemums in the cellar, then it is worth growing only small-flowered species. They winter well outdoors. They can be planted in autumn until frost. When planting at a later date, the planting pit is made larger than an earthen clod, and the roots are covered with loose compost. The root neck is deepened by 4-5 cm. The plants are watered abundantly, and then spudded with earth.

They are additionally insulated with leaves and pressed with branches from the wind. At least one bucket of leaves is spent per plant. The landing site is marked with a peg so that in the spring it does not accidentally dig up. In the future, Korean chrysanthemums do not need to be insulated.

In harsh winters, chrysanthemums planted late can freeze slightly. In the spring they wake up reluctantly. Sometimes it seems that the bush is completely dead. But it's not worth pulling it out. Most often, shoots grow from dormant buds on roots or stems, and the plant is restored. To speed up this process, in the spring all chrysanthemums are watered with a solution of urea, even those that do not show signs of life. Good results are obtained by watering with growth stimulants, "Zircon" or "Epin", humic preparations.

You can find this article in the newspaper "Magic Garden" of 2007, No. 21.

Number of impressions: 15412

In central Russia at the end of September, frosts usually begin at night, daytime temperatures are also getting lower and lower. At this time, chrysanthemums rule the ball in the garden. There are a lot of types of chrysanthemums, each of them has its own requirements for winter maintenance. Therefore, questions about sheltering chrysanthemums in winter and how these plants are always relevant in the cold season.

In the first decade of autumn, Indian and hybrid chrysanthemums pick up buds. In our conditions, they cannot winter in the open field even under shelter; they are transferred to greenhouses or to a room. It is convenient to drop these plants in the garden right in pots in the summer, so that later they do not have to be disturbed by transplanting. These species should not be transferred immediately to a hot room with dry air, they can drop buds, you need to gradually adapt. The optimum temperature for chrysanthemums is 10 - 15 ° C, at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C, the flowering period becomes very short, the inflorescences quickly bloom and fade immediately.

Chrysanthemum large-flowered, lilac

Another thing is Korean chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum x koreanum Makai). This species has a hybrid origin, its varieties are very diverse, and their main advantage is that they successfully winter in open ground in central Russia, if, of course, the shelter of chrysanthemums for the winter is carried out correctly.

Korean chrysanthemums are small-flowered (diameter up to 10 cm) and large-flowered (more than 10 cm); and according to the type of inflorescence they are divided into single-row, double-row, double and semi-double, anemone and pompon. By height, Korean chrysanthemums are classified as follows: undersized (up to 30 cm high, beautiful bright borders are obtained from them), medium tall (from 30 to 50 cm high) and tall (up to 1 m high).

Korean chrysanthemum ‘Svemba Kars’ Daisy chrysanthemum, white Korean chrysanthemum ‘Lelia’
Chrysanthemum large-flowered 'Princess Anne' Chrysanthemum 'Batini' Chrysanthemum 'Anastasia'

For good growth, chrysanthemums need a warm, well-lit place (direct sun for at least 5 hours a day). Moisture should not stagnate at the roots, otherwise the bushes will get wet and die. The soil requires slightly acidic or neutral (5.5 - 7.0), rich in organic matter. Before planting chrysanthemums, rotted compost is introduced into the soil; sand is also added on heavy soils. It is best to plant Korean chrysanthemums in late spring - early summer, but not in autumn. Then they bloom better and winter well.

Chrysanthemum bush "Delianne"

For central Russia, it is very important to choose the right varieties. Buy early, mid-early and medium-term Korean chrysanthemums. Late varieties will not have time to show themselves in all their glory before the onset of frost.

You can name the following varieties of Korean chrysanthemums suitable for growing in the named region of our country: Talisman, Copper Thunder, Lucy, Youth (undersized); Malchish-Kibalchish, Evening Lights, Gypsy, Korean, Radiant, Svemba Kare, Radiant, Alexandrite, Flamingo, Swan Song, First Snow, Petruha (mid-sized); Helen, Orange Sunset, Isabelle, Cherry Orchard, Eugenia Grande, Evelyn Bush, Syaivo (tall, suitable for cutting, excellent in bouquets).

Chrysanthemum mid-flowered ‘Champagne splash’, pink

If you decide to purchase planting material at the end of summer - in the fall, then be prepared for the fact that even the correct shelter of chrysanthemums for the winter will not help you. Chrysanthemums do not like transplanting during the budding period - flowering, plants transplanted at this time often fall out in winter.

Many people buy chrysanthemums in the fall, because at this time their color is clearly visible and the seller cannot trick you into giving you a variety you don’t need. If you purchased chrysanthemums in a flowering state, then it is best to dig up these bushes for the winter and place them in a dry basement with a low positive air temperature.

small-flowered chrysanthemum

Another important point. Young bushes of chrysanthemums winter well. In one place, this plant grows normally for 2-3 years, and then needs to be divided. It is believed that those chrysanthemums that, in addition to flower stalks, give young green shoots at the base in autumn, safely endure the winter.

Shelter of chrysanthemums for the winter is carried out in two stages. First, mulching or hilling is carried out. As mulch, use pine bark or chopped straw (for example, from oats). Hilling is carried out with soil or neutral peat. When frosts begin and chrysanthemums wither, they must be cut: high or low - at your discretion. With high pruning in the spring, it is necessary to remove the remains of old shoots.

After the final establishment of frosty weather, Korean chrysanthemums can be covered with spruce branches, branches, and dry foliage can be sketched on top. You should not use covering materials and, in general, throw plants too tightly, because in this case they will dry out during the winter.

In the spring, it is very important to remove the shelter with chrysanthemums at the moment when young shoots begin to grow. In this case, the old shoots usually die off and they should be twisted out of the soil so that they do not interfere with the development of young shoots and do not create an environment for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi.

Other types of chrysanthemums are more thermophilic than Korean ones. For the winter, they are dug up and stored in a cold room with a temperature of +2 - +6 ° C and a relative temperature of not more than 80%. It is desirable that the room is bright. These are the optimal conditions for storing chrysanthemums in winter. The same wintering is also suitable for late flowering varieties of Korean chrysanthemums.

Usually, Korean chrysanthemums die in winter not from freezing, but from dampness. Proper planting (at the end of spring, on raised ridges with good drainage) and ventilated shelter for the winter (hilling up with a layer of light soil about 5 cm high and spruce branches) will help to avoid this.

Autumn garden decoration - chrysanthemums, this is a real joy for most summer residents. Already many plants are suitable only to cover the beds with their dry tops, and your flower beds continue to burn with gold. Of course, growing chrysanthemums outdoors is a very rewarding experience that definitely won't get in the way of any grower. A bright, unpretentious flower with a tart smell is a generous gift from nature that will prolong the summer days.

Choice number one

Among the variety of garden flowers, chrysanthemum stands out. The choice of varieties is simply amazing, while each of them is very beautiful in its own way. They don't call her the queen of autumn for nothing. Today we will talk about how chrysanthemums are grown in open ground. It's not too difficult, bright flowers will readily grow in almost any conditions. Having correctly composed the composition, you will enjoy the colorful splendor for many years in a row.

Varieties and varieties

Lush, fragrant inflorescences can not only bring variety to the backyard, they also change the life of the gardener. According to legend, they inspire optimism even in the most dull person. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is a magical activity, and it is almost impossible to stop in the choice of forms. Every time you buy another bag of seeds, you are surprised at the magnificent color of the flowers, their durability, the height of the plant, the shape of the leaves, and the degree of doubleness. And over and over again acquiring sets of seeds of different varieties, you can be sure that they will not be repeated.

If you want to see a really bright and elegant flower bed, then you definitely need to combine different varieties and shapes with each other. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is the same, no matter what kind of heads you will enjoy in the fall. The combination of curb and tall bushes in the background looks best.

Location selection

Excellent growth and lush flowering - it all depends on you. Chrysanthemum is not too demanding, but very thermophilic plant. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for her. It must be remembered that these flowers do not tolerate moisture retention and do not tolerate dark areas very well. Therefore, the lowlands are more places for lily of the valley. Choose open, sunny areas that are slightly elevated. Dampness will cause plants to die in winter, and lack of lighting leads to deformation of the green part.

Growing chrysanthemums outdoors for sale is even more interesting, as plots sell like hot cakes in the spring. However, the requirements for conditions in this case are even higher. After all, you definitely need to get a good result. For excellent flowering and rapid growth, the plant simply needs good soil. Only the optimal composition of microelements will allow you to get powerful bushes with magnificent heads. They love loose and permeable soil rich in organic matter. Therefore, if you want to prepare a place for plants in advance, dig a planting hole, fill in drainage and humus, and good, fresh soil on top. And during the warm period, be sure to apply seasonal top dressing. However, you should not be zealous. With an overabundance of nitrogen and phosphorus, the plant becomes fat. You will have huge bushes without flowers.

Sale of cut flowers

This is a very profitable business, so it is worth considering if you are seriously interested in growing chrysanthemums outdoors. Features of the variety Valentina Tereshkova, Alec Bedser suggest the formation of large inflorescences. Huge flowers on strong stems can keep fresh for a long time in vases.

Moreover, they continue to delight us with bright colors even after the onset of cold weather. Here it is necessary to clarify: the warmer the climate, the easier it will be to grow such hybrids. Quite the opposite is the case in regions with a harsh climate. Where can you easily organize the cultivation of chrysanthemums in the open field? The Kirov region with a mild climate, without sharp fluctuations, is ideal. Here you do not have to stress the plants every time, dig them up in the fall and plant them again in the spring. Thanks to this, the bushes respond with stunning flowering.

In Siberia, large-flowered chrysanthemums are planted in large pots, which are dug into the ground for the summer. With the onset of autumn cold weather, they are transferred to a room where the temperature remains around -5 degrees all winter. This way you will ensure beautiful flowering every year.


Growing chrysanthemums outdoors for sale assumes that you will occupy a fairly large area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garden for cultivation. May is the best time to decorate a flower bed. Before the onset of cold weather, the plants will have time to get stronger.

In addition, it is very important not to plant bushes in flowering form. In mid-October, such a landing is guaranteed to lead to the death of the plant. If you bought planting material late, then it is better to leave the flowers not in the open field, but indoors. A dry basement with a stable temperature is fine. But they will not tolerate dampness and low temperatures.

Some gardeners specifically arrange high beds. There is one trick here that will allow the mother plants to overwinter well and wake up very early in the spring. The bottom layer of the beds is poured from fresh manure, and on top there is already a layer of fertile soil. Burning out, it will give a lot of heat, which will allow the plants to bloom until late autumn, and with good shelter they will survive even in the most severe frosts.

Making a flower bed

With the onset of steady heat, the chrysanthemum wakes up on the street. Growing conditions in should include wintering in its permanent place. To do this, the gardener makes sure that there is no rotting of plants, that is, a flower bed must be created on a hill. With the onset of cold weather, the roots of plants are mulched, covered with hay or sawdust. From above - they fall asleep with snow, and your plantings can safely survive the whole winter.

In the spring, with the onset of heat, it is necessary to remove all covering materials, after which the plantings will start to grow. If the planting material was stored in the cellar, at the end of May it is time to prepare it for planting. Just at this time, the first frosts end.

Planting must be carried out by variety. Be sure to provide your flower bed with labels or other markers. Complex fertilizer, for example, well-rotted manure, is preliminarily added to the prepared trench. All that's left is proper care. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is not difficult, even an amateur can handle it.

So, the distance between planted plants should be from 30 to 50 cm. The larger the bush is planned, the more space it needs to leave for growth and development. Planting and transplanting must be done with a large clod of earth. Immediately after this, the earth should be abundantly watered with a solution of "Kornevin" or any other drug that promotes growth.

The climate of central Russia

In order for beautiful flowers of chrysanthemums to turn out in the fall, in the summer they need to be provided with proper care, regular watering and top dressing. The cultivation of chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is especially good. With high-quality shelter, they calmly endure frosts up to 30 degrees, and with the onset of spring they delight you with excellent flowers. Growing mother plants is very easy. We will now consider one of the options, and you will understand that any gardener can have a piece of the sun on his site.

These plants root very easily. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is also facilitated by the fact that every year you can get new plants from part of old ones or from green cuttings. Young root shoots, side shoots on old stems - all this is the material for a new bush.

There is a slight subtlety here. It is undesirable to leave plants in one place for a long time. We have already said that they do not like to be disturbed during the flowering period. This is true. But once every two years they need to be planted in good fertile soil. Otherwise, it loses its attractiveness, the branches become woody. However, if the bush has already lost its charm, it can become a parent for an entire flower bed.

Growing technology in the Urals

Here the climate is not so much harsh as unpredictable. Heavy snowfalls and frosts, winds and prolonged drought - all this makes growing chrysanthemums in the open field in the Urals a little more difficult. To make life easier for the gardener, you can advise the following option. After flowering, the stems from the mother bushes are cut with secateurs. Hemp 10-15 cm should remain. Bushes for the winter must be covered with peat crumbs, along with manure. The height of the layer should be 10-15 cm. For insulation, what is left after cleaning the garden is laid on top. These are tops and branches. In winter, snow accumulates on them.

spring work

With the onset of spring, it is necessary to remove the tops and branches. But peat sweeping is not necessary at all. This is mulch and fertilizer, without which it will be difficult to wait for good flowering. After the root growth has appeared, it is removed with a pruner. It turns out cuttings 6-7 cm long. They need to be dipped in the Kornevin solution and planted on a bed with well-fertilized soil, on top of which there is a layer of sand (about 2 cm).

Every day it is necessary to spray and water the cuttings. From above you need to stretch the film and be sure to organize shading from bright, sunny rays. Do not forget to ventilate, and after 2 weeks your plantings will give good roots.

Young plants are planted in a permanent place in May, when the threat of frost has passed. Remember to water and mulch the soil well. As soon as the height of your plants reaches 15 cm, the most painstaking work begins. To get a tall stem with a lush flower, you must definitely pinch all the side shoots and buds, leaving one. Moreover, the choice is not always obvious, the central one may turn out to be underdeveloped or ugly, so you need to carefully monitor your plant.

Gardening in Siberia

This is both a complex and very exciting process. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in Siberia is quite possible, but additional tasks fall on the gardener. First of all, you need to choose winter-hardy varieties. It can be an early Cream or Raspberry chrysanthemum, pink Perlinka or a Gift. They need to be planted on a high, dry bed, but even this does not guarantee a successful wintering.

We have already talked a lot about outdoors. Preparation for winter should be carried out very carefully. Since autumn, the plants are pruned, covered with humus and covered with spruce branches. But even in this case, it is impossible to guarantee that the flowers will overwinter safely. It happens that the cold season is unusually mild. Then there is a risk that the plants will wake up very early and may die from excess moisture under the covering material. Another time, on the contrary, the ground freezes by 2 meters, which means that the chances of survival for chrysanthemums are even less. Therefore, the only option is to take the mother bushes to a cool place. It could be a basement or a garage.

In late autumn, when the first frosts hit, the chrysanthemum is carefully dug up and placed in a 5-liter bucket. In this case, it is recommended to cut off the entire above-ground part. You can leave only lignified stumps 10-15 cm high. The dug out mother liquors must be removed to the cellar and kept at a temperature not higher than +2 degrees. Somewhere at +4, chrysanthemums will begin to sprout, which is highly undesirable.

Growing a new variety

If you are lucky enough to get good seeds, you can plant amazing plants on the site, for which all the neighbors will come to you. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors from seeds is not at all too difficult. In this way, you can grow both an annual and a perennial that will decorate your garden for a long time.

Both the first and second need to be planted in early spring. At the beginning of March, you should already have shallow boxes filled with earthen mixture on the windows. It is advisable to take ready-made, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, take greenhouse land, humus and peat. All this needs to be ignited or steamed.

Now let's start sowing. fall asleep to a depth of 0.5 cm, and perennials are simply left on the surface. Now the crops need to be watered, covered with glass and put in a warm place. Periodically, crops are checked and sprayed with water.

Planting in open ground

The gardener will have to tinker with his seedlings for a long time before they become beautiful flowering bushes. When the seedlings have emerged, they are most often very densely packed. Therefore, as soon as the second pair of leaves appears, you need to make a pick in separate cups. At the same time, try not to crush the stem. Now the care of young seedlings consists in timely watering. It is advisable to carry out hardening, that is, to take out the boxes on the balcony.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed, you need to plant seedlings in open ground. Remember that the chrysanthemum is very fond of light and warmth. Leave dark corners to other plants, and give her a place in the middle of the site. It is in such conditions that she will reveal all her beauty. And one more thing: immediately after the transplant, you need to pinch all the tops. This is not the last procedure in this season. As soon as the side shoots grow by 15-20 cm, they also need to "remove their heads". Then you will get compact bushes with many inflorescences. They will please you with a long and very abundant flowering.

For newbies

If this is your first year of gardening, then growing a small-flowered chrysanthemum in the open field will be a great option for you. These vibrant, daisy-like blooms make a wonderful fall addition to your garden. It should be noted that they are unpretentious and in a temperate climate do not need warm winter quarters. But in the conditions of Siberia, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that your plants will survive the winter. If the ground freezes too much, then most likely they will not wake up.

To do this, you can leave 2-3 mother plants that can be taken out to the cellar. And even easier - sow annuals. They will delight you until the very cold and even after the first snow they will remain bright and fresh. And then you can simply remove them and make room for new landings. In this case, you are not limited in your imagination. Flowerbeds can differ in shape and content every year.