Cochia crown description. Kohiya - charming fluffy bushes in the garden. Kochia in design

Syn.: summer cyprus, annual cypress, bassia broom, broom grass, coronal grass, izen, prutnyak, panicled cochia, coronal cochia.

Cochia broom, or Bassia broom is an annual herbaceous plant that forms an oval or pyramidal bush. The plant is native to China. It is found almost everywhere, with the exception of the Arctic. Not a medicinal plant in terms of scientific medicine, however, is widely used by folk medicine in different countries.

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In medicine

Cochia broom, or Bassia broom is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used in official medicine. For scientific medicine, this plant is of no interest. It is only known that it is in great demand in traditional medicine in China and Russia.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant is not medicinal, no contraindications have been identified due to the fact that the plant has not been studied and is not used in official medicine, therefore any use of the plant inside or outside is not recommended.

In landscape design

The plant is valued among gardeners for the interesting spherical shape of its bush. A highly branched ornamental plant, kochia broom is used in single plantings in front flower beds, in group plantings on lawns, and also as an accent note on discounts, in mixborders or front gardens near the houses of amateur decorators.

In addition, the plant is used to decorate the so-called Alpine slide, retaining wall. Made from cochia beautiful border along the path, flower bed or flower garden. Bassia broom can be cut. In the skillful hands of the master, the border of this plant, located along the flower bed, can turn into one or another geometric figure: become a wonderful oval, rectangle, battlement.

A single bush of broom cochia from the hand of a skilled florist-decorator can generally be turned into a column, a ball, an egg, a nesting doll. If there is a group of bushes on the territory, you can make the right disk or vase with flowers towering in the center. It would be best to plant crown kochia next to stones or create sheared compositions from it. The plant is great for decorating hedges and edging paths.

A decorative effect should be created from June until the first frost. If we talk about the color of the broom bass, then during the summer it has an emerald green color, and in the fall it begins to gradually change color up to red. When frost approaches, the color of the plant becomes more intense.

Moreover, each plant is painted in its own way, it turns red, then pink, some broom kochia take crimson or brownish tones, while others remain green until the very frost. All this to the fact that decorative border from broom cochia, made in August-September, this is a special sight, the plant gives it variegation, attire, perfection.

In cooking

Bassia leaves are actively used as a component of soups in Korean cuisine. They are also added to various summer salads.

In other areas

AT agriculture Bassia broom plant is used as a food base for animals, in particular, for silkworm caterpillars, because it has high nutritional properties and stable yields. Also, brooms and brooms are made from dried broom cochia, hence the name - broom.


Kochia broom (lat. Kochia scoparia) is a species of annual herbal plants and shrubs from the genus Kochia (lat. Kochia), the Amaranth family (lat. Amaranthaceae). It is important to note that at present the genus Kochia has been abolished, and all its species are distributed among several other genera of the Marevy subfamily (lat. Chenopodioideae). In particular, the species Cochia broom was assigned to the genus Bassia (lat. Bassia) and is currently referred to as Bassia broom (lat. Bassia scoparia).

Botanical description

Cochia broom is a herbaceous annual plant- semi-shrub, having a branched and densely covered with leaves erect stem. The shape of the bushes is elongated-oval or pyramidal, the height ranges from 75 cm to 1.2 m.

The leaves of cochia broom are entire, narrow-lanceolate, thin, linear, sharp, small. Covered with short fur. In young plants, they have a dark green and light green color, closer to autumn they acquire a yellow, orange, pink or crimson hue.

Bassia flowers are also small, have green color, collected 1-5 pieces in glomeruli and in inflorescences having a spike shape. Hidden in the axils of the apical leaves. Flowers inconspicuous, spicate or paniculate.

The fruit is a one-seeded nut. The seeds of kochia broom are small. For comparison: 1500 seeds is 1 gram. The plant forms and takes its shape in early June, and the bassia broom blooms in July-September.


China is the birthplace of kochia broom, but this plant can be found on almost all continents except Antarctica. Grows wild in North America, Asia, India, the Mediterranean, the Carpathians, Europe and Australia. On the territory of Russia, kokhiya broom grows in Siberia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus and the Far East.

The plant can be found in the sands, on salt marshes, as a weed in gardens and orchards, along dusty roads, in landfills and at altitudes up to 1000 m above sea level. Grows both singly and in groups. Grows well in fertile and well-drained soils. Light-requiring, but perfectly tolerates partial shade. Cochia broom is cultivated everywhere as an ornamental plant.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

It is necessary to collect raw kochia broom in the fall, when its stems gradually begin to dry out. Healing raw materials are seeds. It must be borne in mind that the seeds of broom cochia quickly crumble, so you will have to hurry with the collection. To do this, carefully cut the branches of the bushes with scissors or secateurs, and then fold them on a clean cloth.

After that, the seeds are manually beaten, cleaning them as thoroughly as possible from the remnants of foliage, insects and stems. Keeping such blanks is as easy as shelling pears: rinse them with warm running water, dry and pack in small plastic containers or cloth bags. You can also use ordinary plastic bags. The main thing in all this business is to store the seeds away from sources of cold and moisture.

Also, the healing raw material is the above-ground part of the broom bass. The collection of this raw material should be carried out at the beginning of the autumn period. Need to cut right amount branches, placing them for drying on a balcony or attic. As soon as the raw material dries (about 3-5 days), grind and pack in storage containers.

Chemical composition

Organic acids, flavonoids, coumarins were found in the roots of cochia broom. The aerial part of the plant contains organic acids and the following steroids: stigmasterol, sitosterol, campesterol; alkaloids: harmine, harmine.

Organic acids, coumarins, saponins were found in the stems of the plant. The leaves contain saponins, tannins. Fatty oil, saponins, tannins were found in the fruits of cochia broom. The seeds contain saponins.

Pharmacological properties

Medicinal properties cochia broom have not been studied. The plant is not of interest to official medicine. Nevertheless, the broom bassiya is successfully used in folk medicine, where, however, its healing effect on the body has not been proven in any way.

Application in traditional medicine

In Chinese folk medicine, the fruits and leaves of cochia broom are included in the composition of medicinal ointments intended for the treatment of certain diseases of the nails and skin. Asian herbalists use the aerial part of Bassia broom, making herbal infusion from it, used as a tonic, diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative.

Also Chinese ethnoscience uses broom bass as a remedy that eliminates itching, and mature dried fruits are used not only in ointments and decoctions, but also for washing and fumigating. One of the famous medicinal "dishes" of Chinese traditional medicine is a soup with fresh leaves of bassia broom.

Siberian folk healers treat rheumatism, dropsy, urolithiasis, and rabies with an infusion of cochia broom. Doctors from the Altai hinterland make a powder from the seeds of bassia broom, which is used as a diuretic, tonic and stimulant for cardiac activity.

Herbalists from Romania make a decoction of the fruits of cochia broom, using it as a diuretic for gonorrhea, for diseases Bladder, with edema of cardiac and renal origin, with eczema.

History reference

The genus Kochia was named after the German botanist Wilhelm Daniel Joseph (Joseph) Koch. If you look into modern scientific publications devoted to cochia broom, you can find its new name - bassia broom. This happened as a result of the abolition of the Kochia clan. Among the people, for a clear and nice shape bush, resembling outwardly cypress, the plant was dubbed "annual cypress", "summer cypress". Since brooms are made from cochia broom, it has another name - “broom grass”.


1. Genus 412. Kochia, Izen - Kochia Roth // Flora of the USSR: in 30 volumes / ch. ed. V. L. Komarov. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1936. - T. VI / ed. Volumes B. K. Shishkin. - S. 127-134. - 956, XXXVI p.

2. Chuvikova A. A., Potapov S. P., Koval A. A., Chernykh T. G. Educational book for a florist. - M.: Kolos, 1980.

3. Medvedev P. F., Smetannikova A. I. fodder plants European part of the USSR. - L.: Kolos, 1981. - 336 p.

4. Amaranth // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.

5. Amaranth // A - Engobe. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / editor-in-chief A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 1).

6. Sem. III. Chenopodiaceae Less. // Flora of the USSR: in 30 volumes / ch. ed. V. L. Komarov. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1936. - T. VI / ed. Volumes B. K. Shishkin. - S. 2-354. - 956, XXXVI p. - 5200 copies.

7. Kai Müller and Thomas Borsch - Phylogenetics of Amaranthaceae based on matK/trnK sequence data - Evidence from parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian analyses. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 92(1): 66-102.

Kochia is an ornamental leafy plant from the Marev family. Her home is East Asia and Africa, although for a long time it has been actively cultivated around the world. Among the people, kochia is also known under the names "summer cyprus", "bassia", "izen", "annual cypress", "broom grass", "prutnyak". slender, lush bushes represent a great scope for the creativity of gardeners. They decorate fences, borders and flower beds. The unpretentious nature allows even a beginner to master the care of the plant.

Botanical description

Kochia - perennial or annual decorative culture with a fast growing crown. The genus includes herbaceous and semi-shrub forms. They acquire an attractive appearance already in early June and persist until the first frost. The average height of kochia is 60-80 cm. It consists of many thin, highly branched shoots along the entire length. At the base is an upright woody stem.

Some people, when they first see kochia, refer to it as coniferous plants. The reason for this is very narrow leaves that resemble needles. However, the leaves, like top part shoots - very soft and pleasant to the touch. Narrow leaves have a short pubescence. Young kochia are covered with light green, emerald leaves, but within just a few months they change to pink and crimson.

Except decorative leaves, kochia has flowers, but tiny buds do not attract attention. They gather in paniculate inflorescences in the axils of the apical leaves. After pollination, miniature nuts ripen. Each bears only one seed, which remains viable for two years.

Types and varieties of cochia

The genus Kochia has about 80 species. In our country, only some of them are used in ornamental gardening.

Unpretentious and drought-resistant plant forms spherical bushes. In autumn, the crown turns red-burgundy tones. The plant is able to withstand even slight frosts, so it will please with a decorative appearance until late autumn.

The variety forms slender, elongated bushes up to 1 m high and 50-70 cm wide. Narrow, pubescent leaves are painted light green in spring, and become burgundy by autumn. The plant prefers sunny areas and can grow in poor soils.

Compact spherical bushes do not exceed 50 cm in height. Branching shoots are densely covered with light green foliage. It does not change color throughout the year.

Based listed species breeders have bred several ornamental varieties:


Kochia is grown from seeds. They can be planted previously on seedlings or directly in open ground. Cochia seedlings are sown from the end of March to the end of April. For sowing prepare shallow boxes that fill garden soil and sand. It is advisable to ignite the soil before use. The earth is moistened and they try to evenly distribute small seeds on the surface. They are pressed with a plank and not sprinkled. The container is left in a room with an air temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C. In order for seeds to germinate, sunlight must fall on them.

When shoots appear, the temperature should be lowered to +10°C. With the advent of three true leaves, kochia dive into small pots. In each container with a diameter of 10 cm, 3 seedlings can be planted. At the end of May, when the spring frosts pass, seedlings 10-15 cm high can be planted in open ground. Kochia loves space, so there should be a distance of 30 cm between the bushes.

It is allowed to sow kochia immediately in open ground. This is usually done in the southern regions, in the second half of May. Possible autumn plantings, then the kochia will sprout after the snow melts. In favorable conditions, abundant self-seeding is observed. Seeds are able to withstand light frosts, but young shoots can die immediately from the cold. Before sowing, the flower bed should be dug up, and a small amount of peat and sand should be added. Seeds are spread on the surface and carefully watered. Shoots are expected in 10-12 days.

Care rules

Caring for kochia is not difficult. The plant is very unpretentious and is distinguished by vitality. However, it is important to choose the right place for it.

Lighting. AT natural environment kochia is an inhabitant of rocky and desert areas. It suits well-lit areas. You can grow kochia in partial shade, but then the bushes cease to be so dense and stretch out.

The soil. It is important that the soil is well-drained, easy to pass water and air to the roots. It should be neutral or slightly acidic. Several times during the season, the soil should be loosened and weeded. Low-lying areas that are subject to flooding are contraindicated for the plant. root system Kochia needs space, so you can not grow a flower in pots. As soon as the rhizome becomes crowded, the crown stops growing and flowers appear. The same problem occurs when there is insufficient distance between plants.

Watering. Kohiya is a drought-resistant plant, so it can be content with natural rainfall. If the summer turned out to be too dry, the leaves begin to fall. In this case, watering will benefit.

Fertilizer. For active growth, kochia needs regular top dressing. The first one is applied 2 weeks after planting. Next, monthly fertilize the soil with a solution mineral fertilizers or organics. You can use mullein, as well as ash. Additional top dressing is made after each haircut so that the bush can recover faster.

Pruning. The crown of the kochia is so dense and uniform that it can be given any shape. This may not only be geometric figures, but also complex garden sculptures. Shoots grow quickly enough, so you can cut them 1-2 times a month.

plant in landscape design

Kohiya is widely used in landscape design. Single plants are planted in the front flower bed and give them necessary form. You can also make a whole ensemble of several bushes. In addition to the variety of forms, good effect gives a combination of plants with different colors of foliage. Group plantings of undersized varieties are used for edging the lawn or decorating paths.

Cochias look great in rockeries, rock gardens, against the background of high stones or near fountains. high grades can be used as hedges or for decorating outbuildings.

Emerald varieties are suitable for creating a bright blooming background. With the help of group planting, you can create the effect of a vase in which they will bloom tall plants with bright buds. Variegated varieties with crimson or purple foliage look better in the middle of a lawn.

Use of kochia

In addition to its decorative function, cochia is used as a medicinal and fodder crop. In folk medicine, young shoots and seeds are used. They are dried and used to make decoctions and alcoholic tinctures. Medicines have the following effect:

  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • stimulating;
  • cardiotonic;
  • bactericidal.

Cochia preparations also help reduce the symptoms of eczema, erysipelas, and gonorrhea. In oriental medicine, creams are made from the shoots to strengthen nails and skin.

Young shoots of kochia after pruning can be given to feed livestock. On specialized farms, they are used to grow silkworms. In some countries, young foliage is used in cooking for cooking first courses. Cases of using cochia to produce soda are known.

Kochia (Kochia) - a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, sometimes semi-shrubs, belonging to the Chenopodiaceae family, has about 80 species growing in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia. The most common species used in floriculture is the broom kochia (Kochia scoparia). This annual plant is also called "summer cypress" because of its resemblance to this exotic plant. The plant has been known in culture since the 17th century.

For landscaping, two varieties of broom cochia are most often used: hairy (var. Trichophylla) and Childs (var. Childsii). These two varieties are very similar. In a short period, a dense beautiful erect bush grows up to 100-120 cm high, sometimes up to 150 cm, elongated-oval or oval-pyramidal in shape, densely branching. The leaves are small, narrow, linear-lanceolate, narrowed into a petiole at the base. By autumn, the color of the leaves of hairy cochia changes from green to red-carmine, and in Childs cochia, the leaves remain green throughout the growing season. Flowers solitary, inconspicuous. It gives a lot of seeds. Seeds are small in 1 g - 1400 pieces, remain viable for 1-2 years.

Kochia is photophilous, tolerates only light short frosts. Prefers rich in humus, loose, non-acidic and non-moist soils. Plants can be grown in seedling and seedless method. For seedlings, seeds are sown in cold greenhouses in April, thick seedlings are thinned out or seedlings are planted in separate pots 7x7 cm or 7x8 cm in size.

On the permanent place plant in the ground when the threat of frost has passed. When return frosts, planted plants must be covered with spunbond or paper caps. In the conditions of Belarus, seeds can be sown directly in open ground from early to mid-May. Sometimes they spend winter sowing. Under favorable conditions, kokhiya quite often gives self-sowing.

Kochia is easy to care for. If necessary, carry out thinning, weeding and loosening the soil. Plants are placed at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Kohii are responsive to top dressing, which is carried out every 10-15 days during the period of active growth. For top dressing, complex universal fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants are used. Fertilizing after cutting plants is especially important. With a lack of soil nutrients kochia will not please with its lush crown. Watering is carried out only in very hot dry periods.

The use of cochia in landscaping is diverse. It is used for solitary and group plantings, creating borders, low, decorating compositions on lawns, in front gardens and yards. Kohiya easily tolerates a haircut. Thanks to this, plants can be used for, giving it any attractive shape: a ball, a cone, a pyramid, or some kind of animal. The formative haircut is carried out in the second half of June, then every 7-10 days the plants are trimmed. This splendor is only for the season, but next year you can experiment with giving the plants new forms.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Sciences
Ivanovich A.A.

Cochia broom is beautifully called summer cypress. This ornamental plant not only decorates plots, city flower beds and parks, but also goes to ... making brooms and feeding pets. AT middle lane Russian cochia is usually grown through seedlings.

Description of cochia broom

(Kochia scoparia) is a type of cochia. Annual and perennial herbaceous plants and subshrubs with upright branched stems belong to the Marev family. They are found on almost every continent. Kohiya broom grows wild in the south of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the southwestern part of Siberia. There is a lot of it in China, India, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, the Crimea, the Carpathians and other places.

This is an annual, having an elongated oval-shaped bushes. Their height is 75 - 100 cm. The plant is decorative, it has been known in culture since 1629! The most widespread are two varieties of broom cochia: cochia childs (var. childsii) and hairy ( var. trichophylla).

Sowing cochia seeds for seedlings

Bags of domestic and foreign varietal seeds are sold in many stores. Seed manufacturers recommend sowing cochia seeds for seedlings from March to April 20 and planting seedlings in the ground in last decade May. That is why we have included kochia in the list of crops, the seedlings of which begin to be prepared as early as March (article). Many gardeners follow these guidelines. No one should be embarrassed by the small weight of seeds in each package (for example, 0.2 g). This is a lot, since the seeds are so small that one gram contains more than 1400 pcs.

Kohiya is the plant with which you can safely experiment. Absolutely everything. Even at the stage of sowing seeds. I have long abandoned the recommended sowing dates. First of all, in March, the lack of space on the windowsills is already affecting. In April, it is impossible to put another sowing container on the overflowing window sills. Sowing seeds in open field in March - early April is not even considered due to cold weather. Therefore, I sow kochia seeds in early May in a greenhouse or seedling bed, covered with a film that can be replaced with lutrasil. When sowing, I scatter the seeds over the surface of the beds, then lightly tamp the soil and sprinkle on top with a very thin (millimeter) layer of a mixture of sand and peat.

Shoots appear surprisingly quickly and amicably. They are very different from those that grow on the windowsill. "Street" look like light green spruce shoots. Soon, a ribbon of soft fluffy "Christmas trees" turns green on the seedling bed. I water them from a watering can, while lutrasil can not be removed.

When the threat is over spring frosts, seedlings of cochia are planted in a permanent place on the site (at a distance of 30 cm - 50 from each other). I am in no hurry to plant, despite the recommendations of seed companies. Cold weather spoils the emerald color of seedlings. When temperatures drop, kochia leaves take on an inappropriate reddish hue in spring. There are usually no problems with planting seedlings. By this time, its height reaches 10 - 20 cm. If a mixture of varieties was sown, then it is already clearly visible how different all the bushes will be. In some, the leaves look like short needles, in others they resemble threads. The bushes also differ in the degree of pubescence. Plants are already so strong that they can be immediately included in garden compositions. Some of the small bushes I line up in one row, others I place in flower beds, among stones, or I plant them in suitable containers. It must be taken into account that in flower pots (balcony boxes, containers, etc.) kochia grows less lush. Even in summer, it often changes its light green or emerald foliage color to autumn. Forms seeds faster.

Seedlings are planted in holes previously filled with water. A few days after planting, seedlings are protected from the sun. You can throw pieces of lutrasil on it. At noon, kochia seedlings can lose elasticity and become lethargic. But evening watering returns her former harmony.

Kochia care

Place. Kochia is best grown in a bright place: sunny or in light partial shade. unpretentious plant does not suffer from the sun, nor from the wind, nor from the rain. We often have impulses strong wind laid on the ground plastic crates with cochia planted in one row. She did not suffer from this, remaining completely whole and fluffy.

The soil. Undemanding (of course, within reasonable limits) kochia is amazing. In nature, kochia weeds not only in vegetable gardens, but also grows in landfills, along roads, in the foothills and even on salt marshes. In order for the plant to grow as in the picture, humus, peat and sand must be added to the loam.

Top dressing. Kohiya broom, which survives in wastelands and landfills, loves to be looked after. It is responsive to the application of fertilizers, especially liquid ones. It can be fed with diluted mullein infusion, ash infusion or complex fertilizers for garden plants.

A haircut. Forming an adult kochia is a pleasure. From fluffy bushes, you can cut out pyramids, balls, "eggs", columns and other shapes that will keep their shape for a long time. Kochia's haircut is painless. I sometimes plant several young plants at once together to get a more lush and rich color scheme bush. Such a bush is easy to turn with the help of garden scissors into any figure.

Reproduction. Kochia propagates by seeds. In the suburbs, usually seedlings.

Kochia blooms in summer. She has very uninteresting small flowers collected in inflorescences. In their place, by the end of summer, many tiny one-seeded nuts appear. If they are collected, then next year You can't buy seeds. In more southern regions, this plant reproduces by self-sowing. Seedlings are used as seedlings.

Decorative kochia

Kochia is planted in flower beds. It makes borders. This plant looks great in flower pots and boxes that are displayed on the patio in front of the house. You can plant marigolds, fragrant tobacco, asters, snapdragons and many other annuals next to kochia. And you can make a low fluffy hedge or a screen, placing the bushes in one line.

With the onset of autumn cold weather, the decorative effect of kochia does not decrease. Some plants turn crimson red, purple, pink or yellow. Others take on a distinct bronze hue. Each variety has its own shade of color. Kochia is good all autumn.

The combination of such advantages as decorativeness and simplicity of agricultural technology make it possible to use this densely leafy plant in the design of the site.

Dried branches of kochia wonderfully replenish dry bouquets. They are included in winter compositions.

Medicinal qualities of cochia

Not everyone knows that cochia broom belongs to medicinal plants. Its leaves, stems, flowers, fruits and seeds are used. The infusion of the herb has cardiotonic, diaphoretic, tonic, laxative and diuretic properties. They drink it for rheumatism, urolithiasis and dropsy. It is believed that there are no contraindications for cochia.

With furunculosis, traditional healers advise drinking an infusion of dry herb broom kochia (10 g per 1 cup of boiling water). It is insisted for 1 hour. Drink 3 times a day for 1/3 of a glass.

A decoction and powder of the herb is taken for cystitis and to stimulate cardiac activity. It must be remembered that alcohol tincture cochia causes a state of arousal.

A decoction of fruits (and seeds) helps with problems associated with bladder disease, erysipelas, eczema. It relieves edema of renal and cardiac origin. Decoction and seed powder are a good remedy strengthening cardiac activity.

For eczema, 10 g of dry chopped grass is boiled for 4 minutes over low heat in 200 ml of water, insisted for 2 hours, filtered and drunk in three doses during the day.

Edema is relieved by taking powder from dry kochia leaves. A pinch of powder is taken 3 times a day with water.

Chinese traditional medicine considers kochia ( difu) as a remedy that eliminates moist heat, itching, dispels wind. Ripe dried fruits difuzi) is used not only in ointments, infusions and decoctions (for oral administration), but also for washing and fumigation. Kochia is known in China as medicinal plant, which can be used almost entirely. There are ointments for the treatment of nails and skin. They contain leaves, fruits and tops of bushes. Cochia grass is fed to silkworm caterpillars.

I read that soup with fresh kochia leaves is very useful for health.

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Latin title. Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad

Chinese name. ?? difu / difu

Family. Marevy (Swan) - Chenopodiaceae

Life form. annual herbaceous plant

Botanical description. Stem 30-150 cm tall, green, reddening in autumn, strongly branched, with branches directed obliquely upwards, covered with curly hairs in the upper part. Leaves alternate, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, pointed, narrowed into a petiole at the base, usually trinervous, glabrous or with short adpressed hairs, long-ciliated at the edges. The inflorescence is broadly paniculate, giving the kochia the appearance of a tumbleweed. Flowers 1-5 in the axils of the bracts. Perianth in bisexual flowers during fruiting transversely keeled, in the middle of the keel - with a tubercle, less often - with developed wings. AT female flowers the keel is usually not developed. Seeds ovoid, 1.5-2.0 mm long.

Phenology. Blooms from July to October; fruits ripen in autumn.

Area. Occasionally found in the south of European Russia, in Primorye and the Amur region, rarely in the southwest Western Siberia. Often found in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Southern Europe, North Africa, Front, South and South-East Asia, including many provinces in China.

Habitat. Often found in garbage places, along roads, in settlements, in vegetable gardens, orchards, along roads, on sandy and saline soils.

Cultivation. Cultivated in Russia, China and other Asian and European countries as ornamental plant and for the manufacture of brooms.

Raw material. Dried ripe fruits difuzi / difuzi (Semina Kochiae).

Chemical composition. The herb contains saponins, tannins, organic acids, steroids (β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, etc.), alkaloids (harman, harmine), coumarins, flavonoids and hydropyridine derivatives - phyllocactin and isophyllocactin. Flowering tops contain betaine. Saponins, tannins, fatty oil, steroids (β-ecdysone, 5,20-dihydroxyecdysone, 24-methylene-β-ecdysone, 24-methyl-β-ecdysone and polypodin) were found in the fruits.

biological activity. Eliminates damp heat, disperses wind, eliminates itching. Infusion of herbs - cardiotonic, tonic, laxative and diaphoretic. A decoction of fruits or seeds has a diuretic, tonic and stimulating effect on the heart.

Indications for use. An infusion of herbs is prescribed for painful and difficult urination, itching in the vaginal area, accompanied by leucorrhoea, as well as rubella, eczema, and skin itching. According to other sources, the herb is used for dropsy, rheumatism, urolithiasis, constipation, bites of a rabid dog. A decoction and powder are taken for gonorrhea, cystitis, and a decline in cardiac activity. In Chinese medicine, a decoction of the fruit is taken for gonorrhea, diseases of the bladder and urinary tract. Seeds are part of the ointments used for certain diseases of the skin and nails. In experiments on mice, the non-toxicity of cochia preparations was established. A tincture of the herb has shown hypotensive and breath-stimulating effects.

Contraindications. No.

Application. For oral administration, 9-15 g of fruits per day are prescribed. For external use, boil the right amount of raw materials for washing and fumigation