All about the correct planting of strawberries in the fall (in August and September). Rules for planting strawberries in autumn in open ground How to plant garden strawberries in autumn

Strawberries are one of the most beloved berries. Many summer residents in the fall begin to plant it on their plots. How to do it right and in what time frame? The secrets of planting and caring for strawberries in the autumn are described in the article. How to properly plant bushes under black covering material or in open ground? We recommend that you read the tips and reviews of experienced gardeners, watch the video and start planting work at your dacha.

Summer residents start planting strawberries in the second half of August - September

Strawberries: planting in the fall, how to do it right and when?

Summer residents start planting strawberries in the second half of August - September. In the southern regions of our country, in Krasnodar Territory, on the Crimean peninsula and in Ukraine, strawberries can be planted in October. Exact dates depend on weather conditions in the region. The main thing is to have time to plant it on time so that the bush takes root before the first frost arrives.

AT northern regions, in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Moscow region, in middle lane Russian strawberries are planted not in autumn, but at the end of summer. Optimal time for planting work falls on the end of July - August. If the autumn is warm, then work can be carried out no later than the first week of September.

For planting, summer residents are trying to buy fruitful seedlings. When buying, each bush is recommended to be carefully examined for damage by diseases and pests. It is important to purchase seedlings that have at least 4-5 full leaves with a well-developed root system. The length of the roots should be about 10 cm. If there are a lot of leaves, then the lateral ones are carefully removed, leaving only the central ones in the amount of 3-4 pieces. long roots can be shortened with garden shears.

We invite you to learn about the most productive varieties strawberries:

Before planting, strawberries must be prepared. To this end, the seedlings are soaked for 30 minutes in a growth stimulant solution, for example, "Epine", and then in any antifungal agent. You can use Fitosporin. After that, a solution is prepared from humus or clay of a semi-thick consistency and strawberry roots are dipped in it.

So that the strawberry harvest is already in next year was rich, and the berries are delicious, before planting, it is necessary to properly prepare the ground. It is dug up, leveled with a rake so that the soil is as loose as possible. If pests are found in the ground during the preparation of the site for planting strawberries, it is recommended to decontaminate the soil. For this, the preparations "Confidor", "Bazudin" are suitable.

Strawberries love sunny, windless areas. The predecessors of the berry should be legumes, green manure, onions, garlic. You should not plant seedlings after tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, cabbage, sunflower. Any crops that impoverish the soil are poor strawberry precursors.

The key to good engraftment of bushes and their productivity is mulching the planting holes with humus, compost, peat. From mineral fertilizers use potassium, superphosphate or wood ash.

Strawberries: planting and care in the open field autumn Yu

It is recommended to start planting strawberries in open ground on a cloudy, rainy, calm day or in the evening after sunset. On hot days, strawberries do not take root well, as the soil dries quickly and the plants suffer from the heat. On the selected site, rows are first made about 15 cm deep, the soil is well moistened. The distance between rows should be about 50-70 cm, and between the bushes - 20-25 cm.

Planting strawberries in the fall is as follows, namely:

  1. A bush is placed in the prepared hole, its roots are straightened.
  2. The roots are sprinkled with moist soil, the earth is gently compacted. When planting, it is important to sprinkle all the roots, and in no case should the middle of the bush be covered with soil.
  3. The hole is re-watered and mulched with humus and straw.

After planting, it consists in watering, loosening the soil, mulching with straw, top dressing, protection from diseases and pests. By providing planting with such care, the summer resident stimulates the intensive development of the roots.

After planting, it is important to provide strawberries with regular watering. Summer residents recommend watering 3-4 times a week. In rainy periods, the frequency of watering is reduced, and in sunny weather, their quantity and quality should be increased. It is worth giving preference to drip irrigation, as this will not get moisture on the leaves.

Care for strawberries after planting includes frost protection, especially when it comes to the northern regions. Landings should be covered with straw, covering material, pine needles or leaves. In the spring, protection is removed as soon as the frosts go away.

Planting strawberries under black covering material l

Agrofibre has long been used by summer residents when planting strawberries. It not only perfectly retains moisture under the bush, but also protects the bush from pests and prevents weeds from growing. The technology of planting strawberries under black covering material greatly simplifies care, facilitates the work of the summer resident, and allows you to spend less time servicing the strawberry garden.

In winter, strawberries planted under agrofibre are better protected from severe frosts. If black covering material is used, the roots receive more heat, which has a positive effect on strawberry yields.

Experienced gardeners prepare in advance a bed of a size that corresponds to the width of the covering material. It is better to carry out calculations in advance so that the material lies butt-to-edge and there is no large overlap. Agrofibre is fixed with special pins or wire. It is better to fix it around the perimeter with a board, paving slabs, improvised material.

The next step is to start marking. Chalk is used for this. Bushes can be staggered. The distance between them should be on average 20x70 cm. Using construction knife, cut holes in the indicated places. The corners of the material are bent outward. In these places, holes are dug 15-20 cm deep, and then filled with water. A bush is placed in each hole, the roots are straightened, sprinkled with soil. Strawberries do not need to be placed too deep. It is enough to sprinkle the roots with damp earth and leave the center of the bush clean.

How to plant strawberries in the fall, video:

Do you want to properly plant strawberries in the fall under black covering material? Read tips and reviews experienced summer residents to avoid common mistakes. Planting strawberries in the fall under agrofibre or in open ground is a simple task, but still worth following simple rules. If everything is done correctly, then next season strawberries will give bountiful harvest berries.

Strawberries are one of the most delicious berry crops and every gardener, when planning a plot, must allocate a bed for strawberries. Its productivity depends on the correct planting and care of this crop. Having planted strawberries in autumn, already next spring you can take the first harvest of fragrant and tasty berries.

For gardeners who grow strawberries on their plot, the beginning of the fruiting of this crop is the most long-awaited moment.

Strawberries planted in the spring quite often do not bring the expected harvest in the current year. In most cases, fruiting begins the next season, as in summer the plants lay buds and increase their green mass.

In addition, in the spring it is not always and not everywhere possible to plant strawberries. In many regions, snow falls from the plots for a long time or the ground remains frozen.

When planted in autumn, seedlings have time to take root before the first frost and in spring, the plantation, with proper care, gives its first crop.

The timing of planting strawberries is divided into 3 stages and depends on climatic features regions:

  • early autumn (August 10-September 20);
  • mid-autumn (September 25-October 15);
  • late autumn (a month before the first frost).

By wintering with such a planting, the plants have time to get stronger and form fruit buds.

The highest yield is observed after early and mid-autumn planting. When planted late, the bushes are often damaged by frost.

Proper planting of strawberries in the fall

Not only the health of the plants depends on the correct planting of strawberries, but also the ability to painlessly endure the winter and quickly grow in the spring, giving their first harvest.

The choice of strawberry seedlings must be taken with all responsibility. From what seedlings will be planted depends on the yield, size and taste of the fruit.

When propagating their strawberries, the most productive bushes no older than 3 years are selected. Even in the summer, the nearest 2 whiskers are separated from them, while others are removed. The transplanted plants are gaining strength and are ready for planting in the main place by autumn.

Strawberry varieties that do not allow mustaches are propagated by dividing the bush. At the same time, the bush is dug up and divided into sockets. For planting, the strongest plants with developed roots are taken.

If strawberries are planted for the first time or the gardener decides to start a new one, then a variety or varieties are selected.

For landing in different regions the most suitable varieties are: Tsaritsa, Festivalnaya, Gigant Jorneya, Anniversary Moscow, Gigantella maxi, Crown, Alba, Elsanta, Everest, Divnaya, Albion, Ruby Pendant, Marshal, Asia, Bogotá, Elan F1, Brighton, Zenga, Queen Elizabeth II, Bereginya, Victoria, Holiday, Clery, Cardinal, Honey and others.

Strawberry variety Alba

To extend the fruiting time of strawberries, different beds you can plant varieties with different ripening dates. For example, early-ripening Julia and mid-ripening Baby Elephant or Lord. You can choose remontant plants, for example, Albion, Wim Rin. Or take fast-growing and disease-resistant varieties of Chamoru Turusi, Clery.

All seedlings should have at least 3 leaves, a dense core and a well-developed root at least 5 centimeters long. If the strawberry roots are longer than 10 centimeters, they can be trimmed.

When buying, do not a large number bushes and when planting plants in late dates it is better to opt for plants sold in pots with a closed root system. In this case, strawberries will quickly take root in a new place and will not freeze out in winter.

When choosing a bed for planting strawberries, you need to consider several factors:

  1. The land on the site should be loose and fertile. Strawberry roots must be provided with access to nutrients, moisture and air.
  2. The bed should not be shaded. Strawberries, with the exception of shade-tolerant varieties, do not like close proximity to trees, overgrown shrubs, fences and buildings.
  3. The area where strawberries will grow should not be located in a lowland and be flooded. It is better to choose a place for beds on a slope or hill on the south or south-west side.
  4. Previous crops affect the composition of the soil, often impoverishing or infecting it with diseases and pests. The susceptibility of strawberries to diseases and pests depends on which plants were grown in the selected area before strawberries.

And the place of carrots, beets, greens, radishes, green manure, bulbous crops.

After peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplant and cabbage, there is a risk of viruses infecting strawberries.

Beds for strawberries need to be prepared in advance, 1.5-2 weeks before planting.

AT clay earth the culture will grow poorly, which will affect fruiting. For planting in such a site, the soil must first be prepared. To improve air permeability, a large river sand or steamed sawdust and rotted humus. On the square meter plot, a bucket of sand (sawdust) and 2 buckets of humus are introduced.

AT loamy soil to increase fertility, humus, rotted manure or compost is introduced. In their absence, they are replaced by double superphosphate with potassium sulfate (35 grams per square meter).

On a turf plot, 3-4 kilograms of sawdust are applied per square meter.

On sandy soil, rotted manure, compost or peat is introduced (a bucket of raw materials per square meter of soil).

Clay soil is often combined with deep peat. Such land has hyperacidity. To reduce it, wood ash is introduced into the soil (1 glass per square meter).

If the earth has low acidity, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate is added to it.

On the alkaline soils rotted needles or peat are introduced (10 kilograms per square meter).

The site is cleared of weeds and dug up. For each square meter of beds, 10 kilograms of organic matter, 20 grams of potassium sulfate and 60 grams of superphosphate are added.
The earth is dug up to the depth of a shovel.

The day before planting, the soil is dug up again and loosened with a rake.

To rid the beds with strawberries from weeds and provide them with sufficient access to moisture, it is recommended to plant a crop under agrofiber.

This material not only protects plants from weeds and helps to retain moisture in the soil, but also easily passes air to the roots of plants. Agrofibre keeps a higher temperature in the ground and allows you to collect more early harvest strawberries in spring.

Agrofibre simplifies plant care and improves conditions for strawberry growth. More heat under the material protects plants from freezing, which is also an important factor, especially in places where long cold winters.

For planting strawberries, it is better to choose a cloudy day or evening. If strawberries have a large number of leaves, they break off and no more than 4 pieces are left. Seedlings are lowered into a container with a growth biostimulant 1-2 hours before planting.

Several studs are made from the wire to fix the agrofiber on the ground. A canvas is spread over the beds and fixed with studs around the perimeter. If several strips of agrofibre are taken, the studs are installed along the connection line. The material is laid out in this case in an overlap. Additionally, the material is pressed down along the edges with bricks, boards, reinforcement bars or sprinkled with earth.

On the agrofibre, marks are made with chalk in those places where seedlings will be planted. The distance between plants should be 25-50 centimeters (depending on varietal features strawberries).

Cuts are made crosswise on the marks with a knife or garden shears. The resulting corners are bent outward.

Shallow holes are made under the incisions, which are filled with settled water. The corners of the agrofibre are bent inside the holes. Seedlings are laid out in holes. The roots of the plants are straightened, sprinkled and gently pressed with earth.

The earth should not fill up the cores of plants, otherwise they will start to hurt!

Planted bushes are watered and mulched with peat, humus or dry soil.

In order to simplify the care of strawberries, many gardeners plant them under a black film. With this planting, water evaporation is reduced, which reduces the need for frequent watering. The structure of the soil also improves, the berries ripen faster.

A bed for strawberries, which will be covered with a film, is pre-loosened and leveled. If there are several beds, then the gap between them with a width of 80-90 centimeters is taken into account.

Along the perimeter of the edge of the spread black film fixed with stakes or sprinkled with earth, pressed down with bricks. Markings are made with chalk on the film with a step of 25-50 centimeters.

With garden shears, X-shaped holes with a diameter of 15 centimeters are cut on the covering material. The edges are folded over. Holes are made in the ground with a depth equal to 15 centimeters. The edges of the film are folded inward. The holes are watered.

After that, bushes are placed in the muddy ground. When falling asleep with earth, it is not necessary to bury the plants. After planting, strawberries are watered with settled water. The soil around the plants is mulched with a layer of dry earth or rotted humus.

From proper care for planted strawberries, it depends on how easily it will endure the winter and will bear fruit in the future.

Immediately after planting, the land near the young bushes is mulched with rotted humus or peat. With the onset winter period additional mulching of plants with peat, needles is carried out.

The first week after planting, strawberries are watered daily. Then watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week.

When the bushes take root, watering is reduced, but the earth must be constantly kept moist and loose.

Watering is carried out in the morning. Water pours so that drops of moisture do not fall on the foliage. At first, the bushes are watered from a watering can, then you can use a garden hose for this.

top dressing

10 days after planting the bushes, the bushes are fed with urea (30 grams per 10 liters of water). For each strawberry bush, a liter of such a solution is required. Fed plants are spilled with plain water. After 2 weeks, top dressing is repeated.

Planted bushes with 3-4 leaves are not cut off for the winter, but, on the contrary, are left to grow leaves. When whiskers appear, they must be removed, as they interfere with the full development of plants.

Preparing strawberry plantings for winter

With the onset of cold weather, strawberries need to be prepared for wintering. So that in late autumn and winter the plants do not freeze out, and to retain the snow cover, the beds are covered with a layer of dry leaves, straw, spruce branches, corn stalks or peat. The thickness of the protective layer should be 5-10 centimeters.

When snow falls, the beds are additionally covered with snow cover.

At the onset of the first warm spring days the shelter is removed, the mulch is removed, the earth around the plants is loosened and covered with a new layer of mulch.

Overwintered plants quickly grow and begin to bear fruit.

Planting strawberries in autumn. The Secret Ingredient for a Gorgeous Harvest: Video

It is rare to find a site without strawberry beds. Almost every gardener plants this crop on his site. Autumn planting of strawberries minimizes labor costs for care. If young strawberries, provide autumn good care, in the spring it quickly grows and gives a rich harvest.

Strawberries are undeniably everyone's favorite. This delicious and useful berry first appears on our beds as a harbinger of summer. But there are a lot of troubles with strawberries: they are very capricious and demanding to care for. It will take great experience to successfully cultivate it every year. Growing any crop begins with planting. Many problems can be avoided by planting strawberries in the fall.

Benefits of planting strawberries in the fall

Traditionally, strawberries began to be planted in early spring. The earth has already warmed up to a sufficient depth and dried up, a warm summer is ahead, and young seedlings will easily take root. But it turns out that autumn planting is also very promising. In addition, it has several advantages compared to spring:

  1. Strawberries planted in autumn are already on the next summer will yield a harvest. Spring-planted seedlings usually do not produce berries in the same year.
  2. In autumn, the gardener has much more free time than in spring. Almost the entire crop of other horticultural crops has already been harvested, you can do strawberries. In addition, there is already a lot of planting material.
  3. Strawberries planted in autumn will require less maintenance.
  4. Autumn warmth and humidity will allow young bushes to take root and take root on the ground in order to subsequently winter well.

Choosing the best landing time

You can determine the landing time yourself, based on the climate in your area. In general, there are three such periods:

  • Early autumn planting lasts from mid-August to mid-September.
  • Mid-Autumn - from mid-September to mid-October.
  • Late autumn planting is carried out a month before the onset of frost.

Almost all varieties of strawberries produce mustaches from June to July. At the latest in August, they take root, and in September and October fruit buds form. Therefore, early and mid-autumn plantings are considered the most favorable for obtaining large yields.

Planting strawberries from early to mid-autumn will allow you to get good harvest already next season

If you plan to propagate the plant with mustaches, it is better to plant them on August 20 - September 15. With a later planting, the bushes may suffer from frost before they have time to get stronger. Even film coating will not save, and further cultivation will be difficult.

The gardener's lunar calendar will help you choose the best day for planting. Do not forget that strawberry beds need regular updating every 3-4 years. For high yields, transplantation should be gradual. Try to update one bed every year, and the berries will delight you with the quantity and appearance.

Replant strawberries every 3-4 years for a consistent harvest

In addition, it is imperative to change places for strawberry beds from time to time. It is best to choose the soil on which they grew:

  • radish;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • greens (dill, celery, lettuce, parsley).
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper.

Strawberries are very susceptible to viral diseases characteristic of these cultures.

Autumn planting rules

In order for young seedlings to surely take root and give a stable harvest in the future, they need to be planted according to certain rules.

Preparing a place for beds

Although strawberries are capricious, they do not impose special requirements on the soil. The culture will grow on almost any type of soil, but with one caveat: the berry gives high yields on chernozem, loamy and sandy soil. Peat, sod-podzolic, clay and sandy soil, on the contrary, will significantly reduce yields. And in wetlands, culture will not grow at all.

Before planting bushes, carry out work to improve the composition of the soil. If the site is heavy clay soil, will help the introduction of a small amount of humus, manure and peat, which will significantly improve aeration.

Soil composition can be improved by adding fertilizer when digging

The cultivation of green manure has a good effect on the soil. Sow in the places where you plan to make beds with strawberries, lupins or mustard. When they grow, mow and dig in, mixing with the ground. This way you get several benefits:

  • the soil is enriched with nitrogen, you will need less fertilizer;
  • greatly facilitated weed control;
  • pest attacks are being prevented - they are afraid of mustard and lupine.

If you do not have enough time to grow green manure, add a mixture of the following substances to the soil immediately before planting (per 1 m2 of beds):

  • 100 g of superphosphate;
  • 60 g of potassium salt;
  • 7 kg of humus.

Strawberries have very little resistance to insect pests. Strawberry nematodes, the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm have especially chosen it as a delicacy. Be sure to check the area under the beds for the presence of insect larvae in the soil. If you find it, spill the soil with water and ammonia, and then remove the weeds from the garden.

Sunlight - required condition for healthy and rapid growth strawberries, so good lighting is important for the site. It is also necessary to provide the plant with a nutrient medium, for this, add compost to the soil.

Selection and preparation of planting material

No good seedlings successful cultivation strawberries are impossible. In the autumn season right choice seedlings is especially important.

Choose bushes with a root collar diameter of at least 6 mm. Aboveground part quality seedling should have 3-5 formed leaves, and the fibrous root system should consist of succulent white shoots more than 7 cm long.

If you bought seedlings from the market or asked your neighbors, try to plant them on permanent place At once. In extreme cases, dig the seedlings into loose, moist soil in the shade. You can also wrap the roots with moistened moss and put the seedlings in a cool place for a while.

If you yourself grew bushes from seeds, leave the seedlings for several days in shading. Before planting, dip the roots in a clay mash for 10 minutes to protect them from drying out and increase survival in the new site.

Planting seedlings

In order not to make a mistake when planting bushes, follow these recommendations:

Video: planting strawberries in the fall

How to propagate strawberries with a mustache

A very popular method of propagating strawberries is to grow seedlings from the so-called whiskers. It is done like this:

Video: strawberry breeding secrets

Autumn transplant

If it's time to transplant strawberries to a new place, then you do not need to wait for spring. The plant tolerates transplanting well in the fall, in addition, it will be easier for you to pick up appropriate place under the bed after harvesting other crops.

The transplant itself is very useful for strawberries: it rejuvenates the bushes and rids the plant of pathogens that have accumulated in the soil, characteristic of the culture of diseases.

Experts recommend changing the plot for strawberries from the end of August and throughout September. At this time, the plant no longer bears fruit and ends its growing season, the earth is well warmed by the sun and moistened, and the air is cool. Until the real cold comes, strawberries will take root, grow new leaves and get stronger before wintering.

Do not plant old bushes on a new site. For this, take only one-year-old, maximum two-year-old bushes and seedlings from layering mustaches. From two-year-old sprouts, you will get a harvest next year.

For transplanting to a new place, take one- and two-year-old bushes

Place the bushes in a furrow or hole filled with water, in the same pattern as when planting. Carefully straighten the roots, sprinkle with soil and lightly tamp around the bush. Mulch the bed with a layer of humus or peat.

Features of growing on agrofiber

Now many gardeners and gardeners use agrofiber when growing crops. This material has already proven itself as great helper in the garden. Increasingly, covering material is also used in the cultivation of strawberries, because it allows you to harvest berries earlier than usual.

Agrofibre has several undoubted advantages:

  • the dense structure of the material does not allow weeds to germinate;
  • micro-holes between the fibers perfectly pass air and moisture in the right quantities;
  • soil temperature in a sheltered bed is several degrees higher than in the area around;
  • the berries are protected from contact with the ground, thanks to which they remain clean, do not rot and are practically not exposed to the threat of diseases.

Thus, strawberries grown on agrofibre require minimal care: it is enough for you to provide timely watering.

Agrofibre greatly facilitates the care of beds and ensures good growth of strawberries.

As soon as the snow melts, cover the berry bushes with agrofiber. So you protect the awakening sprouts from drafts and frequent frosts during this period. The material will create and maintain the optimum temperature for the growth and development of the plant. As soon as the weather improves and the threat of frost has passed, remove the canvas.

By growing strawberries in agrofibre tunnels, you can harvest up to 2 weeks earlier than usual. It is only necessary to erect an ordinary greenhouse on arcs over the strawberry bed.

  1. Install several such arcs of wire about 6 mm thick along the beds at a distance of 1 m from each other.
  2. Deepen them 25–30 cm into the ground, fasten them with planks on top that will not allow the frame to collapse.
  3. Cover with agrofibre and dig the canvas on one side of the greenhouse with earth to fix it. The other side can simply be pressed down with a few stones in order to make it convenient to turn off the material for ventilation.
  4. In good weather, open the agrofibre every day for 15-30 minutes, and when the heat is established thoroughly, remove the material completely. When the strawberries have faded, you can cover the bed again and provide it with regular airing.

Please note that standard width agrofiber sheets is 1.6 m or 3.2 m. You will have to make a bed for strawberries, taking into account these parameters. In extreme cases, you can connect several strips of canvas, but remember that you need to do this not end-to-end, but overlap. In this case, the entry must be at least 20 cm.

Autumn planting of strawberries on agrofibre is done as follows:

Video: planting strawberries in autumn under agrofibre

Caring for strawberries planted in the fall

When the strawberry planting is completed, it is necessary to provide it with such care, thanks to which the root system will develop and get stronger enough to feed the bushes in the winter. Since the fertilizers required quantity were introduced before planting, the next top dressing will need to be done only in the third or fourth year.

How to water correctly

Immediately after planting, the plant on open ground needs watering 2-3 times a week. After a couple of weeks, the bushes will take root, watering can be reduced, making sure that the soil is constantly moist and well loosened. Water the strawberries in the morning using settled, non-cold water. Pour it so that it does not fall on the leaves; it is better to take a watering can for this.

Water strawberries under the root so that water does not get on the leaves.

Pest and disease control

Under cover of agrofibre or other similar material strawberries are not afraid of misfortune, but on the open field - another matter. It is very important to get rid of pests that overwinter inside the topsoil. They can damage root system over the winter or become more active in early spring, when the bushes begin to grow.

  1. In 10 liters of water heated to 30 ° C, dissolve 3 tbsp. l. karbofos.
  2. Treat the bed with strawberries with this liquid, after loosening the ground around the bushes 6–8 cm deep.
  3. Cover the treated bed with a film and leave for 3 hours.

To prevent the development of diseases, spray strawberry beds with 2% Bordeaux liquid or a solution of 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. copper oxychloride.

In the fight against pests and fungal infections of strawberries, the composition of the following ingredients proved to be very good:

  • 10 liters of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons wood ash;
  • 3 tablespoons overcooked vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 2 cups liquid soap.

Thoroughly mix all the substances until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and thoroughly process the strawberry patch. At the same time, moisten not only the soil around the bushes and under them, but also the leaves of the plant.


Immediately after planting or transplanting, strawberry seedlings do not need pruning of leaves. On the contrary, the more new leaves grow on the outlet, the better. But the mustache that has appeared must be removed. Now the plant should consume all nutrients to grow the root system. Therefore, cut off the shoots at their very base, as soon as you notice them. The same applies to flower stalks.

After an autumn transplant, strawberries need to cut off not only the mustache, but also the flower stalks

Preparing for winter

Before the onset of cold weather, you need to take care of preparing for the fact that winter can be little snowy. To begin with, carry out additional mulching of the soil in the garden. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to take needles for this, which will scare away pests and protect against diseases.

Mulch will protect transplanted strawberries from freezing.

Then you need to provide strawberries with shelter to hold snow and save them from frost. The following materials are well suited:

  • straw,
  • dry leaves,
  • spruce branches,
  • peat,
  • stems of large plants (corn, sunflower),
  • sawdust.

The protective layer must be more than 5 cm thick. With the onset of spring, you need to remove the old mulch from the garden.

Video: ways to mulch beds

Autumn planting strawberries is a simple and even useful thing. If you carefully approach this event and strictly follow the recommendations, you can significantly increase the yield of this wonderful berry. Please share with us in the comments your experience of planting strawberries in the fall or ask questions about this topic. Good luck and good harvest!

Experienced gardeners and novice gardeners are looking forward to the beginning of the spring-summer berry season, which opens with strawberries - a fragrant and tasty bright berry, spectacularly peeking out from under the green leaves. It fills the organism weakened during the winter with antioxidants and vitamins.

Proper planting of strawberries in the fall ensures earlier and longer fruiting. Experienced gardeners share the secrets of a successful autumn planting.

The possible freezing of strawberry seedlings and crop loss during autumn planting scares many gardeners. However, snow shelter allows this culture to easily endure even severe frosts.

Mulching can make up for the lack of snow and the gardener will be rewarded with a beautiful strawberry plantation in the spring.

Autumn planting has obvious advantages:

  • the best survival rate of strawberries in the soil heated over the summer;
  • a wide range of planting material;
  • rapid development and growth of bushes;
  • early harvest of the respective varieties;
  • less attention and effort required by strawberry beds.

When to plant strawberries in the fall?

The beginning of autumn is traditionally considered the most the right time for planting strawberries: summer heat no longer, but the soil is still well warmed up, strawberry bushes will have time to take root and get stronger before the onset of cold weather.

The characteristics of the climate and the variety chosen by the gardener can significantly affect the timing of planting.

In the autumn period, you can plant strawberries in the following calendar terms:

  • early landing: from mid-August to mid-September;
  • medium: from late September to mid-October;
  • late: must be completed a month before the first frost.

Early and average fit are considered more fruitful, and the later one is more risky, since it is sometimes very difficult to guess when the frosts will begin. Strawberry seedlings damaged as a result of early freezing bear fruit worse in spring.

Define best time planting can be based on the strawberry development cycle. At the beginning of summer, antennae appear in most varieties, rooting occurs in the middle and end, and fruit buds form in early autumn.

Knowing these nuances and taking into account the peculiarities of the weather in a particular region will make it possible to plant strawberries in time, which, with proper care and watering, can get stronger and acquire fruit buds before frost.

In the Urals, the time suitable for planting strawberries comes at the end of July and lasts until mid-September, in the middle lane - in September. The weather conditions of Moldova, Ukraine, the southern regions of Russia allow planting strawberries until November.

In Siberia, landing must be completed before the middle or end of August: all attached will be lost due to early frosts.

It is strictly contraindicated to plant strawberries on a hot sunny day. Landing is not recommended and heavy rain. Perfect option- the next day after a short rain, when the soil is sufficiently moist, but does not stray in clods.

It is best to land in the evening, and in cloudy weather - in the middle of the day. It is not recommended to plant in the morning: the bright daytime sun affects the seedlings negatively.

Selecting a landing site

For strawberry beds, it is recommended to choose an open sunny area, protected from the wind. Berries grown in the shade ripen slowly and lose significantly in taste. On chernozem, loamy and sandy loamy soil, you can get a higher yield.

In general, swampy areas are not suitable for growing strawberries.

A site that has previously grown green manure (cereals, legumes, some cruciferous) will be an excellent option.

If you plan a place for the autumn planting of strawberries in the spring and plant beds with these crops on it, you can get a green manure crop and at the same time save on fertilizer for strawberries by enriching the soil with nitrogen and other nutrients.

Strawberries should not be planted after cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, ranunculus and Asteraceae: these plants have common pests that remain in the ground.

Rules for choosing good seedlings

You can use purchased ready-made varietal seedlings or rosettes and antennae from your own garden for planting strawberries.

It is important that seedlings are grown locally, as in colder regions, seedlings grown in warmer climates are unlikely to take root.

A strawberry seedling with 3-5 healthy, formed leaves and root shoots is suitable for planting. white color 7-10 centimeters long. It is worth giving preference to bushes whose root neck diameter exceeds 6 millimeters.

Ready-made seedlings, taken from neighbors or bought, should be planted or buried as soon as possible in moist, loose soil in a shady place.

To get quality planting material from your garden, it is recommended to dig in the first 2-3 tendrils extending from 1-2-year-old well-bearing strawberry bushes.

Subsequently, planting will be more convenient if the mustache is immediately dug into a separate container for transplantation (a plastic cup, for example). The tendrils that grow further after rooting must be pinched off so that the resulting sockets are well nourished from the mother bush.

The complete separation of young bushes is carried out immediately before planting.

Soil preparation

On a strawberry garden should be fertile soil with an acidity of 5 to 6.5 units. ground water should not rise above 60 centimeters. During the summer season there is a noticeable depletion nutritional composition soil, so Special attention before autumn planting, soil preparation should be given.

For proper preparation soil for autumn planting is necessary:

  1. Thoroughly clear the area of ​​weeds.
  2. Check future beds for pests. Having found adult insects or their larvae, tillage ammonium nitrate or sold in garden shops special substances for pest control.
  3. Dig the area to a depth of 25-30 centimeters 2 weeks before the intended planting.
  4. Simultaneously with digging, fertilize future beds. The quantity and quality of fertilizers applied directly depends on the quality of the land. On average, 5-20 kilograms of rotted manure is used per 1 square meter of land. You can use compost, humus or potash and superphosphate fertilizers.

The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the fertility of the land: the more fertile it is, the less fertilizer will be required.

The soil immediately before planting seedlings must be loosened to a depth of 15 centimeters.

Seedling preparation

It is best to start preparing seedlings with a visual inspection a week before the intended planting.

After that you need:

  • remove extra sheets on the seedling, leaving 3-5 pieces;
  • shorten long roots to 10 centimeters;
  • treat a fungal infection with fungicides;
  • wrap with moss or lightly sprinkle with earth from drying out and leave in a cool dark place;
  • Seedlings are well watered about an hour before planting, the roots are soaked.
  • garlic infusion - to scare off pests;
  • clay talker - to ensure better survival and protect the roots from drying out;
  • growth biostimulator - promotes rooting and further development bush.

The process of preparing seedlings after this can be considered complete.

Ways to plant strawberries

Strawberries can be planted according to 3 schemes:

  1. Nesting. At a distance of 30 centimeters from the central bush, plant 6 more bushes at intervals of up to 45 centimeters. For subsequent propagation by antennae, this scheme is ideal: it provides a place for their rooting.
  2. Private. At a distance of 40-70 centimeters, bushes are planted in rows with an interval of 20-30 centimeters. This scheme is most suitable for growing strawberries on covering material and large plantations.
  3. Carpet. Plant bushes at a distance of 20-30 centimeters with a solid carpet. This scheme is optimal for small beds.

Planting strawberries in open ground, consistently perform the following actions:
The soil is loosened, leveled, depending on the chosen scheme, a place is marked for holes and rows.

They dig holes 10-15 centimeters deep (no less than the length of the roots), be sure to water if strawberries are planted not after rain.

If the soil has not previously been fertilized, mix the soil from the holes with rotted manure or compost.

In the center of the holes, mounds are formed from the earth. A seedling is placed on top of the mound, its roots are spread along the slopes.

The bush is held and carefully covered with earth so that the root collar is on the same level with it, from which the leaves grow.

Lightly tamp the ground and gently water abundantly. To provide access to water and oxygen, the earth is loosened. Top mulch with humus or peat.

When planting strawberries, the use of covering material has certain advantages:

  • preservation of moisture and friability of the soil;
  • protection of bushes from drought, showers, freezing, snow;
  • lack of weeds;
  • protection of leaves from decay and pests;
  • counteracting the rooting of extra antennae;
  • berry purity.

Such material must be replaced only once every 3-4 years, when strawberries are transplanted. Most often, black, colored or transparent film, lutrasil, agrospan, spunbond, roofing felt or organic mulch are used.

The area is covered with covering material, reinforcing the edges with stones, boards or metal brackets. When pulling the covering material, you need to pay attention to its fit to the ground.

With insufficient adherence of the material to the ground, all its advantages are leveled. Then, using a knife, you need to make cuts over the holes and plant seedlings in them.

Care after landing

After planting seedlings, you need to provide optimal conditions, contributing to the rapid rooting of young bushes.

This requires the following tasks:

  1. Frequent watering in the first 10 days from a watering can in small portions warm water without getting on the leaves. The best time for watering is the morning time. After rooting, it is enough to water the strawberries 2-3 times a week abundantly.
  2. Removal of tendrils, cleaning of weeds.
  3. Protection of bushes from diseases and pests. For the treatment of bushes, Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride, Karbofos are used. You can use an organic remedy: dilute 2 tablespoons of wood ash, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of pre-cooked vegetable oil, 2 cups of liquid soap in 10 liters of warm water.
  4. Before winter, it is recommended to carry out additional mulching with peat, sawdust or straw with a layer of at least 5 centimeters. most popular and comfortable material- spear.

Observing all these conditions, it is easy to get sufficiently strong strawberry bushes that will get stronger and winter well.

In the spring, remove the mulch and upper layer 3 cm thick soil to get rid of possible pests, loosen the soil well, remove dry and deformed sheets. The efforts made in the fall contribute to getting a bed ready for flowering and fruiting in the spring.


Proper planting of strawberries in the fall for several years provides an excellent harvest. Planted in the same way garden strawberries that needs a whiter shaded area.

Applying autumn planting, even beginners get stable normal yields. Berries do not ripen at the same time, so they are harvested every 2-3 days.

It is better to pick strawberries in the morning, after the dew subsides. At this time, it is dry, dense, keeps cool. Damaged and rotten berries must be removed from the site to prevent the spread of disease.

Strawberries are a messenger of warmth and the beginning of summer. A rare gardener does not grow this crop in his area. I started planting strawberries as soon as I acquired the land, since all my relatives love this berry, and it is unpretentious in growing. Planting strawberries is divided into two stages, spring and autumn. I will talk about the latter in more detail.

Spring or autumn, how to choose the right time

Planting in the fall has a number of advantages before spring work. Culture loves wet soil and requires frequent watering. If strawberries are planted in autumn, but regular watering shortened by two or three months. And if you arrange a drip irrigation system in the country, then this problem will be solved for spring plantings. The main difference between planting strawberries in the fall is that next spring you will get a bountiful harvest. delicious berry. And spring seedlings bear fruit no earlier than the second year after planting. In order for the bushes planted in spring to give a harvest this summer, they are purchased in nurseries already at the flowering stage. This is enough expensive purchase, and you can’t buy a lot of such seedlings.

When it is better to plant autumn strawberries depends on the variety. It is customary to separate three types of autumn strawberries: early autumn (planting period from August 15 to September 20), mid-autumn (September 25 - October 15) and late autumn (October 20 - early November). Late autumn strawberries are the most risky option, often do not have time to take root and die in cold weather. I advise you to stop at early autumn varieties, and start planting strawberries in August.

Step-by-step instructions for planting strawberries

Let's figure out step by step how to plant strawberries in the fall. First, we need seedlings. It can be purchased in the markets, exchanged with neighbors or grown by yourself. I always grow seedlings myself, so I protect the garden from infection and pests from the outside. Start preparing the site for planting in the spring, dig, remove weeds, and add humus or manure to the soil. Do not neglect this rule, beds with strawberries live in one place for 3-4 years, they need food. Periodically water and dig up the site. To get seedlings, dig the first tendrils of a fruiting strawberry. When the tendrils take root - pinch them so that they do not grow further. Separate the tendrils from the mother bush just before planting. How to transplant strawberries to a place of constant growth? Prepare shallow holes in the garden, keeping a distance of 30-40 cm between them. Water generously. Pinch off the tendrils from the mother bush and plant two seedlings in a new place. In this way, you will increase the chances of germination of at least one bush. Sprinkle with earth, press it down, water again. Strawberries have been planted!

Secrets of growing autumn strawberries

The main fear of gardeners planting strawberries in the fall is the cold and the necessary watering. The culture is unpretentious to the type of soil, however, it is important for it that the earth retains moisture. Immediately after planting strawberries, water the seedlings daily. Gradually switch to watering once every two days. To retain moisture in the soil in winter, mulch the beds in mid-November. Choose the material for mulching that is at hand. I mulch with spruce needles because they don't rot. Remember that mulching will help retain moisture and protect against pests and weeds, and in the spring, at the first fruits, it will keep them clean. For wintering strawberries, you will have to build a snow-saving structure, since it is a thick layer of snow that helps the seedlings not to freeze. The main task of this design is to protect the beds from the wind so that the snow remains on the ground. Without snow, strawberries will freeze already at -10-15 degrees. When choosing a site for landing - beware of the southern sides of the site. Snow falls on them faster in spring, and frosts in our region are possible until late spring.

Subject to these simple rules, strawberries will delight you with a harvest in the spring following planting. Care autumn strawberries simpler and shorter, and the benefit of time, effort and harvest is obvious.