"planting vegetables in the garden" middle group. Project on ecological education of children of the middle group "Garden on the windowsill" (planting onions) What to plant in the garden in kindergarten

At the summer cottage, a wedge is necessarily allocated for garden crops, the bulk of which are vegetables. Each culture is distinguished by its biological characteristics, formed in the climate of the area of ​​​​origin. The main condition for the successful cultivation of vegetable crops in an environment unusual for them is the sowing time associated with the temperature of the soil and air, the brightness of the lighting and the duration of daylight hours. For some crops, this length of daylight does not affect the germination and development of plants. Such crops can be sown almost throughout the warm season. Others are quite sensitive to changes in lighting. Breeders, breeding new varieties, always accustom them to the climatic conditions of a particular area and, accordingly, recommend approximate sowing dates, which must be observed.

The article proposes to get acquainted with the approximate dates for sowing seeds of the main vegetable crops in open ground for regions with different climatic conditions.

Basic principles and conditions for sowing in open ground

Relation to temperature

An indicator of the beginning of sowing is the temperature of the soil at the depth of the bulk of the roots of a particular crop. Its change and rate of warming are affected by snow cover, groundwater, soil type, and its humidity. It is the heating of the soil in the root layer that makes it possible to obtain an early harvest. If seeds are sown in cold soil, then even cold-resistant crops can sprout, but they will not be able to form a crop. Roots in cold soil cannot function normally to provide conditions for the development of the above-ground mass. To save sowing, heat-loving crops are sown only when constant warm weather sets in without returning spring frosts. When they are threatened, seedlings are covered with any cover material (spunbond, lutrasil), which is removed the next morning with the onset of warm weather. Solar heating of a covered bed can adversely affect seedlings and young seedlings.

Naturally, the timing of sowing by region may not coincide according to the numerical data of the spring-summer months. Therefore, the main reference point for the start of sowing in open ground in regions with a short warm period and early onset of cold weather will be soil temperature, lighting intensity and the establishment of a frost-free period.

1. With the help of thermometers. Savinov TM-5 cranked thermometers, exhaust thermometers and probe thermometers.

It is more convenient for beginner gardeners to determine the temperature of the soil in layers with thermometers. Remember that they are used only in the warm period, and when the temperature drops to a depth of 5 cm to 0 ° C, they are dug up and put into the room. The measurement procedure is specified in the recommendations.

2. By plants(the state of the crown of trees, the above-ground mass of shrubs, the onset of flowering of perennial wild grasses).

Take note:

  • Blackcurrant buds have blossomed, vegetable and flower crops can be sown.
  • The buds of the warty birch unfolded, which means that the soil at a depth of 5 cm warmed up well, it was time to sow early greens, plant early potatoes. The leaves turned a little - it's time to sow radishes, carrots, and other root crops. The birch is preparing for flowering - the soil has warmed up to 10 cm deep. It's time to sow tomatoes in open ground.
  • Dandelions bloom when the temperature in the 10 cm soil layer warms up to + 6 ... + 8 ° С, and in the 10-40 cm layer - only up to + 3 ° С.
  • Bird cherry blossoms - it's time to plant potatoes.

3. According to the physical condition of the soil. This method is often used by experienced gardeners. A handful of earth is compressed into a lump. If liquid appears on the surface of the lump, it is too early to sow, and the lump has crumbled - sow early. It fell, but scattered into lumps - you can start planting early cabbage and potatoes, salads, radishes.

Attitude towards lighting

In the complex of main conditions, the next is light. It is regulated by a much larger list of requirements: sowing dates, air temperature, standing density, timely thinning, destruction of tall weeds that shade plants.

Each type of plant normally grows and develops under natural conditions at a certain length of daylight hours.

1. Neutral. The cultures of this group practically do not react to the amount and period of solar energy received. These include peas, beans, some varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as watermelons, asparagus and others. The list is constantly updated by breeders who “instill” the ability to not respond to the length of daylight hours in new varieties and hybrids.

2. Short-day. Under the conditions of a shortened day (10-14 hours), plants bloom faster and proceed to fruiting. These are certain varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, beans, cucumbers. The same group includes other pumpkin (zucchini, pumpkin, squash), corn, sweet and bitter peppers, eggplant. A group of greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach, sorrel, onion on a green feather) quickly turns to flowering (flowering).

3. Long-day. Plants of this group, with a sufficient duration of illumination (more than 14 hours), pass to the phase of flowering and fruiting. This group of plants includes all kinds of cabbages, radishes, swedes, radishes, turnips of northern varieties, parsnips, carrots, vegetable peas, and beets. If long-day plants are given short-day conditions, using early sowing or darkening, their development will be retarded. They will not be able to move on to the flowering and fruiting phases. They stop at the formation of lush rosettes of greenery (vegetative organs).

Terms of sowing vegetables in open ground

Early spring sowing (mid-March - mid-April)

This group of plants is made up of cultures with low and medium requirements for light. Sowing early spring greens and vegetables can be done in stages, in 10-12-15 days, which will prolong the receipt of fresh products.

List of crops for sowing at soil temperature in 7-10 cm layer within +3…+5°С.

  • Green (spicy) - dill, parsley, coriander, fennel, parsnips, mustard, celery, asparagus, lemon balm and others.
  • Leafy vegetables and with aboveground crop formation - all types of lettuce, horseradish, spinach, rhubarb, peas, early cauliflower, broccoli, early ripe white cabbage.
  • Bulbous and root crops - onion sets and onion nigella on a feather and onion, early carrots, radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga.

Mid-spring crops (mid-April - second decade of May)

If the spring is cold and wet, transfer the sowing to a later date (for 5-8 days). Like cold-resistant ones, these crops can also be sown in stages, after 10-12-15 days, which will prolong the receipt of fresh products.

When the soil warms up in the root layer from +5°C, it is possible to continue sowing some crops that are low and medium demanding to the conditions of sun supply.

List of crops for sowing at soil temperature in 8-15 cm layer within +5…+8°С.

  • Green - leaf celery, petiole, root, salad chicory.
  • Vegetable - all types of cabbage: medium white, red, Brussels, Savoy, kohlrabi and others. Potatoes are planted early, medium, leek, spring garlic. Sow onion sets and beans, beans. Closer to May, vegetable sugar corn, sunflower,
  • Root crops: beets, medium carrots.

Late spring sowing (last decade of May - mid-June)

Sowing vegetables in open ground is carried out in the third decade of May - June, with the onset of constant warm weather without return spring frosts. For example, in the middle zone of Russia, Siberia, the Urals, warm weather without frost sets in after June 10-15. The soil in the root layer warms up to +12…+15-17°С. That is, crops in open ground, even early cold-resistant vegetable crops, are shifted to the pre-summer or early summer. In these regions, it is more expedient to use early varieties, necessarily zoned for the local climate, use temporary shelters and grow vegetables in protected ground in the autumn.

3 - List of heat-loving crops, the sowing of which is carried out at a soil temperature in a 10-15 cm layer up to + 13 ... + 15-17 ° С

With the onset of a stable warm period, tomatoes, beans, melons (melons and watermelons), sunflowers, basil, marjoram, root crops (carrots, beets) are sown. Solanaceous seedlings (tomatoes, eggplants, sweet and bitter peppers) and pumpkin crops (cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin) are planted in open ground.

Thus, specialists have identified groups of plants that require a certain soil temperature, frost-free weather, the amount and duration of solar energy for germination and normal development.

When choosing the timing of sowing vegetables on your site, you need to take into account that some short-day varieties need a darkness factor, but only at the beginning of the growing season (at this time they are shaded). With age, they develop normally and form fruiting under long day conditions. If short-day plants are provided with a day length of more than 14 hours, then their development will slow down, and the vegetative mass will begin to develop intensively. This property is used when forcing greens to quickly obtain fresh greens and early vegetable products.

In cold regions, shifting the sowing of vegetable crops to an earlier date, it is necessary to use temporary shelters and prepare insulated beds.

The Far East has a special temperature regime. Vegetable growing is concentrated in the Amur Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. Humid warm summer allows you to take quite high yields of cold-resistant varieties of sweet pepper and melons, bred specifically for this zone, as well as cabbage, carrots, which can be grown in open ground, sowing after June 15, that is, the crops will be pre-summer. Green products of spicy vegetables grown in the open field are obtained only during summer crops. In these regions, it is more expedient to use early varieties, necessarily zoned for the local climate, use temporary shelters and grow vegetables in protected ground in the autumn.

Table 1. Terms of sowing the main vegetable crops in open ground for the Southern region

Name of crops
March 1-25 June 5-15
leaf lettuce March 5 - April 15 April 15 - May 10
Onion on a feather, onion on a turnip March 10-30 from April 15
cucumbers April 10 – May 10 May 25 – June 15
Spring garlic March 1-10
Potato March 1 - April 10 from April 20 (varieties of medium ripening)
Carrot April 5-25; April 15 – May 30 May 25 - June 10
Radish March 15-30
Parsnip April 5-10 April 20 - May 10
Peas March 1-30
sweet corn April 20 - May 10
Beans May 15-20
Beet April 5-15 April 15-30 May 25 - June 10
tomatoes March 15-30 from April 15 (varieties of medium ripening)
April 15 - May 20 May 20-June 10
White cabbage April 10 - May 20 (late ripening varieties)
Zucchini, squash April 20 - May 10
Watermelons, melons

Table 2. Terms of sowing the main vegetable crops in open ground for the Central Black Earth region

Name of crops Early spring sowing in open ground (March 15 - April 15) Mid-spring crops in open ground (April 15 - May 20) Late spring sowing in open ground (May 20 - June 15)
Dill, fennel, parsley, celery March 1-25 April 15 - May 20 May 20 – June 15
leaf lettuce March 5 - April 15 April 20-30 May 20-30
Onion on a feather, onion on a turnip March 10-30 April 20 – May 20 May 20 – June 15
cucumbers April 20 – May 20 May 20 – June 15
Spring garlic March 1-10 May 11-20 May 25 - June 5
Potato March 1 - April 10 May 20-15 May 11-20
Carrot March 15-30, April 5-25; April 25 - May 10 May 20-30
Radish April 5-10 April 20-28
Parsnip March 1-30 April 10 - May 1
Peas April 5-15 April 20-30 April 20 - May 25
sweet corn April 20-30 May 20 - June 1
Beans May 10-30
Beet March 15-30 April 20 - May 10 May 20-30
tomatoes From April 15 (under cover) April 25 - May 5 May 15 – June 15
Eggplant, sweet and bitter pepper From April 15 (under cover) April 15-25 (under cover). From May 20, track the weather May 20 – June 15
White cabbage March 1-25 (early ripening varieties); March 10-20 (varieties of medium ripening) May 20-30 (varieties of medium ripening) May 20-25 (varieties of medium and late ripening)
Zucchini, squash May 10-15
Watermelons, melons May 10-15

Table 3. Terms of sowing the main vegetable crops in open ground for the Far East region

Name of crops Early spring sowing in open ground (March 15 - April 15) Mid-spring crops in open ground (April 15 - May 20) Late spring sowing in open ground (May 20 - June 15)
Dill, fennel, parsley, celery March 20-30; April 10-20; May 15-20 May 25 - June 10
leaf lettuce March 1-20; April 1-20; May 15-20
Onion on a feather, onion on a turnip 25 – 10 April May 15-20 May 25 - June 15 (under cover)
cucumbers May 15-20 (under shelter in a warm bed) from June 15
Spring garlic April 10-15 April 15-30
Potato April 1-15 (under cover); if cold spring April 10-15 from April 15 to May 20 (under cover) from May 20 (early maturing varieties)
Carrot 20-30 (grades of early ripening); April 10-20 (mid-ripening varieties) April 15 - May 20 (varieties of medium ripening); you can continue sowing varieties of early ripening from May 25 (late ripening varieties); May 20-25 (sowing varieties of medium ripening)
Radish March 20-30 from May 20 (under shelter due to the lengthening of the day) May 25 - June 15 (under cover)
Parsnip March 20-30
Peas March 15-April 15 from May 15 (under cover) from June 15
sweet corn
Beet April 10-20 from May 25
Eggplant, sweet and bitter pepper
White cabbage May 15-20 (early maturing varieties under cover) from May 20
Zucchini, squash from June 15
Watermelons, melons from June 15

Table 4. Terms of sowing the main vegetable crops in open ground for Siberia and the Urals

Name of crops Early spring sowing in open ground (March 15 - April 15) Mid-spring crops in open ground (April 15 - May 20) Late spring sowing in open ground (May 20 - June 15)
Dill, fennel, parsley, celery April 20 – May 20 May 25 – June 15
leaf lettuce April 20 - May 20 (under cover) June 1-15 (under cover)
Onion on a feather, onion on a turnip from May 20 June 1-15 (under cover)
cucumbers May 20 - June 10 (in warm beds or under temporary shelter) May 25 – June 15
Spring garlic May 12-15
Potato April 28 - May 10 May 10 - June 1
Carrot April 25 - May 20 May 20 – June 10
Radish May 25 - June 15 (under cover)
sweet corn
Beet May 15-30 May 15-30
Eggplant, sweet and bitter pepper
White cabbage From June 1 (under cover)
Zucchini, squash
Watermelons, melons

Table 5. Terms of sowing the main vegetable crops in open ground for the North-West region

Name of crops Early spring sowing in open ground (March 15 - April 15) Mid-spring crops in open ground (April 15 - May 20) Late spring sowing in open ground (May 20 - June 15)
Dill, fennel, parsley, celery May 15 -25 May 25 – June 15
leaf lettuce May 15-20 (under cover) June 1-15 (under cover)
Onion on a feather, onion on a turnip May 15-20 June 1-15 (under cover)
cucumbers May 20 - June 10 (in warm beds or under temporary shelter) June 15 - open ground
Spring garlic
Potato April 28 - May 10 (early maturing varieties) May 10 - June 1
Carrot April 25 - May 20 May 20 – June 10
Radish from May 25 (under cover)
sweet corn
Beet May 15-30
tomatoes April 15 - May 5 (under cover)
Eggplant, sweet and bitter pepper
White cabbage May 10-15 (early maturing varieties under cover) From June 1 (under cover)
Zucchini, squash
Watermelons, melons

Table 6

Name of crops Early spring sowing in open ground (March 15 - April 15) Mid-spring crops in open ground (April 15 - May 20) Late spring sowing in open ground (May 20 - June 15)
Dill, fennel, parsley, celery May 1-10; (celery May 10-20) May 15-30
leaf lettuce May 5-10 May 20-30
Onion on a feather, onion on a turnip May 10-20 May 11-20
cucumbers May 10-20 (under cover) May 20 - June 15 (under cover)
Spring garlic May 10-20 May 11-20
Potato May 10-20 May 15-25
Carrot May 5-10 May 20 – June 10
Radish May 1-10 from May 25 (under cover)
Parsnip May 5-10
Peas May 5-10 from June 10
sweet corn May 8-15
Beans May 8-15 from June 10
Beet May 5-10 May 15-30
tomatoes April 15 - May 5 (under cover)
Eggplant, sweet and bitter pepper
White cabbage May 1-10 (early maturing varieties under cover)
Zucchini, squash May 15-20 (under cover) May 20-30 - June 5-10
Watermelons, melons

Experimental activities in kindergarten. middle group

Synopsis of the GCD "Let's plant a garden." Experimental activity in the middle group.

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna teacher MBDOU "Rainbow" Art. Tatsinskaya Rostov region.
Purpose of work: this summary is intended for preschool teachers, primary school teachers, teachers of additional education
Target: Formation of knowledge about vegetables.
- Learn to distinguish vegetables by characteristic features
- Develop memory, exploratory actions.
- Create a sense of emotional comfort.
- To form the ability to engage in experimental activities
- To develop the ability to properly plant a seed in the ground and take care of it.
- Cultivate respect for plants and love for nature.
Dictionary Enrichment: Seed, plant, loosen, water, care.
Materials for the lesson: A room pot with earth, a scoop, a watering can with water, a pack of seeds.

Lesson progress:

1.Introductory conversation with children about the season and the autumn harvest.
- What season? (autumn)
- How did you guess that autumn had come? (children list)
2.Surprise moment:
There is a knock on the door, the Masha doll enters and brings a beautiful bag
The game "Wonderful Pouch" is being held
Doll Masha invites those who wish to guess by touch what lies there.
3. Didactic game "Wonderful bag"
Children examine and pull out vegetables.
- I grow in the ground in the garden,
Red, long, sweet.

What's a fiddle? What's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I...

And green and thick
A bush has grown in the garden.
Dig a little:
Under a bush...

Before we ate it
Everyone had time to cry.
Above is green
red below,
It has grown into the ground.

Small, bitter, onion brother.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
They turn green in summer.
By autumn they turn red.

Lies between the beds
Green and sweet.

In the garden is long and green,
And in a tub yellow and salty.

5.Didactic game "Know the taste." Vegetables are cut into pieces, the child is called, blindfolded and allowed to taste the vegetable. It is necessary to determine by taste which vegetable is caught.
6.Didactic game "Tops - roots" Children choose what grows in the ground and what grows on the surface.
Focus on the cucumber.
Green piglets grew up in our garden, Sideways towards the sun, their tails are crocheted. Our piglets play hide and seek with us. (Cucumbers)
- What color is a cucumber? (green)
- What surface? (with pimples)
- What is useful cucumber?

Cucumber contains a lot of vitamins that are beneficial to our body. It also has healing properties - cucumber juice is useful for skin diseases, has an antipyretic effect. Your mothers make salads and roll them into jars, in winter you are happy to try a cucumber from a jar.

Where does cucumber grow? (in the garden)
- And now you can grow it in the garden and why? (because it's cold and he'll freeze)
- Let's plant in a group on the windowsill and try to grow a cucumber.
7. Practical part.
- And now Masha, we will show you how to plant cucumbers.
- What do you need to land? (seed, earth, water and flower pot)

- We poured earth into the pot in advance and kneaded it so that there were no lumps.
Take a seed and plant it in the ground, and then water it down.
Let's put the pot on the window and see what happens to our seed.
Our observations.
After a while, a sprout with two leaves appeared.

Then larger leaves appeared. The leaves are soft and fluffy to the touch. All the time we pour water at room temperature, we carry out loosening. Children are happy to take care of a small sprout.

Our stalk is growing and more leaves have appeared

Small cucumber embryos and flowers appeared near the leaf.

We put a ladder, with the help of a mustache, the cucumber clings to it and climbs up.
Cucumber vines -
Bananas don't grow on them
Just a green cucumber
Clever, sweet darling!
Cucumber tightrope walker
It is important to walk on the ropes.
Higher, higher, closer to the sun
Mustache-spring twists tenaciously ...
Drinking dew at early dawn,
On a hot day - rain is more desirable!
Filled with warm light
Blown by pure wind,
The shot became round-faced,
He ripened with a sonorous crunch!
Here are our flowers.
And here are the cucumbers.
Here are the green youths -
Young cucumbers!
One, two, three, four, five -
You can't count them all at once!
Strong slender fellow,
thin-skinned cucumber,
And salty, and in sour cream -
Taste wondrous creator!

The cucumber grew - grew and grew.

We tore it down and washed it.

They cut into circles and treated all the children.
The kids did a great job and raised a great crop!

- I am a green cucumber,
Vitamin dasher!
In the summer I ripen in the garden,
And in the winter - in the greenhouse.
Everyone wants to be friends with me
After all, they eat me with everything:
In a sandwich, and with potatoes,
And in the salad - with a fork, spoon,
For breakfast, dinner, and lunch…
There is nothing better!

Experimental activities

"Planting vegetables in our garden"


1. To form an idea of ​​the appearance of pea seeds (round, smooth, bumpy, yellow, green) and planting skills (make holes, spread seeds in them, cover with earth, water)

2. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, answer questions, pronounce nursery rhymes.

3.Teach children to plant seeds of different sizes.

4. Bring children to an understanding of the conditions necessary for the successful development of plants.

5. To teach the friendly attitude of children towards each other.


1: Cultivate children's interest in natural objects.

2.Activate the vocabulary of children.

3. To develop an idea of ​​​​the habitat6 garden-garden.

4. To form a positive attitude towards the objects of nature, the skills of careful handling.

5. To cultivate diligence, cooperation skills, initiative.

6. To cultivate love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work:

Guessing riddles about vegetables, soaking seeds, observing them, looking at illustrations of vegetables and fruits, watching the fairy tale “Turnip”, “How mushrooms fought with peas”.

Material and equipment

Cups of water, 2 different cups of earth, damp cloths, pea seeds, pictures of the labor process, sticks, spatulas.

Lesson progress

Play - Guess the riddle

Dad puts on a hat

And comes out of the hut

On the right he plants a turnip

Left beets and beans

There are rows of beds everywhere

The harvest will be good. (Garden)

Play - Let's remember what grows in the garden.

1. Yellow and green in the garden, and yellow and salty (cucumber) in the tub

2. How riddles grew in our garden - juicy, but large, so round. Turn green in summer, turn red in autumn (tomatoes)

3.Light green shiny barrel framed a strong man (zucchini) for the sun

4. I grow in the ground in the garden, I am red, long, sweet (carrots)

5. How I put on a hundred shirts, crunched on my teeth (cabbage)

6. Whoever undresses him sheds tears (bow)

7. Green above, red below, grown into the ground (beets)

8. A round side, a yellow side, a bun sits on a bed. Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this ... (turnip)

Play - Today we will go to the garden, amazing adventures await us there.

(To the music "Garden")

How to call in one word what grows in the garden?


Why do we plant them?

To eat.

What are the benefits of vegetables? What do they contain?


Listen to the poem and say what do vitamins give us?

(Reading a poem)

Vitamins are valuable substances

We are nowhere without them.

To be healthy, strong, strong.

Need to be friends with vitamins.

There are many vitamins, they cannot be counted.

But the most important among them are.

Without them, the organism cannot exist,

Study, work, rest.

What do vitamins give us?

Beauty, health, strength, good mood.

That's right, in order to be healthy and strong, you need to love vegetables. All without exception, there is no doubt about it.

Well guys, you are convinced that vegetables are useful.


Game situation "How vegetables grow"

Now I will tell you how delicious vegetables appear in the beds. I'll take this tomato.

(The teacher shows a real vegetable)

I put it in the garden and cover it with earth, some time passes and a lot of tomatoes grow in the garden.

Why are you looking at me like that? Am I doing something wrong or saying something?

That doesn't happen. It is not true.

And who will tell me how it happens?

Let's remember. What have we already planted in the garden?

Tomatoes cucumbers.

How did we do it?

They took the seed and planted it in the ground.

Where does the seed come from?

(Teacher showing. Cuts a tomato and takes out a seed).


    First, they take a seed, plant it in the ground.

    They are watered, a sprout grows from the seeds.

    Then the sprout grows into a stem and fruits appear on the stem.

    The fruits grow, ripen, they can be eaten.

That's right, you are smart.

Guys, in Russia they even composed fairy tales about vegetables.

What fairy tale do you know?


Look at a fragment from a fairy tale, and name what vegetable is found in it? (Fairy tale "How mushrooms fought with peas")


That's right, peas. What peas?

Delicious, green, healthy.

Would you like to grow the same peas?


Let's play first.

Fizminutka (song "Merry garden")

Look, there are two peas in front of you: we soaked one in water, and the other was not. What is the difference?

(Review and comparison)

Which pea do you think will germinate the fastest?


Who will tell me what conditions we did for the pea to germinate?

Light, water, air, heat.



We'll do another experiment. In a green cup, we will plant a pea soaked in water, and not soaked in a transparent one. And let's see which pea will germinate faster.

Before planting peas, stretch your fingers.

I hold peas in my hand

I clench in my fist

I'm letting go, I'm letting go

And I roll with my hands.

We take a green cup, make a shallow hole in the ground with a stick. The most important thing is to plant a pea correctly, see how I do it. Gently cover the pea with earth.

Our pea is warm and cozy there.

What other condition must be created for the pea to germinate?


What will we water?


What kind of water?

Transparent, colorless, odorless.


Guys, in order for the peas to germinate faster, we will create the effect of a greenhouse, cover the cups with a film on top.

Let's repeat in chorusgreenhouse.

In our observation table, let's note when we planted peas, in which of the cups sprouts, flowers and fruits will appear faster.

Now let's say it together.

You are ugly peas, rise above the ground, with lush flowers, with large pods.

After landing, we need to wash our hands.

And now we're going to the group.

(To the music we return to the group on the chairs)

Where have we been?

In the garden.

What have they planted?


Did you complete the task?


The consultation briefly talks about how to choose the right vegetables for planting in accordance with the age of the children, the size of the beds, the rules and terms of sowing and transplanting, planting depth, and the rules for caring for plants.



Consultation for preschool teachers: "How to arrange a garden in kindergarten."

The area for a garden for younger groups is allocated at the rate of 1 sq.m for each child (including paths). For children of the middle group, the norm increases to 1.5 square meters. m, and for older preschoolers - from 1.5 to 2 square meters. m. The size of the garden may be different, depending on local conditions.

On the plot allotted for the garden, beds are made 60 cm wide and row-spacing 50-60 cm wide. In addition, a central path up to 1.5 m wide is laid. A rack with tools for work is placed on it. For children to relax, conduct classes and observations, a table and benches are placed.

The garden is bordered by a border of undersized plants. These can be primroses, daisies, pansies, low asters, as well as strawberries, especially beardless ones. A bordered garden has an attractive appearance, in addition, a natural isolation of groups is created.

A garden for younger groups is arranged next to the playground. So it is easier for the teacher to organize work with children, combining it with the game. Children of the middle and older groups have a common garden. This layout makes it possible to grow and monitor a large number of plants and avoid repetition.

From vegetable plants grown on the site: lettuce, spinach, radishes, onions, parsley, peas, cabbage (headed, cauliflower, kohlrabi), carrots, turnips, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, sorrel, celery, dill, from perennial crops - rhubarb. Vegetable plants have many varieties. On the site, those crops are grown that are zoned for this region and district.

For the garden of the younger groups should use fast-growing vegetables, and especially those that can be eaten raw. These are onions, peas, beans, radishes. Older children can sow lettuce, carrot, turnip seeds for them.

In the garden for the middle groups plant the same crops, but it is desirable to have, if possible, not one, but two varieties (for example, head and leaf lettuce, pink radish with whitetip and white). You can also grow spinach. By comparing vegetables, children can find similarities and differences.

In the garden of the elders groups are given the entire set of vegetable plants recommended for the kindergarten site. At the same time, vegetables are grown, which are propagated by seeds and seedlings. These are several types of cabbage (headed, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts), tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini. They also plant pumpkin, sunflower, several holes of potatoes.

Sowing and planting vegetables

Seeds for sowing must be pure-grade, have good sowing properties. The main indicators of the sowing qualities of seeds are germination, purity and low humidity. To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, the seeds are soaked and germinated. Seeds of carrots, onions, beets cost 1-2 days, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, lettuce, zucchini - 8-12 hours, peas - 2-6 hours.

Sowing dates (for the northwestern zone).

Sowing dates for plants are different. Frost-resistant crops (carrots, parsley, lettuce, radishes, dill) are sown from the very beginning of field work - from the first half of May, since the seedlings of these plants can withstand slight spring frosts. Umbrella seeds (carrots, parsley, dill) and onions do not germinate for a long time, so they are sown earlier than most crops so that they have time to germinate before the topsoil dries out.

At a temperature of +5, +8 °, onion sets, potatoes, turnips, radishes, rutabaga are sown and planted, and cabbage seedlings are planted in the ground.

Crops that require heat (cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, beans) are sown and planted with seedlings when the soil temperature rises to + 10 ° and the danger of spring frosts has passed.
To obtain an earlier harvest of vegetables, winter crops are used. They are carried out in such a way that the seeds do not germinate before the soil freezes, since autumn shoots die from winter frosts. They are usually sown in the second half of October. Before winter, you can sow radishes, parsley, carrots, lettuce, dill, spinach, plant onion sets, garlic.

Seed sowing depth.The depth of sowing seeds depends on their size, sowing time and soil moisture. The smaller the seeds, the smaller should be the depth of their embedding. Small, but rapidly germinating seeds of lettuce, turnips, swedes are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, seeds of radish and radish - 1.5-2 cm. Seedlings of medium-sized seeds of cucumbers and beets can break through a thicker layer of soil : they are buried to a depth of 2-3 cm. Large seeds of peas, beans, beans are buried to a depth of 3-5 cm.

Seeds of carrots, parsley, and onions do not germinate due to slow germination with shallow incorporation, since the surface layer of the soil dries quickly, and with deep soil, the seedlings cannot break through to the soil surface and also die. Therefore, their seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, and then covered with humus up to 2 cm thick.

Plant care.Vegetable plants give a harvest under the condition of constant care for them.

After rain or artificial watering, the soil compacts and often forms a crust. Shoots of umbrella, onion and beets are especially affected by this. The crust is destroyed by loosening. Weeds harm plants. They are more adapted to the struggle for light, moisture and food than cultivated plants.

Weeding, thinning and proper agricultural practices are the main conditions for weed control. Of great importance is the removal of weeds on adjacent roads and ditches before they bloom. Mulching, i.e. covering the soil surface with manure, peat, humus, protects crops from weeds and improves the physicochemical properties of the topsoil.

When growing vegetable plants, pest and disease control is very important. The first place among pests is occupied by insects, then mammals (rodents), arachnids (spider mites), soft-bodied (slugs), some worms (beet nematode). Many bacteria and fungi cause plant diseases.

Preventive methods, mechanical and biological, can be used to control pests on the site. Preventive methods are of great importance, especially the observance of crop rotations - the correct alternation of crops, taking into account their biological characteristics. Pre-sowing tillage, as well as compliance with the timing of sowing seeds, is important.

Cruciferous plants, especially cabbages, are badly damaged by caterpillars of cabbage whites. Caterpillars are harvested from plants and then destroyed (mechanical method).

Biological methods of pest control should take the lead. This is, first of all, the protection and attraction of insectivorous birds (hanging artificial nesting sites and winter feeding of birds). Good results are obtained by attracting to the site of toads that exterminate naked slugs.

When planting vegetables and trees, their features are taken into account - plant growth in the sun or in the shade, abundant or moderate watering, differences in root systems. However, not everyone knows that when planting crops in the garden, their compatibility with each other should be taken into account. Summer residents who grow vegetables know that productivity depends not only on favorable conditions and care for plants, but also on their location in the beds. Adhering to the rules of compatibility of garden crops, even beginners will be able to rationally use the land and get a good harvest.

If the neighbors in the garden are chosen incorrectly, this can cause poor growth and development of crops, accumulation of insects and the formation of fungus due to excessive watering. The correct placement of plants in the beds, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on their growth, and also makes them more resistant to diseases.

The principle of mixed beds is used by farmers and amateurs who grow organic vegetables, fruits and berries, since the correct compatibility of vegetables during planting helps to repel pests, and there is no need to use chemicals. Properly selected neighborhood and rational use of the garden plot can increase productivity up to 20%.

Mixed landings are not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Before proceeding with sowing, the plants must be divided into groups, taking into account the intensity of watering and lighting, the need for fertilizer. It is recommended to draw up a site plan with the distribution of plants. Adhering to the rules of compatibility of vegetables, the gardener will receive the following benefits:

  • saving land area;
  • reduction in the incidence of disease;
  • plants attract less harmful insects;
  • applying less fertilizer;
  • increase in yield and taste of fruits.

Rules and table of compatibility of vegetables with other crops in the garden

When planning a scheme for the joint planting of vegetables, herbs, flowers, shrubs and trees, it is possible not only to increase the yield and quality of fruits, but also to create a beautiful garden bed. When distributing crops in the neighborhood, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • "neighbors" should have similar requirements for light and moisture, acidity and soil structure, as well as the same rate of development and fruit ripening period;
  • it is unacceptable that the width of the beds be less than 1 meter;
  • the garden is divided into several sections (in the middle part tall plants are planted, the fruits of which ripen the longest - tomatoes, peppers, cabbage);
  • closer to the borders, early-ripening plant species are placed - most often these are greens and herbs, this place is also suitable for grapes and strawberries;
  • in order for the soil to remain fertile, it is important to observe the crop rotation rule (planting plants several times in a row on the same soil is unacceptable);
  • the correct neighborhood provides for the distribution of vegetables in the beds, taking into account their root system, the most optimal option is when crops with small and more developed roots alternate.

A table will help you plan what and where to plant, taking into account the compatibility of plants. The table shows the most common vegetables.

Vegetable good compatibility Poor Compatibility
eggplantPeas, potatoesOnions, tomatoes, fennel, garlic
PeasEggplants, potatoes, corn, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, beansOnions, garlic, tomatoes
DaikonZucchini, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, spinach, pumpkinPeas, strawberries, cabbage
CabbagePotato, onion, lettuce, beetroot, celery, dillStrawberries, beans
PotatoEggplant, peas, cabbage, onion, corn, parsley, lettuce, beets, horseradish, beans, garlic, radishCucumbers, tomatoes, celery, fennel
OnionBlack currants, garden strawberries, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, watercress, spinachBeans, peas, beans, cabbage
CarrotPeas, onions, tomatoesFennel
cucumbersPeas, dill, beans, lettuce, cabbagePotatoes, tomatoes
PepperOnions, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, basil, eggplantPeas, cucumbers, celery, beans
ParsleyOnions, lettuce, peas, beans, tomatoes, radishes, beansCarrots, beets, celery, horseradish
tomatoesGreen crops, cabbage, onions, gooseberries, asparagus, beansPotatoes, kohlrabi, cucumbers, fennel
SaladCabbage, garden strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, onions, radishes, spinach, peasTomatoes, pumpkin, beans, beets
BeetCabbage, onion, lettuce, beansFennel

With fruit and other trees

Planting shrubs, berries and vegetables in the aisles of a young garden is not recommended. This is due to the fact that plants, and especially cultures from the nightshade family, take all the nutrients from the soil.

If the trees have long been rooted and delight the owners with their fruits, you can sow the seeds of parsley, cilantro, dill, radish and lettuce under them. These cultures do not harm their neighbors and ripen in the shortest possible time, in addition, in the shade, the greens remain juicy for a long time.

You can also choose perennial plants - strawberries, wild garlic, dzhusai, mustard, mint, lemon balm.

In the middle of summer, seeds of Beijing cabbage, radish and radish are sown in the shade of trees. Beans feel good under the crown of a tree. Thanks to it, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, which in turn improves yields.

Under old trees, some gardeners successfully grow cucumbers, lagenaria, pumpkins and zucchini. Plants curl beautifully along the trunk, and thanks to the fertile soil they give a good harvest.

Regarding tomatoes, the opinions of experts differ - some believe that the plant will stretch due to insufficient lighting, others say the opposite, having gathered a good harvest under a tree. Gardeners also assure that planting is mutually beneficial for both tomatoes and fruit trees, since the latter are protected from the codling moth, and tomatoes are less likely to get late blight.

Wanting to decorate the garden with roses, you should know that planting them next to a plum, pear and apple tree is not recommended. Greens and vegetables will not grow well under a walnut. It is also worth considering that tomatoes and potatoes are bad neighbors for apricots.

With flowers and herbs

Vegetables are not very fond of being next to marigolds, while being close to marigolds is favorable. They protect plants from nematodes and make the beds beautiful. Calendula improves the quality of the soil, and pests are afraid of it. Both plants are planted near cucumbers, carrots and potatoes. It is best to sow marigolds and zinnia near tomatoes.

From aphids, whites and snails, nasturtiums will help. Flowers are sown between rows or arbitrarily close to garden crops. Daffodils and tulips are planted near carrots.

Herbs such as chamomile, tansy, yarrow and wormwood protect plants from pests. Gardeners love nasturtium because it resists pests and weeds, and also pleases with its beauty until late autumn. In addition, it can be eaten by adding it to salads. Best of all, she gets along with potatoes and cabbage. Garlic planted with roses repels beetles.

Also edible plants include borage, or borage. It repels pests, loosens the ground, removes excess moisture and blooms very beautifully throughout the summer, attracting pollinating insects.

with bushes

In the garden near the shrubs, you can sow greens. Gooseberries, raspberries and other berry bushes do well near fruit trees, provided that they do not shade them too much.

The combined plantings of raspberries and bush beans are characterized by a mutual beneficial effect, but the plants will not like the neighborhood of raspberries and blackberries. To protect the bushes from the codling moth, sow tarragon or tarragon.

It is recommended to sow lupins, hyssop, onions, garlic near grapes, but planting cabbage and hazelnuts leads to the death of a young vine. Near it you can place currants, raspberries, radishes, legumes, beets, cucumbers. It should be borne in mind that grapes planted near the garden with berries have a special taste. The most favorable is its proximity to strawberries - so the grapes are large and sweet.

Gooseberries get along well with red currants, they do not compete for space and do not attract common pests. You can also plant lemon balm, mint, basil and sage with gooseberries - herbs repel sawfly, aphids and moths. For the same purpose, tomatoes are planted near the gooseberries. An unfavorable neighbor is onions. Raspberries and gooseberries can be planted under a plum tree.

  • eggplants are best placed near onions, beans, spinach, thyme;
  • it is better to plant onions, herbs, tomatoes, carrots, kohlrabi, zucchini near hot peppers;
  • strawberries and parsley located nearby feel good;
  • cucumbers are friends with most plants, especially beans, zucchini, celery, garlic, onions, spinach;
  • the legume family gets along well with peas, parsley, cucumbers, corn, potatoes;
  • beets grow well near strawberries and onions;
  • carrots are advised to plant in the garden with onions, garlic, radishes;
  • cabbage gets along on the same bed with celery, dill, rosemary, beans;
  • near strawberries, it is better to plant sorrel, carrots, lettuce, radishes, radishes, spinach;
  • it is better to plant garlic next to celery, carrots, roses, gladioli;
  • sweet peppers are planted on the same bed with basil, okra, beets, fennel;
  • tomatoes prefer to grow separately, and not together with other vegetables, but not against the neighborhood with onions, beets, corn;
  • pumpkin gets along with legumes, radishes;
  • loves potatoes if nasturtium, marigolds, beans, cilantro are located nearby;
  • excellent companions for onions are carrots, beets and all types of melons.

Examples of successful plant combinations

When drawing up a plan of beds, taking into account the principle of joint planting of vegetable crops, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the options for successful combinations. Examples of good neighborliness with good fertility and a minimum incidence rate:

  • alternating pumpkin, corn, legumes and nasturtium;
  • a bed of radishes, lettuce, kohlrabi, spinach, early potatoes;
  • alternating rows of carrots, parsley, dill;
  • plot with legumes, tomatoes, cilantro, carrots, marigolds;
  • a bed of cucumbers, basil and tomatoes;
  • rows of potatoes, cabbage, spinach, beans, corn.

What plants in the garden and garden are better not to plant next to each other?

Improper placement of vegetables and trees can cause reduced yields or attract insects. In order not to be mistaken, gardeners are advised to familiarize themselves with crops that are poorly combined with each other:

  • green onions should not be planted next to garlic;
  • near cucumbers, you should not plant turnips, tomatoes, asparagus, rhubarb, zucchini;
  • garlic should not be planted near peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts;
  • for gooseberries, blackcurrant is a bad companion;
  • juniper, cherry cannot be placed together with a pear;
  • mint, basil and cilantro are bad for the growth of garlic;
  • it is not recommended to plant apricots, lilacs, cherries, cherries, barberries next to the apple tree;
  • cherry feels bad near currants;
  • raspberries and strawberries planted nearby become a favorable environment for weevils.