Growing strawberries from seed. How to grow seedlings of garden strawberries from seeds Strawberry seeds growing in stages

Millions of summer residents annually grow strawberries from seeds at home. Strawberries not only have a pleasant taste, but are good for health, have a healing effect. The same goes for leaves. They are recommended to be added fresh or dry to teas, herbal infusions, decoctions. In order for the harvest of amazing berries to be generous, it is necessary to master the technology of planting and growing a plant. How to cope with the task at home?

So that the seedlings have time to grow, strawberry seeds are sown in February, at the latest - in March

Planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings: term and

Experienced summer residents independently collect seeds from selected strawberries or order them in an online store. It is cheaper and more profitable to renew strawberry plantations by collecting own seeds. According to summer residents, when planting strawberries in this way, it is possible to achieve higher yields than when propagating vegetatively. Do-it-yourself seedlings grown at home will not be infected or.

Strawberry seeds are characterized by poor germination, they take a long time to germinate. So that the seedlings have time to grow, the seeds are sown in February, at the latest - in March. Collecting seed is difficult due to the small size of the seeds. Summer residents use the best, large, well-ripened berries. Then they are cut into 2 or 4 parts, dried. By the time of planting seedlings, the seeds will begin to separate well and planting work will become much easier.

The soil for sowing strawberry seeds must be prepared and be:

  • disinfected;
  • loose;
  • fertilized.

For disinfection, it is enough to ignite the earth from the garden in the oven or pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate. To obtain a loose consistency, the earth can be mixed with sand, peat, humus in 1 part. Next, the soil is placed in a shallow container for seedlings, on the bottom of which drainage is preliminarily laid. Summer residents with experience recommend planting seeds in separate cups for seedlings. This will avoid picking seedlings, which inevitably leads to root injuries.

Growing strawberries from seeds at home about

Planting material is subjected to a number of procedures. First, the seeds are soaked for germination. For this purpose, they are placed in gauze folded in several layers, cotton wool. For 3-4 days they are kept in a humid environment at room temperature. After the specified time, the seeds are sent in a container to the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, for 14-15 days.

You can plant seeds directly in peat tablets. Planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings in peat tablets is a popular way among summer residents, which allows you to get a strong and healthy seedlings. Peat is impregnated with water and 5-10 seeds are placed in each tablet, crops are irrigated with water from a spray bottle. The seed is evenly distributed over the surface, but is not sprinkled with earth. Plants grow well in loose peat. After the seedlings can be transferred to cups, and then to open ground.

Seedlings appear after a few days. Seedlings should be watered regularly, and the soil should be carefully loosened. Strawberries grow rapidly, and after 25 days the plants dive. Each plant is placed in a separate cup while trying not to damage the root.

Planting strawberries with seeds for seedlings, video:

Growing strawberries from seeds at home is an interesting and rewarding activity. Growing fruitful strawberries is real. It is worth paying attention to the choice of variety, observe the recommended sowing dates. According to reviews - good way increase seed germination. In any case, do not forget about simple agricultural practices.

Growing strawberries from seed

Why is it better to grow strawberries yourself?

One of the berries most loved by gardeners is strawberries. No one will remain indifferent to this berry, thanks to its excellent smell and taste properties. Throughout the year, you can buy strawberries grown in greenhouses, but this is not at all the same as growing them yourself in your own garden. The most fragrant strawberries are wild strawberries. In spite of small size berries, this plant is especially popular due to its unsurpassed smell and useful properties

Buying seedlings in a store does not guarantee a high-quality, unmodified fruit without diseases and viruses, so it is better to grow it yourself from seeds prepared in advance than to use purchased ones.

Among the disadvantages of using ready-made seedlings are:

  • high price;
  • low probability of survival, out of 10 bushes planted, approximately 70% survive;
  • lack of fruit due to disease;
  • the presence of modified fertilizer formulations;
  • adaptation to natural conditions.

All this can be avoided by growing strawberries from seeds yourself.

Preparing to grow strawberries from seed

Seed preparation must begin in winter. If you yourself harvested strawberries for seedlings, make sure that they are dry and not covered with bloom. The earlier you sow the land, the greater the likelihood of timely germination, so it is not recommended to plant seedlings later than March.

However, there are also disadvantages of early sowing, since strawberries are very fond of light. Due to poor lighting, seedlings may not appear at all, so you need to use fluorescent lights if the side is not sunny or it is cloudy outside.

Seed preparation

In order for the embryos to germinate, it is necessary to imitate the effects of nature. In the forests and fields, seeds turn into embryos with the onset of spring, when it gets warmer and the snow melts.

In the same way, it is necessary to act on them at home in order to destroy growth enzymes called inhibitors.

Simulation of natural conditions. Strawberries growing from seed.

To simulate natural conditions, you can perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Put the seeds placed in not a large number of earth, in the refrigerator;
  2. Simulate the onset of spring with melt water (wet abundantly with cool water);
  3. Leave in a transparent container or in a bag for 2-3 days in the refrigerator, then wait for friendly germination.

Strawberries growing from seed. How else can you grow?

If there is not enough space in the refrigerator, you can use the snow from the street. But this method is only suitable if the future seedlings have not been processed and have not been placed in fertilizer granules.

When the embryos swell, they are placed on paper napkin moistened with water, and kept on a plate in a warm and bright place for germination. It is very important to ensure that the napkin or cotton pad does not dry out. This can harm the seedlings or completely destroy them.

Growing strawberries from seeds at home

When planting seedlings, it is important to consider that they cannot be sprinkled. Most often, the seeds are mixed with wet sand and laid out on the surface. If sand is not available, you can spread them into the ground and press down a little, then spray water without directing a direct jet at the seedlings.

You can also sow strawberries or strawberries in small grooves, which are made with a small rake. Future bushes are placed at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from each other. The soil composition must be firm, slightly moist and well leveled before seeding into furrows, otherwise the germs may sink into the ground and fail to germinate.

How to choose the right soil for growing from strawberry seeds

Soil selection is extremely important point. It is most preferable to prepare the land in the summer, using the soil in which the berry will be planted. However, such soil may not be quite suitable, so you still have to buy more.

It is advisable to choose a neutral soil and carefully sift it before planting. If you want to prepare the soil for growing strawberries yourself, you can use peat, humus, sand and ash.

How to choose the right container for growing strawberries

It is preferable to take a container that is not very deep and transparent. A plastic box from products that are found in supermarkets is perfect. The bottom and walls of the container must be pierced to allow air to enter. The plastic should not be matte so that sunlight can penetrate from all sides without problems.

Care of seedlings during the germination of strawberries from seeds

The process of planting strawberries is completed, but further care for the seedlings is necessary. For best germination, you need to follow following conditions:

  1. temperature regime from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius;
  2. light, but without direct sunlight;
  3. make sure that the earth is not too wet, remove condensate on the lid;
  4. remove the lid from the box for ventilation;
  5. moisten with a spray gun if the condensate has ceased to appear.

In no case should the surface dry out completely, but it should not be watered either. After waiting for the appearance of seedlings, further care is not required and comes down to watering. As before, the soil should not be oversaturated with water, but not dry.

Planting strawberries grown from seeds in the soil

Seedlings must first be taken outside for a short time, for example, on a balcony or veranda, so that they get used to it, but hypothermia should be avoided and be sure to clean the house at night.

Transfer of seedlings and soil preparation

The most important phase of growing remontant strawberries from seeds is the transfer of seedlings to the soil. This is usually done when the bush already has 5-6 leaves. The rest with 2-3 leaves are seated in separate cups to speed up growth. It is recommended to prepare the land before planting strawberries.

The soil is previously dug up and fertilized with ash, as well as other means. It is recommended to plant a grown berry, maintaining a distance of 25 centimeters between rows and 15 between bushes. After planting home-grown strawberries, it is recommended to weed and water it, as well as periodically loosen the ground.

Preparing strawberries for cultivation

The principle of germination of strawberries and strawberries is identical. Strawberries are more domesticated and their varieties are more adaptable, so they can be watered less often and fertilized less.

Before you grow strawberries, you need to prepare the seeds. To do this, use large and ripe strawberries or strawberries, cut and spread on a smooth surface in the sun to dry. Can be bought different types berries every year. But if you like the variety, it is better to take your own. This will be more reliable and cheaper.

To better understand the whole process, or if you have any questions, pay attention to the cultivation of garden strawberries video.


Growing strawberries from seeds is a simple and very interesting procedure. By following the simple rules of seed preparation and providing the necessary conditions for the plants, you will get strong and healthy seedlings, which will subsequently give an excellent harvest.

From seed is a very exciting process. In order not to be disappointed, it is better to purchase them from reputable manufacturers. It is worth purchasing seeds that are more than 12 months old at the time of planting.

Seeds of remontant small-fruited beardless strawberries germinate best, for example, strawberries of the Baron Solimakher variety, as well as Alpine, Ali Baba, etc. There are a lot of seeds of these varieties in a pack, the price of packing seeds is a little more than 10 rubles.

Large-fruited strawberries are more difficult to grow from seeds. But how much joy and pride you will experience if you succeed! There are few seeds in a pack, usually 10 pieces, and it is not cheap - more than 50 rubles. It makes sense to try to grow small-fruited strawberries, gain experience and skills in growing them, and then try to grow large-fruited ones.

For seeds, it is better to purchase a universal soil or soil for Saintpaulia. Whichever one you use, it must be disinfected. The easiest way to disinfect the soil is in the microwave. It must be placed in a container, sprinkled with water and steamed at maximum microwave power for 5 minutes. The soil must be completely dry before sowing.

The optimal time for planting strawberries for seedlings is from February to April. If it is possible to create additional lighting, then strawberries from seeds can be planted as early as January. If this is not possible, then you should not rush into planting, as you will get weak elongated seedlings.

Stratification is necessary to improve strawberries. In the process of stratification, inhibitors that inhibit the growth of embryos are destroyed in seeds. Strawberries from seeds germinate better if a layer of snow about 1 cm thick is laid on the ground and the seeds are evenly spread on top of it (if there is no snow at the time of planting, you can scrape frost from the freezer). The container should be placed in a plastic bag or covered with glass and put in the refrigerator for several days, about a week. In the process of snow melting, the seeds will fall to a depth that is optimal for germination. Crops must be ventilated daily, removing the condensate accumulated on the glass (film).

After the expiration of the stratification period, the seed container must be taken out and placed in a well-lit place with diffused light. Strawberries from seeds after stratification sprout relatively quickly. The first shoots appear in a week. The remaining seeds can germinate within a month. During this period, ventilation with the removal of condensate is mandatory. When the top layer of the soil dries out, it is necessary to water carefully, you can use a pipette or a teaspoon, you can spray it from a spray bottle. The soil in which strawberries grow from seeds should be moist, but not waterlogged.

When the sprouts develop 3-4 true leaves, you need to pick (seat young plants in separate containers). When picking, you can not deepen the heart of strawberries. It should be at ground level, not above and not below. When planting plants, it is advisable not to disturb the earthen lump of the root system, then the engraftment process will be easier. Picked plants can be put in an impromptu greenhouse or covered with foil. They need to be kept in shading for several days, and then put in a bright place so that the seedlings do not stretch.

It is possible to plant seedlings of strawberries in the garden at a time when there is confidence that there will be no more frosts. By this time, as a rule, 5-6 true leaves have already been formed on the bushes.

Among the many varieties, I would especially like to note the variety of strawberries "Elizabeth II". This is a large-fruited culture that bears fruit without pauses. Strawberry "Elizabeth II" forms berries weighing up to 40 g, not only on the mother specimen, but also on the mustache. This variety can be planted in containers. The benefit is double - tasty large berries and an excellent decoration of the site. In adverse weather conditions, it is easy to move the container indoors.

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Hello everyone! Last year I sowed 7 seeds of remontant strawberry Honey Taste. Of these, only one seedling remained, I still don’t know how it overwintered! This year I sowed 20 seeds of Queen Elizabeth on February 21, so far there are no shoots! The seeds were bought on the market, the shelf life is normal. I want to grow at least 1 bush, then propagate. I just don’t know if it will be possible ...

This variety is based on wild wild strawberries. What varieties he added remains a secret, but his “game” in selection brought a huge result, because the berry of this variety is very tasty. Description of the variety "Pineapple" can be found here

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Step-by-step instructions for growing strawberries from seeds

Do not forget to put drainage at the bottom of the planting pots (expanded clay, broken brick, small pebbles, etc.), then pour the prepared soil mixture, level it, slightly compact it and moisten it well with a spray bottle. ​


In any case, the first rule to remember is to observe

After the appearance of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings dive into pots, and after the appearance of the 6th true leaf, they can be planted in the ground: 20-25 cm between the bushes, 30-35 between rows. When grown from seeds, strawberries retain their grade for 90-95%. Remontant varieties of strawberries are best suited for this method, which will subsequently produce sweet berries from spring to autumn:

Sunlight is very important during the growth of strawberry seedlings. Try to rearrange the containers to sunny windows or turn on additional lighting above them. Otherwise, the seedlings will greatly slow down their growth, will be weak and elongated.

Geneva, Bagota, Mutofavorit - strawberry varieties with very large and sweet berries.

11. We dive when 2-3 true leaves appear. We make sure that the spine is not bent up. First, we plant at the same depth, then carefully pour it to the cotyledon leaves. Water well so that the soil "sticks" to the roots.

Why does the look of even a not very experienced summer resident stop at bright photos, on bags of strawberry seeds? Probably because the remarkably tasty and healthy strawberries growing on our native six acres have one unpleasant property - over time it degenerates, even the “pedigreed” is cross-pollinated by the neighboring “mutts”.

Hello. I also planted "Queen Elizabeth" strawberries, but it's been a little More than a month, but no shoots. Planted as recommended on the package. What did I do wrong?

In conclusion, I would like to say: no matter what method of growing garden strawberries whatever you choose, the main thing is that it be a joy, that it be planted and grown with love, then the result will bring you joy. Good luck in the difficult but rewarding work!​

Strawberry seeds in their pure form almost never retain their variety. Out of 1000 seeds, 1-2 can carry the expected varietal characteristics, the rest simply “crumble”. The principle is the same as for cucumbers or tomatoes purchased with the F1 mark. ​

We sow seeds. If you use cups or honeycombs, try to sow 1-2 seeds in each, but if you have a wide capacity, then we sow as if you are adding salt to your favorite dish.

more phosphorus and potassium are needed. Phosphorus is required for the development of the root system, and potassium is more necessary for the development of fruits so that they are tastier, brighter. Nitrogen is needed only for early stage when the plant forms a stem. At the end of summer, you no longer need to feed the plant with nitrogen, otherwise there will be too much greenery and few tomatoes.


crop rotation Sashenka F1, Lizonka F1, Irishka F1 Watering is carried out extremely carefully, literally drop by drop at first, so as not to cause the Black Leg disease.

How to grow strawberries from seeds?

Sakhalinskaya, Brighton, Elizabeth II - remontant strawberries, it bears fruit from the end of May until the very frost.

Step 1 – seed preparation

In this place, for the first time, we breathe a sigh of relief. The worst is behind. Before landing in the ground, it remains not to abuse it with watering, or vice versa - do not dry it. Do not rush to fertilize, this is later.​

Step 2 - sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings

Buying seedlings by mail is a dubious undertaking, too often plants do not survive the shipment, and there are enough scammers. Buying on the market is also questionable. Even the purchase of seedlings in a reputable company does not give a 100% guarantee that you will grow what you want. The exit, it would seem, suggests itself ...

Bought 6 packs different varieties. Planted in coconut tablets. 1 seed per each (with tweezers). 97% up. The tablet was soaked with Vermicoff. Some seeds hatched after a week without highlighting, while others (when they were already desperate that they would sprout) under the lamp after a month.

I express my deep gratitude to Valentina Cherevatova for the photos provided!​

Step 3 - caring for strawberry seedlings

Again, the question arises: why are such seeds sold?

Strawberries from seeds: growing seedlings, varieties and main mistakes

We cover the crops with a film and ventilate every day, preventing the accumulation of condensate, if necessary, moisten with a spray bottle. Shoots appear after 7-14 days

Varieties of strawberries

And some cultures, on the contrary, even need

  1. . Your site should be planned not only for this year, but also for the next year. For example, if you plant
  2. (large-fruited) and

Seedlings of strawberries from seeds grow very slowly and require constant attention. When it reaches a diameter of 5-6 cm, it must be carefully transferred into a container. bigger size. This must be done to form a strong and abundant root system. Handle strawberry seedlings carefully, without exposing the roots. To do this, first moisten the earth well in a cup, then turn the cup upside down and, pressing on its walls, release the earthen ball with the sprout.

If you are an adherent of specifically remontant varieties, remember that such strawberries bear fruit well and abundantly only for the first two years. Then the berries are smaller, and their number is reduced. Therefore, it becomes necessary to replace absolutely the entire strawberry plantation with new bushes.

DIY seeds

​Achieving positive result when growing remontant strawberries from seeds, you need to follow the correct agricultural practices.

Growing strawberries from seeds

Then why do most of us, standing at the window, sigh and pass by without buying the coveted bag? Apparently, because there is a steady confidence in the capriciousness and inhuman difficulty of growing strawberries from seeds.

My seeds never germinated! I love strawberries very much, but this year it did not work out to grow from seeds! Maybe next time you'll be lucky?

I want, I really want to get a plant from seeds! So many forces! How many disappointments! But ... It also happens that you get a very unexpected result, as, for example, my mom got it. For the third year she has been collecting seeds of large-fruited garden strawberries from varieties neutral day. And every year, out of 150 bushes, she gets 1 or 2 bushes with excellent berries. And all of them, please note ALL, of these 1 or 2, none is similar to the other.

​To answer it, I quote part of the description from a bag of seeds purchased in Turkey: "Seeds of garden strawberries for use in breeding and hybridization" - this is verbatim. Why they don’t write about this in our country remains a mystery.​

If you sowed in wide containers, then when the first true leaves appear, the plants need to be planted in separate pots one at a time. If the crops were immediately in combs or cups, then now is the time to carry out the first feeding of the plants. You can use special fertilizers for garden strawberries (the numbers indicated in the instructions are divided by 2, that is, apply in half the dose) or diluted mullein or bird droppings. You can also apply Plantafol for seedlings.

plant next to

potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants

Snow White, Rhine Waltz, Baron Solemacher, Ali Baba

While the sprouts are still very small and fragile, they have enough nutrition that they will receive from the soil. But as they grow, you need to start applying mineral fertilizers. This is usually done once a week, when 4 true leaves appear on the seedlings. It is best to use fertilizers such as: "Aquarin", "Kemira-Lux", "Soluble". They must be alternated with each other, then your strawberries will receive all the necessary nutrients.

Often remontant strawberries are planted in containers and, when the temperature drops sharply, they are brought into the shelter. Thus, they not only prolong the fruiting period, but also decorate the site.

Strawberries: One of my favorite treats. With the onset of the summer season, we are looking forward to the ripening period of these delicious and fragrant berries. There is a huge variety of strawberry varieties that differ in their taste, ripening time and fruit weight. most accessible and interesting way breeding of various varieties is the selection and sowing of strawberry seeds. Remontant varieties of garden strawberries are propagated by seeds. The seed material is very small and it is for this reason that the seeds germinate for a long time, and the seedlings develop slowly. Sowing seeds of remontant strawberries early will speed up the ripening process, and you will get delicious berries in the first year of planting.

The one who is more daring, buys, sows, guided by the instructions on the package or the experience of sowing completely different plants, gets a disappointing result ...

Something doesn’t work for me in the “next”))) Last year I sowed four varieties of strawberries and not a single shoot. This year there were seeds left in two bags, "Ruyana" Poisk and "Alexandrina" Russian Garden. On January 19, on the surface of moist soil, under the film, I regularly ventilate and spray, maintaining humidity. And again nothing. Or is there still hope?

Preparation for planting seedlings in open ground

Transplanting seedlings of strawberries in open ground

In order to get a full-fledged harvest, observing all the rules of care (which you can read about here), it is most reliable to purchase seedlings obtained from the whiskers of varieties of modern breeding, which are actually large-fruited garden strawberries.

Plant development in room conditions, even with backlighting, is pretty slow. ​

with each other. For example, an onion planted between rows of carrots scares away carrot fly, and carrots, in turn, - an onion fly; garlic, radish, basil repel cabbage fly; dill, sage, onion protect cabbage crops from cabbage caterpillars, and so on. Proper planting together is a great, most environmentally friendly way to control pests.​

How to grow super-yielding strawberries from seeds? Expert advice, part III | Plants | School of

, then on next year these cultures

Why can't you grow strawberries from seeds?


An important step in growing strawberry seedlings is its hardening. You need to start hardening seedlings from the moment you transplant them into large containers. To do this, take the containers to the balcony or loggia, starting from 10-15 minutes. Gradually increase the hardening time. However, make sure that the air temperature does not drop to 0 degrees. Gradually, the seedlings will get used to the lower temperature, and it will get warmer outside, and you can leave containers with strawberries on the loggia all night. Seedlings hardened in this way can be safely planted in open ground as early as mid-May.

You can not buy bags of seeds in the store, but make the seed material yourself. To do this, you need to take a large ripe berry cut off the end of it. Cut the middle and upper parts of the berry into slices and lay out to dry on a sheet of paper. When the pulp is thoroughly dry, grind it between the palms. Put the spilled seeds in a bag and store until spring.

We start sowing strawberry seeds in February. We prepare the soil: mix 5 parts of humus with 3 parts of river, clean sand. ready mix for disinfection, warm up for 3-4 hours at high temperature. Suitable purchased soil mixture for seedlings. We fill the bowls, with drainage holes, with soil. On top of the pillow (1-1.5 cm) of snow. On top of the snow we sow the seeds of berries at a distance of 2 cm. The seeds are dark and rows of evenly sown seeds are well drawn on the snow. With a warm microclimate in the room, the snow melts, and with it the seeds are successfully “drawn into the soil to the required depth. It is impossible to sow small seeds of strawberries in the grooves, and even more so to cover them with earth. Seeds are scattered on slightly compacted soil and irrigated with a spray bottle without washing away the soil. The container with crops is covered with glass and transferred to warm room, with an air temperature of 20-22 degrees. Once a day, we open the glass to ventilate the crops and carefully look at the seedlings. At the first appearance of sprouts, we remove the glass and expose the containers with seedlings to a brighter room with an air temperature of 15-17 degrees. In most cases, additional illumination of seedlings is required. Lowering the temperature and bright light will prevent the sprouts from stretching and rotting the root collar. Watering by spraying from a spray bottle. The surface of the soil should not dry out

1. Let's start with strawberry seeds. It is better to choose a couple of not very expensive small varieties. They are not so demanding (large ones are more capricious) and there are a lot of them in the package (and large and expensive ones - from 3 to 10 seeds). Small berries will not disappoint you - almost all small varieties compensate for the size with a wonderful smell and taste. Now many remontant and beardless varieties are on sale. This means that you will be relieved of the need to constantly cut the mustache, which weakens the plant, and the berries will be on the table all season - from June to snow.

Irina, today I planted Alexandrina. I also try to grow every year and nothing ((That's just the pineapple went well. ​Sorry for dirty hands, working moment.​ And what do we do with such seeds - people who are a little obsessed with garden strawberries, for whom the availability of varieties on sale is not enough? Everything is very simple. We “hang” different varieties on plants from split seeds. As children, we conduct experiments like: “What happens if we add pollen from this flower to this flower, and from this one, and then from that one?” As soon as the weather conditions allow, we transplant the bushes into open ground. At first, we shade and water daily. As soon as the plants have adapted to outdoor conditions, they begin to develop intensively and enter the flowering phase ​Thus, observing the rules of crop rotation and joint landings, as well as agricultural practices for individual crops, you will definitely get such a useful and healthy harvest, which you can not buy in the market or in the store. Indeed, in the second case, vegetables, fruits and berries are most often grown in industrial scale, which already means using more fertilizers and ways of processing products for storage and transportation. More about this and other cases in the article “Do you need it? Or running to the garden.

How to resist late blight of tomatoes?

Be sure to try growing strawberries from seeds. It is not difficult and gives very good results in the form of healthy, juicy, organic berries. More information about the characteristics of the varieties >>​ A bed for strawberries is usually prepared in the fall, digging it up to a full bayonet and making compost. If the soil is heavy, add sand. In the spring you need to make potash fertilizers. As for nitrogen fertilizers, then be careful with them: their excess will lead to the growth of the green part of the bush and reduce the number of berries.

They start growing seedlings of strawberries from seeds in March. Success in this business largely depends on the quality of the soil: it must be very light, crumbly, nutritious. It is best to buy it in the store. Soil mixtures for begonias and violets, as well as "Universal" soil for seedlings, are perfect. Strawberry seedlings grow up, and the first real leaves begin to appear, we proceed to picking into separate pots. With great care, we take out the plant, shorten the central root by 1/3 part and transplant it into prepared pots. Throughout the entire period of growing seedlings, we maintain the soil in a moderately moist state, carry out several top dressings at intervals of 10-14 days. Seedlings of strawberries after a pick grow for about 6-7 weeks, during the growth we carry out hardening. During the hardening of seedlings with the removal to fresh air, the sprouts adapt to bright sunlight and drying wind with lower air temperature. By the time of planting in open ground, the seedlings should get stronger, harden. After disembarkation, young plantings must be shaded with covering material. 2. You can sow strawberries in March-April, but if you want to see the fruits in the first year - deceive nature - sow in the first decade of February.

It was easy for me to grow "Baron Solemacher". But with other varieties somehow does not grow together)) Here it is! Decide for yourself whether you want to purchase varietal seedlings or whether you want to grow your own variety from seeds ... ​ This is how sometimes - effortlessly - new varieties are obtained. Professional institutes, of course, this is done in the laboratory, but we "play" at home, in the field. And it happens somewhere like this: we transfer pollen from a plant of one variety to a plant of another variety, maybe more than one.

What are the rules for planning landings on the site?

During the budding period, we introduce a second top dressing - with organic fertilizer and always with mineral fertilizers such as "Garden strawberries", "For berry crops", "Strawberries".

​You can ask your questions to Sergey Dubinin and other specialists of SeDeK Agricultural Firm at [email protected], as well as on the forum of the personal site of Sergei Dubinin.​​should be placed on the same area. For example, potatoes cannot come after tomatoes, as they are both nightshade crops. They have many common diseases and many common pests. Therefore, after tomatoes, it is better to plant either cucumbers or some kind of root crops. Late blight of tomatoes Plant prepared seedlings in the evening or on a cloudy day. The distance between the bushes is 30-40 cm. Plant carefully, without deepening the central point of growth into the ground. After transplanting, the plants must be watered and shaded from the sun for the first time, so that the young bushes will better start and not get sick. The bed is usually mulched in any way: black film, straw, pine needles etc. This is convenient, because moisture will be better preserved in the ground, and there will be no weeds, and the berries will always remain clean. If you prepare the ground for seedlings on your own, then you need to add compost, peat, sand to it. Before sowing, such soil must be disinfected with potassium permanganate or by steaming. For steaming, an ordinary microwave is successfully used: the soil is well sprinkled with water and put in the oven at full power for 5 minutes. Thus, all harmful pathogens will die. Before planting seeds, such soil must, of course, be cooled to room temperature. Which of the owners of a personal plot does not dream of an abundantly fruitful strawberry garden? It is not at all difficult to acquire it, because garden strawberries (namely, it sounds like official name well-known strawberries) is quite easy to reproduce. You can learn how to grow strawberries from seeds from our article.​ 3. The soil is not heavy, not very fertile. Can be normal garden soil mix with sand.

Tomorrow I'll plant Solemacher)) I'm tired of messing around with this little thing today. At first I tried one seed at a time, carefully. Patience was not enough for a long time, sowed as salted)) It seemed to me that Solemacher had even smaller seeds. Last edited on January 31, 2016, 20:11​ Thank you, Ksyushenka, for an interesting article! To get a clean experiment, plants of different varieties should be isolated from each other, and in no case should bees and other insects have access to them. In order for our experiment to give the first results, we are waiting for the berries, let them become very overripe and collect the seeds. We give them a rest, we carry out stratification, we sow, we look at what we got. Part of the plants is left for further experimentation, and the second part is waiting for berries. In gratitude for our work, we receive a long-awaited harvest. Sweet, juicy, delicate aroma, unforgettable taste - all these, of course, are the characteristics of the first spring berry - garden strawberries. There is hardly a person among us who would not be familiar with this queen of berries.​

After - it is a malignant disease. There are no varieties completely resistant to this disease. There are only certain varieties that are more resistant, but they get sick only later. What is the way out? These are all the subtleties of how to grow strawberries from seeds. Usually those amateur gardeners who once tried to grow strawberry seedlings on their own in this way do not stop, and every year more and more new varieties of this tasty and fragrant berry appear on their plots. After all, this is the easiest and most proven way to get exactly the variety that you so dreamed of. Containers for growing strawberries require small, low - about 5 cm. Cassette containers or peat pots. Drainage holes need to be made in containers. Of course, many of us are more accustomed to propagating garden strawberries with seedlings. But often the planting of purchased seedlings turns into a series of unpleasant surprises - either it does not take root well, or it turns out to be not the sort that we would like. Similar surprises are possible when sowing purchased seeds. Therefore, much cheaper nervous system will harvest the seeds yourself. To do this, we select several large healthy berries of the desired variety and cut them off with a sharp knife. upper layer skins along with seeds. Seeds are best taken from the bottom of the berries, as there they have greater germination. We lay out the sections to dry, and when they dry, rub them in the palms, releasing the seeds.

4. It is very convenient to use a transparent plastic container for sowing. We pierce holes in the bottom. If the container is without a lid, we are preparing a film and a rubber band. Out of 5 seeds of Queen Elizabeth, 3 sprouted that year. 2 bushes came out, closer to autumn I planted already gorgeous young bushes in the garden. settled down well. let's look at the harvest this year! Valechka, after all, interesting specimens are obtained from seeds. It is very interesting which qualities of the mother bush are retained and which ones are changed? Interestingly, such plants can be seen almost immediately, their leaves are characteristically different from the game. And from what neutral did mom collect seeds?

After 2 years I got this:

How is that, you say? We spent so much effort, did everything according to the instructions, followed all the regimens, and got a small berry, weighing 5, and at best - 10 grams, often with little flavor, absolutely tasteless, dry. Maybe the plant needs to gain strength, and the next harvest will be better? I don't want to disappoint you, but the answer is no. This is the size, taste and aroma of berries, which will not change under any, even the most careful care. But why?

How to grow strawberries from seeds

Garden strawberries (its large-fruited varieties are often called strawberries) are a representative of the genus strawberries of the rose family. perennial herbaceous plant has large trifoliate leaves, from dark green to light green in color, located on petioles. The flowers are bisexual, five- or six-petal, white, pale or bright pink, less often bright crimson and even more rarely light lilac.

Brief description of garden strawberries


First of all, you can focus on ultra-early varieties that have time to bear fruit before the period of massive precipitation, leading to outbreaks and the spread of late blight. Suitable for this purpose

Throughout the planting season, gardeners and gardeners have narrowly focused questions that require simple and concise answers. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, founder and President of SeDeK Agricultural Firm Sergey Dubinin answers the most frequently asked questions.​

The earth in the container is poured in advance, 2-3 days before sowing the seeds, and moistened well. For prevention various diseases, including the "Black Leg", it is recommended to shed the earth with any antibacterial drug, for example, "Maxim".

It is best to plant strawberries for seedlings at the end of winter, when awakening processes start in nature. In order for the germination of strawberry seeds to be maximum and the first crop appeared on the bushes this year, it is better to choose the end of February or the beginning of March for sowing.

The technology of growing garden strawberries from seeds

5. We fill the container with loose earth, leaving 2-2.5 cm to the edge. We do not water dry soil, but slightly moisten it with drops from our fingers. Shake the container. The surface of the soil should not turn out to be compacted, but simply even, so that the seeds do not sink deep - they cannot get out.

"Baron Solimakher" (Gardens of Russia) was very pleased with the germination rate and is pleased with the second year of the harvest! I recommend to everyone!

If you hover over the photo, then there are comments to the photo. This is all collected from Queen Elizabeth 2. The quality of the berries is different for everyone. What sweetness, what sweet and sour. She had this KE2 variety growing among other varieties, and therefore different bushes, and consequently different berries. But with what exactly they perpenali maternal properties is unknown. This confirms, Ksyusha, your words that they are pollinated.

These berries I received from the varieties "Early Crimea" and "Sultan". They have these berries:

Let's figure out what happened together.

The so-called strawberries are actually an overgrown receptacle

you can't plant

Amur Shtamb, Betalux, Alpha, Pink Leader

Growing strawberries from seed is The best way get really healthy, beautiful bushes with very delicious berries, since in this case the cultivation is carried out by you personally from the very first stage. And now it is very difficult to buy high-quality strawberry planting material, sellers can offer goods that are not suitable for propagation.​

2 seeds are planted in a container. And you do not need to bury them, plant them in holes or sprinkle them with earth. Lay on the surface and spray with water from a spray bottle. In this way, you will compact the seeds in the ground and this will be enough for them to germinate.

Is large-fruited strawberries from seeds still a myth?

It will positively affect the germination of seeds and their preliminary germination.

​6. Further care for sowing seeds of strawberries comes down to the correct distribution of seeds over the surface of the soil - the layer is uniform and not plentiful. No need to cover with earth! We cover the seeds with snow, filling the container to the top (the same 2-2.5 cm).

Yes, Solemacher is indestructible, grows for himself and bears fruit until the snow. Last year, surprisingly, I grew all 5 out of 5))) “Russian Size”. By autumn they even tried to bloom. Berries of unprecedented sizes are promised. I will wait this year.

Here are the berries, collected on September 16, from the same bushes. Neutrality, these bushes, have definitely been preserved:

In gardening stores, we are presented with seeds of garden strawberries of various varieties and various prices for planting. The price of a sachet ranges from 50 cents to 10 dollars.​

Fruits are light or brown nuts.

zucchini, pumpkins, squash

And similar varieties.

Sometimes summer residents really complain that they can’t grow strawberries from seeds. They complain about low quality seeds, although the problem is different. You just need to know some features.​

Containers are covered with foil and placed in a warm place. At this stage, before the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the containers: lift the film for literally a minute to remove condensate and let the earth breathe fresh air.

For planting strawberry seeds, it is necessary to prepare containers with loose soil or peat tablets. Before sowing seeds, they should be moistened with plenty of water. Shallow grooves are made on the surface of the soil, into which the seeds are placed. It is not necessary to sprinkle them with earth on top, because in nature the seeds simply lie on the surface of the soil. So that in the future there is no need to dive seedlings, you can immediately plant the seeds in separate pots with peat tablets. To separate the grains from each other and their single landing, it is convenient to use tweezers or a wet pointed match.

A few words about selection

7. Close the container with a lid or film and put in the refrigerator. Choose a shelf yourself - the snow should melt gradually. The container will last 2 weeks in the refrigerator. What we have done is called stratification.​

I'm going to plant the whole package, there are a lot of seeds, I hope that at least one seed will sprout))​

Wow, but they definitely lost the KE 2 shape, the berries stretched out, the noses pointed, they became somewhat similar to Albion. They turned out interesting. This season I intend to put Sultan on neutral, and neutral on Sultan, it hurts me Sultan both in shape and taste, I want to try to make it at least a rem. It will take a few more years, but it's interesting!​

You can see the characteristics of these varieties here

Description of the variety on a bag of seeds - the manufacturer writes (verbatim):

The mass of a large-fruited strawberry berry ranges from 30 to 70 grams, and some specimens reach 100 grams or more - depending on the variety and ripening time (the first berries on the plant are always the largest).

- These are also plants of the same group, pumpkin. Thus, by observing crop rotation, you will constantly have healthy plants that will bear fruit better and be protected from pests.​

​If you prefer to plant more productive varieties with an average and late dates maturation, then you can not do without processing plants. The most common and accepted method is

The most favorable period for sowing seeds is the beginning of May - the end of June. In this case, in the first year you will get good seedlings. The soil must be very loose. Sowing is carried out on the surface (at a depth of no more than 1-2 mm).

Seedlings usually appear in about 3 weeks. In those containers where both seeds have sprouted, pinch one sprout so that it does not interfere. The main mistake that amateur gardeners make when growing strawberries from seeds is that they immediately remove the film as soon as shoots appear. This cannot be done, since small and tender sprouts will simply die from sharp drop humidity. First they need to be accustomed to humidity. environment, for this it is necessary to regularly ventilate the containers, each time increasing the ventilation time.​

A container with strawberry crops must be placed in a mini-greenhouse: cover with cellophane or transparent plastic completed ventilation holes. In order for the seeds to germinate as quickly as possible, they need to be provided with additional illumination for 10-12 hours daily. At first, watering strawberries must be done from a spray bottle, making sure that there is no soil erosion. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings dive, and after 1.5-2 months they are planted in open ground, after hardening for some time for outdoors. Further care for strawberries grown from seeds - fertilizing, watering, transplanting, etc. - no different from the usual.

8. After the "wintering" we expose the container with strawberry seeds on a cold windowsill. We do not remove the film or cover. If there is little light - use artificial lighting. Watering is still not necessary, except for a little spray when the soil is very dry (although normally melted snow is just enough for self-watering). Seedlings may appear in 10-15 days, some varieties germinate 3-4 weeks.​

Inna! I had 99% germination, I got wrapped up in seating, that's all free place occupied under the strawberry. then, instead of a border, she placed it on flower beds. berries with a fingernail, large fragrant and sweet. my little ones love it. harvest from spring to autumn. very grateful plant!

Valyusha, Chistopol

Yes, some bushes have changed shape. But you need to remember, the first fruiting in KE 2 also has elongated shape. And already, starting from the second fruiting, it is slightly rounded. This year I will collect seeds from Albion for my mother. Nearby grows KE 2 and several new varieties of one-time fruiting. I will show the results in a year. Last edited on February 21, 2014, 21:27​

What did I get? And here's what happened: the berry took on the density, the sweetness of "Early Crimea", the shape, as you can see, changed - the berry stretched out. The mass of the berry remained the same. From "Sultan" she took the aroma, the stalk. A pronounced glossiness of the berries appeared.

Variety of large-fruited garden strawberries "Temptation"

Varieties are divided into super early, early, medium ripening, late, remontant, NSD. You can read more about varieties here.​

Cucumbers with tomatoes are best planted on different beds. Cucumbers require a much larger agrobackground than tomatoes. Since at

OKSANA, Berdyansk

using Bordeaux mixture

Valyusha, Chistopol

Then cover the surface polyethylene film and moisten the soil as needed, it should not dry out. You need to water with a thin stream (from a watering can with narrow holes or a syringe) so as not to wash out the seeds.

Valyusha, Chistopol

If you want to speed up the germination process, then use the stratification method: you need to put about 1 cm thick snow on the ground in a container and spread the seeds on the snow. The containers are covered with film or glass and put in the refrigerator for 1 week. The snow will gradually melt, and the seeds, together with melt water, will fall to the depth necessary for germination. Remember to remove the containers from the refrigerator daily and ventilate them to remove condensation. After 7 days, the containers are transferred to a warm place, where the seedlings will continue to grow.

OKSANA, Berdyansk

Beloved by both adults and children, strawberries grow on almost every garden plot. At good care and timely top dressing, it gives an excellent harvest. Yes, and it breeds easily with a mustache, so there is no problem with updating and rejuvenating a strawberry plantation. But what if you "fired up" with a new variety? Where to buy it? You can, of course, buy strawberry seedlings from grandmothers in the market or in the store. But in this way you run a great risk that instead of the variety you need, you will get something completely different from what you wanted. The most optimal solution in this situation is to grow strawberries from seeds at home, since now you can buy seeds of this crop of various varieties in stores.

Valyusha, Chistopol

9. After the emergence of seedlings in the film, we begin to pierce holes - we gradually accustom the seedlings to the big world. While there are few holes, self-watering is enough. We follow the soil, it should not dry out, but excess moisture will kill the “children”. That is why a transparent container is more convenient - you can observe the humidity. And the film or cover will also tell you: if it is dry, there is little moisture, we urgently water it (with drops on the wall or with a spray gun), if there is so much condensate that the plants are not visible, there is too much moisture. Then briefly open the container - ventilate. Melt water is best suited for irrigation, because. strawberry seedlings do not respond well to excess salts.

OKSANA, Berdyansk

The main thing is that they sprout, and I will find where to plant it, or I will distribute it to my neighbors))

Ludmila Shuban, Karaganda

Interesting to see the result. It’s a pity that you always have to wait so long to see, but I know firsthand how exciting it is, but what great patience you need to have in order to get the long-awaited result!​

Vera Lapaeva, Berezniki

Whether my experiment turned out to be useful or not, I can’t answer: after all, the goal was to achieve characteristic changes - and I achieved them. I think that this is the first small, but good luck. What will happen next, time will tell. The work doesn't stop and I promise to keep you posted.​

Ludmila Shuban, Karaganda

Repairing large-fruited, bears fruit from May until frost.

Irina, Nerekhta

We choose a container for sowing: it should not be too deep - a height of 7-8 cm is enough; must have a hole for water drainage. It is most convenient to use cups - honeycombs.


Irina, Nerekhta

during the growing season. The preparation for processing should have copper in its composition. But if the treatment is carried out only with copper sulfate, then the plants can be severely burned. Therefore, the Bordeaux mixture is used, which, in addition to blue vitriol contains lime. On a plot of 10 square meters, you will need about 2 liters of the resulting Bordeaux liquid. When I first started to deal with tomatoes (and this was 30 years ago), the old people advised to stick a copper wire 3-5 cm long into the stem of each plant. I used this method, and it certainly gave results. And for use on small area it goes well with tomatoes. But in the years of strong outbreaks of late blight, additional treatment with a Bordeaux mixture will not hurt.

Inna Raevnikova, St. Petersburg

And now what is important to remember: the seeds germinate no earlier than after 35-45 days, and they can germinate quite unevenly. Some summer residents do not wait for the moment of germination and think that they got bad seeds.

tatiana, eagle

Using the stratification method, you will significantly speed up seed germination: the first shoots will appear in a week.

Irina, Nerekhta

Very popular among gardeners are varieties that have large berries or bear fruit until frost. These include:​

Inna Raevnikova, St. Petersburg

10. If strawberry shoots from seeds are too thick, thin out.

no doubt))

tatiana, eagle

Where can I buy seedlings "Sultan" and "Pineapple"

Inna Raevnikova, St. Petersburg

And this is a remontant variety, which already has its own name "Ilda-Pineapple", or in the people - just "Pineapple", brought out by my friend and colleague Viktor Kuznetsov from the Crimea. This variety was also obtained thanks to the curiosity of the breeder (and not having a special education).

tatiana, eagle

Simultaneously remontant and large-fruited (average berry weight 15-20 grams, maximum 30-35 grams). One adult bush lays 20 flower stalks at the same time. This combination leads to a very high yield of plants. Berry picking begins already 1.5 - 2 months after planting seedlings (up to 1.5 kg per bush). Plants immediately after planting begin to lay flower stalks, regardless of the length of the day and season, which allows you to get berries all year round in protected ground (room). Harvest is formed not only on adult plants, but also on rosettes. Dense, juicy and very fragrant berries with a strong, incomparable nutmeg aroma! Long peduncles give a special decorative effect, so you can successfully grow them in pots or boxes on a balcony, loggia, terrace.

The soil for planting must have a neutral pH. Wonderful suitable soil universal, potting mix for seedlings, purchased at a garden store and mixed with sand (1 third of sand and 2 thirds of soil).

When strawberry seeds are sown Catalpa how to grow from seeds

In a row there is a person indifferent to this berry. And although you can buy fresh strawberries throughout the year, its taste is far from that which is plucked from the garden, and even more so brought from the forest. So am I, looking forward to the appearance of the first berries of garden strawberries in my garden plot and then enjoying its wonderful taste with pleasure. The main part grown in the garden large-fruited varieties is precisely garden strawberries, and not strawberries and not Victoria, as we often call it.

In the photo: berries of small-fruited strawberries Rügen and large-fruited strawberries Elizabeth II

A little later than garden strawberries in the forest, wild strawberries begin to ripen, for which you have to go far, and it is very difficult to pick small berries under scorching sun and among annoying mosquitoes. Although the taste, aroma, and usefulness of wild strawberries, of course, are worth it. Therefore, having met a bag with Rügen wild strawberry seeds in the store, I decided to plant these berries in my garden. Moreover, their sizes are somewhat larger than strawberries from the forest, and fruiting lasts throughout the summer, that is, remontant. Also, try new way Growing strawberries from seeds was interesting.

Last year, I had to face the problem of poor-quality strawberry planting material purchased in a specialized store:
- out of five sockets, only three survived,
- from the first days the leaves were covered with black spots and turned black,
- even after the "treatment" of strawberries, such problems persisted.

Growing strawberries from seeds promised me
- genetically healthy seedlings without any viruses and diseases, they are not transmitted during seed propagation
- immediately a large number of outlets (almost free)
- acquaintance with a new variety and form of strawberries.

We advise you to read: What kind of strawberries to choose »
Growing strawberries vertically »
Recipes with strawberries in the winter »

What did I have at the beginning of my experiment? - A pack of seeds of remontant forest beardless strawberry Rügen (Fragaria vesca). This strawberry comes from mountain forests Western Europe, belongs to the same Fragaria vesca species as our wild berry, but unlike it, it bears fruit all season. Often it is called Alpine strawberry, Ever-flowering strawberry or European strawberry, but, in fact, it remains forest strawberry, or common strawberry, just as hardy and unpretentious that it can grow and bear fruit even in the shade, and winter without shelter.
In the description of the Rügen strawberry variety, it was said that one bush produces up to 1000 fragrant berries per season, the average weight of which is 2.5 g, the maximum is 5 g. How not to be tempted!

When to sow

Small-fruited strawberry seeds can be sown starting from February, it is more convenient to do this in March - April. The sooner the seeds are sown, the more likely it is to get good harvest in the first year of cultivation. But with early sowing, strawberries will need additional illumination, as it is photophilous, and its seedlings appear only in the light. Yes, and more space will be required for the grown seedlings, which is always not enough on the windowsill in the spring. Therefore, I sowed my Rügen strawberries on April 10, so that the grown seedlings could be planted immediately on suburban area.

Seed preparation

We start growing strawberries from seeds with stratification. This is necessary so that the seeds wake up faster and begin their growth. In nature, the seeds of wild strawberries germinate with the advent of heat after cold winter and snow melting, when the growth inhibitors that inhibit the germination of the embryo are destroyed. At home, a refrigerator can replace winter, and wet soil can replace melt water. To do this, cover the strawberry seeds sown in a container with a transparent lid or place in a plastic bag, put in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for 3 days. After that, you should expect friendly and fast shoots.

Another way to speed up the germination of seeds is to sow them in the snow. To do this, pour snow into a prepared container with earth, compact it to an even layer of 1 cm, lay strawberry seeds on top (you can use tweezers), cover with polyethylene and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 days.

Seed germination can also be accelerated by soaking (if the seeds are not processed and not in granules). To do this, they are kept in melted snow water for 2 days, changing it twice a day. The swollen seeds are laid out on a damp cotton pad (paper napkin, folded cloth, etc.), placed on a saucer, then placed in a plastic bag and placed in a warm, bright place until the seeds germinate, making sure that the disk does not dry out.

How to sow seeds

The peculiarity of sowing strawberry seeds is that it cannot be sprinkled with earth. Can be mixed with sand and spread over the surface. I laid out the seeds in random order at a distance from each other on a compacted and moistened substrate, lightly pressed them to the soil and sprinkled them a little from the sprayer (use a fine spray!).
When sowing strawberries in the snow, the seeds are naturally distributed over the surface of the soil as it melts and are slightly drawn into it.
You can sow seeds in shallow narrow grooves, to match their size, at a distance of 1-2 cm, without sprinkling with soil. Before making grooves, the soil must be well compacted and leveled.

We advise you to read: Wild strawberry »
Strawberry green (strawberry) »
Bare strawberry varieties »

Soil and container for sowing

For sowing strawberry seeds Ryugen I used ordinary land for seedlings from the store - very convenient. It is better to choose a soil with a neutral reaction and pre-sift it. Can cook soil mix on one's own:
- soddy land, peat, sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, plus ash and rotted manure, or
- 3 parts of sand and 5 parts of loose humus.
Everything is steamed for half an hour over steam from boiling water or heated in an oven for 3 hours at t + 100 ° C. Use the prepared substrate after three weeks.
The capacity for sowing seeds is chosen shallow. I used a transparent plastic box with a lid, which some supermarkets pack in. It is easy to make holes in its bottom with a heated metal object, such as an old knife, and the lid can be used for stratification, and later to create a micro-greenhouse and a pallet.

Seedling care

After the end of stratification, I put the container with strawberry crops on the windowsill - it is light and warm from the battery there, there is no direct sunlight. Seeds require a temperature of +20 -25 °C for germination. Every day I removed the lid to check the condition of the seedlings, and at the same time the crops were aired. I wiped off excess condensate on the lid when it stopped forming, moistened the soil from the sprayer, it should not remain dry.
On April 23, the first sprouts of strawberries appeared (photo 1).
I began to gradually increase the time the seedlings were in the air, that is, leave them longer with open lid. After 2-3 days, she opened it completely.
Now the care was reduced to watering. This is very important for strawberry seedlings. After all, the land where strawberries grow from seeds should never dry out and, at the same time, should not be excessively wet, that is, it should breathe. At excess moisture, planting crowding and low temperature strawberry seedlings can get sick. To prevent a black leg in seedlings, I advise you to spray with a solution of phytosporin, but I did not resort to this method of prevention. I watered small seedlings with a fine-jet sprayer, because they are so small. As an alternative, a medical syringe is sometimes used for irrigation, it will also not give a strong jet of water and direct it directly to the roots.

Landing in open ground

In the phase of two or three true leaves, strawberries dive in separate cups, and rosettes with 6 leaves are planted in open ground. On May 18, I planted the seedlings immediately on the seed bed (photo 2) in the shade of a young apple tree, so that the strawberries would not suffer much from the May sun and at the same time receive its rays. A few days before transplanting, the seedlings were taken out to the veranda, and then gradually accustomed to the street. Planted in the ground at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. The soil was dug up and fertilized. When planting, the growth point, from where the strawberry leaves grow, was not deepened. Further care consisted of weeding, loosening and watering. Sometimes she dusted the soil with ash to nourish plants and prevent diseases.
A month later, my Rügen strawberries looked much grown up (photo 3). At the very beginning of July, I transplanted it to permanent place(photo 5). I chose a cloudy day, but planted it in a place open to the sun, although it could have been taken under the berries and partial shade. I previously dug up the soil, filled it with compost and applied mineral complex fertilizer. I transplanted strawberry bushes with a clod of earth (photo 4), so they are unlikely to have suffered in this case. They stood lush and green after the transplant, as if it had never happened. At first, I was especially attentive to their watering - this is important for survival in a new place. I planted strawberries in a permanent place already according to the recommended scheme - 25-30 cm between rows, 15-20 cm between plants. She took care, as before: she watered the strawberries, weeded, loosened the earth after the rain.

The first berries grown from seeds

In the open space, Rügen strawberries got prettier, the bushes became thick and tall (15 cm) and bloomed (photo 6). At the end of August I tried the first berries. I got great pleasure! From a small seed, in a few months, a large bush immediately formed with ripe tasty berries! If not for the cold autumn of 2013, I would have enjoyed the fruits of my labor for a long time. But the berries remained green due to the abnormally cold and damp autumn. By the way, they did not rot even in such weather, and the bushes were extremely healthy, no spots on the leaves (photo 7). It is believed that the most big harvest strawberries grown from seeds give in the second year. So I'm looking forward to this summer. In the photo: Rügen strawberries.

Rügen strawberries are larger than wild strawberries from the forest, they have a very interesting elongated-pointed shape. They are bright red in color, but their flesh is pink in the middle and white in the center. They have a dessert sweet and sour taste, a strawberry smell, although, it seemed to me, they are inferior in this strawberry from the forest.
Rügen strawberry bushes are dense, semi-spreading, compact. They can be successfully grown in pots or other containers, even on the balcony or window sill of an apartment. In this case Rügen strawberries blooming and fruiting all summer will be wonderful decorative element any corner of the garden, verandas, patios, windows. In the room, its fruiting can last until November. At the same time, do not forget that in the limited space of the pot, strawberries need to be watered and fed more often.
What are the other benefits of Rügen strawberries? For me, it's the lack of a mustache. Growing large-fruited strawberries, I got tired of them. And here - no hassle!
Are there any downsides to small-fruited strawberries? I think this is a relatively low yield, only 2 kg per season from one square. m, y the best varieties so many large-fruited strawberries can be collected from a bush.

Caring for strawberries grown from seeds

In subsequent years, when caring for small-fruited strawberries, you should always pay great attention to watering. Strawberry roots are located close to the soil surface and react sharply to a lack of moisture. So that the soil does not dry out, it can be mulched with straw, black nonwoven fabric or otherwise. Roots exposed during growth should be sprinkled with fertile soil. In autumn and spring, mineral or organic fertilizers are placed under the bushes, and ash is sprinkled on the soil. During the summer, three more top dressings with a complex soluble fertilizer can be carried out. Small-fruited strawberries are rarely affected by diseases. In wet weather, slugs and snails can eat the berries.

How to propagate strawberries grown from seeds

And it will be possible to propagate Ryugen strawberries by dividing the bush for the next year. Or leave the best berries for seeds, because this is not a hybrid and the properties of the variety will be well preserved with this method of reproduction. Later it will be possible to choose the strongest bushes with the best berries from new rosettes and also propagate them by division or seeds. As a result, strawberry plantings will be constantly updated with healthy planting material. At the same time, do not forget to change the place where strawberries are grown once every three to four years so as not to accumulate diseases and pests in the soil. Old rosettes of strawberries are divided after three, less often after four years, in spring or autumn. Each part, when dividing, must have at least one horn and good roots.

We advise you to read: Strawberry varieties of domestic selection "
Strawberry varieties of foreign selection »
Remontant varieties of strawberries »

To prepare the seeds of small-fruited strawberries yourself, take the ripest and largest berries, cut them in half or crush them and lay them on paper to dry. Ready seeds are easily separated from dried berries, they can be stored until sowing at room conditions, wrapped in paper.
Growing strawberries from seed is not difficult at all. If you wish, you can annually try out new varieties of this berry, which are now enough in stores. Or plant a "meadow" of wild berries in your garden, because they are not only tasty, decorative, but also extremely useful.

Elena Buzina. Especially for the "Site about plants"
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