How to cover strawberries with black film. Strawberries under the film: how you want an early berry. What type of seedling is best to use

The use of mulch has become an integral part of modern farming, allowing farmers to get rid of many problems, first of all, from such a laborious and endless process as weeding. Black non-woven covering material is by far one of the most sought after and appropriately used options for many crops, one of the main ones being garden strawberries.

Agrofibre has a significant disadvantage, which must be taken into account where slugs are found. It creates ideal conditions for increasing their population.

The advantage of agrofibre over polyethylene

First of all, you will have to decide whether it will be polyethylene or agrofibre, which is offered in a wide range by specialized stores. It is advisable to use this particular covering material for the following reasons.

  • Lets water through. Watering can be carried out directly through it. In the case of polyethylene, a different irrigation system will have to be provided.
  • It is possible to apply aqueous solutions of fertilizers directly through the canvas.
  • The earth "breathes" because air passes freely through the pores between the fibers.
  • The risk of developing fungal pathologies and the formation of rot is reduced, which is especially fraught with the use of plastic film.
  • More durable. The term of "life" of agrofibre is usually determined at 3 years, which coincides with the full development cycle of a strawberry bush, after which it requires a transplant. The film will have to be completely changed every year.

Solid black or two tone?

Both options are designed to perform the same tasks. Black and white polypropylene, assembled from two layers, is laid with the white side up, which contributes to a calmer temperature regime in the covered space, while the black side perfectly suppresses weeds. A two-tone canvas is considered to be of higher quality in its properties, but it costs more.

Due to the use of black shelter, it is possible to get the first harvest of berries two weeks earlier than usual!

Site preparation

For landing, a flat, without a slope, plot of land is selected. It is better to make the beds high in order to exclude stagnation of groundwater, melt and rainwater. Further actions are performed in the following order.

At the joints, it is convenient to press the canvas with metal or wooden U-shaped "studs". In the aisles for ease of maintenance and less growth of weeds, it is recommended to lay boards or paving slabs.

planting strawberries

On ready-made beds covered with black mulching material, future holes are marked. To do this, it is convenient to use a long cord stained with chalk.

In the marked places with a sharp knife or scissors, cross-shaped incisions are made about 10 cm long. They should not be too large, otherwise weeds will begin to grow around the strawberry seedling. The optimal distance between the slots is 30 cm.

Strawberry seedlings are planted in the holes made and watered well. The corners of the cuts are tucked inward with a slight recess, crimped. Make sure that the outlets are above the level of the beds.

Watering is carried out directly through the agrofibre, best of all using a rain nozzle to avoid displacement of the covering sheet and uneven distribution of moisture.

Further care

The main agrotechnical measures for this method of cultivation remain the same, however, there are some features that you need to know about.

top dressing

In the first season, fertilizing for strawberries is not necessary if, during planting, the soil was sufficiently enriched with humus and mineral complexes. In the second year, this will need to be done three times.

First dressing- immediately after the snow melts in early spring. For this purpose, an aqueous solution of chicken manure or mullein is suitable. Avoid contact with vegetative parts of plants!

Second- for her it is best to use humus and nitrogen-containing preparations. It is carried out before the strawberries are about to bloom.

Third- complex mineral, after the end of fruiting. This is the time of bud formation for next season's harvest.

Irrigation Features

Growing under mulch requires less frequent watering, once a week will be sufficient. During a severe drought, you can do this more often. In order not to be mistaken, you can calculate the frequency of watering, based on the fact that it should be reduced by a third compared to conventional open plots.

It is desirable to water the beds in the morning (but not later than lunch), so that during the day the material has time to completely dry around the entire perimeter. This will reduce the risk of disease.

It will be difficult to determine how much moisture the bushes need in this case, so it is advisable to have a special watering schedule.

Mustache removal

In the first year of life, all peduncles and whiskers should be cut off, despite the fact that there will be nowhere for them to take root on top of the fiber.

They take away the vitality of the plant, and during this period it needs to develop a viable root system. This will directly determine the success of his first wintering.

Make sure that the mustache does not get under the covering material! Unnoticed layering will take root and take away the strength of the plant.

In addition, in the spring it is required to remove all last year's foliage by cutting it with garden shears. It is not recommended to cut off because of the danger of pulling out the entire bush with a root or damaging the outlet itself.

Shelter reduces the likelihood of attack by harmful insects and infection, but preventive monthly spraying will not be superfluous. From folk remedies to protect strawberries, it is recommended to use an aqueous infusion of dandelion leaves. To do this, 0.5 raw materials are placed in a large bucket with water heated to 40 ° C and kept until it cools completely, and preferably during the day.

Common mistakes

Mistakes when growing strawberries under cover are sometimes costly - not only the loss of the entire crop, but also the seedlings themselves. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common of them in advance so as not to step on other people's rakes.

  • If a low density spunbond is selected, the light will penetrate through it and weeds will grow together, regardless of the cover. Optimum density - 60g/sq.m.
  • A poorly crimped edge of the slots allows the mustache to climb under the canvas and take root.
  • Slots should be made for planting after the shelter is securely fixed, otherwise later the holes may not coincide with the growth site of the seedling and put pressure on it, exposing completely unnecessary places.
  • In order to save material, the beds are often made too wide, which makes maintenance difficult. Two rows on each covered strip will be the best solution ( Read

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Experienced gardeners who grow berries know how to plant strawberries under a black film. Strawberries are very tasty and juicy berries. Many gardeners take off several dozen buckets of this berry over the summer. To get a big harvest, it is recommended to grow strawberries in beds covered with a dark film. What is the strawberry planting technique, advantages and disadvantages of this method?

To get rid of weeds and ensure sufficient water access for strawberries, it is recommended to plant them under moisture-resistant material. It can be a simple black film or roofing material. This procedure is called mulching. With the help of mulching, you can achieve the highest quality soil. The reviews of those gardeners who grew strawberries in a similar way are very good.

There are the following advantages of this growing technology:

  • weed protection;
  • reduction of water evaporation;
  • improvement of soil structure;
  • earlier ripening of berries and getting the first harvest;
  • no need to water the plants every day.

This method of planting strawberries does not require special knowledge and skills. All work can be organized by your own efforts. There are also some negative sides. These include the possibility of burning leaves due to overheating of the soil and excessive insolation. It is known that black color attracts the sun's rays. This also happens with film material.

Ventilation deteriorates, which leads to an increase in soil temperature. The second disadvantage is the short period of use of the material. The black film needs to be changed every 2-3 years as it breaks. Planting early varieties of strawberries in the presence of frost can lead to the death of plants. Moisture accumulates under the film, which, when the temperature drops, can turn into ice. The resulting condensate can cause the death of all plants.

Preparatory stage of work

To plant strawberries under the film, you need to prepare. You need to do the following:

  • purchase a dark film;
  • prepare the ground;
  • determine a place for planting plants or seeds;
  • buy fertilizers and strawberries themselves;
  • prepare the land and the necessary tools.

To plant strawberries (strawberries), you need to stock up on black film. It must not let in light. It is better to purchase material in a matte color. It is better that the material is dense, which cannot be said about toilet paper. Instead of a film, agrofibre can be used. The thickness of the material must be more than 0.05 mm. It is very important to properly prepare the site.

Strawberries are best planted in those beds where potatoes, garlic, radishes, dill, and lettuce were previously grown. Immediately before planting seedlings or seeds, it is recommended to plant the ground with oats, mustard or rye. It is not recommended to have strawberry beds with beds on which potatoes will grow. This is not the best neighbor for strawberries.

When growing strawberries under a film, you need to remember that this berry loves the sun and heat, so the area should be well lit. It is better not to place strawberries next to trees and shrubs, as they have a large root system. To enrich the soil with mineral and organic substances, it is necessary to add purchased fertilizers, compost and humus to it in advance, thoroughly mixing the soil. When planting early varieties of strawberries, the soil must be prepared in 2 weeks.

It is best to plant strawberries in the form of seedlings. It can be grown from seeds or purchased at a store (on the market). The best seedlings are those that are in small pots. Plants must be healthy and have at least 3 leaves. Strawberries must be chosen very carefully. The following varieties of this berry are most in demand:

  • "ruby pendant";
  • "Asia";
  • "alba";
  • "honey";
  • "gigantella";
  • "wonderful";
  • "festival";
  • "zenga";
  • "Victoria";
  • "mashenka".

Before planting strawberries on a film, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the climate, the ability to regularly water the plants, the resistance of the variety to frost, heat and temperature extremes. An important property of berries is transportability.

planting technology

After acquiring black paper (film), it needs to be spread on the bed. It is recommended to do this in the spring, not in the fall. The width of the film (paper) and the beds should be the same. The bed must first be loosened and leveled. Along the perimeter, the edges of the film can be fixed with stakes or covered with earth.

During the planting of strawberries under the film, holes will be required in which the plants will be planted. To do this, garden shears make holes with a diameter of about 15 cm.

Bushes should be located at a distance of at least 25-30 cm from each other.

If there are several beds, then between them you need to make a gap of 80-90 cm wide. Films with ready-made holes are on sale.

In black paper (film), 2 small straight cuts can be made. No need to cut out large circles. It is necessary to close the hole in the film as much as possible. Before planting strawberries under a film, it is necessary to soak them in water, which will facilitate the process of removing an earthen clod from a glass or pot. Do not plant seedlings too deep. Be sure to water all the plants with water and lightly tamp the ground near each bush.

Strawberries under the film (video)

Rules for the care of strawberries

Strawberry care is of the utmost importance. The presence of pests, hard ground, irregular watering, weeds - all this reduces the yield. When planting strawberries under a film, the plants must be watered manually using a watering can. In subsequent times, it is recommended to use a hose irrigation system. Watering from a watering can is suitable for small beds.

The easiest way is to stretch the hose, making small holes in it through which water will flow. The end of the hose must be closed with a stopper. The hose must be buried in the ground next to the strawberry seedlings. This will ensure constant soil moisture. Often watering is carried out using sprinklers. It is possible to water the plants along the furrows.

Strawberry care is not limited to watering. Be sure to protect plants from pests. It is required to periodically loosen the soil and apply fertilizer to it. If fertilizers were applied before planting strawberries, then the next top dressing is done after a while. For this, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, biohumus are used. Proper care of strawberries will allow it to absorb mineral and organic substances, become juicy and sweet.

Care in the second year in the spring includes the removal of dried foliage. It is required to leave only green shoots. The soil must be loosened and, if necessary, fertilized. If a sheet of black paper (film) is unusable, it should be replaced. In subsequent years, it is necessary to cut off all strawberry whiskers. Thus, growing strawberries under film requires careful plant care and the efforts of the owners. If you follow all the recommendations, then in the summer you can enjoy juicy, large and sweet berries.

Planting strawberries in covering material (video)

Not every region can boast of an early warm spring. Using the technology of planting strawberry seedlings under a film, it is possible to achieve better results, accelerating the harvest 2-3 weeks earlier.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique of planting strawberries under the film is called "Finnish". With it, you can get clean berries without damage by slugs and other insects in the ground. There are many advantages to using a film for planting strawberries:

  1. There is no need to weed the beds. Weeds do not grow through the film, so the plantings remain clean all season. Only the "chosen" lucky ones will be able to grow through the holes next to the strawberry bushes, it is not difficult to remove them. Strawberry cultivation and care on film is incomparably easier.
  2. You can water much less often. Usually, perforated hoses are laid under the film, allowing drip irrigation. Sheltered soil dries out much more slowly, which reduces water consumption when planting strawberries under a film by several times.
  3. Berries do not come into contact with the ground. This protects them from dirt during watering and during rains, as well as from pests. If slugs enter the area, it is much easier to collect them from the film. Diseases that pass to the berries from the soil will also remain under the film. Early strawberries under the film always turn out very clean and beautiful.
  4. The mustache does not root. You can freely remove them, or carefully cut them to expand the plantation. In this regard, strawberry mulching film also facilitates the gardener's work.

Among the shortcomings, the impossibility or undesirability of planting strawberries under the film in the fall is noted. At this time, manure or other organic matter is introduced into the soil, and the soil is covered with a film to protect it from drying out. It is recommended to plant young bushes on pre-prepared beds either in the summer - in early August, or in early spring.

Some tend to consider the need to purchase film and hoses for drip irrigation as a disadvantage. However, these materials serve for more than one year and quickly pay for themselves, so the number of supporters of the method only increases every year.

The durable and lightweight material has become so firmly established in the circulation of agricultural enterprises that today manufacturers offer specialized bed formers with a strawberry film stacker that facilitate the planting process on large areas.

You can fully appreciate the benefits only in practice, because personal experience is always more valuable. And since the first time young bushes are recommended to be planted on rested land (empty for 1-2 years), it is from this bed that it is most convenient to start testing the methodology. Even one year is able to demonstrate all the nuances, which will allow you to completely switch to this agricultural technology or abandon it.

How to choose film

On sale there are several varieties of films used to cover the beds:

  1. Black and black-and-white film for strawberries, 40-50 microns thick. It can be purchased in specialized stores for gardeners, as well as in construction. The material is quite versatile, sold in rolls of various widths. The black color was not chosen by chance, as it heats up in the sun more than any other. It is better to choose a black and white version. Such a film is laid with the black side down, and the white side up. The black bottom warms the soil well and prevents weeds from growing. The white top does not overheat in the sun and does not burn strawberry leaves in too hot weather.
  2. Film with holes for planting strawberries. This material is completely ready for use. If you still have to tinker with ordinary film, cutting holes for bushes, then here the manufacturer has already taken care of the high accuracy of the distances between individual holes in rows and row spacing.
  3. mulching strawberry film with perforations over 60 microns thick guaranteed to last for several years. This is very convenient, because strawberries can grow in one place for several years, after which they are completely removed. At the end of the season, the film is inspected for damage, after which the remaining intact and undamaged strips can be reused.

The most commonly used film for strawberries from weeds is 1.6 or 3.2 m wide. The second option is cut lengthwise into two strips, but a wide ridge can also be formed if desired. The width of a standard bed is 1 m, and the remaining overlaps are used to secure the film from being blown away by the wind.

How to plant strawberries under a black film (step by step method)

The sequence of planting strawberries under the film looks like this:

  1. Soil preparation. Before planting strawberries on a black film, prepare the soil. It must be carefully dug up, loosened, enriched with humus or organic matter. If the soil is too heavy, loamy, then some sand is added to it to improve aeration. These works are carried out in the fall, so that young seedlings can be planted in the spring.
  2. Marking future beds. Planting strawberries is carried out on average with row spacings of 50 cm, and the distance between individual plants in a row is 35 cm. You can bring two ridges together, but then there should be free passages on both sides of them.
  3. Extend irrigation hoses. It is better to dig them to a shallow depth along the landing line, stepping back a little to the side. So, the water will flow exactly where it is needed, without spreading to the sides of the landings.
  4. Planting beds. It all depends on how exactly you decide to fix the film. You can press it along the ends with metal studs, breaking through pre-prepared squares of linoleum or foam plastic with them. Apply dropping in narrow trenches along the beds, as well as any weighting agents available to the gardener.
  5. Planting strawberries under the film. If the material is perforated, then simply fill the holes with seedlings. If there are no holes, then we mark the places of the holes using a centimeter tape or a pre-prepared standard (sticks, 35 cm long or more). Cross-shaped cuts are made with a sharp knife. The edges are folded inward. You should get holes with a diameter of about 15 cm - no more.
  6. First watering- they are produced immediately, and subsequent ones will be required at intervals of 1 time per week - not more often. If in a given area it rains all summer and spring with stable regularity, then artificial irrigation may not be required at all.

On this, the process of care can be considered completed. Watering with periodic additions of fertilizers, timely collection of ripe berries - this is all that needs to be done on the site. When the time comes (August), the strongest of the mustaches left are cut off for rooting in the selected bed.

When wondering how to plant strawberries in autumn under a black film, it is worth considering that plants need a certain time to take root in a new place. On average, it takes about 2 months for one bush to develop a healthy and strong root ball. If this work is carried out in August, then there will be enough time. Later, there is already much less heat and sun, which means that there is a high risk of losing all the seedlings after the very first severe frosts.

High-quality covering material lasts more than one season. If you walk on the film in soft shoes or barefoot, then he is not at all threatened with damage. Having spent once on all the beds, in the future you can shift the film as the plantations move from one place to another. Such material does not cause any damage to the ecology of the summer cottage or agricultural land.

Strawberries are a favorite berry of gardeners. Caring for strawberries is not easy, there are many difficulties in the process. The berry is attacked by weeds and suffers from drought. The solution to the problem is to put it under a black covering material. It is very easy to use it. Watering strawberries is even easier than before.

Covering cloth, first of all, does not allow weeds to grow on the site. Experienced gardeners know how much weeds do to strawberries. They take moisture and nutrients from the soil. To get rid of weeds and forget about weeding, gardeners use non-woven covering material.

Due to its features, it passes air, water and retains the sun's rays. Strawberry bushes planted under a covering sheet, protected from pests. Berries do not rot and always remain clean. Non-woven agrofibre comes to sale under different names.

Regardless of the name, non-woven is divided into types: light, medium and hard. difference in density. It is customary to cover the beds with light canvases during frosts. The bushes are covered with black material, as it perfectly accumulates heat.

The service life of the covering film, depending on the density, is 4-12 years, then it needs to be changed.

Advantages and disadvantages of using agrofibre when planting and growing berries

Under the black material, the berry will not be disturbed by weeds in the spring. This happens thanks to the mulch film, which does not let the sun's rays through. Inside, under the film, a microclimate favorable for plants is formed.

Main advantages:

  • the soil well ventilated and does not dry out;
  • the soil does not require mulching and loosening;
  • the berry under the film forms adventitious roots;
  • antennae practically do not require circumcision;
  • under black material berries ripen faster;
  • the occurrence of diseases and pests is practically excluded.

This method allows you to grow delicious berries with minimal labor time. There is no need for weeding, loosening, frequent watering and mustache trimming. Weed grass, dying under a covering blanket, acts as an organic fertilizer. If we talk about shortcomings, they were not found.

One of the difficult moments is the process of equipping a bed for planting strawberries with a black covering sheet.

Types that can be used for mulching

There are many colors of film of different densities on sale. Black agrofibre is readable high-strength shelter to protect the plant from aggressive environmental influences. The composition of the non-woven material is free of toxins and allergens.

Types of black material that can cover plants can be divided into two types - polyethylene and non-woven.

  1. Proven over the years black polyethylene sold in the form of sleeves and rolls. The thickness of polyethylene is from 0.03 to 0.4 mm. The film copes well with the task, but its strength is enough for 1 season.
  2. Non-woven black material- excellent alternative to fragile polyethylene. Externally, the materials have similarities, differences in composition and method of production. It can also be called spunbond
  3. Produced from polypropylene fibers, under the influence of high temperatures, the film is in demand in organic farming, it is called agrofibre. It must be laid on the correct side.

In recent years, gardeners have preferred mulching and covering strawberry beds with black film. 100% ecological covering material will protect from hot sun rays. With the help of agrofibre, you can cover plants and get rid of weeds. Strawberries will be provided with favorable conditions for growth.

Black nonwoven - spunbond

How to choose material for planting berries

If you choose black plastic wrap, you should know that it absolutely air and moisture resistant. While agrofibre or spunbond allow watering through the bed. Moisture penetrates through the canvas, the soil is enriched with air, receives the necessary amount of heat and light.

All nonwoven spunbod materials have approximately the same properties, their differences are density. Ideal for agro-cloth with a density 40-60 g/m2.

Preparing beds for planting using covering material

The process of preparing the beds for planting strawberries is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare the ground - dig up a bed, remove weeds and apply organic fertilizers.
  2. The beds should be raised, bivalve, so it will be easier to fix the canvas.
  3. Spread neatly covering material on top of the prepared beds. Seal the edges firmly. For this purpose, sandbags or do-it-yourself hairpins are best suited.
  4. Lay the fabric so that the waterproof side is on top.
  5. In order for the bushes to grow evenly, you can take a cord to mark the holes, which must be pulled in a straight line along the entire length of the bed.
  6. Make holes for bushes at a distance 25 cm., between rows - 40 cm.
  7. After the sheltered bed is prepared, you can plant strawberry seedlings.

The black fiber has two sides: one protects the soil from moisture evaporation, the other allows water to pass through.

Landing under black covering material

When planting strawberry bushes, more often gardeners prefer to make ordinary cruciform incisions. For this purpose, you need a sharp knife and gloves. A more painstaking approach requires another option. It consists in cutting with scissors round holes. The holes should be small, if they are made too large, weeds will crawl through them.

You need to plant seedlings in each hole, for this purpose you can use a wooden peg. It must be placed in the hole, rotated to make a hole. After planting, the bed should be watered abundantly. Experienced gardeners put drip irrigation under the film - this is a separate issue.

Care for strawberries under spunbond

Growing strawberries under a covering sheet requires minimal maintenance. All the difficulties are associated with the preparation of the beds. To you you need to monitor the integrity of the film so that birds and animals do not damage it. Provide regular watering. Apply organic fertilizers. Trim the antennae if necessary. Harvest early.

Having considered the advantages of this type of growing berries, you can make a choice in favor of covering material. Having equipped a garden bed, you will ensure good fruiting of strawberries on the site for several years ahead.