Plafonds are wall-to-ceiling. Plafonds for ceiling lamps: similar and different at the same time. Material for the manufacture of shades

Do you know what part of the room used to be called plafonds? Dome-shaped ceilings, which were most often decorated with paintings. Today, this word usually refers to ceiling lights or diffusers for them. By the way, the light sources in such lamps can be completely closed or partially open, their number is determined by the size of the lamp and the ceiling, as well as the need for lighting. So, our task is to highlight in this article the topic “plafonds for ceiling lights". Let's understand it.


What is a ceiling light:

  • The part attached to the ceiling is a reflector made of metal. All electrical fittings are usually attached to it.
  • Cartridges (one or more).
  • Diffuser (aka ceiling lamp in everyday life, this is what many ordinary people think).

The latter performs three functions at once. First, it protects the lamps from damage. The second - scatters the light emanating from them. The third is the decorative part of the ceiling lamp. Manufacturers currently offer enough a wide range of devices that are made either from plastic (heat-resistant) or glass (transparent, frosted). Rarely today you will find paper or fabric, which are mounted on specially made metal frames.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any lighting device, the interior, apartment or office ceiling lamp has its own positive traits, and negative. Let's start with the advantages:

  • These are small thickness lamps that are attached directly to ceiling surface. It is with their help that it is possible to organize excellent lighting in rooms with low ceilings, where it is simply impossible to hang a chandelier. Or is it not even possible to build a suspended or tensile structure in which built-in lamps are installed. In addition, this type of ceiling is most convenient to install in narrow small spaces such as corridor, hallway, toilet and bathroom.
  • This is one of the types of light sources that can be used in wet rooms. Their degree of protection is IP By the way, fixtures with a degree of protection IP67 are completely waterproof.
  • It should be noted that most manufacturers focus on the functionality of these devices. Although if you look, you can find ceiling lamps of incredible beauty.

And literally two drawbacks:

  1. To replace the light bulb, you need to remove the diffuser. And if it burned out during the process of switching on, then first of all you will have to wait for some time for the ceiling to cool down. And if it is massive and heavy, then you will have to call an assistant to remove it.
  2. It is not possible to install a ceiling lamp for interior or office lighting to a stretch ceiling. The metal reflector gets very hot, so it can damage the PVC sheet.

Criterias of choice

The choice is based on several positions: performance characteristics, design features and features of the room where it was decided to install the lamp.

Room design

Let's start with the premises. First of all, the ceiling is chosen by color. It must either be in harmony with one of the elements of the room, for example, with walls or ceiling, or contrast. If there is a desire to highlight the lighting fixture so that they pay attention to it, then its color should be opposite color ceiling finishes.

True, there are certain design rules where ceiling lights have certain requirements. For example, if a ceiling lamp shade is installed in a kitchen or dining room, then designers recommend yellow or White color. Blue and green appliances may change the color of the products. But they will perfectly fit into the interior of the bedroom.

Lamp power and number of lamps

Each ceiling lamp has a certain power, depending on the power of the lamps installed in it. The thing is that this type of lamp has closed structure, so that the heat generated by the lamps remains inside the structure under the diffuser. And if the total power of the lamps exceeds the permissible (plafond), then the diffuser will most likely burst, melt or darken.

Pay attention to this fact. If you've purchased ceiling lights that can handle the heat of a 100-watt incandescent bulb, don't replace it with two 50-watt bulbs. The thing is, the last two emit more heat than a hundred-watt.


The main criterion for a correctly selected installation is fastener. If the ceiling light is attached to wooden ceiling, then self-tapping screws can be used as fasteners. If the ceiling is concrete, then self-tapping screws and plastic dowels, if drywall, then butterfly anchors. If the ceiling is suspended plasterboard, and the installed lamp has big weight, then it is recommended at the construction stage suspended structure take care of the base for the lighting fixture. To do this, an additional or wooden lath, or metallic profile to which the lamp will be attached. By the way, installing ceiling lights or chandeliers with your own hands is not difficult.

As mentioned above, a burnt out light bulb creates problems when you have to remove the cover. So, how to remove the ceiling correctly? There are a lot of modifications of fastening the ceiling to the reflector. Most manufacturers do this with threaded connection. The thread is applied both to the edges of the reflector and to the edges of the ceiling. The thread is left-handed, that is, the diffuser is screwed in clockwise.

There is a fastening in the form of spring-loaded decorative latches. Some models are attached to the case with three or four screws that support the mounting groove on the side.

Conclusion on the topic

In their mass, ceiling lamps are ordinary lamps, the light of which is regulated through a switch or dimmer. True, today manufacturers have begun to offer lighting devices with a control panel or with motion sensors. That is, even these simple lamps are being transformed today. Of course, in terms of elegance and design, they cannot be compared with chandeliers, but in some cases, apart from their use, lighting in the room cannot be organized. By the way, the ceiling for the chandelier is a separate article, but do not forget that this is almost the same thing.

Where there is no place for the queen-chandelier, they come to the rescue. Plafonds for ceiling lights are most often installed in small apartments, rooms with low ceilings and tight Khrushchev. Having small size, they perfectly perform their functions - they illuminate the entrusted space with high quality.

Ceiling lamps, despite enough limited opportunities designs are striking in their diversity. The need to use them as the main light source is not a sentence, but just another interesting task for the designer.

Plafond today is a special type of ceiling lamp. It is a flat disk that is attached directly to the ceiling, close to the ceiling. More similar to overhead chandeliers and is complete opposite suspended structures. However, unlike the chandelier, it has a more modest design.

Light sources - lamps - in such lamps are partially or completely covered with shades. Hence the common name of the lighting device.

"The plafond in such constructions is the dominant detail that solves both functional and decorative tasks"

It is also customary to call ceiling lamps parts of a chandelier that cover the lamps. Most often they can be found on suspended multi-track chandeliers, as well as some models of overhead horizontal structures. Due to the design features, they are not attached close to the ceiling, but directly on the armature of the chandelier's horn, and, like ceiling lamps, they completely or partially cover the lamp and scatter light.

Ceiling lamps are also often used in modern lighting fixtures. For example, high-tech style is very fond of using glass for their manufacture, in Japanese interiors you can find framed paper shades.

Today, the largest manufacturers of chandeliers and ceiling lights have begun to actively introduce the practice of using interchangeable shades. For this, several various models ceiling chandeliers. And already they offer whole collections of shades. At the same time, each company has its own way of attaching shades to the chandelier, which forces the buyer to purchase products and accessories of the same brand.

Thus, having bought a set once (a chandelier and a set of shades), you can use them until you get bored. And then, when you want to change the interior of the room, just buy new ceiling lamps, of a different shape, color, and, possibly, functionality. The same practice makes it possible to use the chandelier even after one of the lampshades breaks: you don’t need to change the entire lighting fixture, you can simply buy the same lampshade to replace the broken one, or completely change the entire set.

Types and types of shades

Plafonds can be used in almost any room, interior, for solving any lighting problems. Such wide opportunities opened thanks to great choice ceiling lamps of plafond type. Today they can be classified according to the following parameters:

Number of installed lamps

To illuminate one room, you can use one central ceiling with a sufficiently powerful stream of light, as well as several less powerful lamps. For small room quite enough and one, installed in the center. For a room at 14-18 square meters and more it is better to use several shades, albeit not very bright ones. They will evenly fill the room with light, including areas far from the center.

One lamp is installed in small ceiling lamps, and 5-6 socles can be placed in more powerful lamps. The main thing when operating such a ceiling is to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the selection and installation of certain types of lamps and their power. If the differences from the declared characteristics are in the smaller direction, then, most likely, the light will be dim, not bright enough. And in the case of using more powerful devices, the ceiling can overheat and melt, the wiring, which is designed for a lower load, cannot withstand.

Closed and open shades

From this indicator depends on how the light will be scattered in the room. Ceiling lights with fully enclosed shades allow for a softer, more even glow that fills the entire room. At the same time, shadows from the ceiling itself are practically not formed.

Lamps with partially open shades, including horn or horizontal chandeliers, allow you to achieve uneven stepped lighting. Due to the presence of the plafond, the light from the lamp also scatters and fills the room, and a brighter beam falls through the open space of the plafond, without refraction and scattering.

This effect is good for large rooms and halls, where in the center you need to create a maximum of illumination, and distant zones, on the contrary, should be muffled. As a rule, additional local lighting is installed in the corners, or far from the center: spotlights, wall sconces, lamps and floor lamps. You can use the same ceiling options only for walls.

The degree of protection of shades

The plafond is considered one of the safest and most durable (in terms of lamp life) lighting fixtures. This is due to the fact that thanks to design features luminaire, you can completely isolate the lamp from contact with environment: dust, microparticles that are in the air of any room, moisture. Lamps that remain clean have a much longer life because they are less likely to overheat.

“The ability to make an electrical appliance completely protected from moisture makes ceiling lamps simply indispensable for lighting rooms with high humidity and temperature. We are talking about kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, showers, saunas and baths"

Material for the manufacture of shades

Here producers are limited only by demand. And since each consumer has his own needs and design projects are individual, the most diverse and even unexpected solutions are presented on the market.

  • Glass plafonds.
    One of the most popular and sought after on the market. Depending on the style decision glass can be used both in its pure form - smooth, absolutely transparent, correct geometric shapes: balls, hemispheres, cubes. And processed: fused, faceted, treated with abrasive. Often use frosted glass, with printing, prints and painting. Stained glass ceiling lamps are a separate direction in the art of interior lighting.
  • Plafonds made of plastic.
    Also very popular with buyers. Plastic is both a cheaper analogue of glass and a completely self-sufficient material. True, not any plastic is suitable for the manufacture of shades, but heat-resistant. This is necessary so that it does not deform when the lamps are heated, does not begin to melt, lose shape and release unpleasant odors. Shapes and colors of the diffuser - for every taste and color. Even elite lighting manufacturers do not neglect this material.
  • Plafonds made of paper.
    Most often we are talking about frame-paper products. Such shades are very voluminous, since it is dangerous to place paper near the lamps. Meet as classic solutions, in the form of cylinders, balls, cubes. So and more complex structures. Paper shades are not very practical and short-lived, therefore they are used in the interior more as a decoration than to solve lighting problems.
  • Plafonds made of wood.
    Can be used as an array or derivatives sheet materials. Most often, these are decorative carved open shades, which serve to decorate the interior and give it certain style features. Wooden shades are very atmospheric. When using them, it is impossible to achieve uniform lighting, but you can play with chiaroscuro and accents as much as you like.
  • Author's and handmade shades.
    They can be made from any improvised materials. Most often they serve to give individuality to the room, but practical functions are no exception. Such a ceiling can be made of papier-mâché, crocheted or knitted, sewn, woven from willow twigs, and other most unexpected things.

Combined living room lighting system using a string and built-in ceiling lamps An example of the use of spot ceiling lamps in the interior of a living room A classic ceiling lamp for a ceiling lamp in a living room interior

Plafonds in the interior of different rooms

Plafonds for ceiling lights can be placed in almost any room, like small apartment, and spacious country house. You can choose the necessary shape, design, color for any interior.

  • In the cramped hallway of Khrushchev, ceiling lamps perfect solution for bright lighting and space saving.
  • For the same small bathroom, you can use one or more shades, including placing it directly above the bathtub or shower and sink. You can pick up models with a natural range that will not distort colors.
  • For a spacious living room, but, alas, with low ceilings, you can use several equivalent shades or assemble a composition from a central main lamp and several secondary ones located at some distance from the middle of the room.
  • In the nursery, a classic boring ceiling can be beaten and decorated in the form of the sun, moon, fairy tale character, or just a cheerful and positive lamp with a smiley face.
  • In the kitchen, it is worth using several shades. Central lighting, coupled with local lighting - the most the best solution. A separate inclusion will allow you to use them not at the same time, but if necessary in different areas - a working or dining room.

Modern ceiling lamps allow not only to correctly illuminate the room, but also save living space and visually enlarge it. The developing industry does not stand still, and thanks to interesting electronic developments and intelligent systems, the same lamp can provide different lighting programs depending on the needs of homeowners: everyday mode, cozy evening, friendly party, And so on.

Room lighting is a must. But if earlier they thought exclusively about the functionality of the lamps, today it plays an important role appearance lamp. And not only its design is important, but also the integrity of the entire interior.

Plafonds for ceiling lights implement several important functions at once. First of all, they create diffused lighting, and in addition to this, they also decorate the interior. Therefore, when choosing a lighting fixture, it is so important to pay attention to the main characteristics: size, type and style. It is possible to purchase a finished product, as well as create it yourself.

Varieties of ceiling lamps

The design of the luminaire includes: body and fixture of the device, cartridge, ceiling. The last of these is a decorative and functional element, it is often called a diffuser, since the main task is to distribute directional light. Meet different variants structures.

And the most wide selection opens in front of the user when making a do-it-yourself ceiling lamp. There are several groups of such structural elements, differing in the degree of openness, the number of light bulbs used and the material.

Types, according to the degree of openness of the diffuser

Regardless of whether it is planned to purchase a ceiling lamp or make it yourself, there are several design options to choose from, which differ in the shape of the diffuser:

  • completely closed;
  • partially open.

Open plastic cover

The difference between them lies in the quality of lighting. For example, closed shades provide soft, diffused light.

Typically, such lighting fixtures do not create contrasting shadows. It is advisable to use them for general lighting. The second option, on the contrary, contributes to the organization of directional light.

In this case, the quality of the glow will depend on how much the ceiling is open. The light of this type of diffuser can be characterized as providing uneven, stepped light.

Varieties, by the number of light sources

A feature of the ceiling lamps, which are sold in the store, is that the design can provide for the installation of several light bulbs combined with one diffuser. If you take on DIY manufacturing, then the easiest way is to implement the option with a single light source or combine several small ceiling lamps into one lamp using a power cable.

Ceiling lights with fully enclosed glass cover

The number of lamps in the lamp can vary from 1 pc. up to a dozen, it all depends on what type of lighting element is chosen: with an incandescent filament (including halogen counterparts), fluorescent and LED.

If several lamps with a filament body are to be used, consideration should be given to finishing the pendant structure, if one is installed, as the light source in this design is very hot.

Diode-based spotlights are commonly used in in large numbers. When choosing a ceiling for a lamp, you need to take into account that with an increase in total power, the intensity of lighting will also increase.

difference in material

If the diffuser is made by hand, you can use absolutely any available material in addition to standard options. For example, it is allowed to take paper, cardboard, cans, tetra pack containers, disposable tableware and much more as the basis for the design. Moreover, most do-it-yourself ceiling lamps have unique design and practically do not differ from the purchased lamps.

And in the store, the assortment of models is usually presented. the following types diffusers:

  • glass;
  • from wood with glass inserts or without them;
  • made of polymeric material;
  • metal, in particular, forged versions.

Glass diffusers are presented in different variations, which include stained glass designs. But not all of these species provide uniform lighting. For example, a wooden analogue usually plays a role decorative element, emphasizes the interior. The characteristic of plastic products is affordable price. By external characteristics such diffusers lose to more attractive designs: forged, glass.

More about choosing

It is possible to identify several important criteria, allowing you to choose a lighting fixture that will later successfully fit into the interior of the room. These include: style direction, which should match the design of the room; the number and type of light bulbs used.

Purpose of the premises

When choosing and installing a lighting fixture is done by hand, you need to take into account the general color scheme rooms. The shade of the ceiling should not contrast with the interior. The style in which the room is made is also important.

For example, a rustic style direction allows you to install a wooden diffuser, as well as a wrought-iron counterpart. The glass version is more versatile and can be used in almost any interior.

As for the shade, the ceiling in different colors must be used strictly in accordance with the intended purpose of the room, otherwise the lighting will affect the correct perception of interior items and things.

For example, a ceiling lamp in yellow or white is suitable for the kitchen. color solution. For the bedroom, it is better to choose a design in blue, green shades. It is preferable to install a yellow or orange ceiling in the nursery. And in the living room it is better to use a diffuser in red tones.

Quantity, type of light sources

The choice of lamps is made taking into account the material of construction on which the lamp will be fixed. For example, for stretch ceilings LED and fluorescent versions are suitable due to their low heating.

On the concrete floor and drywall, you can mount lighting fixtures with any type of lamp, since elevated temperatures do not adversely affect these materials. When choosing a diffuser by the number of light bulbs, you need to take into account their total power. At the same time, several low-power light sources provide less intense light than a single lamp with equivalent power.

Methods of fastening to the surface

At this stage, it is necessary to determine the most preferred installation option, which is especially important if the work will be done by hand. Ceiling luminaire for ceiling installation is mounted on a metal plate, which is connected to the base of the fixture.

Installing a ceiling lamp and connecting a ceiling lamp

Fastening methods differ according to the type of material from which the overlap is made:

  • wood;
  • concrete.

In the first case, installation is easily done by hand using self-tapping screws. For the second option, you also need to prepare a drill for concrete, dowels.

Features of installing a lighting fixture

Installation of a lightweight lamp is quite simple and does not require special training. But the fastening of heavier appliances involves strengthening the frame of the plasterboard ceiling.

If you plan to install the lamp with your own hands on the ceiling with stretch fabric, then it is necessary to take into account the susceptibility of the material high temperatures. There is a power limit for such devices - no more than 40 watts. In this case, the lamp is also equipped with a thermal ring.