Kalina buldenezh care after flowering. Planting, growing and caring for viburnum bulldenezh. Features and external characteristics

There are more than two hundred species of viburnum in the world, many of them are introduced into the culture.

At the end of spring, the shrubs are covered with a white hat of flowers, and in autumn they give tart fruits.

No less popular is the sterile form, viburnum roseum.

Its main feature is large spherical inflorescences that do not have stamens and pistils. The flowering period lasts almost a month.

Viburnum vulgaris is found in the forest-steppe zone of Europe, Central Asia, and North Africa. Its decorative form appeared in medieval France.

The shrub got its name, viburnum buldenezh, for white spherical inflorescences.

A plant with sterile flowers began to be actively propagated by vegetative methods, and by the 18th century it had spread throughout Europe.

The shrub grows up to 4 m. It has gray bark and multi-lobed leaves.

Blooming inflorescences have a greenish tint. After a while, they become like a snow-white lump, and at the end of flowering they turn slightly pink.

Reproduction bulldenezh

Each bulldenezh flower is sterile. They do not give berries, so it will not work to get new shrubs by seed.

All varieties of viburnum reproduce well by vegetative methods, as well as by dividing the bush.


Work is carried out in late spring - early summer. A shallow hole is dug near the bush, loose earth is poured into its bottom.

On the bark, in places of contact with the ground, small cuts are made, which are treated with a growth stimulator.

The middle part of the shoot is pinned with a bracket, the hole is covered with earth. During the summer, the place should be moistened.

The following spring, the rooted shoot is separated from the mother plant. It can be sent to a permanent place or planted in a garden bed for growing.

By dividing the bush

Old specimens are rejuvenated in a similar way. The excavated viburnum is divided into equal parts using a sharp garden tool so that three buds remain on each bush.

The cut points are rubbed with charcoal. Delenka is immediately planted in a permanent place.


Green shoots are suitable for work, viburnum does not reproduce well with lignified cuttings.

Shoots 10 cm long are cut during the flowering period.

The stalk ready for planting should have 3 knots and an oblique lower cut.

The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are cut in half.

At night, the stalk is left in a growth stimulant solution.

A fertile substrate for active root growth consists of peat and coarse river sand.

The cuttings are lowered into the ground at an angle and covered with transparent polyethylene. During the rooting period, the leaves are sprayed with water every day.

Rooted cuttings are left in the ground for the winter, warming them well with lutrasil and dry leaves. Young plants are sent to a permanent place after 2 years.

Planting seedlings in open ground

You need to choose a place so that the viburnum is comfortable even at the seedling stage.

An adult shrub has spreading branches; you should not plant near buildings or fruit trees. Healthy seedlings take root in a few months.

Optimal timing

Bush viburnum buldenezh can be planted twice a year.

Spring work is carried out before bud break.

In autumn, you need to have time to plant a plant before the onset of the first frost.

Place and soil

Kalina is an unpretentious plant. She prefers moist soils.

In areas rich in humus, rapid growth and annual lush flowering are observed. Strong shading negatively affects the decorative effect.

The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral.

On sandstones, podzols and peat-humus lands, shrubs grow very slowly.

A month before planting, mineral fertilizers are applied to the place under the viburnum.

Landing Rules

The depth of the planting pit is 40 cm, and the width is 50 cm. There must be at least two meters between the seedlings.

The plant is immersed strictly vertically, the root neck is deepened by 5 cm.

Immediately after this, the bushes are watered abundantly, 3 buckets of water are required for one plant. Trunk circles are mulched with dry grass.

How to care for viburnum bulldenezh

Despite the fact that the species is cultivated, it has retained the properties of wild shrubs.

According to gardeners, planting and caring for viburnum bulldenezh does not cause much trouble. Even young bushes tolerate temperate climates well.


Water is essential for seedlings and young plants.

They are watered every week so that moisture penetrates to a depth of 50 cm.

To avoid moisture loss, it is better to leave this work for the evening.

Adult bushes are watered exclusively during dry periods of summer.


The annual growth of the bush is 40 cm, without timely pruning, it will become overgrown with overgrowth.

Young inflorescences tend to the sun, while the lower shoots gradually dry out.

Pruning viburnum bulldenezh carried out after flowering.

It is necessary to get rid of thin shoots growing inside, dry branches and withered inflorescences.

The summer formation of the bush is the key to lush flowering for the next year.

You can cut the viburnum in early spring, this should be done before the start of sap flow.

Top dressing in spring and autumn

Garden viburnum for lush flowering requires mineral and organic fertilizers.

In the spring, before the buds open, urea granules are scattered on the tree trunks.

As soon as the bush fades, complex fertilizer is applied. In late autumn, a bucket of compost is poured under the viburnum and the earth is dug up.

Support and pinching

Viburnum on a trunk looks like a bright detail that complements the general view of the garden.

It will take formative pruning without any stress.

In the spring, one central shoot is chosen from a young bush, which will become the basis of the stem.

Basal shoots and branches below the crown are cut off. The length of the branches in the crown itself should be 30 cm, so they are regularly pinched.

After the trunk has developed sufficiently, it is tied to a support. In a few years, the bush will reach the required height.

For development in breadth, you need to pinch the crown. It takes 3 years to form a beautiful standard-shaped ball.

Preparing for winter

Almost all types of viburnum are characterized by high winter hardiness.

Only in the case of abnormally low temperatures do the branches of the bulldenezh freeze over.

Before the first serious frosts, it is sprinkled with spruce branches, peat or straw.

It is advisable to wrap young plants under the age of three years with lutrasil, burlap or spunbond.

Reasons why the bush does not bloom

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is the wrong choice of a place for planting.

In the shade, viburnum loses its decorative effect. A dry spring and the beginning of summer negatively affect the plant, you will have to monitor the moisture content of the soil.

After a harsh winter, the branches recover for a long time, which also affects flowering.

Possible pests

Although the bushes of viburnum buldenezh are unpretentious, from time to time they are subjected to various ailments. To maintain the beauty of the plant, it is necessary to inspect it regularly.

At the beginning of summer, the bushes are damaged by the viburnum leaf beetle. The beetle eats all the foliage, leaving veins and petioles.

It is necessary to spray the bushes in spring and autumn with Intavir, Fufanon or Aktara preparations. Damaged leaves are cut and burned.

No less dangerous viburnum aphid. Small black insects stick around the branches, actively multiply and suck out all the juices from the viburnum.

Damaged foliage is severely deformed and twisted. The first treatment is carried out before bud break, the next - as the insects are active. It is necessary to alternate Karbofos, Arrivo and Fury.

Young bushes are prone to powdery mildew. Prolonged wet weather favors the development of the fungus. The leaves are covered with a white bloom, which gradually darkens.

Not only green mass suffers, infected plants winter much worse. All damaged foliage is collected and destroyed, and dry shoots are also disposed of.

Bushes of viburnum buldenezh are treated with Topaz or Topsin preparations.

Application in landscape design

Single specimens are often planted along the banks of artificial reservoirs.

Kalina buldenezh looks perfect in solitary plantings on the lawn.

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Not every ornamental plant can boast such abundant and long flowering. For a whole month, huge hats of snow-white flowers catch the eye. This is how the ornamental shrub viburnum Buldenezh blooms. Translated from French, its name sounds like "snow globe". It is quite justified - huge inflorescences up to 15 cm have a spherical shape and at the time of complete dissolution very much resemble snowballs.

It belongs to the Adox family and has many relatives that grow in different climatic zones. All viburnums love moist, fairly fertile soils. They grow well and bear fruit in the sun or in a small shade. Most of them have edible berries that form from the center flowers, since the marginal flowers are sterile. They have neither pistils nor stamens, their purpose is to attract pollinating insects. In viburnum Buldenezh, which is an ornamental form of common viburnum, all flowers are sterile, so they are larger, causing the decorativeness of the plant and lush flowering. But she does not have fruits, viburnum Buldenezh reproduces only vegetatively.

Kalina Buldenezh: reproduction

Rooted cuttings and cuttings are used for it, both green and lignified. Easily propagated by division Buldenezh. To do this, the excavated bush is divided into parts so that each has roots and shoots. The resulting plants are planted.

Reproduction by layering

So only those plants that are cultivated in bush form can be propagated. In the spring, they dig a shallow groove under the developed lower branch and bend down the shoot, pinning it to the ground. For better rooting, longitudinal scratches are made on the bark. The shoot is sprinkled with humus, leaving the top open. Keep the soil moist. Over the summer, layering takes root. The following spring, it can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted.

Reproduction by cuttings

Both shoots of this year and last year are suitable for him. Green cuttings are cut during the period of their active growth - from the beginning of June to the end of July. Lignified cuttings are best cut in April-May. Each of them should have 2-3 internodes and a length of about 10 cm. The lower cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper one is straight. The lower pair of leaves is removed completely, and the upper pair is shortened by half. The lower cut of the cutting is treated in a growth stimulator according to the instructions and planted in a mini greenhouse, immersed in the ground by 2 cm. When creating an artificial fog, almost all cuttings can be rooted. They are planted in the ground in the spring after 2 years.

Planting an ornamental shrub

Kalina Buldenezh is durable. She can live for more than 50 years, so you need to choose a landing site thoroughly. The size of the plant depends on how it will be grown. Bush forms grow up to 2.5 m in height and have a crown of the same diameter. If you form a plant in a standard form, then it will grow into a slender tree up to 4 m high with the same crown diameter.

How and when to plant

Best of all, the ornamental shrub viburnum Buldenezh takes root during spring planting. It is carried out while the plants are at rest and have not yet released leaves. In autumn, it is permissible to plant divided bushes, provided that they have a well-developed root system.

Site and soil preparation

This ornamental shrub is moisture-loving. If there is a reservoir on the site, the Buldenezh shrub will perfectly decorate it. In this case, the plant will not feel a lack of moisture.

Good lighting is important for him, but during the hottest hours a small shade from tall plants growing nearby is desirable.

This type of common viburnum has average requirements for soil fertility. It grows well on not too rich sandy loamy and podzolic soils. But in this case, it needs regular feeding. The acidity of the soil should be in the range from 5.5 to 6.5. If it is higher, the soil is limed. It is advisable to do this in the fall.

Landing Rules

It is better to prepare the landing pit in the fall so that the earth is well compacted and there are no voids in it.

  • The diameter and depth of the planting hole is 60 cm. On dry soil, it is completely filled with water and a plant is planted when it is absorbed. If the soil is too wet or heavy clayey, drainage from crushed stone, pebbles and sand is laid at the bottom of the pit.
  • The top layer of the excavated soil is mixed with three buckets of compost, a glass of nitrophoska and two glasses of ash.
  • The straightened roots of the plant are placed on an earthen mound and sprinkled with the prepared soil mixture so as to deepen the root neck into it by 4 cm.
  • The trunk circle is trampled down, watered well and mulched with a layer of compost or humus.
  • Shorten the bush by 1/3 to maintain balance between the aerial part and the root system.

In the future, the survival of the plant and its successful vegetation will depend on care.

Kalina Buldenezh: care

This ornamental shrub is not too demanding in care, but it has its own preferences.

Watering and feeding

For the season, it is enough to make only 3 top dressings. In early spring, 1-2 buckets of well-rotted manure or compost are poured under each bush. After leveling, it will serve as a mulch layer, while nourishing the plants.

Inorganic fertilizers are applied in 2 terms. In the spring for each sq. m near the trunk circle add 50 g of nitrogen, 40 g of phosphorus and 30 g of potash fertilizers. They can be applied dry, lightly embedded in the soil. After this, watering should follow. In autumn, plants are fed before the start of leaf fall, introducing half of the spring rate of phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Nitrogen is not added to the autumn top dressing, so as not to provoke the extracurricular growth of young shoots, which weakens the bushes and prevents them from preparing for the winter.

Viburnum Buldenezh does not like drying out of the soil, therefore it needs regular watering, especially in dry weather. It is necessary to water so as to completely moisten the root layer of the soil.

This is especially important for newly planted plants.

Trimming and pinching

After frosty winters, the plant needs sanitary pruning - all frozen and dried shoots are cut off. This must be done carefully so as not to weaken the flowering, as viburnum blooms on last year's shoots.

Formative pruning is done for the first time immediately after planting - each branch is shortened by a third of the length. If in the first year after planting an inflorescence appeared on the bush, it must be cut off, preventing it from blooming. This technique will ensure more lush flowering next year. In the future, forming pruning depends on the method of growing viburnum. In the bush form, all new shoots are cut annually except for one - the strongest. The maximum number of shoots in an adult bush is 8-10. Pruning is carried out in the summer after flowering, but no later than mid-August. In the summer, the side branches are shortened, achieving the desired shape of the bush. Pinching of young growing shoots is carried out at the end of August.

If the viburnum is formed on a trunk to create a beautiful tree with weeping branches, only one most powerful shoot is left. Cut out all other shoots and basal shoots. Around the third year, they begin to form a crown. The height of the trunk by this time should be about 1.2 m. The old viburnum bush can be rejuvenated by cutting off all the branches at a level of 30 cm from the ground.

Preparing for winter

Kalina Buldenezh is a rather frost-resistant plant and freezes only in very severe winters. To help her transfer them, you need to prepare the plant for winter.

  • Do not feed with nitrogen fertilizers in the second half of summer.
  • Do not let young shoots grow from the end of August. If necessary, pinch them. Reduce watering, starting from the last decade of August until the end of leaf fall.
  • After leaf fall, carry out moisture-charging watering.
  • Mulch the trunk circle with a layer of mulch of at least 10 cm.
  • Cover additionally young plants in a mini greenhouse.

Proper preparation mobilizes all the forces of the plant, and it will safely survive the winter, showing all the frost resistance given to it by nature.

Pests and diseases

Kalina Buldenezh is loved not only by gardeners. It is not left without attention and insect pests. The viburnum leaf beetle and black viburnum aphid are especially rampant. Insects begin their harmful activity in early spring, so it is impossible to be late with plant protection. An effective method is treatment with such drugs as Iskra and Inta-vir. Suitable and karbofos and chlorophos. It will require three treatments with an interval of 12 days. For those who do not let "chemistry" into their garden, there is a safe drug Healthy Garden. The multiplicity of processing them viburnum is the same. You can use folk remedies: infusions of garlic, hot pepper, yarrow, wormwood. They will also help with the defeat of viburnum with spotting or powdery mildew. It is very useful to lure entomophagous insects into the garden that fight pests. For this, aromatic herbs are sown near the bushes.

One or more bushes of viburnum Buldenezh will decorate the site, help to realize interesting design solutions, and emphasize the individuality of the garden.

Kalina Buldenezh - a place of a spherical miracle in landscape design

How to plant and grow viburnum varieties "Buldenezh"

Kalina Buldenezh in French - Snowball. A lush, white inflorescence 7-15 centimeters in diameter will decorate any yard. The balls do not have a bright smell, but you can enjoy their view for up to 30 days.

Buldenezh is a perennial plant that is popular throughout Russia.

This ornamental shrub of the honeysuckle family does not produce berries, therefore it has a second name - sterile viburnum. The plant grows from 3.5 meters and above.

It blooms from the end of May until the last days of June, and then pleases with its large, carved leaves. In autumn, the foliage turns crimson.

Kalina loves moist soil and partial shade, but the variety is resistant to drought.

Planting seedlings

When planting seedlings of viburnum Buldenezh, it must be borne in mind that in the open sun the flowers will dry faster, and in constant shade the plant will bloom later. Also, when growing, you need to pay attention to the soil, it must be quite fertile.

Disembarkation dates

It is better to plant viburnum in the spring, it is not recommended to do this in the fall - unexpected frosts and heavy rain will destroy the young plant. You need to plant in dry warm weather.

Selection of a place on the site

The plant prefers to grow in moist, loose soil - in the lowlands of the site, near water bodies. Kalina has a spreading crown, so you need to grow it where it will not interfere.

Planting technique viburnum Buldenezh

The procedure for planting seedlings:

  1. Dig a hole large enough for the root system of the cutting.
  2. Add nutrient minerals, fertilizers to the pit.
  3. Add mixed sand, charcoal, peat.
  4. Pour the hole so that the earth is wet, but there is no puddle.
  5. Trim the roots - so they will grow faster.
  6. Plant a seedling and cover it with earth so that it stands stably.
  7. Tie up and water.

viburnum care

You need to take care of viburnum Buldenezh by performing the following activities:

  • watering:
  • pruning;
  • fertilizer application;
  • treatment for diseases and pests.

Watering and mulching

The soil must not be allowed to dry out, it must always be moist. In hot weather, you need to especially take care of moisturizing - water 2-3 buckets 1-2 times a week.

After the completion of flowering viburnum Buldenezh still needs watering, if it is limited, the plant will dehydrate and will not survive the winter period.

It is important to add mulch to the root soil. Dig up the ground around the bush once a year, updating the layers of mulch.

Pruning and pinching a bush

The rounded shape of the bush can be achieved by cutting the plant twice a year - in spring and summer. Inflorescences grow only on the shoots of the second year of life. To enjoy flowers every summer, you need to take this feature into account when pruning branches.

The first flowers are cut off, as initially they are small and frail. In subsequent years, you can cut the bush after flowering, forming a crown. Cut the shoots should be at the base, strengthening the trunk.

For a multi-stem, you can leave no more than 4 shoots.

In the spring, weak and diseased branches are pruned, dry ones are removed. In autumn, the bushes do not touch, they need strength to survive the cold.

Pinching the plant adjusts the desired height. It is necessary to pinch young shoots so that 4-5 buds remain, this will make the bush lush.


In order to have lush snow globes, it is necessary to apply the following fertilizers to the soil every spring:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • peat;
  • compost.

Fertilizers must be applied according to the instructions, busting with top dressing will have a bad effect on the flowering of viburnum.

Preparing for the winter

For the winter, the plants are mulched so that the roots do not freeze.

In autumn, it is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering:

  • loosen the earth;
  • apply fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh is a plant that is not pollinated; vegetative methods are used to propagate it.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by branches is done in the spring, before the viburnum begins to bloom actively. In this way, the plant can be restored by creating a new bush from the branch.


  1. Dig a shallow, long hole in the area.
  2. Fertilize, add humus to form young plants.
  3. They choose to escape.
  4. Lay horizontally in a hole, fixing the plant with wire.
  5. Cover with earth and water abundantly.

You can transplant a young shoot to a new place in 2-3 years, when it grows like a mother bush.

The clarity of the method is shown in the video from the Khabarovsk Gardeners Club.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings are best done in the summer. At this time of the year, the plant will not experience much stress, as in the spring at the beginning of flowering. And the cuttings themselves will be more viable than autumn ones.

Prepare the stem like this:

  1. Cut shoots 6-9 centimeters with 4 young buds.
  2. The lower leaves are removed from the branch.
  3. The top cut should be straight and pass under the kidney.
  4. The lower one is oblique, and pass over the kidney.

A twig is planted in a greenhouse with fertilized soil to a depth of 2-5 centimeters. The soil should be regularly moistened. By the end of summer, the root system is formed, which means that the stalk is ready for transplanting into open ground.

Breeding by cuttings

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush

The division procedure is simple:

  1. Choose a young, strong shoot.
  2. Carefully separated from the main trunk.
  3. Dig up.

Before planting, keep the shoot in well-moistened and fertilized soil. Before disembarking, you need to spray it with an antistress - epinon or zircon.

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum flowers and its leaves are susceptible to certain diseases, the plant can become infected from ornamental bushes in the neighborhood or from vegetable crops growing on the site:

  1. Powdery mildew. It affects leaves and shoots with a white coating. Powdery mildew helps - Bordeaux liquid, foundation, ash tincture (3 kg per 10 liters).
  2. Rust. An orange coating appears on the leaves and bark, as if they were scorched. The disease is treated with drugs containing sulfur - polyram, strobe, Bordeaux mixture. Rust actively develops during the rainy season and during the period of cooling, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance.

In order to prevent diseases, spring and autumn processing of viburnum Buldenezh should be carried out.

The most common pests of viburnum are:

  • scab;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

To spray was not in vain, you need to do this only in dry, calm weather. In the midst of the heat, it is better not to process. In addition, in order to avoid plant burns, prophylaxis should be carried out in the evening or early morning.

  • soap solution;
  • chlorophos;
  • karbofos;
  • actor;
  • agravertin.

It is necessary to use preparations for the treatment of viburnum from diseases and pests in accordance with the instructions that go to them.

Photo gallery

Photos of viburnum Buldenezh are presented below.

White inflorescences of viburnum Buldenezh Plantation of bushes Pink flowers of viburnum Buldenezh Bush at their summer cottage

"Overview of viburnum Buldenezh"

The video of the Gardens of Russia channel provides an overview of the viburnum variety Buldenezh.

Source: https://byton.ru/kustarnikovye/description-kaliny-buldenezh-37348/

Kalina Buldenezh: description, planting, care and reproduction

A gardener's dream is lush flowering with minimal care. At the beginning of summer, the decorative bush of Kalina Buldenezh is completely strewn with snow-white balls, because it was not for nothing that the French called it a “snow globe”. The culture is unpretentious and with minimal effort creates a fabulous atmosphere in the garden.

Variety Description

Kalina Buldenezh is an ornamental shrub, 1.5 to 3 meters high. There are specimens that grow 1-2 meters higher than indicated.

In late May, early summer, the shrub is covered with snow-white balls. Under their weight, branches sometimes fall to the ground. The older the bush, the more inflorescences on it.

Kalina is able to create an amazing landscape in any garden. The ornamental culture has no aroma.

Spreading, but neat crown has a width of 2-4 meters. The leaves on it are light green up to 12 cm in length. For a year, the culture grows by 30-40 cm, subject to proper care. After 7 maximum 10 years viburnum stops growing.

The variety has taken root in different regions of the country, it is frost-resistant. A beautiful shrub is able to please the eye for up to 60 years in a row.

Viburnum Buldenezh has many varieties, here are some of them:

  • ordinary viburnum - a form of red ordinary viburnum.
  • decorative viburnum - differs from the previous species, smaller;
  • roseum - popularly called terry. At first it blooms with white, greenish flowers, which turn pink after 20-30 days.

Choice of landing site

Buldenezh loves areas near water bodies, does not tolerate hills and hills. If there is no suitable place on the garden plot, then it is better to plant a bush next to a building or a fence so that there is light partial shade. Direct sunlight negatively affects the abundance of flowers.

Land culture needs loose, moist, with an acidity of 5.5-6.5. Heavy soil is diluted with sand. Lime is added to neutralize the acidity. Any land for planting Buldenezh should be well fertilized with humus.

Optimal landing time

The breeding method determines the following planting dates:

  • in spring - for planting viburnum with layering;
  • in the fall, if the method of dividing the bush is chosen;
  • in the summer, if you need to plant viburnum with a cutting.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh

Planting time is spring. You will need: viburnum Buldenezh seedlings in a container, a shovel, compost, mulch.


  1. dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the root ball;
  2. improve the soil with compost;
  3. hit the container on the ground to release a lump with roots;
  4. pull the plant out of the container;
  5. spread the roots a little;
  6. add a little improved soil to the pit and place the seedling so that the earthen ball is at ground level;
  7. pour improved earth around a coma with roots and tamp it well;
  8. form a watering circle;
  9. water the seedling so that the soil settles;
  10. mulch the planting with bark or compost to retain moisture and cool the soil.

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh

Bush Buldenezh loves moist soils. Young seedlings especially need watering. In dry summers, regardless of age, viburnum bushes require regular watering.

Dry soil around the trunk should not be. In rainy weather, the plant lacks natural moisture. The plant needs watering in the evening in a hot summer, it is enough to do this twice a month.

So, flowering in the spring will be lush and long.

To prevent dehydration of viburnum bushes in winter, they must be watered abundantly in autumn until frost.

Top dressing in spring and autumn

Buldenezh seedlings are planted in abundantly fertilized soil, so it is more expedient to make the first top dressing the next year.

In the spring, when the first leaves are just appearing, it is necessary to support their development with nitrogen fertilizers. It is also useful to add organic matter - humus in the amount of 2 buckets. The second top dressing for the year falls in the fall.

To do this, you can use both dry and liquid top dressing. After such replenishment, in the spring the ground under the bushes is well shed.

Rejuvenating and shaping pruning

Crown pruning is carried out after flowering. Side branches are cut off, strongly protruding to the sides. Dry and growing branches inside the bush are completely removed. When forming a crown, you can choose any shape - a ball, a triangle or a standard tree.

In autumn, Buldenezh prepares for wintering and accumulates useful substances. During this period, it is undesirable to form a crown. You can only get rid of broken, diseased and dry branches.

Every year, shrubs must be freed from frozen and wind-damaged shoots. The first time the crown is shaped when the plant grows 1.5 meters in height.

To form a tree, you need to cut all the branches except one. Then, cut off the young shoots every summer.

To obtain a multi-stemmed viburnum, a young plant is cut almost to the stump, leaving no more than 2 decimeters. This procedure stimulates the development of many side shoots. In the first season, pruning is carried out before flowering. In the future, it is worth waiting for the “snowballs” to fall and cut the bush from June to August.

Sometimes flowering is so abundant that branches need additional support to maintain integrity.


The inflorescences of viburnum Buldenezh are barren, therefore, no fruits and seeds are formed in them. Reproduction is possible only by vegetative method.


The beginning of summer - the end of spring is an excellent time for propagation by layering. The best method is to bend the shoots of the same year and dig them into grooves, 10-12 cm deep. Next, you need to fill the planting with soil and rotted compost.

It is imperative to monitor the soil moisture and periodically water it. Rooted cuttings are separated from the bush with a pruner. For some time, the layering grows with the mother bush, and then it is transplanted to a permanent place.

The first flowers on such a bush appear after 2-3 years.

By dividing the bush

This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the branch in the furrow is not completely covered with fertile soil, but the top of the shoot remains above the ground. To speed up rooting, it is necessary to cut the bark into parts of the layer, which is covered with earth. With the onset of autumn, the seedling is dug up with an earthen clod and a permanent place of growth is chosen for it.


In the summer they prune the bush. That's when you can pick up a good stalk. Ideal for planting a branch of the current year with two pairs of buds. At the same time, all the lower leaves are cut off, and the upper ones are thinned by half.

The cutting should look like this: the upper cut is straight, the lower is oblique. To accelerate root formation, you can use Kornevin or Heteroaksin. Cuttings are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. Over the summer, they will have time not only to take root, but also to produce young shoots.

Cuttings from last year's shoots are cut in June, they are also able to take root well.

For the rapid rooting of the cuttings, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • prepare loose soil for planting;
  • make a greenhouse out of arcs and polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect;
  • shade the cutting;
  • spray planting with water at room temperature.

If everything is done correctly, then the seedlings will turn out strong and healthy. As a greenhouse, many use a five-liter plastic bottle without a bottom.

The root neck of the resulting seedling is slightly deepened, by about 3-4 cm.

During the growth of the roots, it may seem that the viburnum seedling is not developing. We must wait a little and it will be noticeable that the shoots have increased in size. At the age of 3 years, the bush will already grow to 1.5 meters.

Kalina Gordovina

Shrub Kalina Gordovina grows up to 5 meters in height. The crown is dense with a diameter of 2.5-3 meters. Decorative leaves are oval and wrinkled.

Flowering begins in June with creamy white corymbs, and ends after 20-26 days. In mid-late summer, the bush becomes even more decorative.

Bright red fruits ripen on viburnum, which turn into a rich burgundy shade and black.

This type of viburnum is widely used for landscaping parks and squares. Unpretentious culture to the state of the soil. Gordovina is frost-resistant and tolerates periods of drought well. In combination with linden or oak, it creates a harmonious composition.

viburnum three-blade

It blooms with elegant large white umbrellas with a diameter of 10 cm. In autumn, the leaves of the shrub become carmine-red. Bright and effective accent for any garden and personal plot. The clusters of fruits are edible and have the shape of a ball. The taste is reminiscent of blackcurrant.

The shrub tolerates winter well, resistant to insect attack. Light-loving and moisture-loving plant has a high yield and decorative qualities.

viburnum jagged

Shrub with many branches, grows up to 5 m high. Homeland - North America. Young shoots are red, after a year - ashy.

Serrated leaves 5-11 cm ovate or round, dark green above, light below with depressed veins. Small white flowers form an inflorescence with a diameter of 5-7 cm.

Fruits are 7 cm long, dark blue in color, bitter in taste.

Kalina Raita

Bush or tree up to 3 meters. The branches grow up, have a brown color. The leaves along the edges are serrated, rounded, rhombic, bright green in color with hairs. In early summer, it blooms with pubescent white flowers. Bitter but juicy berries ripen in September.

In sunny places, the culture blooms profusely. It tolerates winter satisfactorily, but branches can be damaged in severe frosts. Therefore, shelter is required, especially if there is little snow in winter. The fruits of such viburnum attract feathered friends to the garden.

Plant pests and diseases

Bulldenezh is not often disturbed by pests, but if this happens, getting rid of them is not difficult.

Common snowball pests:

  • scab;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

The aphid settles on the Buldenezh tree and feeds on the juice of the leaves. To get rid of uninvited green guests, it is necessary to spray the green culture with soapy water. If this remedy does not help, then use the chemical preparation - Agravertin. Work is carried out in the evening in calm weather. As a preventive measure, it is good to scatter ash around the trunk.

Viburnum leaf beetle - a beetle gnawing on the leaves of a plant. If no action is taken, the viburnum will die. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to treat the crown with karbofos or fosbecid.

In May, larvae grow on the foliage and around the bush, then it is necessary to make the first spraying with poison.

If a white coating appears on the foliage, and it does not come off, but only increases, this means that the bush has become infected with powdery mildew.

The infection spreads to the entire plant within two weeks. A solution of soda and soap will help get rid of it (100 grams of soda is taken for 20 liters of water).

Spraying should be done after flowering 3 weeks, with a frequency of 1 time in 7 days.

For preventive purposes, Buldenezh is sprayed in the spring with an infusion made from tobacco, onion or garlic to choose from.

Kalina Buldenezh is a truly amazing beauty plant. Fits well into the landscape design of any garden. The snow miracle will be a wonderful decoration of the house adjoining area, especially in hot summer. By following all the simple rules for care, you can easily achieve abundant flowering and create your own unique crown shape.

Source: https://agroportal.online/sad/kalina-buldenezh.html

Kalina buldenezh Planting and care in the open field Pruning and propagation Photo in garden design

Bulldonezh or Buldenezh (Viburnum Boule de Neige) is a variety of common viburnum, in translation the name of the plant means a snowball or ball.

Bred specifically for landscape design in France, it was brought to Russia during the reign of Catherine II.

The shrub is pompous, it literally exudes aristocracy, and everyone can grow it, even in the Urals and Siberia. For success, follow the rules of planting and care, which will be discussed in the article.

The height of the shrub varies between 2-3.5 meters, with proper care the annual growth is 30-40 cm.

Bulldonezh is decorative throughout the season.

The crown is spherical in shape, the shoots are covered with beautiful carved leaves of a light green hue, in early summer snow-white inflorescences-balls appear, and by autumn the leaves turn purple.

There is another decorative form - Buldenezh Roseum. It differs in that at first the inflorescences are greenish in color, then turn white and become pinkish by the end of flowering.

When bulldenezh blooms

So, the inflorescences of viburnum buldenezh begin to open in June and delight with beauty for one month. The inflorescences are 7-15 cm in diameter, under their weight the branches bend and lean down like a weeping willow.

Site selection and planting bulldenezh

How to plant viburnum bulldenezh in the garden


In order for the bush to develop well and bloom regularly, pick up a shaded place for planting. If the bulldog grows in an open area with regular direct sunlight, it can get burned, and in strong shade, flowering is scarce and short, and the plant will often be exposed to diseases and pests.


The soil requires loose, nutritious and moderately moisture-intensive. The culture is moisture-loving and will feel good near a reservoir, but avoid stagnant moisture at the roots, be sure to lay a drainage layer in the planting hole.

How to plant

Planting can be done in spring or autumn. The plant quickly develops a voluminous root system, so the depth of the planting hole should be about half a meter, the diameter should be about 60 cm.

We lay drainage at the bottom (coarse-grained sand and peat), then pour 3-4 buckets of rotted manure or compost, supplement the nutrient pillow with 2 cups of wood ash and 1 cup of nitrophoska.

We put a seedling in the middle and cover it with earth, deepen the root neck into the soil by 3-4 cm. Water well when the water is absorbed, mulch with peat or humus. Cut the shoots by 1/3 so that the seedling takes root faster.


The most important thing is to ensure timely watering, especially during a drought period. We know from a folk song that viburnum is the color of a field near a stream. So water generously and often. Before the onset of autumn cold weather, the soil should be well saturated with moisture, then the plant will successfully overwinter.

top dressing

To get the most lush flowering, feed the bulldog in the spring and summer. If the soil is fertile, it is enough to apply about 2 buckets of compost under one bush every spring, it is distributed in the near-stem circle and carefully embedded in the soil.

In other cases, wood ash or mineral fertilizers will be required:

  • In the spring, add 40 g of nitrogen, 30 g of phosphorus and 20 g of potassium for each square meter of the plot.
  • In August, we exclude the nitrogen component and add 40 g of potassium and 20 g of phosphorus.
  • You can use dry wood ash (600 g per square meter square) or an ash solution (3 liters of ash are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 days and diluted in a ratio of 1:10, watered from a consumption of 1 bucket per square meter of the near-stem circle).

Kalina bulldenezh pruning and bush formation

Formation of a bush of viburnum buldenezh photo

Pruning bulldenezh in the spring

The bush needs sanitary pruning. Every spring, before flowering, remove dried, damaged, as well as weak branches directed to the center of the bush.

At the end of flowering, thin out the central part, slightly shorten the side shoots that stand out, but not more than a third, otherwise they will not bloom. For each adult shrub, leave 8 skeletal branches.

If necessary, pruning can be carried out throughout the summer, but no later than the end of August - the plant should have time to strengthen by the onset of winter.

Scheme for pruning a bush of viburnum bulldenezh

Under the weight of the sprawling inflorescences, the branches can strongly bend and break. Of course, they can be used for cutting, but it is better to tie branches to supports.

Pruning bulldenezh in autumn

If you still dare to cut the bulldog in the fall, cut only dried and weak thin branches that “look” into the middle of the bush. It is better not to cut the remaining branches along the length, because flower buds are laid at the tips. Do autumn pruning no later than September.

Caring for viburnum buldenezh in the fall and preparing for winter

Young bushes of bulldenezh will need shelter for the winter - in the fall, mulch the trunk circle with humus. If the winter is severe, shoots may freeze in adult bushes, but with the onset of spring they will quickly recover.

To help decorative viburnum successfully winter, feed it with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in September:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium salt, dilute in 10 liters of water and water the bush.
  • Solution consumption - 1 bucket per square meter of the near-stem circle.
  • Before top dressing, water the bush well, let the water soak in, and only after that apply top dressing, trying to pour not under the root, but along the edge of the near-stem circle (this is where the young roots that absorb nutrients are located).
  • After top dressing, mulch the near-stem circle with humus from the consumption of 1 bucket per 1 m2 of area. If there is no humus, sprinkle fallen leaves or straw, hay with a layer of 10 cm.

When to transplant viburnum buldenezh?

It is advisable to transplant in the fall, in September-October. So the plant will suffer less from the violation of the root system. You can transplant in the spring, but try to do it as early as possible, preferably before bud break.

How to dig and transplant a bush

You can only transplant young bushes, up to 3-4 years old. Well-grown bushes may not survive the transplant and die. The fact is that the root system of viburnum is very weak, on thick roots there is a thin web of peripheral roots, which simply crumble if the bush is dug up.

Therefore, you need to dig very carefully: first, dig the bush along the edge of the near-stem circle to a depth equal to half the height of the bush, and then dig from below so as to cut the roots from below.

Ideally, you should get an earthen clod with a preserved root system.

To prevent the earth from crumbling, water the plant for a day, and let the earth dry out a little so that it remains damp, but does not stick to the shovel.

The excavated bush is carefully transferred to a new place, into a prepared hole. If the roots are still bare and the earth has crumbled, hold the bush for several hours in the root solution, and then plant it. After planting, water abundantly and then monitor the humidity so that the transplanted viburnum bulldenezh does not die.

Diseases and pests

Thinning the bush is required not only to maintain decorativeness, but also to protect against pests and diseases.

In cold rainy weather, powdery mildew, gray mold or spotting occurs. Throughout the season, carry out preventive treatment with onion, garlic or tobacco solution. If the disease occurs, treat with a solution of the drug Abiga-Peak, Hom and others will do.

Without thinning the bush, pests can become active - viburnum leaf beetle, black aphid, spotted scale insect, and cap moth.

The aphid "sticks around" the tops of young shoots and inflorescences at the very beginning of flowering. To combat the pest, Inta-Vir, Iskra preparations are very effective. Dilute according to the instructions, it will take 2-3 treatments with an interval of 10-12 days.

To protect the bulldonezh from the viburnum leaf beetle, destroy the masonry from the fall. They are predominantly located on the tops of the shoots, you will notice the dark tubercles of the egg clutches. Cut and burn these parts, spray the bushes with a solution of Karbofos. In the spring, re-examine and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Against other pests, you can use the same Karbofos, Iskra, Fufafon.

Bulldenezh breeding

The flowers of this plant are barren, so reproduction is exclusively vegetative.

How to propagate viburnum bulldenezh cuttings

Buldenezh reproduction cuttings photo

Bulldonezh is perfectly propagated by cuttings. They are cut from the shoots of the current year at the beginning of summer, make the lower cut at an angle of 45 °, and the upper cut straight. The cutting should contain a couple of growth buds. Completely remove the lower leaves from the handle, and it is advisable to cut the upper ones in half.

For rooting, we take loose soil or sand, deepen the cutting by 1.5-2 cm, water it and cover it with plastic wrap or a plastic bottle on top. Water and ventilate the "greenhouse" regularly. When the cuttings take root, plant them in a growing bed, then transplant to a permanent place of growth.

Kalina Buldenezh in landscape design photo

The snow-white inflorescences of bulldognezh look appropriate against the background of a green lawn and a multi-colored flower bed. Plant single bushes near the house, and you can create a hedge in a large garden plot.

Bulldonezh in landscape design

Another option is to plant various bulbs every season (daffodils, tulips, snowdrops), the flowering time of which ends before bulldonezh and does not set off the beauty.

Over the years, the bush becomes sprawling, luxurious - plant it near a pond paired with a willow.

A delicate bush looks great against the background of strict and majestic conifers (spruce, pine, arborvitae).

Buldenezh in garden design

Harmoniously, the beauty of bulldenezh is complemented by parallel flowering bushes: lilacs of various tones (from light lilac to dark), delicate garden mock orange, colored hydrangea, and inflorescences of white panicled hydrangea will support the concept of a snow-white garden.

Kalina Buldenezh in landscape design photo

Before and after flowering, when the beauty of the bulldenezh is manifested in the leaves, the Thunberg barberry will be an excellent partner. Suitable neighbors are other shrubs: hawthorn, mountain ash. The combination with maples, oaks, lindens, white-trunked birches looks advantageous.

Buldenezh in landscape design photo

Gentle in appearance, bulldenezh adapts even to harsh winters, changeable weather conditions and grows well in central Russia. An ornamental shrub is unpretentious in terms of cultivation and care. It is worth making a little effort, and the plant will delight with its beauty for many years.

Many would like to have a plant such as viburnum on their site, as it has many useful and medicinal qualities.

A variety of this shrub is Buldenezh, which not only has all the qualities of an ordinary viburnum, but also amazes everyone with its decorative properties.

Appearance and properties of viburnum Buldenezh

The medicinal qualities of viburnum have long been used in folk medicine, as it has a wide range of useful substances.

It normalizes blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels, treats gastritis and stomach ulcers, helps with colds, and also supports the body's immune system.

But the type of viburnum Buldenezh almost does not produce berries, and therefore seeds, so the plant is famous only for its decorative beauty.

You can, of course, take into account the fact that the bark and color of the plant are also raw materials for the manufacture of medicinal infusions and are used in cosmetology.

Tonic tinctures based on Buldenezh flowers rejuvenate, cleanse and tone the skin.

The shrub blooms in spring, around May, flowering is quite long and lasts 25-30 days.

Freshly opened buds have a delicate white-greenish color, then the flowers in large balls-inflorescences become white with a creamy tint.

This is a fairly fast growing plant. The height of viburnum Buldenezh reaches 3-4 meters. It has a spreading crown, gives a wonderful shade in the summer heat.

In autumn, the leaves of the shrub turn into crimson-green tones and also decorate the site, standing out among the yellow foliage.

Buldenezh tolerates winter frosts well, is unpretentious to soil and top dressing, so caring for him will not be difficult.

The only thing Buldenezh loves is water, if you plant a plant in a place where the soil is saturated with moisture, the plant will respond with lush flowering in the spring, and in the summer it will shelter you from the hot sun.

If you decide to grow Buldenezh viburnum in your garden, you need to know the basic rules for planting and caring for the plant.

Planting viburnum Buldenezh

This shrub is propagated only by dividing the bush, cuttings or layering.

Buldenezh does not produce seeds, as it is a sterile species of common viburnum.

Creating favorable conditions for seedlings will enable the plant to take root well and delight you every spring with abundant flowering.

For him, you need to choose a suitable place in the garden and prepare the soil for planting. It is also important at what time the bush will be planted.

The choice of time for planting shrubs

Planting viburnum Buldenezh is carried out in early spring or late autumn, just before the frost.

  1. Spring, when all plants wake up and the life process is activated, is a good time for planting by any method.
  2. If you decide to plant a shrub in the fall, this will give the seedlings time to adapt, but planting a plant in this season can only be done by dividing the root.

The breeding method of viburnum Buldenezh will also depend on which planting method you choose.

By dividing the root, planting a shrub is very simple. If you already have this plant on the site, you need to find a suitable lateral shoot of the young growth and carefully separate it from the mother bush - that's it, the seedling material is ready.

It is also not difficult to plant a bush with a layer. To do this, you just need to bend the lower extreme branch to the ground and pin it with a wire bracket.

From above, the layer is sprinkled with earth and kept moist until it takes root and shoot. Then it is separated from a large bush - and it can be transplanted to a separate place.

It is a little more difficult to plant a shrub with a cutting, as it takes more time for it to take root.

Cut off a branch of a young shoot with seven to nine buds and plant it in fertile soil in a greenhouse, watering should be moderate, the temperature should be maintained high.

The stalk should be in such conditions until next spring. Then he lands in open ground.

When the time for landing is chosen, you need to proceed to the choice of a place.

Selecting a landing site

Buldenezh loves moist soils, so it grows best near water bodies and in low-lying areas where moisture is better preserved.

If you do not have such a territory on the site, then you will have to artificially keep the soil moist. Perhaps this is the most important condition for choosing a landing site.

Otherwise, the plant is unpretentious to the ground, finds everything necessary for its growth in any of them.

Shrub tolerates heat well, provided root watering

He is not afraid of the winds, but must be tied up, as he has fragile wood, and the wind can easily break him.

Buldenezh is planted as a single bush or group of plants. It creates a beautiful shade, so it is good to identify it by a garden bench or gazebo.

When the planting site is determined, you need to carefully prepare a pit for seedlings, since a good laying of fertilizers will be the key to healthy and rapid plant growth.

Soil preparation

For a single bush, a hole is prepared about 60 × 60 × 80 cm in size.

Then the pit must be shed with plenty of water, especially if the landing site is chosen on a flat or elevated area.

Almost the entire space of the pit must be filled with a nutrient mixture of potash-phosphorus fertilizers, peat, humus, old leaves, ash and garden soil, and again spill the pit with water.

These pit preparation activities will help the plant get off to a good start and grow at a fast pace for many years to come with luscious flowers. The next step is to properly plant the plant.

How to plant viburnum Buldenezh

In the planting hole, a recess is made in the nutrient mixture and the plant is planted there, be sure to deepen the root neck by 4-5 cm.

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh

Although Buldenezh is unpretentious, he still needs minimal care, like any living plant, especially if you want the flowers to bloom larger in the spring and the bush grows well.

Plant care measures include, of course, watering, infrequent feeding until the bulldenezh rises and becomes an adult, pruning dry and old branches.

  1. Watering

    As mentioned above, Buldenezh is a very moisture-loving plant, so you need to water it as often as possible, as moisture leaves the ground, especially on dry days of summer.

    If watering meets the needs of the shrub, the flowers on the branches will be large and juicy.

  2. top dressing

    Fertilizing Buldenezh can be started in the second or third year after planting, as you have prepared a well for the plant and put enough nutrients in it - they should be enough to adapt and start healthy growth for two to three years.

    The first top dressing is done in the spring, when the first leaves begin to appear, it should be with the use of nitrogen fertilizers.

    The second top dressing is done in the fall, before leaf fall, this time potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

    You can fertilize with top dressings diluted in water, or with dry granules, scattering them under a bush and loosening the ground with glanders, then pouring plenty of water.

    The proportions should be when diluted in water: 25-35 grams per bucket.

  3. cleaning

    Cleaning of Buldenezh should be carried out annually, then the branches will be well updated and bloom more rapidly.

    Pruning viburnum Buldenezh can be done in early spring, before the start of sap flow, or in late autumn, after the leaves have fallen. Young plants planted a year or two ago do not need to be cleaned.

Pest control

The shrub has its enemies - these are pests, and if you do not start fighting them in time, the bush may die.

Viburnum leaf beetle - eats away the flesh of the leaves, leaving them only a skeleton of veins.

The leaf beetle lays its eggs under the bark in spring or early summer. When hatching, the larvae begin their work of destroying the plant.

You can cure a plant with an aqueous solution infused with hot pepper, wormwood, garlic or other fragrant herbs or spices, with the addition of laundry soap, about 50 grams per ten liters.

Spray the bushes in the evening, when the heat of the day subsides.

If the flowers of Buldenezh do not open, it means that the viburnum gall midge, barberry moth or lilac hawk raids the shrub

Viburnum black aphid settles on the leaves of the bush and destroys them. The leaves lose their shape, curl up and fall off.

Buldenezh is treated with the solution described above or with special preparations for pests, which are sold in flower shops.

Shrub diseases

Of the diseases, Kalina Buldenezh is often overcome by such diseases as powdery mildew or rust.

Powdery mildew is a white coating on the leaves of a plant. You can fight this scourge with a solution of foundationol with water, the proportion of the solution is 20-25 grams per 10 liters. Spraying is carried out once.

A yellow-orange coating on the leaves indicates that rust has visited the shrub. Spraying with Bordeaux liquid will help if the disease is not running.

If you are late and the bush is all infected, you will have to get rid of it so as not to infect other plants.

When the shrub blooms for the first time, you will get full satisfaction from the efforts made.

Your garden collection will be replenished with another beautiful ornamental plant - viburnum Buldenezh - which will delight you every spring with snow-white blooms.

The beautiful name of this form of decorative viburnum is translated from French as “snowball”, and among the people the lush-flowering bush was called “snowfield”. Planting viburnum Buldenezh does not cause difficulties even for inexperienced gardeners, and caring for it is simple, it consists in watering, pruning, feeding and weeding.

In May, for a whole month, this shrub is covered with round caps of snow-white inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter, so it is readily used to decorate gardens and city parks, as rich Russian landowners and European nobility used to decorate their estates. Kalina Buldenezh does not bear fruit, since all its flowers are sterile and barren, therefore it is planted exclusively for decorative purposes - it can be a single planting or entire hedges.

landing conditions

Planting viburnum is carried out in early spring. In autumn, it is advisable to plant only seedlings obtained by dividing an adult bush (by digging up side shoots). Good care helps a three-year-old bush reach a height of 1.5 m, and without pruning, an adult tree grows above 3 m.

The place for planting Buldenezh is chosen semi-shady, since the flowering period will be reduced in the sun, and in the shade the inflorescences will become incomplete, in addition, the bush will suffer from pests. Planting should be carried out responsibly, since viburnum is a long-liver, it can grow and bloom in the selected area for up to 60 years. If necessary, an adult bush can be transplanted, but this will be difficult. Viburnum grows well along water bodies, but it also feels great in the city.

The soil for viburnum needs nutritious and loose, non-acidic. Heavy clay soil is cultivated and lightened by adding sand, peat and humus to it. A landing pit for a young seedling is prepared with a size of at least 50x50 cm (up to 60x80). A mixture of soil with compost, sand, peat, ash and suitable fertilizers is poured onto drainage from stones or tree bark.

Fertilizers when planting viburnum Buldenezh use potash-phosphorus, for example "Agronan", or diammophoska, "Agricola", AVA.

A distance of at least 1.5–2.0 m is left between two bushes. The root neck of a young plant can be deepened by 3-5 cm. A seedling is placed on a cone-shaped tubercle in the planting hole, sprinkled with earth, compacted and watered abundantly. The surface of the earth around the bush is mulched, for example, with peat.

viburnum care

Planting viburnum is accompanied by mulching; in the first years after planting, it is also desirable to cover the root circle with additional humus or mulch in winter. You can plant around the bush and not cut them for the winter, which will give the young roots additional protection from frost. In a very cold winter, viburnum shoots can freeze slightly, but with healthy roots, the bush quickly recovers. No shelter is required for the shoots, since this shrub tolerates frost well and takes root even in Siberia.

Kalina Buldenezh loves moisture. In dry summers, the shrub requires frequent and abundant watering, at least twice a week. An adult plant consumes up to 20 liters of water.

Fertilize the shrub in early spring and autumn before leaf fall:

  • during spring top dressing, nitroammophoska is introduced;
  • in autumn - superphosphate and potassium nitrate.

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh also consists in mulching. The mulch in the near-stem circle of the plant needs to be updated annually (maximum every three years), digging up last year's layer and adding a new one.

To protect viburnum from diseases caused by fungi, such as gray leaf spot or powdery mildew, bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid in early spring, as well as when a problem is detected. If the situation is already running and the bush is not treatable, then it is better to remove the plant from the site.

Kalina can also be overcome by pests. They fight aphids with a soapy solution, with viburnum leaf beetle - an infusion of garlic, onions or wormwood with soap. In early spring, the plant is treated with karbofos. When pests appear, you can use other chemicals sold in garden stores.

pruning viburnum

Ornamental viburnum is grown most often as a spherical shrub, but sometimes as a standard tree. Shoots grow very quickly, up to 40 cm per year.

To form a ball, the shrub is cut short in the second year of planting, leaving 2-3 buds, and a ball is formed from young strong shoots, pinching their growth point at a length of 30 cm.

To form a tree, only one powerful stem is left to grow, removing the lower lateral buds from it, and the rest of the shoots are removed. In the future, only branches from the apical buds are allowed to grow. To do this, after 2–3 years of growth of the main (single) stem, its crown is pinched at the desired height, for example, 2 m, and a crown is formed from its side shoots, leaving a clean bole 1–1.2 m high.

In addition to the pruning that forms the shrub, you will also need to remove the lateral growth when it appears, as well as dried and broken branches. Once every 7-8 years, you need to thin out the crown of the bush - such care helps maintain a healthy appearance of the ornamental shrub.

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Since the sterile flowers of this viburnum do not produce seeds, it can only be propagated vegetatively: by layering, cuttings and dividing the bush.

For cuttings, this year's shoots are most often taken during summer pruning, but last year's shoots can also be used. Two pairs of buds are left on a cutting 7–9 cm long, the lower leaves are cut off completely, and the upper ones are cut in half. The lower cut of the cutting should be oblique, and the upper one should be straight. To accelerate root formation, the lower cut is treated with "Kornevin", "Heteroauxin" or another growth stimulant. The cuttings are planted to a depth of 2 cm in a loose substrate (peat and sand in equal amounts), they make it look like a mini-greenhouse (a cap made of plastic bottles or lutrasil / film stretched over small arcs).

When propagated by layering in May-June, flexible young shoots are bent to the ground, laid in grooves up to 10 cm deep, pinned, covered with soil and often watered. A rooted seedling is cut off from the mother bush and left for some time in its original place or transplanted into a school.

As can be seen from the information above, viburnum Buldenezh does not require special attention. Planting and caring for it is no more difficult than caring for other garden crops, and the beauty of spring flowering pays for all the effort.