Horoscope for the last decade of May

Finally, the long-awaited May holidays have come, when you can relax and enjoy watching how nature has almost woken up from its winter hibernation. Spring reigns special atmosphere joy and romanticism, at such times one wants to know the future, to look into what fate has prepared for us, whether what we dream about will come true. Let's find out about this from astrologers and get acquainted with the horoscope for May 2017.

Failures at work and in the family can weaken you for a while, it will suddenly seem to you that the whole world has conspired against you. But it only seems so, in fact, if you can pull yourself together and stubbornly move towards the intended goal, then be sure that everything will work out.

Despite the fact that May this year will be quite difficult, you should definitely find time for your inner world. After all, before conquering the peaks, you need to work on yourself and understand what is paramount in this life and what is not so important. It is then that it will become clear where to move on, how to solve pressing problems, how to organize your day in such a way as to achieve real success.

Career horoscope for May 2017

The first decade of the month is preparing you a good shake-up, problems and troubles will begin that need to be urgently addressed. The ability to organize yourself, curb all your emotions for the sake of a common cause, composure and determination - all these qualities will be your faithful companions in achieving success at work. This is exactly the case when fate tests you and tempers your character, so you should not be afraid to show determination and independence.

Constant problems at the beginning of the month can unsettle you for a while, at some point it may even seem to you that you are out of place. And despite the fact that in the second half of May all problems will be solved, the desire to leave work will not disappear. But take your time with such decisions, maybe you are just tired and you need a rest. Take a day off and relax, gain strength, which, by the way, you will need during this period. And all because it is in the second decade of the month that you will be especially productive - this is an ideal period for starting new projects, concluding contracts and deals, creating creativity and creating real masterpieces. Your creativity is at its peak, and therefore it is worth working hard. Although it will seem to you that nothing will come of it, throw unnecessary doubts, they only slow you down on the path to success. However, when solving everyday issues and negotiating with people, be vigilant, because in May of this year various swindlers will be the most active. When concluding any transactions, carefully check everything, and if there are any doubts, then it is better to refuse joint cooperation.

Also, in addition to other problems, minor quarrels and disagreements at work with colleagues and superiors await you. And all because, due to the location of the planets, many will be subject to emotional swings, it will be difficult to contain everything in themselves, any little thing can piss them off. Try to control yourself, believe your own calmness and peace of mind is much more important than any quarrels.

Family horoscope for May 2017

Quarrels lie in wait for you in the family, and here you need to show special wisdom, the ability to smooth out conflicts. In particular, this applies to quarrels with children, because they are especially susceptible to the influence of planets. In this case, astrologers recommend not rushing to give advice to your child if he does not come to you. They will only cause a desire to be stubborn and do the opposite. Try to show by example what is good and what is bad, spend more time with your child and be interested in his life. This is the only way to become an authority, and over time, he himself will begin to approach you for advice.

With other family members, if disagreements arise, then only minor ones. No need to worry too much about this, soon everything will work out and be forgotten. Better focus on other important issues. Also, in any quarrels, try to avoid any loud and careless phrases. This will only make the controversy worse.

But in a relationship with your partner, oddly enough, everything will be smooth and calm. It is only important that you overcome all problems, conflicts and other troubles together, like a real team. Only then can harmony be achieved.

Love horoscope for May 2017

Your significant other in the first decade of the month will be especially sensual and romantic. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to make each other more joyful and happier. After all, it is these moments that you will remember with special reverence. But be also careful, because conflicts will arise from an overabundance of emotions, so try to control yourself and not spoil the romantic atmosphere that will overwhelm you.

But with a marriage proposal, it is better to wait a little this month, as well as with a wedding. According to astrologers, the month of May is generally not desirable for creating a family and any serious decisions related to the family. Yes, and getting to know someone will also be extremely undesirable, there is a risk of falling for a swindler or just a deceiver.

Health Horoscope for May 2017

Despite the May holidays and significant weekends this month, you will have to work a lot, and therefore it is important at such moments to observe the correct mode of work and rest. You do not need to give yourself completely to work, your health will not thank you, and your immunity will weaken even more. And who wants to be sick in such good spring weather, right? It's better to spend an extra hour in the park with your family than at home in bed with medicines.

Take care of your gastrointestinal tract as well, because this month it is at risk. Try to eat more vegetables, fruits, and after the holidays arrange a fasting day. Give rest to your stomach, which has been working so hard all the festive period. If possible, try to switch to fractional meals and eat in small portions, but often.

AT last month spring people's minds open to search for something new. In May 2017, astrologers recommend paying attention to the mood of the stars and planets in order to effectively spend your time and energy.

Pay attention to the signs of fate in May, because the Universe will try to help you with solving problems and troubles. This month you can succeed in anything - the only thing that matters is the presence of an appropriate desire and strong self-confidence. A free horoscope will tell you how to properly direct your forces and how to prioritize.


Should start with good points. First, throughout the month of Mars, your chief assistant in money matters, will be half active in the constellation of Gemini, and without change. This means that stability and constant support can be expected. The same goes for Pluto, which will make your interactions with people positive. It is very stable and auspicious month, despite the fact that the Sun will lose some of its power due to the transition from Taurus to Gemini on May 20th. The universe will be there for you, so don't despair if problems suddenly overtake you. It is worth noting that it is not worth waiting for problems, since Venus, your antagonist, will be completely devoid of strength due to being in Aries. This alignment is almost ideal for you, so do not sit still, but improve, strive to reach new heights or properly relax, change the situation.


This month can become successful for you due to the power of the Moon, the creative energy of which will not fall below the average level from the 17th to the 29th. On May 30 and 31, the Moon will be in Leo, so luck will leave you. The same thing awaits you from the 2nd to the 5th due to the same Leo, from the 14th to the 16th due to the Moon being in Capricorn. On all other days, you can breathe deeply and not worry about the little things and troubles. Your main enemies are Mars, Uranus and Pluto. They will be extremely stable, which means there are big problems with motivation, communication and mood. This suggests that it is time to become introverts for a while. To be more precise, at least for the next 30 days. Rely only on yourself and no one else.


Gemini needs a strong Mercury. In May, he will stay in Aries until the 14th inclusive, after which he will move into the constellation Taurus, retaining his strength. This means that on May 15 you will need to change the style of communication with people and slightly change your outlook on the world. Try to look at everything familiar in a different way. It is worth adding that on May 3, Mercury will stop moving in the opposite direction. This means that for the whole month you will not be tormented by doubts about whether you did the right thing or not. In May, you should not regret the past, look back and live in yesterday. Enjoy every minute of free time, but pay due attention to business: projects not completed in May can bring a lot of trouble in the future.


The moon will be strong all month, but it will have periods of temporary weakness. Such periods will be May 2-4, May 14-16 and 30-31. Leo, Capricorn, and then again Leo will make her weak. At this time, you need to exercise maximum caution and discretion, because luck will leave you. Venus, the main one, will become very impoverished. Her strength will be zero, so you will have problems with motivation if you do not make an effort to find her. As for the planets that are classified as antagonists, they will be stable, therefore, no new troubles are expected in May this year. Mars, Saturn and Uranus will make you see the world in slightly distorted colors.

a lion

The Sun will be strong in Taurus until May 19th. Then it will be weakened by the transition to the constellation Gemini. Support will still be tangible, but noticeably weaker. This means that you will need to learn how to manage emotions, not to give them an outlet. If you want to make a small revolution in any of the spheres of life, then it is better to do it in the first half of the month, from May 2 to May 4 or from May 14 to 16. On these days, your antagonist, the Moon, will take a weak position, so there will be no internal confrontation. In the second half of the month, long-term planning can be done, as Jupiter in Libra will still be somewhat active.


The first two days of the month for Virgo will be the most difficult due to the retrograde of Mercury. Then the planet will begin to move in right direction. Mercury's stay in Aries will make it half active, but on the 15th it will move into Taurus. This means that it will be necessary to move from action to planning. Try not to make promises to close people and colleagues for the second half of the month, because Taurus and Mercury can make you forget about them. Venus will be weak throughout May, so you will not have problems with depression. On the other hand, Neptune in Pisces upholds the ban on the use of prohibited techniques. It is better to follow the rules in everything if you do not want unnecessary trouble.


This month will be at least difficult for you, because Venus, best friend and mentor of your Zodiac Sign, will be incredibly weak. To overcome all possible obstacles on the way to happiness, you will need to find help in the form of friends, colleagues and loved ones. Do not refuse their support, because in May you will need to cling to every opportunity. Pluto and Mars will not be strong enough to fill the voids left by weak Venus, so there will be no more problems in your life. The main troubles will be waiting for you where they were last month, so they will not be able to take you by surprise. Faith in yourself and diplomacy towards others will help you effectively complete the spring period.


The moon will be strong for almost the entire month, so in May, Scorpios need to beware of a sudden change of scenery. This applies not only to travel, trips, business trips, but also to moving, repairs and, of course, expensive purchases and style changes. Postpone trips to the hairdressers, because the new appearance can seriously spoil your maps. In May, it is desirable to remain in the shadows, not showing your character to the outside world. Emotions cannot be restrained, but only when no one sees you. In other cases, it is better to avoid harsh statements so that society does not turn against you. Turn to positive thoughts when you feel the approach of problems.


Everything will be fine for Sagittarius in May, because of all the cosmic objects that positively affect you, only the Sun will slightly weaken the positive influence. It will move from the constellation of Aries to the constellation of Taurus, having lost some of its energy, so you will need to surround yourself with nice people more often. Because of this, problems with sleep and rest are also possible, because it will be more difficult to get up in the morning. Mercury will no longer be retrograde on May 3, so it will only give you problems in the first two days. On May 1 and 2, be careful and do not make promises to anyone in order to save yourself from problems.


Astrologers strongly recommend that Capricorns throw out all their negative emotions not on people, but to transfer this energy from emotional to physical. This month will be very good to start your exercise cycle as Mars and Mercury will be active. Of course, their strength will not be particularly noticeable, but the main thing is their stability. Mercury will move on May 15 into the constellation of Taurus, changing its character to a calmer one, so in the second half of the last spring month, it is better for you to retire more often, doing meditation and introspection. Separately, it is worth mentioning about the Moon, which will be strong almost all the time. This suggests that your actions will not always lead to a positive result.


Venus is very weak in May due to being in Aries. You may have a strange feeling that you are doing something wrong. For everything to be good, you need to take yourself out of the world of illusions into the real world. Think sensibly and do not hope that all problems will go away on their own. Laziness, inaction and empty hopes are your main enemies in May. Neutral Uranus in Aries will help you make a small revolution in any area of ​​life, and without much complications. It will not be the most stable month, but it will be very productive.


Pisces May will bring a lot of new emotions and positive energy due to the positive influence of the Moon, Neptune and Pluto. The moon will be weak only three times - from May 2 to 4, from May 14 to 16 and from 30 to 31. These days it is better not to start anything new and not try to keep up with two birds with one stone at the same time. A strong Neptune in your zodiac sign will make certain rule violations less noticeable, so you can achieve more quickly. positive results in business, finance and work.

Horoscope for May 2017 female and male for all signs of the zodiac.

In May 2017, everyone needs to control the emotions on their faces! Because, as the horoscope for May 2017 shows, all astrological signs will have events that will cause you surprise, delight, misunderstanding or something sacred. The horoscope indicates a favorable wind of change for all astrological signs. That is why the astrologer of the site site advises everyone to add more depth in the analysis of actions and events and a more accurate analysis before each of their actions. And regardless of whether you choose toothpaste or stand in front of the cash register and think what to take "fishmack" or "cheeseburger".

Another horoscope for May 2017 shows that many in next month will eat peaches with a spoon and ice cream with a fork. And not because they are "crazy", but because they fell in love. The planet Venus in May 2017 will be quite active until June 6, 2017. In this regard, many signs in May 2017 will be so excited that they will be ready for sex or love adventures with unfamiliar people. Others will be annoyed by the lack of sex and a partner, which will affect their excited or inappropriate behavior. Like the girl Dasha, who killed two flies that were having sex on her table with one cotton. And because it’s not good to have sex where even she hasn’t done it yet.

The planet Saturn will add intrigue and surprises in May 2017. And it is precisely because of Saturn that events will sometimes occur that will cause you surprise, delight, misunderstanding or something sacred. Moreover, this period will last right up to August 25, 2017. But, most of all, Saturn will manifest itself in the middle of the month, in the second decade of May. This period cannot be called easy, but it will be very important. The second decade will start spring " general cleaning» in the lives of many signs of the Zodiac, and will save you some obligations. The opposition of Saturn and the Sun will force many in mid-May to accept some difficult, but right decisions. It's just time to draw some conclusions, especially after situations that repeat over and over again. Difficult decisions, always heavy, but always important. In addition, May will be able to show many things and some situations in a new light.

In May 2017 Taurus need to control their emotions and thoughts. Remember, as Raymond Task, one of the characters in the House of Cards series, said: “Decisions based on emotions are not decisions, but instincts. This can be valuable - the combination of the rational with the irrational, they complement each other. Individually, they are not so strong." Even if you have not watched House of Cards, just remember that in May 2017 you need to try to connect the rational with the irrational, your emotions and logic. Try not to make too emotional decisions, and at the same time, don't be too pragmatic. Add humanity, emotions and logic to your every decision and word. Otherwise, even in simple words or a question in May 2017, you can inadvertently offend others. How, in a situation when Anatoly Wasserman was asked in a bookstore: “Do you have something to suggest?”

Taurus horoscope for May 2017. Taurus Do you want to be lucky in May 2017? Luck is a very slippery thing. And yet, it can smile at everyone at one time or another. In May 2017, fortune may ...

Gemini, try to have someone next to you in May 2017, and not only slow you down, but also close your mouth. And not with a palm, but better with a gag - it’s more reliable !!!

Gemini horoscope for May 2017.

Behind Gemini in May 2017, you need an “eye for an eye”. Therefore, Gemini, try to make sure that you are not left unattended. So say to your friends and relatives: "look after me." It is believed that this Gemini girl, like fire, cannot be left unattended. Or go out, or burn everything nafig. So the same formula works for Gemini men. Therefore, try to have someone next to you in May 2017, and not only slow you down, but also close your mouth. And not with a palm, but rather with a gag - it’s more reliable. So that you yourself do not spoil May 2017, which is very favorable for you.

The fact is that the horoscope for May 2017 advises Gemini to weigh ...

Cancer horoscope for May 2017.

In May 2017, Cancers need to keep themselves within limits! Just do not need to tell that if you constantly keep yourself within the limits, then turn into a portrait! You've been reminding yourself of an oil painting too often this spring: American Gothic. Therefore, when we say "keep yourself in line" - it means that you keep yourself on the turns, and slow down a little. There will be too much energy in you next month! Therefore, Cancers not only keep yourself within the limits, but also do not be afraid to stop. This will allow you to stop in time before the next rake.

As the horoscope for May 2017 shows, next month many Cancers ...

May 2017 at Lviv will resemble a metal detector!

Leo horoscope for May 2017.

May 2017 at Lviv will resemble a metal detector! Admit it, you also had a secret fear, passing through a metal detector, what if it rings?! It's like with the turnstile in the subway - you never know when it will be bridged, and it will still hit the hips. And indeed, unlike people, you can never understand what a metal detector has in mind! Moreover, many Lions will never know that in May 2017 you went through a metal detector and were diligently checked! So Leos and Lionesses get ready for May 2017 to be testing you. This is especially true for Leo men. So try to behave like an adult at least in May 2017. Just don’t think that they become adults when they answer the question “who lives at the bottom of the ocean?” They say “not spongebob”, but “well, there are all kinds of algae, fish”. They become adults when the word “right” wins over the word “I want”. The horoscope for May 2017 Leo tells you that next month you should count ...

Ladies, get ready for a change. It's like in a situation when the walls were painted in the entrance, and now you don't recognize your floor! It used to be clear: the elevator doors opened, and if Natasha - @d, and “Tsoi is alive!”, Then you are on your floor. And now you don't recognize your floor. May 2017 will be the same - you will hardly recognize your floor. But, on the other hand, even if the walls were painted over by Natasha, it’s all the same ... @ d, but “Choi is still alive!”

Virgo horoscope for May 2017.

In May 2017 Virgos need to wake up! Moreover, you must be ready to wake up even in the middle of the night, or early in the morning. Of course, not enough sleep Virgo, this is a problem. But, there will be more to oversleep such a busy month bigger problem. So Virgo, be prepared to respond to calls and SMS even late at night, or very early in the morning. As in that old joke, when Vova calls and asks: “Hello! Can Vasya? - He's sleeping! - Then, if he wakes up, tell him that Vova called !!! - What does it mean - "if he wakes up?". After all, as your horoscope shows, the planet Venus will ...

Libra horoscope for May 2017.

May 2017 will erase Libra's memory! Well, not that "erase". And just you will hardly remember the past. It's like when someone asks you to recommend a movie and you immediately forget all the movies you've ever seen. So in May 2017, you will hardly remember something good from past life even if he was there. Therefore, Libra do not look back. In May 2017, you only need to look ahead. In addition, Libra May 2017 is a great time to ...

Scorpio horoscope for May 2017. In May 2017, there will be many commas and periods in the life of Scorpios. As Haruki Murakami explained: « Errors are punctuation marks in life, without which, as in the text, there will be no meaning. That is why all our mistakes either become commas or dots. The problem is that May 2017 for the Scorpios will not be much like “working on the bugs”. Rather, it will be a "home school assignment", in which ...

the phrase "Let's remain friends" is the same nonsense as, for example, "I'm tired of the dog, let's be my cat"!

Sagittarius horoscope for May 2017.

Sagittarians do not sit at the computer, sit in front of it. It is more comfortable!!! And not only in front of the computer! As the horoscope for May 2017 for Sagittarius shows next month, you need to “not sit” not only at the computer, but also at people and situations - sit in front of them! Try next month not to hide behind the computer, behind other people's opinions, or behind the decisions of others. The horoscope for May recommends you...

Capricorn horoscope for May 2017.

In May 2017, Capricorns will exclaim: « Yo-Mayo! So many interesting things in the world, it was necessary to cut the bangs before! And not only Capricorn women, but also those Capricorn men who, instead of bangs, part to the back of the head. The thing is that May 2017 is great for Capricorns ...

Aquarius horoscope for May 2017.

In May 2017, Aquarians don't need to be late! Try not to be late not only for meetings, dates or work, but also not to be late with words or deeds. Because in May 2017, your place in the lives of other people will not always be waiting for you. Imagine that you went to watch Harry Potter. We were late for the session, literally for a few minutes, go into the hall, and then the loud voice of Voldemort from the screen: “I have already begun to worry that you are lost. The place is still free.” So try Aquarius in May 2017 to take your place in auditorium as long as it's free! As we already warned in the detailed horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius, in the personal life of many Aquarius - this will be a very significant year! And May 2017 could be the most iconic! And all because of how...

Pisces horoscope for May 2017.

In May 2017, Pisces will suffer from "letophobia". Because in May 2017, Pisces will most of all be afraid to wake up and understand that June 1 and Summer are already outside the window, and you are not ready. Moreover, even adult and family Pisces will suffer from “letophobia”, which, it would seem, have nothing to be afraid of the coming summer. But, even in May 2017 they will be struck by “letophobia”. Just don't look...

Horoscope for May 2017 female and male for each sign of the Zodiac site ©

The horoscope for May 2017 promises a lot of smiles, romance and pleasant emotions. This spring month will make the whole world sparkle with bright colors.

People of fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) can be lucky in love. Venus gives you seductiveness and a special charm that is not easy to resist to the opposite sex. This is a good time to start new relationships and marriage, because the relationship of Venus with Saturn favors strong love and marital unions. Those who have experienced some conflicts have good opportunities to resolve them for their own good.

For representatives of the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), the period will bring an increase in prosperity. These people know very well that positive emotions and romance is not enough for real happiness, more practical matters are also needed. The Sun in the first two decades of the month remains in the materialistically oriented Taurus. Moreover, a harmonious aspect with Pluto is formed, which is also associated with finances. Thus, May 2017 portends financial stability, and smiles and a friendly attitude will be supported by cash profits.

For the signs of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), the time will be dynamic. With the support of Mars and Jupiter, you can accomplish great things, whether they be in your career, money, business, or personal life. The new moon on May 25, 2017 can give rise to new profitable projects. Luck is on your side, and it's time to take risks, within reason, of course. The trips undertaken will be successful and bring good results. As for work, the horoscope advises to focus on the most Hi-tech and fundamentally new methods.

Water signs of the Zodiac (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) will be able to solve problems quickly and easily thanks to a fortunate combination of circumstances. For them, the month will be calm. You can deal with current family and domestic issues: planning a future vacation, repairs, working on your own land plot and others. Under the influence of the full moon on May 11, 2017, some secrets may be revealed to you. For those who wish to bring the body into necessary form before the start of the beach season, there is every chance. But only if you limit yourself to hearty meals, give up late dinners and forget about lazy weekends on the couch.

All this general trends months, but situations can develop in different ways, sometimes even fundamentally different. More May astrological forecast on love, career, finance and health, read below.

Horoscope for May 2017 for the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22)

If you value romantic relationships, be prepared to give up something for them. It will be difficult for many in May to find a balance between work and personal life; sometimes this can be a cause of serious worries. But experience and common sense will be useful. The advice to keep your cool may not sound very romantic, but it's worth heeding.

Taurus it turns out to be much more difficult to get along with yourself than with a loved one. To understand your feelings, and they are sometimes extremely contradictory, you need time, calmness and the opportunity to focus. But May is generous with events and changes, and you do not always know how to treat them. That is why even in relationships that previously developed very harmoniously, difficulties can arise.

Fish spend a month very pleasantly and romantically. Fleeting hobbies are most likely, but the awakening of real feelings is not excluded. Office romances are not excluded; such relationships will quickly take on a serious character, will soon begin to play an important role in your life. Couples in love will occasionally quarrel, but will be able to avoid serious conflicts; tactful and delicate Pisces will do everything necessary in time to keep the peace.