Let's find out what mosquitoes are afraid of. How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment: from folk remedies to advanced technologies What are mosquitoes afraid of

What can scare them away?

Smells that repel mosquitoes:

  • Such insects do not like the smell of needles, and almost any. To make them fly away, you can spread spruce or pine needles in several places. And to enhance the smell, set fire to the bark and needles of coniferous trees at the stake. You can also use cones. In addition, essential oils are also suitable, for example, cedar, pine, cypress, juniper, spruce. You can simply dissolve it in water and spray on clothing (care should be taken when applying to the skin, as there is a risk of unwanted reactions). And you can add a few drops to the baby cream and lubricate the open areas of the skin. In addition, try spreading cotton pads soaked in oils or pieces of unnecessary fabric around the perimeter of a room or open space. Among other things, you can use aroma lamps or scented candles.
  • Eucalyptus is also unpleasant for bloodsuckers. It is easiest to use as an essential oil in any of the ways described above.
  • Vanilla. Its smell is quite effective in repelling midges and mosquitoes. It is advisable to use natural vanilla, but vanillin used for culinary purposes or even vanilla essential oil is also suitable. Just dissolve a bag of vanilla or 5-7 drops of oil in a glass of warm water, or dip a few pods into it. Next, use the resulting fragrant liquid to treat leather, clothes, furniture or accessories. In addition, you can mix the listed products with baby cream, it is also an excellent base.

  • The pungent flowers also repel mosquitoes, so feel free to use them. The aromas of geranium, lavender, carnation, chrysanthemum, Persian chamomile are especially detrimental to such insects. You can use both growing or plucked flowers, as well as essential oils obtained from them.
  • Cinnamon has a rather pronounced and bright aroma, which also repels mosquitoes. It's simple to use. You can dissolve a small amount of this seasoning in warm water and put a container with it nearby.
  • Citronella. Getting the leaves or stems of this plant is not easy, but you can purchase and use the essential oil obtained from them, it will also help protect yourself from bloodsucking bites.
  • Valerian. You can simply place a rag or piece of cloth next to you soaked in valerian tincture or in the essential oil of this plant.

  • Mint, Melissa. Both dried or fresh leaves of these plants are used, as well as essential oils made on their basis (dissolve them in water or mix with baby cream or vaseline oil).
  • The smell of tobacco smoke repels mosquitoes well, so these insects almost never fly up to smokers. Of course, it is harmful to use such a tool, but if there are smokers among acquaintances or friends, then, being next to them, you can try to protect yourself from bloodsuckers.
  • Plants with pronounced pungent odors. These include lemongrass, thyme, couch grass, bird cherry, wormwood, basil, anise, thyme and some others. How to use these herbs? Some of them are used as seasonings and are available in any store. Others have medicinal properties and are sold in pharmacies. So you can buy a plant in any form and put a few branches or a handful of crushed and dried raw materials next to you. You can also prepare decoctions or infusions. In addition, essential oils are made from some plants, so you can use them.
  • Smoke. Anyone who has been on a picnic or on a hike at least once knows perfectly well that insects never approach a fire, as they are repelled by the smell of smoke released during the burning of wood. So sitting next to a fire can significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes trying to bite you. And if you throw bark and needles of coniferous trees or several branches of the above-mentioned sharp-smelling plants into the fire, then bloodsuckers will definitely beware of this place.

  • The smell of citrus fruits, such as lemon, grapefruit, orange, lime, repels mosquitoes and some other insects. Can be used to spray juice. The peel, which contains a fairly large amount of essential oils, is also suitable. Just lay out a few skins around the perimeter of the room or next to you. You can grate the zest and grease your clothes with it. And of course essential oils.
  • Garlic has a pungent odor that repels mosquitoes and other insects. Try peeling and laying out a few slices next to you. Better yet, cut them or grate them, this will enhance the "aroma". You can also eat one or two cloves or at least chew to keep the smell in your mouth.
  • Tea tree. Its essential oil not only repels mosquitoes, but also helps to get rid of the effects of bites, such as redness, itching and swelling.
  • Camphor will help fight insects. The easiest way to scare away is the use of camphor essential oil.

  • Laundry soap also has a pronounced and extremely unpleasant “aroma” for mosquitoes. Using this tool is easy. Rub the soap on a grater and dissolve a tablespoon of the resulting chips in a glass of warm water. Then treat the exposed areas of the body with the resulting liquid.
  • It is believed that insects do not like the smell of sweat, especially pungent. Therefore, if you actively move and do not use deodorant, then mosquitoes will probably bite less often.
  • Alcohol, especially ammonia, will also make blood-sucking insects fly away.
  • To scare away, you can use the well-known Asterisk balm.
  • Vinegar will scare away insects.

Use scents to control mosquitoes, some of them actually repel mosquitoes.

Without exaggeration, mosquitoes can be called the most annoying, nasty, vile and thousands of times cursed insects of our vast Planet. These small, itchy and squeaky vampires have already managed to drink so much of our blood, literally and figuratively, that it would definitely be enough for the world's oceans. Mosquitoes live in the forest, taiga, swamps and in our cozy apartments, in general, it doesn’t matter where they live, the main thing is that there is some kind of water source where females could lay their eggs, and, in fact, an object of prey , from which they could get the coveted drop of blood.

What do mosquitoes eat in the forest?

Mosquitoes in the forest feed on various sugar-containing liquids, flower nectar, etc. Those. somewhat reminiscent of a hummingbird. They need sugar to maintain their livelihoods, and female mosquitoes need blood for reproduction and the formation of eggs, however, some of the blood can still be used by females as food, while males manage only nectar, the juice of flowers. A female mosquito, depending on the species, can lay 30 to 280 eggs every 2-3 days.

How do mosquitoes find their prey?

To search for a prey, the mosquito primarily focuses on the sense of smell, capturing the carbon dioxide released by the victim during breathing. Captures the smell of lactic acid released with sweat, as many as several kilometers from the victim, so mosquitoes are more likely to bite those who sweat more. Mosquitoes are also guided by infrared thermal radiation, which mammals, like a lantern, emit with the heat of their bodies. A sweaty hiker or hunter in the woods with a big backpack is the perfect target for mosquitoes.

Who gets bitten by mosquitoes more?

Mosquitoes bite more often people with high levels of cholesterol in the blood, they catch it with their senses, and such blood seems to them more attractive. Mosquitoes are also attracted to people with a high content of sex hormones: testosterone in men and estrogen in women. So-called "macho" mosquitoes are more attractive than men with less testosterone. They love mosquitoes and obese people with atherosclerosis, because of the same cholesterol. Pregnant women are also attractive prey for mosquitoes due to changes in hormonal levels, increased cholesterol levels in the blood. Before drinking our blood with you, the mosquito injects its saliva into the bite site, which contains anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. Transmitted infections such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, some encephalitis, tularemia (available in northern latitudes), etc. are transmitted with saliva. Saliva causes unpleasant itching, swelling and redness at the bite site, and often an allergic reaction.

Aedes aegypti - carrier of yellow fever and dengue fever

What are mosquitoes afraid of? Overview of funds

First of all, it is worth noting that mosquitoes do not tolerate heat, their activity is noticeably reduced even at +25 degrees. On a hot day in the sun, you are unlikely to meet mosquitoes, but in the late afternoon they will remind you of themselves. Also, mosquitoes do not like windy areas, so a well-blown clearing is preferable for the construction of hunting huts.

Ways to protect against mosquitoes in the forest and indoors:

1) Clothes. First of all, having gathered in the forest, you need to take care of your clothes. If you are in the middle lane, then you will meet relatively few mosquitoes compared to tundra wastelands, northern taiga forests or humid jungles. In the middle lane, you might be able to get by with a death-based aerosol spray, but in more remote areas, you'll need a mosquito net, a fine-mesh mosquito hat, and long sleeves. This is the most reliable remedy both for mosquitoes in the forest, and for midges, gadflies, horseflies, which are not affected by chemicals based on deta.

When spending the night in a tent, it is advisable to smoke with a plate from an electric fumigator. It is recommended to burn mosquito coils not in the tent itself, but at least in the vestibule or in general in the open air. Some scientists consider the smoke from them harmful to humans.

2) Chemical repellents based on DEET. Ointments, aerosols. The most popular mosquito repellents are sprays and ointments containing dietitol amide (DEET, DEET). They are applied both to clothing and to bare areas of the body, such as the face, hands. The main purpose of repellents is to repel mosquitoes. The mosquito, smelling the same carbon dioxide, lactic acid and seeing infrared radiation, approaches you, but does not dare to touch, smelling, moreover, a substance dangerous to it. "Life is more expensive," thinks the mosquito's wife. However, with intense sweating, even the most effective ointments will not last you long. Many argue about brands, one remedy helps someone, it doesn’t help someone, but the most effective, according to experienced taiga dwellers, are Off, Moskitol and Gardeks preparations. You can also use other products, for example, Taigu, Carnation cologne, gasoline, etc. When chemicals are applied to bare parts of the body, such as the face, after profuse sweating, the skin begins to burn.

3) Electric fumigators. There are two types of electric fumigators that repel / kill mosquitoes. The first, such as "Raptor", "fumitox" - they are based on a heating element and a plate impregnated with chemicals that inhibit the actions of mosquitoes. The second are ultrasonic repellers that do not kill mosquitoes, but only scare away, not letting them get closer than 1 meter. They emit ultrasonic vibrations that are inaudible to the human ear, which the female mosquito is afraid of. These vibrations are nothing more than an imitation of the ultrasound emitted by a male mosquito. Of the serious disadvantages of these devices, the following can be distinguished: in different regions, mosquitoes make sounds of different frequencies, while the device is tuned to a certain frequency, and, therefore, working flawlessly in one region, it will be completely useless in another. Experienced taiga dwellers argue about the technical feasibility of scaring away with the help of such a device in general, and many are skeptical about these devices, considering them to be an ordinary swindler for money. Your obedient servant did not have the pleasure of using such ultrasound devices, so I cannot recommend them to you.

4) Folk remedies. Birch tar was considered the most popular folk remedy for repelling mosquitoes in Russia. It was mined from smoldering birch bark and mixed with some kind of oil, because tar cannot be used in its pure form. The tar repels both mosquitoes and midges and other midges, which are a huge misfortune of the taiga zone of Eurasia. From the midge it also helps to use vanillin. Mix with baby cream and apply to areas of the body. Popular sources say that mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of anise oil, cloves, basil flowers, eucalyptus, tomato leaves, walnut leaves, elderberry branches, couch grass, valerian, lavender, thyme, geranium, mint, cedar oil.

If you forgot all the repellents at home, i.e. in hopelessness, you can use one folk method. Find an anthill in the forest, sit next to it, stretch your hands palms down at a distance of literally about a centimeter from the anthill. Hold this for about 2 minutes, then wipe unprotected areas of the body with these palms. If the ants bite you a little, then it's okay, it might even be better. Most likely, the matter is in formic acid, which is secreted by ants. Such a tool should somehow mitigate your suffering and your fate as a forest donor.

How to relieve itching after a mosquito bite?

Probably the most popular remedy for relieving unpleasant itching after a bite is alcohol, as well as colognes and various liquids containing alcohol. Also salicylic alcohol, boric alcohol, tincture of calendula, corvalol and valocardine, soda solution, a weak solution of vinegar, kefir, sour cream, tea tree oil, and various ointments sold in pharmacies.

Good evening, dear friends! This summer turned out to be rainy, and for this reason, the mosquito population has increased. I don’t really like these bloodsuckers, and when the child appeared, I can’t stand their presence at all.
Our baby does not tolerate mosquito bites well, she has an allergic reaction that lasts for a long time.

Therefore, we were looking for a variety of ways that could scare away insects. If it is easier for adults to choose a drug that neutralizes bloodsuckers, then with a child everything is much more complicated.

Children do not want to use chemistry, in connection with this we began to try folk methods. In this article you will learn: what mosquitoes are afraid of, smells that repel insects, ways to protect against mosquitoes in nature and at home.

The strongest scents that repel mosquitoes

Smells that repel mosquitoes are both natural and chemical. All of them provide reliable protection. Their diversity allows the use of aromatherapy in the fight against insects at home or on the street. Mosquitoes are very afraid of plants with a strong smell.

Often their aroma is very pleasant for humans, but unbearable for insects. This allows you to get an additional advantage in the use of natural methods of protection.

  • Elder.
  • It is one of those plants whose juice and smell do not like bloodsuckers. When choosing a picnic site, you can settle closer to this perennial bush.

    To provide protection at home, you will need to chop the elderberry leaves and arrange on plates. Put the dishes on the windowsills. Insects will not be able to enter the house until the strength of the smell decreases. The material should be changed as it dries.

  • Bird cherry.
  • This smell is associated with the onset of spring. The pleasant and gentle aroma of the plant will perfectly repel mosquitoes. You can plant trees in the area near the house or break lush bouquets of branches.

  • Coniferous.
  • Inhaling the aromas of pine needles is very useful for a person, so this method of protection against mosquitoes has a double effect.

    Insects do not tolerate the smell of spruce, pine, juniper and fir. Both the needles themselves and the cones are used. In Siberia, they learned how to make homemade repellers from fir cones.

  • Citronella and geranium.
  • These two plants should be separated into a separate group. Since it is their extracts or essential oils that are used to prepare synthetic insect repellents.

    In small concentrations, plants are used to prevent mosquitoes from biting a child. It is enough to put a few drops of essential oil on the hood of the stroller to protect the baby during the walk.

  • citruses.
  • Also, mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of lemons, lime, grapefruit or orange.

    There are even special repellers that are easy to make from lemon and cloves. For protection, it will be enough to place saucers with such devices around the perimeter of the table or in the room.

  • Carbolic acid.
  • This tool is known as an effective antiseptic and is able to have a bactericidal effect. This ingredient is also used in the fight against bloodsuckers. It is enough just to sprinkle the head of the bed and the walls or wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth dipped in the solution.

  • Fish fat.
  • He is not loved not only by children, but also by blood-sucking insects. If you smear exposed areas of the body with this ingredient, then insects will not be able to bite. In this way, they provide salvation from bites and many other flying insects.

    The easiest way to drive bloodsuckers away from a person during a picnic is to make a fire. Smoke completely deprives insects of the ability to navigate in space. For effect, you can throw dry grass into the fire.

    It will provide a lot of smoke. It is also worth remembering the fact that mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of conifers, and add fir branches or cones to the fire.

  • Soy sauce.
  • For a person, it practically does not smell, but is able to provide salvation from bites throughout the night. To do this, you just need to put a small bowl of liquid on the bedside table.

Also, blood-sucking insects are afraid of the smells of valerian, mint, lemon balm, cinnamon, thyme and garlic. To protect them, you can lay them out in the room, prepare infusions or apply prepared decoctions to the body and clothes.

How to fight mosquitoes with scents

Many modern drugs are based on the ability of pungent odors to scare away bloodsuckers. But long before the advent of chemistry, this feature was used to fight insects with folk remedies. Reliable and effective ingredients can be found in every home.

vanilla syrup

Fragrant pastries with vanilla to the liking of adults and children. For mosquitoes, this smell has the opposite effect. Bloodsuckers lose the ability to smell the victim. Classic vanillin powder is used for protection.

To prepare a mosquito repellent, dissolve 1 sachet of mosquito repellent in 1 liter of cold water. Pour the resulting liquid into a container with a spray bottle and treat the skin and clothes.

Vanilla cream is also prepared. To do this, you need to take any baby soft cream and add vanillin to it. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and anoint with the resulting substance. This safe and effective remedy can be used even by the youngest children.

clove cocktail

Another representative of the world of spices, the aroma of which relieves blood-sucking insects for a long time:

  1. Pour 200 water 5 g dried clove buds. Bring to a boil, boil for another 15 minutes. After that, cool the broth and strain. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and process clothes.
  2. Mix clove water with any available cologne. Before heading out into nature, simply spray yourself with updated perfumes.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy can not only calm and stimulate, but also help to escape mosquitoes. The power of essential oils is used to protect the home or outdoors. In order not to bite mosquitoes in nature, you should apply a few drops to the pulsating points.

Essential oils leave greasy marks on clothes, so you should be very careful when applying them to the body.

The following varieties are most effective:

  • citronella;
  • geranium;
  • eucalyptus;
  • geranium;
  • anise;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender.

You can add essential oil to any cream. This will slightly reduce its concentration and reduce the risk of developing allergic reactions. Before use, be sure to test for skin sensitivity.

The oils are very concentrated and are not recommended for people with hypersensitive skin.

You can get rid of mosquitoes indoors with the help of an aromatic lamp. It is enough to add a few drops of any of the listed oils. As a result, a light and pleasant aroma will soar in the room, and mosquitoes will try to stay away from this place.


The strong specific smell of ammonia is able to provide a good night's sleep. To do this, soak a piece of cloth in the ingredient and treat the surfaces in the house. Particular attention should be paid to window sills, window and door frames.

A person will cease to smell in a few minutes, and for insects this will become a real obstacle on the way to the victim. Mosquitoes will simply lose their orientation and will not be able to get to the right place.

It is important to understand that folk remedies act only as long as their aroma is felt on the skin or clothes. Therefore, you will often have to reuse them to renew the defenses of the fragrance.

Thus, knowing what repels mosquitoes will help provide protection for the whole family without having special tools at hand. And the safety of these methods allows them to be effectively used even to protect young children.
Source: "apest.ru"

What mosquitoes are afraid of: improvised means

Salvation from mosquitoes can be found not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen. Moreover, if you make an audit in your cosmetic bag, then the chances of spending the summer without bites will increase significantly.


You can drive away mosquitoes with a pleasant and even cozy smell of vanillin. It is sold in regular stores. You need to buy not sugar, but vanillin powder. It is enough to dilute the natural repellent in boiled water in the proportion of 20 g per 1 liter, and then use it at your discretion:

  1. Put in open bowls throughout the room;
  2. Periodically apply to the skin from a spray bottle;
  3. Soak your clothes.

On the nature from mosquitoes with you it is more convenient to take a cream with vanillin. In an airtight jar, it will retain its properties for a long time and reliably scare away midges. To prepare it, it is advisable to take a neutral baby cream and mix with vanilla in a ratio of 10: 1 until smooth.


Valerian is no less effective against mosquitoes. Alcohol infusion is applied to the wrists or behind the ear, such "spirits" in nature scare away bloodsuckers no worse than special sprays or lotions. To increase the area of ​​protection, valerian is diluted in water 20-25 ml per 1 liter, and then sprayed from a spray bottle into the air or onto the body.

Clove and citrus

If the kitchen has a bag of clove buds and citrus fruits, then you can get rid of mosquitoes in a rather non-standard way. They are afraid of the smell of these products.

Cut a lemon or orange in half and stick 10-15 clove buds into the pulp. Such an impromptu interior decoration will enliven the atmosphere and repel mosquitoes.

Essential oils

Essential oils will be a real salvation, they save not only from mosquitoes, but also from other annoying insects. It is better to take camphor, eucalyptus, anise or clove. Pine tree oils are also sources of natural repellents.

They are mixed, applied drop by drop to the skin or soaked in cotton sponges and laid out around the room. You can drop a few drops into the water, and spray it already.

Essential oils can be heated in an aroma lamp - their smell will reliably scare away mosquitoes. Camphor is even calcined in a frying pan and carried through the rooms. Its aroma repels mosquitoes better than any fumigator.


Plants are natural repellents in nature. It is clear that growing vanilla or clove at home is almost impossible. But a more familiar geranium will scare away mosquitoes for a long time. Modern selection allows you to break away from the stereotyped "grandmother's rolls" on the window.

There are varieties that will fit into any, even the most modern interior. The plant can be planted in a pot and placed on the windowsill, in floor flowerpots it will create a barrier next to doorways.

The decorative flower adapts perfectly in flower beds and along paths. In addition to geraniums, there are many other plants that repel mosquitoes. Among the herbs, the presence of which in a pot will delight at any time of the year:

  • basil;
  • Melissa;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender.

They are decorative in the interior, will be useful in the kitchen and will fit perfectly into any garden. These green helpers are probably known to everyone, but there is also a whole list of plants that repel mosquitoes for a long time.

Especially if you plant them around the perimeter of the site and the house. The double barrier helps mosquitoes simply fly around you.

Which plants repel mosquitoes and at the same time improve the appearance of the yard:

  1. Ageratum.
  2. Lovely fluffy inflorescences will be a great solution for the border. White, pink, purple - they create a feeling of a holiday that mosquitoes will not overshadow. After all, the plant secretes coumarin, which they are afraid of.

  3. Kotovnik.
  4. Fragrant catnip leaves can be rubbed in the hands or on the skin. If there is no allergy, this is a sure way to attract the attention of cats from all over the area and repel mosquitoes. However, the slightest gust of wind will notify them about the plant anyway.

  5. Marigold.
  6. Bright sunny bushes have long been used not only for decoration: they disinfect the soil, save themselves from garden and garden pests. At the same time, they will definitely help drive mosquitoes away from home. Just plant them in protective strips or flower beds.

  7. Citronella.
  8. This plant, which mosquitoes are really afraid of, has many names, the most famous is lemongrass or lemongrass. The extract of the plant is widely used for the production of mosquito repellents: bracelets, creams and lotions.

    The only problem is that this perennial requires a warm wintering.

    Alternatively, you can opt for lemongrass or lemon verbena, heat-loving but reliable mosquito repellents. They produce almost the same set of substances that repel mosquitoes.

  9. Monard.
  10. Tall flowering plants can create an excellent decorative effect, and due to the special smell, they will also scare away mosquitoes.

If you set a goal, then protecting yourself from mosquitoes is quite easy. After all, they are afraid of strong aromas. In nature, sources of a wide variety of odors are more than enough. True, you must first check how they suit you personally. The risk of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out.
Source: "vredinfo.ru"

Ways to protect against mosquitoes in the forest and indoors

  • clothing

First of all, having gathered in the forest, you need to take care of your clothes. If you are in the middle lane, then you will meet relatively few mosquitoes compared to tundra wastelands, northern taiga forests or humid jungles.

In the middle lane, you might be able to get by with a death-based aerosol spray, but in more remote areas, you'll need a mosquito net, a fine-mesh mosquito hat, and long sleeves.

This is the most reliable remedy both for mosquitoes in the forest, and for midges, gadflies, horseflies, which are not affected by chemicals based on deta. When spending the night in a tent, it is advisable to smoke with a plate from an electric fumigator. It is recommended to burn mosquito coils not in the tent itself, but at least in the vestibule or in general in the open air.

Some scientists consider the smoke from them harmful to humans.

  • Chemical repellents based on DEET

Ointments, aerosols. The most popular mosquito repellents are sprays and ointments containing dietitol amide (DEET, DEET). They are applied both to clothing and to bare areas of the body, such as the face, hands. The main purpose of repellents is to repel mosquitoes.

The mosquito, smelling the same carbon dioxide, lactic acid and seeing infrared radiation, approaches you, but does not dare to touch, smelling, moreover, a substance dangerous to it. “Life is more expensive,” thinks the wife of the mosquito.

However, with intense sweating, even the most effective ointments will not last you long. Many argue about brands, one remedy helps someone, it doesn’t help someone, but the most effective, according to experienced taiga residents, are Off, Moskitol and Gardeks preparations.

You can also use other means, for example, "Taiga", cologne "Carnation", gasoline, etc. When chemicals are applied to bare parts of the body, such as the face, after profuse sweating, the skin begins to burn.

  • Electric fumigators

There are two types of electric fumigators that repel / kill mosquitoes. The first, such as Raptor, Fumitox, are based on a heating element and a plate impregnated with chemicals that inhibit the actions of mosquitoes.

The second are ultrasonic repellers that do not kill mosquitoes, but only scare away, not letting them get closer than 1 meter.

They emit ultrasonic vibrations that are inaudible to the human ear, which the female mosquito is afraid of. These vibrations are nothing more than an imitation of the ultrasound emitted by a male mosquito. Of the serious disadvantages of these devices, the following can be distinguished: in different regions, mosquitoes make sounds of different frequencies, while the device is tuned to a certain frequency, and, therefore, working flawlessly in one region, it will be completely useless in another.

Experienced taiga dwellers argue about the technical feasibility of scaring away with the help of such a device in general, and many are skeptical about these devices, considering them to be an ordinary swindler for money. Your obedient servant did not have the pleasure of using such ultrasound devices, so I cannot recommend them to you.

  • Folk remedies

Birch tar was considered the most popular folk remedy for repelling mosquitoes in Russia. It was mined from smoldering birch bark and mixed with some kind of oil, because tar cannot be used in its pure form. The tar repels both mosquitoes and midges and other midges, which are a huge misfortune of the taiga zone of Eurasia.

From the midge it also helps to use vanillin. Mix with baby cream and apply to areas of the body.

Popular sources say that mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of anise oil, cloves, basil flowers, eucalyptus, tomato leaves, walnut leaves, elderberry branches, couch grass, valerian, lavender, thyme, geranium, mint, cedar oil.

If you forgot all the repellents at home, i.e. in hopelessness, you can use one folk method. Find an anthill in the forest, sit next to it, stretch your hands palms down at a distance of literally about a centimeter from the anthill.

Hold this for about 2 minutes, then wipe unprotected areas of the body with these palms.

If the ants bite you a little, then it's okay, it might even be better. Most likely, the matter is in formic acid, which is secreted by ants. Such a tool should somehow mitigate your suffering and your fate as a forest donor.
Source: "volnomuvolya.com"

Folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges

Summer is the best time of the year, you can spend a lot of time in nature. In Karelia, not a single summer is complete without mosquito bites. Our republic is considered a mosquito land. We have many rivers and lakes, high humidity.

Mosquitoes and midges are especially fond of children and people who sweat a lot. They attack most often in the evening, before sunset.

Now there are white nights in Karelia, you can work longer in the garden, take a walk, but going out into the street can be simply unbearable. They poison our existence. We have to protect ourselves from bloodsuckers by all known methods. I try not to use chemicals.

For protection, you can use folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges. Mosquitoes and midges are afraid of simple folk remedies no less than purchased chemicals. All people have different sensitivity to bites. Many can survive more than one bite, but for people with hypersensitivity, one bite can bring a lot of trouble.

The skin begins to redden and swell, severe itching begins. After some time, the redness disappears, but itching and swelling still persist. This is how a local allergic reaction manifests itself. In some cases, urticaria, itching and general weakness appear.

There are also severe cases in which abdominal pain, vomiting, shortness of breath, dizziness begin. If a person cannot tolerate a mosquito bite, there are even shock states.

Bites from mosquitoes and midges lead to scratching, and this leads to infections. Now in our country cases of infection with malaria are registered. The source of infection are malarial mosquitoes. People often think that malarial mosquitoes are huge mosquitoes, weevils. In fact, weevils are completely harmless.

And malarial mosquitoes look almost like ordinary mosquitoes, only a little larger, and the body is raised up. Previously, midges were destroyed with the help of toxic chemicals. Huge areas were processed. This method was considered one of the most effective.

Currently, processing is not carried out in bulk, but is done only on a commercial basis.

So, for example, we process camps for the rest of children who are in the forest zone. Therefore, the number of bloodsuckers does not decrease, but only grows. We have to think about ourselves, we have to invent a variety of methods of protection. Can be used to repel repellents. Fumigators are used to scare away.

Mosquito nets are installed on windows, vents, ventilation hatches. Nets do not allow bloodsuckers to enter the room. Folk remedies give a good effect:

  1. Mosquitoes and midges do not like the smell of tomatoes. Place a few pots of tomato bushes on the windowsill, and mosquitoes will bypass your house.
  2. From folk remedies for midges and mosquitoes, you can advise the essential oils of cedar, eucalyptus, anise, cloves.
  3. Take a piece of cotton wool and put a few drops of any of the essential oils on it. Leave on the windowsill, or rub on the skin.
  4. Mosquitoes and midges are repelled by fresh elderberry broom, valerian, smoke from spruce and pine cones.

And if you are still bitten by a mosquito or midge, learn to cope with this disaster with the help of folk remedies. To relieve swelling and itching, treat the sore spot with boric alcohol.

Suitable for this and tincture of calendula, valocordin, corvalol. To reduce itching and swelling come in handy:

  • bulb cut,
  • sour cream,
  • nettle juice.

A cold compress of ammonia, or apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and even vodka will also help out. To make a compress, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the product in a glass of water. Wipe the sore spots well with the prepared solution.

And when, after insect attacks, my skin swells strongly, and nothing is at hand, I prepare myself the simplest folk remedy.

It is always easy to cook, any housewife has salt. Salt gruel always helps. We prepare it like this: mix salt with water, apply to a sore spot. Usually at the beginning there is a slight tingling, and then there are no traces and marks left, the skin does not comb.

  • Decoction of cloves
  • No, no, we don’t have to boil the “symbol of the revolution” - a red carnation - in a saucepan. It's about spices. You need to buy dried clove buds in the market or in the spice department. Take 5 g of cloves, pour a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes.

    Then you need to pour a little broth and mix it with any cologne. Now smear on health, fragrant for the whole forest. Mosquitoes will not bother you for 2 hours.

    There is an even simpler way - to buy the cheapest odorous cologne in the store. But this remedy is not for the faint of heart. Refined ladies accustomed to French perfume are unlikely to do.

    Oil aromas

    Of course, not vegetable oil, but essential. It is necessary to create unbearable conditions for mosquitoes - for example, to scare them with a smell that they really do not like. And mosquitoes hate the smells of anise, clove, eucalyptus and basil. A few drops of any of these essential oils should be mixed with cream or milk, after which you can smear without restrictions.

    Only the skin will become softer, because essential oils are very useful! At home, oil can be dripped on an aroma lamp, on the street - on some firebrand in a fire. And by the way, if the bloodsucker has already bitten you, you can lubricate the attack site with essential oil, it quickly relieves itching and irritation.

    It seems that this fragrant remedy is perfect, first of all, for children.

    old tar

    This is a primordially Siberian, taiga folk remedy. You can’t smear the body with it, you can burn it, first you need to mix a little tar with cream. And even better - smear a fine mesh with tar and throw it on a panama hat or cap.

    Mosquitoes, as well as midges, as well as horseflies, hornets and other riffraff will immediately fly away. Moreover, tar also repels ticks. But this year the ticks in Tomsk just went berserk! Here is such a universal, wonderful folk remedy.

    About the benefits of fish oil

    It turns out that they are not only stuffed with babies. Not only children, but also mosquitoes do not like fish oil. Lubricate exposed areas of the body with fish oil, and nasty insects will leave you behind.

    Bonfire from cones

    As we have already said, mosquitoes do not like many smells (however, they are picky!), and among them are coniferous aromas. Throw spruce and pine cones, coniferous twigs into the fire, and this smoke will instantly disperse mosquitoes. And also those who sit by the fire ...

    In the garden - elderberry

    If in your garden, according to a popular saying, a large elderberry has grown, pick branches from it and put this armful in the room. Mosquitoes will immediately leave from there.

    Mosquitoes and midges also do not like the smells of camphor, valerian, lemon, lavender, frankincense, they are afraid of tomato leaves, flowers and leaves of bird cherry, the smell of "Caucasian chamomile" - pyrethrum, decoctions from the roots of wormwood or wheatgrass.
    Source: "lmoroshkina.ru; krasota-tomsk.ru"

    Smells that mosquitoes are afraid of

    Mosquitoes have a very sensitive sense of smell. Smell is the main locator on the way to prey - people and animals, sources of tasty and warm blood. The carbon dioxide we exhale and the complex mixture of secretions from our skin are irresistible bait for annoying bloodsuckers.

    This is the basis for the innovative action of the Mosquito Magnet mosquito traps, which emit CO2 and in addition to it the organic attractant contained in the Octenol bait, which perfectly mimics the scent of our skin.

    However, there are smells that mosquitoes vehemently hate and fear. They can be used to keep mosquitoes at bay. Without using chemicals and other means of mass destruction. Here are 10 commonly available herbal remedies that keep mosquitoes away.

    • Citronella.

    For a resident of the New World, this plant of the bluegrass family is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about mosquito control. In Russian, the names lemongrass, lemongrass, or cymbopogon are more common. Citronella oil is widely used in the manufacture of household sprays, coils and candles against insects.

    It has a citrus aroma that is pleasant to the human nose, but terribly annoying to mosquitoes.

    Lemongrass can be grown right outside your home as a pretty and highly effective mosquito repellent. Citronella oil can be applied to the skin alone or combined with other repellants to provide long-lasting bite protection.

    • Peppermint.

    The minty aroma is not very pleasant to the sensitive sense of smell of mosquitoes. The slightest presence of mint in a garden plot keeps those pesky neighbors away.

    From plants, you can prepare personal protection if you finely chop mint leaves and rub the skin with this mass. For mosquitoes you will become unbearable! If you have already been bitten by an insect, then mint will help to quickly relieve swelling and inflammation.

    • Basil.
    This unpretentious plant is not just a delicious seasoning for your favorite Italian cuisine. It is also a natural mosquito repellent, which is always at hand.

    Basil essential oils exude a strong aroma that is very annoying to annoying flying rodents. You can appreciate all the possibilities of basil by planting it in a flower bed, in a box or in a pot, as well as preparing a homemade mosquito repellent based on fresh basil leaves.

    • Garlic.

    Like its close relative, onions are an edible insect repellant. When we eat a clove of garlic, its active component, allicin, mixes with our natural smell and makes it highly unattractive to mosquitoes. We look to them like a spoiled product that is better to fly around.

    But garlic can be used against insects without eating it.

    Finely chop the garlic cloves and sprinkle the pieces around your yard. Garlic crumb can also be mixed with aromatic oils (melissa, lemongrass, etc.) to intensify the smell and fill the entire yard with it.

    By grinding the mixture in a blender, you can also prepare a protective ointment for the body, the main thing is to prevent it from getting into the eyes and sensitive mucous membranes. Believe me, not a single self-respecting mosquito will fly up to a person who smells of garlic for any gingerbread!

    • Melissa.

    This plant in the mint family has a soothing aroma that all unwanted insects find extremely unpleasant. But bees, butterflies and people adore the smell of lemon balm. Plant this pretty plant in an area that needs to be protected from mosquitoes.

    Use the crushed parts of the plant to make anti-mosquito ointments. Well, the leaves will always find use in the preparation of herbal teas as an excellent sedative.
    • Lavender.

    People dedicate songs to this flower, but mosquitoes categorically disagree with them. They do not like the strong smell of these purple flowers and try to stay away from them at all costs.

    Like most of the plants on this list, lavender can be used as a living source of essential oils in a flower bed or on a windowsill, and as a raw material for making homemade insect repellent creams that are applied to the skin and hair. In addition, planted in the garden, lavender with its lush purple flowers will wonderfully decorate your landscape.

    • Calendula.

    These bright flowers, which we call marigolds, are notable for their sharp aroma and healing properties. Calendula has an amazing effect on mosquitoes. Plant these bright orange flowers in your garden and yard and mosquitoes won't stick their nose out.

    From time to time, flowers can be cut and placed in vases around the rooms to stop the attempts of bloodsuckers to climb into the holy of holies - your home.

    Marigolds are not only a decoration of the site, but also an excellent antimicrobial and antifungal agent and seasoning component.

    • Kotovnik.

    It is often called catnip for the love that mustachioed and striped have for this grass. Alas, mosquitoes in no way share this weakness of our fluffy pets and are afraid of it like fire.

    According to Science Daily magazine (perhaps slightly exaggerated), catnip is 10 times stronger than Deta in its repellant properties. The plant is planted in open ground and in boxes to protect the garden from mosquitoes and small flying midges. Leaves can be added to tea as an excellent sedative and hypnotic.

    • Rosemary.
    Another plant that suggests the most diverse use of it in the household. Planted in the garden, the fragrant flower works wonders, easily coping with any encroachments of small midges and mosquitoes.

    If you are preparing a barbecue, it is enough to put a few drops of juice from rosemary leaves on the grate and mosquitoes will not come close to your site for thirty steps, so they are frightened by the aroma of this plant, which the human sense of smell really likes.

    Add rosemary leaves to lotions and they will protect exposed skin from stings for the duration of your time outdoors.

    • Eucalyptus.

    British colonists discovered the unique properties of this tree shortly after landing in Australia. There was no malaria in the eucalyptus groves! Along with citronella, eucalyptus is one of the most effective plants in mosquito control. Essential oils of eucalyptus repel and disorient not only mosquitoes and mosquitoes, but also ticks.

    Once in the atmosphere of a eucalyptus tree, arthropods cannot detect prey and eventually die of starvation.

    It is very difficult to grow a eucalyptus tree far from the tropics and subtropics, but it is worth using ready-made sprays with eucalyptus oil to protect against mosquitoes during the entire period of activity of blood-sucking insects.

    Mosquitoes can really spoil the summer bliss. In pursuit of comfort, we neglect our own health. Creams, lotions, sprays, fumigators - all this is made using toxic compounds or synthetic flavors, and sometimes both in the composition. But there are much less toxic ways to protect yourself from annoying insects, the main thing is to know what mosquitoes are afraid of.

    improvised means

    Salvation from mosquitoes can be found not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen. Moreover, if you make an audit in your cosmetic bag, then the chances of spending the summer without bites will increase significantly.


    You can drive away mosquitoes with a pleasant and even cozy smell of vanillin. It is sold in regular stores. You need to buy not sugar, but vanillin powder.

    It is enough to dilute the natural repellent in boiled water in the proportion of 20 g per 1 liter, and then use it at your discretion:

    • put in open bowls throughout the room;
    • periodically apply to the skin from a spray bottle;
    • soak clothes.

    On the nature from mosquitoes with you it is more convenient to take a cream with vanillin. In an airtight jar, it will retain its properties for a long time and reliably scare away midges. To prepare it, it is advisable to take a neutral baby cream and mix with vanilla in a ratio of 10: 1 until smooth.


    Valerian is no less effective against mosquitoes. Alcohol infusion is applied to the wrists or behind the ear, such "spirits" in nature scare away bloodsuckers no worse than special sprays or lotions. To increase the area of ​​protection, valerian is diluted in water 20-25 ml per 1 liter, and then sprayed from a spray bottle into the air or onto the body.

    Clove and citrus

    If the kitchen has a bag of clove buds and citrus fruits, then you can get rid of mosquitoes in a rather non-standard way. They are afraid of the smell of these products. Cut a lemon or orange in half and stick 10-15 clove buds into the pulp. Such an impromptu interior decoration will enliven the atmosphere and repel mosquitoes.

    Essential oils

    Essential oils will be a real salvation, they save not only from mosquitoes, but also from other annoying insects.

    It is better to take camphor, eucalyptus, anise or clove. Pine tree oils are also sources of natural repellents. They are mixed, applied drop by drop to the skin or soaked in cotton sponges and laid out around the room. You can drop a few drops into the water, and spray it already.

    Essential oils can be heated in an aroma lamp - their smell will reliably scare away mosquitoes. Camphor is even calcined in a frying pan and carried through the rooms. Its aroma repels mosquitoes better than any fumigator.


    Plants are natural repellents in nature. It is clear that growing vanilla or clove at home is almost impossible. But a more familiar geranium will scare away mosquitoes for a long time.

    Modern selection allows you to break away from the stereotyped "grandmother's rolls" on the window. There are varieties that will fit into any, even the most modern interior. The plant can be planted in a pot and placed on the windowsill, in floor flowerpots it will create a barrier next to doorways. The decorative flower adapts perfectly in flower beds and along paths.

    In addition to geraniums, there are many other plants that repel mosquitoes. Among the herbs, the presence of which in a pot will delight at any time of the year:

    • basil;
    • Melissa;
    • mint;
    • rosemary;
    • lavender.

    They are decorative in the interior, will be useful in the kitchen and will fit perfectly into any garden.

    These green helpers are probably known to everyone, but there is also a whole list of plants that repel mosquitoes for a long time. Especially if you plant them around the perimeter of the site and the house. The double barrier helps mosquitoes simply fly around you.

    What plants repel mosquitoes and improve the appearance of the yard at the same time?

    1. Ageratum. Lovely fluffy inflorescences will be a great solution for the border. White, pink, purple - they create a feeling of a holiday that mosquitoes will not overshadow. After all, the plant secretes coumarin, which they are afraid of.
    2. Kotovnik. Fragrant catnip leaves can be rubbed in the hands or on the skin. If there is no allergy, this is a sure way to attract the attention of cats from all over the area and repel mosquitoes. However, the slightest gust of wind will notify them about the plant anyway.
    3. Marigold. Bright sunny bushes have long been used not only for decoration: they disinfect the soil, save themselves from garden and garden pests. At the same time, they will definitely help drive mosquitoes away from home. Just plant them in protective strips or flower beds.
    4. Citronella. This plant, which mosquitoes are really afraid of, has many names, the most famous is lemongrass or lemongrass. The extract of the plant is widely used for the production of mosquito repellents: bracelets, creams and lotions. The only problem is that this perennial requires a warm wintering. Alternatively, you can opt for lemongrass or lemon verbena, heat-loving but reliable mosquito repellents. They produce almost the same set of substances that repel mosquitoes.
    5. Monard. Tall flowering plants can create an excellent decorative effect, and due to the special smell, they will also scare away mosquitoes.

    If you set a goal, then protecting yourself from mosquitoes is quite easy. After all, they are afraid of strong aromas. In nature, sources of a wide variety of odors are more than enough. True, you must first check how they suit you personally. The risk of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out.

    Summer is a wonderful time for vacations and country trips. The winter melancholy ends, the sun shines brightly through the window, filling you with energy and happiness. City residents are looking forward to this season, and even mosquito bites will not spoil anyone's mood, but they will have time to get bored. How to protect yourself from these insects, how such pests can be dangerous, how to protect yourself at home and whether there is the best mosquito repellent - we'll talk in this article.

    To understand how to deal with mosquitoes in an apartment, let's figure out how dangerous their bites are and where you can encounter bloodsucking ones.

    How mosquitoes get into the house

    The old legend that mosquitoes fly towards the light is not true, otherwise they would spend all their time under the lamp, like moths. Little "vampires" feel "prey" by warmth. They feel the infrared radiation coming from a person or an animal at a special level. Yes, and in the room insects appear more often in the summer.

    Realizing that you can eat here, the mosquito chooses the victim by the smell of sweat, or rather by its component - lactic acid. An insect flies into the light for the same reason: infrared vision in the dark picks up a little heat from the lamp or - this is how bloodsuckers get into our rooms and houses.

    Allergy to mosquito bites is the most common occurrence that these insects can cause, of course, after the usual discomfort and scratching. More rarely, mosquitoes are carriers of malaria, yellow fever, and various viruses.

    How to get rid of mosquitoes at home? To date, there are many drugs for the impact on flying pests. For use in the room, fumigants are produced - products that act on the basis of smoke. One such tool is the anti-mosquito coil. The principle of its operation is quite simple: one end of the spiral is set on fire, and it gradually melts, releasing smoke. The substances contained in the smoke block the respiratory system of insects and kill them.

    The next group of drugs is electrofumigators. Special devices powered by the network. They use either a special plate or a gel that evaporates from heating and releases substances into the air that kill mosquitoes.

    The main disadvantage of this group of protective equipment is the short range. The most famous brands can provide security in rooms no larger than 12 m2.

    To avoid useless work in the apartment, either several fumigants and fumigators are used, or more powerful models.

    Proper use is essential:

    1. Turn on or set fire to the product in an empty room for half an hour.
    2. Stop his work and ventilate the room.
    3. Close windows. You can enjoy peace.

    It is useful, and it is more pleasant to sleep with an open window and without itchy “neighbors”, but it is undesirable to turn on the drug all night and next to the sleeping person. In no case should the product be used near children, nursing or pregnant women.

    Many people are tempted to use such remedies. To prevent this from happening, you can resort to an alternative - a home remedy for mosquitoes, which is made according to the principles of traditional medicine.

    It is much easier for a person to use time-tested substances to protect the body. Especially if he eats them. For this reason, protection against bloodsucking in the apartment will be not only useful, but in some cases even pleasant. Let's figure out how to escape from mosquitoes with folk methods.


    The basis of protection against bloodsucking is made up of essential oils and common seasonings - something that mosquitoes are afraid of. For example, cloves, both in dry form and in oil form, are one of the most popular remedies. If you have clove buds, add about five grams of hot water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes and apply to your skin with a spray bottle.

    The same list can include:

    • lavender;
    • lemon balm;
    • eucalyptus;
    • mint;
    • basil;
    • geranium.

    If the idea of ​​applying essential oil to your skin is not to your liking, there are other ways. One option is to drop the oil into a small medallion and wear it around your neck. Another way is to soak a napkin in oil and place it in a saucer by the head of the bed. And the dream will be strong, and no one will interfere. If you have an aroma lamp - just add oil there.

    You can use cloves in combination with lemon as a fumigator. Cut the lemon in half, insert the cloves inside and place the resulting dish by the bed or window. A pleasant smell will be associated with the New Year holidays. But the bloodsuckers will not like it.

    If you don’t have time to prepare, and you need protection right now, get Carnation cologne. Mosquitoes also dislike alcohol-containing solutions, and in combination with the aroma of cloves, this remedy will give a double effect.

    The pleasant smell of vanilla has long been an attribute of fresh pastries. But mosquitoes and annoying midges simply hate it. To protect against insects, dilute half a tablespoon of vanillin in a mug of warm water, dip a cotton pad in this solution and wipe the skin - you will receive a pleasant smell of leather as a bonus.

    You can also mix 40-60 grams of vanillin powder with baby cream and apply after thorough mixing.

    Another way to protect is a decoction of valerian roots. To prepare it, you need to grind the valerian root, put it in a saucepan and pour one and a half liters of water into it. Then put on the stove and bring to a boil. Next, the product is poured into a sealed container and infused for an hour. For best use, strain the decoction and let it cool. Apply with cotton pads or spray onto skin.

    Of the minuses: there may be problems with pets - you will get rid of bloodsucking ones, but it will be more difficult to hide from cat attention.

    The same effect as valerian is given by the roots of wormwood and wheatgrass. And cats are indifferent to them.

    Who among us has not felt the healing effect of the famous "Asterisk"? Even as children, we thought that this magical remedy could cure all diseases. In matters of mosquito protection, it is. Spot the balm on the skin, and mosquitoes will not show their noses in your home.

    If you are allergic to an asterisk or there is no such remedy, replace it with any camphor-containing one. Apply it to the same points, and the effect will not keep you waiting.

    How to protect your home from mosquitoes

    By planting this effective plant under your windows or door, as well as placing it by the window inside, you will protect yourself from mosquito penetration. In addition, the smell of basil repels flies. The convenience of this option lies in the great adaptability of the plant: it can grow even in hot summers without much trouble. The smell of basil is pleasant to the person, and the appearance is quite beautiful.

    Lavender has the same effect as basil. Simply place it where insects are likely to appear - mosquitoes, butterflies and moths - and forget about their intrusion.

    In terms of the number of repelled insects and rodents, mint honorably occupies a leading position. Ants, flies, fleas, mosquitoes and mice will forever forget the way to your house if you spread dried mint on your windowsill.

    You can not use pennyroyal, because the plant is poisonous.

    Elderberry branches are also effective at repelling mosquitoes. True, they will have to be changed periodically, but this is the only disadvantage of this method. You can also plant a plant under the windows or in front of the entrance to the house.

    Most often, mosquitoes enter rooms through open windows, since in the hot season the only way to refresh the room is to ventilate. To remedy this situation, there are several possible methods of protection, for example, a mosquito net, however, it does not give a 100% guarantee, since insects can penetrate even a small gap by folding their wings. You can also avoid opening windows altogether, for example, purchase a breather. This device constantly supplies fresh air and has a number of related advantages: silent operation, the ability to set the desired temperature and three air purification filters. Just set the Breezer to a convenient mode of operation for you, close the windows, and the risk of insects will be reduced to zero.

    If after a mosquito bite you can’t get rid of the itching in any way, a solution of soda, potassium permanganate or ammonia will help you. Half a teaspoon is poured into a glass of warm water, mixed thoroughly and applied to the site of interaction with the insect. A leaf of plantain, mint, bird cherry or parsley applied to the bite site also works well. If vegetation is not at hand, use kefir or yogurt.

    Other mosquito repellents

    To finally deal with the protection against bloodsucking, we will analyze the modern methods of influencing them.

    Ultrasonic repellers work according to the following principle:

    1. The device emits an alarming squeak from a male mosquito.
    2. Hearing it, the female flies around the place.
    3. Your apartment is protected.

    Manufacturers of such units promise from one and a half to thirty meters of a zone clean from insects. At the same time, the human ear does not hear anything, that is, the device is absolutely silent. This is a plus.

    Of the minuses: there is no universal signal for mosquitoes, since each of them squeaks in its own range. This means that if some bloodsuckers do not get into your house, then this is far from one hundred percent. In addition, mosquitoes almost do not hear - they are guided, as we have already noted, by heat and sweat. , exhaled by a person, also plays the role of a guide.