Why dream of beautiful flowers. The meaning of flowers in women's dreams

flowering plants in a dream reflect current events or relationships, as well as the feelings, emotions and mood of the dreamer. At the same time, dry flowers indicate a different kind of negative that has crept into a certain vital area. Popular dream books offer a number of decodings that will help determine exactly what this unpleasant plot is dreaming of.

The clue to the image according to various interpreters

Dream Interpretation of Mr. Miller I am convinced that dry flowers warn in a dream about major and minor troubles. If you dreamed of dried inflorescences, then Medea's dream book prophesies: feelings will pass, and the relationship will end soon.

Why dream of dry flowers? Spouses Winter sure, then problems and bad luck await you. Be vigilant and do not commit rash acts.

Baba Vanga advises to pay attention to health and foresees an early parting with loved ones. Why dream of dry flowers according to the dream book for the whole family? It is always a symbol of disappointment, loss and sadness. Esoteric interpreter promises boredom and devastation that will wash over you after joy and fun.

Did you happen to see dry flowers in a dream? Modern combined dream book believes that this is a sign of very gloomy prospects and emotional experiences. And here dream book of Simon Kananita on the contrary, I am sure that this image indicates imminent changes for the better.

What do you think about the vision dream interpreter of birthdays? Seeing dry flowers in a dream is a regret that youth is irrevocably leaving. At the same time, this image symbolizes changes for the better.

Dreamed of dried plants? Women's dream book suspects that you will part with a loved one or get sick. English dream book fully agrees with this opinion and adds that in some variants the withering of flowers warns of the death of a close friend.

Why dream of dry flowers in a vase

Had a dream that there was a dry bouquet in a vase? Your plans will not come true, and the cause of failure will be your own slowness and uncertainty. Seeing that dry flowers literally crumble before our eyes is bad. This plot guarantees the termination of the engagement and even the wedding. Was there a dry bouquet in a vase in a dream? Be prepared for betrayal and the subsequent break.

What do dry flowers in pots mean, indoor

Why dream that flowers in pots have suddenly dried up? To understand the image, you should know that everything without exception houseplants reflect the atmosphere in the family.

If it seemed that indoor flowers died in a dream, expect serious trouble in relations with your soul mate, up to a complete divorce. If everything is in order in the house, then dry flowers in pots prophesy worries and anxiety because of loved ones.

Dry flowers appeared to a girl, a woman

Why dream that someone gave you a dry flower arrangement? Be careful, a very insidious person is rubbed into your trust. For an unmarried girl, the same plot in a dream, the image means deceit or betrayal of the chosen one. Did you dream that you were literally showered with dried flower petals? Alas, loneliness will drag on for a long period.

Dry flowers in a dream - how to interpret

To get a true decoding, it is enough to remember the type of dry plants.

  • forest - spoiled vacation
  • garden - lack of money
  • field - difficulties in relationships
  • meadow - parting
  • asters - pipe dreams
  • cornflowers - bad changes
  • dahlias - deterioration of affairs, elimination of danger
  • geranium - loss
  • hyacinth - meeting after parting
  • jasmine - unrequited love
  • daisies - bad news
  • daffodils - infidelity, withering
  • forget-me-nots - emotional longing, disappointment
  • calendula - the collapse of the case
  • dandelions - illusion, fantasy
  • peony - failure in love
  • sunflower - hot passion, reciprocal feelings
  • chrysanthemums - good luck, acquisition
  • sage - honor, wisdom, success
  • thyme - a successful marriage
  • tearing is useless
  • make a bouquet - strange conclusions, mistakes
  • throw away - getting rid of sorrows

Dreamed of dry flowers of wormwood or another weed species? Contrary to the worst expectations, everything will turn out perfectly.

  • Flowers in general (especially white and red) are joy, fun.
  • Planting flowers in the garden is something unpleasant.
  • Sniffing flowers is a loss.
  • Collecting is a joy.
  • Pick a flower - find a friend / take a step towards intimacy, get a kiss, get a date, etc. / secret pleasure to deprive or lose innocence.
  • Seeing flower buds is good.
  • Withered flowers are a disease.
  • A lone flower in a vase is a desirable girl and what happens to her is connected with her.
  • A bouquet of flowers - joy / happiness in love.
  • Bouquets to make, collect - pleasant joys.
  • Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.
  • Faded bouquet - coldness in love or marriage.
  • To see flying flowers is a kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs / waking dreams are waiting for you.
  • Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a loved one / danger from excessive joy.
  • To see or receive artificial flowers is a sad event / danger to your life or life loved one.
  • To make them is to weave a lie.
  • Burn them - the desire to decisively break with the previous relationship, start new life.
  • Different plants and flowers in a dream:
  • Astra - a soul attracted to the mysterious, unearthly, otherworldly / something mystical.
  • Velvet is a joy.
  • Black velvet - chagrin.
  • Belena is a kind of evil woman/witch.
  • Periwinkle - sincere love of friends / pure love.
  • Cornflower - a change in the soul.
  • Tearing it is a change in business.
  • Blooming heather - the fulfillment of hopes.
  • Withered - life will require from you great patience and excerpts.
  • Hyacinth - pure unexpected joy/ happiness in love.
  • Datura thickets - you are being deceived.
  • Jasmine - happiness in love / love date / voluptuous attraction.
  • Larkspur - fidelity of friends / marriage / gratitude.
  • Irises - a pampered person / languid causeless sadness.
  • See a lot of irises, iris fields - communication with the beautiful, life in art.
  • Swimsuit - seduced and deceived female soul / woman's revenge.
  • Nettle - danger from crafty friends / illness.
  • To tear it - to expel the enemy from the house / trouble.
  • There is nettle - misfortune.
  • Plant nettles - associate yourself with a company of scammers.
  • Clover is happiness.
  • Kamysh is joy.
  • Cacti in pots - your spiritual callousness, aloofness.
  • In and to put a lot of prickly cacti - evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.
  • Buttercups - treason / betrayal.
  • To collect them is to prepare treason / your thoughts and actions are secretly poisoned by the poison of vice.
  • Quinoa - compassion / poverty / ordinary life.
  • Burdocks - attention, love and affection from a person who is not nice to you.
  • Lily of the valley - good feelings, affection.
  • Dry lily of the valley - you demand too much from life and from others, and therefore you are always irritated and dissatisfied.
  • Dry lavender - the same as "dry lily of the valley".
  • Tear mint - well-being.
  • Poppy to see, tear, eat - joy.
  • Moss to see - to wealth, joy, success.
  • Forget-me-not is a romantic feeling.
  • Breaking it is a loss.
  • Narcissus - gossip / secret pleasures / proud person.
  • An orchid is something rare, amazing, unique.
  • Primrose - difficult circumstances in relation to people, especially in love.
  • Sunflower is a great external success that will seem insignificant internally.
  • Wormwood - sadness, crying.
  • There is it - to the disease.
  • Peony - concentration, concentration on one's state, rapture, and above all, rapture with one's love and happiness / a person who is too busy with himself.
  • Tear a fern, decorate a room with it - tempt someone, seduce.
  • Fern thickets - get secret power over a person.
  • To see how it blooms is happiness, luck, which imposes a huge responsibility on you.
  • Reseda - something that has existed in your life for a long time, will suddenly open up to you as new.
  • Rhododendron is a new acquaintance that will quickly disappoint.
  • Chamomile - small joys that brighten up your everyday life / pay attention to your health.
  • Burdock - an obsessive person, annoyance from him.
  • Lilac - erotic adventure / diseases associated with sexual life.
  • To see a tulip is damage from arrogance and swagger.
  • To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person / to love without hope.
  • To tear a tulip is to achieve a proud and beautiful woman.
  • Violets - fidelity in love / a modest girl / someone who deliberately hides his qualities / do not pass by events without attention.
  • Chrysanthemum to see - compassion, someone needs help.
  • Hops - profit, wealth.
  • Chicory is fun.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Why do flowers dream:

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them - in real life this dream means your familiarization with the knowledge and understanding of the world.
The dream in which you pricked your hand on the flowers presented to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.
If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this portends the intrigues of enemies who will do everything possible so that you do not receive the information you need.
In a dream you saw in your house a large number of indoor flowers - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.
You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream portends you in reality an unusual, romantic meeting.
Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.
The dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.
If in a dream you see how fans literally shower you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your spiritual loneliness may drag on. Your overestimated claims will most likely remain unfulfilled.
In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wild flowers for yourself - this dream indicates that soon you will meet your love and create happy family.
A dream in which you receive a gift in indoor pot flower, means that you will receive news of a deceased person.

Miller's dream book

Seeing flowers in a dream means:

see bright and fresh flowers in the garden - pleasure and acquisition;
white - sadness;
wilted and dried flowers - trouble;
for a young lady - to receive a bouquet of the most different colors- you will have many admirers;
flowers growing on barren land is a sad event, but thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.
Also see Bouquet, Wreath, Heather, Hyacinth, Water lily, Hair, Poppy, Dahlias, Jasmine, Ikebana, Cemetery, Daisy, Clover, Lily of the valley, Lily, Steppe, Path, Marigolds (flowers), Dandelion, Roses, Violet, Chrysanthemum .

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

A dream with flowers in a dream book is interpreted as:

If you see in a dream that you are buying flowers for yourself or someone is giving them to you - paramount importance should be given to what this flower means just for you. Most often, the interpretation of the image of a flower is associated with a love theme, and in many respects it is determined by the accepted magical meaning this plant.
The color of the flower itself is of great importance - since the color always very clearly characterizes the mental state of the soul and is very symbolic. Flowers reflect not only our feelings, but also the degree of flourishing or withering of our mental or physical life.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream with flowers means:

Flowers bloom - for good. As a flower dreams, there will be some kind of joy for you; wedding. White flowers are a great joy. As a bunch (bouquet) of flowers dream, then a change of life. If a girl dreams of flowers, then she will get acquainted with gentlemen (flowers are a girl's fate). As a clear flower dreams, then good, but as dark, then bad. If the flowers are with dew, it will end in trouble; withered flowers - a warning of danger; dry flowers - not good. The tickets are beautiful, and then they fall off - not good, the children will not be fed. How to dream that you pick flowers is good, but how you plant is bad. So is a tree: it grows - good, it falls - bad. Home flowers bloom - to death. Collect flowers - to cry. Red flowers - before the wedding. Someone gave, gave a bouquet of flowers - joy, acquaintance. Watering flowers - joy, happiness at home.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of sleep flowers:

Flowers in general - feelings, moods, emotions of the sleeper and the events that cause them; the state of his relationship with others.
A lot - sadness, separation, quarrel.
One beautiful, not black - fidelity.
Give - an offer; parting.
Flowers black, brown, yellow - mourning, misfortune; betrayal, divorce.
Sniff - loss, trouble, but a pleasant, not pungent smell is a favorable sign.
Withering flowers - deterioration of relations, affairs; old age; dying feelings.
Artificial flowers are false in a relationship; stagnant hopeless period.

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does it mean if you dream of flowers:

Loff's dream book

What flowers can dream of:

Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty. For accurate interpretation here it is important to analyze the color of the flower.
This is especially true for dreams in which flowers appear with an uncharacteristic color for them (for example, green roses). Do not be surprised if in a dream your friend / girlfriend gives you green roses. This means that in real life you are either dating your boyfriend / girlfriend's passion, or they are jealous of your romantic attachments.
Your mind has a fixed experience with colors, which the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS is now trying to use to represent the situation. This applies in particular to cases where you give flowers to someone or someone gives flowers to you.
Are certain memories associated with certain colors for you - for example, your favorite childhood flowers, the death of a loved one, a school date or a love affair?
Here are the interpretations for some of the flowers appearing in dreams:
lilac- poison, disease, death;
daisy- indecision in feelings; the one who gives is the object of interest;
orchid- sexuality, sensuality;
the Rose- red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death;
lily- renewal, spring freshness, rebirth;
narcissus Self-love is a reflection of one's self.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Flowers in a dream mean:

You dreamed of a bouquet of flowers, but you could not recognize them - in the near future you will be happy, and the larger the bouquet, the more happy you will be.
If you dreamed of a wilted bouquet - your happy Days in past.
In a dream, one of your friends or relatives gave you a bouquet of flowers - you will be happy through the efforts of this person.
If you dreamed that you gave one of your friends or relatives a bouquet of flowers, this person will be happy with your efforts.
Sniffing flowers is an easy hobby.
If you dreamed that you were trampling flowers, you will have a slight passion for some lady (young man), but you yourself will break off all relations.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

If you dream of flowers, then this means:

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

It symbolizes the possibility of the appearance of a fetus, but in reality it is not a fruit. Indicates feminine charm and attractiveness with a hint of genital eroticism that is not really present. Means false femininity, and therefore leads to negative consequences.

Family dream book

Dream about growing in the garden bright colors- portends various pleasures and acquisitions.
White flowers - dream of sadness.
Withered and dried up - to trouble.
A girl who received a bouquet of different flowers in a dream will have many admirers.

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing flowers in a garden in a dream portends pleasure and new acquisitions, an unusual, romantic meeting in reality (if the flowers are bright and fresh).
Withered and dried flowers - promise trouble, health problems, separation.
White - bear sadness.
The dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that soon you will do a noble and wise act.
If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in reality you will begin to join the knowledge and understanding of the world.
In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wild flowers for yourself - soon you will meet your love and create a happy family.
The dream in which you pricked your hand with flowers presented to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a person close to you.
If a girl receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this indicates that she will have many admirers.
On the contrary, if in a dream she sees how fans literally shower her with flowers, in reality her spiritual loneliness can drag on.

Flowers in a dream Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Flowers are usually a wonderful sign of beauty and prosperity. certain flowers have special meanings.
For example, roses can be a symbol of love and romance, daisies can be a symbol of freshness and innocence.
Sometimes flowers - mark the funeral.

Flowers in a dream Old Russian dream book

Flowers in a dream Modern dream book

Seeing flowers blooming in a garden in a dream promises pleasure and profit, if the flowers are fresh and bright.
White flowers are a symbol of sadness.
Dried and withered flowers - will bring you disappointment and gloomy prospects.
A dream in which a young woman receives a bouquet of different flowers promises her many admirers.
Seeing flowers blooming on barren soil devoid of any vegetation is a prediction of a sad life experience, but thanks to your energy and good spirits, you will overcome all difficulties and achieve fame and happiness.

Flowers in a dream dream book of Tsvetkov

Flowers in a dream Slavic dream book

Flowers in a dream Dream Interpretation Tarot

Flowers in a dream Wangi's dream book

If in a dream you walk on stilts, then this means that you are in danger of losing your legs, most likely as a result of an accident, an accident.

A dream in which you are offered to walk on stilts, and you refuse, predicts that you will miraculously escape danger, you will be shocked thinking possible consequences accidents that you will not fall into by pure chance.

To see a person walking on stilts is to witness a terrible catastrophe in reality. You will see the blood and torment of a stranger.

Flowers in a dream Correct dream book

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August

To see wax flowers in a dream is to cry for a long time.
Seeing fragrant flowers in a dream and hearing their smell is a joyful event in your life.
A bunch of flowers presented to you in a dream indicates that you will celebrate your birthday with friends and receive many gifts.
Pick flowers - you will try to deceive someone, using their confidence, or maybe they will deceive you.
Withered flowers - all the bad things are behind you.
Picking up flowers in an armful means that you will never get fed up; everything will be enough for you.

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April

Fragrant flowers - for spring, for the good in your life.
Wax flowers - for the funeral of a friend or girlfriend.
A bunch of flowers - to terminate a pregnancy.
Pick flowers - to treason.
Withered flowers - you will regret passing youth.
Pick up flowers in an armful - to joy.

Flowers in a dream Idiomatic dream book

Flowers in a dream Miller's dream book

Seeing flowers in a garden in a dream portends you pleasure and acquisition, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white - mean sadness.
Withered and dried flowers promise trouble.
If a young lady receives a bouquet of various Flowers in a dream, this predicts that she will have many admirers.
Seeing flowers growing on barren land portends a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Flowers in a dream dream book Hasse

Flowers in a dream Esoteric dream book

Collect, see, receive: fresh - to good luck and joy, if they are in a bouquet or flower bed. See "Decorate". Dried, withered - to boredom, devastation after joyful events. To give, to give is the same, but thanks to someone's obvious intervention. To cut off the petals - to make yourself unhappy with your own hands, but to give free rein to feelings.

Flowers in a dream Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Flowers in a dream Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Flowers in a dream Dream Interpretation Grishina

Flowers in general (especially white and red) are joy, fun.
Planting in the garden is something unpleasant.
Sniffing flowers is a loss.
Collecting is a joy.
Pick a flower - find a friend / take a step towards intimacy, get a kiss, get a date, etc. / secret pleasure to deprive or lose innocence.
Seeing buds from them is good.
Withered flowers are a disease.
A lone flower in a vase is a desirable girl and what happens to her is connected with her.
To see flying flowers is a kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs / waking dreams are waiting for you.
Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a loved one / danger from excessive joy.
To see or receive artificial flowers is a sad event / danger to your life or the life of a loved one.
To make them is to weave a lie.
Burning them is a desire to decisively break with previous relationships, to start a new life.

Flowers in a dream Gypsy dream book

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation horoscope

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation for a bitch

Flowers in a dream Icelandic dream book

Flowers in a dream Medieval dream book

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation of the Pechora healer

Flowers in a dream English dream book

If you dream that you are picking beautiful fragrant flowers, this dream is for well-being. You will be successful in all your endeavors. If in a dream you make a bouquet - a dream portends a marriage that is very desirable for you. If the bouquet does not work or the flowers are scattered and you cannot collect them, it means. Your bright hopes for a brilliant future will not come true. If you see wilted flowers, this portends a deterioration in health or the approaching death of someone close to you.

Flowers in a dream The latest dream book

Flowers in a dream Children's dream book

Dream interpretation for men

Seeing flowers growing in the garden is a symbol of something new, most often pleasant (good news, a long-awaited purchase, an unexpected meeting with the person you would like to see). If the flowers are wilted, drying, falling off - this is a symbol of loss and grief. White flowers mean longing and loneliness, although on Thursdays and Tuesdays they portend a meeting with a beautiful woman.

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

A flower bed or a flower garden - a pleasant event will not be long in coming in reality. The flower greenhouse portends the acquisition of works of art. Wild or forest flowers - a sign of sadness and loss; homemade in pots and flowerpots - gaining hope; unblown flowers in buds - will soon be fulfilled cherished desire; flowers in bouquets - there will be no end to fans; wilted and crumbling flowers are a harbinger of illness. Tearing flowers - to well-being and contentment, sniffing - good news awaits you.

Seeing flowers in a greenhouse or pinned to a dress or hat is a frivolous pastime that will bring disappointment in the near future. Weave a wreath of flowers - there will be an opportunity to get married profitably. Pick off the petals - you will be initiated into someone else's secret.

An aster seen in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. Cornflowers - a change in business for the better. Dahlias - auspiciousness in everything. Geranium is an addition to the family. Hyacinths - separation from a friend. Jasmine - fleeting love. Cactus flower - change the situation. Daisies - distressing news. Narcissists - infidelity and treason. Forget-me-nots are heartfelt joy. Marigolds - (calendula) - successful completion of the case. Dandelion - strong family bonds. Peony - find happiness in love. Sunflower - ardent feelings, hot passion. Primula (primrose) - quarrels and scandals. Chrysanthemums - obstacles and losses.

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Flowers in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

These are our feelings, as well as the hopes and plans associated with them.

Good dream: in which you dream of pleasant-looking flowers growing in the garden.

Such dreams portend joy and indicate that your hopes are not in vain.

If at the same time the petals of the flower look fragile, like a poppy, tulip or wild rose: this is a sign of false illusions.

Seeing similar dream, in reality you should not blindly trust your feelings.

Giving a bouquet of pleasant and strong-looking flowers or receiving such a bouquet from someone: a sign of mutual understanding and friendship.

For lovers, such dreams portend shared love.

At the same time, if the flowers in a dream: have an overly strong aroma, like jasmine or bird cherry, then this is a sign of temptation and passion. The dream suggests that feelings are ready to turn your head, and this threatens to turn into broken dreams and deep sadness.

Flowers in a dream Dream Interpretation Rommel

If you dreamed of flowers in the garden, in flower beds or indoor flowers, this is a dream for fun, pleasure, and acquisitions.

Many bouquets - unfortunately.

One flower - to joy.

White flowers can symbolize purity, an upcoming wedding, but can also mean sad events.

To receive a bouquet of different flowers - to have many admirers or admirers.

Withered flowers - to the manifestation of arrogance, dried - to trouble.

Artificial flowers mean that what you take for happiness is not at all.

Collecting flowers, arranging bouquets - to receive great praise or soon marry your loved one.

Watering flowers in a room is an amazing meeting.

Smell flowers - to comfort, help.

For patients - to a protracted illness.

For criminals - to capture.

Summer flowers in winter - to anxieties and obstacles in business.

Red flowers predict violent passion.

Pink and blue - care and tenderness.

Yellow - betrayal of the once beloved person. - for a man.

Flowers in a dream The latest dream book

Flowers in a dream Astrological dream book

In the article you will find detailed description dreams in which flowers are found and you will find out why they dream and what such a dream means.

Dream Interpretation white flowers, in pots, blooming, if presented, indoor, give, plant, collect, paper

To see blooming white flowers in pots in a dream is a sign of purity and strength of relationships in reality. If they are watered or planted, then the family will be strong.

If you had a dream in which you were presented with white flowers, it means that a noble person will appear in your life who will bring you many minutes of joy.

The dream in which you admire indoor flowers white color, means that in real life you attach too much importance to the fact that neighbors and acquaintances may envy you. Tulips pink, red can symbolize failure in personal life, as well as taking them from ex boyfriend or cut. If they are with a black ribbon, then expect a serious illness of a loved one. Tattoo flowers to the fact that something will happen in life that will leave a mark for many years.

A dream in which you give flowers to a person of the opposite sex means that in real life you will meet the person of your dreams. Giving flowers to a person of the same sex as you is to gaining a true friend or girlfriend. If home flowers are given to you, certain hopes are placed on you. Meadow flowers that have to be broken are on the window, field flowers bloom and grow or a bouquet is made from them, then you don’t have to worry about your undertakings in the coming days, because they can give a good return. They fell, stole on the street - so expect difficulties in communication.

If you had a dream in which you plant flowers, it means that in real life you are laying the foundation for your further prosperity. The same dream seen by a lonely person - to a significant meeting with a person who can later become your life partner.

Collect (trample) flowers in a dream (in the forest, field, snow, under the snow, in the meadow) - new and interesting meetings in the reality. Cornflowers have a similar interpretation.

Paper flowers seen in a dream predict that you can be deceived in your feelings. Iron say that you have to make a difficult decision.

Dream Interpretation yellow flowers, roses, artificial, in a flower bed, lilies, geraniums, Decembrists, irises, callas, bells, lilies of the valley

Yellow flowers or marigolds dream of the upcoming separation. Artificial (decorative, piece, exotic) - to deception. Flowers seen in a dream growing in a flower bed mean that in reality you will not be able to fully realize your potential due to time constraints. Plant in the ground online interpretation dreams considers how to manage on their own own life. Money Tree dream of prosperity.

Dreamed white lilies symbolize the desire to know the world. Red lilies are a sign of destructive affection. Fall from the sky, then you will have plenty love relationships. If they are in the church or will be with thorns, one must beware of envious people.

If you dreamed of a geranium, then in reality you are too attached to the house, so you are often forced to be alone.

The Decembrist flower, seen blooming in a dream, portends a period of love and understanding.

If you dream of iris, in real life you will meet with an old acquaintance.

Callas dream of meeting a respectable person or acquiring an expensive thing.

If you dreamed of bells, you will have a meeting and a long conversation with friends.

Dreamed lilies of the valley - to a meeting with childhood friends in real life.

Dream Interpretation flowers pansies, acacias, orchids, gladioli, carnations, dahlias, gerberas, hyacinths

If you dreamed pansies or asters - someone is closely interested in your life. Accepting a flower from a dead person promises well-being and a solution to all problems.

Acacia flowers dream of small but pleasant surprises prepared for you by life.

A dreaming orchid is a meeting with an intelligent person or an unexpected victory in a risky event.

The gladiolus flower portends that in reality you will visit the honoring of a noble person.

Carnations dream of finding a new and reliable friend. Dahlias - gaining a high patron.

Dreamed gerberas symbolize that happiness has come into your life, hyacinths - you will again experience a wonderful feeling of love. If they are bright, huge, scarlet, they also burn even number gives a beloved guy, then expect a romantic relationship with a new boyfriend or a new girlfriend.

Dream interpretation flowers on the grave (funeral), cemetery, on trees (tree), window sill, garden bed

If in a dream you saw a well-groomed cemetery with flowers on the graves, it means that in real life you should not stir up the past. It will be more useful for you if you can forget everything and start a new life. Narcissists mean that you should stop paying all attention only to yourself, because others need you.

A dream about flowers blooming on trees symbolizes that in reality joyful events await you. Also, this dream means that your good undertakings will bear corresponding fruits. Grow from the body - expect illness.

The flowers that you saw in your dream on the windowsill mean that in real life you flaunt your feelings too openly. Dreaming of flowers for planting in winter, made of fabric or beads, it is worth making every effort to solve the problems that have arisen, otherwise the situation will be very difficult. Taking pictures or seeing in the photo is always for the well-being of the family, as well as seeing crystal or fantastic flowers.

The flowers that you dreamed about in the garden are a sign of stability in real life. Given from a loved one, this is for the flowering of relationships, but with a new partner.

Flowers islamic dream book

The interpretation is given according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah. If you smell them, then it is always good and warm. family relations. If not only they are visible, but also butterflies, then it is worth waiting for guests.

Flowers dream book Vanga

Vanga believed that fresh and beautiful flowers seen in a dream cannot be bad sign. They symbolize harmony, continuation of life and awakening. best qualities person in real life.

Miller's dream book flowers

Flowers in Miller's dream book symbolize a person's desire to enjoy life.

Freud's dream book flowers

An unopened flower, according to Freud's dream book, symbolizes innocence.
A dreamed opening bud is a symbol of inexperience, but a desire to know the joys of life.

Flowers dream book Tsvetkov

Flowers seen in a dream are a cause for concern in real life. If they dreamed of a patient, a protracted illness awaits him. Donated out of season - symbolize difficulties and obstacles.

For a man, a dream in which he gives his beloved a bouquet means their separation in real life.

Flowers dream book Felomena

In this dream book, to see blossoming flowers is to increase your fortune in reality. Finding a snowdrop means a meeting with long-forgotten people.

As well as wilted flowers - a reason that in the near future one should not take the initiative.

Flowers dream book of Juno

A dream in which a woman sees many different colors means that she will be surrounded by numerous admirers.

For men, this same dream means that in real life he will have to take on the implementation of various, maybe not even “male” affairs that will ensure his material well-being. Plants on a tree, a road flooded with water from Thursday to Friday may dream that you need to change your approach to people around you and make efforts to reach mutual understanding. There are flowers for an unhappy marriage.

Flowers dream book esoteric

According to the dream book, flowers (aloe flower, anthurium, white asters, without buds) symbolize acquaintance and are a harbinger of prosperity. A dream in which you see a wilted bouquet or an apricot tree portends sadness and longing after some joyful events. Transplant this to move to a new place of residence or change of job.

Flowers Muslim dream book

In this case, we are talking about calmness and meeting with someone whom you have not been able to see for a long time and whom you love with all your heart.

If you dream of lindens, lavender, lotus, buttercups, lavenders, leis, magnolias, poppies, mother and stepmother, dandelions, jasmine, female happiness, peonies, hydrangea, chamomile, lilacs, phloxes, ficus, lilacs, chrysanthemums, bird cherry, peonies, oaks , mimosa, live tulips, violets, poisonous flowers, sakura, daisies, majors, withered or withered (withered), frozen, frozen or standing in a vase, hair, water, blue, blue, red, green, yellow color, orange, purple, lilac, black, multi-colored, grow, blossomed and large buds, rosehip flowers, pumpkins, grass, chestnut, strawberries, potted, it is recommended to pay attention to the proposed interpretation of sleep in this article.

Flowers in a dream - a symbol of beauty ; beautiful deed ; pleasant surprise. They can act as a symbol of the beauty of thoughts.
Seeing flowers in a dream is good dream. The probability of witnessing a beautiful act, a pleasant surprise, a joyful event.

Accepting flowers as a gift in a dream is a very good dream. Probably, very soon we should expect something pleasant or beautiful coming from other people (an event, an act, a surprise, a compliment, etc.).
To give flowers in a dream is to please someone with a positive or pleasant event in the near future.

Of no small importance is the color of the flowers in the dream. This will help you understand more clearly what to expect.

Green is a symbol of prosperity.
White is a symbol of purity and light.
Red is a symbol of risk and adventure ; color indicates the need heightened attention; tension color.
Pink is a symbol of personal female opinion.
Yellow is a symbol of cunning; parting.
Orange is a symbol of quality ; attractiveness.
Blue is a symbol of elevation; purity of feelings; ease.
Brown is a symbol of pride.
Black is a symbol of error, delusion.

Artificial flowers in a dream are most often false, a substitute for true beauty and imaginary aesthetics.
To accept such flowers in a dream is likely to be disappointed in something, make a mistake or overestimate someone's capabilities.


Seeing flowers in a garden in a dream portends you pleasure and acquisition, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white means sadness. Withered and dried flowers promise trouble.

If you dream of a rich and beautiful bouquet of flowers, this is a harbinger of receiving an inheritance from some rich and unknown relative; this dream also promises pleasant, joyful hours in the company of young people.
Seeing a fading bouquet in a dream is a prediction of illness and death.

If a young lady receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this predicts that she will have many admirers.

Seeing flowers growing on barren land portends a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Seeing a bouquet of daisies in a dream means chagrin. However, if you see a green, sunlit meadow strewn with these lovely flowers, then happiness, health and prosperity will compete with each other in order to lead you on the most pleasant roads of life.
Seeing daisies at other times of the year means that some kind of misfortune awaits you ahead.

Wangi's dream book.

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet out of them, in real life this dream means your familiarization with the knowledge and understanding of the world.

The dream in which you pricked your hand on the flowers presented to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.

If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this portends the intrigues of enemies who will do everything possible so that you do not receive the information you need.

In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.

You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream portends you in reality an unusual, romantic meeting.

Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.

A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you see how fans literally shower you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your spiritual loneliness may drag on. Your overestimated claims will most likely remain unfulfilled.

In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wild flowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.

A dream in which you receive a flower as a gift in a room pot means that you will receive news of a deceased person.


Flowers in general (especially white and red) are joy, fun.
Planting flowers in the garden is something unpleasant.
Sniffing flowers is a loss.
Picking flowers is a joy.
Pick a flower - find a friend; take a step towards intimacy, get a kiss, get a date; secret pleasure to deprive or lose innocence.
Seeing flower buds is good.
Withered flowers are a disease.
A lone flower in a vase is a desirable girl and what happens to her is connected with her.
To see flying flowers is a kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs; waking dreams are waiting for you.
Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a beloved person; danger from excessive joy.

To see or receive artificial flowers is a sad event; danger to your life or the life of a loved one.
To make them is to weave a lie.
Burning them is a desire to decisively break with previous relationships, to start a new life.

A bouquet of flowers - joy, happiness in love.
Bouquets to make, collect - pleasant joys.
Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.
Faded bouquet - coldness in love or marriage.

Different plants and flowers in a dream:
Velvet is a joy.
Black velvet - chagrin.
Belena is a certain evil woman; witch.
Periwinkle - sincere love of friends; pure love.
Blooming heather - the fulfillment of hopes. Dried - life will require great patience and endurance from you.
Hyacinth - pure, unexpected joy; happiness in love.
Datura thickets - you are being deceived ..
Larkspur - fidelity of friends; matrimony; gratitude.
Irises are a pampered person; languid unreasonable sadness. See a lot of irises, iris fields - communication with the beautiful, life in art.
Swimsuit - a seduced and deceived female soul; woman's revenge
Cacti in pots - your spiritual callousness, aloofness.
Seeing a lot of prickly cacti - evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.
Buttercups - treason, betrayal. To collect them is to prepare treason, your thoughts and actions are secretly poisoned by the poison of vice.
Lily of the valley - good feelings, affection. Dry lily of the valley - you demand too much from life and from others, and therefore you are always irritated and dissatisfied.
Dry lavender - the same as "dry lily of the valley".
Forget-me-not is a romantic feeling. Breaking it is a loss.
Narcissus - gossip; secret pleasures; proud person.
An orchid is something rare, amazing, unique.
Primrose - difficult circumstances in relation to people, especially in love.
Sunflower is a great external success that will seem insignificant internally.
Wormwood - sadness, crying. There is it - to the disease.
Tear a fern, decorate a room with it - tempt someone, seduce. Fern thickets - get secret power over a person. To see how it blooms is happiness, luck, which imposes a huge responsibility on you.
Reseda - something that has existed in your life for a long time, will suddenly open up to you as new.
Rhododendron is a new acquaintance that will quickly disappoint.
Chamomile - small joys that brighten up your everyday life; pay attention to your health.
Burdock - an obsessive person, annoyance from him.
To see a tulip is damage from arrogance and swagger. To have a tulip is to deal with an arrogant person; love without hope. To tear a tulip is to achieve a proud and beautiful woman.
Hops - profit, wealth.
Chicory is fun.

Discussion: 25 comments

    Hello, I had a dream that I was approaching my porch and 3 identical girls were standing at the door and each gave me a flower, 2 some pink and one white calla flower. Why such a dream?


    1. Hello Olga. Little good news or surprises from those who like you. I'm wondering, have you read what flowers are dreaming of, or are you writing your dream right away? So it's easier, why read, right?)))